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Name:______________________________Class:________ Date:___________

I.Listen and choose the correct answer.

II. Listen and match

III. Fill in the bank.

What do you wear in the fall? Write a missing word.

1. I’m wearing a _____________

2. I’m wearing _______________

3. I’m wearing a ____________

4. I’m wearing a ____________

5. I’m wearing a _____________

IV. Choose the best answer.

1. How does it.................? It’s soft.

A.wear C.feel
2. What’s the weather like today? It’s.............
A. sunny B. thirsty C. hungry
3. A: You need to keep clean. You need to wear an apron.
A. I can help. B. It’s delicious. C. Thank you.
4. What’s this? It’s an
A. pen B. eraser C. paper.
5. ....................................................? This’s my mom
A. What’s that? B. Where’s my duck? C. Who’s this?
6. socks
A. This’s B. That’s C. These’re
7. He’s wearing a ....................sweater
A. clean B. tired C. this
8. Where’s Lisa? It’s her next ..................
A. slide B. turn C. here.
9. Look! These eyes are.........
A. circles B. star kid C. circle
10. Can she run.......?
A.quick B. quickly C. cute
11.Do you see the yellow
A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I don’t. C. Yes, I does.
12.Oh, no. What a mess!
Don’t worry. I.......
A. I have a idea B. I has an idea C. I have an idea.
13. The red glitter is
....the table
A. on B. at C. next
14. This picture .....
purple paint.
A. use B. uses C. make
15.Can he climb?
A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he can’t. C. No, he can.
16. She can’t build but
A. can’t B. can C. cant
17......I see 3 blue slides
A. Count with me B. Count to me C. Count on me

Find mistake then correct

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