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He states that man was born with hardly any basis for right and wrong and their

lives is a never-ending struggle for change until they reach perfection.

Ans: Friedrich Nietsche

It is simply the ends of an action must be good, if it is not then the action is unjustified.


He is a German Philosopher that postulated "Moral Rationalism"

Immanuel Kant

The more we attain happiness by being good, the closer we are to the Ultimate Good.


Communism is more of an economic theory


The __________ is to follow human nature which is the low end of a human being.

A proximate norm

Utilitarianism is also known as the Philosophy of Pleasure


Immanuel Kant explained that we have to do good because we ought to be good in doing.


The morality of man follows a _____ norm and an ultimate norm.


Summum bonum means "ultimate good"


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