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A Study on Research Articles on Hatchback Cars: Customer Perception and

Buying Behaviour

Research · January 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18798.10561


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Chetna T Parmar
GSFC University


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Proceedings of RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (Jan. 5 th & Jan. 6th, 2016)

ISBN: 978-93-5254-061-7 (Proceedings available for download at

RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016)

A Study on Research Articles on Hatchback Cars:

Customer Perception and Buying Behaviour

Vishal Y. Doshi1,*, and Dr. Chetna Parmar2

School of Management, RK University, Rajkot-Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkot-360020, Gujarat, India.
School of Management, RK University, Rajkot-Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkot-360020, Gujarat, India.

*Corresponding author: Vishal Y. Doshi (


In the age of modern technology cars become essential rather than sign of status. Auto Industry
is one of the quickest developing industry in our nation. It became a part of our day to day
lifestyle and that’s why car makers targeting the common men segment at higher level. The
decision to buying a car is not an individual choice.

Today’s scenario shifted from item marketing to necessity based marketing, buyers gets many
choices of selection to make decision. This study determines that customer buying behaviour
shows a dynamic role in making 4 wheels for marketers and there is wide possibility of
exploration available in this area. This article is an effort of study the consumer buying manner
while purchasing a car and to study of their intentions.

By this study it was found that value, resale price, average mileage, easy loans, luxury and
security and models of the cars.


Keywords: Buyer Perception 1, Customer Behavior 2, Purchase decision 3, Influencing factors

RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 2


Individual thoughts in general are very hard to anticipate at the time of choice or decision
making. Occasionally, it may get easier and sometimes difficult, to simplify about human
behaviour. Predicting the behaviour of people is a very complex task, because it loaded with lots
of doubts, possibilities and surprises. Correct estimation or prediction can gives you good
returns but incorrect predictions can results in the loss of business. In Today’s, scenario
consumer is the king of the market at globally. By studying the perception and behaviour of
consumer it helps the dealer & manufacture to know how to make changes in existing items or
product, which types of items are required/demanded in the market & how to draw buyer’s
interest to purchase their items.

India is an upcoming market for world auto-giants. As make in India concept initiated and due
to low work cost numerous multinational companies are capitalizing their business in India
market. As automobile industry grows very quickly from the middle era of liberalization i.e. in
1990’s. India is one of the biggest democratic county in the word where its own automobile
sector has having a huge demands. This demand also invites the other giant automobile
manufacturers across world to come and invest in Indian car industry. Two important
characteristics about cars helps us to make better understanding of automobile industry in our
county. First, 4 wheels are durable products, we generally buy a car with the expectation of
keeping it for an extensive period of time; even, we can also purchase a utilized or a new car,
since it is an industry with a well-developed secondary market.

As there is a tremendous market potential available in the Indian Automobile Industry with the
increase in population and change in the living standard of a common men as a result of
development, it shows a rapid upswing in demand curve for Indian car industry. Due to which
Indian car manufacturing industry has become successful like never before in the past few
years. This amazing advancement that the Indian vehicles industry had shown the result of a
major factor namely, improvement in living standard of the common men and an increase in
their disposable incomes.

If we see economy graph of Indian automobile industry then car industry is one of the core
industries. To survive in these competitive industry it is very much essential to frame the
strategic plan for car manufacturer. As purchasing power of a common man get increase, there
is a radical transformation arise in consumption pattern of consumers which attracts major car
manufacturers to Indian Market. With the rise in income level, decreases in taxes and easy relax
able interest rate on car loans helped to rise in personal disposable income of common men.
Even the change in mind set made changes in spending pattern from two wheelers investment to
4 wheelers purchases.
RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 3

In today’s competitive market car manufacturers can authenticate their presence only if they can
able to recognize buyer’s needs, requirements and also able to satisfy them. Contemporary
marketing theory for any successful organization is to study the customer/buyer as the central of
their professional activity.

Consumer buying behaviour is one of the very significant aspects for any business because it
emphases on how individuals person make choices to spend their existing incomes i.e. (time,
money, effort) on consumption of related objects (1). That includes what, why, when, where,
how often they buy it, how they evaluate it after the purchase and the impact of such evaluation
on future purchase decision (1). The objective to study consumer behaviour is to comprise an
examination of variables that affect purchase decisions and items usage by consumer.

