SMM7 - Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works

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SmM7~=~ Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works ‘Authorised by agreement between the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Building Employers Confederation, Q! 55989 Co-ordinated project information First Edition, 1922 Second Edition, 1927 Third Edition, 1935, Fourth Edition, 1948, Fifth Edition, 1963; amended 1964; metric 1968, ‘Sixth Edition, 1979 ‘Seventh Edition, 1988 Copyright The Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors ©1988 The Building Employers Confederation ISBN 0 85406 360 9 (RICS) ISBN 0 85263 004 3 (BEC) Aeap DB Rage FES (getosacies ‘rights reserved. No part ofthis publication covered bythe above é copyright may be reproduced, sioredin a rtrival system or ene transmitted in any form orby any means without the prior permission ofthe copyright owners Designed and set by NBS Services Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne Printod by Eyre & Spottiswoode, Margate, Kent. alo -reeeeeseses es = =» = » 8 sis Summary of contents To find the rélevant work section for any given topic refer to the detailed contents list overlea ot tothe alphabetical index. Detailed contents Page 1 Preface alles Preliminarios/Ger Demoltion/Atteration Renovation Groundwork Insitu concrote/Large precast concrete Masonry ‘Structural/Carcassing metaltimber Cladding/Covering Waterprooting LUinings/Sheathing/Dry pationing Windows/Doors/Stairs ‘Surface finishes Furriture/Equipmer Building fabric sundrios Paving/Planting/Fencing/Site furniture Disposal systems Piped supply systems Mechanical heating/coolingtetrigoration systems Vonilation/Ar conditioning systems Electrical supply/powetighting systems conditions Communications/Securty/Contol systems Traneport systems axe cc4unovzEr xe ror™mao>®D Mechanical and electrical services measurement ‘Additional rules work to existing buildings ‘Appendices Alphabetical index Page 183 ‘ Detailed contents mmm roface to Seventh Edition 1967 Preface to Fist Edition 1922 Goneral Rules A. Preliminaries/General conditions Al0. Projectparticulars ‘Ait Drawings ‘Al2. ThesitelExisting buildings {A13Descriptionf thework ‘20. The ontractiSub-contract ‘430. Employer'srequirements: Tendering/Sub-letting/Supply |A3t_ Employer's requirements: Provision, cantent and use of documents 1A32_ Employer's requirements: ‘Management ofthe Works ‘A33_ Employers requirements: ‘Quality standardsicontol A34_ Employer's requirements: ‘Security/Safely/Protection 835. Employer's requirements: Specific limitations on method/sequenceltiming A36_ Employer'srequirements: Facilities Temporary works/Services A37_ Employer's requirements: ‘OperationiMfaintenance ofthe finished building ao generalcostitoms Management and sta ‘Ad1_ Contractors generalcostitems: ‘Site accommodation ‘A42_ Contractor's genera costitems: Services and facilities ‘A43_ Contractor's general cost items: ‘Mechanical plant ‘A44_ Contractor's gneralcostitems: “Temporary works ‘ASO Work/Materialsby the Employer {ASI Nominated sub-contractors, ‘852. Nominated suppliers ‘A53. Workby statutory authorities ‘A54_ Provisional work 55. Darworks, \ ato an at ang 420 30 ast ase a8 A358 36 as7 ao Aa Aa aa A 450 51 52 53 454 55 0 " 7 7 8 18 8 18 8 8 19 19 19 20 20 a 2 a 22 2 2 22 2 B10 C10 C20 C30 cat 650 cat 52 p10 Dit Die 20 20 Dat 32 Dao. 50 E10 EN E20 30 Et E40 Ea E42 E50 E60 Complete buildings Proprietary bullings Demolition/Alteration/Renovation Demolshing structures ‘Ateations=spotitems. Shoring Repairing/Renavating concretelbricl/biock/stone ‘Chemical dpes to existing walls Repairing/Renovating metal Repairing/Renovating timber Fungus/B ation Groundwork Groundinvestigation Soilstabilization Site dewatering Excavating andfiling CCastinplace concrete piling Preformed conerete pling Stee! ping Diaphragm wating Underpinning In situ concrete/Large precast concrete Insituconcrete Gunappliedconcrote Formwork orinsitu concrete Relnforcementtorinsitu concrete Posttonsioned reinforcement forinsitu concrete Designedjoints nin situ concrete ‘Worked fnishes/Cuttingtoinsitu concrete ‘Accessories castintoinsitu concrete Precast concrete large units PrecasComposite concrete decking B10 10 C20 30 cao cat 50 cat 52 p10 ont D1 20 30 at 32 40 50 £10 en E20 ES E40 est E42 E50 60 29 33 35 7 39 a 3 48 6 49 50 51 52 53 54 F10 Fn F20 Fa F22 F30 Fat 610 cn G2 G20 630 Gat G32 Masonry Brick/Block wating Glassblock walling Natural stone rubble waling Natural stone/ashlarwallingidressings Caststone walling/dressings ‘Accessorles/Sundry lems forbrick/block/stone walling Precast concrete ilslintesicopingsiteatures Structural/Carcassing metal/timber Structural steel framing Structural aluminium raming Isolated structural metal members Carpentry Timber raming/First xing ‘Metalprofied sheetdecking rofabricatedtimberunitdecking Edge supported Reinforced woodwoolslab decking +41No specific rules included ~ see Genoral rules clause 11 Fi0 Fin F20 Fat F22 F30 F3t Gio cit Giz G20 630 Gat G32 55 5 58 58 62 53 65 65 65, or 9 70 70 H10 + Ht He B13 Hi H20 Hot 30 Hot H32 133. Hao Har 50 HSI 52 Heo Hot 62 63 Hed H70 ur Hr #73 74 HTS. 76 a Cladding/Covering Patontglazing Curtain walling Plastics glazed vaulingywalling Structural glass assemblies Conereterootights/pavement ights Rigid sheet cladding Timberweatherboarding Fiore coment profiled sheet cladding/covering/siding etal profiedmat sheet cladding/coverin!siding Pasties profiled sheet cladding/coveringsicing Bitumen and fibre profiled shoe cladding/eovering Glass reinforced coment cladding/features Glass reinforced plastics claddingfeatures Precast concrete slab claddingfleatures Natural stonesiabcladding/features Cattstone slab claddingieatures GlayiConcrete oot ting Fibrecomentslating ‘Natural slating Reconstructed stone satingting Timber shinging Malleable metal sheet prebondedcoveringsicladaing Lead sheet coveringsilashings ‘Aluminium sheet coveringsiiashings ‘Copper sheet coveringsilashings Zine sheet coveringsfiashings Stainless steal sheetcoveringstiashings Fibre bitumen thermoplastic sheet coveringsilashings aaa Ho