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Thời gian: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

(Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi này).

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answer A, B, C or D in the
numbered box (15 points)
1. Bob hasn’t _________up his mind yet.
A. made B. gone C. used to D. found
2. Don’t touch that chair. It ___________.
A. was painted B. is being painted C. is painted D. has just been painted
3. There has been a great_________ in his English.
A. escalation B. increase C. improvement D. rise
4. We can’t just _____ up at the party without an invitation.
A. turn B. go C. arrive D. reach
5. Debbie won’t be able to understand the speakers _____ there is an interpreter.
A. if B. unless C. provided D. if only
6. My father usually drives his car to work, but sometimes he goes there by bus.
A. often B. frequently C. now and then D. seldom
7. Jane felt _______ because no one had invited her to the party.
A. depression B. depressing C. depress D. depressed
8. They asked about the countries _________ their friends visited last month.
A. where B. which C. when D. whom
9.   John: “I didn’t pass my driving test.”   -Anna: “_______!”
A. Better luck next time         B. So poor        C. Congratulations    D. That was nice of
10. Mary: “Who is your brother?” Terry: “_____.”
A. He is the boy wearing a white T-shirt B. He is the boy worn a white T-shirt
C. He is the boy is wearing a white T-shirt D. He is the boy is worn a white T-shirt
11. Mr. Tuan has just bought a very ________ apartment for his family.
A. lovely new small                 B. lovely small new     C. new lovely small    D. new small lovely
12.Nam: “I got wet because I lost my umbrella.” ~ Mom: “You __________ your umbrella.”
A. always lose B. are always losing C. are always lost D. always lost
13. Hoi An is_____________ for its old, small and tile-roofed houses.
A. well-done B. well-dressed C. well-organized D. well-known
14. I want to have my suit ___________. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday.
A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean
15. The very first metro is being built to __________the travel demands of Saigonese.
A. solve B. make C. see D. meet
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. X
II. Read the text below. Each line has a mistake. Find and correct them. (10 points)
1 Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large cities in the world. But the first supermarket
2 was opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man was named Michael Cullen.
3 A supermarket is different from another types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are
4 placed on open shelves. The customers choose when they want and take them to the checkout
5 counter. This means that less shop assistants are needed than in other stores. The way products
6 are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; with
7 example, in supermarkets, there has usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of
8 the checkout counter such like: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on. Most
9 customers who go to a supermarket buy goods from a shopping list. They know exact what they
1 need to buy. They do the shopping according for a plan.
Your answer:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5 10.
I. Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank. (15 points)
Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, is (1) ________ as the first person to walk on the moon. He was
born on August 5th, 1930 in Wapakoneta in Ohio. Armstrong developed an (2) ________ in flying at an
early age. His love of airplane (3) ________ when he went for his first plane ride in a Ford-Tri Motor, a
“Tin Goose.” at the age of 6. From (4) ________ on, he was fascinated by aviation.
In 1947, Armstrong (5) ________ Purdue University. He began studies in aeronautical engineering.
But in 1949, the United States Navy called him to active duty. Armstrong became a Navy pilot and was
(6)________ to Korean in 1950, near the start of Korean War. In Korea, he flew 78 combat missions in
Navy Panther jets. In 1952, Armstrong returned to Purdu. He earned a bachelor’s (7)________ in
aeronautical engineering there in 1955.
Armstrong was a civilian test pilot assigned to test the X-15 rocket airplane before becoming an
astronaut in 1962. He (8)________ his first space flight in 1966 in Gemini B with David R. Scott. On July
2, 1969 Armstrong was the first person to (9)________ foot on the moon. Along with Buzz Aldrin, he
landed the Apollo 11 lunar module Eagle on the moon. Upon taking his first steps he said, “That’s one
small step for a man, one giant (10)________ for mankind.” Armstrong is most (11)________ for being the
first person to walk on the moon.
Armstrong resigned from the United States astronaut program in 1970. After his (12)________ as
astronaut, he became a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati and
(13)________ as chairman of the board of Computing Technologies for Aviation, a company (14)
________ develops software for flight scheduling. Armstrong (15)________ on August 25, 2012
1. A. considered B. known C. realized D. thought
2. A. admiration B. addiction C. interest D. ability
3. A. grew B. raised C. rose D. built up
4. A. now B. after C. then D. that
5. A. went B. expelled C. reached D. entered
6. A. threw B. sent C. moved D. pushed
7. A. certificate B. diplomat C. qualification D. degree
8. A. made B. carried C. flew D. played
9. A. walk B. print C. set D. press
10. A. leap B. throw C. hit D. game
11. A. keen B. famous C. fond D. excited
12. A. time B. task C. job D. career
13. A. acted B. performed C. served D. led
14 A. that B. what C. where D. who
15. A. passed B. died C. stopped D. killed

Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. X
II. The people on the left all want to go on a day trip. Below you can see details of places to visit.
Decide which place would be the most suitable for each person. (10 points)
1. Trevor is an artist and enjoys drawing wildlife. He recently visited a zoo and drew large animals and
would like to try sketching something smaller.
2. Ingrid's eldest daughter is learning about English history and would like to go somewhere to bring this
subject to life. Ingrid is really interested in flowers.
3. Sarah and her husband would like to spend the day outdoors. They don't like going on rides but are both
interested in history and how people used to live.
4. Marco studies physics and is interested in anything to do with science. He'd like to visit somewhere to
see some examples of early mechanical engines.
5. Gemma wants to take her 5-year-old son to see some animals. She'd also like to look around some shops
to buy something for her mother's birthday.
Places to go this summer
See what's on in the West Midlands this summer:
A: Stratford Butterfly Farm 
The biggest butterfly farm in Europe. Whatever the weather come and see these beautiful creatures as they
would live in their natural environment. Walk around a tropical rainforest as butterflies fly freely around
you. See them as they come into the world in the Caterpillar Room. And don't miss Insect City where you
can view huge spiders and our very own scorpion colony!
B: National Sea-Life Centre 
You wouldn't expect to bump into a hammerhead shark whilst visiting Brum city centre. But yes, it's true,
The National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham is the only aquarium in the UK where you can see this
creature along with our Sea Dragons from Australia and baby stingrays from the Amazon. We guarantee an
experience you'll never forget. 
C: Coventry Transport Museum 
Coventry Transport Museum hosts the world's largest transport collection. A day out here will give you the
chance to see some of the earliest motor cars as well as more modern vehicles like the De Lorean 'back
from the future' car. You can also design your own car and experience what breaking the sound barrier at
763 miles an hour feels like.
D: Warwick Castle
Regarded by many as Britain's greatest Medieval Castle. Visit exhibitions, climb the castle towers, relax as
you walk around the gardens, designed and created in 1753 by Capability Brown. Experience the
preparations for battle in the Kingmaker exhibition or witness a Victorian Royal Weekend. And if your
interest is more in the darker side of the Castle's history visit The Castle Dungeon.
E: Think Tank 
At Think Tank you will find four floors of hands-on exhibits and historical collections that will amaze and
inspire you, showing you the science of the world all around us from the past, the present and the future.
From galleries and exhibitions to an exciting programme of events and activities, there is something for
everyone to enjoy, whether your interest is steam engines, looking into deepest space or seeing how doctors
perform life-saving surgery.
F: Drayton Manner 
One of the UK's most popular attractions. The park is home to some of the scariest rides you'll find like
Storm force 10 and Apocalypse, which has been voted the UK's most frightening ride. You'll also find an
indoor and outdoor play area and of course, Drayton Manor Zoo with over one hundred different species,
including twelve rare breeds from across the world. .
G: Hatton Country World
If you're keen on seeing unique crafts and craft work side-by-side with antique shops and a traditional
butchers shop, Hatton Country World is the place for you. As well as these wonderful shops you'll be able
to enjoy the Farm Park with many farm animals to help keep the kids entertained. 
H: Black Country Museum
It's been called Britain's friendliest open-air museum. Come to Black Country Museum and discover an
old-fashioned village by the canal. Look around original old-fashioned shops and houses, see what it's like
down a mine and take a ride on a tramcar.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
III. Fill in each numbered space with a suitable word. (20 points)
Jogging is running slowly for long distance. Most joggers begin (1) __________ they hear jogging is very
good exercise. Jogging makes the heart stronger and helps people lose (2) ________. It can also help them
(3) _________ better about themselves. Ronald Robbins, (4) _________ is forty-two years old and works
in an office, began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was too fat. At (5) _______, he could only
run about 100 yards. It (6) __________ him three months to be able to run a mile. But two years (7)
________, he ran (8) ____________ a marathon race over twenty-six miles.
Many joggers, like Ronald Robbins, feel that (9) ___________ they can succeed in jogging, they succeed
in other things and quite often this feeling helps them at (10) ____________jobs.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV.You are going to read a passage. Five sentences have been removed from the article. From the
sentences A-E, choose the one which fits each gap 1 – 5.(10 points)
We hear a lot of today about climate change. (1)__________. TV programmes are made about it.
Greenhouse gases like CO2 (Carbon dioxide), are released into the atmosphere. The sun’s heat is trapped
