Omniture Hits Data

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Omniture Data Feed Documentation


Hits and Commerce - hit_data.tsv

Column Name Column Description Data Type Key Example / Lookup

mobile_id The ID of the mobile device whichpassed the hit into SiteCatalyst int(15) 23

hit_time_gmt Time of hit in GMT. Uses the Unix timestamp (epoch time from 1/1/1970). Set by Omniture's servers. int(11) 1096614122

service pe or ss - type of hit coming through. The page_event column gives the same information, but in more detail. Deprecated. char(2) ss

accept_language The accept language header from the browser varchar(20) en-us, ja;q=0.62, de

date_time Time in readable format in Time Zone specified by Report Suite ID. Set by Omniture's servers. datetime 2004-10-01 00:02:02

visid_high Part 1 of the visitorID. The combination of two visitor IDs (visid_high and visid_low) creates a unique visitor ID bigint(20) unsigned 4698105154174460000

visid_low Part 2 of the visitorID. The combination of two visitor IDs (visid_high and visid_low) creates a unique visitor ID bigint(20) unsigned 720588533223391000

event_list Comma separated list of numeric IDs representing events passed in from the customer text FK see Event Lookup

homepage Homepage flag, whether or not this page was the user's homepage char(1) N

ip IP address of user's computer, from users ISP. varchar(20)

page_event Page event ID, the type of hit that is sent in the request. Lookups provided for type of event (normal,download, exit, custom) tinyint(3) unsigned 10

page_event_var1 Related to the page_event column. It is the URL of the download link, exit link or custom link clicked. varchar(255)

page_event_var2 If you have individually named your link, this column contains the link name. varchar(100) homepage_buy

page_type page type variable (only used for error page) varchar(20) errorPage

page_url The URL of the pageview. The address of the page in the address bar of the browser varchar(255)

pagename The name of the page (if set) varchar(100) search_results

product_list The product list as passed in through the javascript. This column is kept as passed in text Computers;HP Pavillion;1;1000;200|201,Office Sup

user_server Custom insight variable for servers. varchar(100) [Custom]

channel Custom insight variable for site sections (channels) varchar(100) [Custom]

prop1 Custom insight variable 1 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop2 Custom insight variable 2 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop3 Custom insight variable 3 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop4 Custom insight variable 4 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop5 Custom insight variable 5 varchar(100) [Custom]

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Omniture Data Feed Documentation

prop6 Custom insight variable 6 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop7 Custom insight variable 7 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop8 Custom insight variable 8 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop9 Custom insight variable 9 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop10 Custom insight variable 10 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop11 Custom insight variable 11 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop12 Custom insight variable 12 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop13 Custom insight variable 13 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop14 Custom insight variable 14 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop15 Custom insight variable 15 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop16 Custom insight variable 16 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop17 Custom insight variable 17 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop18 Custom insight variable 18 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop19 Custom insight variable 19 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop20 Custom insight variable 20 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop21 Custom insight variable 21 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop22 Custom insight variable 22 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop23 Custom insight variable 23 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop24 Custom insight variable 24 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop25 Custom insight variable 25 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop26 custom insight variable 26 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop27 custom insight variable 27 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop28 custom insight variable 28 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop29 custom insight variable 29 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop30 custom insight variable 30 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop31 custom insight variable 31 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop32 custom insight variable 32 varchar(100) [Custom]

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prop33 custom insight variable 33 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop34 custom insight variable 34 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop35 custom insight variable 35 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop36 custom insight variable 36 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop37 custom insight variable 37 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop38 custom insight variable 38 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop39 custom insight variable 39 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop40 custom insight variable 40 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop41 custom insight variable 41 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop42 custom insight variable 42 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop43 custom insight variable 43 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop44 custom insight variable 44 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop45 custom insight variable 45 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop46 custom insight variable 46 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop47 custom insight variable 47 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop48 custom insight variable 48 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop49 custom insight variable 49 varchar(100) [Custom]

prop50 custom insight variable 50 varchar(100) [Custom]

purchaseid Unique identifer for a purchase. Identifies a duplicate purchase (see duplicate_purchase). varchar(20) 1584A9646G

referrer Page prior to the current page varchar(255)

state Geographical region (i.e. Arizona, Utah, Saxony [German Region]) passed in on javascript. Normally only set on a purchase page. varchar(50) AZ

