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ASDC For Windows: Air Stripper

Design and Costing

User Manual

David A. Dzombak
Muhammad M. Sherif
Nimit Shah
Vishal Vaidyanathan
Hung-Jung Fang
Sujoy B. Roy

Carnegie Mellon University

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

May 2021
Development of the original ASDC program in 1990-1991 was sponsored by the Headquarters Air
Force Civil Engineering Support Agency (HQ AFCESA), Tyndall AFB, Florida, under contract
no. 8635-90-C-0099 to Carnegie Mellon University. David Dzombak was the Principal
Investigator for the project. Captain Edward Marchand of HQ AFCESA served as the Project

Several commercial products related to the air stripping process are mentioned in this report and
in the ASDC computer program. No endorsement or rejection of any product for the U.S. Air
Force or other use should be inferred.

After the initial release of the ASDC program and user manual in 1991, several subsequent updates
to the program and manual were made, with the last of those in October 1995. The program and
manual were distributed at cost initially and eventually for free download when that service
became widely available.

The original ASDC program was developed for use with a DOS operating system. Continued use
of the program was possible even after the development of the Windows operating system, via use
of with DOS emulator tools. With the increasingly limited availability of DOS emulator tools, and
the tremendous advancements in the capabilities of the Windows operating system, it became clear
that for the continued existence of the program modification for use in the Windows operating
system was needed.

Development of ASDC for Windows began in 2012. Muhammad Sherif, then a CEE master’s
student at Carnegie Mellon, volunteered to lead the task of transferring the program to Windows,
which essentially required complete re-programming. In 2013, Nimit Shah, also then a CEE
master’s student at Carnegie Mellon, joined the effort to help with testing the program and guiding
its development. Vishal Vaidyanathan, another CEE master’s student, also joined the effort in 2019
to assist with testing of the program and with implementing revisions to the user manual. The
effort was conducted as a part-time activity for Muhammad, Nimit, and David Dzombak, for
longer than any of us envisioned at the beginning! The persistence of Muhammad and Nimit with
the project on a volunteer basis long after they each completed their studies at Carnegie Mellon is
a testament to their professionalism and is much appreciated by David Dzombak.

This manual describes the design procedures, data, and algorithms incorporated in the program. It
also provides a guide to use of ASDC for Windows. The manual contains much of the information
in the original ASDC User Manual but provides updates where appropriate. Sections I-III and the
appendices are largely reproduced from U.S. Air Force Report ESL-TR-91-40 (Carnegie Mellon
CE Report No. 92-204), “ASDC: A microcomputer-based program for air stripper design and
costing” David A. Dzombak, Hung-Jung Fang and Sujoy B. Roy, December 1991.

Availability of ASDC Software and Conditions of Use
The ASDC for Windows program is available for open access non-commercial research use.
Carnegie Mellon University allows free use of the ASDC software in its “as is” condition.

By using or downloading the software the user is agreeing to the terms of the ASDC for Windows
license agreement provided with the program. Carnegie Mellon University disclaims any liability
of any kind for any damages whatsoever resulting from use of the ASDC for Windows software.
The Licensor (Carnegie Mellon University) shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages or lost profits related to Licensee's use of and/or inability to
use the Software, even if Licensor is advised of the possibility of such damage.

Disclaimer of warranties: The software is provided “AS-IS” without warranty of any kind
including any warranties of performance or merchantability or fitness for a particular use of
purpose or of non-infringement. Licensee bears all risk relating to quality and performance of the
software and related materials.

Table of Contents

Preface.............................................................................................................................................. i 
Availability of ASDC Software and Conditions of Use ................................................................ iii 
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vi 
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix 
1  Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 
2  Air Stripper Design ................................................................................................................. 3 
2.1  Overview of Design Methodology ................................................................................. 3 
2.2  Algorithm for Selection of Design Contaminant ............................................................ 5 
2.3  Estimation of Mass Transfer Coefficient ........................................................................ 5 
2.4  Estimation of Air Loading Rate .................................................................................... 10 
2.5  Temperature Dependency of Henry’s Law Constant ................................................... 16 
2.5.1  Estimation of ∆𝐻𝑣 .................................................................................................. 17 
2.5.2  Validation of Temperature Dependency Algorithm ............................................... 20 
2.6  Design Air and Water Temperatures ............................................................................ 22 
2.7  Design Air and Water Properties .................................................................................. 22 
3  Cost Model ............................................................................................................................ 24 
3.1  Introduction ................................................................................................................... 24 
3.2  Standard Air Stripper Configuration............................................................................. 25 
3.3  Direct Capital Costs ...................................................................................................... 26 
3.3.1  Column Shell .......................................................................................................... 26 
3.3.2  Column Internals ..................................................................................................... 29 
3.3.3  Packing Material ..................................................................................................... 30 
3.3.4  Water Pump ............................................................................................................ 31 
3.3.5  Air Blower .............................................................................................................. 33 
3.3.6  Mist Eliminator ....................................................................................................... 35 
3.3.7  Support Equipment ................................................................................................. 35 
3.4  Indirect Capital Costs.................................................................................................... 35 
3.5  Operating Costs............................................................................................................. 36 
3.5.1  Power Cost .............................................................................................................. 36 
3.5.2  Maintenance and Labor........................................................................................... 37 
3.6  Total Annual Cost ......................................................................................................... 37 
3.7  Adjustment of Costs for Inflation ................................................................................. 37 

4  Program Operation ................................................................................................................ 39 
4.1  Introduction ................................................................................................................... 39 
4.2  System Requirements ................................................................................................... 39 
4.2.1  Hardware ................................................................................................................. 39 
4.2.2  Supported Operating Systems ................................................................................. 40 
4.3  Installation .................................................................................................................... 40 
4.4  Program Functions ........................................................................................................ 50 
4.4.1  Standard Sequential Execution ............................................................................... 50 
4.4.2  New Scenario Specification .................................................................................... 50 
4.4.3  Starting a New Scenario with Contaminant Selection ............................................ 50 
4.4.4  Starting a New Scenario with Packing Material Selection ..................................... 51 
4.4.5  Starting a New Scenario with Design Parameters .................................................. 52 
4.4.6  Air Stripper Design ................................................................................................. 54 
4.4.7  Scenario Viewer – to View Report ......................................................................... 54 
4.4.8  Edit Scenario – to Edit an Existing Scenario for Another Run............................... 54 
4.4.9  Quick Start .............................................................................................................. 59 
4.4.10  Output and Report Options ..................................................................................... 63 
References ..................................................................................................................................... 71 
Apendix A: Water Pump Characteristic Curves ........................................................................... 74 
Apendix B: Fan Capacity Tables .................................................................................................. 82 
Apendix C: References for Compound Property Data ................................................................. 99 

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. Schematic of an Air-Stripping Unit ............................................................................................................ 2 

Figure 2-1. Two-Phase Resistance Model for Chemical Exchange at the Gas/Liquid Interface ................................... 7 
Figure 2-2. Generalized Pressure Drop Curves (Norton Company, 1988) .................................................................. 12 
Figure 2-3. (a) ∆P/V vs ∆P (for 𝑯′ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 𝟎. 𝟏) and (b) m, n vs. Flow Parameter 𝑯′; Prahl Linearization .......... 14 
Figure 2-4. Linearization Fits of the Generalized Pressure Drop Curves .................................................................... 15 
Figure 2-5. Temperature-Dependency of H for: (a) Chloroform, (b) Trichloroethylene, (c) Carbon Tetrachloride, and
(d) Tetrachloroethylene ........................................................................................................................... 21 
Figure 3-1. Standard Air Stripping Configuration ....................................................................................................... 25 
Figure 3-2. Column shell accessories assumed in standard configuration: (a) typical long-weld neck type nozzles,
and (b) typical buttweld flange type nozzles ........................................................................................... 28 
Figure 4-1. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup wizard ............................................................................................ 40 
Figure 4-2. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup prerequisites .................................................................................. 40 
Figure 4-3. Screenshot of ASDC user account control ................................................................................................ 41 
Figure 4-4. Screenshot of Directory chosen for extracted files ................................................................................... 41 
Figure 4-5. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation center .............................................................. 41 
Figure 4-6. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL license terms ................................................................................ 42 
Figure 4-7. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server setup .................................................................................. 42 
Figure 4-8. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL feature selection ........................................................................... 43 
Figure 4-9. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL instance configuration .................................................................. 43 
Figure 4-10. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server configuration ................................................................... 44 
Figure 4-11. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL database engine configuration ................................................... 44 
Figure 4-12. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation progress ........................................................ 45 
Figure 4-13. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation setup ............................................................. 45 
Figure 4-14. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup wizard .......................................................................................... 46 
Figure 4-15. Screenshot of ASDC Windows license agreement ................................................................................. 46 
Figure 4-16. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup installation folder ........................................................................ 47 
Figure 4-17. Screenshots for step 7 of the installation of the ASDC-Windows: (a) installing ASDC windows after
prerequisites are installed and program location was selected, (b) installation is preparing package, (c)
accept changes to your device and (d) setup extracts necessary files ...................................................... 48 
Figure 4-18. Screenshot of ASDC Windows installation setup wizard ....................................................................... 49 
Figure 4-19. Screenshot of ASDC home screen .......................................................................................................... 50 
Figure 4-20. Screenshot of contaminant – new scenario ............................................................................................. 51 
Figure 4-21. Screenshot of packing – new scenario .................................................................................................... 52 
Figure 4-22. Screenshot of design parameter – new scenario...................................................................................... 53 
Figure 4-23. Screenshot of air stripper design tab ....................................................................................................... 54 
Figure 4-24. Screenshot of contaminant – edit scenario tab ........................................................................................ 55 

Figure 4-25. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – new contaminant tab ....................................................................... 55 
Figure 4-26. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – existing contaminant tab ................................................................. 56 
Figure 4-27. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – contaminant property tab ................................................................ 57 
Figure 4-28. Screenshot of packing – edit – existing packing material ....................................................................... 57 
Figure 4-29. Screenshot of design parameter – edit scenario tab ................................................................................ 58 
Figure 4-30. Screenshot of design parameter – main contaminant tab ........................................................................ 59 
Figure 4-31. Screenshot of ASDC home screen – quick start...................................................................................... 59 
Figure 4-32. Screenshot of quick start – scenario name .............................................................................................. 60 
Figure 4-33. Screenshot of quick start – contaminant selection (a) before selection of contaminants and (b) after
selection of contaminants ........................................................................................................................ 60 
Figure 4-34. Screenshot of quick start – contaminant influent and effluent concentration ......................................... 61 
Figure 4-35. Screenshot of quick start – packing material selection ........................................................................... 61 
Figure 4-36. Screenshot of quick start – design parameters ........................................................................................ 62 
Figure 4-37. Screenshot of home screen – scenario viewer ......................................................................................... 63 
Figure 4-38. Screenshot of design summary excel sheet ............................................................................................. 63 
Figure 4-39. Screenshot of design estimated cost display options............................................................................... 64 
Figure 4-40. Screenshot of line plot............................................................................................................................. 64 
Figure 4-41. Screenshot of line plot – interpretation ................................................................................................... 65 
Figure 4-42. Screenshot of pie chart ............................................................................................................................ 65 
Figure 4-43. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 1 .................................................................................. 67 
Figure 4-44. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 2 .................................................................................. 68 
Figure 4-45. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 3 .................................................................................. 69 
Figure 4-46. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 4 .................................................................................. 70
Figure A1. Type 1 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 74 
Figure A2. Type 2 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 74 
Figure A3. Type 3 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 75 
Figure A4. Type 4 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 75 
Figure A5. Type 5 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 76 
Figure A6. Type 6 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 76 
Figure A7. Type 7 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 77 
Figure A8. Type 8 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 77 
Figure A9. Type 9 pump characteristic curves ............................................................................................................ 78 
Figure A10. Type 10 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 78 
Figure A11. Type 11 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 79 
Figure A12. Type 12 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 79 
Figure A13. Type 13 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 80 
Figure A14. Type 14 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 80 

Figure A15. Type 15 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 81 
Figure A16. Type 16 pump characteristic curves ........................................................................................................ 81 

List of Tables

Table 3-1. Packing Height Multipliers for Estimating Total Column Height .............................................................. 27 
Table 3-2. Design Contingency Overhead Multipliers for Total Column Cost ........................................................... 29 
Table 3-3. Average unit costs for polypropylene packing material (2020) ................................................................. 31
Table B1. Type 1 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 82 
Table B2. Type 2 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 83 
Table B3. Type 3 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 84 
Table B4. Type 4 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 85 
Table B5. Type 5 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 86 
Table B6. Type 6 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 87 
Table B7. Type 7 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 88 
Table B8. Type 8 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 89 
Table B9. Type 9 Fan Capacity Table ......................................................................................................................... 90 
Table B10. Type 10 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 91 
Table B11. Type 11 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 92 
Table B12. Type 12 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 93 
Table B13. Type 13 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 94 
Table B14. Type 14 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 95 
Table B15. Type 15 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 96 
Table B16. Type 16 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 97 
Table B17. Type 17 Fan Capacity Table ..................................................................................................................... 98 

1 Introduction
ASDC for Windows is an interactive program for air stripper design and cost estimation and
optimization. For a specified water treatment scenario, the Air Stripper Design and Costing
(ASDC) program can generate many alternative designs simultaneously and estimate approximate
capital and operating costs associated with each design. Various plots of costs versus design
parameter values can be then displayed on-screen for rapid assessment of optimal design with
respect to cost.

Packed tower, countercurrent air stripping has been long used in chemical process industries and
this technology is employed for removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water
supplies, wastewaters, contaminated groundwaters and leachate from waste disposal sites. The
packed tower air-stripping process is illustrated schematically in Figure 1. Water contaminated
with VOCs is pumped to the top of the column and evenly distributed over the cross-sectional area
of the column which is filled with a porous packing material. Air is introduced at the bottom of
the column and flows upward, counter to the downward water flow. The packing material serves
to maximize the water surface area in the column, and exchange of VOCs from water to air occurs
at the air/water interfaces the column. Water with reduced VOC concentrations exits at the bottom
of the column and air containing VOCs is discharged at the top column. Treatment of the off gas
is sometimes required. Several studies have shown that air stripping, even with off-gas treatment,
can be a cost-effective method for removal of VOCs from water particularly when compared with
treatment by adsorption on granular activated carbon (References 1-4).

Design of an air-stripping unit is performed using a well-developed mathematical model of the

process which is based on principles of mass transfer. Because the number of variables exceeds
the number of constraining equations, however, a variety of air stripper designs can be employed
to achieve a desired removal for a compound. An air stripper is typically designed by assuming
values for the extra variables (usually the stripping factor, which reflects the air-water ratio, and
the gas pressure drop across the column), generating designs for different assumed values,
estimating costs for the various designs, and then selecting the optimum design by considering
process requirements and costs. Air stripper design calculations are relatively straightforward but
numerous. As the design procedure is iterative, design via manual calculation can be tedious and
subject to mathematical errors. Because of this, and because cost data are difficult to assemble,

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design of air-stripping units in the past has often involved generation of only a few feasible designs
and use of engineering judgement to select the final configuration. As a result, designs for many
existing air-stripping units in use for water treatment are not optimal with respect to cost (e.g.,
Reference 5).

In the following sections of the report, the design and cost estimation components of the ASDC
for Windows program are described in detail and a guide to operation of the program is presented.
The program operation guide contains descriptions of the function and invocation of menus, and
the structure, and format of input and output. Example applications exercising the major options
in ASDC for Windows are also presented and include reproductions of the corresponding input
and output screens.

Figure 1-1. Schematic of an Air-Stripping Unit

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2 Air Stripper Design
The theory of countercurrent packed-tower operation for gas/liquid absorption and stripping
applications is well developed in the chemical engineering mass transfer literature (e.g.,
References 10 and 11). Several excellent papers have been published which describe the
application of this theory to the design of air-stripping units for water and wastewater treatment
(References 12-14). In addition, the USEPA sponsored development of a process design manual
(Reference 15) for air and steam stripping which summarizes the design methods. Also, air
stripper design is described in several U.S. Air Force reports (References 16,17). The air stripper
design procedure described in the cited articles is employed in the ASDC program. A summary
of the design procedure is provided below, followed by detailed explanations of how certain
aspects of the design procedure are implemented in ASDC.

2.1 Overview of Design Methodology

In designing an air-stripping unit, the goal is to determine the packed-tower configuration
(diameter and height of packing material), air loading rate (moles/area-time), and water loading
rate (moles/area-time) that will enable reduction of a given influent concentration Ci of a volatile
contaminant to a desired effluent concentration Ce at minimum cost for a specific inflow rate Q
and set of environmental conditions (air and water temperatures, atmospheric pressure). The
designer must determine values or ranges of values for Ci, Ce, Q, the air and water temperatures
(Tair, Twater), and the atmospheric pressure (Patm), and then select some candidate packing materials.
Air stripper design theory (References 10-14) can then be employed to identify several alternative

The Henry's Law constant, KH in atm-m3/mol or H in dimensionless form, is a compound property

that provides an indication of the relative volatility of the compound. It expresses the ratio of a
compound's abundance in the gas phase to that in the aqueous phase at equilibrium and is an
important parameter in air stripper design. If KH < 10-7 atm-m3/mol, the compound is considered
to exhibit low volatility, while at KH values greater than 10-7 but less than 10-5 atm-m3/mol, the
compound will volatilize moderately from water. Compounds with KH values in the range 10-5 <
KH < 10-3 atm-m3/mol are moderately to highly volatile and most easily removed by air stripping.
Values of KH exceeding 10-3 atm-m3/mol indicate high volatility of a compound.

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The methodology of air stripper design is based on four basic equations derived from mass transfer

𝑍 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑚 𝐻𝑇𝑈 𝑁𝑇𝑈 (1)

𝐻𝑇𝑈 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑚 (2)
𝐾 𝑎𝜌
𝑅 𝐶 ⁄𝐶 𝑅 1 1
𝑁𝑇𝑈 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 ln (3)
𝑅 1 𝑅
𝐺 𝜌
𝑅 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐻 (4)
𝐿 𝜌
where KL is the overall liquid phase mass transfer coefficient (m/s), a is the specific interfacial area
for the packing (m2/m3), 𝜌 is the density of water (kg/m3), 𝜌 is the density of air (kg/m3), R is
the stripping factor (dimensionless), H is the Henry’s Law constant for the VOC of interest
(dimensionless), Ci and Ce are the influent and effluent concentrations, and Lm and Gm are the
liquid and gas mass loading rates (kg/m2-s). Thus, the design is constrained by four equations and
there are six unknown variables: Z, HTU, NTU, R, Gm, and Lm. Substitution of Equations (2) and
(3) in Equation (1) yields:

𝐿 𝑅 𝐶 ⁄𝐶 𝑅 1 1
𝑍 ln (5)
𝐾 𝑎𝜌 𝑅 1 𝑅
Equation (5) can be used in design calculations to estimate the height of packing material needed
to achieve a given treatment objective, but values for R (and hence the air: water ratio,
𝐺 𝜌 ⁄𝐿 𝜌 ) and Gm (needed to obtain Lm) must be fixed arbitrarily for this calculation. The
overall liquid phase mass transfer, 𝐾 𝑎, for the contaminant is obtained from available data or by
experiment. As Gm, the gas loading rate is related directly to the pressure drop, ∆P, the design
variables are usually considered to be R and ∆P. Thus, the design engineer must assume a desirable
pressure drop value for gas flow across a packed column corresponding to a particular value for
the gas loading rate. Choosing a particular set of values for R and ∆P fixes the value of Gm and all
other variables.

