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| Airbus A320 FMGS Free Play Trainer |

| Version 2.10 RELEASE NOTES |
| (c) FAROS JANUARY 1998 |

This file lists the points which have changed between the version V2.03
and the version V2.10 of the Airbus-A320 FMGS Free-Play Trainer software.

1. Capability to simulate both "Full Standard" and "A1/B1" FMGS loads.

2. PFD graphical accuracy improvements.

3. ND graphical accuracy improvements.

4. Aircraft controls graphical accuracy improvements.

5. 2D FCU graphical accuracy improvements.

6. Capability to communicate with CAS ViewIt 3D generator.

7. Capability to enable/disable any possible altitude callout.

8. Callouts quality improvement.

9. Communication with the hardware of the 3D version has been improved

for Windows-95.

10. Continuous CLR on the MCDU implemented in the 3D version.

11. Possibility to limit the maximal size of the FMGS.ERR log file.

12. Addition of a configuration program in Windows standard to update the

FMGS.INI file.

13. The software package includes the latest version of the "HTODB V3.00"
database conversion tool.

14. Bug correction: on earlier versions of the Trainer, the "NEXT PAGE" on the MCDU
"DEPARTURE" page resulted in a "NOT ALLOWED" if no runway was selected. This is
now corrected: it is possible to insert a SID without a runway.

15. Bug correction: the trainer does now keep its initial turn direction when in
lateral selected modes.

16. Addition of a button in the "exit" dialog box. This button, labeled "Yes and
return to the simulation", enables the user to create a Lesson Plan, then to
return to the simulation.

17. Support of both M9 and M11 FCU standards.

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