by these gases and gradually the world is getting warmer.
Scientists believe that, as a result, the ice caps will melt, (2)____________. We will also see more extreme
weather, such as hurricanes, heavy rain, and deforestation. A lot of greenhouse gases are produced when
fossil fuels are burnt by power stations factories, cars and aeroplanes.
However, (3)_____________. The world’s forests- especially the tropical rainforests of South America,
Africa and South – East Asia – are very important for the Earth’s climate. But every year, over 200,000
square kilometres of forests are destroyed. That’s an area the size of Britain.
In some cases, (4)_________________. It’s used for buildings and furniture. However, in many cases, the
land is wanted for farms. The trees are just burnt down, and billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases are
released into the atmosphere. Twenty- five percent of all CO2 is produced by deforestation. If you want to
save the planet, (5)__________________.
A. the biggest cause is deforestation
B. You must save the forests
C. the trees are cut down and the woods are taken away
D. Thousands of articles are written about it in newspapers and magazines
E. sea levels will rise and many islands and coasts will disappear under the water
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
V. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions below. (10 points)
I must tell you about our holiday this year-it was one of the best we’d ever had. No, we weren’t staying in
an expensive hotel, but a youth hostel! I know what you are thinking: We must have gone mad. But we
haven’t- I just wish we’d discovered youth hostels years ago. Now that I’m back at university again.
Luxury hotels are a thing of the past, and I was complaining about this one day to a friend who said that
she and her family never stayed anywhere but hostels. I had no idea that hostels could be anything from a
cottage to a castle. In fact, there are four different grades- simple, standard, superior and special. So you
pay an overnight charge according to the kind of hostels you stay at. You can’t stay more than three nights
at a time but that didn’t bother us because we wanted a touring holiday. Basically you look after an evening
meal if you arrive early enough. There are a few rules like having to be in by 11 p.m in the evening and out
by 10 a.m in the morning but otherwise you’re free to do what you want. Now I really believe that the best
thing about this whole holiday was meeting so many different and interesting people. I used to think hostels
were only for the young and noisy, but not any more. You can’t imagine what a variety there was! Anyway
what are you all doing next year?
1. This is from _______.
A. a letter B. a magazine C. a poster D. a diary
2. What is the writer trying to do?
A. to make complaints B. to offer instruction C. to give direction D. to give information.
3. Why didn’t the writer stay in the hotel?
A. She had to be in by 11p.m and out by 10a.m. B. It was too noisy.
C. She couldn’t stay as long as she wished. D. She is studying again.
4. What did the writer most enjoy about holiday?
A. She could do anything she liked. B. it was a touring holiday.
C. She enjoyed meeting other people staying in the hostel
D. the holiday was lying and interesting.
5. The writer was _____
A. a reporter B. a student C. a spokeswoman D. a tour guide
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (5 points)
1. I'd rather not go out this afternoon.
→ I do not feel____________________________________________________
2. “What time do you want to leave for the airport?” Harry said to me.
→ Harryasked me _____________________________________________________
3. That film was so interesting that we have watched it three times.
→It was such ____________________________________________________
4. John finally managed to get a good job.
→John finally succeeded ___________________________________________
5. You can ring this number whenever there is any difficulty.
→ Should there _____________________________________________________
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS including
the word given. (5 points)
1.I find working here really enjoyable.
ENJOY I really ________________________________________ here.
2. “I’m sorry that I broke the valuable vase, Tina!” said Tom.
FOR Tom ________________________________ having broken the valuable vase.
3. Nick can’t swim as well as Vy.
GOOD Nick is not ___________________________________ Vy.
4. Mrs Brown lives next door to me. Her daughter works in a bank.
WHOSE Mrs Brown, _____________________________ bank, lives next door to me.
5. It was a mistake to enter Brian for the exam.
BEEN Brian should not ________________________________ for the exam.
III. You recently stayed at the home of an English-speaking friend, Jane, in her country. Write a
letter to Jane thanking her and saying how you feel about being at home and what aspect of the visit
you particularly enjoyed. (20 points)
- Write your letter; use Linh as your name. Do not write any address.
- Your letter should have 80 - 100 words.
Dear Jane,

IV. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story in about 120 – 150 words. (30 points)
Your story MUST have this title: An exciting adventure


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