I HI 413 Hi Hat #90 Hat 32 133. Hat 50 Het H52 Heo Het 62 Hea Hea H70 Hit a2 #73 Hra HTS. H76 R m B B B 8 ral 7 B 53 ca 53 7 7 nm no nm 7 80 80 80 30 20 ‘at 22 30 wi 2 33 vat ae 13 K10 Kit ki2 Kia K20 K30 Kat 32 Kao Kao Kat ‘4No specific rules included ~ see Gens Waterproofing ‘Specialist waterproot rendering Mastic asphalttankingidamp proof membranes Mastic asphaltrootingiinsultioninishes Proprietary roof decking wth asphalt finish Liquid applied tanking/damp proof membranes guid applied waterproot rt costings ‘Sprayed vapour bariers Insitulase reinforced plastics Flexible sheet tanking/damp proof membranes ‘Bullup eltroot coverings Single ayer plastics root coverings Proprietary root decking with eltfinish Linings/Sheathing/Dry partitioning Plasterboard ry tining Rigid sheet looring/sheathingfinings/easings Unde purivinsiderailpanel inings Rigid sheet fino lnings/paneling ‘Timber boardflooring/sheathingliningsicasings Timber narrow strip flooringlinings Demountable partitions Plasterboard xed partionsinner walsinings Framedpanel cubicle partitions ‘Conerete/Terrazzo partitions Suspended ellings Raised access tors jes clause 11 0 ‘20 war 22 ‘30 ‘st 482 333 40 et a2 43 Kio Ki Ki kx k20 Kat 30 Kat 32 K33 Kao Kal 103, 8 8 83 83 a 6 85 85, 85 87 nm B 73 3 a 90 a7 9 53 92 Reeltun 0 ut Liz Go ar Lae wt (ao tat Lae mio Mit 2 M20 Mat M22 M23 M30 Mot Mao mat Maa M0 Msi M52 M60 Windows/Doors/Stairs Timber windowsiroofighs/screensllouvres Metal windowsirootights/screensilouvres Plastics windows/toofights/screens/louvres ‘Timber doors/shutters/ hatches ‘Metal doore/shuttore/hatches Plastes/Rubber doors/shutters/hatches ‘Timber stairsiwalkways/balustrades Metal stairswalkways/balustrades, Geoneralalazing Leadlight lazing Inillpanelsisneets Surface finishes ‘Sand cementiConcrete/Granollthiescreedsiooring Mastic asphaltflooring ‘Tiowalled biumeniresinirubber- latex looting Plastered/Rendered/Roughcast coatings Insulationwith enderedfinish Sprayed mineral fibre coatings Resinbound mineral coatings Metal mesh athing/Anchored reinforcementfor plastered coatings Fibrous plaster Stone/Concrete/Quarry/Ceramic tiling Mosaic ‘orrazzo ling/nstuterrazzo ‘Wood lock/Composition block/Parquet looting ubber/Plasties/Cork/Lino/Carpet tling/sheeting Edge ixed carpeting Decorative paperstfabrics PaintingiClear finishing Lio ut ue eo at tae 30 re Lao Lat a2 wo Mit maiz M20 Mat M2 M23 Mat Mao Mat Maa M50 st 52 Meo 98 95 98 96 98 97 7 98 101 402 103 33 103, 103 108 107 303 108 109 wt 18 m 8 43 te Nio Ni Ni Nia Nu Nis N20 Nez Nas P10 pn P20 Pot P22 P30 P31 Furniture/Equipment Goneralfitures/urnishings/equipment Domestickitchen fitings Catering equipment Sanitary appliancesifitings Interorlandscape SignsiNotices ) poopie secontn foreach! ) Building fabric sundries ‘Sundry inulation/prooting workifire stops Foamed/FbrefBeadcavity wallinsulation Untramedisolatedtrims/skirtings/sundry items konmongery Sealantjoints| ‘TrenchesiPipeways/Pitsforburied engin Holes/Chases/Covers/Supports for serv ring services Paving/Planting/Fencing/Site furniture sir erring (redone Mt acdpmngsae Sateen nae Se TES ir Sines pein ‘Special surfacings/pavings for sport Seiklatnagdonen +£No spesitic rules included ~ see General rules clause 1 io Nit Nig Na Nia Nis N20 Not Nea Nzo P10 en P20 Pai P22 P30 P3t 10 20 ot 22 Se 026 20 ost oto 050 9 119 119 19 119 119 9 19. 119 21 22 123 4 125 128 128 131 29 132 133 134 196 17 17 139 119 R10 Rn ai Ria Ru 20 Fat 30 Rat a2 R33 S10 si 812 813 si 815 820 821 830 831 832 833 834 840 sa 350 851 860 S61 362 363, 364 65, S70 sn mmm meee i |. \ Disposal systems Fainwater pipework/guters Fouldrainage above ground Drainage below ground Land rainage Laboratoryindustrial waste drainage ‘Sewage pumping ‘Sewage reatment/sterlisation Centralised vacuum cleaning Rotuse chutes CompactorsiMacorators Incinerationplant Piped supply systems Coldwater Hotwater Hot and cold wate (mall scale) Prossurised water lerigation Fountains/Water features ‘Tieated/DeionisedDistiled wat ‘Swimming pool water treatment Compressedair Instrumentair Natural gas Liguidpetroieun gas MedicalLaboratory gas Petro/Oil—lubrication Fuel il storage/aistibution Vacuum ‘Steam Firehose reels Dry risers Wetrisors Sprinklers Deluge Fire hydrants Gasfirefighting Foamfirefighting Rio ut an iat Riz 145, Ris 145 Ri R20 Rat a0 R3t R32 Raa st0 sit 812 313 314 815 820 sat 830 ‘at 822 533 834 S40 sa $50 851 860 S61 862 $63 S64 365 870 sm xxx xk eK KKK KKK KKK Tio TH Te 113 TH 15 116 20 730 131 T32 133 Tao Ta Tae 50 60 181 70 ™ 7 Mechanical heating/Cooling/ Refrigeration systems Gas/ollroabollers Coalfired boilers Electrode/Direct electric boilers Packaged steam generators, Heat pumps Sola collectors ‘Alternative uel boilers Primary heat cistribution ‘Medium temperature hot waterheating Low temperaturehot waterheating Low temperature hot waterheating (small scale) Steamheating Warmairheating Warm airheating (small scale) Local heating units Heatrecovery Central retrigerationplant Primary/Secondary cooling distribution Local cooing units Coldrooms eopads ‘Y¥:See ¥ Mechanical and electrical services measurement To TH 1 m3 4 115 116 20 120 131 32 133 40 41 Ta 50 60 161 7 ™m 1 Le uto un ur ura ula uss use ui 20 30 ust 32 uss ao ust uaz us 50 uso ust un vio vn vie 20 vai 22 va0 vai va van vas van 50 vst 90 Ventilation/Air conditioning systems General supplyextract Tolletextract Kitchen extract Car parking extract ac’Smoke control inelFume cupboardextract Fume extract ‘Anaesthetic gas extract Dusteollaction Low velocity lr conditioning \VAV airconditioning Dual-ductaircanditoning Mult-zone airconditioning Induction airconditioning Fan-colalr conditioning Terminal re-heat airconditioning ‘Terminal heat pump airconditioning Hybrid system airconditioning Free standing alr conditioning units Window'Wall airconditioning units Aircurtains Electrical supply/power lighting systems, Electicity generation plant HVsuppiyfistrouton/oubicutty supply LW eupaiypuate tity supply Litton Generalighting GenerallV power Extralow vlage supply Desupply Uninterupted power supply Emergency ighting ‘Steet Aree/oodightng StudiovAvattorumArona lighting Electicunderloor