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Name: Georgewen Galvadores Deligero

Learning Task 4

Lesson 1: What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum

A curriculum is a compilation of study materials that are used at all grade levels, classroom and
homework assignments and a set of teacher guides. It could also include a list of prescribed
methodology and guidelines of teaching and some material for the parents etc. It is generally
determined by an external governing body. However, there are some cases where it may be
developed by the schools and teachers themselves.

Educational institutions today are increasing their emphasis on high standards as a crucial factor in
improving the quality of education imparted to their students. They are, therefore, looking at new
and better ways to develop such a curriculum that meets all the pre-decided standards. This calls
for a change in the way schools are run and the methods of teaching in order to design, implement
and evaluate curriculum effectively.

The need to evaluate curriculum arises because it is necessary for both teachers and students to
determine the extent to which their current curricular program and its implementation have
produced positive and curricularly suitable outcomes for students. To evaluate curricular
effectiveness we must identify and describe the curriculum and its objectives first and then check
its contents for accuracy, comprehensiveness, depth, timeliness, depth and quality.

Lesson 2: Curriculum Evaluation Through Learning Assessment

Education is considered as an investment in human beings in terms of development of human

resources, skills, motivation, knowledge and the like. Evaluation helps to build an educational
programmes, assess its achievements and improve upon its effectiveness.

It serves as an in-built monitor within the programme to review the progress in learning from time to
time. It also provides valuable feedback on the design and the implementation of the programme.
Thus, evaluation plays a significant role in any educational programme.

Evaluation plays an enormous role in the teaching-learning process. It helps teachers and learners
to improve teaching and learning. Evaluation is a continuous process and a periodic exercise.

It helps in forming the values of judgement, educational status, or achievement of student.

Evaluation in one form or the other is inevitable in teaching-learning, as in all fields of activity of
education judgements need to be made.

In learning, it contributes to formulation of objectives, designing of learning experiences and

assessment of learner performance. Besides this, it is very useful to bring improvement in teaching
and curriculum. It provides accountability to the society, parents, and to the education system.

Lesson 3: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating: Understanding the Connection

Why Education Planning is required?

In today's fast-changing world, innovative career pathways are constantly recounting, conventional
ones are being altered and shifts have happened in the educational requirements and occupation
skills. All these changes are the result of the latest technology, alteration in the organizational
designs and trends towards worldwide business operations. Having all these alterations, you could
ask "Why education planning is required?” The point is developing career goals, options, and
strategy depending on your personality, interests, skills, and values. When you have got the plan,
you become well equipped for self-managing your careers and taking benefit of economic changes
and job markets instead of becoming the victim of changes.

The Importance of Education Planning

Educational planning has become very important because:

> It makes sure an institution’s success. It considers the significant issues, constraints, conditions,
and factors of education. The focus is on potential objectives, goals, and vision. This is practical in
nature that it emphasizes the ability and perception to apply to theory and profits from it prior to the
action. It explains the objectives and also the means of achieving those objectives. Therefore, it
eliminates the trial-and-error procedure, reduces the chances of collapse and guarantees success.
It offers intelligent direction for action.

> The shortage of economic or other non-material sources creates a challenge for education.
Planning is the response of such disputes and explores possibilities of options uses and finest
utilization of restricted resources.

> Successful and well-organized planning saves effort, time, and money.

> This is the coordinated means for attaining the pre-determined objectives.

> Education is the public service required by the public and provided by the government. For all the
government efforts of such huge magnitudes like education, the planning is completely necessary.

> Educational planning is among the elements of general national and socioeconomic
development. The planning needs to offer the educational objectives and finances for the
educational development to accomplish these objectives.

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