Kyaw Thiha Aung TQM

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BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

Programme BBA PGSM
Module Subject: Total Quality Management
Module code: MG - 417
Name of Lecturer: Dr. Aye Aye Mar
Student Name & ID Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047
Assignment title: Total Quality Management
Assignment Name of Group Extension date agreed Actual Late
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BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

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Table of Contents
1.0 Profile of FAME Pharmaceuticals Industry Co., Ltd in Myanmar............................................4

1.1 Principle of TQM...................................................................................................................4

2.0 TQM principles that has been implemented by FAME.............................................................5

BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

2.1 How FAME implement TQM?..............................................................................................5

2.2 FAME using TQM.................................................................................................................6

3.0 TQM affect operating cost if not managed efficiently and effectively.....................................7

3.1 Six Sigma...............................................................................................................................7

3.2 Kaizen....................................................................................................................................7

3.3 Plan-Do-Check-Act or Deming Circle or Shewhart circle....................................................7

3.4 Just-In-Time (JIT)..................................................................................................................7

4.0 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................8

5.0 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................8

BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

1.0 Profile of FAME Pharmaceuticals Industry Co., Ltd in Myanmar

In this assignment, FAME policy of TQM are explained. Firstly, Fame Organic Pharming Project
was started in 2000 to practice organic agriculture methods in Myanmar. This farm in located in
Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay division where the weather is fine enough to grow herbal medicinal
plants. The growing of organic herbs was systematically implemented by applying natural
fertilizers. FAME herbal supplements and natural products are made with organic herbs that are
freshly harvested from the farm. FAME has been founded by Dr.Khin Maung Lwin since 1994
with the purpose to promote the healthy living of people throughout the world. (Dr.Khin Maung
Lwin, 2000)

1.1 Principle of TQM

Total quality management started off as operative work to accept or reject a finished product. It
then evolved into a dedicated department to inspect and ensure quality of output [CITATION Khu \l
1033 ]. The industrial revolution made a significant boost to quality management as firms
produce in bigger scale and the introduction of assembly line, this required them to pay more
attention in order to retain quality of their products. This led, FAME to implement quality
control into their production. By 1970s, quality management was common in companies.

Image cited:

BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

2.0 TQM principles that has been implemented by FAME

The principles which FAME set for their total quality management is one step ahead of others As
for FAME, they go with “Quality first, Safety first” ever since founding of it. FAME has
received various prestigious awards for quality management. There are 8 principles for Total
Quality management, and FAME has been implemented the 5 components of total quality
management There is constant encouragement for further innovation, consensus and ideas for
improvement. The FAME also focuses on long-term improvements rather than short-term.

2.1 How FAME implement TQM?

FAME comprises TQM in five main steps and follow each of them in a correct way.
They focus on continuous process improvement in order to have processes visible, repeatable
and measurable. They also focus on intangible effects on processes and ways to optimize and
reduce their effects. Thirdly, FAME examining the way user applies the product, leads to
improvement in the product itself. Fourth, a good beyond service on after sale product where
customer satisfaction start to begin. Fifth, Customer satisfaction and safety is the heart of FAME
activities so that they selection of members in quality control activities are carefully analyzed
and good structured training has resulted in a workforce which is multi-skilled, flexible and
highly motivated. This is because different departments have different ways of doing things.
Checklist from time to time they can measure the quality of it and to continuously improve it. All
these processes being used in FAME is to reach a common goal which is to satisfies its’
BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

2.2 FAME using TQM

The main reason why FAME started to use TQM is when their product parts are in
defects. FAME start investigating the production area and discovered that the dominant cause of
product defects was wear in the machines that made the parts.

In order to fix this, FAME following guideline procedure, it is critical to have a coordinated
association framework that can be displayed for instance ISO 9000 or an organization quality
framework for the comprehension and treatment of the nature of the items or administrations of
an association. FAME also changed the way it operated completely. Firstly, they stopped moving
workers around and assigned workers to have responsibility over individual machines in the
production. [ CITATION Uni \l 1033 ]

Information must supported upheld in the whole procedure, to keep customer satisfaction and
safety in the future. Nevertheless, a good communication strategy is needed to formulate
accordance with the mission, vision and goal of the organization.

By using all the integrated tools, procedure, techniques and continuous improvement of the
organizational processes, FAME is definitely to get to reach a common goal which will be
satisfies its’ customers For all these hard works, customers assumes FAME for their reliability of
customer service, safety and so on.
BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

3.0 TQM affect operating cost if not managed efficiently and effectively
Total quality management (TQM) is a general philosophy of gradually improving the operations
of a business. This is done through the application of rigorous process analysis by every involved
employee and business partner. TQM is usually applied at the tactical, front-line level, where
production, clerical, and low-level managers are deeply involved. 

3.1 Six Sigma

Six sigma is a total quality movement approach that focuses on quality. The word "six" refers to
the control limits which are placed at six standard deviations from the normal distribution mean.
The elements of Six Sigma include the Define, Measure the process and collects data, Analyze
the data, ensuring repeatability, Improve and Control or DMAIC Roadmap.

3.2 Kaizen
Kaizen is derived from Japanese letter and Kai means "change" and Zen means "good". So
Kaizen's meaning is making changes for better improvement to people, processes and products.
Kaizen is implemented with Kaizen checklists and Kaizen Five-Step Plan. For example, FAME
company uses a checklist that focuses on the factors such as personnel at all levels, work
techniques, work methods, work procedures, time, facilities, equipment, systems, software, tools,
material, plant layout, production levels, inventory and mind-sets.

3.3 Plan-Do-Check-Act or Deming Circle or Shewhart circle

FAME company applies shewhart circle which means Plan: identify the problem and make a
plan, Do: test the plan, Check: Is the plan working? And Act: Implement the plan document.
This is a circular model known as PDCA. This is a kind of never-ending process of continuous
improvements that covers people, equipment’s, suppliers, materials and procedures.

3.4 Just-In-Time (JIT)

Just-In-Time is one of problem solving. It is designed to produce or deliver goods just as they are
needed. FAME uses this JIT in the way that if a customized order has arrived, the order is
produced JIT. Because suppliers of raw material are they and it can do backward integration as a
competitive advantage. (Heizer et al., 2017)
BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

However, if it is not well manage, doing TQM cannot help the business well. It also requires a
proper training for employee. For the training, the ongoing work have to postpone and the
business might effect. The management should think about the long term before implementing
TQM in the business.

One of the main disadvantages of TQM is the need for company-wide commitment to quality
improvement, and the difficulty of achieving this commitment. All levels of management must
be on board for the program to be truly successful. Any lack of effort or resources will
undermine the success of a TQM program, causing negative ripples throughout the company.

4.0 Recommendation
TQM or zero defects theories are used, the role of operation manager is a key to build a
successful work culture that certifies continuous improvement. So, management needs to know
all kinds of theories and know which theory is suitable in what situation and also must be
actually do in reality.

5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, I have learned the importance of quality management within an organization and
see what impact it gives. Good quality management and services provide competitive edge,
increase productivity, profits and other measures of success such as brand image and product
image. TQM is applied to ensure the continuous improvement in quality of their products and
also customer service in the company. This also would create a systematic and control working
environment to ensure smooth operations and to create a better working environment.
BBA: Total Quality Management Kyaw Thiha Aung/ MAL 16047

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from


(2012). Retrieved from

Bent, D. (2013, April 26). Retrieved from



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