Citizen'S Participation in Nation Building: Gween Digest

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An initiative of the Nigerian Citizens Association South Africa - NICASA

V o l . 1 | I s s u e 1 | O c t o b e r 2 0 2 1



16 October 2021 - Johannesburg

Hon Prince Benjamin Okoli Honorable Abike Dabiri-Erewa. H.E. Hon Malik M. Ahmed Abdul,
- President | Nigerian Citizens Chairman, Nigerians in Diaspora Consul General of Nigeria
Association South Africa Commission (NiDCOM) to South Africa

Over 19,000 Nigerians Nigerians in diaspora Diasporans provided

N48 million worth of PPEs,
were evacuated back deserve to vote. face shields and hand sanitisers.
home - CG - Abike Dabiri-Erewa. -Hon Malik M. Ahmed Abdul,

Nigerian Youths in the Diaspora:

A Panacea to nation building Protection of Migrant Nigerian Women Basic Things You Need To Know
- Coach Oscar Emetuei - Archbishop Chidiebere A. Ogbu To Stay Legal In South Africa
- Barrister Smart Nwobi
From The Desk Of The Editor In Chief ,
Hon Mabel Edonmi

From The Office Of The President General Nicasa

Hon Prince Benjamin Okoli

Good Will Message

By Hon. Abike Dabiri-erewa

Chat With A Diplomat, Q & A With

H.e Hon Malik M.ahmed Abdul.

South African Immigration Law:

Basic Things You Need To Know
To Stay Legal In South Africa
By Attorney Nwobi I Smart (LLB Hons
UNISA, LLM Int’Law University Of Pretoria

Nigerian Youths In Diaspora

Apanacea To Nation Building
– Coach Oscar Emetuei
Nigeria Needs Restructuring To Get
Out Of The Present Mess
Chief Jonas Udeji
Nigerian Pastors Association
South Africa NPASA)
The Shambles:
Life On A Messy Train
Investment Opportunities In By Olamide Adesoye
Nigeria Written By Ijeoma Nwizu

Ode To Nigeria
By Bimbo Fafowora (phd)
Impact Africa Technical Department Of Journalism
Stellenbosch University
University USA South Africa

I Am A Nigerian
About The National Association Of Nigerian By Tina Odinakachi Lirmdu
Students South Africa(NANSSA) NANSSA Mandate
Our Star Stabilizer Of
Protection Of Migrant Women By Archbishop The Year Irene Ocheme
Professor Chidiebere Analechi Ogbu.

Nicasa Western Cape Blazing The

The Menace Of Covid 19 Trail In Quality And Diligent Leadership
By Dr Emeka Ugwu By Hon Bimbo Fafowora
From the
Desk of the

I consider it a great privilege and honour to be involved in
the emergence of GWEEN magazine. Nigerians living in

SOUTH Africa over the time past have been plagued and

stigmatised as criminals based on assumption and

An initiative of the Nigerian Citizens
inferiority complex. This mentality has made innocent Association South Africa - NICASA
citizens of our country pay dearly even with their lives. |

How can we as Nigerian citizens change this narrative?

How can we showcase the great work Nigerians do in Editor-In-Chief

South Africa daily? How can we unveil our talents and Mabel Edonmi
brilliant minds? How do we promote our Nigerian owned
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
businesses? The answer to all these questions and even Coach Oscar Emetuei
more birthed the idea of having a Nigerian owned media
Editorial Team
outlet as a magazine which is being welcomed by the
Dr. Bimbo L. Fafowora
Nigerian society. GWEEN magazine will be published on a
Dr. Andrew Enaifoghe (PhD)
quarterly basis and, as time goes on, the production can
Dr. Ike Obidike
be increased to monthly.
Rev (Dr) Godwin Usifo
The birth of GWEEN magazine is a success because of the
Hon Prince Benjamin Okoli
weight of notable personalities and Nigerians who took

interest. Firstly, I want to thank the media team who

accommodated this idea and ran with them. I also want to Graphic & Layout
appreciate everyone who sent us an article making this Billion House Designs
magazine packed with the great pieces worth your time.

Also not forgetting the businesses that showed faith in this |

magazine and placed adverts in it. +27 69 599 0053

The first day of October is always a celebration of Nigeria's
The GWEEN DIGEST is published in South Africa byThe Nigerian
Independence Day, as Nigeria turns 61 we all need to Citizens Association South Africa NICASA company registration
reflect on how far we have come as a country and what Number 2018/306356/08127 Fox Street Malboro House, Suite
717 CCMA Building, Johannesburg, South Africa.All rights
the future holds for us as individuals and as a community. reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is strictly prohibited.
Having said this, I wish Nigeria a Happy Independence

For sponsorship, advert placement, and
Hon. Mabel Edonmi article publications please contact
Chief Editor or
Call +27 69 599 0053

DISCLAIMER: The management of GWEEN DIGEST wishes to state that all materials published in this magazine - adverts, editorials etc., are published in good faith. The views expressed in the articles published
in GWEEN DIGEST solely reflect the author(s) opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher and editors. GWEEN DIGEST's editorial team has painstakingly vetted the contents of this
magazine to ensure that they are as accurate as possible as at the date of publication. GWEEN DIGEST is not liable for any error or loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use of the content(s) of this
magazine as well as claims made by the advertisers.All rights reserved. Contents of this magazine cannot be reprinted or reproduced partially or in whole without written consent from the publisher -NICASA.
From the office of the
President General NICASA
Great Nigerians,

It gives me great pleasure to be part of this great epoch-making event, the launch of the maiden edition of NICASA magazine the

GWEEN DIGEST, on the occasion of the NICASA's National Convention and the commemoration of Nigeria's 61st Independence


We are proud as a community for this great achievement, in providing a platform for information dissemination with the ability to
tell our own stories and change the ugly narrative of stigma, mudslinging, stereotype, nationality profiling and misinformation often
spread against our nation and community by the locals and the law enforcement agents.

The GWEEN DIGEST is a veritable tool for the Nigerian community in South Africa and beyond to use to their advantage in

advertising their business and achievements, to project our excellent contributions into the South African academic and science

environment and the promotion of our arts and culture. This Magazine is designed to be a catalyst for the progress of our community. It is a

binding force, for the development and promotion of our unity. The Nigerian community deserves a national magazine that captures the

aspirations of our entire citizens and promotes our goodwill like the GWEEN DIGEST.

Our nation Nigeria deserves commendation at this point on its 61st Independence Anniversary. NICASA and the GWEEN DIGEST
congratulates our President, the Commander in Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR on this unique
year's celebration. We thank his Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari for the bold steps he has taken towards rebuilding and
repositioning our country among the comity of nations. We commend him and his administration for the concerted effort in the fight
against insurgency, banditry and other crime against our nation.

The Launch of the GWEEN DIGEST was strategically planned to coincide with Nigeria's Independence Anniversary to foreground

GWEEN's focus as a national news media. I thank the editorial team for the wonderful work they did in showcasing Nigerians' capacity,

creativity, business, academic prowess, arts, and culture. We look forward to the next edition.

We celebrate our friends and partners, especially those who have contributed immensely to the development and growth of
NICASA. A very strong appreciation goes to the NICASA Board of Trustees for their untiring support and guidance to the leadership. I thank
in a very special way our Provincial leaders for their sacrifice and commitment to the growth of NICASA and the welfare of our community.

We thank the Nigerian High Commissioner, His Excellency ambassador H.M Manta and the Consul General His Excellency Hon

Abdukmalik M. Ahmed for their support and commitment to the welfare of the Nigerian Citizens in South Africa. We appreciate them for

their great service to the Nigerian community in South Africa.

Thank you.

Hon Prince Benjamin Okoli

President General
Goodwill Message by
Hon. Abike Dabiri- Erewa
Chairman/CEO of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Abuja, Nigeria,

on the Occasion of the

Annual Convention of Nigerian
Citizen Association (NICASA)
South Africa, Holding on Saturday 16 October 2021

on behalf of myself, management and staff of NiDCOM do felicitate with the President, Executive Council and members of the

Nigerian Citizens Association, South Africa on the occasion of your annual convention and the celebration of Nigeria's 61st

Independence Anniversary. I appreciated your invitation and do pray that you have a very successful annual general meeting and

independence celebration.

The theme of your convention “Citizens Participation in Nation Building” is apt and will help to energize your membership to be
good ambassadors of Nigeria and to excel in whatever you do in your host country, South Africa. Do not also forget to give back to your
country of origin, Nigeria. This will help you fulfil H.E President Muhammadu Buhari's three-point agenda for Nigerians in Diaspora

As you are aware, the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) was established by an act of Parliament, Establishment Act

2017 “To provide for the engagement of Nigerians in the Diaspora in the policies, projects and participation in the development of

Nigeria and the purpose of the human capital and material resources of Nigerians in Diaspora towards the overall socio-economic,

cultural and political development of Nigeria.”

In view of the provision of the Act and its mandate, it is pertinent to strive for a more inclusive way of involving the Nigerians in the
Diaspora in the development of Nigeria. At NiDCOM we keep an open mind as we listen for the needs of our Nigerians in the Diaspora
and make the necessary adjustment that will enable every single citizen to have a chance at thriving in their host country and giving
back to Nigeria. NiDCOM is over two years old and is moving forward with the understanding that we must hold ourselves accountable
for ensuring that Nigeria is a place that we contribute to its development and where we can prosper.

In ensuring the delivery of its mandate, the Commission through advocacy to the State Governors established State Diaspora

Focal Point Officers (SDFPOs) and Offices. Presently, we have thirty-three (33) SDFPOs including FCT out of the thirty-six states. NiDCOM has

successfully held three Summits with the SDFPOs since 2020.

NiDCOM also has consolidated the declaration of July 25th every year by the Federal Government as National Diaspora Day, a
day set aside to recognise and celebrate Nigerians in the diaspora for their involvement in national development. We have celebrated
this event three times since the establishment of NiDCOM.

NiDCOM also coordinates the Nigerian Diaspora Investment Summit (NDIS) for the diaspora across the globe with relevant

stakeholders. This is to encourage the diaspora to participate and invest back home. I remain optimistic about the future and see many
opportunities for Nigerians in diaspora entrepreneurs to build their businesses to support and inspire others to contribute to the

development of our country Nigeria.

With the Nigerians in the diaspora contributing over $25 Billion in 2019 as remittance, it is believed that they deserve to vote. Based
on this, NiDCOM is working with the National Assembly and other relevant stakeholders to hopefully make this a reality soonest.

In collaboration with other relevant stakeholders over 19,000 Nigerians were evacuated back home from different countries due

to reasons of deportation, human trafficking, and voluntary returnees as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nigerians in the diaspora also

supported the Nigerian government in providing PPEs, face shields and hand sanitisers worth N48 million. These were distributed all over the

36 states of the federation including the FCT.

Nigerians in the diaspora's contributions to the Nigerian economy also includes Medical Missions, hospital and health institution
development, diaspora estates in some States, the supply of Agricultural equipment to support farmers, knowledge transfer programs at
various universities, developing ICT among the youths and creating job through manufacturing industries etc. There is a need to
encourage Nigerians in the diaspora to engage in entrepreneurship in Nigeria as a way of expanding the gap of untapped opportunities.

NiDCOM is working with the National Identity Management Commission to have adequate data of Nigerians living abroad for an

effective planning process and it is a continuous exercise to encourage data mapping of Nigerians in the diaspora. The Commission has

launched the Data Mapping Portal for this on our website. I encourage all members of NICASA to visit our website and


As a way of keeping Nigerians in the diaspora informed about happenings at home, there are media engagement and public
advocacy programmes on issues that affect the welfare of the diaspora and in which their achievements are showcased. There are
weekly television programmes aired for 30 minutes on the National Television (NTA) and other television networks, and a monthly newsletter
where activities of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission are published.

Going forward, we will focus on expanding opportunities and support for the Nigerians in the Diaspora through the all-inclusive

National Diaspora Policy and Action Plan which was recently approved by the Federal Executive Council on the 28th of April 2021 and

launched on May 18th, 2021 during the SDFPO Summit in Abuja.


Let me conclude by again recalling to you the three-point Diaspora Agenda of H.E President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, that:

1. You are our Ambassadors-at-large in South Africa by your actions, comportment and character

2. In whatever endeavour you do, be the best and excel.

3. Do not forget home, by giving your resources, talent, skills and global exposure to the development of Nigeria.

This I believe should be your guiding principles and the pillar of your stay in South Africa. I look forward to seeing NICASA programmes and

projects in Nigeria as we work to develop our country. Have a successful Annual General Meeting and Happy 61st independence


Thank you and God bless you.

Abike Dabiri-Erewa | Chairman/CEO,
Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM)
Abuja, Nigeria

Saturday 16 October 2021

Chat With
A Diplomat:
Q&A with H.E. Hon Malik
M. Ahmed Abdul,
Consul General of Nigeria to South Africa

Question: Sir, with the tours and working visits that you have done
so far, you may have come across some challenges faced by the
Nigerian community in South Africa. Some of such challenges are
the seeming discriminatory practices, the red tape and arbitrary
unjustified denial of permits that have constituted bottlenecks
against the issuance of permits to Nigerians. How would your
Excellency assist Nigerians through the home affairs to have their
permits regularized without the unnecessary bottlenecks?

