Water 4.0: An Integrated Business Model From An Industry 4.0 Approach

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Water 4.0: An Integrated Business Model from an Industry 4.

0 Approach
M. O. Alabi1, A. Telukdarie1, N. Janse van Rensburg2
Post Graduate School of Engineering Management, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
Process, Energy & Environmental Technology Station, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
(micalabs@gmail.com, arnesht@uj.ac.za , nickeyjvr@uj.ac.za)

Abstract – Water is one of the most valuable natural enhances the smooth operation of the water supply and
resource used for everyday living. The era of Fourth demand [4].
Industrial Revolution (4IR); also referred to as Industry 4.0 In summary, Water 4.0 is simply a digital
has brought about different “Smart thinking” such as smart transformation of the water sector which aims to disrupt
city, smart mobility, smart manufacturing and smart
factory. In the water industry, the Germany Water
the different aspect of the water industry and make it
Partnership is championing the Water 4.0 initiative since more efficient [3][6]. Helmbrecht and Pastor-Justo [5]
2016. The essence of Water 4.0 initiative is to harness the describes some of the significant benefits of Water 4.0 in
digital revolution or decentralization of the water industry. the era of digital transformation, aside the economic
This paper takes a close look at the business side of Water benefits which are “more efficient water and energy
4.0 from an 4IR perspective and aimed to develop an management; increase water security; greater public
“Integrated Business Model” for Water 4.0 revolution. This awareness about the environment and the water cycle;
paper is expected to answer this research question “can increased service quality and user satisfaction and transfer
water industry be regarded as an integrated business?”. This of knowledge and improved corporate image” [5].
paper started with a comprehensive literature reviews
around the title of the research and integrated business
Most of the current water management systems are
model in relation to water industry. The literature reviews using centralized system. There is a need for the water
were analyzed and examined, and relevant factors industry to transit to digital water management system
considered suitable for integrated business model which are (decentralized and data-driven). For a successful water
carefully selected for Water 4.0 paradigm. digitalization, the business aspect of the water industry
transformation needs to be address. The water industry is
Keywords – Water 4.0, Water Digitalization, Integrated regarded as complex systems that requires intensive
Business, Business Model, Industry 4.0. planning before the entire water networks can be fully
digitalized or decentralized [3].
Based on literature review, currently, there is no
Water is a fundamental valuable natural resource study that consider Water as an integrated business
which provides significant support to people, health, model, especially from an Industry 4.0 context, i.e.
manufacturing, agriculture, food processing and most bringing together different aspects of the 21 st century
important the growth of national economy [1]. In recent digital technologies suitable for the water digitalization
times, there is an increase in the demand for water supply, processes or revolution.
especially in urban cities due to urban sprawl, that is,
extensive increase in population in the city. Globally, the Therefore, Water 4.0 concept needs an “Integrated
water industry is being confronted with different Business Model”. To develop a fully integrated business
challenges [3]. To address these issues, many water model that comprises of all the critical factors and
corporations are aiming towards water digitalization and technologies that will lead to the ultimate success of
integrated water management system. Water 4.0 revolution. Significantly, this paper is expected
The advent of Industry 4.0 since 2013 has brought to answer the following research questions:
different “Smart Thinking” initiatives both from the x What is Water 4.0 paradigms and the current
industry and academia; such initiatives are “Smart technologies associated with this revolution?
Factory”, “Smart City”, “Smart Water”, “Smart x Is there an existing Integrated Business Model for
Manufacturing”, “Smart Logistics” and “Smart Water 4.0 revolution?
Enterprise”. Recently, the water industry has embraced
x Can water industry be regarded as an integrated
the Industry 4.0 revolution which is referred to as Water
4.0 or Smart Water. The Water 4.0 initiative is a Germany
Water Partnership brainchild and aims to transform the
current conventional water systems into 21st century water
infrastructure systems and management [3]. This will
A. Industry 4.0
allow the water management systems to be decentralized.
The daily available data set within the water industry with
One of the significant features of Industry 4.0 is the
be utilized effectively and to make informed decision that
exponential rapid growth of so-called “Smart Factories”
[6]. The ‘Smart Factories’ initiative is gaining the

