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Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________

Intermediate 2 - Units 1-2
Time Allocated: 20 minutes
PART 1: READING (10 points)
Read the following interview and decide whether statements 1-5 are TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or NO
INFORMATION (NI) according to the passage by putting a tick in the correct box.
Announcer: It’s the end-of-the-year sale, and here at Car City you’ll find fantastic bargains! We
have brand-new and used cars, economy-sized cars, and luxury models, all at
reasonable prices! Don't make the same mistake that Ron Gardner made. He bought a
used luxury car somewhere else and isn't satisfied with it. Ron, tell us about it.
Ron: That's right. My name's Ron, and I just bought a used car about a week ago. If I had
come to Car City first, I could've bought the latest model of the same car at the same
price! And with extra features, too.
Announcer: Lara Davids, tell us about the wonderful deal you got at Car City.
Lara: Hi. I'm Lara! I just bought a brand-new Beamer Coyote. It's so beautiful! It's automatic
and has all the latest features! The best part is the price. I paid ten percent as a down
payment, and I'm paying the rest off in monthly payments. When I told my sister about
it, she said that she had just bought a car here, too, and had gotten a really great deal.
Everybody's coming here, so if you don't come now, there won't be any cars left!
Announcer: You heard it, folks. Car City is the place to buy cars. We guarantee you won't find a
better deal anywhere!

1. At Car City, you can bargain with the sellers over the price of your cars.
2. You can find not only used cars but also brand-new, luxury cars at Car City.
3. Ron didn’t buy his car at Car City because he couldn’t find the latest model of
his car there.
4. Lara bought a Beamer Coyote because this was the only car that she was
allowed to pay in monthly payments.
5. According to Lara, everybody is buying their cars at Car City so the cars here
will run out soon.

TOEIC Comprehensive | Course 3 1

PART 2: GRAMMAR (10 points)
The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. If we will go shopping tomorrow, I’ll probably buy a new top. __________

2. If Mum is tired tonight, I cook dinner. __________

3. John will tell us if there will be any news. __________

4. If I won’t get a good mark in the geography test, I’ll be very annoyed! __________

5. You are tired in the morning if you don’t go to bed soon. __________

Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete the following sentences.

6. My professor ______ that class with a lot of enthusiasm; however, after his illness, he seemed to
lose a lot of energy.
A. had been teach B. had been teaching C. had been taught
7. It _______ continuously for two weeks, but it finally cleared up yesterday.
A. had been raining B. has been raining C. had been rained
8. The football team ______ on a small pitch for a month; however, they moved to the Olympic
Stadium last week and they are playing much better.
A. had been trained B. has been training C. had been training
9. If you _____ trouble with your math class last semester, you should have asked for help. Now,
it’s too late.
A. had been had B. had been having C. has been having
10. I ______ to enter UBC for two years. I was finally accepted last year.
A. has been trying B. had been tried C. had been trying

PART 3: VOCABULARY (10 points)

Fill in each gap with ONE word or phrase in the box to make meaningful sentences.

rescue slippery automatic gearshift recover economy-sized

extra feature dealer terror bleed leak

TOEIC Comprehensive | Course 3 2

1. ________ is a car part that makes the car change from one gear to another.
2. To ________ is to have blood flow out of your body.
3. A(n) ________ is a person whose business is buying and selling a particular product.
4. _______ means difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or
5. ________ cars is a type of cars that is small, inexpensive to use.
6. Oil _____ is a problem in which oil drips out through a hole in something.
7. To _____ is to become healthy again after being sick or injured.
8. A(n) _______ is a special function, which is added to something to make it better.
9. _______ is a feeling of extreme fear.
10. To _____ is to save something or somebody.

TOEIC Comprehensive | Course 3 3

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