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The general design procedure for an air stripper for one set of R and ∆P values is as follows:

1. Identify design contaminant of interest and choose a packing material.

2. Specify system design parameters (influent concentrations; required effluent
concentrations; water inflow rate; water temperature; atmospheric pressure; 𝐾 𝑎, if
3. Choose values for R and ∆P
4. Calculate Gm/Lm using Equation (4)
5. Determine Gm for specified ∆P value using Eckert relationships
6. Calculate Lm
7. Estimate 𝐾 𝑎 using Onda model (Reference 22) if pilot data are not available
8. Calculate HTU and NTU using Equations (2) and (3)
9. Calculate Z using Equation (1)
10. Calculate the tower diameter based on known water inflow rate, Q and Lm

Thus, with the specification of R and ∆P the design is fixed. The design problem is to find the set
of R and ∆P values that corresponds to minimum total cost for the unit and that is consistent with
other non-cost constraints or goals. Key components of the design procedure, including use of the
Eckert relationships and the Onda model, are described in the following subsections.

2.2 Algorithm for Selection of Design Contaminant

If a set of contaminants are specified in the scenario, design calculations are performed for the
compound having the highest NTU (number of transfer units) and R (stripping factor) greater than
1. Preliminary NTU estimates are made by applying the Onda model, with an assumed air:water
ratio of 30, to each of the contaminant specified by the user in the scenario. The NTU and R criteria
are then applied to these results. Note that if the calculated air:water ratio is substantially different
from 30, the ranking used to select the component as the basis of air stripper design may not be
correct. In ASDC for Windows, the user has the option to specify the compound for which the
designs will be determined, i.e., the user has the option to over-ride the design contaminant selected
by the program.

2.3 Estimation of Mass Transfer Coefficient

The two-phase resistance or two-film theory is generally accepted and widely used for description
of mass transfer in gas-liquid exchange processes (References 11, 18). In the two-phase resistance

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theory, a solute is considered to be transported from the bulk of one phase to the interface, and
then from the interface to the bulk of the second phase. A stagnant film of finite thickness exists
on each side of the interface, and the solute molecules must diffuse through these films before
passing from the liquid phase to the gas phase, as illustrated in Figure 2. The two-phase resistance
theory assumes that the only resistances to interphase exchange are the diffusional resistances in
the stagnant films and that solute transfer across the interface itself is governed by Henry's Law of
vapor-liquid equilibrium. The overall resistance to mass transfer is the sum of two separate
resistances, a liquid-phase and a gas phase resistance:

𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 (6)
In accordance with two-phase resistance theory, these resistances RL and RG are defined as the
reciprocals of their respective phase transfer rate constants. With the assumption that phase
equilibrium exists at the interface, the following equation is obtained:

1 1 1
𝐾𝑎 𝑘 𝑎 𝐻 𝑘 𝑎
where KL is the overall liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient, kL is the individual liquid phase
coefficient, kG is the individual gas phase coefficient, and a is the effective interfacial area per unit
volume of liquid. From the above equation, the significance of each phase in controlling the rate
of gas-liquid mass transfer can be evaluated. For highly volatile contaminants which have larger
H values, the gas-phase resistance is negligible and liquid phase control of mass transfer exists.
For compounds of moderate to low volatility, both phase resistances must be considered for
predicting and interpreting mass transfer rates.

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Figure 2-1. Two-Phase Resistance Model for Chemical Exchange at the Gas/Liquid Interface
Overall liquid-phase mass transfer coefficients for specific applications can be determined
experimentally in pilot tests (Reference 13) or can be estimated using one of several available
models. Three models for prediction of mass transfer coefficients in countercurrent packed
columns are those by Sherwood-Holloway, Shulman, and Onda. These models are reviewed by
Roberts et al. (Reference 19).

The Sherwood-Holloway model (Reference 20) was developed from a study of the desorption of
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen from water into a countercurrent air flow in packed column
tests involving several sizes of Raschig ring and Berl saddle packing materials. As the gaseous
solutes tested by Sherwood and Holloway have sufficiently large Henry's Law constants that
liquid-phase resistance controls, the overall mass transfer rate predicted with the Sherwood-
Holloway correlation is governed by liquid resistance only. In addition, the correlation does not
consider the effective interfacial area explicitly. This estimation method is difficult to apply to a
new type of packing material.

The Shulman and Onda models (References 21, 22) estimate both gas and liquid phase resistance
values and estimation of interfacial contact area is also included. These models are, therefore, valid
for a wider range of contaminants, regardless of volatility. The main item of concern for the
Shulman model lies in the correlation used for prediction of interfacial area. It is not general and
applies only to specific situations. This is a critical deficiency since the original work involved
only a limited number of packing types. Therefore, without further information on the appropriate

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values of interfacial area for use with modern packings, this model is extremely limited in terms
of potential applications.

The correlation developed by Onda et al. (Reference 22) entails separate estimation of the
individual phase resistance values, kL and kg and the interfacial area, a. The specific interfacial area
is taken to be the specific wetted packing area, aw (Reference 19), which is estimated as a function
of the liquid flow rate, packing properties, and liquid properties according to the following

. . . .
𝑎 𝜎 𝐿 𝐿 𝑎 𝐿
1 exp 1.45 (8)
𝑎 𝜎 𝑎𝜇 𝜌 𝑔 𝜌 𝜎𝑎


at = total specific surface area of packing

σc = critical surface tension of packing material
σL = surface tension of the liquid
Lm = liquid mass loading rate
µL = liquid viscosity
ρL = liquid density
g = gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2)
The last three factors within the argument of the exponential in Equation (8) are the Reynolds,
Froude, and Weber numbers, all dimensionless. According to the original developers, Equation (8)
is accurate within ±20 percent. For a given packing material, liquid, and temperature, the specific
interfacial area increases with increasing liquid loading rate and asymptotically approaches at as
Lm becomes very large.

In the Onda model, the correlation for the liquid-phase coefficient, kL was determined from
interpretation of a large data base (including the data of Sherwood and Holloway), encompassing
packed tower tests with rings, spheres, rods, and saddles from 4 to 50 mm size, covering the liquid
flow range 0.8 < Lm < 43 kg.m-2s-1. The correlation is given in dimensionless form as:

𝜌 𝐿 𝜇 .
𝑘 0.0051 𝑎𝑑 (9)
𝜇 𝑔 𝑎 𝜇 𝜌 𝐷

Page 8 of 100
where dp is the nominal packing size and DL is diffusivity of the contaminant in the liquid. The
accuracy of the estimate of kL is reported to be ±20 percent.

For the gas-phase resistance, Onda et al. correlated mass- transfer data for absorption and stripping
in the gas flow range 0.014 < Gm < 1.7 kg.m-2.s-1 and various packing shapes in the size range 4 to
50 mm. They obtained the following relationship for kG in dimensionless form:

𝑘 𝐺 𝜇
5.23 𝑎𝑑 (10)
𝑎𝐷 𝑎𝜇 𝜌 𝐷
where DG is the diffusivity of the contaminant in the gas phase and Gm is the air mass loading rate.
The value of the constant in Equation (10) is changed for small packing (dp < 15 mm) from 5.23
to 2.0. The overall accuracy for the kG correlation was placed at ±20 percent in the original work.

The ASDC program incorporates the Onda model for estimation of the overall mass transfer
factor, 𝐾 𝑎, as well as an option to specify a safety factor for the estimated value. Gosset et al.
(Reference 16), Robens et al. (Reference 19), and Hand et al. (Reference 14) have validated the
Onda correlation in pilot and field studies. These and other studies reported in the environmental
engineering literature have found the Onda correlation to be the most accurate of the three available
models for estimation of 𝐾 𝑎 in packed-tower stripping of VOCs. Implementation of the Onda
model requires property data for the water (µL, ρL, σL), the air (µG, ρG), the packing material (at,
dp) and the contaminant of interest (H, DL, DG), as well as the water and air mass loading rates (Lm,

In the ASDC for Windows program, property data for the contaminant, the packing material, water
and air are accessed from data bases while Lm and Gm are calculated. Property data for the water
and air are adjusted for the appropriate temperature as discussed later in the report. Contaminant
diffusion properties, namely DL and De, are estimated using methods recommended by Lyman et
al. (Reference 23, Chapter 17). For DL' the estimation equation of Hayduk and Laudi (Reference
24) is employed:

13.26 10
𝐷 (11)
𝜇 . 𝑉 .
where µL is the water viscosity (centipoise) at the temperature of interest, VB is the molar volume
(cm3/mol) of the contaminant, and DL has units of cm2/sec. The estimation method of Wilke and
Lee (Reference 23, Chapter 17) is used for DG:

Page 9 of 100
𝐵𝑇 . 𝑀
𝐷 (12)
𝑃𝜎 Ω
where T is the temperature in K, P is the pressure in atm, 𝐵 , Ω, and σAB are parameters defined as:

1 1
𝐵 0.00217 0.00050 (13)
𝑀 𝑚

where MA and MB are the molecular weights of air and the contaminant of interest, and
𝑎 𝑐 𝑒 𝑔 (14)
𝑇∗ exp 𝑇 ∗ 𝑑 exp 𝑇 ∗ 𝑓 exp 𝑇 ∗ ℎ
where a=1.06036, b=0.15610, c=0.19300, d=0.47635, e=1.03587, f=1.52996, g=1.76474,
h=3.89411 and,

𝑇 (15)
78.6 1.15𝑇
where Tb is the boiling point of the compound in ºK, and T is the temperature of interest in ºK.

𝜎 is defined as,

3.711 1.18 𝑉 ⁄ (16)

where VB is the molar volume of the compound of interest in cm3/mol.

Mr is a weighted average molecular weight, and DG has units of cm2/sec. The parameter Mr is
defined as:

𝑀 𝑀 (17)
where MA is the molecular weight of air and MB is that of the contaminant.

2.4 Estimation of Air Loading Rate

The VOC removal efficiency of air stripping units is enhanced at higher flow rates through the
packed column, but with greater air flows, larger pressure drops result and operating energy
requirements increase. Pressure drop occurs in a packed tower as a result of frictional resistance
of the gas to the liquid as it flows over the packing material and over the column equipment (i.e.
air duct, support plate, distributor, and mist eliminator, etc.). The frictional resistance increases as
the velocity of the countercurrent flowing gas increases. In air stripper design, the task is to select

Page 10 of 100
as high an air loading rate as possible for a particular packing and a specified maximum allowable
gas pressure drop across the column.

Pressure drops associated with different gas loading rates in countercurrent flow packed towers
have been measured for various types of random packing. These data have been summarized in
“generalized pressure drop curves” relating to G and ∆P which enable estimation of acceptable
gas loading rates for a wide range of conditions. Sherwood et al. (Reference 20) performed
experiments with a Raschig ring random packing and a variety of gases (air, hydrogen, carbon
dioxide) and liquids (water, aqueous glycerol, methanol, aqueous butyric acid). They published a
correlation to predict “flooding” (pressure drop so high that gas cannot flow through the tower) as
a function of column dimensions and physical characteristics of the gas and the liquid. However,
Lobo et al. (Reference 26) observed that the Sherwood packed-bed geometry factor, a/E3 (the area
of the packing in square feet per cubic foot divided by the cube of the fractional void space) was
not useful for accurate prediction of gas flow capacity for ∆P values at non-flooding conditions.
Later, Leva (Reference 27) introduced the parameter of constant pressure drop and a further
correction for the ratio of the density of water to the density of the liquid in the packed bed, Eckert
(Reference 28) used a modification of the capacity factor of Lobo and called it the “packing
factor”, F. Eckert’s packing factor was established by averaging the observed capacities of the bed
under the conditions outlined by Lobo et al., with the exception that they were measured at pressure
drops of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 inch H2O per foot of packed height rather than at the flooding point. The
generalized pressure drop correlation of Eckert is recommended by Perry’s Chemical Engineers’
Handbook (Reference 29) as the best tool for estimating acceptable gas loading rates. A set of
generalized pressure drop curves (Error! Reference source not found.), obtained from the
Norton Company (Akron, Ohio), are used for estimation of G in the ASDC program.

Page 11 of 100
Figure 2-2. Generalized Pressure Drop Curves (Norton Company, 1988)

On the Eckert correlation plot of Error! Reference source not found., the abscissa is known as
the flow parameter

𝐿 𝜌 .
𝐻 (18)
𝐺 𝜌
and the ordinate is the capacity parameter:

𝐺 𝐹𝜇 .
𝑉 (19)
𝑔𝜌 𝜌 𝜌
where L and G refer to the liquid and gas loading rates in lbs/hr, g is the gravitational constant
(32.2 ft/s2), ρG is the gas density (lb/ft3), ρL is the liquid density (lb/ft3), µL is the liquid viscosity

Page 12 of 100
(Centipoise), and F is the packing factor (ft-1). To facilitate use of Eckert correlation curves, the
linearization method developed by Prahl (Reference 30) and employed by Boadway (Reference
31) was adopted. The Prahl method provides a means to represent the nonlinear Eckert correlation
curves with the simple linear equations. It was implemented in the ASDC program via the
following steps:

1. Numerical values of the flow parameter 𝐻 and the capacity parameter V were read with a
digitizer from the generalized pressure drop curves for different pressure drops.
2. Values for ∆P/V were calculated for values of 𝐻 .
3. ∆P/V was plotted versus ∆P for different values of 𝐻 . Straight lines (with slope = m and
y-intercept = n) were fitted to these points as shown in Figure 2-3a.
4. The lines for the individual 𝐻 values were expressed by equations of the type:

𝐺 𝐹𝜇 .
𝑉 (20)
𝑔𝜌 𝜌 𝜌
Values of m and n for different 𝐻 were taken from Figure 2-3a.
5. The m and n values for the individual 𝐻 lines were plotted versus 𝐻 , and a straight line
(with slope = p and y-intercept = q) was fitted to the points. The same was done for the n
values (slope = r and y-intercept = s). These lines, shown in Figure 2-3b, may be expressed

𝑚 𝑝𝐻 𝑞 (21)
𝑛 𝑟𝐻 𝑠 (22)
6. Rearrangement of Equation 16 gives the final equations implemented in the ASDC

∆𝑃 (23)
1 𝑉
𝑉 (24)
𝑚∆𝑃 𝑚
where m and n are defined as in Equations (21) and (22), In the process of applying above
procedures, it was found that no single set of p, q, r and s values could be used to represent
accurately the generalized pressure drop curves for the entire range of flow parameter 𝐻 .
Therefore, fitting was performed for three different ranges of the flow parameter for accurate
fitting of the data. The three different ranges for 𝐻 were from 0.004 to 0.2, 0.2 to 2 and 2 to 8.

Page 13 of 100
The first two ranges were fitted according to the procedures described above, and two sets of p, q,
r and s values were obtained. For 𝐻 less than 0.2, the best fit values were p = 68.64, q = 2.21, r =
3.04 and s = 6.03 for 𝐻 between 0.2 and 2 the best fit values were p = 40.74, q = 5.63, r = 10.08
and s = 4.8. At higher flow parameter values, i.e. 𝐻 greater than 2, the relationship between 𝐻
and V for a particular ∆P value is approximately linear on a log-log scale. Therefore, a linear
regression equation was obtained to describe the generalized pressure drop curve at higher 𝐻

log 𝑉 1.74 0.398 log ∆𝑃 1.22 log 𝐻 (25)

(a) (b)
Figure 2-3. (a) ∆P/V vs ∆P (for 𝑯 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 𝟎. 𝟏) and (b) m, n vs. Flow Parameter 𝑯 ; Prahl
Figure 2-4 shows a comparison of calculated V versus 𝐻 curves with the actual curves from the
Eckert generalized pressure drop correlation. The fitting relationships used to generate the fitted
curves enable prediction of V given 𝐻 for any value of ∆P in the range covered; thus, they serve
as an interpolation device as well as a fitting device.

Page 14 of 100
Figure 2-4. Linearization Fits of the Generalized Pressure Drop Curves
Kister et al. (Reference 32) used about 2,800 processed pressure drop data to evaluate the Eckert
relationship. Overall, they found that the Eckert correlation yields good pressure drop predictions
for the air/water system at atmospheric pressure throughout the entire flow parameter range. Some
shortcomings related to use of the Eckert relationship were noted, however. First is the inaccuracy
inherent in any graphical method. Second is the large distance between the ∆P lines, which can
make graphical interpolation difficult. The fitting and interpolation algorithm for the generalized
pressure drop curves that is incorporated in the ASDC program avoids these problems.

The generalized pressure drop curves are empirical and extrapolation is not reliable. Thus, in
ASDC the specified pressure drop must be within the ∆P data range on the Eckert plot, i.e., from
0.05 to 1.5 inch of water/ft (41 to 1225N/m2.m).

A generic flooding curve is indicated on the Eckert plot for ∆P in the range of 2 to 4 inches of
water per foot of packing. However, Kister et al. (Reference 32) examined about 200 flood
conditions and found that, while the flood point is independent of the flow parameter, it varies
within a packing family and among packing types. Similar observations have been reported by
Zenz (Reference 33) and Strigle and Rukovena (Reference 34). Kister et al. developed the
following empirical equation for estimating the flood point for a packing material:
∆𝑃 0.115𝐹 (26)

Page 15 of 100
where ∆P flood is the pressure drop at the flood point and F is the packing factor for the packing
material in ft-1. This equation is implemented in the ASDC program for providing the upper limit
of the pressure drop that can be specified.

2.5 Temperature Dependency of Henry’s Law Constant

In the overview of air stripper design methodology presented in section 2.1. it is shown that the
value of the Henry's Law constant has a significant influence on the calculated design. It affects
NTU directly and HTU indirectly through 𝐾 𝑎. Thus, accurate values for Henry's Law constants
are critical for useful design calculations. The ASDC program includes a compound property data
base which contains H values at 20°C and 25°C. Since Henry's Law constants can vary
significantly with temperature, it is important to use H values for the relevant water temperature
in performing design calculations. ASDC includes an algorithm to adjust H values in the data base
to the water temperature of interest. The basis for this algorithm is described below.

For a compound i, the equilibrium air-to-water partition constant (the dimensionless Henry's Law
constant) is given by:

𝑃 , ⁄𝑅𝑇
𝐻 (27)
where Pi,a is the partial pressure of compound i in the gas phase (atm) and Ci,w is the molar
concentration of the compound in water, R is the gas constant (0.08206 L.atm.mol-1. K-1). and T is
the temperature in °K. For the relatively low aqueous phase concentrations of most VOCs,

𝑃 , ⁄𝑅𝑇
𝐻 𝐻 (28)
where 𝑃 , is the vapor pressure over the pure organic (liquid) compound at the temperature of
interest, and 𝐶 , is the aqueous phase solubility. The close correlation of H with vapor pressure
and aqueous solubility enables evaluation of the temperature dependency of H. With use of the
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, and consideration of temperature effects on aqueous solubility, it
may be shown that

∆𝐻 ∆𝐻1
ln 𝐻 𝐴 (29)
where ∆Hv is the molar heat of vaporization (cal/mol), ∆𝐻 is the excess molar heat of solution
(cal/mol), R is the molar gas constant (1.9872 cal/mol-K), and 𝐴 is a constant. For most small

Page 16 of 100
and/or polar compounds, ∆𝐻 is close to zero or slightly negative and is usually much smaller than
∆𝐻 . The influence of temperature on H is, at maximum, similar in magnitude to the influence of
temperature on vapor pressure, approximately doubling for a 20°F increase. Thus, knowledge of
H at a temperature (e.g., 20°C) may be used for estimation of H at another temperature by the
following equations if ∆𝐻 is known for each compound at different temperatures.

∆𝐻 𝑇 1
ln 𝐻 𝑇 𝐴 (30)
∆𝐻 𝑇 1
ln 𝐻 𝑇 𝐴 (31)
Subtraction of Equation (30) from (31) yields:

𝐻 𝑇 ∆𝐻 𝑇 1 ∆𝐻 𝑇 1
ln (32)

In the ASDC program, Equation (32) is used to estimate H at any specified temperature using H
(T1 = 20°C or 25°C) as the reference value. All ∆𝐻 values required for this calculation are
estimated using the method of Haggenmacher (described below) which estimates ∆𝐻 from vapor
pressure and requires knowledge of critical pressure (Pc) critical temperature (Tc), and the Antoine
constants for each compound. These data, together with H (T = 20°C or 25°C), have been
incorporated in the compound property data base that accompanies the program.