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attention of industries, academia, and individual. This water related issues to be monitor in real-time remotely.
implies that Industry 4.0 allows digitalization across the Big Data and Analytics technologies is expected to
whole value chain, embedding digital processes, transform the water industry to a complete data-driven
optimizing and tracking into every area of the sector. Cyber-security technology is considered important
manufacturing process [6]. to the water industry and the digital world. This is due to
Helmbrecht and Pastor-Justo [5] article entitled - the persistence cyber-attacks on water industry and the
Water 4.0: Towards a New Ecosystem. The article technology assisting to avoid breach of digital security
describes the concept of Industry 4.0 as “an [6]. The Cloud platform assisting the water industry to
ecosystem, where the relationships and connections address their current challenges. This technology is
between different elements in the system become as helping the water industry to store, analyse and visualise
important as the independent chain links in the water large amount of data collected through sensors and water
cycle”. pumps [24]. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
are other technologies/techniques being used in the water
B. Water 4.0 Paradigm industry to create leverage for quality water treatment
process by exposing the water related issues ahead of time
Water 4.0 is a recent concept being coined from the and notify the water field engineer in real-time [4].
Industry 4.0. It is regarded as the future of water industry;
which is also referred to as “Smart Water” or “Digital
Water” Industry. According to Bufler et al [3] “Water 4.0
puts digitalization and automation at the center of a
strategy for resource-efficient, flexible and competitive
water management. As a result of this, Water 4.0
incorporates the same main features and terms of Industry
4.0, such as ‘networking of machines, processes, storage
systems and resources’, ‘smart grids’, ‘Internet of Things
and Services’, and brings them together in a systemic,
water management context”. Furthermore, Water 4.0
provides a greater level of transparency for water end-
users, and to address the current need of water demand
and creates opportunities for sustainable water Fig. 2. Current Water 4.0 technologies.
Source: Authors’ Own Construction
management system in the 21st century [3].
C. Digitalization in Water Industry
The four stages of Water 4.0 revolution are presented
in Fig. 1. The first water revolution utilized local and ad- Digitalization can be described as “the pervasive
hoc systems, i.e. using steel to handle high water pressure. integration of different digital technologies into a system
The second water revolution used large centralised water with the aim to have a great impact across all the business
infrastructure [2][3]. The third water revolution utilized verticals as increasing numbers of digital technologies or
computers and control systems where IT enabled systems innovations are being implemented in business processes”
are used to integrate site sensors into the IT infrastructure. [6]. The core of digitalization in the water industry is the
Lastly, the fourth water revolution is using Cyber- general adoption of the connected new digital devices and
physical enabled systems which combines real and virtual applications across the entire aspects of the water
water systems [2][3]. networks, infrastructure and management. The new trend
of digitalization in the water industry is commonly
referred to as the Water 4.0; which is highly characterised
by the increasing digitization and interconnection of
various integrated business processes [6].
Krause et al [7] explains that digitalization of water
will lead to improved water infrastructure, minimal waste
and increase water availability. It is expected that the
economic and social gains of water digitalization will be
exceptional for the business growth, communities and
social well-being of the people. Digitalization of water
Fig. 1: The four stages of Water 4.0 revolution. [2]
sector promises to assist in transforming the water
Based on the literature study, this paper identifies infrastructure in both emerging and developed economies
some Industry 4.0 technologies which are carefully or countries [7]. One of the benefits that digitalization will
considered as the current technologies for Water 4.0 bring to the developed economies is to assist in upgrading
paradigm as shown in Fig. 2. Internet of Things is a and improving many centralized water systems and find
solutions to system failures and long-term inefficiencies.
promising technology for the Water 4.0, and it allows

