Prac Exam Style Paper 6 MS

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Marking Scheme

Paper 6
1 a i pH; [1]
ii concentration of starch solution;
concentration of enzyme solution;
(relative) volumes of starch and enzyme solutions;
temperature; [max 3]
iii tube with no enzyme / tube with boiled enzyme; [1]
iv idea that there is no subjective judgement of colour;
reading given to two places of decimals; ignore refs to precision or accuracy [2]
b add iodine solution;
blue–black colour indicates presence of starch; [2]
c i results chart has ruled rows and columns;
(either rows or columns) headed pH with values of 2 to 10;
(either rows or columns) headed time / minutes;
all entries correct; [4]
ignore column or row with the letters of the tubes
ii x-axis is pH and y-axis is time;
both axes labelled (pH, time / minutes);
suitable scales with even intervals on both axes;
all points plotted correctly;
neatly ruled lines between points; [5]
d impossible to judge precisely when the starch has all disappeared / idea that colour
change with starch test is gradual;
idea that a measuring cylinder is not a good way to measure volume / not accurate /
not precise;
tests done only every minute;
impossible to deal with five tubes at once so variations in times of mixing enzyme and
substrate / time intervals between tests; [max 2]
e i safer;
can keep temperature the same for all tests; [2]
ii tube A / pH 2;
the starch did not disappear; [2]
f use volumes of starch solution and amylase solution as before;
add pH 8 buffer to each tube;

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Biology Marhing Scheme Paper 6 1

at least 5 different temperatures;
temperature range at least from 10 °C to 60 °C;
how temperature varied (e.g. water bath);
test samples as before / testing described; [max 4]

2 a i 20 mm (accept 21 mm) [1]

ii working;
with × sign and no units; [3]
iii drawing is significantly larger than the photograph;
clear, clean lines with no breaks;
no shading;
7 complete segments shown;
one pair of legs on each segment + one pair of appendages on last segment;
joints shown at least two legs or appendages; [max 5]
b i myriapods / Myriapoda; [1]
ii body made up of many segments;
each segment has jointed legs; [2]

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Biology Marhing Scheme Paper 6 2

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