Reply: I have been here from the end of October last year (2020)
and I have noticed that there is a systematic discrimination against
Nigerians which was not there between the periods of 1994 – 2000 in
South Africa. The stigma of criminality attached to the Nigerian
community must be collectively dealt with and those Nigerians
involved in crimes should turn a new leave. Around and onwards
from the year 2000, some Nigerians were always caught in
criminality. Regarding the delay in approvals of permits, I met with
the Deputy Director General of Home Affairs who told me that the
reasons for delayed release of permit is not intentional, neither was it
targeted at Nigerians or a particular country. He made me
understand that any delays are caused by the Covid-19 pandemic
which causes their offices to be closed most times. If a worker
contracted the virus, the offices has to be closed and sanitized
before resumption. repatriated voluntarily.
Question: Your Excellency, there are Nigerians who are stranded Question: There has been reports that the South African Police
in South Africa and who are willing to go back to their families in have been unnecessarily high handed against Nigerians, with
Nigeria but do not have the necessary resources, especially air nationality-profiling and negative stereotyping of Nigerians.
tickets to do so. How would your Excellency assist this vulnerable What has your excellency done or intended to do to ensure that
Nigerians to go back home to start a new life for themselves and Nigerians are treated fairly and with dignity by South African
be useful to their families and Nigeria. We are aware that some Police Service and other law enforcement agents?
African Countries offer such service to their citizens who fall under
this category.
Reply: I have been on one or two trips sometimes ago and met
REPLY: Over time, we continued to assist Nigerians in distress but with the Commissioner of Police. I was also in Mpumalanga with
when it comes to repatriation of Nigerians in distress, it is too much of the NICASA PG where we also met with the Provincial
a responsibility on the commission to shoulder. I would advice Commissioner of Police, and I made it clear to them that crime
anyone stranded here and wants to return to Nigeria to talk to their does not have a nationality and its very unfair to stereotype a
families that things are not working and asks their families for
financial assistance to return to Nigeria. What the commission can nationality for a particular crime. He promised that it is being
do in such cases where Nigerian Citizens cannot afford to return worked on and there will certainly be a stop
home is to work hand-in-hand with NICASA to do a census of such
Nigerians living in South Africa and reach out to the organizations
and well-meaning Nigerians to raise funds to assist them to be
by Dr Andrew Enaifoghe (PhD) Researcher

T he issue of gender inequity does not just affect women alone. It is a predisposition, whether explicit or inherent, obstacles that could
hinder both education and employment, and wage disparities hurt communities and cripple the economic landscape. The pathway
to Success provides a unique way to addressing long-standing difficulties by training young men and women with functional skills and
competencies while using a gender-sensitive viewpoint.

Since the first reported case of a novel COVID-19 outbreak in Hubei province, China, in December 2019, COVID-19 cases have escalated
in China and distributed to all the five continents, placing serious health burden and economic challenges on the global leading to the
World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring it as a global pandemic on the 11th of March 2020. Consequently, South Africa on the 23rd
March 2020 implemented a nationwide lockdown to be effective from 26th of March 2020 till 16th April 2020, which was subsequently
extended to curb the spread of the virus.

Due to strict measures that restricted human movements and economic activities, this, however, possess serious economic challenges
because most of the local businesses were closed down which greatly reduced the GDP contribution of the local market. No doubt the
current global pandemic (COVID-19) has been a tremendous shock to all human societies and economies, highlighting society's reliance
on women both from the front lines and at home, while also revealing systemic inequities in every sphere, from health to the economy,
security to social protection.
In crises, when resources are stretched and institutional capacity is restricted, women and girls bear enormous burdens with far-reaching
repercussions, which are exacerbated in circumstances of vulnerability, conflict, and emergency. Hard-won victories for women's rights
are also jeopardised. It is no secret that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have disastrous effects on every aspect of life in communities
across the world, with women and girls bearing a disproportionate share of the burden.

Certainly, reports show that across Africa, women and girls have faced the weight of the pandemic, as the virus has worsened pre-existing
gender disparities, exposing significant flaws in safety, physical and mental health, education, family obligations, and employment
possibilities. Despite COVID-19, the mortality rate in Africa has indeed been unexpectedly low. The virus has severely disturbed the lives of
women as decades of progress toward women's rights and gender equality in Africa has begun to unravel.

Simultaneously, African women and girls play crucial roles in addressing COVID-19, including those of primary health care professionals,
carers at work and home, and community workers and the local community. Women should be at the centre of COVID-19 reconstruction
and development because of their susceptibility and leading positions amid the current global pandemic. Due to various existing social
conventions, African women and girls have traditionally borne the brunt of family care tasks, such as child care, household chores, and
caring for the poor, sick, and frail in their families and community at large.

Indeed, well before the global outbreak, women and girls held enormous obligations for their families and communities, having to bear
four times the number of unpaid jobs like caregiving services and domestic labour more than the
males. Statistics show that in Kenya, women spend approximately 11.1 hours a day on any
care job, as opposed to 2.9 hours for men. There was indeed a need to relieve women's
burdens from unpaid work by modifying gendered power standards in the homecare
sector, as well as establishing flexible work arrangements and higher remuneration
for women. Improved social service supply would relieve women having care
duties and provide them ample time for paid professions and personal life.
Statistics show that in
Despite massive employment and wage losses as a result of COVID-related Kenya, women spend
financial constraints, women and girls remain the most disadvantaged.
Similarly, about 92% of employed African women work in the informal sector, approximately 11.1 hours
where they lack job stability and benefits. Amid lockdown conditions and in the a day on any care job,
availability of social welfare, informal employees have been forced to choose
between breaking the lockdown and jeopardizing both their safety and legal as opposed to 2.9 hours
ramifications or going without pay. However, while the COVID-19 virus caused
millions of African children and women to lose their employment, food, and
for men.
health care, the truth is that this was a pre-existing situation long before the

Developing an integrated public transformation and providing support to disadvantaged

individuals well after the crisis would also go a long path toward safeguarding and protecting
individuals and families, especially women. Simultaneously, supporting women in both small and large
enterprises will improve the economic and financial wellbeing of families and their household economies. Available and empirical
observation indicates that violence against children and women in Africa has escalated significantly since the implementation of national
lockdowns in March 2020.

The outbreak of coronavirus has exacerbated the epidemic of gender violence. There is an increase in rape in Nigeria and South Africa to

child sexual assaults and forced prostitution in Kenya. Even before the emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak, one in every three women
in the world had suffered physical and emotional abuse, mostly at the hands of an intimate partner. Africa wasn't any different. Now, the
outbreak of coronavirus and the attendant lockdowns have led to economic stress and instability, buoyed by the difficulty to flee abuse,
social exclusion, overcrowding, and a reduction in support systems.

The data emanating from developing sources reveal an upsurge in calls to victims of domestic violence hotlines in various African
countries since the beginning of the pandemic. For example, in Kenya, demands for aid against domestic abuse spiked by 34% within
the first three months of the lockdown. South Africa and other parts of the continent have experienced similar developments. African
governments must accelerate policy and non-policy initiatives to eradicate gender- and sexual-based violence. This is surely not a
women's issue but a global problem that requires immediate action, and men must be included in the conversation about ending such

Governments and communities must also reconsider societal and cultural norms and behaviours that sustain violence. Perhaps more
importantly, as laws and policies are enacted, it is critical to ensure that the reaction to violence is prompt and comprehensive.
Furthermore, as COVID-19 swept the globe, everything altered; countries, societies, and communities have been changed, political
and social structures have been reformed, and new social systems have emerged with all at breakneck speed. The epidemic served as
a huge exposer and amplifier of existing inequalities and injustices around the world.

Regrettably, despite the significant international research cooperation, geopolitical engagement in the COVID-19 dilemma has been
desperately missing. Nevertheless, most African countries, as well as regional institutions (such as the African Union, Africa CDC, African
Export-Import Bank, African Development Bank, and UNECA), moved quickly and with unity. Many projected that the very first wave of the
COVID-19 pandemic would have catastrophic effect in Africa as a result of the region's frail health systems and massively
disadvantaged demographics with a high level of poverty, anaemia, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases such as tuberculosis (TB),
and, more recently, Ebola.

However, unified governance, swift implementation and adherence to counter-

measures (including social distancing, isolation, and quarantine), nationwide
lockdowns, and travel bans all culminated in infection cases of incidence and fatalities
being significantly lower than projected. Several Aican Rapid COVID interventions were premised on
earlier experience in dealing with other epidemics in the past, such as HIV and Ebola,
in which communities played a critical role
ensuring that supplies and treatment
nations are now in strengthening frail health systems and
reached those with the greatest need.

However, a concerning second phase of taking advantage the pandemic has emerged in the region, with
new variations and an increase in COVID-19 cases and deaths. South Africa now has the
greatest number of COVID-19 infections in
and TB rates in the world. Importantly, the of this situation for Africa, as well as having some of the worst HIV
pandemic is not only a health disaster; it also
has significant societal and economic consequences. Indeed, the pandemic has
the potential to push up to 40 million people
Africa, with African women and girls bearing
a "grand reset." into extreme poverty across Sub-Saharan
the brunt of the burden. Violence against
women and girls is on the rise.

More than 70% of women are unemployed because they work in the informal sector as
market sellers, street vendors, domestic workers, subsistence farmers, or in the service and hospitality industries. Across many countries,
there were school closures, job losses, and supply shortages that force women to maintain their homes and communities together, often
at their own expense. Several African nations are now taking advantage of this situation for a "grand reset." However, such a shift
necessitates sophisticated management of the complexity, vulnerability, and intensity across numerous fronts, notably emergency
services, contingency planning, and long-term strategies for maintaining this change.

Nevertheless, despite the exacerbating structural gender inequalities around the world amid COVID-19, the current pandemic seems to
be creating opportunities for individual governments to boost women's position and empowerment by allowing their involvement in
politics and public life. As the advent of COVID-19 has revealed the aggravated systemic inequities that disproportionately affect
women, innovative ways are equally turning the epidemic into a great opportunity for the government to increase women's
participation in their political affairs and public life.
The question is how can governments effectively deal with the pandemic's uneven impact on women? Many researchers recognised
the heightened awareness of the need for women's participation in all aspects of life, from the outbreak of coronavirus response
preparations to Government, and emphasized the need to do more than that to promote universal gender equality. According to other
findings, “COVID-19 has demonstrated how interrelated health, economic, and social issues are in our society,” stated Jan Tinetti, New
Zealand's Minister for Women. New Zealand, for its part, has reduced the gender leadership gap as women's leadership and
engagement in public life has increased.

A 2020 modification to the Equal Pay Act would make it easier for women in male-dominated fields to be appropriately compensated
for their work. Ethiopia's Minister for Women, Children, and Youth, Filson Abdulahi, stated that the government has responded to a
pandemic-caused increase in incidents of child marriage and gender-based violence with efforts aimed at bringing perpetrators to
justice and promoting gender equality and provide support services to victims.
A countrywide poll is currently being conducted presently to determine the perceptions of women in decision-making and political

leadership to establish measures to support women in the upcoming parliamentary elections. He emphasized increasing collaboration
between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Women's and Gender Equality Division, stating that their efforts acknowledge the need of
engaging their voices, skills, and experience in climate change action, disaster risk preparation, and response operations. Moving
forward, an equivalent commitment must be made to reform regional and national political culture, social norms, and behaviours.

Latvia's Minister for Welfare, Ramona Petravia, stated that gender equality should indeed be pushed across both laws and policies. The
state-endorsed its "first National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security in 2020". Besides, the World Bank named Latvia one of the
top ten economies in the world for offering equal rights under the law to men and women. Women make up 27% of lawmakers in Latvia,
which has the highest proportion of women in leadership roles in Europe, at 46%. In agreement with other speakers, men and boys play a
key role and bear significant responsibility in furthering gender equality. Latvia has taken steps to strengthen the function of fathers
through paternity and parental leave programmes.

The government has successfully implemented 64% of the SDG indicators that are directly connected to women. Concerning the
country's national efforts to combat COVID-19, she highlighted a variety of preventive, therapeutic, economic, and social support
programmes centred on areas of social protection and family care, which, in turn, reduced the escalation of domestic violence cases.
Furthermore, the avenues for Bahraini women to participate in national development processes are speeding up and diversifying, with
essential tools like the Supreme Council for Women and the Programme for Women's Participation in Decision-Making Positions
becoming available. However, he claims that women's rights are still being abused.

Investigations into crimes against women perpetrated by the occupying power are proceeding, reinforcing a request for the
international community to sustain its support, particularly during the pandemic. Examining best practices and lessons learned are
continuous actions to better design response efforts and address women's empowerment. Finally, to respond to the issue of gender
inequality amid the COVID-19 pandemic entails not only correcting long-standing disparities but also constructing a new social order
that is resilient in the interest of everyone with women at the centre of the recovery.

Written by
Dr Andrew Enaifoghe (PhD)
(LLB HONS.UNISA, LLM Int'Law University of Pretoria.

Introduction: engagements and power given to such agents in the event of

This article is an informative piece aimed at educating and adverse reports by the Department of Home Affairs in future.
informing all migrants and prospective ones with regards to the
Immigration laws of South Africa and how to sojourn within the 2.Do Not Entrust Your Documents in the Hands of Self-Acclaimed
Republic of South Africa in terms of the prescripts of the law. Agents - Your documents are your life concerning your stay in
any foreign country. South Africa is no exception. If your record is
messed up in the South Africa Immigration records as a result of
I will endeavour to beam my touch-light on the most important
a bad decision or entrusting matters of professionalism to non-
legislations that affect foreigners being the Immigration Act No.13
professionals, then you will have to live with the outcome of such
of 2002 as amended hereinafter referred to as the Immigration Act a decision. Records and surveys have proven that 90% of
read in conjunction with the Immigration Regulation 2014. Another undocumented migrants and those to whom adverse decisions
important piece of legislation would be the Refugees Act 130 of had been given by the Department of Home Affairs for
1998 as well as the refugee regulations. Meanwhile, there are other submitting fraudulent documentation were as a result of work
Acts of Parliaments like the Citizenship Act 88 of 1995 as amended done or advice from self-acclaimed agents who had assisted
and various directives by the Director-General of Home Affairs those applicants at the material time.
and/or the Minister of Home Affairs from time to time with regards to
the applicability and enforcement of the various legislations. I will 3.Insist On Power of Attorney or Engagement letter - When using the
services of any agent whatsoever, insist that such engagements
not explore the entire legislation; however, my focus will be on the
must be in writing covering the extent of the engagements, the
basic things one needs to know to stay afloat.
fee structures, proof of payments and reasons for such
payments. These will help you in future should there be any
As a seasoned legal practitioner and from experience garnered
doubt that you engaged or used the service of a third party and
over the years, it is common cause that most migrants who found to what extent you engaged the services of such practitioner or
themselves within the borders of South Africa only took the advice agent. The purpose of this cannot be overemphasised.
of their friends, family members and any random person on the
street that claims to be an immigration agent. Based on the ill- 4.Cross-Check Bundles of your Document's Before Submitting -
informed advice received, they have acted upon the same to their Ensure that you cross-check the documents compiled by the
peril and thereby lost the opportunity of being properly agents on your behalf before submitting them at VFS or to Home
documented and legalised by the host nation. A closer Affairs. Remember, ignorance is not an excuse before the law.
examination will reveal that most of these self-acclaimed agents Blaming your agents will not be accepted by Home Affairs.
Should wrong documents be submitted on your behalf, you may
do not possess any formal training with regards to the Immigration
stand a chance of being V listed / black listed and/or subjected
laws of the host nation.
to arrest and/or deportation. Ensure that you make copies of all
documents you submitted to Home Affairs and keep them safe
for future references.