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In emerging economies, digital technologies will allow integration of different Information Technology
the adoption of distributed, decentralized, and off-grid (IT) systems at varying hierarchical levels within
water treatment and enhances water usage in agriculture, the organization. This includes the Sensors,
and general surface and groundwater management [7]. Enterprise Resource Planning, Business
Intelligence, etc. Vertical integration
D. Integrated Business Model/Architecture implementation will provide Water 4.0
revolution a complete, single view of entire
In this age of Industry 4.0 and Water 4.0, Integrated processes and allows a central dashboard that is
Business Model or Architecture primarily centers on applicable for monitoring and controlling of
enabling a culture within the business that encourage every aspect of water demand and supply across
continuous improvement and innovation [6]. Doleski [8] the different water networks [6][9][10].
describes “Integrated Business Model as a process that
ensures all factors critical to success are considered in III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
full, with clearly defined, structured components”.
Furthermore, a successful business model must take into The essence of this paper is to develop an integrated
account the entire organization and how it communicates business model for the Water 4.0 revolution with the aim
with its environment. Only by integrating all relevant to connect and integrate all the Industry 4.0 technologies
influencing factors and restrictions can a business model in relation to water industry. This allows the business
lead to processes and ultimately goods and services that aspect of the water 4.0 to be seen as single entity or
pass market testing even in a more complex environments system. The system would be able to work together to
such as the water industry [8]. Smart water management achieve the primary aim of Water 4.0. This research
system or Water 4.0 drives a process of integration and commences by studying recent literature pertaining to
alignment that allows more unified water infrastructure Industry 4.0, water industry, digital water, business
and its associated processes. The smart water revolution model/strategy and process in relation to Water 4.0
or digital solutions is expected to enable water industry to revolution. The knowledge gained from the extensive
integrate and manage both their vertical and horizontal literature reviews were investigated and analyzed. Certain
value chains within the water business or operations [6]. variables and factors relating Water 4.0 business model
identified and used to develop a fully integrated business
E. Horizontal and Vertical Water Integrated Business model for the Water 4.0 revolution in this study.
Approach The first step in the construction of the integrated
business model for Water 4.0 was to identify recent 4IR
Effective water digitalization will allow the water technologies associated with water industry such as Big
industry to adopt new and disruptive business models that Data, Mobile, Virtual Reality, Cloud, etc. More so, the
enhances the horizontal cooperation across the water second step in methodology involves investigation of
value chains and foster the integrated application of data business stack of system within the water 4.0 context, i.e.
and analytics [6]. The horizontal and vertical integration the business systems (such as ERP, Manufacturing
business in the context of Water 4.0 will require System, Business Intelligence, etc.) that will relate to the
interaction between the implemented systems which are identified technologies in the first step. The data analytic
based on highly specialized software and user interface is at the core or center of the business stack; since the
which are integrated into the digital networks to produce entire systems will generate daily data. This data needs to
an entire new platform of systems functionality [9]. be analyzed to assist water industry to make informed
decisions. The third step in the methodology involves
x Horizontal Integration: In the water industry, examining the business planning and logistic strategy
horizontal integration of business model refers to (such as Human Resource, Maintenance Management,
as the integration of different Information etc.) that are relevant to water business. Lastly, for clarity
Technology (IT) systems across various water purposes, the paper does not focus on the implementation
infrastructural networks and business process processes/strategies of the integrated business model for
planning. This requires an exchange of water; rather future study in this area will consider this.
information, energy and resources. From a
digital water integrated business approach. The IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
different systems include Customer Relationship
Management, Supply Chain Management, The results of this study yielded the development of a
Vendor Management, etc. The essence of fully “Integrated Business Model” for Water 4.0 based on
horizontal integration for Water 4.0 Industry 4.0 paradigms approach. The Integrated Business
implementation is to provide a complete end-to- Model consists of three aspects: The technologies aspect,
end value chain [6][9][10]. the business stack of the systems and the business strategy
aspect as shown in Fig. 3. The proposed business model is
x Vertical Integration: Vertical integration in further illustrated into detail and how these three
water digitalization context refers to the components work together in this section. The business

