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KS Academy Main - Model (30-11-2021)

KS Academy

CA Foundation Nov 21 Pre - Model Exam (Answer Key)

Principles & Practices of Accounting

Roll Number ……………. Paper Code – PME1A

Time Allowed – 3 Hours Total No. of Printed Pages – 21
Total No. of Questions – 6 Maximum Marks - 100

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Candidates are also required to answer any four questions from the remaining five questions.

Working notes should form part of the respective answers. Wherever necessary, suitable assumptions
may be made and disclosed by way of a note.

1. (a) State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False:
(6X2=12 Marks)
(i) Bank reconciliation statement is prepared to arrive at the bank balance.
(ii) Reducing balance method of depreciation is followed to have a uniform charge for
depreciation and repairs and maintenance together.
(iii) Partners can share profits or losses in their capital ratio, when there is no agreement.
(iv) The problem of red-ink interest arises when the due date of a transaction falls after the
closing date of account current.
(v) The rationale behind the opening of a suspense account is to tally the trial balance.
(vi) Amount paid to Management company for consultancy to reduce the working expenses is
capital expenditure if the reduced working expenses will generate long term benefits to the


(i) False - Bank reconciliation statement is prepared to reconcile and explain the causes of
differences between bank balance as per cash book and the same as per bank statement as on
a particular date.
(ii) True - In the early periods of useful life of a fixed assets, repairs and maintenance expenses
are relatively low because the asset is new. Whereas in later periods, as the asset become old,
repairs and maintenance expenses increase continuously. Under written down value method,
depreciation charged is high in the initial period and reduces continuously in the later
periods. Thus, depreciation and repair and maintenance expenses become more or less
uniform throughout the useful life of the asset.
(iii) False - According to Partnership Act, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary profits
and losses are to be shared equally among partners.
(iv) True: No interest is allowed when the due date of a bill falls after the date of closing the
account. However, interest from the date of closing to such due date is written in „Red Ink‟
in the appropriate side of account current.
(v) False: The rationale behind the opening of a suspense account is to avoid delay in the
preparation of financial statements.
(vi) True: Amount paid to management company for consultancy to reduce the working expenses
is capital expenditure as this expenditure will generate long-term benefit to the entity.

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KS Academy Main - Model (30-11-2021)

(b) What services can a Chartered Accountant provide to the society?

(4 Marks)

(c) The Machinery Account of a Factory showed a balance of ₹ 19,00,000 on 1st January, 2019. Its
accounts were made up on 31st December each year and depreciation is written off at 10% p.a. under
the Diminishing Balance Method.

On 1st June 2019, a new machinery was acquired at a cost of ₹ 2,80,000 and installation charges
incurred in erecting the machine works out to ₹ 8,920 on the same date. On 1st June, 2019 a machine
which had cost ₹ 4,37,400 on 1st January 2017 was sold for ₹ 75,000. Another machine which had cost
₹ 4,37,000 on 1st January, 2018 was scrapped on the same date and it realised nothing.

Write a plant and machinery account for the year 2019, allowing the same rate of depreciation as in
the past calculating depreciation to the nearest multiple of a Rupee.

(4 Marks)

Board of Studies 2
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2.(a) Correct the following errors (i) without opening a Suspense Account and (ii) with opening a
Suspense Account:

(1) The sales book has been totalled ₹ 2,100 short.

(2) Goods worth ₹ 1,800 returned by Gaurav & Co. have not been recorded anywhere.
(3) Goods purchased ₹ 2,250 have been posted to the debit of the supplier Sen Brothers.
(4) Furniture purchased from Mary Associates, ₹ 15,000 has been entered in the purchase
(5) Discount received from Black and White ₹ 1,200 has not been entered in the books.
(6) Discount allowed to Radhe Mohan & Co. ₹ 180 has not been entered in the Discount
Column of the Cashbook. The account of Radhe Mohan & Co. has, however, been
correctly posted.