1.Consult Qualified Immigration Practitioners// Lawyers - Those

5.Ensure that you Attend to the Submission & Collection of the
intending to sojourn within the shores of South Africa owing to
Outcome of any Application Made Yourself - Ensure that you are
various purposes in mind must seek advice from a qualified
involved during the submission of any application to the
immigration consultant/practitioner or an Immigration lawyer. It
Department of Home Affairs and that all the necessary
is said that knowledge is power. It might sound expensive but
procedures were strictly adhered to. Do not entrust this important
trust me, it will be the best decision you will ever make. The
aspect to anyone. Most importantly, once you are notified or
importance of consultation cannot be overestimated. After the
your agent is notified about the outcome of the application,
consultation, you will be in a position to make a good decision
ensure that you were involved during this stage as well and be
having been made aware of what the law expects from you.
the first recipient of the response from Home Affairs, whether
During the consultation, ask specific questions and take note of
positive or negative. Do not destroy the notice received or misplace it,
the answers given by the consultants. Insist on a letter of
whether negative or otherwise and quickly seek professional help to
engagement and the Power of Attorney to engage such
interpret the decision of Home Affairs.
practitioners. The Power of Attorney should indicate the extent of
6.EXPLORING WHAT IS OBTAINABLE WITHIN THE IMMIGRATION ACT & REFUGEE The act provides for the following types of visas for the prospective qualifying
ACT. applicants to temporarily sojourn in Republic: 10A. Port of entry visa 10B.
Transit visas 11. Visitor's visa 12. ………. 13. Study visa 14. Treaty visa 15.
REFUGEES ACT 130 OF 1998 Business visa 16. Crew visa 17. Medical treatment visa 18. Relative's visa 19.
Work visas 20. Retired person visa 21. Corporate visa 22. Exchange visa 23.
If anyone is desiring to seek Asylum in the Republic of South Africa, such
Asylum transit visa. Prospective applicants must meet certain requirements
individual should be mindful of this particular legislative prescript which
as prescribed by the Act and the regulation before they can be granted.
informs the grounds on which prospective Refugees should base their
applications. One should also be mindful that there is a difference between
an asylum-seekers permit and a refugee status.
The Act provides for permanent residence on the following grounds namely:
Chapter 1 section (3) (a) of the Refugees Act, provides thus: (a) owing to a
25. Permanent residence 26. Direct residence 27. Residence on other
well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, tribe,
religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social grounds. It also provides for the Withdrawal of permanent residence permit
group, is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or unwilling on certain grounds under section 28, and provides for the exclusions and
to avail himself or herself protection of that country, or, owing to such fear, exemption under section 29 of the Act and provides for circumstances
unwilling to return to it; or (b) owing to external aggression, occasion, upon which one can be declared prohibited and not be qualifying for any
occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing or disrupting or visa under section 30 and further provides for circumstances under which
public order in either a part of the whole of his or her country of origin or one can be declared undesirable under section 31 of the Act.
nationality, is compelled to leave his or her place of habitual residence to
seek refuge elsewhere; Conclusion:
The above is acceptable grounds and reasons upon which application for Some conditions and requirements ought to be complied with when a
asylum within the borders of the Republic of South Africa can be made.
certain application is made under each of the above visas or permanent
Prospective applicants should be armed with evidentiary proofs of their
residence. One must amongst other things prove and demonstrate through
respective claims or stand a chance to be rejected by the Refugee
documentary proof that he or she is a proper candidate to be issued with
Reception Officer (RRO) or the Refugee Determination Officer (RSDO). Most
such a visa or permit.
applications are ultimately rejected to be fraudulent or manifestly
We, therefore, urge prospective applicants to be purposeful when
approaching Home Affairs for a certain permit and be informed of what the
According to S21(1) of the Refuge Act, an asylum application must be
made in person following the prescribed procedures to a Refugee law requires for each chosen visa/permit and guarded properly not to fall
Reception Officer at any Refugee Reception Office. The prospective into the hands of scrupulous agents.
applicants must appear in person to be interviewed, their biometric
processed and other necessary details recorded to ensure they are Barrister Smart Nwobi
Meanwhile, asylum seekers do have rights which include the right to an
interpreter during the application stage, the right to appeal and to review
adverse decisions and a right to be given a decision in writing - written
reasons. The Refugee Act further provides that notwithstanding any law to
the contrary, no proceedings may be instituted or continued against any
person in respect of his or her unlawful entry into or presence within the
Republic if - (a) Such person has applied for asylum in terms of subsection
(1), until a decision has been made on the application and, where
applicable, such person has had an opportunity to exhaust his or her rights of
review or appeal in terms of Chapter 4;
Another important aspect to be considered is that those desiring to seek
asylum must declare such intention at the port of entry and an asylum transit
visa is issued immediately to such fellow to proceed to the nearest refugee
reception centre in the Republic to apply for asylum. Most people are
denied the application for asylum because they do not have an asylum
transit visa.



The immigration Act 13 of 2002 read with Immigration Regulation which

came into operation on the 26th May 2014 is the current legislation
governing the applicability of permits, requirements and processes thereby.


Today, there are approximately 800,000 Nigerians in South

Nigerian Youths Africa, active in many sectors of the economy, especially in

academics, medicine and small and medium scale enterprise. In

in the Diaspora:
addition to their professional success, the Nigerians in South Africa
have developed a sense of belonging vis-à-vis the host country. The

A Panacea to nation building importance of the Nigerian diaspora in South Africa has greatly
contributed to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.
While the Nigerians in South Africa are well integrated, they
- Coach Oscar Emetuei do not forget their roots. These youths born here are part of our most
valuable assets that needs reawakening and reminding of their
capabilities and potentials. From across the globe, especially in
America, we have undeniable testimonies like 29 per cent of
Nigerian-Americans over the age of 25 hold a graduate degree in the
US, compared to 11 per cent of the overall U.S. population. According
to the Washington Based Migrations Policy Institute, over 45 per cent of
Nigerian-American professionals, work in education services while
others are professors at top universities in the country. Nigerians are not
only entering the medical field in the U.S. at an increasing rate but they
are also making it big there. A classic example is Silas Adekunle, a
Nigerian inventor and entrepreneur, known for creating the world's first
intelligent gaming robot. Adekunle has become the highest-paid
robotics engineer in the world after signing a new deal with Apple Inc.
In 2018, Chimamanda Adichie considered to be one of the greatest
Nigerian Youths in the Diaspora: A Panacea to nation building
wonders of the literary world is a Nigerian youth. These are just a few
I can comfortably say that Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa
examples of the amazing exploits of our young people.
with the greatest youth projection, a growing youth population
These feats are replicable in South Africa. Nigerian youths in
which by this, one can easily conclude that the future of Africa
South Africa face challenges such as, prejudices, and the most
lies in the hands of the Nigerian youth. It will be one of the few
horrific of which is xenophobia and racial profiling of Nigerian citizens
countries in the world that has young workers in plentiful supply.
as criminals as well as all manners of wrongful accusations, which in
Youth, not oil, will be the country's most valuable asset. This is a
most cases are baseless. These challenges are psychologically and
clarion call on every Nigerian, especially the youth reading this to
emotionally draining, to say the least, and have made it even difficult
help wrestle-off COVID-19 and not give up the hope of the
for our youths to be inspired and stay focused on their chosen career
greater things that lie ahead of us as a people and a nation.
paths. While it is undeniable that there are few elements among the
So where are the Nigerian youths in South Africa? Many
youths that give our nation bad news reviews, there are several many
Nigerian started migrating to South Africa in search of greener
other good Nigerian men and women in South Africa whom our kids
pasture just after the country became a democratic state in
should look up to. Therefore, it is time we begin to stir up the greatness
1990 when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Four years
in our kids by providing them with mentorship and role models who
later an election was conducted and Nelson Mandela became
can inspire them. Africa is changing by the day. It is pertinent that we
the first black president of the republic. Most of these Nigerians
pause and think: What will become of our young people? How are
living in South Africa are married to locals and they have children.
leaders in our different communities supporting our youths born and

Nigerian Youths
in the Diaspora:
A Panacea to nation building

raised in South Africa? What examples are parents and guardians providing their young ones?

In the words of the Chairperson of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, Hon Abike Dabiri, "Nigerians in diaspora remain the

hope of Nigeria in the bigger scheme of things for our next level success as a country." Therefore, Nigerian families resident in South African

must, as a matter of urgency, rise to this task and begin to impart and nurture the seed of greatness into the next generation of leaders. The

“I can do it spirit”, and “the resilience of seeing opportunities where others see chaos attitude” (determination, resilience, optimism, and

foresight) for which Nigerians are known can be the launchpad to our youths' rising. Our youths can be anything they want here in South

Africa and beyond. However, this vibrancy and vigour can only be nurtured and watered as a seed to see it grow. We cannot afford to look

away and let our young ones in South Africa grow to inherit the prevalent stereotypes and prejudices about Nigerians.

Our inability to support our youths and encourage them to display their talents for our sustainable development can become

inimical to our existence as a nation. Making our young ones relevant will help solve most of the problems associated with our youths such

as criminality, fraud, prostitution, drug abuse, corruption and many others. Our economy can never bounce back after the coronavirus

pandemic without the participation of our vibrant youths in advocacy and the development of our nation.

It is the vibrant youths that would engineer the rebranding of Nigerians in South Africa. Whichever way one looks at it, Nigerian

youths in South Africa are strategic enablers of sustainable development that our country can never do without in critical times like these. I

should hope that by the time the COVID-19 pandemic is over, Nigeria, through the wisdom of her youths (against global predictions),

would not record significant loss. It is also my hope that Nigerian youths would be found worthy of emulation all over the world.

So, we must shift our focus now to youth development through role model figures, mentorship and coaching. All individuals and

organisations should make this part of their vision and objectives. We must make a deliberate commitment to reflect on our roles in raising

the next generation of leaders who are the Nigerian youths - both at home and in the diaspora. God bless Nigerian youths. I believe in you.

Oscar is a serial entrepreneur, an Executive business coach and speaker, and Author of 3 Books –
“Who Am I?” “Thriving In The Market Place” and “14 Steps To Success Blueprint”
You can connect on twitter: @osceemetuei| FB: coachoscaremetuei. |
Chief Jonas Udeji


n this interview with GWEEN's Chief

Editor, Hon Mabel Edonmi and

Coach Oscar,the Eze Ndigbo of

South Africa, Chief Jonas Udeji bares

his mind on the various matters

ranging from how he became the Eze

Ndigbo of South, the challenges

facing Nigerians in South Africa, the

roles of his association in helping

Nigerians in distress and the solution to

Nigeria's current quagmire.

Question: How do you feel to be recognised by the South African government?

Response: Just to correct that, it is an organization that has been doing influential man of the

year for the past 50 years. So, now it's not recognition by the government. It is a recognition by

the organization that conducts the influential men and women of the year. So far, the

government has not recognised me except the African National Congress which is the ruling

party. They have recognised my work in the 2011 and 2016 elections again and equally gave

me a certificate regarding the work I did for them towards the election, that is, party related. So

far, there is nothing from the government.

Q: As the Onowu Ndigbo South Africa, what are your responsibilities to the office and how it

promotes the goodwill of Ndigbo and Nigerians in general? (We know also that you are the

present head of the Eze in Council SA, what is the Eze in Council to Ndigbo in South Africa

and how does it impact the life of the Igbo man in South Africa?).

R: The Onowu simply means the traditional Prime Minister. So, in South Africa, I am the custodian

of the Igbo culture and traditions. In Igbo land, the Onowu (traditional Prime Minister of the Igbo

tribe) is the second in command after the King but in 2012 December, Ezeigbo HRM Eze M.U.J.