2.5.1 Estimation of ∆𝐻
The vapor pressure curve for any compound as a function of the temperature can be described by
the Clapeyron Equation.

𝑑𝑃 ∆𝐻
𝑑𝑇 𝑇 𝑉 𝑉
where 𝑑𝑃⁄𝑑𝑇 is derivative of vapor pressure with respect to temperature, ∆𝐻 is the molar heat
of vaporization at temperature T, VG is the saturated molar volume of the vapor phase, and VL is
the saturated molar volume of the liquid phase. The quantity (VG - VL) can be obtained from the
compressibility equation of state:

𝑉 𝑉 𝑍 𝑍 (34)

Page 17 of 100
where R is the universal gas constant and ZG and ZL are the compressibility factors for the vapor
and the liquid phases, respectively. Substitution of Equation (34) into the Clapeyron equation and
rearrangement yields:

This equation can be employed for estimating the heat of vaporization of a compound or predicting
the shape of its vapor pressure curve.

𝑑 ln 𝑃 ∆𝐻
1 𝑅 𝑍 𝑍 (35)
Vapor pressure versus temperature data for a compound may also be described by the Antoine

log 𝑃 𝐴 (36)
𝑡 𝐶

where A, B, and C are constants and t are temperature, all expressed in °C except A, which is
dimensionless. The Antoine relationship is a widely used empirical tool for describing and
estimating vapor pressure as a function of temperature. Antoine constants A, B, and C have been
compiled for many compounds.

The Haggenmacher method (Reference 23, Chapter 13) for estimating ∆𝐻 is derived from
combination of Equation (36) with Equation (35) and the following:
𝑃 ⁄𝑃
𝑍 𝑍 1 (37)
𝑇 ⁄𝑇
which expresses the compressibility difference in terms of two pressures and two temperatures,
Equation (37) provides a good approximation at temperatures near or below the boiling point, Tb.
∆𝐻 for any temperature is computed by finding ∆𝐻 , the heat of vaporization at the boiling point
using Equation (38), and then applying Equation (39):
𝑃 ⁄𝑃
2.303𝐵𝑅𝑇 1
𝑇 ⁄𝑇 (38)
𝑡 𝐶
1 𝑇 ⁄𝑇
∆𝐻 ∆𝐻 (39)
1 𝑇 ⁄𝑇

Page 18 of 100
where T, Tb and Tc are in °K, P and Pc are in atmospheres, and B, C and tb are in °C (tb is the boiling
point of the compound in °C; B has the same numerical values regardless of the units; C is
converted from °K to °C by adding 273.15). The constant 2.303 is the natural logarithm of 10, and
R is the gas constant equal to 1.9872 cal/mol.K.

The value of the parameter n in Equation (39) is given as a function of 𝑇 ⁄𝑇 (Reference 23,
Chapter 13):

𝑇 ⁄𝑇 n
<0.57 0.30
0.57 to 0.71 0.75 𝑇 ⁄𝑇 -0.116
>0.71 0.41

Equations (38) and (39) are employed in the ASDC program to estimate the heat of vaporization
at different temperatures. To enable use of these equations, values of Pc and Tc are included in the
compound property data base. In the case of compounds for which Pc, Tc and/or Antoine constants
are not available, ∆𝐻 is estimated by use of an approximation.

Trouton’s rule (Reference 23, page 13-2), which is an approximation that gives ∆𝐻 at the boiling
point, is used to estimate ∆𝐻 when Tc, Pc and Antoine’s constants are missing:

21 𝑐𝑎𝑙 ⁄𝐾 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 (40)
The compressibility factor difference (the left-hand side of Equation (37)) is estimated as 1.0 when
Antoine’s constants are available, but Tc and Pc are missing (Reference 23, Table 13-6). When
only Tc values are missing, Tc is estimated as 1.5 x Tb (Reference 23, page 14-13).

Page 19 of 100
2.5.2 Validation of Temperature Dependency Algorithm
Munz and Roberts (Reference 35) reported the temperature dependency of the Henry's Law
constant in the range of 10 to 30°C for bromoform, chloroform, trichloroethylene,
tetrachloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride. The values from Munz's experiments and results
from other experiments compiled by Munz were used for the validation of the method used in
ASDC to describe the temperature dependency of H. The H value for each compound at 25°C was
used as the basis for estimation of H at other temperatures. In Figure 7, H values for the four
compounds are compared to the values measured at various temperatures. The Henry's Law
constants predicted with the model incorporated in ASDC generally agree closely with the
measurements of Munz and Robens (Reference 35) and others cited by them.

Page 20 of 100
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 2-5. Temperature-Dependency of H for: (a) Chloroform, (b) Trichloroethylene, (c) Carbon
Tetrachloride, and (d) Tetrachloroethylene

Page 21 of 100
2.6 Design Air and Water Temperatures
Water temperature affects several parameters involved in air stripper design and operation, most
importantly the Henry's Law constant and the mass transfer coefficient for the target VOC
contaminants. The higher the water temperature, the greater the Henry's Law constant and the mass
transfer coefficient. At higher water temperatures, lower air-to-water ratios may thus be employed.
Effects of water temperature on H and KLa are considered in ASDC, as discussed previously.

The temperature of influent air has been found to have little effect on the performance of air
stripping units. Gross and Termaath (Reference 2) evaluated air temperature effects in a full-scale
system in which the inlet air temperature was varied systematically from 15 to 50°F. During these
tests, no change in water temperature was detected along the packed column. In similar
experiments with a pilot-scale column, Cummins (Reference 36) took water and air temperature
measurements along the column and determined that the water temperature remained essentially
constant and that air temperature adjusted rapidly to that of the water. These observations are
consistent with basic thermodynamics. Straudinger (Reference 37) performed a heat balance
calculation for a hypothetical air stripping system with an inlet air temperature of 0°F, an inlet
water temperature of 55°F, and an air-to-water ratio of 20, and estimated that the water temperature
would not change by more than 1°F.

In the ASDC program, the inlet water temperature is used as the design temperature upon which
all the air, water, and contaminant property values are calculated. This approach is employed
commonly in air stripper design.

2.7 Design Air and Water Properties

The basic properties of air and water used in the design of an air-stripping system, especially in
estimation of KLa, are density and viscosity and, for water, surface tension. All these property
values vary with temperature, though water viscosity exhibits the greatest sensitivity to
temperature. It increases by approximately a factor of two from 10°C to 30°C. The ASDC program
contains functions that can estimate the values for the air and water properties at different

Extensive data for water density as a function of temperature are available. 1n Perry's Chemical
Engineers' Handbook (Reference 29), such data are given for 0 to 100°C. The following
polynomial equation can fit these data well:

Page 22 of 100
𝜌 999.85 6.1474 10 𝑇 8.3633 10 𝑇 6.6805 10 𝑇
1.3095 10 𝑇
where 𝜌 is water density in kg/m3 and T is the temperature in °C. Equation (41) is incorporated
in ASDC for estimation of 𝜌 .

Estimation of water viscosity as a function of temperature is performed in ASDC using data fitting
equations from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Reference 38):

for 0℃ 𝑇 20℃:
log 𝜇 1.30233 (42)
998.333 8.1855 𝑇 20 5.85 10 𝑇 20
for 20℃ 𝑇 100℃:
𝜇 1.3272 20 𝑇 1.053 10 𝑇 20
log (43)
𝜇 𝑇 105
where 𝜇 is the water viscosity in centipoise at 20°C and T is the temperature of interest in °C.
To convert centipoise to kg/m-sec, multiply by 0.001.

The dependence of water surface tension on temperature is also described using an equation for
data in the CRC Handbook (Reference 38):

𝜎 75.712 0.14475 𝑇 2.352 10 𝑇 (44)

where 𝜎 is water surface tension in dyne/cm and T is the temperature of interest in °C. Equation
(44) is valid for 0°C to 100°C. To convert dyne/cm to kg/sec2, multiply by 0.001.

Air density and viscosity values for temperatures in the range of 0 to 100° C are given in the CRC
Handbook (Reference 38) and Roberson and Crowe (Reference 39). The following equations
describe these data accurately and are incorporated in ASDC:

𝜌 1.2926 4.6769 10 𝑇 1.3986 10 𝑇 (45)

𝜇 1.71 10 5.0 10 𝑇 (46)
where 𝜌 is air density in g/L or kg/m3, µG is air viscosity in N.sec/m2, and T is the temperature of
interest in °C.

Page 23 of 100
3 Cost Model
3.1 Introduction
A cost model is incorporated in the ASDC program to give an approximate indication of the costs
associated with a design. In many cases, capital and operating costs will not be the only
considerations involved in the selection of an optimal design. Designs less than optimal with
respect to total costs may be needed to provide flexibility for possible changes in influent
characteristics or flow rate, to provide operational simplicity, or to fulfill any of a number of design
goals other than the minimum cost. However, capital and operating costs will always be design
considerations, if for no other reason than to quantify the price of meeting noneconomic design

The cost model incorporated in ASDC is not intended to provide a highly accurate estimate of the
cost of a particular system, but rather to enable comparison of approximate costs for different
designs on a consistent basis. Major capital and operating costs are evaluated using cost data and
estimation methods obtained from manufacturers and from engineering literature. System costs
are evaluated by summing the component capital and operating costs. An alternative approach is
to estimate whole system cost by empirical correlation with total costs for existing systems of
similar size (e.g. References 40-43). The component-by-component approach was selected
because (1) system costs exhibit variability due to site-specific factors, (2) the component approach
enables identification of key cost factors, and (3) single component cost information is easier to

An outline of the capital and operating costs considered in the cost model is provided. Estimation
of direct capital costs (excluding electrical equipment and control system costs) depends on
equipment sizes and material quantities and is performed for a given design on the basis of unit
prices in the cost data base. For indirect capital costs and electrical/control equipment, coarse but
generally accepted estimation methods are employed. The chief operating costs for an air stripping
unit are the energy costs for the water pump and the air blower. Power cost estimation is performed
using the operating characteristics for the particular pump and blower selected by the program for
a particular design. Key assumptions necessary for estimation of labor and maintenance costs are
requested from the user. Costs included in the cost data bases are referenced to 2019 and can be

Page 24 of 100
adjusted in the program for inflation through use of the Engineering News Record (ENR)
Construction Index. Detailed descriptions of the components of the cost model are provided below.

3.2 Standard Air Stripper Configuration

Construction considerations vary from site to site and, therefore, an assumed standard
configuration of the air stripping system is employed in the cost model. This is done to provide
internal consistency in the cost estimates for alternative designs. The assumed configuration,
shown in Figure 3-1, contains the basic process and support equipment required for a single tower
system. It includes the column shell, column internals (i.e., liquid distributor, liquid
redistributor(s), and packing support plate), random packing material, mist eliminator, one
centrifugal pump, and one centrifugal fan. A constant suction head loss to the water pump of 5 feet
is assumed. Support equipment considered includes a 15 ft x 15 ft x 4 ft concrete foundation, steel
piping (with a valve and flow meter) from the pump discharge to the top of tower, 100 feet of field
piping to the pump, 10 feet of stainless steel air duct (with a damper and a flow meter) from the
blower discharge directly to the base of the tower, a gas pressure measurement device at the air
inlet and outlet locations in the tower, and a simple manual switch-on electrical power and control

Figure 3-1. Standard Air Stripping Configuration

Page 25 of 100
3.3 Direct Capital Costs
The direct capital cost includes all the physical items required for installation of an air stripping
tower, that is, process and support equipment costs. The process equipment cost is the key
component of the cost model. Process equipment includes the column shell, column internals (i.e.,
liquid distributor, liquid redistributor, and packing support plate), packing material, air blower,
water pump, and mist eliminator. Equipment size requirements calculated in the design procedure
are used to determine the quantity of material involved with a particular design.

3.3.1 Column Shell

The cost of the column shell is one of the key components of the tower direct cost. Column shells
typically are constructed using aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel, predominantly the former.
Generic cost data for air stripper column shells are difficult to obtain since they are often custom
fabricated. Some very approximate prices for aluminum column shells were provided by one
leading manufacturer of air stripper systems. These prices were compared to prices for standard
pressure vessels in Richardson Process Plant Construction Estimating Standards (Reference 44,
Sections 100-341 to 100-362) and it was found that the approximate column prices were similar
to those for pressure vessels constructed with A-285 and A-515 pressure-vessel-quality steel plate.
As is the case for an air stripping column shell, the cost of a pressure vessel depends on its height
and diameter. A general expression is given in the Richardson Standards for the cost of the pressure
vessels cited above:

𝐶 45.2 3.5𝐷 7.7 10 𝐷 𝐻 (47)

where Di is the column diameter in inches and Htower is the column total height in feet. (The result
is multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update the cost to 2019.) This expression is used in the
ASDC program to estimate the base cost of an aluminum column shell.

The cost for the column shell itself is related with the total height of the column. The total height
of the column is the sum of the packing material height, the height of the column skirt which
accommodates the air duct inlet and treated water outlet, and the height of the column top for the
water pipe inlet, liquid distributor, mist eliminator, and some other devices (e.g., connection to off-
gas treatment). As the sizes of these accessories vary, determination of the total height of the air
stripping tower requires some assumptions. The ASDC program assumes that the total height is
given by the packing height plus some fraction of the packing height. From careful examination

Page 26 of 100
of several air stripper designs, it was determined that the multiplication factor is a function of the
water flow rate. The multiplication factors employed in ASDC for determining total column height
are given in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Packing Height Multipliers for Estimating Total Column Height
Water Flow Rate (gpm) Packing Height Multiplier
< 500 1.30
500 – 1000 1.40
1000 – 1400 1.45
1400 – 1800 1.50
> 1800 1.60

To estimate the total cost of the column shell, the cost of shell accessories must be considered
along with the cost of the shell itself. As shown in Figure 3-1, the assumed configuration of the
column shell includes two access ports for maintenance, one pipe inlet, one air duct inlet, one water
outlet, and some open nozzles for instrument devices. The costs for all of these items depend on
size and quantity.

The access ports are assumed to be of the same material as the column shell. The assumed access
port type, a long weld neck-type radial nozzle, is illustrated in Figure 3-2. In ASDC, access ports
ranging in size from 2 to 24 inches in diameter are considered and the following equation from the
Richardson Standards (Reference 44, Section 2 100-348) is used to estimate access port cost:

𝐶 31.6 72.8𝐷 2.8𝐷 0.11𝐷 (48)

where Dm is the diameter of the access port in inches. (The result is multiplied by 2.0 in the program
to update the cost to 2019.) The size for the port is determined in relation to the diameter of the
column. The ASDC program chooses the largest available size that does not exceed two-thirds of
the column diameter up to a maximum 24 inches.

Page 27 of 100
(a) (b)
Figure 3-2. Column shell accessories assumed in standard configuration: (a) typical long-weld
neck type nozzles, and (b) typical buttweld flange type nozzles
Costs for the water pipe inlet and treated water outlets are also estimated in ASDC using a
correlation equation from the Richardson Standards (Reference 44, Sections 100-347 and 100-
349) for buttweld flange-type nozzles:

𝐶 133.8 42𝐷 4.8𝐷 (49)

where Dp is the pipe diameter in inches. (The result is multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update
the cost to 2019.) In ASDC the water inlet pipe size is the optimal pump discharge pipe size,
discussed later in the section on water pump selection. The treated water outlet pipe size is
determined by the same rules for choosing access port size. Estimation of cost for the instrument
device nozzles also is performed using the above equation by considering six 2-inch or smaller
nozzle openings. The cost for the air duct inlet is estimated using the cost equation for the access
port and an additional five percent is added for the tangential shape of the air duct inlet.

Page 28 of 100
Table 3-2. Design Contingency Overhead Multipliers for Total Column Cost
Total Column Cost ($) Design-Contingency-Overhead-Multiplier
< 6,000 1.25
6,000 – 8,000 1.24
8,000 – 10,000 1.23
10,000 – 15,000 1.22
15,000 – 20,000 1.21
20,000 – 25,000 1.20
25,000 – 35,000 1.19
35,000 – 50,000 1.18
50,000 – 75,000 1.17
> 75,000 1.16
Note 1: from Richardson (Reference 44), Section 100 – 358

In the assumed tower configuration, tray rings are used to support the liquid distributor and
fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) support plate. The number of tray rings used is discussed in the
next subsection on column internals. Ring cost estimation is performed using a correlation
equation from the Richardson Standards (Reference 44, Section 100-352):

𝐶 70.4 4.45𝐷 1.73 10 𝐷 (50)

where Di is the column diameter in inches. (The result is multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update
the cost to 2019.)

The total cost of the column shell is estimated by adding the shell accessory costs to the cost of
the shell itself. A cost multiplier of approximately 1.2 (see Table 3-2) is added to the total column
shell cost to account for engineering design, contingency, and overhead.

3.3.2 Column Internals

The column internals include one plate-type liquid distributor, wall-wiper liquid redistributors (for
every 5 to 6 feet), and one FRP packing support plate. For packing height greater than 30 feet or
the ratio of packing height to tower diameter greater than 10, another liquid distributor is included.
The costs of these items are functions of diameter. Costs of FRP grid support plates were obtained
from equipment vendors, while costs for orifice plate-type liquid distributor trays were taken from

Page 29 of 100
the Richardson Standards (Reference 44, Sections 100-353 and 100-359). Correlations of cost
versus diameter were developed as follows:

𝐶 658.1 6.5𝐷 0.22𝐷 (51)

𝐶 20.6 1.1𝐷 9.7 10 𝐷 (52)
where Ctray is the cost for the liquid distributor, Cplate is the cost for the FRP packing support plate,
and Di is the column diameter in inches. (Both costs are multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update
them to 2019.) The wall-wiper liquid redistributors are assumed to be 5 percent of the liquid
distributor cost. The total cost for internals is obtained by summing these components and applying
a factor of 1.2 for contingency and overhead.

To illustrate calculation of the costs of internals, consider a column with diameter of 5 feet (1.52
m) and packing height of 32 feet (9.75 m). The cost for the two liquid distributors required would
be $1060 2, or $2120. The cost for four wall-wiper redistributors would be 1060 0.05 4, or
$212. The number of wall wipers is determined by the rule that if more than one distributor is used,
consider one redistributor every 6 feet over half of the packing height. If only one liquid distributor
is used, a redistributor is placed every 5 feet over the entire packing height. The cost of the FRP
support plate would be $436. Therefore, the total cost for the column internals, including the
contingency factor, would be ($2120 + 212 + 436) 1.2 or $3322.

3.3.3 Packing Material

The cost for packing material is also one of the key components of the tower direct cost. This cost
can be calculated readily with knowledge of the unit prices for different types of packing material.
From contacting several packing material manufacturers ceramic, polypropylene packing
materials were obtained. The unit costs incorporated in the program are listed in Table 3-3. Packing
costs for materials other than polypropylene were determined using the polypropylene packing
cost data in Table 3-3 and cost multiplying factors ascertained from manufacturers. The program
provides users the flexibility to input cost information for specific packing material for more
accurate estimation of packing materials cost.

