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696 Chapter 13 Multiple Integrals 13.5 The most obvious application of double integrals is in calculating volumes of papplicaons of shri (eet om woe oa density, that is, laminas made of nonhomogeneous material (Figure 1). tangles Rj, Ro...., Ry, as shown in Figure 2, Pick a point (¥,, 3.) in Re. Then the mass of Ry is approximately 5(¥,, J) A(R). and the total mass of the lamina is m= Sacer ako Ee ‘The actual mass m is obtained by taking the limit of the above expression as the : n= ffossnaa EXAMPLE 1) A lamina with density 8(x, y) = xy is bounded by the x-axis, the line x = 8, and the curve y = x°° (Figure 3). Find its total mass. SOLUTION . . a Center of Mass We suggest that you review the concept of center of mass 2 from Section 56. There we learned that ifm, m.....m, is a collection of point : masses situated at (3,9) (3 J»)-+ss (Non Sn Fespeetvely, then the total mo- “y mens with respect to the y-axis andthe axis are given by Figure 3 My = Bexume = Bowne ) of the center of mass (balance point) are Som Moreover, the coordinates (3, Consider now a lamina of variable density 8(x, y) covering a region S in the xy-plane, as in Figure 1 Partition this lamina as in Figure 2 and assume as an ap- proximation that the mass of each Ry is concentrated at (Fy, Ji). k= L.2Qyeeeom. Finally, rake the limit as the norm of the partition tends to ze¥0, This leads to the formulas Figure 4 Section 13.5 Applications of Double Integrals 697 w fame forones My acon yyda * [fo yd [BEEXAMPLE 2| Find the center of mass of the lamina of Example 1 SOLUTION In Example I,we showed that the mass ofthis lamina is“, The moments M, and Mf, with respect tothe y-atis and x-axis are M, Poona LL eydydx M,= Jinsnee ry xydy dx ah fears Baa 3 We conclude that M,_ 20 ape [Notice in Figure 5 that the center of mass (¥,5) isin the upper-right portion of 5 but this i to be expected since a lamina with density 8(x, 9) = xy gets heavier asthe distance Irom the sand y-axes increases, 7 EXAMPLE 3] Find the center of mass of a lamina in the shape of a quarter circle of radius a whose density is proportional to the distance from the center of the circle (Figure 4), SOLUTION By hypothesis, 6(x, y) = V2 + y, where k is a constant. The shape of S suggests the use of polar coordinates. Also, ngs aa ae ale! © costa = [At ing) = At We conclude that — katt _ 3a m— knai6 2m Because of the symmetry of the lamina, we recognize that y culation is needed. 698. Chapter 13 Multiple Integrals Figure 5 ‘A perceptive reader might well ask a question at this point, What if a lamina is homogeneous: that is, what if 6(x, y) = &,a constant? Will the formulas derived in this section, which involve double integrals, agree with those of Section 5.6, which, involved only single integrals? The answer is yes. To give a partial justification, con- sider calculating M, for a y-simple region S (Figure 5). M, [faa = of [Osavac = tf sexs) = bi(x)hdx ‘The single integral on the right is the one given in Section 5.6. Moment of Inertia From physics, we learn that the kinetic energy, KE, of a particle of mass m and velocity », moving in a straight line, is a KE = hme? If instead of moving in a straight line, the particle rotates about an axis with an angular velocity of w radians per unit of time, its linear velocity is ¢ = rw, where r is the radius of its circular path, When we substitute this in (1), we obtain 2m) ‘The expression rm is called the moment of by I. Thus, for a rotating particle, Qe) ‘We conclude from (1) and (2) that the moment of inertia of a body in circular mo- tion plays a role similar (0 the mass of a body in linear motion, For a system of n particles in a plane with masses m, 3,---, 9 dis tances r,7>,--.. from a line L,the moment of inertia of the system about L. is de~ fined to be 1 my} +m, + myh= Snr In other words, we add the moments of inertia of the individual particles. Now consider alamina with density 8(1, y) covering a region S ofthe xy-plane (Figure 1). If we partition S as in Figure 2, approximate the moments of inertia of each piece Ry, add, and take the limit, we are led to the following formulas. The ‘moments of inertia (also called the second moments) ofthe lamina about the x, and z-axes are given by 1 [rene 1, [rene t= foe Prater Find the moments of nertia about the x )>and z-axes ofthe Iamina of Example 1 SOLUTION 8 : 2 Saya = fyi ay = OM ne fore [[ wpdyde =} [ateds = U8 «a 1 Pasay = n= for ['f _ 49,152 7 = 021.71 +1 Consider the problem of replacing. Section 13.5 Applications of Double Integrals 699 2a general mass system of total mass m by a 4 single point mass m with the same moment of inertia I with respect to a line L. The number (Figure 6), How far should this point be from L? The answer is 7, where m7? = I. E is called the radius of gyration of the system. Thus, the kinetic energy of the system, Figure 6 rotating about Z. with angulae velocity is, Concepts Review A. Ifthe density at (x,») is x"y4 then the mass of the ina Sis given by m 2 The y-coordinate of the center of mass of the lamina of ‘Question Lis given by F = 3. The moment of inertia with respect to the y-axis of the lamina $ of Question 1 is given by 1, 4. IFS = ((x,y):0= x= 1,0 y =1), then geometric reasoning says that iF (x, ») = xy*then both and y are than 5, Problem Set 13.5 Jn Problems 1-10, ind the mass m and center of mass (Z,) ofthe lamina bounded by the given curves and with the indicated density: L xn Ox=4y = Oy = 36) = 941 2 y= Oy = Viz wean.) = 2B yHOyasin 0s x= mAlny)=y 4 ye laya nya Ox 28(ny) =x S yeehy On = On = 1day) = ¥ 6 yey O.r-0x= Liles) =2- 245 1 r= 2sin6:6(0.8) = 7 & r= 1+ cost:5(7.0) = 7 9 P= N= 20500 9, (0505 2):8(7,0) 10, 1 = 24 2080 (7.0) Wr In Problems 11-14, find the moments of inertia Ix I, and I for the lamina bounded by the given curves and with the indicated density 3. y= Vex (h(x, 9) = x+y BR yay =4d(ny)=y 13, Square with vertices (0,0), (0,4), (4,4). (a0); 8(x, 9) = xty 14, Tiiangle with vertices (0,0), (0,4), (40); (x3) = {In Problems 15-20, an iterated integral i given either in rectangu lar or polar coordinates. The double integral gives the mass of some lamina R. Sketch the lamina R and determine the density 8 ‘Then find the mass and center of mass. 1s, ff [savas 1 [ fron " [fw vavacia [fe 21, Find the radius of gyration of the lamina of Problem 13 with respect to the x-axis, 22, Find the radius of gyration of the lamina of Problem 14 with respect to the pais, 23, Find the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of a homogeneous (6 a constant) circular Kamina of radius a with eo= spect to a diameter. 24, Show that the moment of inertia of a homogeneous ree- tangular lamina with sides of length a and b about a perpendicu lar axis through its center of mass is wb + ab’) Here kis the constant density, of the lamina of Problem 23 went to its boundary. Hint: Let the circle be = 2asind; then the tangent line is the x-axis. Formula 113 at the back of the book may help with the integration, 26, Consider the lamina 5 of constant density k bounded by the cardioid r = a(1 + sin ), as shown in Figure 7. Find its cen- terof mass and moment of inertia with respect to the x-axis, Hin: Problem 7 of Section 10.7 suggests the useful fact that S has area Formula 113 at the back of the book may prove helpful Figure 7

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