Emechebe, Eze Ndigbo South Africa left South Africa and has [not] returned. So from 2013, I

took over and I have been performing his roles up until today– for eight years. Even though

when they want to address me as regent Eze Ndi Igbo – traditional king of the Igbo tribe), I said,

'No. Let me continue to answer the Onowu [title].' I don't believe in too many big names and we
can be doing the work without attaching wedding ceremonies, end of year parties community in South Africa?

certain names [sic]. and funerals. We continue to relate with the

government of South Africa at the Provincial R: My father was a very highly respected man
So my role…as a traditional prime minister is level, at the local government and in Nnewi my home town. After the genocide,

to oversee and spearhead the promotion municipal level. We have also been relating the four villages came to him to be the Igwe

and clear values and traditions of our culture with different kings in South Africa – trying to but he declined as he lost his business and

Igbo culture and traditions in the Republic of be a bridge between them and our kings at four sons who were graduates during the

South Africa[sic]. Sometimes, people home. In 2018, I led the king of the Xhosa genocide as they went to the war, when he

mistake the promotion of culture as dressing. kingdom King Zwelonke Sigcawu to meet refused to take the position he was

Dressing is good but culture will never have with different kings in Nigeria. nominated one of his loyalists who became

meaning when the values and principles of We did not only visit the Igbo kings but [also] the Igwe[sic]. That notwithstanding, our

that culture are not imbibed in the character went to other palaces. I did not as Onowu of home was visited by the who is who in the

of such people. c o m m u n i t y. M y

It has been a father was also a

kind of deviation member of Aba

where the City fathers made

people tend to up by the big

forget their names in Aba.

original way of I was also a

life. This is always member of the

the case when Human Rights

our people are Committee of Aba

not guided. South Local

government. The

We have been Chairperson of

trying to guide Nigeria Bar

our people to Association who

not just dress in was the president of

Ndigbo only met with the Igbo kings alone
Igbo traditional and beautiful regalia but to the Human Rights Committee, Barrister O.O
but also made sure we visited other kings
have the character where our culture and Anyadike, he signed my membership
from other tribes [sic]. This is to promote our
tradition is rooted. In trying to cover the entire certificate[sic]. Even though I was not a
culture. When the kings here go to Nigeria
country we decided to crown the Igwe (a lawyer, I was given the certificate based on
and see our culture and how we live they will
traditional leader or king from the eastern my work and contributions in the community.
be able to respect us. In South Africa, the
part of Nigeria is called Igwe. It is popular I was also the Coordinator of the
media has only been capturing only the
among the Igbo tribe of Nigeria) in all the Confederation of Igbo students, Abia State. I
negative aspect of our population but will
provinces. So this Igwe can be our was equally a member of the Christian
not recognize the positive contributions of
representative but all of them are under the Association of Nigeria, Abia executives and
national which is the Supreme Eze in Council. a debater. I was part of many political things

These representatives are called Provincial happening in Nigeria. So when I came to

Q: How would you say your upbringing
Chairpersons but because of tradition, they South Africa, all these experiences I had in
shaped you for your present position in the
are still called Igwe. Nigeria assisted me to be able to meet with
community as the custodian of the Igbo
We cannot promote our culture by attending our people.
That was on the 26th of January 2002. The properties which can be bought free of

Question: Since being in South Africa, how total money I saved was R550. Then you charge.

have you used your good office to make a don't put money in the bank. So I put it in my I registered Ohaneze in August 2002 and that

difference in South Africa? pant so the police do not see it as they take it is the registration Ohaneze is still using till

or the robbers. I then took R300 from the R550 today. Today when you go to some areas in
Response: In the aspect of business, every and paid for a hall called the Headline Bar at Johannesburg many businesses there are

Nigerian and other West Africans know the the Johannesburg Hotel on the 26th of owned by our people for example in Jeppe's

Igbo people as great traders and businesses January 2002. I wrote letters to more than 22 town. So, this is part of our achievement.

men. When we came here, some people different communities but [only] 22 [people]

deviated from what we are known for. So from those communities I sent letters to Q: You have been here in the South for a

those few who deviated, we spent our time attend. long time, there was a time when Nigerian

trying to bring them together. When I arrived So, that is how we started Ohaneze Ndigbo. Citizens are being killed in prisons without

in South Africa no organization brings the In my proposal, I suggested we have a Trade being tried?

Igbos together in South Africa. Centre like an Information Centre where we

So that time, I had to claim that I was the are going to be advising our people to (The killing though reduced over a few years

Master of Ceremony in Nigeria and started change from whatever illegalities they are later we have seen a rise in killings lately. As

moderatin d o i n g t o the Onowu of South Africa and the custodian

g w h a t w e of the Igbo tradition, How will you use your

programs. are known good office to make sure this killing is

In doing so, for. In early reduced and justice is given to those who are

I started 2 0 0 0 , affected?).

advising there were R: It is very regrettable, we can count without

our people. m a n y number so [many] of them. In 2010, there is a

So when I S o u t h Nigerian man called Gaza he is a real estate

g o t A f r i c a n s agent that was killed in Rosentiville. If I start to

popular, I t h a t name them they are too many by the police

told them abandon [sic]. South African Police continue to kill our

that we e d t h e i r people recklessly. Some of them will use

need to properties plastic to cover their heads.

start an and want Put a tear gas and suffocate them. One of

organisatio buyers to the challenges we have is that we do not

n which is s e l l [ t h e follow all these things up as a community

going to properties and none of the perpetrators has been

unite the to]. These brought to justice. That is why they continue

I g b o properties to do it with impunity. I remember when the

people. w e r e one at Rosentiville happened. That was the

When I was being sold first time Nigerian diplomats visited

doing that, I at a very Rosentiville, that was by Buba Marwa. When I

was also writing letters to the Eze Ndigbo in low price. We tried to encourage Nigerians to got this information, I was in Cape Town,

Nigeria till they gave me a letter in 2002. I buy these properties by saying inside this when I got back I called Marwa and told him

then called the first-ever meeting of Information Centre we will share information what happened. He asked me questions

Ohaneze Ndigo in South Africa. on business which can be bought or

which I answered then later he visited to cut them, they went directly to meet with the responded to distress calls and have been

the long story short. South African Government parliamentarians doing their best.

Though Marwa was ready to take it up, he and, after that, they now want to meet with When there is effective communication,

had to go to Nigeria to contest for election the Nigerian community. So, the lack of information can be flowing from different

and he could not finish it. I have tried to ask serious intervention from the government angles. Because when a king or a leader is

the top leadership including some people in has made things worst. leading well, it is because there is effective
the Parliament, Local Government, Mayor's communication between the leader and
Office, the Office of the Premier and top Q: What relationship do you have with the elect. That is when it appears like the

leadership of the ANC. I can be bold to say I NICASA, your ratings and her leadership leader is doing magic. Many times the

scheduled a meeting with Dr Matthew Phosa and what's will be your advice to them NICASA President has always consulted me

the Treasurer-General of the ANC. In that moving forward? and I have always stepped in to assist. I
meeting, he said he is going to do remember when you did the Xenophobia
something about it and he told he spoke to R: Firstly, my relationship with any association March in Johannesburg, it was never made

the National Police Commissioner about depends on what they are doing for the public but I spearheaded the planning in

what is happening and I think that after then community. As I have mentioned terms of providing the necessary

with his intervention something

Our Diplomats have continued

to speak English but sometimes

some of this solution is to go

through the community but at

the political level they can

always tell our leaders stories

and they would back down. Do

you know that a very regrettable

thing is that whenever we cry of

xenophobia and the

government comes here in the

name that they are coming to

a b o u t m y instructions and
intervene? When they go to Foreign Affairs,
upbringing, I am community-oriented. I have individuals that can help you to carry out that
South African Foreign Affairs will be in panic
also been serving the community. So I am march. Even though few of them said they
mode thinking of how they are going to reply
always in a good relationship with any cannot be involved with NICASA as they are
to our representatives. Do you know that our
association working for the community. So not the rightful ones [sic].
leaders go there smiling with them and
NICASA as a child of circumstance that I had to intervene. ADM – Africa Diaspora
forget what they went for?
s t e ppe d i n t o t h e l e ade r s h i p o f o u r forum, in particular, came back and
I say this boldly because I have inside
community in this countr y when the decided to work with NICASA. I also invited a
i n f o r m a t i o n. T h e r e w a s a t i m e o u r
leadership of the former organisation was lady married to one of our brothers here
government officials from Nigeria came to
busy fighting unjustifiable fights with the whom I have worked with before. She was
meet with the government of South Africa.
authorities, so far, NICASA has been dealing told not to work with NICASA but I convinced
Some came to Cape Town. Instead of them
with the issues of our people and I her otherwise. Unfortunately, the only
to first meet with the Nigerian citizens to hear
appreciate them for that. They have always challenge that NICASA have is, in every
from them directly on the matters troubling
leadership when you see somebody that independent. Recently, the Ndigbo has been in a very tight

can deliver on a particular mandate, allow So, NICASA must rely on the mandate of the situation in Nigeria where the government
the person to do it. It is not mean you are no people as it is the people who chose them. want to continue the subjugation going on
longer important in your position[sic]. You are When they have the people's mandate for decades in Nigeria to a very extreme
still important and you are still in charge. As automatically they will have the mandate of level where some people want to take over
the Onowu Ndigbo of South Africa, I am not the High Commission and the Consulate. even our ancestral homes and reduce us to
coming to contest for any positions in third-class citizens in Nigeria. So the council

NICASA. Q: Chief, I understand that leadership is not want to have a unified stand with our parent

easy especially for someone like you body in Nigeria and we are planning a
Even though I was asked to be one of the overseeing the whole country. The question meeting with our key senators from South
BoTs, I refused as I was among the BoTs of is what recent projects have you executed East to come here to talk to us. We have not
NUSA. Even though NUSA messed up it is not and what other projects are you currently finalized but we are still talking with them.
in my character to look for positions left to w o r k i n g o n t o s e r v e y o u r p e o p l e They are going to come here and speak to
right and centre. This does not mean I don't continuously? the leadership here concerning the roles

support NICASA. It is very unfortunate that they are playing because we are not

when people fail to perform they play tribal R: Our work is on a daily basis just as NICASA comfortable with our representatives back at
cards. This happened in NUSA when they said receives information from all the provinces of home. Our people will ask them questions
because an Igbo person is not in charge of South Africa regarding one or two things that and if there is any advice our people will give
NUSA the Igbos went to form another [ i s ] t h e s a m e w a y w e a l s o r e c e i v e to them, and we will give them serious
association. This is not true because they did communication from our people for one warning because we can never tolerate a
not say the full story of what happened thing or another. I answer calls Monday to situation where the people we give the
between them and the Consul General and Friday. Those people who are not members mandate to represent us will be acting like
other things [sic]. of NICASA communicate with us. The ones demigods and some idiotic [people] will be
We are not going to be deterred by we can do we do but the ones we cannot do clapping hands for them. So this is what we
character assassination. The NICA SA we communicate [with] NICASA who in turn are going to do and possibly this will happen
platform should be used to promote the communicates with the consulate. As next month.
community not to fight daily and claim Ndigbo we work with Ohaneze Ndigbo who is We also see that many Igbos are doing great
names that they are not. No organization is the administrative body. things in this country so the Supreme council
perfect but however, NICASA is

trying and I will rate them that

they are doing well. NICASA

must also understand that they

are not the puppet of

government and to

authenticate a Nigerian

association it should be for the

people and not the Nigerian

Consulate or High Commission.

For the commission to reach out

to the community to serve

them, they have to use NICASA.

NICASA must know that they are

is introducing something we call the Anual and told me that they want to form a problems with how things are. However, she is

Ugwumba Award. Already, we have begun women's association. I told them that it is presently in Nigeria with my kids. She was

the Igbo Heritage Lectures which are beautiful and I will be able to guide them all working with the National Prosecution

teaching our people a lot of things. Advising the way. It was created and because of my Authorities in Nigeria. She is also running her

our Igbo people to go back to school which guidance I was made one of their patrons. private business. So this gave me the small
as a leader I showed an example by going I have always spoken to our women and time that I have to do what I have to do.

back to school [sic]. advised them not to prioritise their sons more
There will also be an award for indigent Igbo than they do to their daughters. They should Q Nigeria is going to be 61 on October 1st

students, some Igbo students who are very be given equal opportunity in terms of what is your word to us?

bright but their parents don't have the funds education and training so that we don't raise

for school fees. The council through our daughters seeing themselves as inferior R: The 61 years of Nigeria is, unfortunately, a

Ugwumba will award scholarships where to anybody. Our daughters are being trained 61 years of “beautiful” failure. Nigerian is not

twenty rands will be allocated to the student well and we encourage our women and a country that any Nigerian can be proud of

every year and we are asking all Igbos across daughters to participate in leadership. As anywhere they are. They have conditioned

the country to send those names of people you see the Nigerian Women Association are our mind that even when we are suffering we

who are achieving a lot in this country thriving. In the committee of the award like will be crying 'Oh Nigeria we love you.' even

including those students I spoke about doing we spoke about the secretary is a woman, when that country is nothing to be proud of.

well in academics [sic]. So those are the she is a High As Nigerians, we still
Our daughters are being
projects we have. C o u r t love ourselves

Advocate in trained well and we irrespective. If we look

Q: What will be the criteria for this award South Africa. at how Nigeria treats
encourage our women and
and scholarship? (As the custodian what is She is equally a her citizens, I am not

your vision concerning women as we rarely P h D h o l d e r, daughters to participate p r o u d. I n s e r v i c e

get to see your women, what are you doing Advocate Dr in leadership. delivery, it has always

t o s h o w c a s e a n d g i v e w o m e n Rita Ozieme. been zero. The

opportunities within your tenure of office). Nigerian as a state has created tribal

Q: Finally Chief, how do you handle your sentiments and division and that's why we

R: The council even though it's a traditional role in the community and family life? need to go to the Republican Constitution of

institution, we have never in our history 1963 where the regional government was

relegated women, some people are R: It's been a tough situation and a restless adopted. You will see that the economy of all

misunderstanding it. The way we classify our life, unfortunately, the group that suffers it the regions of Nigeria were growing very fast.

leadership, women have their own, the most among the three is my family. I place The South-East was growing, the Eastern

elders have their own and the youths have family first but unfortunately, my wife and region was growing, the South-West was

their own. Here we have been encouraging children have seen that it's not family first. It growing. They were utilising their natural
our women to have their organisation where turned out to be community first and they resources including the North. So, for Nigeria

they will also contribute to guiding our have come to live with it and adjusted to it to get out of the mess it has been into, [it

people or women in this country. but [I have been] able to manage because needs] total restructuring. If there is no total

Last time, before they formed the Nigerian of my wife who is the princess of my place. restructuring in Nigeria then the best option is

Women Association, I met with Mrs She is the princess of my place Enewi. She is to collapse the country and let every region

Adadioranma and Mrs Ify and two other also a lawyer and a counsellor so she grew go its way. We are not going to be romantic

women – one is in Australia now. They came up with a very popular Igwe so she is used to with evil and bad governance where the
my life so am lucky that she does not have leaders maltreats the citizens. That is why
when the president came here I refused to Nigeria but for us to achieve anything we suppress agitations of Ndigbo is good

go because I know what I will say will want to need total restructuring. The violence in governance, equality, justice and fairness.

be controlled. Nigeria is caused by the government and it is \

I appreciate all the tribal components of unacceptable. The only thing that can


… advancing the gospel of Christ in love

Bishop Ranti Famodu. Rev (Dr) SJ Uba

President Nigerian Secretary, Nigerian
pastors association South Africa NPASA. Pastors Association South Africa - NPASA.