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(10 Marks)


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(b) From the following information (as on 31.3.2020), prepare a bank reconciliation statement after
making necessary adjustments in the cash book:

Particulars Amount(₹)
Bank balances as per the cash book (Dr.) 32,50,000
Cheques deposited, but not yet credited 44,75,000
Cheques issued but not yet presented for payment 35,62,000
Bank charges debited by bank but not recorded in the cash-book 12,500
Dividend directly collected by the bank 1,25,000
Insurance premium paid by bank as per standing instruction not
intimated 15,900
Cash sales wrongly recorded in the Bank column of the cash-book 2,55,000
Customer’s cheque dishonoured by bank, not recorded in the cash-
book 1,30,000

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Wrong credit given by the bank 1,50,000

Also show the bank balance that will appear in the trial balance as on 31.3.2021

(10 Marks)

Board of Studies 6
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3.(a) Mr.A of Assam sent on 18th February, 2004 a consignment of 1000 DVD players to B of Bengal
costing of Rs.100 each. Expenses of Rs.1,500 were met by the consignor. B spent Rs.3,000 for clearance
and selling expenses were Rs.20 per DVD player.

B sold on 15th March, 2004, 600 DVD Players sold @ Rs.160 per DVD Player and again on 20th may,
2004, 300 DVD Players @ Rs.170.

B is entitled to a commission of Rs.25 per DVD Player sold plus 1/4 of the amount by which the
gross sale proceeds less total commission thereon exceeded a sum calculated @ Rs.125 per DVD
Player sold. B sent the amount due to A on 30th June, 2004.

You are requested to show the consignment account and B's account in the books of A.

(10 Marks)

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(b) The receipts and payments account, the income and expenditure account and additional information
of a sports club for the year ended 31st march 2013 were as follows :

Receipts and payment account

For the year ended 31st march 2013

Receipts Amount (₹) Payments Amount (₹)

To balance b/d 42,000 By Secretary salary 10,000
To entrance fees 2011-12 10,000 By Printing and Stationery 26,000
To entrance fees 2012-13 1,00,000 By Advertising 16,000
To Subscription 2011-12 6,000 By Fire insurance 12,000
To Subscription 2012-13 1,50,000 By 12% Investments 2,00,000
To Subscription 2013-14 4,000 (Purchased on 1-10-2012)
To Rent received 24,000 By Furniture 20,000
To Interest received 6,000 By balance c/d 58,000
Total 3,42,000 Total 3,42,000

Income and expenditure account

For the year ended 31st march 2013

Expenditure Amount (₹) Payments Amount (₹)

To Secretary salary 15,000 By Entrance fees 1,05,000
To Printing and
Stationery 22,000 By Subscription 1,56,000
To Advertising 16,000 By rent 28,000
To Audit fees 5,000 By Interest on Investments 12,000
To Fire insurance 10,000
To Depreciation :
Sports equipment 90,000
Furniture 5,000
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To surplus 1,38,000
Total 3,01,000 Total 3,01,000

Additional information :

The assets and liabilities as on 31st March 2012 include club Ground & Pavillion ₹ 4,40,000 ; Sports
Equipment ₹ 2,50,000 ; Furniture & Fixtures ₹ 40,000 ; Subscription in arrear ₹ 8,000 ; Subscription
received in advance ₹ 2,000 and creditors for printing and stationery ₹ 5,000.

You are required to prepare the Balance sheet of the club as on 31st March 2013.

(10 Marks)


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4.(a) A company issued 10,000 shares of ₹10 each at a premium of ₹3 per share in the following manner :

Particulars Amount (₹)

Application 4
Allotment 5+3
On call 1

Company received application for 13,000 shares. Company rejected and refunded the amount of
application of 1,000 shares and made pro rata on remaining applications. Mr. R, holder of 500 shares
failed to pay any amount after application money. Company forfeited his shares after making call and
subsequently re-issued 350 shares out of them @ ₹ 8/shares. Give necessary journal entries in the books
of company.

(15 Marks)


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(b) Physical verification of stock in a business was done on 14th June, 2020. The value of the stock was
₹96,00,000. The following transactions took place between 14th June to 30th June, 2020:

(i) Out of the goods sent on consignment, goods at cost worth ₹ 4,80,000 were unsold.
(ii) Purchases of ₹ 8,00,000 were made out of which goods worth ₹ 3,20,000 were delivered on 5 th July,
(iii) Sales were ₹27,20,000, which include goods worth ₹ 6,40,000 sent on approval. Half of these goods
were returned before 30th June, 2020, but no information is available regarding the remaining goods.
(iv) Goods are sold at cost plus 25%. However goods costing ₹ 4,80,000 had been sold for ₹ 2,40,000.