Purchase decision of any consumer is most essential tool for any car manufacturer, to recognize
how customers makes their purchase decisions helps marketing executives in various ways. For
e.g., if a marketer knows through study or survey that design of car and fuel efficiency is the
most vital feature for certain target audience, then company can remodel the item to meet their
criteria. (E.g. Honda City various Model, Hyundai Verna, Maruti Suzuki balelo – from sedan to
hatchback, etc.). Even if manufacturer can’t modify the design in short time, then they can use
advertising as a tool to change buyer’s decision making criteria. For e.g., 4 wheeler or home
gives more satisfaction than a toothpaste to consumer in their decision making. 4 wheeler can
satisfies the requirement of buyer for their conveyance. As Consumer similarly acquire mental
satisfaction by obtaining ownership of products like a car.

With the end of this study, the individual variables like age, income, qualification, profession
etc., have been chosen and the impact of these individual variables on the on the consumer’s
perception, their purchasing behavior and the decision making process have been analyzed (1).


 Dr. H. S. Adithya (January 2013) describe consumer behaviour of making purchase decision
is based on all human behaviour (1). By understanding the concept of consumer behaviour
marketer can make marketing decisions which helps them to suit with consumer needs and
wants (1). There are four major classes of consumer behaviour factors are involved namely,
cultural, socio-economic, personal and psychological (1). The socio-economic factors of
consumer behaviour consist of age, marital status, profession, education, income, family
size etc. (1). Understanding the importance of passenger car industry in the current
economic condition, the researcher has examined the perceptions and behaviour of
consumers related to this product (1).
RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 4

 Shailesh K. Kaushal (March 2014) analysis the buyer behaviour in reference to car purchase
intentions and automobile marketing strategies in Uttar Pradesh (2). The paper identified
five dimensions of car buyers’ purchase objectives which are labelled as safety & security,
quality, performance, value and technology (2). The car buyers purchase intention
influenced by several factors (2). But from this study it will help the automobile
manufacturer and car dealers to understand the buyers buying behaviour and help them to
make their marketing strategies accordingly on the following factors (2).

 Pooja G. Luniya and Dr. Manoj Verghese (August 2013) mention from their study that there
are various factors which are responsible and influence the consumer to make their purchase
decision like Mileage, Easy mode of financing and model (3). As with the rapid and
consistent growth in the price of the fuel consumer are more conscious about the mileage
and accordingly companies are also modify their engines (3). So they highly prefer mileage
while buying a car (3). The study also found that consumer also prefer easy mode of
financing while purchasing a car (3). With the growing competition in automobile sector,
companies and various financial institutes are proving easy financing facility to grab the
maximum consumers (3). It was also found that consumer also prefer model while
purchasing a car (3). As we know that there is a wonderful change in the standard of living
of the consumers, people are more conscious about the interior and exterior look, style-
shape and amenities of a car which varies from model to model in cars (3).

 Shiv Prasad Joshi (February 2013) study exposes that purchasing of car is mainly been
influenced by the advertisements and secondly by recommendation of family and friends
(4). When they measured the level of satisfaction, it revealed that nearly fifty percent
consumers are fully satisfied from their brand which they have selected, while around
sixteen percent of respondents are not satisfied from their purchasing decision (4). The
study also describe that price factor is also one of the important factor in selection of car and
in India safety measures in car are least preferred criteria (4).

 R. Ganapathi, S. Subadra and S. Anbu Malar (March 2011) study describe Behaviour
comprises of all human conduct that goes in settling on purchase decision (5). Four main
category of consumer behaviour elements and desires are specifically called, social,
financial, individual and psychological (5). Understanding the significance of the passenger
car industry in the present circumstance, the analyst has to divide the judgments, and
behaviour of the customer related to this product (5). “It is rightly said yesterday’s luxuries
are today’s necessities” (5). From the study made from the paper, there are certain product
characteristics which are distinguished in the study as affecting the buying decision and
fulfilling the customer’s requirement (5). Car automakers should need to focus on these
attributes as per the choice of potential consumers (5).
RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 5


 Objective of the Study:

1. To assess car holders’ perception and behaviour concerning to the buying and usage
of cars.
2. To recognize and examine the features persuading the buying of cars.
3. To study the level of fulfilment between the respondents and to recognize the
shifting over product choice.
4. To study the reasons for purchasing a specific brand of four-wheeler.
5. To study the various features that trigger consumers to buy specific four-wheeler
brand like Hatchback Cars in Saurashtra region.

 Significance of the Research:

 Sample Design
a. Sampling Population: Hatchback car owners of Saurashtra
b. Sampling Method: Non Probability Judgment and Convenience sampling
c. Sample Size: 500
d. Research Instrument: Questionnaire consist of both open and closed ended

 Hypothesis of the Study:

1. There is no significant difference towards preference of hatchback cars among
different age groups.
2. There is no significant difference towards preference of hatchback cars among
different income levels.
3. There is no significant change towards product choice towards country of origin.
4. There is no important change among the factors influencing product choice.