Page 30 of 100
Table 3-3. Average unit costs for polypropylene packing material (2020)
Packing Volume Unit Packing Cost ($/ft3)
0 – 99 15
100 – 499 15
500 – 999 14
1000 – 1999 12
> 2000 10

3.3.4 Water Pump

An algorithm is included in the ASDC program to determine the pump type and size required for
a particular design. This level of design detail is necessary for process capital and operating cost
estimation. For pump sizing, the total head loss to be overcome and system flow rate must be
known. Determination of the total system head requires knowledge of the pump discharge head
loss which is related to the pump discharge pipe size. Therefore, pipe sizing is the first step in the

Generally, the aim in designing a piping system is to transmit the desired flow rate at the lowest
overall cost. The cost of the pipe and associated fittings is directly proportional to the pipe
diameter. The energy cost of pumping is, however, inversely proportional to the diameter. Thus,
an economic balance is needed such that the pipe diameter gives the minimum sum for capital and
operating cost. To determine the optimum pump discharge pipe diameter, the ASDC program
employs the methodology developed by Genereaux (Reference 45) and by Sarchet and Colburn
(Reference 46); the approach is summarized in Reference 47. In this approach, the annual cost of
pumping and the annual (amortized) cost of a unit length of pipe are combined and the pipe
diameter that gives the minimum sum is selected. The power required in a year for pumping liquids
is given by the product of flow rate (Q), pressure drop (∆P), and duration of operation (Y):

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑄 ∆𝑃 𝑌 𝑄 𝑌 (53)
where Y is the duration of operation per year, f is the friction factor (0.4⁄𝑁 ) for turbulent flow,
NRe is the Reynold number (𝐷𝑉𝜌⁄𝜇), D is the pipe diameter, 𝜌 is the fluid density, 𝜇 is the fluid
viscosity, V is the fluid velocity, L is pipe length and g is the gravitational constant

Page 31 of 100
Over the course of a year, the cost of pumping may be obtained by considering the cost of
electricity and the pump efficiency.

4𝑓𝐿𝑉 𝐾
𝐶 𝑄 𝑌 (54)
2𝑔𝐷 𝐸
where K is electricity cost (cost per KW-hr), E is efficiency of motor and pump and Cpump is the
pumping cost per linear foot per year. For pipe sizing calculations, a combined efficiency of 0.5 is
assumed in the program (E = Epump Emotor = 0.8 0.6 = 0.5).

Capital pipe cost must be considered as well as the associated operating cost. For most types of
pipe, a plot of logarithm of the pipe diameter versus the logarithm of the purchase cost per foot is
essentially a straight line. Therefore, the purchase cost for pipe may be represented by the
following equation:

𝐶 𝑋𝐷 (55)
where Cpipe is purchase cost of new pipe per foot of pipe length, X is the purchase cost of new pipe
per foot for unit diameter, and n is the constant with value dependent on type of pipe. (The result
is multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update the cost to 2019.)

The annual cost for the installed piping system may be expressed as follows:

𝐶 1 𝐹 𝑋𝐷 𝐾 (56)
where KF is the amortized annual fixed cost, expressed as a fraction of initial cost, for installed
pipe and F is the ratio of cost for fitting and installation to purchase cost of pipe.

Combining the annual operating cost (Cpump) and amortized capital cost (Cpipe) yields the total
annual cost, CT. The differential of CT with respect to D may then be taken, set equal to 0, and the
resulting expression solved from Doptimum, the economic pipe size. Various expressions for Doptimum
are summarized in Reference 47, Chapter 10; one of these (Equation 46) is implemented in ASDC
for determination of the discharge pipe size.

Page 32 of 100
Once the pump discharge pipe size is selected, the optimum pump size can be determined for
different flow rates. In ASDC, the total system head is set at the pump discharge head loss plus the
assumed 5 feet suction head loss and the static discharge head (the tower height). Determination
of the optimum pump size is accomplished by the following procedure:

1. Determine the pump system head, hsys.

2. For pumps (included in a database) that can handle the desired flow rate Qw, and system
head, hsys. Scan the pump characteristic curve data for each pump to determine the pump
efficiency at the specific operation point (Qw, hsys).
3. Choose the most efficient pump.

Characteristic curves for a number of variable speed centrifugal water pumps, with capacities from
150 gpm to 4000 gpm (for hsys < 100 feet) have been obtained from several leading pump
manufacturers. These characteristic curves have been described using polynomial fitting equations
and included in a data base (see Appendix A). Pump selection is performed using this data base
and the procedures discussed above.

Once a pump is selected, its capital cost is determined directly from cost information incorporated
in the cost data base (see Table A-1 in Appendix A). When the flow rate is outside of the 150 gpm
to 4000 gpm range, pump capital cost is estimated via a simple extrapolation procedure that utilizes
the available pump cost data. Pump capital cost is estimated by applying a multiplier to the capital
cost for either the 150 gpm or the 4000 gpm pump that reflects the proportional flow below 150
gpm or above 4000 gpm. For a flow Q1 less than 150 gpm, the pump capital cost is estimated as
Cpump, Q1 =Cpump, 150 (Ql/150 gpm). At a flow Q2 above 4000 gpm, Cpump, 4000 is multiplied
by the factor Q2/4000 gpm.

Pump operating cost (discussed later) is calculated using the efficiency for the operating condition
and determined in the pump selection routine, except when the flow rate is outside the range of
available data. For water flow rates less than 150 gpm and greater than 4000 gpm, a pump
efficiency of 70 percent is assumed.

3.3.5 Air Blower

An algorithm is included in ASDC for determination of air blower type and size for a particular
design. As in the case of the water pump, detailed blower design is necessary for capital and
operating cost estimation.

Page 33 of 100
Air blower size is determined by the system static pressure drop and the air flow required which
depends on the air/water ratio. The system air pressure drop is the sum of the pressure drop over
the tower plus the pressure drop over the equipment (e.g., air duct, support plate, liquid distributor,
and mist eliminator). A value of 1.5 in-H2O is assumed in the program for the pressure drop over
the equipment; pressure drop over the packing is specified by the user (i.e., ∆P). Fan capacity
tables for a number of variable speed centrifugal air blowers, with capacity ranging from 200 cfm
up to approximately 40,000 cfm (for ∆P up to 10 in-H2O), have been obtained from a leading
blower manufacturer. These tables are included in a data base in ASDC which is scanned for
determination of the appropriate fan size. The tables are given in Appendix B. Blower selection is
accomplished in ASDC by the following procedure:

1. Determine the system static pressure drop, ∆P.

2. Calculate the required air volume from air loading rate, tower area and the density of air.
3. For blowers (included in a database) that can handle the desired air volume, Qa and ∆P,
scan the fan capacity tables for each blower to determine the blower efficiency at the
specified operation point (Qa, ∆P).
4. Choose the most efficient blower.

Once a blower is selected, its capital cost is determined directly from cost information incorporated
in the cost data base (see Table B-1 in Appendix B). When the blower flow rate is outside the
range of available data (200 cfm to 40,000 cfm), blower capital cost is estimated using the same
extrapolation procedure described for estimation of pump capital costs at high and low flow rates.
For an air flow Q1 less than 200 cfm, Cblower, Q1 is estimated by multiplying Cblower, 200 by Q1/200
cfm. At a flow Q2 greater than 40,000 cfm, Cblower, 40,000 is multiplied by Q2/40,000 cfm.

Blower operating cost (discussed later) is calculated using the efficiency for the operating
condition and particular blower determined in the blower selection routine, except when the flow
rate is outside the range of available data. For air flow rates less than 200 cfm or greater than
40,000 cfm, a blower efficiency of 70 percent is assumed.

Page 34 of 100
3.3.6 Mist Eliminator
The mist eliminator is assumed to be stainless steel mesh type, 4 inches in thickness. Its cost is
estimated using data given in the Richardson Standards (Reference 44, Section 100-360). The
correlation developed for the demisting pad and associated bottom grid is:

𝐶 1.2 46.4 9.3𝐷 0.14𝐷 (57)

where Di is the tower diameter in inches and the constant 1.2 is the multiplier assumed for
contingency and overhead. (The result is multiplied by 2.0 in the program to update the cost to
2019.) The correlation is based upon data for mist eliminators with diameters varying from 36 to
144 inches.

3.3.7 Support Equipment

Ancillary equipment needed for connection of the major process equipment components includes
piping and air ducts, and electrical control equipment. In ASDC, costs for these support equipment
items are estimated as percentages of the total process equipment cost. Pipe and air duct costs are
estimated as 20 percent of the total process equipment cost plus the cost of piping from the water
pump discharge to the top of the column. For the discharge piping cost, the optimum pipe diameter
is estimated as described in subsection 3.3.1; the pipe length is given by the column height, and
unit prices for steel pipe are taken from Richardson Standards (Reference 48, Section 15).
Electrical system cost is estimated as 10 percent of total process equipment cost. This fraction is
representative of basic electrical control system costs (References 47, 48, 49); it is not intended to
include the cost of elaborate instrumentation.

3.4 Indirect Capital Costs

Indirect capital cost includes all nonphysical items required for an air stripping system. The
indirect capital costs considered in the ASDC program include site work, engineering design,
construction, and contingency and profit. The cost estimates for each of these items are based on
percentages of the total direct cost, the approach most commonly used for estimation of indirect
costs. Percentages used in the program for site work, design, and construction are 15 percent, 27
percent, and 20 percent, respectively. These percentages include contractor profit and overhead
and were selected after review of cost estimating procedures for various water treatment
technologies (e.g., References 49, 50). Actual percentages will be site specific but use of a single

Page 35 of 100
set of percentages in the program provides internal consistency in cost estimates for alternative

3.5 Operating Costs

The main operating cost associated with operation of an air stripper is the energy cost for electrical
power to drive the water pump and the air blower. Power costs are based on the projected volume
of water to be treated in a year and the electrical power consumed therewith. Energy requirements
for treatment in a packed tower depend on the liquid and gas flow rates and associated friction
losses. Once these have been calculated and a particular blower and pump have been selected,
estimation of power consumption is straightforward.

Other operating costs include maintenance costs (cleaning of the tower, pump and blower
maintenance, etc.), labor costs, and administrative costs. Labor cost may be included with
maintenance cost or estimated separately. These costs are usually calculated on the basis of water
volume treated. Administrative cost may be estimated as the sum of fractions of labor and
maintenance costs, but it is usually not significant and hence is not considered explicitly in the
ASDC program.

3.5.1 Power Cost

The power cost is based on the projected volume of water to be treated per year and the electrical
power consumed by the pump and the blower associated with the air stripping system. The pump
power cost is based on the volume of water pumped per year, head loss through the pipes, pump
efficiency, and motor efficiency. It can be expressed as:

𝑄ℎ 𝑌
𝐶 0.746 (58)
3960𝐸 𝐸
where Cpump is the pump operating power cost ($/yr), Q is the average water flow rate (gallon/min),
hsys is the total system head loss (ft), Y is the electrical cost ($/KW-hr), Epump is the pump efficiency
(%) and the Emotor is the motor efficiency (%).

In ASDC, pump efficiency is determined in the pump selection algorithm, as discussed above. The
motor efficiency is assumed to be 60 percent.

Page 36 of 100
The blower power cost can also be calculated using Equation (58) and is based on volume of air
used per year, air pressure drops through the column and through the ducts, fan efficiency and
motor efficiency. The air pressure drop is that through the packing plus that through the other
column equipment and ducts. For the column internals other than packing, a pressure drop equal
to 1 inch of water is assumed. The air volume is calculated from the design air-to-water ratio; the
blower efficiency is determined in the blower selection algorithm. The cost of electricity is fixed
by the user in the ASDC program.

3.5.2 Maintenance and Labor

The maintenance cost for an air stripping system will vary a lot from site to site. It depends
significantly upon the chemistry of the inlet water which determines the likelihood of potential
problems such as scaling or biofouling. Some existing full-scale systems have been operated
without any serious problems, while other systems have experienced problems with clogged
packing material after just a few months (e.g., References 2, 14). For internal consistency among
cost estimates for alternative designs, 10 percent of the direct capital cost is assumed in ASDC for
the maintenance cost. This method of estimating maintenance cost is common, and the percentage
employed is typical (References 14, 43). The labor cost is based on a flat rate of 0.5 cent per 1000
gallon treated plus an add-on for the total volume of liquid treated per year.

3.6 Total Annual Cost

The total annual cost is estimated by summing the amortized capital cost and annual operating
cost. The amortized cost is the total capital cost amortized over a particular time period at an
interest rate. The total annual cost is given by the following equation:

𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 (59)
1 1 𝐼 ⁄100
where I the annual interest rate in percent, and y is the time in years over which the capital costs
are being amortized. Both the interest rate and time period can be specified by the user in the
ASDC program.

3.7 Adjustment of Costs for Inflation

Costs in the ASDC cost data bases and calculated by ASDC are referenced to 2019. However, cost
calculations including adjustment for inflation may be performed for any year with the program
through use of the ENR Construction Cost Index. All costs estimated by ASDC are adjusted for

Page 37 of 100
inflation using this index. Table 4 lists average values of the ENR Construction Cost Index for the
years 1971-2019; the index value of interest is specified by the user in ASDC, with the default
value being that for 2019.

Table 3-4. Average Annual ENR Construction Costs Index Values for 1971-2019
Year Average Year Average Year Average
Value Value Value
1971 1581 1991 4835 2011 9070
1972 1753 1992 4985 2012 9308
1973 1895 1993 5210 2013 9547
1974 2020 1994 5408 2014 9806
1975 2212 1995 5471 2015 10035
1976 2401 1996 5622 2016 10338
1977 2576 1997 5825 2017 10737
1978 2776 1998 5920 2018 11062
1979 3003 1999 6060 2019 11281
1980 3237 2000 6221
1981 3535 2001 6342
1982 3825 2002 6538
1983 4066 2003 6695
1984 4146 2004 7115
1985 4195 2005 7446
1986 4295 2006 7751
1987 4406 2007 7967
1988 4519 2008 8310
1989 4615 2009 8570
1990 4732 2010 8799
Note: 1. Base Year = 1913; ENR CCI =100

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4 Program Operation
4.1 Introduction
The Air Stripper Design and Cost (ASDC) for Windows program is intended to serve as an aid in
designing an air-stripping unit for the removal of VOCs from water and wastewater. This program
builds on a program developed in 1991 under a CMU contract with the U.S. Air Force. ASDC for
Windows has been completely re-written but incorporates some code from the original program.
The original ASDC program was written in C++ and developed for use with the DOS operating

ASDC for Windows is an interactive, menu-driven program written in Smart C++ language that
can be run on computers with the Microsoft Windows operating system. A software product called
DevExpress was used to create the graphics code in the ASDC for Windows program. The program
can be run on Windows 8 or higher version of Windows operating system.

ASDC is based upon well-established procedures for design of counter-current air stripping units
for water treatment. The program includes a cost model. Consideration of capital and operating
costs enables evaluation of optimum designs with respect to cost.

This chapter describes the operation and functions of the ASDC for Windows program. There are
two basic ways of running the program, referred to below as Standard Sequential Execution and
Quick Start Execution.

While the ASDC program has been constructed with care, it is furnished “as is” and with absolutely
no warranty, expressed or implied. The entire risk associated with the use of ASDC is with the
user. All information generated by the program should be evaluated independently by the user as
to its accuracy, completeness, reliability and suitability for any particular purpose.

4.2 System Requirements

4.2.1 Hardware
 Minimum Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster x64-processor
 Minimum RAM: 4 GB
 Minimum Disk Space: 8 GB

Page 39 of 100
4.2.2 Supported Operating Systems
The software requires a 64-bit operating system and is supported by Windows 8 x64, Windows
Server 2016 x64, Windows Server 2019 x64, and Windows 10 x64.

4.3 Installation
The following is a step-by-step installation guide. Please note minor differences will exist
depending on the operating system. The installation guide is prepared with a system running
windows 10 64-bit.

Step 1: Run Installer

Figure 4-1. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup wizard

Step 2: Press Next to Check Software Prerequisites

Figure 4-2. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup prerequisites

Page 40 of 100
Step 3: Start Installing Prerequisites by pressing the Next Button

Step 3-1: Allow Installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express by Pressing Yes Button

Figure 4-3. Screenshot of ASDC user account control

Step 3-2: Select a location for extracting installation files for SQL 2019 Express

Figure 4-4. Screenshot of Directory chosen for extracted files

Step 3-3: Select to install a new SQL instance by pressing “New SQL Server stand-alone
installation or add features to an existing installation” under “Installation”

Figure 4-5. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation center

Page 41 of 100
Step 3-4: Accept Microsoft Software License Terms

Figure 4-6. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL license terms

Step 3-5: Check for SQL Server 2019 Updates and the press “Next”

Figure 4-7. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server setup

Page 42 of 100
Step 3-6: Select all instance features to be installed by pressing “Select All” and then “Next”

Figure 4-8. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL feature selection

Step 3-7: Select an instance name for the SQL 2019 Server by default it is “SQLExpress”, if other
instances are installed, use a different instance name.

Figure 4-9. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL instance configuration

Page 43 of 100
Step 3-8: Keep default values under server configuration and press “Next”

Figure 4-10. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server configuration

Step 3-9: Keep default values under Database Engine Configuration. If an administrator is not
specified under SQL Server administrators, press “Add Current User” and the press “Next”

Figure 4-11. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL database engine configuration

Page 44 of 100
Step 3-10: Installation of SQL Server 2019 will initiate

Figure 4-12. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation progress

Step 3-11: After SQL Server 2019 Installation is completed close the SQL Server Installation Main
Menu by pressing the X (close) button located at the top right corner.

Figure 4-13. Screenshot of ASDC Windows - SQL server installation setup

Page 45 of 100
Step 4: After the installation of the prerequisites, the ASDC-Windows setup welcome screen will
pop-up. Press “Next” to continue the installation

Figure 4-14. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup wizard

Step 5: Please accept the end-user license agreement to continue with installation and then press

Figure 4-15. Screenshot of ASDC Windows license agreement

Page 46 of 100
Step 6: Select an installation directory for the ASDC-Windows and then press “Next”

Figure 4-16. Screenshot of ASDC Windows setup installation folder

Page 47 of 100
Step 7: Install the software by pressing the “Install” button and accepting the setup to make changes
to your device by selecting “Yes” on the “User Account Control” screen.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 4-17. Screenshots for step 7 of the installation of the ASDC-Windows: (a) installing ASDC
windows after prerequisites are installed and program location was selected, (b) installation is
preparing package, (c) accept changes to your device and (d) setup extracts necessary files

Page 48 of 100
Step 8: Close setup screen once installation is done by pressing the “Finish” button at completion

Figure 4-18. Screenshot of ASDC Windows installation setup wizard

Page 49 of 100
4.4 Program Functions
The ASDC for Windows program has interactive menus and on-screen help and instructions,
making most operations self-explanatory. When guidance is needed, the Operation Manual can be
accessed by pressing the HELP function tab which will result in a drop-down menu consisting of
Manual and details about the License agreement.

4.4.1 Standard Sequential Execution

The home screen of the ASDC for Windows program consists of various tabs in series which
allows the user to enter the data and select the scenario for which they would like the design and
estimate the cost.

Figure 4-19. Screenshot of ASDC home screen

4.4.2 New Scenario Specification
This function enables specification of the new scenario upon which the air stripper design is
named. A new scenario can be started from either the contaminant tab or the packing tab or design
parameter tab. The users are provided with an option to start a scenario from any of three tabs as
mentioned above and then carry on the program by adding other data.

4.4.3 Starting a New Scenario with Contaminant Selection

The contaminant can be selected by starting a new scenario and then entering the concentrations
of the influent and effluent streams. Selection of compounds is performed by scrolling through the
contaminant drop down menu list and pressing the left mouse key to select. The program permits
a selection of up to 10 contaminants. Once all contaminants of interest have been selected, the user
inputs the inlet concentration and the desired outlet concentration for each of the selected

Page 50 of 100
contaminant. Then the user saves the scenario details using the ‘Save’ function. This enables the
user to access and modify changes to the design criteria specified in the program. Next step is to
select the packing material which can done using the edit menu in the packing tab.

Figure 4-20. Screenshot of contaminant – new scenario

In the packing tab, the user goes to the edit menu and selects the packing material after loading the
scenario entered. The complete description is provided in the Section under the editing

After choosing the packing material, the design parameters are to be given by the user which can
be done by going to the edit menu under the design parameter tab, loading the scenario and entering
the parameters as described in the Section under the editing scenario.