You are required to determine the value of stock on 30th June, 2020.
(5 Marks)


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5.(a) The following is the trial balance of Manan as at 31st March 2020:

Particulars Dr. Cr
Manan’s capital account 1,53,380
Stock 1st April, 2019 93,600
Sales 7,79,200
Returns inward 17,200
Purchases 6,43,400
Returns outward 11,600
Carriage inwards 39,200
Rent & taxes 9,400
Salaries & wages 18,600
Sundry debtors 48,000
Sundry creditors 29,600
Bank loan @ 14% p.a. 40,000
Bank interest 2,200
Printing and stationary expenses 28,800
Bank balance 16,000

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Discount earned 8,880
Furniture & fittings 10,000
Discount allowed 3,600
General expenses 22,900
Insurance 2,600
Postage & telegram expenses 4,660
Cash balance 760
Travelling expenses 1,740
Drawings 60,000
Total 10,22,660 10,22,660

The following adjustments are to be made:

(1) Included amongst the debtors is ₹ 6,000 due from Rahul and included among the creditors ₹ 2,000
due to him.
(2) Provision for bad and doubtful debts be created at 5% and for discount @ 2% on sundry debtors.
(3) Depreciation on furniture & fittings @ 10% shall be written off.
(4) Personal purchases of Manan amounting to ₹ 1,200 had been recorded in the purchases day book.
(5) Interest on bank loan shall be provided for the whole year.
(6) A quarter of the amount of printing and stationary expenses is to be carried forward to the next year.
(7) Credit purchase invoice amounting to ₹ 800 had been omitted from the books.
(8) Stock on 31st March 2020 was ₹ 1,57,200.

Prepare (i) Trading & profit and loss account for the year ended 31.3.2020 and
(ii) Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2020.

(15 Marks)


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(b) Mr.Green and Mr. Red had the following mutual dealings and desire to settle their account on the
average due date :

Purchases by Green from Red Amount (₹)

6th January, 2020 6,000
2nd February, 2020 2,800
31st March,2020 2,000

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Sales by Green to Red : Amount (₹)

6th January,2020 6,600
9th March ,2020 2,400
20th March ,2020 500

You are asked to ascertain the average due date (28 days in Feb).

(5 Marks)

6.(a) The Balance Sheet of a Partnership Firm M/s AB & Co consisted of two partners A and B who were
sharing Profits and Losses in the ratio of 5 : 3 respectively. The position as on 31-03-2018 was as follows:

Liabilities Amount (₹) Assets Amount (₹)

A's capital 4,10,000 Land and Building 3,80,000
B's capital 3,30,000 Plant and Machinery 1,70,000
P&L A/C 1,12,000 Furniture 1,09,480
Trade Creditors 54,800 Stock 1,45,260
Sundry debtors 60,000
Cash at bank 42,060
Total 9,06,800 Total 9,06,800

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On the above date, C was admitted as a partner on the following terms:

(a) C should get 1/5th of share of profits.
(b) C brought Rs. 2,40,000 as his capital and Rs. 32,000 for his share of Goodwill.
(c) Plant and Machinery would be depreciated by 15% and Land & Buildings would be
appreciated by 40%.
(d)A provision for doubtful debts to be created at 5% on sundry debtors.
(e)An unrecorded liability of Rs. 6,000 for repairs to Buildings would be recorded in the books of
(f) Immediately after C’s admission, Goodwill brought by him would be adjusted among old
partners. Thereafter, the capital accounts of old partners would be adjusted through the current
accounts of partners in such a manner that the capital accounts of all the partners would be in
their profit sharing ratio.

Prepare Revaluation A/c, Capital Accounts of the partners, New profit sharing ratio and Balance
Sheet of the Firm after the admission of C.

(15 Marks)

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6.(b) Anil draws a bill for ₹9,000 on Sanjay on 5th April, 2019 for 3 months, which Sanjay returns it to
Anil after accepting the same. Anil gets it discounted with the bank for ₹ 8,820 on 8th April, 2019 and
remits one-third amount to Sanjay. On the due date Anil fails to remit the amount due to Sanjay, but he
accepts a bill for ₹12,600 for three months, which Sanjay discounts it for ₹ 12,330 and remits ₹ 2,220 to
Anil. Before the maturity of the renewed bill Anil becomes insolvent and only 50% was realized from his
estate on 15th October, 2019.

Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of Anil.

(5 Marks)

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