heating Local electric heating units Generaligtingand power (smal'scale) u10 unt ur u13 uu u1s us ur 30 ust us2 uss ust uaa as, uso Uso ust u70 vio vit vig veo vat 30 vat v2 vao vat yaa 50 vst 90. Poppe perrnrrrrrser eens 4 Pa Pehl fou we ganna Suds 10k Yi) UAE He 8H y peri fay pe at renee Govt yk Lew” ters ooveN tropa pe aBee sstwsn hee cureumuy fous ph yma gail Boe ovImE oY cx Sr Ghbougeg 3b ivy Rom Cube ea CrequeTacA: yak + CRIS seen MN Jeune iy eure 2 wed yaNEN, SMI” RUE Ae ira Raee (haar poten fo WISE! eT aA BARTS IN Gm Ee boned Dh ae (oka; suogann a CAG GreaOharR, cet. ‘vane = ome’ Tot aman Conaen imekebee cH AA Hy MIN GOI HE ssa Doe Sanat Bn an pCO OM ok 28 Bie AB “| bhGISCS fO QGAGUIL EQMIOU 1088 h Preface to Seventh Edition 1988 ‘Tho Joint Working Party on Measurement Conventions set up by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the then National Federation of ‘Bulding Trades Employers report in December 1971. Out of this roport 2 Development Unit was set up and quickly camo to the concusion fat fa ‘reaching changes were raquired. As an interim measure the Sixth Ecltion of the Standard Mthod of Measurement was published in March 1979. Now, with the publication of this Soventh Eatin, the work envisaged by that ‘working party has beon competed ‘The Co-ordinating Committee for Project Information has produced a Common Arrangement of Work Sections for Busing Works. In support of ‘he principles of CCPI and in accordance withthe wishes ofthe sponsoring bodies, this Esltion has been structured in common arrangement ordet rather han in tradkional work sections. This means that the Standard “Method of Measurement is now compatible with other CCP! publications and with all standard documentation where these erteria have been adopted, The other major change from previous edtons is that the measurement ‘ules have boon translated from prosa into classification tables. This change Takes the use of the rules a quicker and more systematic task then interpretation of a prose version and reacily lends ‘tell {0 the Use of standard phraseology and computerisation. The change however does not inhibit the use of traional prose in the wring of bils of quantities if so sired. In addition to these two major changes, the cules have generally been simpltied and the document brought up to date to equate win moder practice, The Committee expresses its thanks to the professional and trade associations for ther co-operation and advice In the detaled consutations ‘hat have taken place and to the surveyors and buildors who Nave assisted in tasting the new rules, to Geattey E. Beard who chaired the Commition ‘rom June 1875 to September 1984 and especialy to tho edtors who have had the task of bringing togethor all the various cats and presenting them 'n auniorm manner in a relatively short space of ine, ‘This Soventh Edton wil become operative on 1 July 1988 and is post dated accordingly ‘Tho Joint Committee responsible for this edtion at the date of issue was composed as olows: ‘Appointed by the Royal Insiution of Chartered Surveyors: Christopher J Wis (Chairman), Ronald C. Alan, Keith W. Balley, John Bennet, Exc J Bowman, N. Malcolm S. Boyd, Michael A. Rainbird, Enc H. Urquhart and Michael JT. Webb, ‘Appointed by the Building Employers Confederation: Andrew J. Costelloe (Vice-Chairman), John M. Allon, Bernard Bal, Kenneth G. Elis, Jamas & Fisher, Colin M. Ford, Richard J. Hooker, Robert H. Inglis, Terence J. Parkinson and Donald J. imme, Co-optod trom the Development Unit: Tony Allott, Stuart Hendy, Peter E. Holden, Peter G. Jocdan and Rex H. Sharman. Consuitant Members of the Commitee: Geotrey E. Beard and lan M.C. Hl Joint Honorary Secretaries: Norman A Wheatley (General) and Michael 8, ‘Smith (Queries), (thers who have served on the Commitee or the Development Unit during tho preparation of this ediion: Dr Martin Games, Robert A. Barrow, lan T Brown. Peter Graham, Alan M. Harrison, Patrick Kelly, Anthony F. Mier and aul D. Morrell. Consuitant Editors appointed by the Committee: Paul J. Gikes and Richard EN. MeGit CW: 1 October 1987 mmm ann i i i le Preface to First Edition 1922 For many years the Survayors' Institution and the Quantity Surveyors! ‘Assocation (wich bodies are naw amalgamated) were accepted as the recognised authorias for deciing disputed points in connection with the ‘measurement of bulging works. The frequency of the demands upon their Services for this purpose decd alonlon to the diversity of practice, varying with local custom, and even the idiosyncracies of Individual Suseyors, which obtained. This lack of uniformity afforded a just ground of ‘complaint onthe part of contractors thatthe estimator was frequent left in ‘eubt as tothe tree meaning of Hams in the bls of quantities which he was, Called upon to price, @ ckcumstance which miltated against scientific and accurate tendering Inthe absence of any statutory qualiications for surveyors practising in the Unites Kingdom, any person, up to the present, has been at liberty to ‘escribe himself as.a quantity surveyor, and the public have no guarantee that he fe qualified for that office. This fact resulted in the issue of a considerable amount of unskilled work under the designation of bils of quantities Both the Surveyors Institution and the Quantity Surveyors’ Association were impressed with the nacessiy of securing gteater accuracy of work and ‘unsormty of mathod. The later body, in July 1908, with ths object in view appointed @ Comittee who prepared and published pamphlets soting out ‘the method of measurement recommended by the Association in respect of three trades. The Surveyors’ Institution also issued tots members circulars {ing an autortatve opinion as to the correct method of measurement in ‘he case of tems in connection with which disputes had occurred. The desirabilly of co-operation between the two societies thus became evident, fand'2 Joint Committee was set up in June 1812, upon which was imposed the task of drawing up @ comprehensive set of Standard Rules of ‘Measurement of Building Works. In 1918 representatives of the building trades wore added to ths Commitee, four contractors