The Nigerian Pastors Association South Africa (NPASA) is a kingdom network of Ministers, registered in South Africa to carter for the
peculiar needs, interests and well-being of Missionaries and Ministers of Nigerian extraction living and engaged in the Missionary works
of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Republic of South Africa.

To create an enabling environment for the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with the intent to raise a glorious Church in South
Africa by doing, preaching and teaching the undiluted Word of God.

To advance the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in love, produce quality leadership in the Church of God and strengthen Nigerian Ministers
of the gospel in South Africa.

NPASA was incorporated in June 2010, & now boasts of branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Rustenburg &
Durban with over 600 registered members & 500 affiliate bodies across the country. Affiliate & Block of Christian Association of Nigeria,
South Africa (CANSAF); recognised by the Nigerian Mission, & relevant authorities in South Africa.


a. To provide a sense of belonging and be an umbrella body for all Nigerian Ministers in South Africa.
b. To keep the revival fire burning in, and within Missionaries and their Ministries.
c. To advance the growth of Ministers through training, workshops and seminars.
d. To seek members' welfare and interests through various welfare packages.
e. To maintain a viable relationship with other Christian Bodies in and outside South Africa.
f. To pray for peace, stability and good governance in Nigeria and South Africa, etc.
Investment Opportunities

in Nigeria Written by Ijeoma Nwizu

igeria is widely regarded as the c o m m i t m e n t s t o w a r d s c r e a t i n g a n Industry, FGN Savings Bond, Stocks, Fixed
most populous black nation in the i n v e s t m e n t- f r i e n d l y e n v i r o n m e n t f o r Deposits, Technology, Transportation and
world and the giant of Africa. The investors. Haulage services (logistics), Franchise,
country is very rich in natural and human Cryptocurrency, Mining, Oil and Gas.
No matter your capital, there are
resources. However, many of its potentials
opportunities you can invest in. From as little In Mining, many of the resources in
are unexplored or under-explored. From the
as a hundred Naira to the big billions of Naira, Nigeria are untapped and the government
South, the country is blessed with Oil and
you can invest in Nigeria and expect a good has demonstrated its willingness to
Natural gas while the North is blessed with
return on your investment. The investment cooperate with investors who want to get into
rich arable land with mineral resources. This
opportunities in the country spread across the sector. Some of the untapped resources
fact should serve to spur investors seeking to
low-income to high-income earners and include Limestone, Coal, Iron metal,
expand their investment frontiers to look in
also to foreign investors. There is something Bitumen, Gold, Columbite, Tin, Uranium,
the direction of Nigeria. I think anyone who
for everyone. It also cuts across the various Marble and Kaolin. In the Oil and Gas sector,
isn't interested in Nigeria is missing out. If you
States, with each State offering a variety of investors can also key into some of the areas
are travelling to Nigeria today, literally all of
opportunities. The Book of States published like Exploration, Products Marketing, Pipe-
the business class cabins are filled with
by the Nigeria Investment Promotion l i n i n g , W e l l S e r v i c e s , P e t r o l e u m
foreign investors with a mission to explore the
Commission (NIPC) provides a summary of Transportation, Development of local
vast investment potentials in the country.
the investment opportunities in the 36 States alternatives for imported items such as
Nigeria, strategically located with of the Federation and Abuja. The Book of Medium Pressure Valve, Pumps, Shallow

access to ECOWAS, the rest of Africa and S t a t e s c a n b e a c c e s s e d v i a Drilling Equipment, Drilling Mud, Bits Fittings,

with the commencement of the African Drilling Cement, Detonators, Steel Castings,

Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) at the states-2020. Magnetic Tapes and lots more. Also, in
beginning of 2021, makes it an investment Construction and Installation, Domestic
The Nigerian government has also
hub with great prospects. This assertion is Production and marketing of Liquefied
put in place several incentives such as tax
premised on being the largest economy in Petroleum Gas (LPG), Manufacturing of LPG
holidays, exemptions, and reliefs for the
Africa with a GDP of $442.98 billion as of cylinders, valves and regulators, installation
ben efi t of poten ti al i n ves tors. M os t
2021 coupled with a large, growing, warm of filling plants.
importantly, investment opportunities
and friendly population. In addition, the
abound in diverse sectors in the country such There are also opportunities in Retail
government is continually fulfilling
as Agriculture, Real Estate, Manufacturing Distribution and development of simple,
flexible and much cheaper Gas Burners to
encourage the use of gas instead of wood.
Investment Opportunities

in Nigeria
Refining, establishing industries to produce
chemicals and Solvents from natural gas,
such as Chlorinated methane,
Formaldehyde and others, establishing
plants for the production of refined mineral
oil, petroleum jelly, grease and others. The
foregoing examples are indicative of the collaborators in this giant initiative. abound across the various value chains. This
many investment opportunities in the in addition should be explored by those who
It is expedient to note that the
Nigerian Oil and Gas sector even as the seek to invest in modern technologies for
Nigerian government is working assiduously
government is working towards a Greener primar y processing and secondar y
to encourage commercial and
Africa with plans to the Africa Natural and processing of agricultural produce. Nigeria,
mechanized agriculture. According to the
Energy Investment Summit in November undeniably, remains a fertile ground
Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission
2022. awaiting the business seed of potential
(NIPC), these policies leverage Nigeria's
Additionally, there is a recent move agricultural ecosystem to transform the investors to be sown and remains a viable

by the government to establish Integrated country into a leading agribusiness and option for those seeking to expand the

Farm Estates in all the 109 Senatorial Districts Agro-allied industrial nation. frontiers of their investment.

in the country. The president has directed the It is important to note that with its
The NIPC posits that the agricultural
National Agricultural Land Development over 200 million population, the country
sector contributes 25% of Nigeria's Gross
Authority (NALD) in this regard and States offers the most compelling market in the
Domestic Product (GDP) and accounts for
have started responding. Kogi, Ogun and Sub-Saharan region. Its strategic location as
48% of the labour force. The sector's growth
Kwara States have donated 700, 100 and a gateway to the West and Central African
rate averaged 4% over the last 5 years. Crop
100 hectares of land respectively, while other Subregion places it at a more vantage
p r o d u c t i o n d o m i n a t e s t h e s e c t o r,
states are finalizing the processes of making position, especially for investors who seek to
accounting for 22.6% of GDP alongside
lands available for the project. The scheme, take advantage of the African Continental
livestock (1.7%), fisheries (0.5%) and forestry
aimed at engaging the youthful population Free Trade Agreement.
(0.3%). However, already in existence is a
to achieve food security in the shortest
framework for the agricultural sector -
possible time, will by no means allow for
Agriculture Promotion Policy 2016-2020, that
Written by
maximum use of the large tracts of arable
set out specific strategies for key
land that the country is blessed with. This, Ijeoma Nwizu
stakeholders to build an agribusiness
therefore, is an opportunity waiting to be
taken by potential investors, particularly
More captivating is the openness of
those who want to blaze the trail in the new
the Nigerian agricultural sector to private
presidential initiative. Foreign investors are,
participation and the opportunities that
therefore, invited to partner with local
Migration is a global phenomenon and Nigerian Nationals resident in South Africa like other
foreign migrant groups in South Africa are part of that trend whereby nationals of different
countries and regions migrate into other spaces outside of their areas of geographic origins for
reasons that could be economic, social, political, security or otherwise. Nigerian nationals in the
Republic of South Africa could be documented, undocumented and persons who are refugees
or asylum seekers.

This piece without delving into the particular laws governing the status of the different categories
of ‘foreign nationals’ in South Africa, will aim to address the general rights that are statutorily
afforded to all persons who fall into the aforementioned categories of foreign migrants into South

While discussing these rights and their enabling statutory provisions, emphasis would be made to
ensure that both the elicitation of those rights and communication of the benets that it
encompasses for the bearer are conveyed in simple language for the comprehension of both
the sophisticated and unsophisticated members of the community. Hence that purpose of
educating the ordinary member of the Nigerian immigrant community of his rights while
sojourning in the Republic of South Africa will be achieved by not crafting this treatise in
unnecessary legalese that may be problematic to interpret by the ordinary person, thereby
defeating the aim of empowering all of our community members with the invaluable knowledge
of the legal rights that they have as human beings in the Republic of South Africa, and the
responsibilities that goes with the rights.

South Africa has a progressive immigration policy because of the nature of its constitution and its
commitment to international obligations to respect and protect the rights of every human being
resident in its clime. Hence, in making its laws it was important that equality of everyone before
the law as a principle, was enshrined in the laws of the land. It is through this important legal
provision that everyone including foreign migrants were put on the same pedestal and legal
parity with indigenes of the country in terms of rights which they can fundamentally enjoy as
human beings. This principle was strengthened with the provisions of Section 9 of the constitution
which prohibits discrimination against anyone based on one or more grounds including amongst
others, race, colour ethnic or social origin and birth.

The current Constitution came into effect on the 4th of February 1997. With its inception, South
Africa entered an era of rights and protection of rights. Chapter 2 of the Constitution contain a Bill
of Rights which contains a list of fundamental rights that accrue to every human being naturally
and that cannot be alienated from anyone. These rights are well enshrined against tamper or
derogation in the constitution. Everyone, including all immigrant Nigerian nationals residing in
South Africa are bound by and are protected by that Bill and any threats to the rights afforded by
the constitution in protection of human dignity, equality, and freedom affords the victim whether
he or she is a Nigerian foreign national, non-South African nationals from other countries resident
in South Africa or citizens of the Republic of South Africa, the right to approach a court of law to
protect him or her against such violation.

Promotion of the rights of foreign nationals is part of the demands of the constitution to all legal
courts and for a in the Republic to protect the rights to equality and human dignity of everyone
despite their nationalities. However, while all basic rights in the Constitution apply universally to
everyone, there are rights that are only reserved for citizens of the Republic like the; - right to vote,
form, lead, campaign, or recruit members of a Political Party. The right to enter, remain in and
reside in the Republic of South Africa including the right to own a South African Passport.
The rights to a profession, occupation, or trade while in the Republic and the right to gain access
to land on an equal basis as a citizen. While there are these limitations to the rights that a foreign
national is afforded in the republic, the application of those limitations are not absolute as for
instance a foreign national may take up employment only after some legal conditions are met as
regards his or her immigration status.

Despite this legion of rights afforded to every human being in the Republic, Nigerian immigrants
and other foreign nationals in the country still face many challenges both in accessing and
protecting those rights. Some of those common challenges include procedural difculties with
the application and determination process for the relevant documentation and papers related
to their immigration status; accessing basic services such as health, education, and shelter as
well as problems related to social integration and Xenophobia. Other problems are general lack
of awareness that the rights of foreign nationals are protected in the Constitution and that non-
nationals have recourses against violation of their rights.

While there are these aforementioned myriads of challenges facing foreign nationals in South
Africa and Nigerian foreign nationals in particular, few but prominent areas at which Nigerian
national’s rights are violated most in South Africa would be via the below means:

Access to education for children and to public healthcare are areas that are problematic to the
Nigerian immigrant community. The South African Schools Act prohibits discrimination of any
form in the admission of children into schools based on their immigration status or that of their
parents’. In practice, compliance with the educational statutory directive is usually thwarted by
administrators out of non-knowledge of the policies guiding such admittances or for sheer
prejudice or even outright xenophobic dispositions of such persons in charge. The legal position
in this instance is that the National Education Policy of South Africa demands that schools should
assist children wanting to enrol into schools (but are in the immigration dilemma of not having
appropriate registration documents) to obtain such documentation if they have none. The
Policy placed the responsibility of providing such documentation for admittance on both the
child's parents and the school.

Another problematic area where Nigerian nationals experience huge difculties alongside other
foreign nationals in South Africa is the area of access to public health care facilities. Section 27 of
the Constitution entitles everyone access to basic health care services. Though the right to health
care can be limited for non-nationals and even citizens alike depending on the availability of
resources, it is unconstitutional to deny anyone access to emergency medical treatment on the
basis that they are foreign nationals. Children of Nigerian nationals and other foreign nationals
that are below the age of six, and all lactating mothers by right have access to free health care
services in terms of National Healthcare Act.

The single biggest obstacle towards the proper integration of Nigerian nationals and other
nationals, into the South African society and the source of most issues of violation of rights of
Nigerian nationals in South Africa is the monster of xenophobia. It is the irrational dislike or fear or
hatred of foreign nationals, based on unfounded myths and stereotypes. Xenophobia is
widespread and its effects are rearing ugly heads worldwide as the global migration
phenomenon increases. However, South Africa seems to have an oversized share of the problem
based on the level of xenophobic conicts that it records yearly. Its causes could be because of
the rate of unemployment of the indigenous South African populace, poverty, lack of proper
education and numerous other factors.
It sets up Nigerian nationals and other foreign nationals as targets for prejudice and
discrimination from the local population. Xenophobia against Nigerian nationals and other
foreign nationals in South Africa manifest in many ways including calling of derogatory names,
blaming foreign nationals for societal ills, crimes, and unemployment of which most at times lead
to periodic hostilities between foreign nationals living in South Africa and their local host
communities, physical attacks, killings and institutionalize denial of basic services to foreign

On the other hand, the South African state strives towards building a just society where
everyone's basic human rights are not merely said to be protected under the Constitution but
can be legally enforced by anyone despite his immigration status against any potential or
completed violation.

All rights go with a reciprocal responsibility. While the laws of South Africa have made provisions
to afford foreign elements like the Nigerian immigrant community equal protection under its
Constitution it should be expected of the Nigerian immigrant community to assist government in
its quest to build an equal and just society where everyone's right is protected. This can be done
by being respectful of the laws of the land and eschewing any action or activity that may seem
to undermine government's efforts to ultimately build a just and free society.

The Nigerian Community in South Africa through its apex community organisation NICASA should
engage in constant community orientation and reorientation programs with or without
organizations that promote rights and responsibilities in South Africa to highlight that the respect
for the rule of laws of the land and legitimate pursuance as of every of its nationals endeavours in
south Africa as the shortest way of addressing stereotypes that usually lead to prejudice and
ultimately institutionalize denial of its community members' constitutionally provided rights.

