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Group Project Mark Sheet

CLSP Group Project : 30% Tutorial Group Student No Student Name (as in NPAL)

Assessment Criteria (Overall: Quality & Completeness) Maximum Marks Marks Awarded Criteria for assessment Remarks

Individually complete all 4 modules on Essentials of Starting a

Part A ACRA course on Essentials of Starting a Business 20 Business via ACRA Academy e-learning portal Show proof of individual completion to tutor

Submit screenshots from Bizfile

Incorporation: Search, Apply for New Company Watch the short video clips (3 mins) on "how-to- This Part applies to a brand new company that you
25 0
Name in Bizfile guides" in are incorporating

Name should be carefully selected to reflect the nature

Part B Name - Search, Apply, Type of Co, Activity [Bizfile] 10 of the business of the company and comply with CA provisions;
relevant licence from referral authorities to be simulated if
applicable for the type of business

Watch the short video clips in ACRA on who must register a

Particulars of Shareholders 5 business
Refer to the Directors Training Programme which you have
Particulars of Directors and Consent to Act form 5
already completed via ACRA Academy e-learning portal

Business and Registered Addresses 5 Watch the short video clips in ACRA on addresses registered
with ACRA and other important information
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Assessment criteria are compliance with law, language and

BOD Meeting & Notice of AGM: Minutes, Notice, formatting, comprehensiveness (completeness), logic This Part applies to a company that has already
20 0 been incorporated more than 3 years ago; different
Agenda and Resolutions (including consistency between documents) and practicality, from Part B
esp with correct order of dates on documents

Format of Minutes of Board meeting - record that

it was called to order by Chairman of the Board at There will be penalty for bad grammar, spelling, basic
given time and venue, at a date before date of 4 formatting errors (documents should look professional).
issuance of Notice of AGM

The minutes provide a clear, concise, well-

Part C organised record of the items to be discussed at
the AGM, signed by the Chairman of the Board on 6
the same date as meeting, or some date
thereafter but before AGM

Format of Notice of AGM - contains AGM Time,

Venue and is dated at least 14 days before AGM The more complete the Notice of AGM the higher the mark,
(unless students say articles prescribe longer 4 taking into account grammar, spelling and formatting
period etc- they must explain)

Notice of AGM contains a well-drafted Agenda

which logically complies with the law, and is clear
& concise. Explanatory notes and proxy forms 6
with instructions are prepared.

To prepare all relevant PPT slides to be shown at an actual

AGM Role Play Documents 35 0 This AGM is for the company in Part C
AGM; creativity will be rewarded

To be professionally done with appropriate notice of the AGM

AGM Notice to be displayed at venue & 4 for the entrance; taking attendance properly; verifying identity
Attendance marking sheet
of members and proxy

Annual Report & Register(s) (can be simulated, Creativity in presentation to shareholders will earn a higher
not actual) 6 mark, eg PPT slides on co performance via graphs etc
Part D Opening Address by Chairman and report on
company performance 7 To submit script together with PPT slides

To submit scripts by various directors on Agenda together with

Presentation of Agenda at AGM 10
PPT slides for their presentation

Meeting is conducted in an orderly fashion in To submit script of Qs and As where relevant; PPT slides not
compliance with the agenda, the Constitution required.Creativity and sophistication will earn a higher mark,
and all applicable law; shareholders are seen to 8 with appropriate weaving in of relevant provisions of CA - eg
be asking relevant questions; directors to be removal of directors; change co's name; change co's business,
providing clear and good answers change auditors; any special business etc

Total 100 0

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