CIS 4680 (5780) : Data Resources Management in Cloud Fall 2021

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CIS 4680(5780): Data Resources Management in Cloud

Fall 2021

Instructor: Dr. Qingxiong Ma

Class Room: WDE2805/D250 or Zoom (ID: 965 1629 7621)
Meeting time: Wednesday 1:00pm – 3:45pm
Office: Dockery 300 D or Zoom (ID 943 0207 8929)
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00pm – 4:30pm;
Thursday 1:00pm – 2:30pm
                             Other times by appointment

Phone: 660-441-1694
Course Website: Blackboard


This course is intended for advanced database specialists. Students will learn data resource
management knowledge and skills in cloud. Amazon Web Services is used as the platform for
examples and practice. Specifically, the course is composed of four components: 1) AWS
Relational Database Services (Oracle and Aurora); 2) Oracle database structure, schema
Objects, database applications using PL/SQL for Triggers, functions, Stored Procedures; 3)
NoSQL databases such as AWS DynamoDB, DocumentDB; 4) Data Warehousing; 5) AWS
database migration and conversion. The class will be interesting, demanding, challenging, and


1. *Understanding AWS database services and their features

2. **Learning fundamental principles and theories such as database design.
3. **Learning to apply course material (Provide AWS database solutions to a certain
business scenarios)
4. *Developing specific skills and competencies needed by CIS professionals such as
database deployment, management, migration, monitoring, and troubleshoots.

Prerequisite: CIS 3650 and CIS 2665 or admission to the MBA-IS or MSIT programs.
Books & Materials:

AWS Documents Reading Materials

Oracle 12c: SQL by Joan Casteel, 2015

ISBN-10: 0137142838, ISBN-13: 9780137142835
Cloud Computing Solutions Architect : A Hands-On Approach: a Competency-based
Textbook for Universities and a Guide for AWS Cloud Certification and Beyond, by
Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, 2019.
ISBN: 194997801X
ISBN13: 9781949978018

Learning Oracle 12c: A PL/SQL Approach by Prof Sham Tickoo, 2016

Handout for each chapter will be given by the instructor in the class.

Additional Materials: 2 Scantrons (Form 882-ES) and portal storage medium (flash drive)
Software: Oracle DB Engine (AWS RDS)
Oracle Data Modeler, SQL Developer, DBeaver
Oracle Live SQL
Oracle Instant Client and SQL*Plus


a) Technology
b) Business Knowledge
c) People Skills

After completion of this course, students will be able to perform all the following in the context
of business problem solving:
1. Understand AWS database architecture
2. Get familiar with relational databases, data modeling using Oracle Data Modeler
3. Know how to create Aurora and Oracle database instance with RDS engines
4. Know how to install Oracle database system in EC2
5. Understand Oracle database structure, schema objects such as views, sequence, synonym,
6. Write Oracle database applications with PL/SQL
7. Understand NoSQL databases and know how to use AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
and AWS DynamoDB
8. Understanding data warehousing
9. Know how to migrate and convert databases

ABET Student Outcomes

SO3 Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts (covered)
SO4 Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing
practice based on legal and ethical principles.
SO5 Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to
the program’s discipline. (Assessed in group project).

Final course grades will be determined based on your final weighted score using the following
fixed percentage cutoffs.  Please be noted that the final course grade will not be rounded up.  For
example, in order to receive an A, your final course score must be 90.00 or above.

A = 90.00% or above                 B = 80.00% to 89.99%               C = 70.00 to 79.99%                 

D = 60.00% to 69.99%              F = less than 60.00%   

Course Requirements:
Activity Possible Points
Homework: 90
HW1 AWS RDS Oracle Instance and Connection 15
HW2: Oracle Data Modeler 15
HW3 Database Design Using Oracle Data Modeler 15
HW4 PL/SQL Block 15
HW5 Triggers and Stored Procedures 15
HW6 NoSQL DynamoDB 15

Quiz 60

Attendance (50)
Special Research Project
(group project for undergraduate)
Exams 100
Total 300

Note: Special research project is required for graduate students. All assignments given on Friday
should be submitted before 12:00pm on Tuesday.