being nominated by the Natonal Federation of Bullding Trades Employers and the Insitute ot Builders, The Joint Committee were assisted in their deliberations by interviews wit the representatives of certain trades. ‘The Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works drawn up and set forth in the following pages i founded upon the practice of the leading {London quantity surveyors with carn modifications by way of alternatives, ‘and not involving matters of principio, to suit the practice obtaining in other parts of the Kingdom, “The doint Commitee was composed as follows: six surveyors nominates by the Surveyors’ inetuion and the Quantty Surveyors’ Associaton, and four Contractors nominated by the National Federation of Building Trades Employers and the Institute of Buildrs, viz. Surveyors: Messrs. F.A.H Hardeasto (Chairman), Thomas E, Bare (Hon Sec), F.C. Gleed, Amold E Haris, Waller Lawrence, and Morgan H. Young. Contractors: Messrs. R Friend (Rugby) (Vice-Chairman), W. Lacey (London), Stanley Miller {Newoaste-on-Tyne) and Frank Woods (Boton, Lancashire), ‘Other gentlemen who have served on the Committee for a time are! Surveyors: Messrs. Arthur G. Cross, WE. Davis, JE. Drower, and Henry ley. Contractor: Mr, Walter Lawrence (London). General rules 1. Introduction uM ‘This Standard Mothod of Measurement provides a uniform basis for ‘measuring building works and embodies the essentials of god practice. Bills of quantities shall fully describe and accurately represent the quanlity ‘and qualty ofthe works tobe carried out. More detailed information than is ‘equired by these rules shall be given whore necossary in order to define the precise nature and extent ofthe required work. 12 The rules apply to measuremont of proposed work and executed work. 2. Use of the tabulated rules Generally 24 The rules in this document are sot out in tables. Each section ofthe rules comprises information (Io be) provided, classification tables and sup- plementary rules. The tabulated rules are writen In the present tense. 22 Horizontal lines dvide the classification table and supplementary rulesinto zones to which differant rules apply. ication tables 23 ‘Within the classification table where a broken line is shown, the rules given above and below the broken line may bo used as alternatives. 24 In refering to columns in classification tables the measurement unit col- umn has been disrogarded. mma nen ne i i 8 led 25 ‘The left hand column of the classiication table ists descriptive features commonly encountered in buliding works. The noxt column ists further sub-groups into which each main group of tems shall be divided and similarly he third column provides for tuther division. The list inthese Columns are not intended to be exhaustive, 26 Each tem description shalldentity the work with respactto one descriptive feature drawn from each ofthe first three columnsin tha classification table ‘and as many of the descriptive features in the fourth column as are applic- ‘able tothe item, The generat principlo does not apply to Preliminaries in ‘that twill be necessary fo select as many descriptive features as approp- Fiate from each column. 27 ‘Where the abbreviation (nr) is given inthe classification table the quantity shallbe stated in the item description. Supplementary rules 28 ‘Within the supplementary rules everything above the horizontal line, which is immediately below the classification table heading, is applicable throughout that table. 29 Measurement rues set out when work shall be measured and the method by which quantities shall be computed 210 Definition rules define the extent and limits ofthe work represented by a word or expression used in the rules and in a bill of quantities prepared in accordance with the rules. I ant Coverage rules draw attention to particular incidental work which shall be Seemed to be included in the appropriate items ina bill of quantities to the extent that such work ls included inthe tender documents, Where the Coverage rules include materials they shall be mentioned in the item descriptions, 21 ‘The column headed Supplementary Information contains rules governing the information which shall be given in addition tothe information given as ‘result ofthe application of rule 2.6. 213 ‘A separate item shall be given for any work which diflers from other work ‘wth respect to any matter listed as supplementary information. 3. Quantities 31 ‘Work shall be measured net as fixed in position except where otherwise slated in a measurement ule applicable tothe work 32 Dimensions used in calculating quantiles shall be taken to the nearest ‘formm (6, Sim and over shall be regarded as 10mm and less than 5mm shall be disregarded). 33 {Quantities measured in tonnes shall be given to two places of decimats ‘Other quantities shall be glen to the nearest whole unit except that any ‘quantity less than one unit shal be given as one unit. 34 Uniess otherwise slated, where minimum deductions for voids are dealt ‘within thie document they shall refer only to openings or wants which a ‘within the boundaries of measured areas. Openings or wants which ae. the Boundaries of measured areas shall always be the subject of deduction inespective of size. 35 ‘The requirement to measure separate items for widths not exceeding @ slated it shal ot apply where these widins are caused by volds. 4, Descriptions 43 Dimensions shall be stated in descriptions generally in the sequence Tength, width, height. Where ambiguity could arise, the dimensions shall be ented. 42 Information required by the application of rules 2.6 and 2.12 may be given in documents [e.g. drawings or specication) separate trom the bills of ae seciet a pga ae uniue crosereterence a given ni placoin the daantrton ole tom concerned, Tisrule doesnot alow fhe aggregation $Penumbos of measured tems which are others required to bs meas od separately by these rules, except as provided by rule 9 43 Headings to groups ofitemsin abil of quanitis shall be reads prtotthe doscrphone tie temsto nnich ie Readings app. 44 ‘is use of hyphen between two dimensions in this document orn abit Freaiges sya mean arengo of dmensions exceeding tne fet men- Sioh stated but not exceeang the second. 