user_agent User agent as found in the HTTP header sent from the browser varchar(255) Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us)

zip Zip code (i.e. 84604,85381) passed in on javascript. Normally only set on a purchase page. varchar(50) 84604

search_engine Search engine ID, has lookup table smallint(5) unsigned FK See Search Engine Lookup

exclude_hit Hit excluded by client rule tinyint(3) unsigned FK See Exclude Lookup

hier1 Delimited list of values as passed in on the image request. Delimiter is chosen by client in implementation. Hierachy level 1 varchar(255) [CUSTOM],[CUSTOM],[CUSTOM]

hier2 Delimited list of values as passed in on the image request. Delimiter is chosen by client in implementation. Hierachy level 2 varchar(255) [CUSTOM],[CUSTOM],[CUSTOM]

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Omniture Data Feed Documentation

hier3 Delimited list of values as passed in on the image request. Delimiter is chosen by client in implementation. Hierachy level 3 varchar(255) [CUSTOM],[CUSTOM],[CUSTOM]

hier4 Delimited list of values as passed in on the image request. Delimiter is chosen by client in implementation. Hierachy level 4 varchar(255) [CUSTOM],[CUSTOM],[CUSTOM]

hier5 Delimited list of values as passed in on the image request. Delimiter is chosen by client in implementation. Hierachy level 5 varchar(255) [CUSTOM],[CUSTOM],[CUSTOM]

browser The browser ID (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Browser Lookup and Browser Type Lookup

post_browser_height Height in pixels of browser window smallint(5) unsigned 600

post_browser_width Width in pixels of browser window smallint(5) unsigned 868

post_cookies Whether or not javascript session cookie is accepted. Sets a session cookie with javascript and looks to see if it is set before the request is sent
char(1) Y

post_java_enabled Flag indicating whether or not java is enabled char(1) Y

post_persistent_cookie Flag indicating if 3rd party cookies and/or persistent cookies are enabled char(1) Y

color Color depth ID (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Color Depth Lookup

connection_type Connection type ID (has lookup table) tinyint(3) unsigned 0

country Country ID (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Country Lookup

domain Domain of users ISP varchar(100)

post_t_time_info Raw time info from javascript varchar(100) 12/11/2004 4:23:31 1 +420

javascript Version of Javascript tinyint(3) unsigned FK See Javascript Version Lookup

language Language ID (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Languages Lookup

os Operating system ID (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Operating Systems Lookup

plugins List of plugin IDs available to the browser (has lookup table) varchar(180) FK See Plugins Lookup

resolution resolution id (has lookup table) smallint(5) unsigned FK See Resolution Lookup

last_hit_time_gmt Timestamp of the previous hit in GMT int(11) 1102751965

first_hit_time_gmt Timestamp of the first hit in GMT int(11) 1102750716

visit_start_time_gmt The gmt timestamp of the first pageview in this visit int(11) 1102750716

last_purchase_time_gmt The time of the previous purchase int(11) 0

last_purchase_num The purchase number of the previous purchase int(10) unsigned 0

first_hit_page_url The original entry page URL varchar(255)

first_hit_pagename The original entry page pagename varchar(100) homepage

visit_start_page_url The start page for the visit varchar(255)

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visit_start_pagename The pagename the visit started on varchar(100) homepage

first_hit_referrer Original referrer - referrer of first hit ever for the visitor varchar(255)

visit_referrer the referrer to the visit varchar(255)

visit_search_engine the search engine used to find the site smallint(5) unsigned 0

visit_num The number of the current visit (Incremented each time a visitor returns to the site) int(10) unsigned 1

visit_page_num the page sequence number in the current visit int(10) unsigned 17

prev_page the page id of the previous page - this is an internal identifier and not of use to the customer int(10) unsigned 0

geo_city City from Digital Envoy varchar(32) los angeles

geo_country Country from Digital Envoy varchar(4) usa

geo_region Region / State from Digital Envoy varchar(32) ca

duplicate_purchase A flag indicating that the purchase event for this hit should be ignored because it is a duplicate tinyint(3) unsigned 0

new_visit A Flag that determines if the current hit is a new visit tinyint(3) unsigned 0

daily_visitor flag to determine if current hit is a new daily visitor tinyint(3) unsigned 0