 Handouts: Handouts will be regularly distributed in class.  Most of the material will be
posted on the course web site after each class.
 Class Participation and Attendance: You are expected to read the assigned reading
material, work diligently toward the completion of assignments, attend classes regularly
and participate in all discussions, presentations, and activities constructively. In addition,
you are expected to show respect, collegiality, and good citizenship toward others in the
class. It is your responsibility to inform the instructor ahead if you are unable to show up
or will be late for the class. Each absence without acceptable excuse is worth 10 points. If
you have more than 5 absences, you will have an incomplete as the final grade. Every
two times of tardiness will be considered as one absence. In the middle of the class, you
are not allowed to walk out the classroom without permission from the instructor.
 Missed Tests: No make-up examinations will be given except for university-approved
emergencies. If you anticipate problems regarding scheduled test or class activity, please
see me in advance to make alternative arrangements.
 Late submission: Meeting deadlines for class assignments is very important. Late
assignments will be penalized. There will be a penalty of 20% of the assignment's
maximal grade (i.e. 20 pts on a 100-point base) per calendar day for late submission, and
no late submission will be graded after the solution of the assignment is discussed in the
class. Excuses such as the system was down, the printer was running out of paper or ink
cartridges, or there was a virus on your diskette, you were not being able to get onto a
computer or printer in the labs, or having your computer's hard drive crash at the last
minute are not acceptable.
 Team Work: Project and some of homework are to be done in teams.  The teams may
consist of no more than 3 members.  All team members are expected to contribute equally
and fairly to the team activities. If you encounter difficulties in the smooth functioning of
the team, bring it to instructor’s attention early.
 Announcements:  Announcements will be made in class about changes in schedules,
computer lab meetings, assignments, exams, readings, policies and other class activities.
It is entirely your responsibility to attend classes and keep abreast of the announcements
and changes. Important announcements may also be posted on the course web site.
 Academic Dishonesty: All assignments and tests should be the product of individual
effort. Feel free to discuss problems, but make sure that what you turn in is the product
of your own. No form of reference material may be used during an examination.
Students are expected to understand and follow the academic dishonesty policy
( Any form of copying, either on
computer assignments or tests, will be considered academic misconduct and will be dealt
with according to the Honesty and/or Computer Network procedures on page 129-151 of
the student handbook.
 Disabilities: Any student who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully
demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible to
discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate the student's
educational opportunity. Students with documented disabilities who are seeking
academic accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Union
220, (V) (TTY) 660-543-4421.
 Special Note: Please turn off your cell phone when you are in the classroom. Do not do
anything unrelated to the class.

Tentative Schedule: (as of 8-16-2021)

Wk Date Topics Chapters Lab Activities Assignments

Course Orientation
Syllabus Lab1 AWS Student Account (20’)
1 Aug. 18
Class Guidelines
Course Introduction
2 Aug. 25 AWS Storage and S3 Chapter 1 Lab2 AWS Virtual Lab(30’) Quiz 1
Relational Database Review Lab3 SQL Practice with SQLite
AWS database architecture Chapter HW1
3 Sept. 1 AWS RDS Introduction Lab4 Oracle Data Modeler (30’)
Review Database design and Lab5 AWS RDS for Oracle (30’) HW2
4 Sept. 8 Data Modeling Chapter 2

SQL review and Oracle Live Lab6 Create schema and objects HW3
5 Sept. 15 Chapter 2
SQL+ (30’)
Schema Objects Lab7 Using Oracle Live SQL(30’)
6 Sept. 22 Chapter 3
(Views, Synonyms)
Schema Objects
Chapter 3
7 Sept. 29 (Sequences, Index) Oracle storage management
Chapter 4
Database Structure
Database Security & backups Exam 1
Oct. 6 Chapter 5 Lab8 Pl/SQL Blocks (30’)

PL/SQL Blocks Chapter HW4

8 Oct. 13
Cursors 6
Triggers, Procedures, Functions Chapter HW5
9 Oct. 20 Lab9

10 Oct. 27

11 Nov. 3 NoSQL databases Chapter 8 Lab10

Exam 2
12 Nov. 10 DynamoDB Chapter Quiz 5
Nov. 17 ElastiCache Chapter
13 Lab12
Dec. 1 Neptune Chapter HW6
14 Lab13
Database Migration and Chapter
15 Lab14
Conversion 12
Chapter Project
16 13 Lab15

17 Dec.8 Exam 3

Note: The above schedule is subject to change if it is deemed appropriate at the instructor’s discretion.

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