4.4.4 Starting a New Scenario with Packing Material Selection

This function enables selection of a packing material and its properties for subsequent air stripping
design calculations. Approximately 60 different packing materials available from several
manufacturers (Ceilcote, Glitsch, Jaeger, Koch, Lantec and Norton) are listed in a dropdown menu
list. Selection of a packing material is performed by loading the scenario to display the
contaminants saved during the previous step and scrolling through the dropdown menu and
clicking on the packing material of interest. Only one kind of packing material can be specified
for a scenario. After selecting a packing material click on ‘Save’ to save the selected packing
material to the design scenario. The selected packing material will be displayed in the Scenario
Properties table displayed on the top-right corner of the ASDC for Windows program screen.

Page 51 of 100
Properties reported by manufacturers of the various packing materials have been compiled in a
database and are displayed in the bottom-right corner of the ASDC for Windows program. A
critical surface tension value of 61 dynes/cm is used for ceramic packings and a value of 33
dynes/cm for all the other packings.

After creating a new scenario with a packing material, we can go to the contaminant or design
parameter menu and input the contaminant and the design parameters in the edit tab of the
respective menu options as described in Sections and respectively.

Figure 4-21. Screenshot of packing – new scenario

4.4.5 Starting a New Scenario with Design Parameters
This function specifies the values for important design parameters to perform the design
calculations for removal of the specified contaminants using the selected packing material. Upon
selection of the ‘Design Parameters’ tab the user clicks on the ‘New Scenario’ tab and types the
Scenario for which the contaminants and packing materials have to be selected.

The user then specifies the water flow rate, water temperature, ambient air pressure and ranges of
the variable design parameters R (stripping factor) and ∆P (gas pressure drop). A default value of
1.2 is recommended for the KLa safety factor and hence is already available in the field. After all
the design parameters have been specified click on ‘Save’ to save the values to the selected
scenario. The selected design properties can be seen in the Scenario Properties table on the top
right-hand corner of the ASDC program screen. Select ‘Reset Fields’ to clear any unsaved changes
made to the design parameters for the specified scenario.

Page 52 of 100
For selecting the main design contaminant, the ASDC software performs a set of design
calculations for the compound having the highest NTU (Number of Transfer Units) and R
(Stripping factor) greater than 1. The protocol used to select the design contaminant is explained
in Section 2.2.

After creating a new scenario under the design parameter tab with the design parameters entered
by the user, contaminant and packing material needs to be selected by the user. This is done by
going to the edit tab under the contaminant and packing menu, loading the scenario created and
inputting the contaminant to be treated and the packing material to be used in the design
respectively. For detailed description, refer to Sections and for selecting
contaminant or packing material respectively.

Figure 4-22. Screenshot of design parameter – new scenario

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4.4.6 Air Stripper Design
After selecting the contaminant, packing material and the design parameters, the user chooses the
air stripper design by loading the scenario for which the air stripper is to be designed under the
“Air Stripper Design” tab. Specify the design contaminant or press the ‘AutoSelect’ option for the
program to select the most appropriate contaminant based on the NTU value and the stripping
factor, using the protocol explained in Section 2.2. Select a file name and folder for where the
report is to be saved.

For the cost calculations, the time span and interest per year are given by default as 20 years and
10%, both of which can be altered by the user. Check the required boxes from the six options
provided and click the ‘Design Air Stripper’ button.

Figure 4-23. Screenshot of air stripper design tab

4.4.7 Scenario Viewer – to View Report
After the ‘Design Air Stripper’ is clicked, the program develops a report with the optimal air
stripper design, cost estimate, and predicted removals for the contaminants to be treated. One can
use the ‘Scenario Viewer’ menu to view flowcharts, tables and various other information generated
by the program. A complete explanation of the output report generation can be viewed in Section

4.4.8 Edit Scenario – to Edit an Existing Scenario for Another Run

In the case of any corrections or changes to be made in design conditions, the ASDC program
comes with an option to edit the entered data.

Page 54 of 100 Edit Contaminant Entered

The program permits the user to edit, delete and reset compounds to the existing list of
contaminants. For this, the user selects the ‘Edit Scenario’ function under the Contaminant tab in
the main menu screen.

Figure 4-24. Screenshot of contaminant – edit scenario tab

To enter a new contaminant, click on the ‘New Contaminant’ tab under the properties –
contaminant tab. The compound name and values for its properties are to be entered in the space
provided; use the ‘Save’ function to add the new contaminant to the database of the existing list of
contaminants. New compounds added will be sorted alphabetically, according to the first capital
letter in the compound name.

Figure 4-25. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – new contaminant tab

Page 55 of 100
To edit the compound properties, click on the “Existing Contaminant” tab and select the compound
that needs to be edited using the dropdown menu. This will display the existing properties of the
selected compound. Next, edit the required properties and click on ‘Save Edits’ to save changes
made to the existing contaminant. Select ‘Clear/Refresh’ to clear any unsaved changes to the

To delete a compound from the database, click on the existing contaminant tab and select the
contaminant from the dropdown menu list and click ‘Delete’ to remove the contaminant from the

Figure 4-26. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – existing contaminant tab

Properties relevant to prediction of air-water exchange have been compiled in a database for each
of the compounds in the menu. The table in the top right-hand corner of the ASDC for Windows
screen lists the properties included in the database. The property values for individual compounds
are presented in the table for each compound. Most of the properties are for use in the Onda
correlation for prediction of mass transfer coefficients. The Antoine constants, critical temperature
and critical pressure are used to estimate the variation of the Henry’s Law equilibrium constant
with temperature. Some additional properties relevant to the environmental fate and transport of
the compound are also included for the user’s information.

Page 56 of 100
Figure 4-27. Screenshot of contaminant – edit – contaminant property tab Edit Packing material

The user can add, edit or delete packing materials and their property values. To edit the packing
material name and/or properties select the “Edit Scenario” tab under Packing and select a scenario
from the drop-down option and click “Load”.

Figure 4-28. Screenshot of packing – edit – existing packing material

To input a new packing material, click on the ‘New Packing’ tab on the screen. The packing
material name and values for its properties are typed in the spaces provided and use the ‘Save’
function to add the new packing material to the database of the existing list of packing materials.
New packing materials added will be sorted alphabetically, according to the first capital letter in
the packing material name.

Page 57 of 100
To edit the packing material name and/or properties, click on the ‘Edit Packing’ tab on the screen
and select the packing material to be edited from a drop down list of packing materials and click
on ‘Load’ to display the existing properties of the packing material on the screen. Make the
corrections on the existing properties as desired and press the ‘Save’ key to save the changes made
to the packing material. The updated properties for the packing material will be displayed in the
database on the right side of the screen. Select ‘Reset Fields’ to clear any unsaved changes to the
existing packing material.

To delete a packing material from the database, click on the ‘Edit Packing’ tab and ‘Load’ the
packing material from a drop-down menu list and click ‘Delete’ to remove the packing material
from the database. Edit Design Parameters

To edit the design parameters, click on the ‘Edit Scenario’ tab on the screen and select the packing
material to be edited from a dropdown list of packing materials and click on ‘Load’ to display the
existing properties of the packing material on the screen. Make the corrections on the existing
properties as desired and press the ‘Save’ key to save the changes made to the packing material.
The updated properties for the packing material will be displayed in the database on the right side
of the screen. Select ‘Reset Fields’ to clear any unsaved changes to the existing packing material.

Figure 4-29. Screenshot of design parameter – edit scenario tab

Page 58 of 100
The ASDC for Windows program also provides an option for the user to override the program’s
choice of design contaminant. Select the ‘Main Contaminant’ tab under ‘Design Parameter’ and
after ‘Loading’ the design scenario select the desired design contaminant from a dropdown list of
the contaminants specified in the scenario and click ‘Edit’ to save the desired contaminant as the
design contaminant.

Figure 4-30. Screenshot of design parameter – main contaminant tab

4.4.9 Quick Start
The Quick Start menu is displayed to the right of the ASDC for Windows home screen which
allows the user to execute the program swiftly if the user is familiar with the functions of the

Figure 4-31. Screenshot of ASDC home screen – quick start

Page 59 of 100 Scenario Selection

Once the Quick Start option is selected, a pop-up screen displays, asking for scenario name that
needs to be entered by the user. The scenario name can consist of letters, numbers and special
characters. After entering the scenario name, press the proceed button for contamination selection.

Figure 4-32. Screenshot of quick start – scenario name Contaminant Selection

The next step of the Quick Start is selecting the contaminant(s) for which the air stripper is to be
designed. A pop-up screen displays fields for selecting the contaminant using the dropdown menu.

(a) (b)
Figure 4-33. Screenshot of quick start – contaminant selection (a) before selection of contaminants
and (b) after selection of contaminants
The influent concentration of the contaminant to be treated is to be given in parts per billion (ppb)
units and the desired effluent concentration is to be entered as well.

Page 60 of 100
Figure 4-34. Screenshot of quick start – contaminant influent and effluent concentration
Press the ‘Proceed’ button to continue to the next step. Packing Material Selection

The next step in the process is selecting the packing material from the given list using the drop-
down button.

Press the ‘Proceed’ button after selecting the packing material from the list shown above to
continue to the design parameters.

Figure 4-35. Screenshot of quick start – packing material selection Design parameters

After selecting the packing material, the program now asks for the design parameters for which
the design cost will be estimated. Values such as flow rate, water temperature, ambient pressure,
safety factor are to be entered by the user.

Page 61 of 100
Figure 4-36. Screenshot of quick start – design parameters
The ranges for stripping factor and pressure drop need to be provided along with the value by
which the values are to be incremented.

After entering the characteristic design parameters, press the ‘Auto-Select’ button for the program
to select the most appropriate contaminant to be treated. This auto-selection is performed by the
software based on NTU and stripping factor explained in Section 2.2. Report Generation

Once we click the proceed button, a report is generated having the details of the contaminant to be
removed along with design parameters and cost estimates. A complete explanation of the output
report generation can be viewed in Section 4.4.10.

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4.4.10 Output and Report Options
The output generated using either the Standard Sequential Execution or Quick Start will give same
report. However, using standard sequential execution process includes much more than the report
such as a flowchart, table and so on using the tab ‘Scenario Viewer’.

Figure 4-37. Screenshot of home screen – scenario viewer

The figure above shows the different options that can be generated and analyzed from the program.
The design summary would generate a spreadsheet containing the design tower output, i.e. tower
height, column height and the diameter for different stripping factors and pressure drop as shown
in figure 4-42.

Figure 4-38. Screenshot of design summary excel sheet

The design outlet concentrations options would generate the effluent output concentration that is
achieved by the design and the packing material entered.

Page 63 of 100
The estimated cost option provides the user with a cost tree or charts as shown below. Two
different types of charts can be generated, namely: Line Plot and Pie chart.

Figure 4-39. Screenshot of design estimated cost display options

The line plot can be plotted either between cost and stripping factor, keeping a constant pressure
drop or between cost and pressure drop at a constant stripping factor. The figure below shows a
line plot plotted between cost and stripping factor at a pressure drop of 60.

Figure 4-40. Screenshot of line plot

Page 64 of 100
Using a pointer by dragging over the different stripping factor values, the program displays the
cost at the particular stripping factor and given pressure drop as shown below. This can be used to
observe which stripping factor and pressure drop would give the least expensive design cost for
the required air stripper.

Figure 4-41. Screenshot of line plot – interpretation

The pie chart requires the user to specify a particular stripping factor and pressure drop unlike the
line plot. The pie chart shows the distribution of cost in terms of percentages as shown below.

Figure 4-42. Screenshot of pie chart

The “Design: Report” generates the report with the every possible detail obtained and calculated
from the user specfications. The report includes the scneario name, the date on which the report
was generated, the contaminant list, contaminant concentrations, the packing materials, the design
parameters such as Henry’s Law constant, vapor pressure and the cost for the air stripper to be

Page 65 of 100
Figures 4-43 to 4-46 present the screenshots of the report generated by the program for an example
case: two contaminants, Acenapthene and Benzene, with the packing material Tellerette #2 type
K. The report consists of four pages.

The first page of the report contains all the basic design parameters and the contaminant properties
as well. Here, only the property of benzene is displayed since out of the two selected contaminants,
benzene is more volatile and based on the principle described in Section 2.2 it was selected as the
design contaminant.

The second page of the rerport contains the packing material details along with mass transfer and
physical propertes of water displayed. The third and the fourth pages of the report contain
quantitative information of the contaminant to be removed and the cost estimates for the given
case, respectively.

Every page of the report conatins a header displaying the stripping factor and the pressure drop for
which the report is generated and a footer containing information such as the scenario name, page
number and the date on which the report was generated.

The “Design: Final Report” generates a report for the design with the estimated lowest overall
cost. This can be used as the optimum design for the entered conditions by the user to find the
system that achieves the design objectives at minimum cost.

Page 66 of 100
Figure 4-43. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 1

Page 67 of 100
Figure 4-44. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 2

Page 68 of 100
Figure 4-45. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 3

Page 69 of 100
Figure 4-46. Sample of ASDC Design Summer Report Page 4

Page 70 of 100
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Apendix A: Water Pump Characteristic Curves

Figure A1. Type 1 pump characteristic curves

Figure A2. Type 2 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A3. Type 3 pump characteristic curves

Figure A4. Type 4 pump characteristic curves

Page 75 of 100
Figure A5. Type 5 pump characteristic curves

Figure A6. Type 6 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A7. Type 7 pump characteristic curves

Figure A8. Type 8 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A9. Type 9 pump characteristic curves

Figure A10. Type 10 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A11. Type 11 pump characteristic curves

Figure A12. Type 12 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A13. Type 13 pump characteristic curves

Figure A14. Type 14 pump characteristic curves

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Figure A15. Type 15 pump characteristic curves

