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| Airbus A320 FMGS Free Play Trainer |

| Version 2.03 RELEASE NOTES |
| (c) FAROS 1997 |

This file lists the points which have changed between the version V2.02
and the version V2.03 of the Airbus-A320 FMGS Free-Play Trainer software.

1. Simulation of the decrab during FLARE mode.

2. Improvement of Lateral guidance when in LOC mode.

3. Correction of the "NEXT WPT" function. In V2.02 and earlier, there was
no segregation for the stringing between waypoints belonging to ACTIVE,

4. Release V2.02 introduced a bug that was not in release V2.01 : an action
on the slew keys for modifying the Longitude on page "INIT A" resulted in
a software "crash". V2.03 corrcts this problem.

5. The display of the pseudo waypoints "SPD LIM DIST" and "LEVEL 3" is now
on the alidade of the ND (and not displayed on the aircraft's heading as
in earlier versions).

6. Addition of the possibility to return to the simulation after a click on

"QUIT" (the dialog box has one more more option).

7. For the 2D Trainers, the "Continuous CLEAR" is now simulated on the MCDU.

8. Correction of the DIR TO a waypoint not belonging to the active FPLN while
flying a holding. Previous versions did not remove the HOLD from the FPLN.

9. The Flight Phase transition logic has been corrected to allow a switching
from GO-AROUND to CLIMB upon activation of the Alternate FPLN while being
below the G-oAround Accelration Altitude.

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