In conclusion, it was the wish of the founders of modern democratic South Africa that this
beautiful nation should 'belong to everybody who live in it'. Hence, the responsibility to build
South Africa is not only left for the citizens of the Republic, but also for the migrant communities
like the Nigerian Community in South Africa.

Sunny-Unachukwu Chukwuemeka John Esq.

Johannesburg based Legal Practitioner
Activist| Community Leader| Community Organiser
ntroduction. The inability of Yorubas in South Africa AYIDSA EVENTS
to come up with a credible platform to promote and -ANNUAL YORUBA HERITAGE DAY-Yearly event to
defend the interests of members of yorubas and showcase Yoruba rich culture.
Nigeria migrants community in South Africa propelled
the formation of Association of Yorubas in Diaspora -ANNUAL END OF THE YEAR PARTY- Platform to gather
–South Africa (AYIDSA). So, in other to ll this together in December for thanksgiving.
gap,precisely on the 18th of October ,2015, a group of
Nigeria professionals of Yoruba extractions met at the -AKOJOPO OMOLUABI-Notable Yoruba personality is
Southern Sun hotel ,Pretoria to formally launched invited to shared experience about life.
AYIDSA ,to change the face and dynamics of
Nigerian diaspora association in South Africa . The -HEALTH ASSISTS OUTREACHES –In furtherance of our
founding members were 18 in numbers. social responsilities mandate towards our host nation,
the health assists members have been doing medical
Headquatered in the administrative capital of South outreaches ,maiden was on the World AIDS day on
Africa,Pretoria. The association has its mission and the 1st December ,2015 at South African police
vision. station, Sunny side.

Mission- To provide a credible platform to articulate AHA has also been rendering health conselling to
and protect the interest of Yoruba migrants members of AYIDSA in need. Many health assistance
community and mobilize the resources of Yoruba carried out in term of consultations, referrer and
descedants in South Africa for the task of nation discussions including webnairs about covid 19 were
building in Nigeria. orgainsed in the last two years.

Vision- To redene and rebrand our nationhood AYIDSA BUSSINESS FORUM-This is the arm that is
through communality by promoting the collective responsible for enhancement and encouragements
interest of our members in our host country and of bussiness interractions among members of AYIDSA.
harnessing the huge talents ,resources and expertise of Many bussiness forum seminars and webnairs have
Yoruba people in diaspora for nation building in been organised to assist members in bussiness
Yoruba land and Nigeria as a whole. establisment and networking.

The members of AYIDSA national executive AYIDSA LEGAL ASSIT- Structure of AYIDSA that assist the
committee visited the Ooni of Ife and Alaan of Oyo members with legal and immigration matters. Many
respectively in March 2016 and confer ed on them AYIDSA members have beneted from this structure .
Grand patron of the Association.

AYIDSA was formally launced on the 24th September

2016 and also feautered the 1st Yoruba Heritage day
Impact Africa Technical University USA, formerly International Kingdom University USA Chaplaincy is birthed at this new era in the history of
the world by empowering Leaders with exposure through global learning, removal of inferiority complex and increase proximity in
learning and information. The university believes that the purposes of an educational institution are best served by attracting and
developing scholars of proven professional and personal competence and integrity and by assuring those teachers and scholars'
freedom to expand human knowledge and understanding.

Motto: “Capacitar conhecimento e mudanca de mentalidades” (Empowering Knowledge and changing mindsets).
Purpose: Acquiring Education and knowledge through Career and Skills.

Leadership is not measured by how many people that served you, but by how many people you served, because service is the
greatest leadership, as anytime a Leader wants to be served it becomes a parasite. So we take people from been followers to make
them Leaders who will empower the devastated communities.
All the courses we offer are basically to equip the student in practical professional skills that enable and empower him/her to be
independently sufficient and to grow the society, and not mere theoretical lecture.

We have online and offline classes on many of our courses where necessary and where we could be able to pay our teachers and they
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cost effective. The good news is that we can reach people from all over the world with the Social media platforms that are available.

UNIVERSITY GOAL: One of the university's goals is to equip the students in technology and technical global advancement of modern
society through the online and offline studying technology. The outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic strengthened the university resolve in
establishing virtual centers through online study technology.

We respect each student as a valuable individual regardless of age, race, color, nationality, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, gender,
disability, religion, sexual orientation, or personal beliefs.

CHAPLAINCY: Impact Africa Technical University-USA runs a Special Chaplaincy Course between 12 to16 weeks intensive Bachelor
Degree in 12 Course modules which includes: Diplomacy; Human rights; Peace Resolution; Leadership; Anger Management;
International Negotiation; Public Relations; etc.

HONORARY DOCTORATE: The Honorary Doctorate is exclusively the prerogative of the University President through the
recommendation of the Faculty Head and upon the approval by the University Board.

UNIVERSITY BOARD: Leadership has the task of making things happen through the people or team they lead. It is understandably a very
challenging task and requires patience, determination, and ability to motivate. Impact Africa Technical University has distinguished
and reputable team of men and women serving as the University Board through analyzing, actualizing, and visualizing the vision and
objectives of the institution, under the Impact Africa Education Foundation, and they recruit, engage, build, maintain, and run the
affairs of the Impact Africa Technical University USA.

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The National Association of Nigerian Students South Africa (NANSSA)

is the National body of all Nigerian Students in South Africa. A Mother
Body of every Nigerian student and Nigerian student structure in
various higher institutions in the Republic of South Africa. Having
been established on 16th May 2009 in Pretoria, where its head
office is situated due to the strategic operation of the Nigerian
Missions to South Africa.

NANSSA has the mandate to unite Nigerian Students under one

umbrella, to safeguard the fundamental rights of every Nigerian
student, ensure law-abiding nature/characteristics in every Nigerian
student, create a platform to discuss challenges encountered by
Nigerian students and file such reports to the Nigerian missions and
necessary bodies for consideration, contribute towards re-branding
the image of Nigeria and Nigerians in South Africa and the rest of
the continents, through structured advocacy and the
establishment of a Nigerian Student body in the institutions that do
not have any.

NANSSA had interim leaders. In 2012, NANSSA had its first election
where Attorney Smart Nwobi became the first elected President,
and in 2015, it was Ozoemena Nwamadi. In November 2019,
Charity Aigbekaen became the First Female President of the

On 30th November 2019, NANSSA had its 3rd Inauguration and

Award Ceremony in which the NANSSA executive for the year
2020/21 (Ms. Charity E. Aigbekaen - President-General; Mr Chigozie
N. Udensi - Vice President; Mr Ikechukwu Onumajulu - Secretary-
General, Ms Promise Ebuzeme - Assistant Secretary, Mr Samuel N
Ndukuba - Director of Finance, Mr Jude Onyetoniekwu - Director of
Treasury, Mr David Asakitikpi - Public Relations
Officer, Mr Samuel Iceberg Egegele - Director of
Sports and Development) were inaugurated.

All Institutional Presidents and Secretaries are also

Executive Members of NANSSA.

Countless concepts could bring a group of

people together, to either grow and expand or
plot and plan. We the National Association of Nigerian Students have chosen and agreed to be united
by the concept of education. What does this mean? We cater to all Nigerians that are in South Africa
for education. Leaving Nigeria to study in South Africa might have been one of the hardest decisions
to take. Starting a journey to better your future, we help ease that journey. We include and involve all
students, and we pledge to do all within our powers to ensure that you never feel alone.



NANSSA Student Research Symposium (SRS 2020) saw students from various parts of the country

registered and submitted research, with the 3 prize winners receiving R3000, R1500 and R1000, respectively and awarding certificates to
all the participants.

NANSSA Relief Program (NRP)

NANSSA helped to raise funds and successfully came to the aid of students during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic by distributing
food vouchers to students around the country with the NANSSA Relief Program (NRP).

NANSSA Scholarship Webinar

Help train students on how to prepare and apply for scholarships.

NANSSA have also been at the forefront of presenting
challenges that Nigerian Students face in South Africa to the
Nigeria Missions and relevant bodies for considerations. NANSSA
have shown up where it mattered, actively participating in
events within the Nigerian and South African Community. In
2018, the Nigeria Community Excellence Award-nominated
NANSSA as one of the most inspiring associations in South Africa.

Contacting NANSSA is not and will never be a difficult task; we

are always available and ready to assist wherever we can. It is
our joy to see all Nigerian students succeed and we can do this

Phone numbers: +27604329607 / +27842486954

Our email address:
Facebook: @nanssaofficial

Telegram: National Association of Nigerian Students South

Africa (NANSSA)

Address: Office 213 Centenary Building, 23 Bureau Lane,

by Church Square, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, South Africa.

As students we understand the pressures and stress,

together we can do great things, together we can make
a difference no matter where we find ourselves.

Long live NANSSA!

NANSSA - Unity in Knowledge and Progress
Protection of Migrant
Nigerian Women
Dear Reader, advantage of Nigerian women migrants. Recruitment agencies

even when working legally often charge steep fees for placement

art of our efforts will be of relevance if we ensure that the
and travel; when working irregularly or without government
concerns of migrant Nigerian women are looked into. This
oversight, such agencies often charge fees that are close to
act will promote respect for women and ensure the
impossible to repay, trapping migrant women into conditions akin
protection of human rights not only for migrant Nigerian women
to debt bondage.
but also all migrant Nigerians. No matter how much may be
discussed on the issue, actions must be taken by various M o r e o v e r, a g e n t s w h o a r e w o r k i n g i n d i r e c t
community groups, towns unions, states unions, organizations, contravention of national laws, facilitating women's illegal border
especially Nigerian Embassies to ensure the safety of migrant crossing, may use coercion, force, or false promises, placing
Nigerian women. women in clandestine domestic settings, illegal sex work, or
exploitative sweatshops practices that amount to trafficking.
Despite the horrendous nature of their stories and the
Regardless of their means of entry, women migrants face myriad
sorrow of the Nigerian migrant women victims all over the world,
types of exploitation, and contract problems abound. Women
which of course many seem not to understand why and how
who receive a contract may not understand the language in
these migrants migrate; one cannot help but think that it is about
which it is written. They may later find out that the contract they
time that these stories get worldwide attention. It has been
signed has been replaced by a duplicitous version stripped of
extensively discussed on the reasons why some Nigerian women
worker protections. Such women may also be refused a copy of
migrate to include; avoiding harsh cultures and tradition; to seek a
the contract entirely. In many places, contracts are concluded
better life; poor administration of the country; political and
between the employer and recruitment agency alone, leaving
religious uprising; and for marital purposes. It is very important to
the worker without any protection. In some countries, aliens or
explain what the Nigerian migrant woman experience is in and
women who are under contracts may face legal or economic
around the globe.
barriers in accessing courts or other judicial institutions. The host
Exploitative Terms of Work: Pay, Hours and Contracts. Several
country courts may also deem the contracts unenforceable. As
forces combine to render migrant Nigerian women vulnerable to
may be expected, women in the informal, irregular, or illegal
exploitative terms of work, from pay to work hours, and terms of
sectors are rarely given contracts.
service. For example, restrictions on the right to cross borders for
Restrictions on the freedom of movement: Migrant Nigerian
work create incentives for legal and illegal agents alike to take
Women who work in the domestic sector are especially or maid. We are always inferior in their place. And finally: I am
vulnerable to violations of their freedom of movement. Those who treated as a lower person because I am poor. They order us in a
employ Nigerian Women domestic workers often confiscate their way that hurts. They don't sympathize with us. We are vulnerable in
travel documents (a practice that is legally condoned in many their houses because we are poor.
places) making it impossible for such women to leave the country
Labor Market Discrimination against Nigerian Migrant Women:
or return home without permission. Many Nigerian domestic
In Africa and Outside Africa. Gender-based discrimination in the
workers live within the home, or on the same property as the
labour market at home is one of the factors that lead Nigerian
employing family. Oftentimes, the family forbids them from
women to cross borders in search of work. When pervasive, such
leaving the premises alone and sometimes the women will not be
discrimination can result in scarce opportunities, shrunken
allowed to leave at all. Some employers compound the isolation.
salaries, and limited horizons for women. Seeking a better fortune
This kind of seclusion is characterised by forbidding any contact
abroad becomes an attractive option. Gender discrimination in
with the outside world either physically, through telephone or by
the labour market takes many forms, both direct and indirect.
email. Seclusion is often extreme in the case of undocumented
Three specific phenomena; the wage gap between men and
domestic workers. Such women are often hidden in the homes of
women, labour market segregation by gender, and the glass
their employers to avoid detection by the authorities. If detected,
ceiling have been of particular concern to Nigerian women
these hidden women, often, suffer summary expulsion without
workers in both sending and receiving countries. Unfortunately,
regard to any outstanding
Nigerian women migrants
wages or other benefits.
usually discover that
Many Nigerian women
discrimination is also present
working as domestic
in the host country. Indeed,
helpers are locked in the
sometimes it is worse, with
home by their employers
Nigerian women migrants
whenever they are left
tracked into very specific
a l o n e, s o m e t i m e s f o r
e x t e n d e d p e r i o d s. I n
Many Nigerian women
addition to the routine
migrants find their options
p r o b l e m s t h i s c a u s e s,
limited to work in the domestic sector, for example, where they act
many Nigerian women in such circumstances report being
as housekeepers, servants, personal assistants, tailors, cooks, and
terrified that a fire or some other emergency would occur and
childcare attendants.
they would be unable to escape. In some places, it is illegal for a
domestic employee to run away from the employer's home; in Dangerous and Degrading Working Conditions: Safety and

such cases, the police search for the runaway, publish her name Health. Many refer to the work Nigerian women migrants perform

and photograph in the newspaper and deport her summarily if as the three-D jobs: dirty, degrading and dangerous. Included in

she is located. While the families who employ Nigerian women this category are those jobs at the lowest ends of the pay scale

migrants often explain the long hours by saying that such women that are often deemed undesirable by the local labour force.