Figure A16. Type 16 pump characteristic curves

Page 81 of 100
Apendix B: Fan Capacity Tables
Table B1. Type 1 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
200 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.49 0.54 0.60 0.65 0.71 0.78 0.91 1.04
250 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.61 0.67 0.74 0.80 0.87 1.00 1.14
300 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.62 0.68 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.96 1.11 1.26
350 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.25 0.31 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.56 0.62 0.69 0.76 0.83 0.91 0.98 1.06 1.22 1.38
400 0.13 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.7 0.77 0.85 0.92 1.00 1.08 1.16 1.33 1.50
450 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.86 0.94 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.27 1.44 1.63
500 0.21 0.28 0.34 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.05 1.13 1.22 1.31 1.40 1.58 1.77
550 0.26 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.73 0.81 0.90 0.98 1.07 1.16 1.25 1.35 1.44 1.53 1.73 1.93
600 0.33 0.41 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.92 1.01 1.10 1.19 1.28 1.38 1.48 1.58 1.68 1.89 2.10
650 0.40 0.49 0.58 0.66 0.75 0.84 0.94 1.03 1.13 1.23 1.32 1.42 1.52 1.62 1.73 1.84 2.05 2.27
700 0.49 0.58 0.67 0.77 0.86 0.95 1.06 1.16 1.26 1.36 1.47 1.57 1.68 1.79 1.89 2.00 2.23 2.46
750 0.59 0.69 0.79 0.89 0.98 1.08 1.19 1.29 1.40 1.51 1.62 1.73 1.85 1.96 2.07 2.19 2.42 2.66
800 0.71 0.80 0.91 1.02 1.12 1.23 1.33 1.44 1.56 1.67 1.79 1.91 2.03 2.15 2.27 2.39 2.63 2.87
850 0.83 0.94 1.05 1.16 1.27 1.39 1.50 1.61 1.73 1.85 1.97 2.10 2.22 2.34 2.47 2.60 2.86 3.11
900 0.98 1.08 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.79 1.91 2.04 2.17 2.30 2.43 2.56 2.69 2.82 3.09 3.37
950 1.13 1.25 1.37 1.50 1.62 1.75 1.87 2.00 2.12 2.24 2.38 2.52 2.65 2.79 2.93 3.07 3.34 3.63
1000 1.31 1.43 1.55 1.69 1.82 1.95 2.09 2.22 2.35 2.48 2.61 2.75 2.89 3.04 3.18 3.33 3.62 3.91
1050 1.50 1.63 1.76 1.89 2.03 2.17 2.31 2.45 2.59 2.73 2.86 3.00 3.14 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.91 4.21
1100 1.72 1.85 1.98 2.12 2.27 2.42 2.56 2.71 2.85 3.00 3.14 3.28 3.42 3.57 3.73 3.89 4.21 4.53
1150 1.95 2.09 2.23 2.36 2.52 2.67 2.83 2.98 3.13 3.28 3.43 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.20 4.53 4.86
1200 2.20 2.35 2.49 2.63 2.79 2.95 3.11 3.27 3.43 3.59 3.75 3.90 4.06 4.22 4.37 4.53 4.87 5.22
1250 2.47 2.63 2.78 2.93 3.08 3.25 3.42 3.59 3.75 3.92 4.08 4.25 4.41 4.57 4.73 4.90 5.23 5.59
1300 2.77 2.93 3.09 3.24 3.40 3.57 3.75 3.92 4.09 4.27 4.44 4.61 4.78 4.95 5.12 5.29 5.63 5.98
1350 3.08 3.25 3.42 3.58 3.74 3.91 4.10 4.28 4.46 4.64 4.82 4.99 5.17 5.35 5.53 5.71 6.05 6.40
1400 3.43 3.60 3.77 3.94 4.11 4.28 4.47 4.66 4.84 5.03 5.22 5.40 5.59 5.77 5.96 6.14 6.51 6.87
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B2. Type 2 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
500 0.11 0.19 0.26 0.35 0.44 0.53 0.62 0.73 0.83 0.94 1.05 1.17 1.28 1.40 1.52 1.65 1.90 2.16
600 0.16 0.24 0.33 0.43 0.53 0.63 0.73 0.84 0.95 1.07 1.19 1.32 1.44 1.58 1.71 1.84 2.12 2.40
700 0.22 0.31 0.41 0.52 0.63 0.74 0.86 0.98 1.10 1.23 1.35 1.48 1.62 1.75 1.90 2.04 2.34 2.65
800 0.29 0.40 0.51 0.63 0.75 0.87 0.99 1.13 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 1.82 1.97 2.11 2.26 2.57 2.90
900 0.39 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.88 1.02 1.16 1.29 1.44 1.59 1.74 1.89 2.04 2.20 2.36 2.52 2.85 3.18
1000 0.50 0.63 0.76 0.90 1.04 1.19 1.34 1.49 1.64 1.79 1.95 2.12 2.29 2.45 2.62 2.79 3.15 3.50
1100 0.63 0.78 0.92 1.07 1.22 1.38 1.54 1.70 1.87 2.03 2.20 2.37 2.54 2.73 2.91 3.09 3.46 3.84
1200 0.79 0.95 1.11 1.27 1.42 1.59 1.77 1.94 2.12 2.30 2.48 2.66 2.84 3.02 3.21 3.41 3.80 4.21
1300 0.98 1.15 1.32 1.49 1.66 1.83 2.02 2.21 2.40 2.58 2.78 2.97 3.17 3.36 3.56 3.76 4.16 4.59
1400 1.20 1.37 1.56 1.75 1.93 2.11 2.29 2.49 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.31 3.52 3.73 3.94 4.15 4.58 5.01
1500 1.45 1.63 1.83 2.03 2.23 2.43 2.62 2.81 3.03 3.25 3.47 3.68 3.90 4.12 4.35 4.57 5.03 5.48
1600 1.73 1.93 2.13 2.35 2.56 2.77 2.98 3.19 3.40 3.62 3.50 4.08 4.32 4.55 4.78 5.02 5.50 5.99
1700 2.05 2.26 2.47 2.70 2.92 3.15 3.38 3.60 3.82 4.04 4.27 4.52 4.77 5.01 5.26 5.51 6.00 6.51
1800 2.41 2.63 2.85 3.09 3.33 3.57 3.80 4.04 4.28 4.51 4.74 4.99 5.25 5.51 5.77 6.03 6.55 7.08
1900 2.81 3.04 3.27 3.51 3.77 4.02 4.28 4.52 4.78 5.03 5.27 5.51 5.76 6.04 6.31 6.59 7.14 7.69
2000 3.25 3.5 3.73 3.98 4.25 4.52 4.78 5.05 5.31 5.57 5.84 6.10 6.35 6.61 6.89 7.19 7.76 8.35
2100 3.74 3.99 4.25 4.50 4.78 5.06 5.34 5.62 5.90 6.17 6.45 6.72 7.00 7.27 7.54 7.82 8.43 9.04
2200 4.27 4.54 4.80 5.07 5.35 5.64 5.94 6.23 6.52 6.81 7.11 7.39 7.68 7.97 8.26 8.54 9.13 9.77
2300 4.85 5.13 5.41 5.69 5.96 6.27 6.58 6.89 7.20 7.50 7.81 8.11 8.41 8.71 9.01 9.32 9.91 10.54
2400 5.49 5.78 6.07 6.37 6.65 6.96 7.28 7.60 7.92 8.24 8.56 8.87 9.19 9.51 9.83 10.14 10.76 11.38
2500 6.17 6.48 6.79 7.09 7.39 7.69 8.03 8.37 8.70 9.03 9.37 9.69 10.02 10.36 10.69 11.01 11.67 12.32
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B3. Type 3 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
800 0.18 0.30 0.42 0.56 0.70 0.85 0.99 1.15 1.32 1.49 1.67 1.85 2.04 2.22 2.42 2.61 3.01 3.42
900 0.23 0.35 0.49 0.64 0.79 0.94 1.11 1.27 1.44 1.62 1.81 2.00 2.20 2.39 2.60 2.80 3.22 3.66
1000 0.28 0.42 0.57 0.72 0.88 1.05 1.22 1.40 1.58 1.77 1.95 2.15 2.36 2.57 2.78 3.00 3.45 3.90
1100 0.34 0.49 0.65 0.82 0.98 1.16 1.35 1.53 1.73 1.93 2.13 2.33 2.54 2.75 2.97 3.20 3.67 4.15
1200 0.42 0.57 0.75 0.92 1.10 1.29 1.48 1.68 1.89 2.09 2.31 2.52 2.74 2.96 3.19 3.41 3.90 4.40
1300 0.50 0.67 0.85 1.04 1.23 1.43 1.63 1.84 2.06 2.27 2.50 2.72 2.95 3.19 3.42 3.66 4.15 4.65
1400 0.60 0.78 0.97 1.17 1.37 1.58 1.80 2.01 2.23 2.46 2.70 2.94 3.17 3.42 3.67 3.92 4.43 4.95
1500 0.70 0.90 1.10 1.31 1.53 1.75 1.97 2.20 2.43 2.66 2.92 3.16 3.41 3.67 3.92 4.19 4.72 5.27
1600 0.82 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.69 1.92 2.16 2.40 2.65 2.89 3.13 3.40 3.67 3.93 4.20 4.47 5.03 5.60
1700 0.96 1.19 1.41 1.63 1.87 2.12 2.37 2.62 2.87 3.13 3.39 3.65 3.92 4.20 4.49 4.77 5.34 5.93
1800 1.11 1.35 1.59 1.82 2.06 2.32 2.59 2.84 3.12 3.39 3.66 3.93 4.21 4.49 4.78 5.08 5.69 6.29
1900 1.29 1.53 1.78 2.03 2.28 2.55 2.82 3.09 3.37 3.66 3.95 4.23 4.52 4.81 5.09 5.41 6.03 6.67
2000 1.47 1.73 2.00 2.26 2.52 2.78 3.07 3.36 3.65 3.94 4.24 4.55 4.85 5.15 5.45 5.75 6.39 7.05
2100 1.68 1.94 2.22 2.50 2.78 3.05 3.34 3.64 3.95 4.25 4.56 4.87 5.19 5.51 5.82 6.14 6.78 7.46
2200 1.91 2.17 2.47 2.76 3.05 3.34 3.62 3.94 4.26 4.57 4.89 5.22 5.54 5.87 6.21 6.54 7.21 7.87
2300 2.15 2.43 2.74 3.04 3.34 3.65 3.94 4.25 4.58 4.92 5.26 5.59 5.91 6.26 6.61 6.96 7.65 8.35
2400 2.42 2.71 3.02 3.34 3.66 3.98 4.29 4.60 4.93 5.28 5.63 5.98 6.32 6.67 7.03 7.39 8.11 8.84
2500 2.71 3.01 3.33 3.67 4.00 4.33 4.66 4.98 5.30 5.66 6.02 6.39 6.75 7.11 7.47 7.84 8.59 9.34
2600 3.02 3.33 3.66 4.01 4.36 4.70 5.04 5.38 5.72 6.06 6.44 6.82 7.19 7.57 7.94 8.32 9.09 9.88
2700 3.36 3.69 4.02 4.38 4.74 5.10 5.45 5.81 6.16 6.51 6.87 7.26 7.66 8.04 8.43 8.83 9.60 10.42
2800 3.72 4.06 4.39 4.77 5.14 5.52 5.89 6.26 6.62 6.99 7.34 7.73 8.14 8.54 8.95 9.35 10.16 10.99
2900 4.10 4.46 4.81 5.19 5.58 5.96 6.35 6.73 7.11 7.49 7.86 8.24 8.64 9.07 9.48 9.90 10.74 11.58
3000 4.52 4.89 5.25 5.63 6.04 6.43 6.83 7.23 7.62 8.02 8.40 8.79 9.18 9.60 10.05 10.47 11.35 12.21
3100 4.96 5.34 5.71 6.09 6.52 6.93 7.34 7.75 8.17 8.57 8.98 9.37 9.77 10.18 10.62 11.07 11.97 12.87
3200  5.43  5.82  6.21  6.59  7.02  7.46  7.88  8.30  8.72  9.15  9.57  9.99  10.4  10.82  11.22  11.68  12.62  13.54 
3100 5.93 6.34 6.74 7.13 7.56 8.01 8.45 8.88 9.32 9.76 10.2 10.62 11.06 11.48 11.91 12.33 13.30 14.25
3400  6.46  6.87  7.29  7.70  8.13  8.59  9.04  9.50  9.95  10.4  10.84  11.29  11.74  12.19 12.62 13.06 13.99 14.99
3500  7.02  7.45  7.86  8.30  8.73  9.20  9.67  10.14  10.6  11.07  11.53  11.99  12.45  12.91 13.36 13.82 14.71 15.73
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B4. Type 4 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
600 0.09 0.18 0.28 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
700 0.12 0.21 0.31 0.43 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
800 0.14 0.24 0.35 0.47 0.61 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
900 0.18 0.28 0.40 0.53 0.66 0.81 0.97 * * * * * * * * * * *
1000 0.22 0.33 0.46 0.59 0.73 0.88 1.05 1.22 1.40 * * * * * * * * *
1100 0.26 0.39 0.52 0.66 0.81 0.96 1.13 1.31 1.49 1.68 1.88 * * * * * * *
1200 0.32 0.45 0.59 0.74 0.89 1.05 1.23 1.41 1.59 1.79 2.00 2.21 2.42 * * * * *
1300 0.38 0.52 0.67 0.82 0.99 1.16 1.33 1.52 1.71 1.91 2.12 2.34 2.56 2.79 3.02 * * *
1400 0.45 0.60 0.76 0.92 1.09 1.27 1.45 1.64 1.84 2.05 2.26 2.47 2.70 2.94 3.18 3.42 * *
1500 0.53 0.69 0.86 1.03 1.21 1.39 1.58 1.78 1.98 2.19 2.41 2.64 2.86 3.10 3.34 3.60 4.11 4.65
1600 0.62 0.79 0.97 1.15 1.33 1.53 1.72 1.93 2.14 2.35 2.58 2.81 3.04 3.28 3.53 3.78 4.31 4.86
1700 0.72 0.90 1.09 1.28 1.47 1.67 1.88 2.09 2.31 2.53 2.75 2.99 3.23 3.48 3.73 3.99 4.51 5.07
1800 0.84 1.03 1.22 1.42 1.62 1.83 2.04 2.26 2.49 2.72 2.95 3.19 3.43 3.69 3.95 4.21 4.75 5.31
1900 0.96 1.16 1.36 1.57 1.79 2.00 2.22 2.45 2.68 2.92 3.16 3.41 3.65 3.91 4.18 4.45 5.00 5.57
2000 1.10 1.31 1.52 1.74 1.96 2.19 2.42 2.65 2.89 3.13 3.39 3.64 3.90 4.16 4.42 4.69 5.27 5.85
2100 1.25 1.47 1.69 1.92 2.15 2.39 2.63 2.87 3.11 3.36 3.62 3.89 4.15 4.42 4.69 4.97 5.54 6.14
2200 1.41 1.64 1.88 2.11 2.36 2.60 2.85 3.10 3.35 3.61 3.88 4.15 4.42 4.70 4.98 5.26 5.84 6.45
2300 1.59 1.83 2.08 2.32 2.57 2.83 3.09 3.35 3.61 3.88 4.15 4.42 4.70 4.99 5.28 5.57 6.17 6.77
2400 1.78 2.04 2.29 2.55 2.81 3.07 3.34 3.61 3.88 4.16 4.44 4.72 5.00 5.30 5.60 5.90 6.51 7.13
2500 1.99 2.26 2.52 2.79 3.06 3.33 3.61 3.89 4.17 4.45 4.74 5.03 5.33 5.63 5.93 6.24 6.87 7.51
2600 2.22 2.49 2.77 3.04 3.32 3.61 3.89 4.18 4.47 4.77 5.07 5.37 5.67 5.98 6.28 6.60 7.25 7.91
2700 2.47 2.75 3.03 3.32 3.61 3.90 4.20 4.49 4.79 5.10 5.41 5.71 6.03 6.34 6.66 6.98 7.64 8.32
2800 2.73 3.02 3.31 3.61 3.91 4.21 4.52 4.83 5.13 5.45 5.76 6.08 6.40 6.73 7.05 7.38 8.05 8.74
2900 3.01 3.31 3.62 3.92 4.23 4.54 4.86 5.17 5.49 5.82 6.14 6.47 6.80 7.13 7.47 7.81 8.49 9.19
3000  3.31  3.62  3.94  4.25  4.57  4.89  5.22  5.54  5.87  6.21  6.54  6.88  7.22  7.56  7.90  8.25  8.95  9.66 
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B5. Type 5 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
800 0.13 0.23 0.36 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
900 0.15 0.27 0.40 0.54 0.70 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1000 0.18 0.30 0.44 0.59 0.75 0.93 * * * * * * * * * * * *
1100 0.22 0.35 0.49 0.64 0.81 0.99 1.19 * * * * * * * * * * *
1200 0.26 0.39 0.54 0.70 0.88 1.06 1.26 1.47 * * * * * * * * * *
1300 0.30 0.45 0.61 0.77 0.95 1.14 1.34 1.55 1.78 2.01 * * * * * * * *
1400 0.35 0.51 0.67 0.85 1.03 1.23 1.44 1.65 1.88 2.11 2.36 2.61 * * * * * *
1500 0.41 0.58 0.75 0.93 1.12 1.32 1.54 1.76 1.98 2.22 2.48 2.73 3.00 * * * * *
1600 0.48 0.65 0.83 1.02 1.22 1.43 1.64 1.87 2.11 2.35 2.60 2.87 3.14 3.42 3.70 * * *
1700 0.55 0.73 0.92 1.12 1.33 1.54 1.76 1.99 2.24 2.49 2.74 3.00 3.28 3.57 3.86 4.16 * *
1800 0.63 0.82 1.02 1.23 1.44 1.66 1.89 2.13 2.37 2.63 2.90 3.17 3.44 3.72 4.02 4.33 4.95 5.60
1900 0.71 0.92 1.13 1.34 1.57 1.79 2.03 2.28 2.53 2.79 3.06 3.34 3.62 3.90 4.20 4.50 5.15 5.81
2000 0.81 1.02 1.24 1.47 1.70 1.93 2.18 2.43 2.69 2.95 3.22 3.51 3.80 4.10 4.40 4.70 5.34 6.02
2100 0.92 1.14 1.37 1.60 1.84 2.09 2.34 2.60 2.86 3.13 3.41 3.70 4.00 4.30 4.61 4.92 5.56 6.24
2200 1.03 1.26 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.51 2.77 3.05 3.33 3.61 3.90 4.20 4.51 4.83 5.15 5.81 6.48
2300 1.15 1.40 1.64 1.90 2.16 2.42 2.69 2.96 3.24 3.53 3.82 4.12 4.42 4.73 5.05 5.39 6.06 6.75
2400 1.29 1.54 1.80 2.06 2.33 2.60 2.88 3.16 3.45 3.74 4.04 4.35 4.66 4.98 5.29 5.63 6.32 7.03
2500 1.44 1.70 1.97 2.24 2.52 2.80 3.08 3.37 3.67 3.97 4.28 4.59 4.91 5.24 5.56 5.89 6.59 7.31
2600 1.59 1.87 2.14 2.43 2.71 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.21 4.52 4.84 5.18 5.50 5.84 6.18 6.87 7.61
2700 1.76 2.04 2.33 2.62 2.92 3.22 3.52 3.83 4.14 4.46 4.78 5.11 5.45 5.79 6.13 6.48 7.18 7.92
2800 1.94 2.24 2.53 2.83 3.14 3.45 3.76 4.08 4.40 4.73 5.06 5.39 5.73 6.08 6.43 6.79 7.51 8.25
2900 2.14 2.44 2.75 3.06 3.37 3.69 4.02 4.34 4.67 5.01 5.34 5.69 6.03 6.39 6.75 7.12 7.85 8.61
3000 2.34 2.66 2.97 3.30 3.62 3.95 4.28 4.62 4.96 5.30 5.65 6.00 6.35 6.71 7.08 7.45 8.21 8.99
3100 2.56 2.89 3.21 3.54 3.88 4.22 4.56 4.91 5.25 5.61 5.96 6.32 6.68 7.05 7.42 7.81 8.58 9.37
3200  2.80  3.13  3.47  3.81  4.15  4.50  4.85  5.21  5.57  5.93  6.29  6.66  7.04  7.41  7.79  8.17  8.97  9.77 
3300 3.05 3.39 3.74 4.09 4.44 4.80 5.16 5.53 5.89 6.27 6.64 7.01 7.40 7.78 8.17 8.56 9.36 10.19
3400  3.31  3.67  4.02  4.38  4.75  5.11  5.48  5.86  6.24  6.61  7.00  7.39  7.77  8.17 8.56 8.96 9.77 10.61
3500  3.59  3.96  4.32  4.69  5.06  5.44  5.82  6.2  6.59  6.98  7.38  7.77  8.17  8.57 8.98 9.38 10.21 11.06
3600  3.89  4.26  4.64  5.02  5.40  5.79  6.17  6.57  6.97  7.36  7.77  8.18  8.58  8.99 9.41 9.82 10.67 11.52
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B6. Type 6 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
1000 0.16 0.29 0.45 0.62 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1150 0.20 0.34 0.50 0.69 0.88 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1300 0.25 0.40 0.57 0.76 0.96 1.19 * * * * * * * * * * * *
1450 0.31 0.47 0.65 0.85 1.06 1.29 1.53 1.78 * * * * * * * * * *
1600 0.37 0.55 0.74 0.95 1.17 1.40 1.65 1.91 2.19 2.48 * * * * * * * *
1750 0.45 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.29 1.54 1.79 2.06 2.34 2.63 2.94 3.25 * * * * * *
1900 0.54 0.75 0.96 1.19 1.43 1.68 1.95 2.22 2.51 2.80 3.12 3.44 3.77 4.11 * * * *
2050 0.64 0.86 1.09 1.33 1.59 1.85 2.11 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.31 3.63 3.98 4.33 4.69 5.05 * *
2200 0.76 0.99 1.24 1.49 1.75 2.03 2.31 2.59 2.90 3.22 3.54 3.87 4.21 4.56 4.93 5.30 6.08 *
2350 0.89 1.14 1.40 1.66 1.94 2.22 2.52 2.82 3.12 3.44 3.78 4.13 4.47 4.83 5.19 5.57 6.36 7.18
2500 1.03 1.30 1.57 1.85 2.14 2.43 2.74 3.05 3.37 3.70 4.04 4.39 4.75 5.12 5.49 5.87 6.66 7.50
2650 1.19 1.48 1.76 2.06 2.36 2.67 2.98 3.30 3.64 3.98 4.32 4.68 5.05 5.43 5.82 6.21 7.00 7.83
2800 1.38 1.67 1.97 2.28 2.60 2.92 3.24 3.58 3.92 4.28 4.68 5.00 5.37 5.75 6.15 6.55 7.38 8.22
2950 1.58 1.89 2.20 2.53 2.85 3.19 3.53 3.88 4.21 4.60 4.96 5.34 5.72 6.11 6.50 6.92 7.76 8.63
3100 1.79 2.12 2.45 2.79 3.13 3.48 3.83 4.19 4.56 4.93 5.31 5.70 6.10 6.50 6.90 7.31 8.17 9.07
3250 2.03 2.38 2.72 3.07 3.43 3.79 4.16 4.53 4.91 5.29 5.69 6.09 6.50 6.91 7.32 7.75 8.60 9.51
3400 2.30 2.65 3.01 3.38 3.75 4.12 4.51 4.90 5.29 5.68 6.08 6.49 6.91 7.34 7.77 8.20 9.09 9.98
3550 2.58 2.95 3.33 3.70 4.09 4.48 4.88 5.28 5.68 6.09 6.51 6.93 7.35 7.79 8.23 8.68 9.59 10.52
3700 2.89 3.27 3.66 4.06 4.46 4.86 5.27 5.69 6.11 6.53 6.96 7.39 7.83 8.27 8.73 9.19 10.13 11.07
3850 3.22 3.62 4.02 4.43 4.85 5.27 5.69 6.12 6.56 6.99 7.43 7.88 8.33 8.78 9.25 9.72 10.68 11.66
4000 3.58 3.99 4.41 4.84 5.27 5.70 6.14 6.59 7.03 7.48 7.94 8.39 8.86 9.33 9.80 10.27 11.26 12.27
4150 3.96 4.39 4.83 5.27 5.71 6.16 6.61 7.07 7.53 8.00 8.46 8.94 9.42 9.90 10.38 10.87 11.86 12.90
4300 4.37 4.82 5.27 5.73 6.19 6.65 7.12 7.58 8.06 8.54 9.02 9.51 10.00 10.5 10.99 11.50 12.52 13.56
4450 4.81 5.28 5.75 6.21 6.68 7.16 7.65 8.13 8.62 9.11 9.61 10.11 10.62 11.13 11.64 12.16 13.20 14.25
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B7. Type 7 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
1200 0.19 0.35 0.54 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1350 0.23 0.40 0.59 0.81 1.05 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1500 0.28 0.46 0.66 0.88 1.13 1.39 * * * * * * * * * * * *
1650 0.33 0.52 0.73 0.97 1.21 1.49 1.76 * * * * * * * * * * *
1800 0.39 0.59 0.82 1.06 1.32 1.59 1.89 2.20 * * * * * * * * * *
1950 0.46 0.68 0.91 1.16 1.43 1.71 2.01 2.33 2.66 3.01 * * * * * * * *
2100 0.53 0.77 1.01 1.27 1.55 1.84 2.15 2.47 2.81 3.16 3.53 3.91 * * * * * *
2250 0.62 0.87 1.13 1.40 1.69 1.98 2.30 2.64 2.97 3.33 3.71 4.10 4.49 4.90 * * * *
2400 0.72 0.98 1.25 1.54 1.83 2.14 2.46 2.81 3.16 3.52 3.89 4.29 4.70 5.12 5.54 * * *
2550 0.83 1.10 1.39 1.68 1.99 2.31 2.65 2.99 3.36 3.73 4.11 4.50 4.91 5.34 5.78 6.23 * *
2700 0.94 1.24 1.54 1.85 2.16 2.50 2.84 3.20 3.56 3.95 4.34 4.75 5.16 5.57 6.03 6.49 7.42 8.39
2850 1.08 1.38 1.70 2.02 2.35 2.70 3.05 3.42 3.79 4.18 4.59 5.00 5.42 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.71 8.71
3000 1.22 1.54 1.87 2.21 2.55 2.91 3.28 3.65 4.04 4.43 4.84 5.27 5.70 6.15 6.60 7.06 8.01 9.02
3150 1.38 1.72 2.06 2.41 2.77 3.14 3.51 3.90 4.30 4.71 5.12 5.55 5.99 6.45 6.91 7.38 8.34 9.35
3300 1.56 1.90 2.26 2.63 3.00 3.38 3.77 4.17 4.58 5.00 5.42 5.86 6.30 6.76 7.24 7.72 8.71 9.72
3450 1.74 2.11 2.48 2.86 3.25 3.64 4.04 4.45 4.87 5.31 5.74 6.19 6.64 7.10 7.58 8.08 9.08 10.12
3600 1.95 2.33 2.71 3.11 3.51 3.92 4.33 4.75 5.18 5.63 6.08 6.53 7.00 7.47 7.94 8.44 9.47 10.54
3750 2.17 2.56 2.96 3.37 3.79 4.21 4.64 5.07 5.51 5.96 6.42 6.90 7.37 7.86 8.35 8.85 9.89 10.96
3900 2.4 2.81 3.23 3.65 4.08 4.52 4.96 5.41 5.86 6.32 6.80 7.28 7.77 8.27 8.77 9.28 10.31 11.42
4050 2.66 3.08 3.52 3.95 4.40 4.85 5.30 5.77 6.23 6.71 7.19 7.68 8.18 8.69 9.21 9.73 10.78 11.88
4200 2.94 3.38 3.82 4.27 4.73 5.19 5.66 6.14 6.62 7.11 7.60 8.10 8.62 9.14 9.66 10.20 11.28 12.38
4350 3.23 3.68 4.14 4.61 5.08 5.56 6.05 6.53 7.03 7.53 8.04 8.55 9.06 9.60 10.14 10.69 11.80 12.93
4500 3.54 4.01 4.48 4.96 5.45 5.94 6.45 6.95 7.46 7.97 8.49 9.02 9.54 10.09 10.64 11.20 12.34 13.49
4650 3.88 4.36 4.85 5.35 5.85 6.35 6.86 7.38 7.90 8.44 8.97 9.51 10.05 10.60 11.15 11.73 12.89 14.07
4800  4.23  4.73  5.24  5.74  6.26  6.78  7.30  7.84  8.38  8.92  9.46  10.01  10.58  11.14  11.71  12.28  13.46  14.67 
4950 4.61 5.12 5.64 6.17 6.70 7.23 7.77 8.32 8.87 9.43 9.99 10.56 11.13 11.70 12.28 12.87 14.07 15.30
5100  5.01  5.53  6.07  6.61  7.16  7.70  8.26  8.82  9.39  9.96  10.53  11.11  11.70  12.29 12.88 13.47 14.69 15.95
5250  5.43  5.97  6.52  7.08  7.64  8.20  8.77  9.35  9.93  10.51  11.10  11.69  12.29  12.90 13.50 14.11 15.35 16.63
5400  5.88  6.44  7.00  7.57  8.15  8.72  9.31  9.90  10.49  11.08  11.69  12.29  12.91  13.53 14.15 14.78 16.04 17.32
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B8. Type 8 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
1500 0.24 0.44 0.67 0.93 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1700 0.30 0.51 0.75 1.01 1.31 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1900 0.36 0.59 0.84 1.11 1.42 1.74 * * * * * * * * * * * *
2100 0.43 0.68 0.94 1.23 1.54 1.87 2.23 2.6 * * * * * * * * * *
2300 0.52 0.78 1.06 1.36 1.68 2.02 2.38 2.77 3.18 * * * * * * * * *
2500 0.62 0.90 1.19 1.51 1.84 2.19 2.57 2.95 3.37 3.8 4.24 * * * * * * *
2700 0.73 1.03 1.34 1.67 2.01 2.37 2.76 3.16 3.57 4.01 4.48 4.94 5.43 * * * * *
2900 0.85 1.17 1.50 1.84 2.20 2.58 2.98 3.39 3.82 4.26 4.71 5.20 5.70 6.21 6.73 * * *
3100 1.00 1.33 1.68 2.04 2.42 2.81 3.21 3.63 4.08 4.54 5.00 5.48 5.98 6.50 7.05 7.59 * *
3300 1.16 1.51 1.88 2.26 2.65 3.06 3.47 3.91 4.35 4.82 5.31 5.80 6.30 6.81 7.37 7.93 9.08 10.26
3500 1.33 1.70 2.09 2.49 2.89 3.32 3.75 4.2 4.66 5.13 5.64 6.14 6.66 7.18 7.72 8.28 9.46 10.67
3700 1.53 1.92 2.33 2.74 3.17 3.60 4.05 4.52 4.99 5.48 5.97 6.50 7.03 7.57 8.13 8.69 9.85 11.11
3900 1.74 2.16 2.58 3.01 3.46 3.91 4.37 4.86 5.34 5.85 6.35 6.87 7.42 7.99 8.56 9.13 10.31 11.54