45 5.4 work section of bl of quantities hal begin wih a description sta are nate and location ofthe work unless evident rom the drawa or ‘Sher information request be provided by hese res. as! tigess otherwise specicaly stated ina bil of quantities or herein he following habe deemed tobe Inuded wih altems: {@) Labour and al cost in connection therewith {6) Materials, goods and al costs in connection therewith {c) Assembling ting and fing materials and goods in positon. {@) Plantand al costs in connection therewith {6) Waste of materials. (0. Square cutting. {@) Establishment char 47 ‘dimensioned descrition for an tem inthe il of quantities shal define the tom and slate all ho dnensione necessary to dently the shape and Size othe tem or lis components 1, ovathead charges and profit. 5. Drawn information 54 Location drawings (@) Block Pian: shall identity the ste and tocate the outlines ofthe building ‘works in relation to @ town plan or other context. {() Site Plan; shall locate the postion ofthe bulding works in rlation to setting out points, means of access and general layout of the sit. (6) Plans, Sections and Elevations: shall show the position occupied by the various spaces in a building and the genoral construction and location ofthe prinipal elements. 52 Component drawings: shall show the information necessary for manu facture and assembly of a component. 53 Bimensioned diagrams: shall show the shape and dimensions ofthe work Covered by an lem and may be used ina bill of quantities in place of @ ‘dimensioned description, but natin place ofan item otherwise required to be measured 54 Schedules which provide the required information shall be deemed to be drawings as requited under these rules. 6. Catalogued or standard components 81 A precise and unique cross-elerence toa catalogue or toa standard Speccation maybe given nan tem description instead ofthe description ‘equredby rules 26 and 212 or netoad of component drawing, 7. Work of special types mM Wiork of each ofthe following spacial types shal be separately identifod: (a) Work on orin existing building ~ see general rue 13. (o) Work to be cared out and subsequent removed (thr tan tomp- rary works) (6) Work ouside the curtilage oft Soo a ak a a a (@) Work carried out In or under water shall be so described stating ‘whether canal, ver or sea water and (where applicable) the mean ‘Spring levels of high and low water. {©} Work caries out in compressed air shall be so described stating the ‘pressure and the method of entry and ext 8. Fixing, base and background a4 Mathod of fixing shall only be measured and described where requited the rules in each Work Section. Where fixing through vulnerable materi | required to be identified, such materials are deemed to include those listed in ule 8.3 (2), 82 Where the nature ofthe base is requited tobe identiied each ype of base halle identiied separatoly. 83 ‘Where the nature of the background is required to be identified the item description shall state one ofthe following: {a} Timber, which shall be deemed to include manufactured building boards (0) Masonry, which shall be deemed to include concrete, brick, block anc stone (6) Metal {@) Motal faced materials (e) Vulnerable materials, which shall be deemed to include glass, marble, mosaic, tiled finishes and the lke. 9. Composite items on Notwithstanding the requirement of clause 4.2, work to be manufactured off site may be combined into one item even though the rules require tems to be measured separately, provided the items in question are alli Ccorporated into the composite tem offsite. The item description shall Identity the resulting composite item and the item shall be deemed to include breaking down for ranspor! and instalation and subsequent re-assembly. 10. Procedure where the drawn and specification information required by these rules is not available 101 Where work can be described and given in items in accordance with these {les but the quantity of work required cannot be accurately determined, an ttimate of the quantly shall be given and identified as an approximate ‘quantity. 10.2 ‘Where work cannot be described and given in items in accordance with these rulesit shal be given as a Provisional Sum andidentiiedasfor either Gefined or undefined work as appropriate 103 [Provisional Sum for defined works a sum provided for work which isnot Complotely designed but for which the folowing information shall be provided: (@) The nature and construction ofthe work (0) Astatement of how and where the work s fixed tothe building and what other works tobe fixed thereto. {) A quantity or quantities which indicate the scope and extent of the work {¢) Any spectic imitations and th like identified in Section ASS. 10.4 Where Provisional Sums are given for defined work the Contractor will be ‘deemed to have made due allowance in programming, planning and pricing Preliminaries, Any such allowence wil only be subject to adjustment in those circumstances where a variation in respect of other work measured Indetailin accordance withthe rules would gve rise to adjustment 10s [KPtovisional Sum for undefined work @sum provided for work where the Information required In accordance with rule 10.3 cannot be given. wos ‘Where Provisional Sums are given for undefined work the Contractor wil bbe deemed not to have made any allowancein programming, planning and prleing Preliminaries. 11. Work not covered a4 Files of measurement adopted fr worknot coveredby these rules shallbe Slated\in a bil of quantities. Such rules shall, as far as possible, conform ‘with those given in this document for similar work 12. Symbols and abbreviations The foowing symbols and abbreviations are used In this method of measurement m metro nt square metre m= cubicmete mm = millimetre nr = number ‘9 klogramme t tonne h hour Prime Cost Sum Provisional Sum ‘exceeding equal to or exceeding not exceeding lessthan ‘= percentage ‘= hyphen (see ule 4.4) we Cross references within th classification tables re given inthe form: Work Number Number Number Number Section _fromfirst_ fromsecond —fromthird from fourth umber: column. column. column, column Example: 20: Excavation ang filing Excavating To reduce levels Maximum depth < 1.00 ‘Commencing level stated where > 0.25m below existing ‘ground level 29 ‘An asterisk within across reference represents al entries inthe column in which it appears. 