April 2011 Drug Free Minutes

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Ohio County Local Coordinating Committee

Citizens for a Drug – Free Community

April 11, 2011
Attendees: Gary Eldridge, Deborah Thomason, Janie Eldridge, Karen Ernst, Jasica Robinson, Laura Rolf, Tara
Rogers, Kim Linkel, Brandon Bogue, Jennifer Brittain, Amber Johnson, Sheriff Eldon Fancher, Erin Yorn, Janice
Vinson and Amy Beckett.
Deborah Thomason called the meeting to order.
Amy Beckett introduced herself, working as a field representative for Congressman, Todd Young.

The March meeting minutes were reviewed. Changes were made regarding Debbie Thomason doing the March
newspaper and Tom McKay doing the April newspaper article. Minutes were then approved by Gary Eldridge and
second by Amber Johnson. Minutes were passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Gary Eldridge gave a report showing as of April 4th the total in CFOCDF account was $14,220.59 . On March 3rd,
Ohio County Clerk collections deposited $1,161.00 and on March 21 another collection of $3065.00 was made to
our account with a total of $4,226.00 deposit in March.
Expenses were; grant checks totaled to $10,400.00, and a check to Deborah Thomason for $24.95 was written for
our website renewal fee, leaving a balance of $14,220.59.
A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report by Amber Johnson and second by Laura Rolf.

Youth Report
Brandon Bogue, from the Church of Christ updated us on the after prom. They have a car simulator coming
before prom, it will simulate texting in a car and drinking and driving.
Jasica Robinson will be starting the Stay Safe in Middle School this month.

Regional Report
Kim Linkel reported that a training will take place on April 12 th , the 40 Developmental Assets in Versailles , It
would be a great training to go to but need to reserve a space soon. Kim also mentioned April is Alcohol
Awareness Month and it is a good time for the City or County to make a Proclamations stating that April is
Alcohol Awareness Month. Debbie stated that we will put that on the agenda for next year .

Old Business
No old business

New Business
Donita Valentine will be presenting “The Ugly Truth” at Heritage Hall at 12am on the 13th of June for
the Historical Downtown Organization. Our June 13th meeting will be held at 11:00 at Heritage Hall
with lunch and the program following. Everyone was encourage to attend and support Donita. We will
need a head count on how many will be attending because lunch will be provided. More information to

 Youth Pro Training is on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at the Lawrenceburg Public Library from 9:30-
3:30. This is a free training for those that work with youth. Must register and lunch provided.
 Debbie Thomason announced that the Ohio County Education Center’s, Open House will be on
April 28th from 4:30 to 7pm with Vincennes University regarding the 2 yr. degree in Culinary Arts and
Hotel & Motel Management.
 Amber Johnson from SEIOC 15th Annual Prevent Child Abuse conference is this weekend, April 16 from
8:00am to 3:00pm.
 Prime for Life Training is April 28th in Madison Indiana.
 Bowl for Kids Sake is June 12th , Big Brother Big Sisters is looking for Sponsors and Teams needed to
 Arbor Day Celebration and Outdoor Living Show in Rising Sun at Heritage Hall is Saturday April 30 th
from 9am-3:00pm
 Music on Main, Live music starting April 15th thru October, on every 3rd Friday.

 Adjournment Motion was made by Gary Eldridge and second by Amber Johnson.
 Next Meeting May 9, 2011 at 11:30 .
 Ohio County Website www.ohiocountydrugfree.com

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