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Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE IEEM

stack of systems and business strategy components are Advanced - It assists the water utilities in solving various water
regarded as “Water Balance” as shown in Fig. 3. Analytics challenges such as aging infrastructure, climate
change and urbanization.
- Promoting Water 4.0 paradigm through the use of
advanced analytic techniques such as Machine
learning and Deep Learning.
Big Data - Assists the water utilities to effectively utilize the
data received through different sources such as
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
- Big Data technology can assist the water industry
to gather, monitor and analyse the data in real time.
- Helping the water industry to save cost, identify
issues in due time and support accurate decision
making [15].
Cyber - Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are defined “as the
Physical combination of physical processes with computa-
Systems tion and networking” [16].
(CPS) - It can be embedded with sensors, actuators and
processors that could senses and communicate with
the water environment.
Water - Water model is a technique used in science to
Fig. 3: Proposed integrated business model for water 4.0 revolution.
Models simulate and thermodynamically calculate water
Source: Authors’ own construction.
cluster, aqueous solution and liquid water with
explicit solvent [17]
A. The Technologies Component - The advent of 4IR is assisting the water industry
in creating water model using Machine Learning
The technologies component of the Integrated techniques to make accurate prediction [18].
Business Model for Water 4.0 are technologies within the
Industry 4.0 revolution. These technologies were selected B. The Business Stack of System Component
based on extensive literature review of the recent studies
on Industry 4.0. The essence of these technologies are to This section would assist the water industry to
assist the water corporations to connect with the manage their business system in real-time. It helps to
technologies within the Business Stack of Systems integrate the system and data generated from the active
component. To analyze the data generated using recent systems into a more meaningful insight that will support
data analytic tools and make accurate decision for both decision making processes in the water industry using the
internal (staff) and external (client) purposes. The water data science best practices. As shown in Fig. 3, Data
organizations are not expected to use all the technologies, analytics is at the center of the “Business Stack of
but to utilize either one or two technologies that suit their System” component. This indicates that data is the core
working environment or system. Table I provides brief component of business of Industry 4.0 revolution. Table II
benefits of each of the technology to the water industry provides brief benefits of each of the system in the
and the relevance in the proposed Integrated Business business stack of system in relation to water industry and
Model. their relevance in the proposed Integrated Business
Technologies Benefits of the Technology in Integrated Business SYSTEMS TO WATER 4.0 AND THE INTEGRATED BUSINESS MODEL
Component Model for Water 4.0 Revolution Business Stack Benefits of the Business Stack of System in
Mobility - Mobile technology is assisting the water industry of Systems Integrated Business Model for Water 4.0
in their day-to-day water operations. component revolution.
- Closely connected with communication and coop- ERP - ERP innovative solutions are part of the important
eration between machines and people at real-time drivers of digital water business of the 4IR.
through wireless network/Internet. - Managing structured business data designed
- Data or information can be received and analyzed primarily to be used within CPS environment and
and necessary action can be taken in real-time [12]. decentralized system.
Virtual - It allows the supply chain, pump station layout, Operational - Monitor the operational management of the water
Reality asset management and owner operators to collabo- Networks water distribution networks i.e. maintenance of
rate in the same virtual environment. the entire networks.
- The problems/defect/health and safety risks can be - Assists the water industry to generate data, stored
identified earlier before the final design, planning, and analyze that could be used to manage water
implementation and operation assets. infrastructure, locate area of issues and to prevent
- Application of virtual simulators i.e. (3D CAD future occurrence.
Models) or 3D Visualization [13][14]. Manufacturing - Perform several activities and operations that can
GPS - An important technology for precision monitoring System be monitored and controlled at different levels of
and controlling in the water industry. operation [21].
- Provides accessibility to water networks and to - Help to deliver quality water supply/services
detect leak or pump damage. Through the diverse operational activities in the
- Identifies insufficient water operation in real time water network
through different GPS locations [12][13]. - Effective monitoring and controlling of the infor-

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mation generated during different operational 4IR.