4100 1.98 2.41 2.86 3.31 3.77 4.24 4.72 5.21 5.72 6.24 6.76 7.30 7.84 8.41 8.99 9.59 10.80 12.05
4300 2.24 2.69 3.15 3.63 4.11 4.60 5.09 5.60 6.12 6.66 7.20 7.75 8.30 8.87 9.46 10.07 11.32 12.59
4500 2.52 3.00 3.48 3.97 4.47 4.98 5.49 6.02 6.55 7.09 7.65 8.22 8.80 9.39 9.97 10.57 11.85 13.17
4700 2.83 3.32 3.82 4.33 4.85 5.38 5.91 6.45 7.00 7.56 8.14 8.72 9.32 9.91 10.53 11.13 12.41 13.75
4900 3.16 3.67 4.19 4.72 5.26 5.81 6.36 6.92 7.49 8.06 8.65 9.25 9.86 10.48 11.10 11.73 13.02 14.36
5100 3.52 4.05 4.59 5.14 5.70 6.26 6.84 7.41 8.00 8.59 9.19 9.80 10.42 11.06 11.70 12.35 13.68 15.01
5300 3.91 4.46 5.02 5.59 6.17 6.75 7.34 7.93 8.54 9.15 9.77 10.39 11.02 11.67 12.33 13.00 14.36 15.74
5500 4.32 4.90 5.47 6.06 6.66 7.26 7.87 8.49 9.11 9.74 10.37 11.01 11.67 12.32 13.00 13.68 15.07 16.47
5700 4.76 5.36 5.96 6.57 7.18 7.80 8.43 9.07 9.71 10.36 11.00 11.67 12.33 13.01 13.68 14.39 15.81 17.26
5900 5.24 5.85 6.48 7.10 7.73 8.38 9.02 9.68 10.34 11.01 11.68 12.36 13.04 13.73 14.43 15.12 16.58 18.06
6100 5.75 6.38 7.03 7.67 8.32 8.99 9.65 10.33 11.00 11.68 12.38 13.07 13.78 14.48 15.19 15.92 17.39 18.90
6300  6.29  6.95  7.61  8.28  8.94  9.62  10.3  11.00  11.70  12.40  13.11  13.83  14.55  15.28  16.01  16.74  18.23  19.78 
6500 6.86 7.54 8.22 8.91 9.60 10.29 11.0 11.70 12.43 13.16 13.88 14.61 15.34 16.10 16.84 17.61 19.14 20.69
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B9. Type 9 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
2000 0.34 0.59 0.88 1.20 1.55 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2250 0.42 0.69 0.99 1.32 1.68 2.07 * * * * * * * * * * * *
2500 0.51 0.80 1.11 1.46 1.83 2.23 2.66 * * * * * * * * * * *
2750 0.62 0.93 1.26 1.62 2.01 2.42 2.85 3.32 3.80 * * * * * * * * *
3000 0.74 1.07 1.43 1.81 2.20 2.63 3.08 3.54 4.04 4.56 5.09 * * * * * * *
3250 0.88 1.24 1.61 2.01 2.42 2.86 3.33 3.81 4.30 4.83 5.39 5.94 6.53 * * * * *
3500 1.04 1.42 1.82 2.23 2.67 3.12 3.59 4.09 4.61 5.14 5.68 6.27 6.87 7.48 8.10 * * *
3750 1.22 1.62 2.04 2.48 2.93 3.41 3.89 4.40 4.93 5.48 6.05 6.62 7.22 7.85 8.49 9.15 * *
4000 1.42 1.85 2.29 2.75 3.22 3.71 4.22 4.74 5.28 5.85 6.43 7.03 7.63 8.25 8.91 9.59 10.96 12.40
4250 1.64 2.09 2.57 3.04 3.54 4.05 4.58 5.12 5.67 6.24 6.84 7.46 8.08 8.72 9.37 10.03 11.46 12.92
4500 1.89 2.37 2.87 3.37 3.88 4.41 4.96 5.52 6.10 6.68 7.28 7.91 8.56 9.21 9.88 10.56 11.95 13.45
4750 2.17 2.67 3.19 3.72 4.25 4.81 5.36 5.94 6.54 7.15 7.76 8.39 9.04 9.73 10.41 11.11 12.55 14.01
5000 2.47 3.00 3.54 4.09 4.65 5.22 5.81 6.40 7.02 7.65 8.29 8.93 9.59 10.27 10.98 11.70 13.17 14.68
5250 2.80 3.36 3.92 4.50 5.08 5.68 6.29 6.90 7.53 8.18 8.84 9.51 10.18 10.87 11.57 12.31 13.82 15.37
5500 3.17 3.75 4.33 4.93 5.54 6.16 6.79 7.43 8.08 8.74 9.43 10.11 10.81 11.52 12.24 12.96 14.49 16.08
5750 3.57 4.17 4.78 5.40 6.04 6.68 7.33 7.99 8.67 9.34 10.04 10.75 11.47 12.20 12.94 13.68 15.21 16.84
6000 4.00 4.62 5.26 5.91 6.56 7.23 7.91 8.59 9.28 9.98 10.70 11.42 12.17 12.91 13.67 14.45 16.01 17.61
6250 4.46 5.11 5.78 6.45 7.13 7.82 8.52 9.22 9.93 10.66 11.39 12.14 12.89 13.67 14.44 15.24 16.84 18.47
6500 4.97 5.65 6.33 7.02 7.73 8.44 9.17 9.90 10.63 11.38 12.13 12.89 13.67 14.45 15.25 16.07 17.72 19.38
6750 5.51 6.21 6.93 7.64 8.36 9.10 9.85 10.61 11.36 12.13 12.91 13.70 14.48 15.29 16.09 16.94 18.63 20.35
7000 6.08 6.81 7.55 8.29 9.04 9.81 10.58 11.36 12.14 12.92 13.73 14.54 15.35 16.18 17.01 17.84 19.57 21.35
7250 6.71 7.46 8.23 9.00 9.77 10.56 11.34 12.14 12.95 13.77 14.59 15.42 16.27 17.10 17.94 18.81 20.56 22.37
7500 7.38 8.15 8.93 9.74 10.54 11.34 12.15 12.97 13.81 14.65 15.49 16.35 17.21 18.08 18.95 19.83 21.61 23.46
7750 8.08 8.88 9.70 10.52 11.34 12.17 13.00 13.86 14.72 15.59 16.44 17.32 18.20 19.09 20.00 20.89 22.72 24.58
8000  8.84  9.66  10.5  11.34  12.19  13.05  13.91  14.79  15.66  16.55  17.44  18.35  19.26  20.17  21.09  22.01  23.88  25.78 
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B10. Type 10 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
2300 0.38 0.67 1.01 1.40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2600 0.47 0.79 1.14 1.53 1.97 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2900 0.57 0.91 1.28 1.70 2.13 2.62 3.13 * * * * * * * * * * *
3200 0.69 1.05 1.45 1.88 2.34 2.82 3.35 3.91 * * * * * * * * * *
3500 0.83 1.22 1.64 2.08 2.56 3.07 3.60 4.17 4.77 5.38 * * * * * * * *
3800 0.99 1.41 1.85 2.32 2.81 3.34 3.89 4.46 5.06 5.70 6.36 7.03 * * * * * *
4100 1.16 1.62 2.08 2.58 3.09 3.63 4.20 4.80 5.41 6.04 6.71 7.41 8.12 8.86 * * * *
4400 1.37 1.85 2.34 2.86 3.40 3.96 4.54 5.15 5.79 6.44 7.11 7.80 8.54 9.30 10.07 10.84 * *
4700 1.60 2.10 2.63 3.17 3.73 4.32 4.92 5.53 6.19 6.87 7.57 8.27 9.00 9.76 10.55 11.35 13.00 *
5000 1.86 2.39 2.95 3.51 4.09 4.70 5.33 5.98 6.63 7.32 8.05 8.78 9.52 10.28 11.05 11.87 13.57 15.34
5300 2.14 2.70 3.29 3.88 4.49 5.12 5.77 6.44 7.12 7.81 8.54 9.30 10.08 10.87 11.65 12.47 14.16 15.97
5600 2.46 3.05 3.66 4.29 4.92 5.58 6.24 6.94 7.64 8.37 9.10 9.86 10.65 11.46 12.29 13.12 14.82 16.63
5900 2.81 3.43 4.07 4.73 5.38 6.06 6.76 7.47 8.20 8.95 9.71 10.49 11.27 12.10 12.95 13.81 15.56 17.36
6200 3.19 3.84 4.51 5.19 5.88 6.59 7.31 8.04 8.79 9.57 10.35 11.14 11.96 12.77 13.63 14.52 16.31 18.17
6500 3.60 4.29 4.99 5.69 6.42 7.16 7.89 8.65 9.42 10.22 11.04 11.85 12.69 13.54 14.38 15.25 17.11 19.02
6800 4.06 4.78 5.5 6.24 6.99 7.76 8.52 9.31 10.11 10.91 11.75 12.59 13.46 14.34 15.21 16.11 17.95 19.90
7100 4.56 5.30 6.06 6.83 7.60 8.39 9.19 10.00 10.83 11.67 12.51 13.37 14.27 15.17 16.08 16.98 18.84 20.81
7400 5.10 5.86 6.65 7.44 8.25 9.08 9.90 10.75 11.60 12.46 13.32 14.20 15.12 16.05 16.97 17.91 19.83 21.78
7700 5.68 6.48 7.28 8.11 8.95 9.80 10.66 11.53 12.41 13.29 14.19 15.08 16.01 16.96 17.92 18.89 20.86 22.85
8000 6.30 7.13 7.97 8.83 9.70 10.56 11.46 12.35 13.25 14.17 15.09 16.02 16.97 17.93 18.90 19.91 21.92 23.98
8300 6.96 7.83 8.70 9.59 10.47 11.38 12.29 13.23 14.15 15.09 16.05 17.02 17.98 18.96 19.94 20.96 23.04 25.14
8600 7.68 8.57 9.49 10.39 11.32 12.25 13.19 14.15 15.11 16.07 17.05 18.03 19.03 20.05 21.07 22.09 24.20 26.37
8900 8.45 9.37 10.31 11.26 12.2 13.17 14.14 15.12 16.11 17.10 18.11 19.14 20.15 21.18 22.23 23.27 25.40 27.61
9200 9.27 10.22 11.19 12.15 13.14 14.14 15.14 16.13 17.15 18.18 19.22 20.26 21.32 22.38 23.45 24.52 26.70 28.95
9500  10.13  11.12  12.13  13.11  14.13  15.15  16.18  17.22  18.25  19.32  20.39  21.45  22.52  23.62  24.70  25.81  28.03  30.30 
9800 11.06 12.09 13.11 14.15 15.17 16.22 17.29 18.35 19.43 20.52 21.59 22.69 23.80 24.91 26.03 27.18 29.45 31.76
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B11. Type 11 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
2700 0.32 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3050 0.39 0.68 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3400 0.46 0.78 1.13 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3750 0.55 0.89 1.26 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4100 0.65 1.02 1.41 1.83 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4450 0.77 1.15 1.57 2.01 2.48 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4800 0.89 1.31 1.74 2.21 2.70 3.21 * * * * * * * * * * * *
5150 1.04 1.48 1.94 2.42 2.93 3.46 4.01 * * * * * * * * * * *
5500 1.20 1.67 2.16 2.65 3.18 3.74 4.30 4.89 * * * * * * * * * *
5850 1.38 1.88 2.39 2.91 3.46 4.03 4.61 5.23 5.85 * * * * * * * * *
6200 1.58 2.10 2.65 3.19 3.75 4.35 4.96 5.59 6.23 6.89 * * * * * * * *
6550 1.81 2.35 2.92 3.49 4.08 4.69 5.32 5.97 6.63 7.31 8.01 * * * * * * *
6900 2.05 2.62 3.21 3.82 4.43 5.05 5.70 6.38 7.06 7.77 8.48 9.21 9.96 * * * * *
7250 2.33 2.90 3.52 4.16 4.80 5.44 6.12 6.82 7.52 8.25 8.97 9.72 10.50 11.28 * * * *
7600 2.62 3.22 3.87 4.53 5.21 5.87 6.55 7.27 8.01 8.75 9.50 10.27 11.06 11.87 12.68 * * *
7950 2.94 3.57 4.23 4.93 5.62 6.32 7.02 7.75 8.51 9.28 10.06 10.85 11.66 12.47 13.31 14.17 * *
8300 3.29 3.94 4.62 5.34 6.07 6.80 7.53 8.27 9.03 9.83 10.64 11.46 12.28 13.12 13.97 14.82 16.62 *
8650 3.67 4.33 5.04 5.79 6.54 7.31 8.06 8.84 9.61 10.40 11.25 12.08 12.93 13.79 14.68 15.55 17.37 19.24
9000 4.08 4.77 5.50 6.26 7.04 7.84 8.63 9.43 10.23 11.03 11.88 12.74 13.62 14.51 15.40 16.31 18.16 20.04
9350 4.52 5.23 5.98 6.77 7.58 8.39 9.23 10.04 10.87 11.71 12.56 13.42 14.33 15.23 16.15 17.08 18.97 20.91
9700 4.99 5.73 6.48 7.31 8.14 8.99 9.85 10.69 11.54 12.40 13.28 14.16 15.06 16.00 16.95 17.91 19.83 21.83
10050 5.49 6.26 7.05 7.87 8.73 9.59 10.49 11.37 12.27 13.14 14.03 14.94 15.84 16.82 17.77 18.77 20.75 22.78
10400 6.03 6.82 7.63 8.48 9.36 10.25 11.17 12.09 13.00 13.91 14.83 15.75 16.69 17.63 18.62 19.65 21.66 23.75
10750 6.61 7.43 8.26 9.11 10.02 10.95 11.87 12.83 13.78 14.73 15.66 16.62 17.59 18.54 19.52 20.55 22.63 24.75
11100  7.22  8.07  8.91  9.78  10.72  11.67  12.62  13.6  14.60  15.58  16.55  17.52  18.49  19.50  20.49  21.52  23.63  25.80 
11450 7.87 8.74 9.61 10.52 11.46 12.43 13.43 14.42 15.43 16.43 17.44 18.44 19.45 20.47 21.49 22.55 24.68 26.89
11800  8.56  9.46  10.36  11.27  12.22  13.23  14.24  15.27  16.30  17.34  18.39  19.43  20.47  21.50 22.55 23.61 25.73 28.01
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B12. Type 12 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
3300 0.39 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3700 0.46 0.82 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4100 0.55 0.93 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4500 0.64 1.05 1.51 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4900 0.75 1.18 1.67 2.18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5300 0.87 1.34 1.84 2.37 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5700 1.00 1.50 2.03 2.59 3.18 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6100 1.15 1.69 2.23 2.82 3.43 4.07 * * * * * * * * * * * *
6500 1.32 1.88 2.45 3.06 3.71 4.37 5.06 * * * * * * * * * * *
6900 1.51 2.10 2.71 3.32 4.00 4.69 5.39 6.13 * * * * * * * * * *
7300 1.72 2.33 2.97 3.62 4.31 5.03 5.76 6.51 7.30 * * * * * * * * *
7700 1.94 2.59 3.27 3.94 4.65 5.38 6.15 6.92 7.72 8.57 * * * * * * * *
8100 2.20 2.86 3.57 4.29 5.00 5.77 6.56 7.36 8.19 9.03 9.91 * * * * * * *
8500 2.47 3.17 3.90 4.65 5.40 6.17 6.98 7.82 8.66 9.53 10.43 11.36 * * * * * *
8900 2.77 3.48 4.24 5.03 5.82 6.61 7.43 8.31 9.17 10.07 10.90 11.91 12.87 * * * * *
9300 3.09 3.83 4.62 5.45 6.26 7.08 7.92 8.80 9.72 10.63 11.58 12.53 13.50 14.50 15.52 * * *
9700 3.45 4.21 5.02 5.88 6.73 7.58 8.45 9.33 10.27 11.21 12.19 13.15 14.17 15.17 16.20 17.25 * *
10100 3.82 4.60 5.46 6.33 7.23 8.11 9.01 9.92 10.85 11.84 12.83 13.82 14.84 15.88 16.94 18.00 * *
10500 4.23 5.05 5.91 6.82 7.74 8.68 9.60 10.53 11.48 12.48 13.49 14.54 15.56 16.64 17.70 18.80 21.05 *
10900 4.67 5.51 6.40 7.34 8.28 9.25 10.22 11.18 12.15 13.15 14.19 15.25 16.34 17.42 18.51 19.61 21.87 24.25
11300 5.14 6.01 6.91 7.88 8.85 9.86 10.86 11.86 12.85 13.86 14.92 16.02 17.11 18.22 19.35 20.48 22.78 25.20
11700 5.65 6.54 7.47 8.45 9.46 10.50 11.52 12.57 13.59 14.65 15.69 16.78 17.94 19.05 20.21 21.38 23.75 26.16
12100 6.18 7.11 8.04 9.07 10.11 11.16 12.25 13.30 14.37 15.43 16.52 17.62 18.76 19.94 21.13 22.30 24.73 27.22
12500 6.75 7.70 8.69 9.72 10.78 11.87 12.96 14.09 15.17 16.27 17.40 18.51 19.63 20.85 22.04 23.29 25.75 28.26
12900  7.36  8.33  9.34  10.40  11.48  12.59  13.74  14.87  16.00  17.14  18.27  19.46  20.62  21.79  23.02  24.26  26.79  29.36 
13300 8.00  9.02 10.03 11.11 12.23 13.37 14.53 15.70 16.89 18.04 19.21 20.40 21.60 22.81 24.03 25.30 27.90 30.50
13700  8.67  9.72  10.77  11.85  13.02  14.18  15.39  16.59  17.79  19.01  20.19  21.41  22.62  23.87 25.08 26.37 29.00 31.71
14100  9.40  10.47  11.56  12.67  13.85  15.04  16.24  17.49  18.73  19.97  21.23  22.46  23.7  24.95 26.24 27.49 30.17 32.91
14500  10.17  11.25  12.38  13.51  14.7  15.92  17.16  18.42  19.70  20.99  22.26  23.54  24.82  26.11 27.4 28.73 31.37 34.18
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B13. Type 13 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
4500 0.56 1.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5000 0.66 1.13 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5500 0.78 1.28 1.84 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6000 0.91 1.44 2.04 2.66 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6500 1.05 1.63 2.25 2.90 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7000 1.22 1.84 2.48 3.17 3.90 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7500 1.41 2.07 2.73 3.45 4.22 5.01 * * * * * * * * * * * *
8000 1.62 2.31 3.10 3.77 4.56 5.37 6.22 * * * * * * * * * * *
8500 1.85 2.58 3.33 4.09 4.92 5.78 6.65 7.55 * * * * * * * * * *
9000 2.10 2.87 3.67 4.46 5.30 6.20 7.09 8.04 9.01 * * * * * * * * *
9500 2.40 3.19 4.03 4.86 5.72 6.64 7.58 8.55 9.54 10.56 * * * * * * * *
10000 2.71 3.53 4.41 5.29 6.18 7.13 8.08 9.10 10.10 11.14 12.22 * * * * * * *
10500 3.05 3.91 4.81 5.75 6.67 7.61 8.63 9.67 10.71 11.80 12.89 14.03 * * * * * *
11000 3.43 4.31 5.25 6.23 7.19 8.17 9.21 10.26 11.35 12.45 13.58 14.73 15.91 * * * * *
11500 3.83 4.75 5.73 6.73 7.75 8.76 9.80 10.91 12.01 13.15 14.33 15.47 16.67 17.92 19.19 * * *
12000 4.27 5.21 6.22 7.29 8.34 9.40 10.46 11.55 12.72 13.91 15.10 16.29 17.5 18.74 20.06 21.35 * *
12500 4.76 5.72 6.77 7.85 8.97 10.04 11.16 12.29 13.46 14.66 15.90 17.13 18.38 19.66 20.95 22.28 * *
13000 5.26 6.27 7.35 8.46 9.61 10.74 11.91 13.06 14.23 15.48 16.72 17.99 19.29 20.61 21.94 23.25 26.07 *
13500 5.82 6.86 7.97 9.11 10.29 11.5 12.66 13.86 15.08 16.29 17.61 18.93 20.23 21.59 22.92 24.31 27.12 30.02
14000 6.40 7.48 8.61 9.79 11.02 12.25 13.47 14.73 15.96 17.21 18.49 19.85 21.24 22.60 23.97 25.40 28.24 31.18
14500 7.04 8.15 9.29 10.52 11.79 13.04 14.32 15.60 16.87 18.17 19.51 20.85 22.23 23.64 25.10 26.53 29.44 32.46
15000 7.71 8.87 10.03 11.30 12.59 13.90 15.21 16.53 17.86 19.17 20.55 21.87 23.31 24.76 26.22 27.69 30.69 33.73
15500 8.43 9.63 10.82 12.11 13.43 14.75 16.12 17.50 18.88 20.24 21.63 22.99 24.41 25.91 27.37 28.88 31.96 35.08
16000 9.20 10.42 11.64 12.96 14.30 15.68 17.10 18.52 19.94 21.31 22.75 24.16 25.62 27.05 28.60 30.16 33.27 36.48
16500  10.01  11.27  12.54  13.86  15.25  16.69  18.13  19.56  21.04  22.46  23.95  25.41  26.87  28.34  29.86  31.47  34.67  37.91 
17000 10.86 12.15 13.46 14.82 16.24 17.70 19.15 20.67 22.17 23.65 25.14 26.65 28.16 29.68 31.25 32.76 36.05 39.37
17500  11.77  13.09  14.45  15.81  17.28  18.75  20.26  21.79  23.34  24.88  26.43  27.98  29.55  31.06 32.62 34.24 37.53 40.94
18000  12.75  14.10  15.49  16.87  18.35  19.89  21.45  22.99  24.55  26.17  27.75  29.36  30.92  32.53 34.15 36.76 39.05 42.48
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B14. Type 14 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
5100 0.61 1.13 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5750 0.74 1.29 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6400 0.88 1.47 2.14 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7050 1.04 1.67 2.37 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7700 1.23 1.91 2.65 3.43 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8350 1.44 2.17 2.95 3.78 4.65 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
9000 1.68 2.47 3.27 4.14 5.04 6.00 * * * * * * * * * * * *
9650 1.94 2.79 3.63 4.53 5.49 6.47 7.51 * * * * * * * * * * *
10300 2.25 3.12 4.03 4.96 5.97 6.98 8.05 9.16 * * * * * * * * * *
10950 2.58 3.50 4.47 5.46 6.48 7.54 8.54 9.78 10.95 * * * * * * * * *
11600 2.97 3.93 4.95 5.96 7.02 8.14 9.29 10.45 11.64 12.89 * * * * * * * *
12250 3.37 4.38 5.45 6.53 7.62 8.76 9.93 11.15 12.40 13.66 14.99 * * * * * * *
12900 3.84 4.89 6.00 7.12 8.27 9.43 10.64 11.92 13.22 14.50 15.83 17.22 18.64 * * * * *
13550 4.34 5.42 6.58 7.76 8.97 10.16 11.42 12.72 14.04 15.42 16.75 18.17 19.63 21.09 * * * *
14200 4.88 5.99 7.22 8.45 9.70 10.96 12.25 13.55 14.93 16.32 17.76 19.18 20.63 22.16 23.7 * * *
14850 5.49 6.65 7.88 9.18 10.51 11.80 13.11 14.45 15.86 17.31 18.75 20.28 21.78 23.31 24.86 26.47 * *
15500 6.12 7.33 8.61 9.95 11.31 12.67 14.06 15.42 16.82 18.33 19.83 21.36 22.92 24.50 26.10 27.71 31.01 *
16150 6.83 8.08 9.38 10.77 12.20 13.63 15.04 16.47 17.94 19.39 20.95 22.54 24.16 25.74 27.39 29.05 32.39 35.93
16800 7.58 8.86 10.23 11.66 13.12 14.61 16.08 17.56 19.05 20.57 22.16 23.76 25.37 27.07 28.71 30.43 33.86 37.46
17450 8.39 9.72 11.10 12.60 14.10 15.62 17.20 18.71 20.26 21.79 23.40 25.01 26.69 28.44 30.14 31.85 35.39 38.97
18100 9.26 10.64 12.04 13.59 15.12 16.71 18.30 19.90 21.51 23.11 24.73 26.37 28.11 29.86 31.62 33.38 37.03 40.72
18750 10.19 11.61 13.09 14.64 16.24 17.85 19.51 21.19 22.82 24.48 26.16 27.80 29.51 31.33 33.14 34.96 38.65 42.44
19400 11.18 12.68 14.16 15.73 17.41 19.05 20.78 22.49 24.18 25.90 27.59 29.35 31.06 32.84 34.71 36.59 40.39 44.22
20050 12.26 13.77 15.32 16.93 18.64 20.35 22.10 23.80 25.64 27.38 29.13 30.96 32.73 34.50 36.33 38.26 42.18 46.12
20700  13.38  14.96  16.55  18.18  19.92  21.70  23.47  25.26  27.13  28.97  30.79  32.62  34.45  36.28  38.18  39.99  44.03  48.08 
21350 14.56 16.19 17.85 19.51 21.26 23.07 24.90 26.76 28.64 30.60 32.44 34.34 36.16 38.13 40.01 41.96 45.92 50.09
22000  15.85  17.52  19.21  20.89  22.72  24.54  26.45  28.39  30.27  32.23  34.15  36.12  38.08  39.96 41.98 43.91 47.95 52.15
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B15. Type 15 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
6000 0.68 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6800 0.82 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7600 0.97 1.68 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8400 1.16 1.90 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
9200 1.36 2.16 3.05 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
10000 1.59 2.46 3.38 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
10800 1.86 2.78 3.73 4.78 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
11600 2.16 3.15 4.16 5.24 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
12400 2.49 3.54 4.61 5.72 6.90 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
13200 2.88 3.96 5.10 6.26 7.47 8.79 * * * * * * * * * * * *
14000 3.31 4.42 5.64 6.85 8.10 9.46 10.81 * * * * * * * * * * *
14800 3.79 4.94 6.21 7.48 8.77 10.15 11.57 13.04 * * * * * * * * * *
15600 4.31 5.50 6.82 8.18 9.51 10.91 12.37 13.91 15.47 * * * * * * * * *
16400 4.89 6.10 7.48 8.89 10.3 11.76 13.25 14.81 16.39 * * * * * * * * *
17200 5.51 6.74 8.21 9.67 11.16 12.66 14.15 15.74 17.39 19.10 * * * * * * * *
18000 6.20 7.48 8.95 10.50 12.07 13.60 15.17 16.80 18.49 20.21 21.98 23.79 * * * * * *
18800 6.93 8.29 9.78 11.37 13.02 14.64 16.23 17.88 19.57 21.36 23.20 25.08 26.92 * * * * *
19600 7.74 9.13 10.65 12.29 13.98 15.68 17.39 19.06 20.84 22.62 24.46 26.41 28.32 30.24 * * * *
20400 8.62 10.05 11.57 13.30 15.03 16.81 18.56 20.30 22.09 23.91 25.83 27.78 29.76 31.75 33.75 * * *
21200 9.56 11.05 12.59 14.37 16.14 17.97 19.83 21.65 23.45 25.35 27.20 29.20 31.24 33.30 35.37 37.52 * *
22000 10.57 12.10 13.70 15.49 17.35 19.21 21.15 22.99 24.93 26.84 28.77 30.71 32.78 34.90 37.04 39.17 * *
22800 11.64 13.22 14.86 16.68 18.56 20.51 22.51 24.46 26.41 28.39 30.39 32.40 34.42 36.55 38.75 40.95 45.51 *
23600 12.79 14.46 16.14 17.92 19.89 21.87 23.95 25.98 28.01 29.99 32.07 34.15 36.24 38.33 40.61 42.88 47.48 52.09
24400 14.01 15.72 17.44 19.23 21.29 23.34 25.45 27.52 29.68 31.74 33.81 35.97 38.13 40.29 42.43 44.78 49.51 54.24
25200  15.35  17.11  18.86  20.69  22.74  24.82  27.01  29.16  31.41  33.55  35.70  37.85  40.08  42.31  44.52  46.81  51.59  56.46 
26000 16.73 18.53 20.36 22.21 24.27 26.43 28.64 30.87 33.13 35.43 37.65 39.88 42.10 44.40 46.69 48.94 53.73 58.73
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

