PESUU BBA Internship Content Details 2019

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Contents of Internship Report

Chapters Page

 CoverPage
 DeclarationoftheStudent
 CertificatefromtheCollege
 CertificatefromtheCompany
 CertificatefromtheGuide
 Acknowledgements ---------
 Table ofContents
 ListofTables
 List of Graphs


 Introduction to study
1  Objectivesofthestudy
 Needofthestudy
 Scopeofthestudy
 Sources ofdata
 Limitationsofthestudy

2 Industry Profile
Company Profile
Functional Production Department
Departments Human Resource Department
(Any Two) Finance Department
4 Marketing Department and other
SWOT Analysis
a) General
5 b) Departmentwise
Analysis of data & Interpretation

7 Findings &Suggestions
8 Conclusions
9 Learning Experience
--- Bibliography -----
---- Annexures/Enclosures (if any) -----

Introduction to the study, place where study is done, duration and objectives of the study.

Industry Profile
 History
 Introduction
 Types ofCompanies
 Types/Models
 Employment
 Growth
 Prospectus for export (for domestic/abroad)
 Contribution to thecountry
(All these about 5 to 10 pages)

Company Profile
 Company name &Introduction
- Whenstarted
- Whostarted
- Wherestarted
- Branches
- Collaborations (its owndesign)
- Capacity
- Licensed
- Installed
- Operating

 Types ofProducts
 Infrastructure
 Landarea
 Building
 Power
 Fuel
 Water
 Structure of Organizationdepartments
 Financerequired
 Form ofOrganization
 Reasons for locating factory in particulararea
 Customerprofile
 Competitors
 Building Plan &Layout

Departments (any two)

1. Marketing
2. Production
3. Finance
4. Human Resource
5. OtherDepartments

1. Marketing
 Structure
 Place
 Departments
 Products
 Hierarchy inmarketing
 Number of Persons Designation /Qualification
 Training
 Volume ofSales
 Competitors
 SWOTanalysis
 Marketingstrategy
 4ps (MarketingMix)
 Promotionalactivities
 DistributionChannel
 Marketshare
 SalesTurnover
 Issues Involved (Present Problems Involved inMarketing)

2. ProductionDepartment

 Structure in termsof
1. Departments
2. Authority
3. ProductionQuality
 Productionfacility
- PlantLayout
- Machines installed (when & whattype)
- Materials handlingequipment
- Level ofautomation
 Technology
 Semi – automation ,Automation ,CNC,CAD/ERP/CAM,
 Number of employees , Education andSkills
 Training
 Turnover
 Issues/Problems involved inProduction
 Is there separate maintenance department, Quality control, Departmentetc.

3. FinanceDepartment
 Structure
- Organization
- FinancialDepartment
- PersonalDepartment
o Accounts Department, Internal audit, policies, Ratios, Fixed Capital, Balance
Sheet, Working Capital Requirement, Type ofDepreciation.

o Return on Investment
o Computerized accounts (what package do youuse)

4. Human ResourceDepartment
 Structure
 Recruitment & selectionprocess
 Training &Development
 Number ofPersons
 Type ofrecruitment
 How do you maintain people
 Turnover
 ExitInterview
 HR strategies to reduceTurnover
 SalaryStructure
 Incentive,bonus
 WelfareMeasure
 Motivation ofEmployees
 Method &tools
 Problems/issues related to HR.

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