activities and assist in carrying out predictive - The digital HR system assists in training new set
maintenance. of staff and create a platform to keep the talent
Sensor - Used to collect large amount data set since the sourced for.
technology water sector is generating water data daily. Operations - Digitalized management system that designs and
- Water 4.0 revolution is extensively exploring Management. controls the process of water network operations
sensor technology in different ways, such as leak - Assist in converting both materials and labour
detection, pipe and pump damage. into good and services effectively.
- It has different application areas for the water - Maximize profit for the organization.
industry such as multi-sensor remote sensing, Finance/Billing - Involving organizing, controlling, planning,
wireless sensor networks and smart water sensor. Management evaluating and monitoring the financial resources
Business - Technology-driven process for analyzing data and of the company that allows them to achieve the
Intelligence presenting actionable information to make overall goals.
(BI) informed business decisions. - Industry 4.0 technologies such as cloud, Big Data
- BI application assist in saving cost, grow the and Analytics, and Blockchain technology will be
financial and market base. useful in this regard.
- Increase competitiveness and support good Maintenance - New maintenance techniques such as - Intelligent
business decisions-making. Management Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance System
Automated - Assist the water industry to deliver relevant will assist the water network system.
Reporting/ business report or information at specific time - Sensor technologies (i.e. series of sensor) can be
Strategic intervals. integrated into the Computerized Maintenance
- Automatically fetch data from each system and Management System (CMMS) to store and
integrated the data using automated data analytic analyze data gathered from the sensors
software. - Predictive algorithm can be developed to address
Automated - Provide the computer systems, smart networks the problem identifies via the sensor data [23].
Reporting/ and machines/equipment with the capability to CRM - Assist to manage the organization relationships
Operational function without human involvement [22]. and communications with customers and
- Assist to reduce the complexity of labour potential customers.
intensive tasks, save time, and cost, increase prec- - 4IR technologies such as cloud, and IoT allows
ision and accuracy of the current tasks [22]. current customers and potential customers to
Data Analytics - Data analytic is at center of the business stack of interact with the organization.
system, which implies that, the core aim of the
entire business stack of system is to be data-driven
- Provide the ability to analyze the available data to
support effective running of the system.
This study presents an overview of Water 4.0
C. Business Strategy/Management Component revolution and the digitalization of water industry. In this
study, water industry is regarded as an integrated business
The Business Strategy/Management” is an important environment due to the complexity of the systems.
component of the organization system. Business strategy Therefore, an effective integrated business model is
is very crucial for the Water 4.0 revolution to achieve the important in order to achieve the long-term goals of the
long-term objectives. Business strategy/management is Water 4.0 paradigm and its sustainability from a business
the art or science of formulating, implementing and perspective. This paper has been able to answer the three
evaluating cross-functional decisions that allows the research questions earlier stated. This paper has been able
organizations to achieve their desired ends or goals [11]. described Water 4.0 revolution and the associated
This will serve as the backbone of decision making for the technologies. Currently, based on the literature reviews
water business. The business strategy component is conducted, there is no existing Integrated Business Model
presented in Table III. for Water 4.0, which implies that this paper proposed the
first integrated business model for Water 4.0 revolution.
TABLE III The proposed model comprises of three components
THE BENEFITS AND RELEVANCE OF EACH BUSINESS which are expected to work together to achieve the
INTEGRATED BUSINESS MODEL overall success of Water 4.0 revolution.
Business Benefits of the Business Strategy in Integrated This paper focus on the development of integrated
Strategy/ Business Model for Water 4.0 revolution. business model for Water 4.0, and do not address the
implementation processes/strategy. The limitation of this
SCM - The digital supply chain management system
(Supply Chain 4.0) will assist the water industry study is the inability of the authors to physical implement
faster, efficient and accurate in carrying out their the proposed integrated business model at a water
daily operations using 4IR innovations such as site/corporation. Therefore, future research in this area
IoT, robotics, etc. should propose an effective implementation processes or
Vendor - A digital-based system that serves as a mechan-
Management ism for the water industry in managing and strategies for the integrated business model using a water
optimizing relationship with external suppliers for site. As part of the future study, a pilot study should be
projects and business process purposes. conducted among water industries to identify and measure
HR and - This system would assist the water industry in their present involvement in water digitalization/Water
Capacity sourcing for right talents/graduates with sound
Management knowledge of Industry 4.0 technologies.
- Human Resource Management serves as good
business strategy to source for rightful talent with

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