are part of the family, this feeling is not shared by the employees Such work is usually offered through temporary or short-term

themselves. One Nigerian woman domestic worker explains: We agreements and may be in the informal or illegal sectors. Indeed,

are treated like strangers; we are not allowed to sit on the furniture. Nigerian women migrants in the informal sector are often found

It does not matter for them if you have a profession or not, you are poorly paid positions within the commercial sex sector, low-wage

here, you are a maid. Another woman domestic worker adds: garment and sweatshop enterprise, or domestic work. The worst

When they talk about us they say words like: stupid, knows nothing, positions in these sectors are often filled by irregular African
Protection of Migrant
Nigerian Women
migrant women, who are especially vulnerable to exploitation premises without escort or only for specific reasons, and severely

and safety and health hazards since they are frequently limiting contact with the external world.

marginalized and have little recourse to protection by the

In such circumstances, violence goes unreported, and
authorities. Furthermore, work in these sectors is often
these Nigerian women rarely find assistance. For these migrant
unregulated, leaving even those brave enough to seek official
Nigerian women, violence may come at the hands of the
assistance without clear legal rights. Nigerian Women migrants
employer, their relatives (especially teenage sons), or family
who work in domestic service are often exposed to health and
guests, associates, or male employees in the same household.
safety threats, including exposure to strong cleaning agents
Migrant Nigerian women have reported being the object of a
without adequate information about risks and precautions (and in
whole range of assaults from verbal abuse to slapping, beating,
some cases with employer-imposed restrictions on taking
rape and other forms of torture. These assaults are sometimes
precautions like wearing gloves), and dangers within the home,
used as punishment for work considered slow or sloppy.
including sexual harassment.
Gendered forms of Racism and Xenophobia against Migrant
If injured on the job, Nigerian women migrant workers are
Women: In addition to gender-based discrimination, migrant
frequently denied medical treatment and risk losing their
Nigerian women often face racial, ethnic, or religious
positions. Benefits extended to non-migrant workers are often not
discrimination in their host country. The nature of discrimination
available to Nigerian women migrants especially those working in
faced by migrant Nigerian women covers the whole spectrum
domestic service.
ranging from subtle forms of shunning and social exclusion to

Gender-Based Violence in the Workplace: Nigerian Women overt racism or xenophobic attitudes in public settings or media. It

migrant workers are vulnerable to violence during all phases of also includes employment and housing discrimination and racist

migration: at home, when being recruited for migrant works, while and xenophobic violence. These forms of discrimination are

in transit, and once in the host country, at work. This vulnerability is gendered with specific forms of racial or ethnic discrimination

heightened for domestic workers who live close to or inside the aimed, specifically, at Nigerian women, including gender-based

homes of their employers. One of the women domestic workers violence and harassment. In some countries, the very concept of

who were sexually abused explained that after she answered a "foreign" or "migrant Nigerian woman" carries with it a radicalised

knock on her door, she was accosted and brutally raped by her gendered stigma. Nigerian women of certain tribes predominate

employer. She said that the experience was horrible and in domestic service work that is frequently perceived by the host

unforgettable. In her words, I still hear him knocking on my door. I community as servile and degrading. When translated into labour

still have nightmares. Migrant Nigerian women domestic workers practices, ethnic, racial, and status-based discrimination usually

are vulnerable to Gender-Based Violence, including sexual results in low wages and poor working conditions for Nigerian

abuse, because of their proximity to and often complete women from unpopular groups. As noted earlier, in some

dependence on their employers. Employers often foster this countries, the wages for migrant Nigerian women workers are

dependence and isolation by confiscating travel, work, or more closely linked to the employee's national or ethnic origin

residence papers and forbidding the women from leaving the than to their skills.
used to prevent it as well as other public health concerns and

THE MENACE measures instituted to confront the virus. Various variants of the SARS-

OF COVID 19 Dr Emeka Ugwu

CoV-2 have been identified by the WHO and various international

networks of experts linked to it. Currently, the consensus opinion is

President | Nigerian Doctors/

that variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus be named using Greek
Forum South Africa

Alphabets, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta to ensure that both

medical and non-medical audiences could be on the same page

to understand the variants.

Several forms of containment strategies have been

adopted by the WHO, various countries, and organisations, which to
a large extent, have assisted in slowing down the rate of spread of
the dreaded viral infection. These strategies include the age-long
non-pharmacological approaches like social distancing, regularly
washing hands with soap and water, and or sanitizing of hands,
wearing masks, avoid gathering in groups, regularly cleaning and
disinfecting surfaces, avoidance of sharing of personal items like
cell phones, touching one's face, etc. It is highly advisable to self-

The advent of COVID-19, a viral infection, in 2019 has devastated quarantine and seek medical help once you notice that you are

the world order in many respects. Many lives have been lost, unwell.

economies shattered, and science has been thrown into an instant In addition, so many medications have been used at
state of frenzy by this singular infection and its attendant effects. As different times by doctors and other health professionals to assist
of the time of putting down this article, 4,759,359 (2.05%) deaths patients with COVID-1 9. A lot of factors such as the severity of the
have been recorded across the globe due to the COVID-19 with disease, the presence or absence of co-morbidities (other
2,673 deaths in Nigeria and 87,001 in South Africa. On the other underlying health conditions), the possible side effects of the
hand, (89.94%) persons have recovered from the viral infection medications, the weight of scientific evidence for or against certain
globally – 192,421 from Nigeria and 2,758,274 from South Africa. medications and lots more are taken into consideration before the

The disease was first reported to the World Health use of therapeutic agents to treat COVID-19 patients. These keep

Organization (WHO) on 31st December 2019. It was first discovered changing from time to time as scientific evidence emerges.

in Wuhan City, China. The spread of the novel coronavirus worldwide The use of various types of vaccines has long been
was alarmingly rapid. Barely one month after it was first reported, the approved by WHO. Available scientific evidence has shown that
WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. Covid-19 vaccines are effective in reducing the severity of the
On 11th March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a global pandemic illness, the rate of spread, and other benefits. Hence, vaccines have
- meaning that the virus has spread widely across the world. been proven to be safe. Therefore, to stem the tide of deaths and

All viruses change or mutate as the time passes by. The devastation caused by COVID-19, all hands must be on deck. Let us

SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is no exception to this embrace and utilise all the measures stipulated by WHO, the

behaviour. The changes may affect how easily the virus can spread, Department of Health, the National Institute for Communicable

the severity of the disease it causes, how it is diagnosed, the Diseases (NICD), and other related authorities in fighting against the

therapeutic medicines used for its treatment, types of vaccines disease. The importance of vaccination cannot be over-
emphasised. A stitch in time, they say, saves nine.
The Shambles:
Life on a Messy Train
By Olamide Adesoye

How did it happen? If my memory would not betray me, I
hat fateful night would be my first time thinking of suicide as
remembered I went out to get Joy's inhaler for her that night. She
the best and only option I got. I felt like kicking the bucket
was asthmatic and it was expected she was with her inhaler every
once and for all and forget this damn world. Who cared
time – morning, noon and night. This time around, her inhaler got
exhausted unexpectedly and without any preparation. According
I was a beautiful young lady in my early twenties. One
to her, she forgot to inform our mum before she left for work that
would have been confused as to why I wanted to choose darkness
morning, if not, mum would have gotten it for her somehow. She
over light and death over life. Life was good to me for the first
was uncomfortable and in great distress as she breathed heavily,
nineteen years of my life. Good indeed. At least it did give me the
fighting for her life. I didn't know what to do. We weren't the type
grace to live once again.
that's allowed to go out anyhow. We lived a triangular life—from
I was blessed with godly parents who knew how to balance
home to church and back home or from home to school and
personal ambitions with God and family. I was the first child of the
back home again.
family. My parents
I ran helter-skelter like a
married late. Mom
confused dog. Mom's
was in her early
number wasn't going
fifties and dad was
through. Dad's number
in his late fifties. I
was not reachable
was not the only
too. My heart was in my
child neither was I
mouth. A million
the only daughter
questions rolled into
as I had two other
my mind. What could
siblings, Joy and
be wrong with mum?
Grace. I was
This is past seven in the
named Gloria.
evening already. Dad? Dad comes home at least thirty minutes
The journey to the denouement started the day I was
earlier than mum ever y day. What's happening? Joy?
raped by a young man I could not figure out his physical
Immediately my thought returned to Joy, I ran like a squirrel. I didn't
appearance. He must have been a monster, I guess. Maybe a
mind stones or whatever might stand a chance of holding me
devil. Perhaps a brat. I just wished I knew the man who forcefully
back. I ran so hard that I almost ran past the chemist's store.
took away my pride. It was a painful experience. He didn't allow me
to enjoy the romance I had always dreamt of having with my
"Yes sir, please, innhhhaaallleeerrr, she's dying. My younger sister. .
husband before we eventually smiled under the covers on our
. Joy."
wedding night.
I gasped for breath, my heart panting. from me, I will come back to give you.” The place was a deserted

A lot ran through my mind. What if she had died? one and I had no one to come to my rescue.

What if I couldn't get home on time? My pleas fell on deaf ears. It dawned on me that he meant

"Calm down, young girl.'' The man gave me a business. I knew what he was up to. He wanted to rape me but I

concerned look. was not ready to lose my innocence just like that. So, I resorted to

“ Your toe is bleeding. Let me get you more pleadings like dad had taught us to seek peace at all times.

methylated spirit and treat you first." My words were like noise to him. Tears didn't stop flowing from my

He made to get it. That was when I knew I had eyes as he laid me down on the bare ground. I reached for a big

sustained an injury on my left toe. stone beside me. But he was quick to notice me. That got him

Why am I light-skinned? I groused in my head. infuriated. He gave me a hard slap again and told me to

"Don't worry sir, just give me the inhaler." cooperate as he wouldn't take time to do whatever he wanted to

“Are you sure— “ do so that I could go home on time.

“Inhaler!” I screamed and handed him the money I was holding. I “Please, my sister... Joy… she's dead,” I drawled. Dead? No? I

didn't even know how much it was. The man reached for a white rebuke it in Jesus name. “Please, let me go.” I pleaded. But no, he

box on the desk and brought the inhaler out. I snatched it from him forced himself on me.

and ran off swiftly. How could he be that mean? Did he know me from somewhere? I

"Gloria? What's up with you? Do you mind me never offended anybody. I'm not a social type. Why couldn't he let

going with you?" of go of this innocent me? Who is he?

A distant voice spoke behind me. It was a man. To be continued…

Then, he laughed. I believed he was amused

with the way I ran.
I ignored him and continued running. That didn't deter him as he
followed me. Two kilometres from home, I slowed down. Blood
gushed out of my toe but I didn't care. Then the pain started. I beat
my chest with my left hand as if to calm it down. I will soon get
home, I consoled myself. I was about to continue my journey home
when a hand drew me back. I had forgotten about the man. I was
shocked but wasn't afraid. My brain was alert, even though my
heart seemed to have stopped working.
"Pretty babe, you came out today, how are you?" The voice
sounded as if he knew me before now.
“Whoever you are, I don't care to know. Will you lose your grip on Ciar-creations is a design manufacturer and installation of built-in
cupboards, we all know the pressure and stress of renovating or moving into a
my shoulder and let me go?" I barked, insolence leaking from my brand new home, we reduce the stress by offering our tailor made services fit
for you and your family. We will take over without excluding or forgetting your
words. I was past caring. I was furious he stopped me.
ideas, giving you time to relax and focus your attention on other pressing
A scornful laugh ripped through his throat. He landed a slap on my matters. We are different from our competitors because we offer
personalized services and we are passionate about our work.
face as he turned to kiss me. The slap destabilized me. I stood
For more info, you can visit our
rooted on the spot. Hot tears trickled down my face. I tried to
struggle but he gripped me bad. Scream! The thought dropped in
my heart. It was as if he read my mind. As I opened my mouth, he Our numbers are +27102211296,
+2778125 5663 for Ivy and
punched my face with his fists and grasped me by the wrist.
+27735896143 for Kemi,
“Please, Joy is dying,” I begged. “Nothing must happen to that girl our email is
or else I will be doomed. I will be dead. Whatever it is that you want