124 The digi O within across reerence represents no enti inthe column in ‘which it appears, 13, Work to existing buildings as Wotk to existing buildings shall be so described. Such workis defined as ‘work on, on, or immediately under work exiting Beloe the cent project na2 The adtonal rules for work to existing buldings are tobe readin conjunc- tion with the preceding rules inthe appropriate Work Sections 133 ‘description ofthe adltonalPreliinaries/Generalcontons which are pertinent to the work tothe existing building shal be given, drawing Attention to any spect equirements due tothe nature othe work 14. General definitions 141 ‘Where tho rules require work tobe described as curved withthe radi states dotails shall be given of the curved wark Including lf concave of conven, iteonical or spherical, ito more than one radius and shall state the radius orradi 2 ‘The radius stated shall be the mean radius measured tothe cent line of the material unless otherwise stated, Tevonton [Srreaeiee: fesse etnias i Vv “ piellMususeGeueig] couguioue A Preliminaries/General conditions aE SRRNTON FROTOED TOTENENT RES [DEVENS [COVENGERIS TRY Fs ogee Gl at Dr Afd@ageit | Ct Wore datenay Pe eat ein eg ans a archer amos ny eke feateeganciee |e sammie (eat bese ipods | mantic es Pieaeseees | roecmatocd CARSACATON TARE cron ‘0 Propet paras 7 pcpasas Roe atbn en re ois [a1 Owings oom T laste on he ‘cine oh a 112 The salEistngblings T ieanstnghasee | Seta en 2 Gargano shontabeaw 2 rary easnoas on ees 13 Description ofthe work [tage] Semen i] ae 2 Oinesons rdstge | 1 Pana ana pines ‘Mt Ginny we fargoecian |’ sakes sent 2 Hegbewen ts ramos 3 Taare > ga es ce 1 —l ak 20 The ConracSub-contract 7 Fem 7 coatieom| netstat ns 2 Sire Shegcotonand 2 eps 4 Extshace ‘orb, 5 petemares gee Ten] Ure 7290 Employers requrements: TenderingSubetng Spy "eg nahn 1 Paseo 2 Twn pe [Aa Employers requemenis: Proviso, content and use of documents 1 reierreteens [1 Ove ore en eras 2 Tew mel hae 52 Employers requements: Management ofthe works Eger [oes 1 Risso en 2 Tee el ape '39 Employer's requirements: Quality standardsconrol 7 Egger [Oars famed or ‘104 Employer equvements: Secu SafoyPotecton [pa nannroes Race patan| | Pace i sion di 2 an af te a te 5 ty 5 Pcoctnonat ote 2 Tiesto does W0go odd 2emow, g Prien General contons continued a SETS [TORS NETS RB eeu Fak Ee iro Se aos oreo Tape [i rsa Yate tines Se | wemsnaqernel | 2 Tre he ss Seen ‘oe aa con ar on 158 Empleo Fo eng waves es Tearoom Yo ec cai 2 Say axes | 2 Tooke ene aie, ) gore comm. — son yey — se ry 5 i B 7a ge poe prone ey 7 Seago |) Coane] havo rns 2 Te oat charge 58989 mm mmm ee | i 8 ‘40 constr goes cost ems: Moogement and tat esa Teas a 2 Tema ee ago es Beare Een ES i er ca Stn aaa Tae =] Sa aoe pinta |") Seat ae et Caner gre cot ae: Serves ad cies 2 pin Simos Say matte 1 Sagat was 8 ren sgod 9 chang fo oneget 1 Print ‘sore fe sat 3 Maron pt an ns Seat sananen 15 One eit ses 5 Gna n 7 sae 2 Taos hap Jon] mata Eo eto ‘sna ad ‘A_Proliminaries/General conditions continued (CSSFOATION TABLE WEASUREMENT ROLES DEFRTION ULES | COVERAGE RULES SOPALENENTART RATION nas onraciors goer cottons: Mechanical plant Tiara Cane 1 Redo om] as aio be 2 ve 2 Tee tape Eye cd ‘anne | 3 Parretraepo ‘Taxon 5 hmv 6 comp 7 Pag | ping sry 9 On ee aot 84 Contactors general costitens: Tenporey works Tempra «Yt Tempra‘ sce in] + a ab Fe 2 Tangy tis | Trtndeage ei a 9 ess ty oan 4 Spe seg ea 5 raw ong 6 tng 1 Tatoos 30 Wontar bye Employer 7 Wonasetyem [1 Weaty sas dy os Emer ‘every Fre ats sts sin epee be poe eas ae 8 Man vty toate gore, ‘aoe 51 Nominated subcontractors es a zoamae seers [oe soerere ier eomiceonte aroma Teen [aaa fl mae ey ecm ||: can ‘hear Seats oe aes ace. ow aa ety sass Hep Seems cece meter zone sae Coat Temata aecran a Ya end [ = coo) 5 Tae Taye eee a meaee, ee 2 Wey hon "| oe ene soe Sateen =a ae ena rane i] Sen oun Es ee Sona a Tomes - sm Fa -C Demolition/Alteration/Renovation C10 Demolishing structures €30_ Shoring IRFORWATON PROMDED RTT RTO — SNE — SRT sem hs Rnaoenere [Ee eae sees Pannen seis seat Sas non ow eo ees aes, Les Lae Le fooemrena” | maa | maa mace (Get. [Eaeemen [Gomme faeyocracs oe tie cate ennai” (Warten lovato pease ee” Pe leone cern ace eens | ies (emer, = cree sommes | Skeeee™ (Eos as temporary covered by Secon 2 ee = See |Seesenae = Series... |S geome 5 Tempra dvering, (Rortentee ere agaee= | ee fa] macros Semmes, [asman ee | ee Page om ra oes |} Spnamnnite | Sake = knee Seen Scegwra jgranoe ma _ a L as poseg ane TTemseayeae | Oren a a nonlgenal ores sn econ 2 cn, ea at 4 osm 20 5 Digg, ‘eos 5 rng cates. ‘oni a -"C20_ Alterations - spot items CRMATON PRON MEASUREMENT RES | EFRTIONNES — [OOVERAGERDES | SUPLEIENTA eunton Feta maa wn conan ng nr A PansGomeione cietonee [xi Tonmwenna OI uamanaaaion |S samaanmate |S Mettageame Sivan ieomcgace Searugyones |Shamecyaare |foantsccates” | serspassesase Gl poser 2d aes nba nb thai nce scrgatiermaat |temecyste ” [mrgguiaina [yey itedewae | Camere ctnte | at aen soy), S20 0 2 teyswatono, | si edeatateas dean | Raney ote copone ima, eens, | Sect” |e Garnmmtoag [Sennennensne | eearciccae | Carne soem Gerace | nar ‘mana tb Sn Scere Stetaigee” | tmenoa aang Seow |eatyeieons eo et Siar ee Soeew Sern TORSTEN TBE 19 sooo py acm Teeter fea] wgpaancis [un oak ant | 09 rege nok a sean 2 camigndnainy [eeturnmgens [navigate > Renagamtngat | 2 Onan aac Sorc |Stciecse |S | Sgnergecistion |” siete eden 3 msotg nw wok tat | mere sola | > Ramos | ep = even ene | Jeong) Sate Term || caterer ve | ma | [octet rae | |reaeporaee | a | erences | Temporary ote ta] + Proving ad ecg _ ‘$5 Dots ot wear and | foresees > tai nan Sstpingconoa | cy 2 hte et ses 4 cae 5 tga se, saeco ats om mmm mei i ce C40 Repairing/Renovating concrete/brick/block/stone TRITON TODD STORMS [SERCTOTES —ORENGERILES — | SOPRENENTRT Seaton