 Data Collection:
Researcher will collect Primary Questionnaires consist of open and close ended and on
Secondary data for the verification of objectives. Secondary data shall be collected from
various published sources i.e. journals, newspapers, national and international
publication, internet, personal books and libraries.

 Tools of Analysis:
 Graphs, Charts,
 Chi-square Test & Independent Test
 Factorial analysis – Coefficient Correlation
 KMO Model, ANOVA Technique
 Data Reduction, Data Classification,
 Data Extraction and Data Tabulation
RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 6


The above study describes that Indian car manufacturing industry in one of the giant automobile
sector in the world and one of the reason is county’s population. So, to established the business
in India marketers need to study the consumer behaviour and its perception for purchasing
decision for any product specially cars. As above study expresses that car is a durable product
and consumers when make purchase decision for such product they made it for long period of
time. Most of reviews and articles suggest that consumer buying behaviour consists of all
individual behaviour that goes in making acquisition choices. There are various factors which
marketers need to take in to consideration to full fill the needs and desire of customers, various
factors plays a vital role in decision making i.e. age, income, qualification, brand preference,
models, family and friends suggestion, past experiences, etc. So, car manufactures need to study
all these factors and according to the base of study they need to enter in the market.

As Indian economy is getting stable and with the initiative of Making India Project world giant
automobile leaders are stepping their foot prints in our county. At the same time the standard of
living of common men is also getting improve so they are investing their durable income in
making the purchase decision of buying cars. While making this decision various factor they are
infusing like, mileage, exterior, interior, easy mode of payment in terms of availability of loans,
taxes and lots more. So it is been rightly been said “yesterday’s luxury is becoming today’s


This paper is made possible through the help and support from everyone, including: guide,
parents, family, friends, and in essence, all responsive beings. Especially, please allow me to
dedicate my acknowledgment of gratitude to all advisors and contributors. I would like to thank
Dr. Chetna Parmar for her most support and encouragement in preparing my paper.


The authors of this manuscript hereby transfer all the copyrights and publishing rights to RK
University (Rajkot, India). As per the copyright transfer agreement, RK University reserves the
right to publish, distribute, upload, or advertise the contents of this manuscript as and when
required, without any restrictions. The authors further acknowledge that the content presented in
this manuscript is entirely original in nature and not published anywhere else.


 Journals

(1) Dr. H. S. Adithya, On Customer Perception and Behavior of car Owners – an Empirical
Study in Bangalore City. Global Research Analysis, Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Jan 2013, 2277 –
RK University’s First International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) 7

(2) Shailesh K. Kaushal, On Confirmatory factor analysis: An empirical study of the four-
wheeler car buyer’s purchasing behaviour. International Journal on Global Business
Management and Research, Volume 2; Issue 2; March 2014, 2278 8425.

(3) Pooja G. Luniya, Dr. Manoj Verghese, On Consumer Purchase Preference & its
Determinants: An Empirical Study on 4-Wheelers in Chhattisgarh. Pacific Business
Review International, Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2013.

(4) Shiv Prasad Joshi, On Consumer Behaviour for Small Cars: An Empirical Study.
International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Management & Technology,
Volume II, February, 2013, 2320-0073.

(5) R. Ganapathi, S. Subadra and S. Anbu Malar, On an analysis of Consumer Perceptions

and Behaviour with Special Reference to the Car Owners in Tamilnadu. Tecnia Journal
of Management Studies Vol. 5 No. 2, October 2010 – March 2011.

(6) Dr. Sandesh Kumar Sharma, Kiran Sharma, Makshud Khan, On a Study and Analysis of
Customer Satisfaction of Tata Motors in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Int. J. Buss. Mgt. Eco. Res.
Vol 2(4), 2011, 250-257.

(7) A.M. Elanthiraiyan, Dr. V. Balakrishnan, On Consumer Perceptions and Behaviour: A

Study with Special Reference to Car Owners in Salem District of Tamilnadu.
International Journal of Management Research and Review, IJMRR/ Dec 2012/ Volume
2/Issue 12/Article No-2/2026-2039, 2249-7196.

(8) Satheesh Varma M, Dr. M Y Manjula, On Self Concept as Predictor of Motivational

Needs of Indian Hatch Back Car Consumers. International Journal of Management and
Behavioural Sciences, Volume 1, June 2012, No. 2278 – 5671.

(9) Balakrishnan Menon, Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P, On Model Development and Validation for
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(10) Prof. Nirav R Vyas, Dr. Vijay Vyas, On an Analysis of buying behavior of doctors of
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(11) Dr. S. Subadra, Dr. K. M. Murugesan, Dr. R. Ganapathi, On Consumer Perceptions and
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(December, 2010), 2229-4104.

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