hourly_visitor flag to determine if current hit is a new hourly visitor tinyint(3) unsigned 0

monthly_visitor flag to determine if current hit is a new monthly visitor tinyint(3) unsigned 0

yearly_visitor flag to determine if current hit is a new yearly visitor tinyint(3) unsigned 0

post_campaign campaign varchar(255) [Custom]

evar1 custom commerce variable 1 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar2 custom commerce variable 2 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar3 custom commerce variable 3 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar4 custom commerce variable 4 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar5 custom commerce variable 5 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar6 custom commerce variable 6 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar7 custom commerce variable 7 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar8 custom commerce variable 8 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar9 custom commerce variable 9 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar10 custom commerce variable 10 varchar(255) [Custom]

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evar11 custom commerce variable 11 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar12 custom commerce variable 12 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar13 custom commerce variable 13 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar14 custom commerce variable 14 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar15 custom commerce variable 15 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar16 custom commerce variable 16 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar17 custom commerce variable 17 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar18 custom commerce variable 18 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar19 custom commerce variable 19 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar20 custom commerce variable 20 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar21 custom commerce variable 21 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar22 custom commerce variable 22 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar23 custom commerce variable 23 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar24 custom commerce variable 24 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar25 custom commerce variable 25 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar26 custom commerce variable 26 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar27 custom commerce variable 27 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar28 custom commerce variable 28 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar29 custom commerce variable 29 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar30 custom commerce variable 30 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar31 custom commerce variable 31 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar32 custom commerce variable 32 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar33 custom commerce variable 33 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar34 custom commerce variable 34 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar35 custom commerce variable 35 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar36 custom commerce variable 36 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar37 custom commerce variable 37 varchar(255) [Custom]

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evar38 custom commerce variable 38 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar39 custom commerce variable 39 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar40 custom commerce variable 40 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar41 custom commerce variable 41 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar42 custom commerce variable 42 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar43 custom commerce variable 43 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar44 custom commerce variable 44 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar45 custom commerce variable 45 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar46 custom commerce variable 46 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar47 custom commerce variable 47 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar48 custom commerce variable 48 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar49 custom commerce variable 49 varchar(255) [Custom]

evar50 custom commerce variable 50 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar1 evar1 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar2 evar2 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar3 evar3 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar4 evar4 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar5 evar5 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar6 evar6 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar7 evar7 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar8 evar8 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar9 evar9 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar10 evar10 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar11 evar11 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar12 evar12 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar13 evar13 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar14 evar14 varchar(255) [Custom]

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post_evar15 evar15 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar16 evar16 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar17 evar17 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar18 evar18 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar19 evar19 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar20 evar20 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar21 evar21 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar22 evar22 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar23 evar23 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar24 evar24 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar25 evar25 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar26 evar26 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar27 evar27 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar28 evar28 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar29 evar29 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar30 evar30 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar31 evar31 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar32 evar32 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar33 evar33 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar34 evar34 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar35 evar35 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar36 evar36 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar37 evar37 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar38 evar38 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar39 evar39 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar40 evar40 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar41 evar41 varchar(255) [Custom]

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post_evar42 evar42 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar43 evar43 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar44 evar44 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar45 evar45 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar46 evar46 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar47 evar47 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar48 evar48 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar49 evar49 varchar(255) [Custom]

post_evar50 evar50 varchar(255) [Custom]

click_action Clickmap information, this is what is contained in the address of the link the user clicked on (URL / JS function, etc.) varchar(100)

click_action_type Clickmap information, type of link clicked on. tinyint(3) unsigned 0

click_context Clickmap information, this is the pagename (or URL if no pagename is declared) for the page on which the link click occurred varchar(255) homepage

click_context_type Clickmap information, type of click_context (indicates whether the pagename or URL was used) tinyint(3) unsigned 0

click_sourceid Clickmap information, the is the numeric ID for the location on the page where the link is located int(10) unsigned 396

click_tag Clickmap information, type of link/ form element that was clicked on varchar(10) A

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