SS SS Tearoom fi nase /S| umes [SL Semacaags | wcta-rese See a irene eaggeeane [peraneaiee™ [samme | tanta See an uti est ty ce Sergio (atone | & serps Tirteeani \opcemeue jonsoayncicory, | Secsmarmnte neces | tema sme | Sto ctonene Ce veawesaty |S: crmesaaiare wags hes ae deemed | oy mands of depnl t rar ues T reetee ceene ey |memeoaerne Seebee” |e Stata sateunaie SSSFTENTIOE Scie smrese Teanga | Oominasanon |! Ronan = | ame forma aaany [tena Ee {hort amend fy tae os Siomaraeeet |Sulce x= = sano Seamed i nn = Pamwcmg | fecmasoceim | Gooe areas [we [Goma wanes eee 2 ocmmomnaa {2-42 emegetag aces a in cinoma 3 mom ocean [>| errr) assem |i meas [reece aan [= | pen © wetgameate | magne Sagetes [Smet [ech ||" sete Sarge [fats 3 Stonework, ts sad i ie TSemsaenaniey |i Pow camson [w [manag fis paramsrace ee oo Sidon |) pee oom ae odio Smsetpee” | as 3 Sonewor, da staid ‘sing werk cneotoed STONE RTS RTI | IER SRY wenn gga [ole [ree Toe [aes ao Trams (et fe | al en oe Sem fom $s ‘he meee mee Ts == ecm tee ‘ton }omnanee mon jcmmenne [7 tearingeaw tine | Scvandypedtio | Bok 1 Suton os |e weatng now wa ost S10 Oa tiga ot = eee nos Deemer rer ee oo eraser Ta ema = > estate [1 Crete 1 Tomah eg oon CAI Chemical dpcs to €xisting walls FRFGRNATION PROVIDED VERSUPENENT ROLES | ETTON ROLES | COVERAGE RULES) SUPPLEMENTARY ineonwarion 7 Ts won om chew ain np br Aotearoa Gr woteaeseemits |S) Wenasotewaion ‘ramen ete te sowbyspte re eed 0 fo) saninggoostotes |S? OH" POH ASSFONTON TARE sakes tise 7 canatamepns Ys oe Tinacowaeaad [w [1 oes coms 2 oon Roma 3 Slonewate foes C50 _Repairing/Renovating metal C51 Repairing/Renovating timber C52_Fungus/Beetle eradication TFORIATONPROVERD TESTRGRENT RULES [EEWTEN TIRES | CVERIGE RULES] UPRUBIETT ieomiaron Fee peng hain oO (a heaspe satel eh GaSSrCATONTIRE [romana | Sowmim = ht cred OT Papin 3 sme 2 Resi " een drmeond | omen tinet sori be zamena Sauer nese ; Seema sete 2 Tea e e Son ea © Sinan ce Spot woe | asodted wots inborn ae D Groundwork ° D20 Excavating and filling 20 _Hardcore/Granular/Cement bound bases/sub-bases to roads/pavings INFORMATION PROVIDED [MENSORENENTAULES [OEFRITONAULES | COVERNGEAULES | SIPPLENENTARY InFORNATIN Teli ante atown onan eas nr Patna mig ae Ge acento ad soe {n tegrworoe ae awen etnd da e rcan re 5 fegsutaanntatercatinr aetna anim scrtad ude aes be pao © Fa me sth cor en enc gg ei ; 4 siepmaee ncn btn 1 Newer bdgned seen cats baton (pests snatch Sr 0 ple CASSRCATON TABLE TSepmame |i Romigeos |v Gmiaren-taem | ee Ch Thewaisiored | St Fema: 2 Renoiegsnstms | 2 Gen 130-300 omen Fa eg pe 3 its 3000.98 te sup ine DH Sento Se Poser 18 Rigs > Gagtvepauin | + Docs | Or Stover ‘Sesion ae oxen oa wagon Pods es Sip 0m | ing pesatea | Meeasipmarnn | oe mmm es i Tamm [Testo | aeerarnams |=] emmrigesnd [i teagan coergra |e memes : Temaca |Vimmmaeszome|n| Soveocon | uanctetas! $tecmeeeons [2 uomnayestnn Eseames ime mmesurectse pastor 5 Trenches wits <030m | 4 and even 2.00. scommerae eat j Woamtses | sme brea + eeegeet cmv moor eerie |» eorsanere i yee esemgowsge | Gamage pod rs pom sesageae || ey erent, is oss = eo ie tame | Ramune kana aero | saws enn ina Zen a eevee Ta 7 cacao aac * 2 Cone ecaraieg respecte of wtich sof such ste oF os aes eateries $ ete =e, cman ‘oe ame com om Fema ane | at ane, Raa [eae |S one peers tans |cesicrast” | oclitergeeceoe = | Escwrctor |iecgmey,, |Site oe eager | et ete ou | ces | mromded Ear roma cece 200 conned GASFORTONTASE TSAO ALE | RRATENARES | CVENGE RATS | SERENTT ‘emu a momma [a eeanes, [Saar immense | 1 Mreonimnen |Sireerenn [Seater | steitaa se ? eitonwncnte |# Dera, "| 3 Gatien [eeieememm [somrmecanes | sen Es = Caron [ameter | Ser Ee > oimatime | |S tovmecmaing | seca, | enarnmann somtensom || tn Bet | J edema” | Rear ‘ee | eee Se ee trang | Reames egiertanrs | Semmens mateo” |Saemeee meas om he 07 Eater support nest comnticidye [Remmemnrg = tir cermase |onueates Saeco, | Ste remeron” | sermseterae - ee ee Serres, |mercmeen fSiatacresay | meoartmaes sey tenes |p sate ard _— at rumieg sa, ‘ie Ee rr roy rl a amas | eee mr recerngr* |2 aera, one cover [a Ea smu: Sica Sele ei > tnnseana |i oe >| pete Yas teem oe imeem ae Sirs [ners eameraers 2 an san [Sane semen = roe ee, as ore me a es a es Ls ‘ong ein pote (rotgendiee| 5 Peary ster ringeocoics | aptioens [1 Maat 7 eas avant [it gist erry 10 Fangiomate pints | 92% ecaesons 2 Tras deta eta | Ot wot ls ais emer |, peratiras> [2 onetime | |) te geass Hina earee, | C2" ‘wale ng sens | ee conn ye sno 2 Cadets |_| 4 Sethe | oe is ene tees ete Schatten rosie! 2 Sammaania | orci ee fo arcaveinem [1 Aa se Soe ataed feces 2 crap 7 Gand 1 ng a Dacia | 57 tb eampcre 2 Fling {eine een ad ‘88, Kind and ty of papotetten | [Somes ea |e > Teme 1 Seana Te 2 eats Tome 3 suadentioms || ves 2 3 wate D30_ Cast in place concrete piling 2 eiapra taste toes | Dano des | es ‘wera Exe ee (3, Tew tomato ew bon te sctasbone | TRO TERT ATES [TOT RESET no sg mg Sp Ss RTOS seme : Seo aa ee Ce ete cama ia mame 2 SS eternlepmnamienentci cere ret Meant neem Sogeurestitenencvaly sootarasevectuamnne moat = ceri SEE enantio mein ene ‘ound s so desorbed ia oN 1 Bodies 1 Nema dame hates 1 Tots ante, te [1 Protein ies M1 veda even Dt Piescompisings [Ct Theworkis dematio | Si. Kind ane quay of cae scree | [pemomanmanm |iotrjcomaae, [Samm |fnacimcaes |notnenrn Rag cn Saini am | ra 2 Toa concrete longh [om |Site elas 3 ven shill | > Fr osname io |S? TP®‘ SSREENNSR,, [samocrn ras | 5 Daokeampen esteacomm | Srviter. [ammo | Sono coco | |Soe paces Taos fe fe remaers, ener coma Teper fo Taeenoene [Tapigeas : re eaeae mes | Son seoeres roared ave Pe Sere. Keren mmm ei fe macs [1 hala asins [Lach Wainer oat | Pome osio oe TH Pomona oe |S. Tpet vate 2 Ugh 3m se soem menus ong | onto te ese es ooh oumatdvnghee soe om tah Somat Tabgatgreee | Nonna doen sind 1 Tadley Togs ozone 05, Cangas es oo pa Stsera bre cou mnt ‘Scot ne prey& (pond po! 1 woconor eps | Nomastelios| Fesccanet epee [57 lant t Sie Secmaerceae |e foo sarolboea | Nonal done Src er Sones en ™ ronan Comacar ge ‘Beas | 1 Ofte 1 Gates, (Teena 2 one ‘tame ame erd 2 thc cn | a aa opera finisziae ene etic 10 Ooms Rss 1 