Page 96 of 100
Table B16. Type 16 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
8000 0.95 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
9000 1.14 1.99 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
10000 1.37 2.27 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
11000 1.62 2.58 3.64 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
12000 1.91 2.95 4.05 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
13000 2.23 3.35 4.50 5.75 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
14000 2.61 3.82 5.01 6.31 7.70 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
15000 3.03 4.29 5.58 6.93 8.37 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
16000 3.52 4.83 6.20 7.61 9.08 10.64 * * * * * * * * * * * *
17000 4.06 5.42 6.89 8.37 9.87 11.47 13.14 * * * * * * * * * * *
18000 4.68 6.06 7.63 9.17 10.72 12.40 14.10 15.90 * * * * * * * * * *
19000 5.33 6.78 8.39 10.02 11.67 13.33 15.16 16.99 18.84 * * * * * * * * *
20000 6.08 7.56 9.24 10.97 12.67 14.42 16.21 18.12 20.05 22.05 * * * * * * * *
21000 6.89 8.39 10.14 11.95 13.77 15.57 17.39 19.30 21.32 23.40 25.47 * * * * * * *
22000 7.77 9.34 11.11 13.02 14.89 16.77 18.69 20.67 22.71 24.80 26.95 29.14 * * * * * *
23000 8.73 10.37 12.17 14.10 16.13 18.10 20.05 22.06 24.12 26.26 28.49 30.76 33.06 * * * * *
24000 9.76 11.46 13.31 15.29 17.37 19.44 21.48 23.58 25.73 27.84 30.08 32.44 34.82 37.12 * * * *
25000 10.87 12.64 14.47 16.61 18.73 20.88 23.04 25.16 27.33 29.53 31.83 34.18 36.64 39.02 41.51 * * *
26000 12.11 13.94 15.80 17.94 20.17 22.42 24.61 26.90 29.08 31.37 33.68 36.07 38.53 40.99 43.56 46.12 * *
27000 13.40 15.28 17.24 19.41 21.68 23.95 26.36 28.63 30.99 33.29 35.69 38.11 40.47 43.13 45.67 48.31 53.66 *
28000 14.82 16.77 18.77 20.89 23.27 25.64 28.07 30.53 32.89 35.28 37.78 40.18 42.68 45.22 47.97 50.58 56.09 61.73
29000 16.29 18.34 20.39 22.51 24.93 27.41 29.95 32.43 34.97 37.35 39.94 42.44 45.03 47.60 50.21 53.03 58.59 64.25
30000 17.91 20.02 22.10 24.29 26.75 29.26 31.81 34.39 37.03 39.61 42.19 44.78 47.34 50.01 52.77 55.44 61.16 66.98
31000 19.58 21.79 23.98 26.20 28.66 31.19 33.85 36.53 39.24 41.95 44.52 47.20 49.86 52.61 55.34 58.15 63.95 69.79
32000  21.41  23.67  25.89  28.21  30.66  33.30  35.97  38.76  41.47  44.27  47.06  49.71  52.59  55.31  58.13  60.89  66.67  72.80 
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

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Table B17. Type 17 Fan Capacity Table
S.P. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
10000 1.19 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
11250 1.45 2.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
12500 1.74 2.86 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
13750 2.07 3.25 4.55 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
15000 2.44 3.71 5.08 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
16250 2.87 4.25 5.68 7.25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
17500 3.35 4.83 6.35 7.97 9.67 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
18750 3.91 5.47 7.07 8.72 10.50 12.37 * * * * * * * * * * * *
20000 4.55 6.17 7.88 9.61 11.42 13.40 * * * * * * * * * * * *
21250 5.25 6.92 8.75 10.60 12.46 14.48 16.53 * * * * * * * * * * *
22500 6.02 7.77 9.71 11.61 13.58 15.62 17.77 19.97 * * * * * * * * * *
23750 6.91 8.70 10.72 12.73 14.76 16.86 19.07 21.37 23.68 * * * * * * * * *
25000 7.84 9.69 11.80 13.96 16.08 18.22 20.46 22.84 25.26 27.65 * * * * * * * *
26250 8.90 10.75 12.95 15.18 17.47 19.73 22.01 24.36 26.90 29.39 31.94 * * * * * * *
27500 10.05 11.99 14.24 16.54 18.94 21.33 23.63 26.10 28.61 31.21 33.85 36.54 * * * * * *
28750 11.30 13.31 15.55 17.97 20.45 22.92 25.43 27.92 30.46 33.09 35.84 38.63 41.44 44.39 * * * *
30000 12.65 14.79 17.00 19.57 22.10 24.77 27.31 29.82 32.48 35.17 37.91 40.80 43.72 46.63 49.68 * * *
31250 14.10 16.32 18.55 21.18 23.83 26.58 29.29 31.91 34.69 37.38 40.21 43.05 46.07 49.09 52.12 55.23 * *
32500 15.73 18.02 20.32 22.96 25.66 28.54 31.36 34.10 36.88 39.69 42.63 45.44 48.51 51.64 54.75 57.99 64.34 *
33750 17.40 19.76 22.19 24.84 27.68 30.49 33.46 36.39 39.29 42.21 45.14 48.06 51.10 54.26 57.48 60.83 67.39 *
35000 19.20 21.69 24.17 26.82 29.70 32.75 35.74 38.77 41.80 44.71 47.75 50.78 53.94 57.06 60.30 63.76 70.53 77.40
36250 21.20 23.75 26.27 28.91 31.92 35.00 38.12 41.28 44.42 47.44 50.61 53.76 56.87 60.11 63.29 66.78 73.76 80.84
37500 23.24 25.85 28.49 31.27 34.26 37.36 40.61 43.77 47.06 50.29 53.57 56.68 60.08 63.26 66.55 69.96 77.09 84.17
38750 25.51 28.16 30.94 33.75 36.71 39.95 43.21 46.49 49.91 53.24 56.50 59.88 63.23 66.52 69.93 73.45 80.51 87.81
40000  27.91  30.61  33.42  36.36  39.28  42.65  45.92  49.32  52.88  56.26  59.69  63.20  66.66  70.07  73.60  77.05  84.26  91.54 
Note: 1. S.P. (Static Pressure: in H2O)
2. BHP does not include drive losses

Page 98 of 100
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