Ezem Gold And Diamonds: Adress: shop no 8

Boland building Kimberly cbd northern cape.
he day Zubie died was an ordinary day; the He was dressed in a brown jacket, his moustache
winter chill was intense, overshadowing the trimmed and his eyes closed. His mouth was closed,
noonday sun as people went about their hiding the famous gap tooth. Zubie looked serene as
different businesses. It was a Sunday and I had if having a siesta. We led past. Quietly. Gloomily.
missed church for one of many excuses even though After the service, Zubie's cofn was taken back to
only my conscience queried me. I was approaching the mortuary and we trooped to the church hall next
my usual haunt when a car braked in the middle of door for refreshments.
the road, beside me.
“Steve!” someone shouted. I took a seat far away from the entrance, subdued,
I stopped, bent and saw Chike peering at me observing people as they arrived. The band was
through his open passenger window. He wasn't playing popular songs, trying to spread cheer. The
smiling. MC was a jovial fellow who started with the archaic
“Hey, Chikey! What's up?” introductions, endemic in Nigerian functions. This
“Did you hear that Zubie died?” It was a question as time, he dragged it a bit too far, to allow for the
well as a statement that knocked the air out of me. I drinks to be delivered, I learnt later. Eventually, the
was barely breathing, hot air exiting in spurts. I ushers ooded the tables with all kinds of drinks and
opened my mouth to speak but the words got the famous jollof rice and chicken. The band never
swallowed by the exiting hot air. I turned back and relented, belting out one hit after another. Soon, the
trudged away, muttering, “No…No…No.” MC asked people to donate money that would be
handed to Zubie's mother when his body arrived in
I arrived at another friend's shop, my intended Nigeria the following day. It was a ploy to unlock
destination but he was out. I looked around and saw pockets. It worked.
people huddled in groups, seemingly lamenting the
death of Zubie. With my heavy heart and a mind in The rst group danced their way to the high table, a
ux, I headed home, grief my only company. At man spreading R100 notes on the others before
home, I undressed and dived under the duvet and eventually handing an R6100 donation to the
cried. I knew Zubie was gone for good and I would Chairman of the event. The 'sprayer' said they were
never see his gap-toothed smile again. a group of Zubie's friends that traded in Joburg CBD.
Many other individuals came forward, including a
On the second Thursday after Zubie's demise, we relation who claimed that Zubie spent Christmas in
gathered in the Catholic church for his requiem his house in Durban. I forgot how much he gave, but
mass. It was billed to start at 5 pm. As usual, it started it was reasonable enough to attract sustained
much later. The church was full like a Sunday service. clapping.
I hadn't witnessed such overwhelming sorrow in that
parish if attendance was the parameter to judge Afterwards, the Nigerian association of the church
grief. The priest's white cassock contrasted with the danced to the high table and donated R5600. As
'ofcial' black dress code which most people they danced away, I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I
donned. His usual cheer had disappeared, infected turned, thinking it was someone that wanted the
by the mourners' gloom. The wry smile at the start of drink in front of me.
his sermon proved perfunctory. At the end of the “This is disgusting,” PK spatted. He is a friend I usually
service, we were opportune to view Zubie's corpse hung out with.
for the last time. He would be transported to Nigeria
the following morning for burial.
The top section of the casket was open, showing
only Zubie's portrait.
“What's disgusting?” I asked If they had given him one-tenth of this money, Zubie
“Can't you see the way they are throwing money would have lived!”
around?” I came closer. “You mean it?” I asked.
“But they need all the money they can give his “Of course! Don't you know that it was the hardship
mother. You know, taking a corpse back home is that killed Zubie?”
expensive,” I quipped. “But I learnt that he died of a tumour in his brain,” I
“So, where were all these monies when Zubie was countered.
alive?” he persisted. “What nonsense tumour?! Diagnosis without a scan?
I scratched my head for an appropriate response Get real, Steve.”
but couldn't think up any. I shrugged.
“All these idiots were around when Zubie became “Zubie was foaming in the mouth when he was
stranded and homeless. Then when he got sick, he rushed to the hospital. The doctor pronounced him
went begging them for money to see a doctor but dead on arrival. There was neither scan nor autopsy
they refused. Now they've come to show off.” done on him, Steve!”
“Are you sure?” I queried. “Oh, I didn't know that.”
“My man, Benji brought Zubie into his one-room “You see, that's why I hate our people. Now, they are
apartment just before Zubie became sick. Then all donating these huge sums for people to clap for
Zubie went to these buffoons trading in CBD and them. They disgust me!” Uzoma said.
they couldn't give him a dime. He died four days By now, I was livid about the death of Zubie and how
later!” What? the people who could have saved his life refused. I
“Leave these people, my man. I'm angry because knew it was time to go home and sleep. I was getting
this is nonsense. I'm getting out of here!” tetchy.
He turned, with one hand in his trouser pocket, “Nna, make I go sleep, joo,” I told Uzoma as we
shoulder hunched and head bent, walked out of shook hands.
the hall. My heart immediately went into turmoil. I “No problem, my brother. Take it easy.”
remembered Benji telling me that Zubie was staying As I turned to leave, Uzoma said, “You know Uzoma
by him. was an only child.”
He also went canvassing for funds to take care of “Don't say that!” I exclaimed.
Zubie but regularly hit a brick wall. Most of them “Ehe now! Zubie has no brother or sister in this damn
insulted him. One accused him of pulling a racket whole world! And to worsen matters, he doesn't
with Zubie's illness. have a child! His only survivor is his aged mother.”
When he told the guy that Zubie was in a semi- “WOW! That's bad,” I whispered, getting sadder.
coma, the guy snapped that Zubie should call him As if reading my mind, Uzoma continued, “That
when he woke. It was the guy that was spraying means Zubie has no descendant, Steve. His family
money on his fellow dancers and whom they name is shut forever. In time, no one will remember
referred to as 'Chief.' him.” Shit, I said.
The band was still playing and the Holy Spirit group, “Real big shit, my man” Uzoma concurred.
another group Zubie belonged to, resplendent in “Anyway, let me leave you to go and sleep. I'm still
their black suit and red jersey, had just made their going to have more drinks before I go. I gave them
donation. With the turmoil in my heart, I didn't hear good money and have to enjoy my money as well.
what they gave. I decided to go outside for fresh air After all, person wey don die, don die!”
Outside, the temperature had dipped but I was “Sure,” I said and exited the compound. I checked
warmly dressed. The time was 9:10 pm. my watch and it was 9:42 pm.

A lot of people stood in groups, their moods As I walked home, a hundred meters away, I thought
lightened by the alcohol in their hands. Most were about all that PK and Uzoma told me and
chattering excitedly, hugging and calling each instinctively knew that they were true. I also knew
other “Nwanne.” that Zubie would most probably have lived had he
I passed them, making my way to a quieter area of received money when he was sick. I tried not to
the compound, wondering about all PK had told dwell too much on all that I've heard as I know that it
me. Knowing PK, he rarely lied. I thought back to the won't change anything. It won't bring Zubie back to
conversations I had with Zubie, mostly after mass on life. Despite the cold, I felt a teardrop from my eye.
Sundays and I remembered that he was struggling Because it was night, I didn't bother cleaning my
nancially, like a lot of people. But I never knew he eyes. It dawned on me that Zubie who always
was sick until in his last days. I felt sick. On a whim, I brought cheer to any gathering eventually died a
decided to go home. I couldn't picture myself sad death. As I entered my compound, I cleaned
enjoying the charade inside the hall. my eyes, not wanting my wife nor children to see my
At the gate that led into the street, another friend, tears. I knew that a night of tossing and turning
Uzoma, stopped me. awaited me. But it was better than dying miserably.
“Hey, Steve… How far!” Uzoma greeted me, drifting Like Zubie.
away from the two guys that anked him.
“My guy, I need to go home now. I have an early Dr Ike Obidike is the author of the novel, Shifting
morning tomorrow,” I lied.
Sands and the Director of Raritty Writing and
“But, Nna, these guys are giving these huge sums
now Zubie is dead. Editing Service. He lives in Johannesburg and
can be reached at
Oh! My Nigeria

Ode to These 61 years I have seen you journey

Through upheavals that have torn stronger nations apart

Yet you remain standing tall and strong like an immovable
iroko tree
Strong and unconquerable in its might
Oh! my Nigeria
Nigeria! Even though others may not see it now
Oh! my Nigeria I see God purging you of all forms of corruption
My heart will never cease to bless you daily I see God restoring your lost possessions
A land of great rivers and mountains I see God bringing back your sons and daughters scattered all
A land of lush rainforests and rolling savannas over nations
A land of abundant natural resources and human capital I see strangers finding solace under your branches
A land of heroes, past and present I see you occupying your rightful place among the comity of
A land of great warriors, entrepreneurs, and athletes nations
A land of great artistes, craftsmen, and educationists I see God blessing you anew
A land of sages and courageous youths Nigeria!
A land of strength and resilience Oh! my Nigeria!
A land so bruised, so battered, yet not broken My heart will never cease to bless you.
A land so diverse in culture; yet so unified in yearnings
A land whose inhabitants' skills and expertise are the envy of
A land whose people thrive despite challenges
Written by
Bimbo Fafowora (Ph.D.)
Department of Journalism
Stellenbosch University South Africa

I am a Nigerian
From the hills and mountains of the Jos and Mambila Plateaux
I stoop to drink from the Yankari and Ikogosi warm springs
I am a Nigerian
With a big heart I carry the food basket of the nation towards the centre of excellence
I am a Nigerian
I have been beaten, battered, bruised, massacred, raped, my communities razed and my ancestral lands taken over by armed
But I rise like a Jewel in the Savannah, I rise like the morning sun because my strength lies in our collective unity in diversity.
I am a Nigerian
I am the most populous black nation in the world
I am Ngozi Aisha Funmilayo
I am a Nigerian.

Happy 61st Independence Anniversary Nigeria!

Written by
Tina Odinakachi Iirmdu
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Stellenbosch University
South Africa
+2348033519981 (WhatsApp)
+27613939211 (Calls & SMS)

Irene Ochem is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) -

rene Ochem is an entrepreneurship, trade, and innovation specialist with several academic graduate and post-graduate qualifications
from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Nigeria), University of Trieste (Italy), University of Cape Town (South Africa), and an MBA in
International Management from the University of London (UK). Her interest is focused on gender economic equity and social inclusion.

She has 30+ years' experience working in international development, research administration management, enterprise development,
and private sector growth. Her work at the strategic leadership of AWIEF is focused on driving female entrepreneurship, promoting
enterprise and innovation, designing, and implementing
bespoke women-focused business support programmes
across many African countries, and mobilizing resources and

She is passionate about helping women-owned and women-

led businesses grow, become more competitive, and expand
their markets having directly trained and supported 1,000+
African female entrepreneurs, startups, and growth-stage
businesses with enterprise development programmes.

Irene Ochem is the Convener of the prestigious annual AWIEF

Conference and AWIEF Awards, an international gathering of
1,300+ African and global entrepreneurship ecosystem
stakeholders, for dialogue on issues of women economic empowerment,
entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and gender-lens investing in Africa.
She has provided inputs to regional trade agreements on women economic
empowerment and inclusion. She serves on Boards as Non-Executive Director.


AWIEF's mission is to foster the economic inclusion, advancement and

empowerment of women in Africa through entrepreneurship support and
development. The vision is an inclusive and thriving Africa where women are
empowered to create and grow high-impact and sustainable businesses
contributing to increasing Africa's GDP.

Registered in Nigeria and South Africa, AWIEF has extensive experience and track record in designing and implementing bespoke and
high-impact women entrepreneurship programmes including business accelerators, incubation, and women-focused entrepreneurship
needs assessment, business development support, leadership, and management skills training and capacity building across different
countries in Africa. For women entrepreneurs in Africa who need knowledge, skills, and tools to grow and expand their business, AWIEF's
entrepreneurship programmes help them to build thriving and sustainable ventures.

AWIEF's activities include convening the annual AWIEF Conference and AWIEF Awards, cross-cutting advocacy for gender equality and
women economic empowerment, and the recently launched AWIEF Community, a digital and online platform designed to empower
and inspire women entrepreneurs in Africa to fulfil their potential by bringing them closer together, amplifying their voice and impact, and
connecting them to knowledge, networks, mentorship, and market and financing opportunities.

AWIEF has established government, development sector and corporate partnerships (commercial banks, telcos, and other MNCs) and
donors across the continent, and globally, including partnering with the High Commission of Canada in South Africa and receiving grant
funding from Canada Fund for Local Initiatives to implement a program in support of women entrepreneurs in South Africa.
NICASA Western Cape Blazing the
Trail in Quality and Diligent Leadership Hon. Bimbo Fafowora | Vice-Chairperson, NICASA Western Cape

The Executive Community of the Nigerian Citizens' Association South Africa (NICASA) Western Cape Province ably headed by the
Chairman, Honourable Henry Ezumah are blazing the trail in exceptional and quality leadership amidst challenging situations. The team
which was inaugurated by the Consul General his Excellency Abdulmalik M. Ahmed on the 6th of December 2020, was faced with
certain daunting tasks of which is to unify Nigerians in the Western Cape who had been set against one another through sectional and
self-aggrandising politics. Another task set ahead of the committee is to give a voice to Nigerians in the province while safeguarding their
rights and ensuring their welfare.

The committee did not disappoint in taking on the task assigned to them. Immediately after their inauguration, the Chairman

began talks with sectional leaders in a bid to seek amicable resolutions to some of the issues leading to a division among the Nigerian

community in the Western Cape. To this end, the team has recorded a measure of success as a number of those with whom the

Chairman has conferred have shown their readiness to ply the part of unity by agreeing to lay aside their differences to foster peace and

progress among Nigerians in Western Cape.

Regarding the association's commitment to the welfare of Nigerians, before the official inauguration of the committee, the
Chairman in conjunction with the National Deputy President, Honourable Oscar Emetuei collaborated with certain community leaders
and stakeholders in Western Cape to institute a Covid-19 palliative drive. Through the palliative drive, the association distributed food
items to Nigerians in the province who were adversely affected by the pandemic-induced lockdown. In addition to this, NICASA Western
Cape Executive Committee rolled out a value-added Identity Card scheme for registered members of the association.

One of the objectives of the committee in issuing Identity Cards to registered members of NICASA is to establish and stabilise the

presence of NICASA as the officially recognised association representing Nigerians in Cape Town and its environs. In addition to this, the

data captured during the Identity Card registration process was expected to provide the association with an updated database of

Nigerians in the Western Cape. Most importantly, the committee plans to increase the functionality of the Identity Card beyond an

ordinary means of identification by granting card-carrying members access to certain value-added services like medical discounts,

legal aid services, funeral cover and other similar services. The first batch of the Identity Card has been issued to a small number of

registered members. The representatives of the committee are still negotiating with certain service providers whilst canvassing to

increase people's interest in the value-added Identity Card Scheme.

Aside from the Identity Card Scheme, the Chairman of NICASA Western Cape and his team, in a bid to correct the misdeeds of
the previous Nigerian associations in the province, have been tenaciously pursuing the release of passport funds paid by members of the
Nigerian community to the previous factionalised associations. As of the time of writing this report, talks are ongoing with top officials of the
bank in which the funds are lodged. In addition, the Chairman and members of the committee have shown solidarity and support to
Nigerians who were mistreated and wrongfully charged to court for trivial offences. The committee has also helped members of the
Nigerian community who faced threats of deportation because of nationality profiling and negative stereotypes.

In furtherance of NICASA's mission to promote Nigeria and its citizens among the diaspora community, NICASA Western

Executives organised an outstanding event on the 3rd of October 2021 to commemorate Nigeria's 61st Independence Anniversary. The

event was organised in collaboration with Bold Moves Africa, a non-governmental organisation focusing on women and youth

empowerment, and Access Bank South Africa. In attendance were representatives of the Consul General, Hon Ikechukwu Okoro, the VC

(Head of Chancery) and Hon Sam Udoh, a Minister at the Consular. Other eminent Nigerians from different walks of life attended the

event too.

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