Ona © a aie ‘ede kay see 1 ee Tone | oe erase D31_ Preformed concrete piling RCRA PROTOS ESTRGIET RAS [TON ALES — | COERGERES — [SP ETAT ion bag si og = nals ar Panna sivas SO Rinsemaen Serre te Beta wa a 6 Semgceguenoae re sogsoe 0) erode ad hone Sr ao Piet ae cele Sesuerwer oh Sensomns striate cs tmnt = comes etn tsp tng tn neve hi np Seniesa FATES | saaanise | emegaasocint |! Taaranaiem [w [1 Pama si Tesmmspen [ov Wwenamagne o Bampeaey 7S mawasane | Revo mes somes |]: ang [ieruareee'™ |Supetayetn’ |swcurneraes, | Sc m Pi a | ana |S be oo > mss = ES arg orp a aeons i eimai Yo a tesa se seasons seaman wom a a agro aca ree Pete reereorra rs Me Peon e petaustea | Tpeaeoe measured whee it ‘ince routing up wads ‘mss Soest Sorta = Tan = Seas retin 2 Re aaa fo 8 Pie exensions 1 Tous naer Go “| 3 Pepaing ais | Sareea ? tenn ae sources 2 Emameye santa : Bee mmm ee 10 Cag lees a a compare in ‘ tamed wesc separ nro! ‘Shoceme neyo aeons 1 ep 7 exaratanat |v One | eieaion |S Tievime tt . 2 ova rey ae seston 2 atthe. | ren one Scepter rs renin ase 2 Ose Rose re oa eo Ge Gay an cons sede 96 ‘eames ete 19 Fee onions * se Tina D32_ Steel piling eFORNRTON PROVED MEASOREENT ROLES | OEPRATONLES | COVERAGE ROLES] UPPLENETARY inrorwarion Feo mse aos ang or Gow eb GOm shear te gar Gi tecoml ey ae (8 Softee penne leg 1 Revit caeerbaane Fe soto: (3 Serato ges gh roe Sco Dt aon Ped [8 sosnue'scnndouar choo Sarno eines fe gdinson oo neal ‘beware ooo nro hose au ons astra one Tele one: (eta iho wien bg anton i aroha err 3 ae pr ere ESSCRTON TABLE 7 or) Mapa ered] Tannmnerdaee [w [1 fitayois [i Tenmanora or Twypatntngns |6i Tmacleauans [51 kedowaaina eatetenem | spcloghd 2 Fag icttonnio [Besa pe” | Patsy | ounes teres | ment sscrdeoaties | onmaee fag ‘ttt |B Paco |S Totnes a ie 7 PF Teaamenaem | nei Bene ate het eae |e tcdnapke | Setormataand |i Talaactmectes [we a Ten ae covciraena | basin tensaroqanie exh Soren ss footers 2 aeaeret Eepersonnen rotten ceaoreiet 3 eta opel outs Spo nale oben! Tana mae 0 monies Sermeatenoe ce Teeter nega oe ees sage ect ote cet iat ome ae a i oe With the do inilong of drive fopibg in the ceoe ot ine Staite sere siete Seatetee ooo fs wmsenaom | t Comm 1 Type stated m ~ Ms, Te eno mae me fm Ses { eaipecaoe [tose [VTatente |v |v rammoyas [ms Spans Shares soars. San ees eo Sciarasorseshs [2 Benen caqom [w |* Sant sie ate ‘ies dnt Saag [Poamemens |i emis atee |" | oeeman — |mrsenmteioe Sent = sae yr ng spc Sas Sonsoe santa cere * Sgaegatn |v imampanns [i mae [a [1 rama is pee a oieamae soca" | eteteca ‘fargo |iemoe Seca te secant 7 eamaames fovea = net 7 agape . seer in| Tea Ties te Sapa = Sime “se 2 heating es re ee cay ‘ncute socal bur = Te = 3 ieoovomna D40_Diaphragm walling THFORUATION PROVIDED WEASUREVENT ROLES | O-WNTON ROLES | COVERAGE ROLES] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION + Towa woman hw iro wa ang nA Prana cis wr gr ‘erga Pett games 1 bearngme dana anor mantg ts 1 odes ger eases phage Pe Seiden [a Doe te gas ren awh Sacer 0 wae Prd 1 seas ou ea, tr oe, ee or ei el aL! ‘ecanlrieree at oman Sergio ehh nv opel te a drt ora t came ~ ("bao ith ope gn nd hh mesma hen nt [Rag pees es ASSFOATON TARE 1 Beast adspat |! Tismecvotad [1 taiwmapnaace [ow a Tevet sr owaaraggorase ann nora sunt gensopecdse eer at Teche oan onto comnacey Seagoneiiy |i ” 2 Beangoassngtad |? Porbrxdcooes [me feos dre ed | «echo Stor 5 Count actin Se 2 acategonpy ome | Tot at = oe 1 Thane td 7 Caen ime Mw nd essed ome ‘ale ease om ta See Setsnen 3) rtoenen 3) Sateen tans re eaten (9 Saccasmn ‘she meee i ee i Fete rear azrroe secon ost Pa tr tg et Sowa el Sheer ogee 6 comer apcins | Te can cages tes ie outa sonst nae ‘satieget Sg pce a 7 mang anéosang [a sine tamet dag 1 Wipes (1 Twantentod au we on ymoared ieee ect ro 1 sen cepa ks Teleghe renee ones ‘arc tae raat ae hse! e tat te Ms Tc ea de teat wes, ‘ereceme et eta wena Bhs domton 1 metaywan | Rapes Sagan nck an ac ons ea Stone cerns ronan ? Earn 1 Rewoaltgaiewats [1 Ove 7 Tetenghs mest [63 Remora $_ Ltrs nme 2 ponas reureatastoret Stocco |lgned Peder ‘goa ba 1 esd 8 ba we © beams ae sarod ine ey easel a ete ears 55 Tngonaeaic D50_Underpinning RFORMATON PROVIDED NENSRENENT RULES DERNTION AIRES [COVERAGEROLES SPENT ‘NrORMATIN si ong bg 1) Otc erage ores FT akin om tow aan an ans was A Patan andi ae Soap Fe nemson arog eae carn mi eta ces wh San a em Ped P3 he tt egh area en pon ernst eC emi ini CLASSRCATION TILE ‘Tens agetir [1 Peas mgimmee csampaneare | ta Sr oat mang ns 1 etary rete oe oo 7 Panayomoes | raimmantaia | Ged in wah anne |b fan wee owemiaes —|2mmagnsicin |” |2femaesieoy [mmnssbewsaget |stats Suminmastzie | [2 enanae [Sensei | omeseiine ste naib orn ve ages Taper et 5 ws: | end to bo undead ot iota tae deo s35m . fi) 1Smmenthoim | RabeiedlReundepring 4 Teaomanaon | Py > aap Po ‘reseed in aconrtance | Undeng wi Section 0207.48. ve crmeuete SSger sxoaeae* Sooty Sasa, ESS cng ama easng | + Mary 1 Mino wih nde | a wean . gy : Smet | |? Depo | l| | ur Digs war nt scorn Smananant Fin We Fliegis measuredin £9 cordance wih Sacton i rae "I iecconeaiante |%0 concen Mio Cone, rawr, Son cece ‘hw Scetco ee bem Ea ‘tay . ‘E In situ concrete/Large precast concrete E10 _Insitu concrete TREORUATON PHONED TEASURENENT ROLES | OEPNTTON RIES | COVERAGERAES | SUPREME irom eto rat mh on en an Paco esarc acta tare | Comers © Samreaomns |S) tases a acy bed antes eeseint centr amtromine | su acted {6 sentence tb Socresren es iewnacttumns |. tener vs 8 tesecanes settee feoareecenncs*” |, Tst 8 heron 3 ee ey & Ripon bas mst es {8 feo tae oneegindntr 5) mes anne oer iat ete ig eho Ua ni ea sec TASSECATON TIRE a 5 en ann roa = [ro tz Ratner [01 fonts & pegromint 2 eons hicetst | aes” |e end sue canto 2 he eStart | taneene [2 soos smsis | oat te oe Ee coms |i taser [Rem news me Sromdensapint | ttle np 5 sm 2 Tn =m Goto |fepecatsoacmee | masteten cometanttosns [3 tama tem toe eect prenes = ates ae BSS egw 9e Secr bream Ton ms poste are ra SSrowg wee tance | momo 2 fate emesis 2 Ret np saved ate he oy oy Sema txe ©: rsa iccnargstie ‘Spessome wa ‘ine serch oiayaee chameepe

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