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MoneyCore e-KYC & Pay Solution Offer

Who we are

Our vision and value Our expertise Our presence

Continue to be a global strategic partner to clients

in the banking, finance, and payments Banking & payments solutions
industry, providing quality assured, • Paris (Head Quarter)
information secured IT services and solutions,
• Sousse (Tunisia)
delivering competitive advantage to our
clients. • Rabat (Morocco)
Strategy & innovation
• Dubaï (Middle East)

Our force Integration & software development

89 % rate of client satisfaction

thanks to our recognized expertise and our
technological monitoring.
Nearshoring & IS externalisation
Our Clients & Partners
• e-KYC (electronic Know Your Customer) is an online
service for verification of identity and address of
• There are many use cases where e-KYC is used,
for instance :
• Bank Account allotment.
• Credit Facility allotment
• Telecom postpaid / prepaid Offer allotment
• Etc …
E-KYC Offer
Ease Integration with core

Digital contract signing

Biometric ,Facial Recognition and

OCR ,MRZ , NFC, .. screening and

The solution is based on award-winning biometric technology
(NIST FRVT 2018), we are working in collaboration with the top
one GREYC the French leading R&D lab on the biometric to
build our own technology
Designed for fast processing of multiple biometric operations
with high accuracy and reliability

Easy integration
Web service-based RESTful API designed for easy and quick
integration with third-party systems.
Checking the Source Image Quality.
Scaling the Image to the Right Size.
Enhancing the Contrast of Images.
Removing Noise From the Images.
Preparing and Handling the Document Properly.
Using the ICAO and PIV technologies for the NFC

Designed for multi-Id’s/multi-country screening national ID
,passport …

Easy integration
Web service-based RESTful API designed for easy and quick
integration with third-party systems.
Why e-Wallet

Inclusion in the ecosystem

• Using most services through a single instrument

• Expansion of financial services to non-financial sectors
• Minimizing services costs

Instant Services

• Enabling new services to Consumer and Business

• Minimizing time while using the services
Why e-Wallet & MoneyCorePay Wallet
MoneyCorePay Wallet Type

Seller e-Wallet
• QR Code payment (Dynamic/Static)
• Fees Management (service fee , interchange fee, ..)
• Risk management
• Services management

Buyer e-Wallet
• Push Payment
• Fees Management (service fee,...)
• Cash In/Out management
• Risk management
• Transfer
MoneyCorePay Environment Model

Closed Semi - Closed Open

Seller and buyer belong to Seller and buyer belong to Seller and buyer do not
the same company (non same bank (Inter- belong to same bank
financial) Settlement) (settlement via schemes)
MoneyCore Pay Services

E-KYC/B - A full customer authentication

• Document screening
• Digital signature
• Client Enrollment
• Facial Recognition
• Proof of life (Visio)

• Pay to Merchant (QR)
• P2M (Merchant In App)

• P2P - Person to Person
• P2B - Person to Business
• B2B - Business to Business
• B2P - Business to Person
• ….
MoneyCore Pay Services

Saving schemes
• Saving spaces creation
• Target amount/ date

Transaction Management
• Transactions History
• Balance net position
• Transaction dispute

Cash In
• Seamless integration with source of fund
• Cash In Standing-instruction
MoneyCore Pay Services

• Operational Notification
• Payment Notification
• Marketing Notification

Web Portal
• Services setup
• Pricing setup
• Dispute management
• Merchant Management

API Catalogue
• All services are available through API
All in one App (Credit Wallet)
• Consumer Enrollment
• Integration with credit assessment platform

• Credit e-Wallet creation , assign the credit

facility for eligible customer
• Fallback for a prepaid e-Wallet for non credit
eligible customer
• Merchant Enrollment Initiation
• Integration with Merchant Platform
• Transactions
• Communication Channel
• Payment detail

• Pay to Merchant
• Convert transaction to EPP
• Easy Cash to CASA Account
• Transfers P2P
• Gift e-Wallet
EPP Use Cases

School Fees Rent Payment

Airplane tickets
High Value Amount payment lan s
l me nt p
e in
y th
d i sp la t ize the
n to paymen d visua l
a t i o
Applic for the ulate an ve rsion
• bl e im on
eligi mer to s d fees th the c
C usto ents an ceed wi
• llm pro
insta mer to
C usto

Consumer Enrolment and Activation : End-to-End

Customer Mobile App API Gateway Wallet Backoffice Host

2.Capture the customer

1. Download 3. Information 4. Request to create
Information and upload
Mobile App validation Client,Card and Account
KYC documents

6.Notification to customer , 5. Wallet attributes

“Wallet and Card created” Creation

7. Wallet
8. Wallet Activated
Activation Request

9.Notification to customer ,
“Wallet Activate”
Transaction : End-to-End

Point of Sale Customer Mobile App API Gateway Wallet Backoffice Host

4. Information 5. Request to post

1. Generate a 2. Scan the QR 3.Payment pushed validation transaction to customer
Dynamic QC code code Check client and and merchant accounts
merchant eligibility

7.Notification with transaction 6. Log the transaction

response and new balance attributes

with transaction
response and new

EOD batches
GL entries generation
MoneyCore Pay UI/UX

el App
Technology Stack
• Continues integration
• Version Control
• QA and QC

• Microservice Architecture
• Data Base agnostic
• Service oriented architecture

• Ease the acceptance testing

• Avoid down times
• To manual intervention

• Scalability
• Getting use of the cloud features

• We are also on premised, in case client was

to manage the hardware ,platform and

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