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Main objective of this project is to learn basic concepts of SAP Basis. Apart from this is
how to use this technology in growing technical world. SAP is certainly a highly
resonant buzz in the business marketplace. SAP has emerged as the leading ERP
application around the world. It is going to manage its business operations using
integrated R/3 functions and methods. SAP is a software program that can manage a
corporation or business as a whole, across different departments. software to manage
their separate databases that run their company. It was first marketed to small business
owners as a way to offer a single user a method of accounting that will integrate
management assets, costs, production, operations, personnel, and financial
spreadsheets. Initially, the SAP program was meant to provide companies the ability to
work from a shared database, company-wide. It has since evolved to replace all
company spreadsheets with a single user accounting package within the business
management system of the firm.


1. Introduction 6

2. Feasibility study 11

3. System Requirement 13

4. Architecture 14

5. Sap User Administrator 20

6. Creating User 25

7. Lock/Unlock User 28

8. Conclusion 30

9. Future Scope 31

10. Bibliography 32
SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. SAP, by
definition, is also the name of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software as well
as the name of the company. SAP Software is a European multinational, founded in 1972
by Selenoether Hopps, Hector, Plattner, and Schirra. They develop software solutions
for managing business operations and customer relationships.
SAP system consists of a number of fully integrated modules, which covers virtually
every aspect of business management.
SAP is #1 in the ERP market. As of 2010, SAP has more than 140,000 installations
worldwide, over 25 industry-specific business solutions and more than 75,000
customers in 120 countries. Other Competitive products of SAP Software in the market
are Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, etc.
Introduction of ERP:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software that is built to organizations

belonging to different industrial sectors, regardless of their size and strength. The ERP
package is designed to support and integrate almost every functional area of a business
process such as procurement of good and services, sale and distribution, finance,
accountings, human resource, manufacturing, production planning,


Manufactring Marketing

Material Finance

logistics & warehouse.

Accounting Sales

Human Resources
There are two type of SAP modules:

 SAP Technical Module:

 SAP Basis
 SAP Abap
 SAP NetWeaver
 SAP Hana
 SAP S/4 Hana
 SAP Fiori
 SAP Security
 SAP Grc
 SAP Fundamental Models
 Financial Accounting and controlling FICO
 Material Management MM
 Sales and Distribution SD
 Production Planning PP
 Plant Maintenance PM
 Human Resource HR
 Project System PS
 Quality Management QM

SAP Application Business Suits:

 SAP HANA: - High Performance Analytic Appliance uses in-memory computing, a

breakthrough technology that enables analysis of very large, non-aggregated data at
unprecedented speed in local memory (vs. disk-based database) enabling complex
analyses, plans and simulations on real-time data.
 SAP Convergent Charging: - SAP Convergent Charging provides a rating and charging
solution for high-volume processing in service industries. It delivers pricing design
capabilities, high performance rating and convergent balance management.
 Customer Relationship Management:- Unlike other CRM software, the SAP
Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) application, part of the SAP
Business Suite, not only helps you address your short-term imperatives – to reduce
cost and increase your decision-making ability – but can also help your company
achieve differentiated capabilities in order to compete effectively over the long term.
 Enterprise Resource Planning: - A sound foundation is necessary to compete and
win in the global marketplace. The SAP ERP application supports the essential
functions of your business processes and operations efficiently and are tailored to
specific needs of your industry like SAP ERP Financials, SAP ERP Human capital
management, SAP ERP Operations, SAP ERP corporate services.
 SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management: - It supports environmental,
occupational and product safety processes, regulatory compliance, and corporate
responsibility. This is accomplished by embedding corporate policies, compliance,
and environmental, health and safety capabilities with global business processes for
human resources, logistics, production and finance.
 SAP Global Batch Traceability: - It allows you to completely trace tracked objects,
for example, a batch, across both SAP systems and non-SAP systems. In the event of
a recall or withdrawal, SAP GBT ensures the timely compliance with legal reporting
timelines. Furthermore, it helps you to minimize cost and corporate risk exposure.
You can also analyze multiple objects, for example, batches, in one run.
 SAP Product Life Cycle Management: - To survive in an ever-changing global
environment, creating and delivering innovative and market differentiating products
and services is what distinguishes your company from the competition. The SAP
Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) application provides you with a 360-
degree-support for all product-related processes – from the first product idea,
through manufacturing to product service.
 SAP Supplier Life Cycle Management: - SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management is a
holistic approach to managing supplier relationships. It deals with the supply base
as a whole to constantly determine the right mix of suppliers. It covers the lifecycle
of individual suppliers from onboarding to a continuous development.
 Supply Chain Management: - You face enormous pressure to reduce costs while
increasing innovation and improving customer service and responsiveness. SAP
Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) enables collaboration, planning, execution,
and coordination of the entire supply network, empowering you to adapt your
supply chain processes to an ever-changing competitive environment.
 Supplier Relationship Management: - With SAP SRM you can examine and forecast
purchasing behavior, shorten procurement cycles, and work with your partners in
real time.
This allows you to develop long-term relationships with all those suppliers that have
proven themselves to be reliable partners.
 Governance, Risk and Compliance: - Risk is unavoidable, but it can be managed.
With governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), businesses can strategically balance
risk and opportunity.
 Sales and Operations Planning: - SAP Sales and Operations Planning enables you to
optimally and profitably meet long-term future demand. Typically, this process
repeats every month and involves many participants including Sales, Marketing,
Finance, Demand Planning, and Supply Chain Planning.
 SAP Transportation Management: - It supports you in all activities connected with
the physical transportation of goods from one location to another.
 Extended Warehouse Management: - SAP Extended Warehouse Management gives
you the option of mapping your entire warehouse complex in detail in the system,
down to the storage bin level. Not only does this give you an overview of the total
quantity of a product in the warehouse, but you can also always see exactly where a
specific product is, at any time, in your warehouse complex. With EWM, you can
optimize the use of various storage bins and stock movements, and can combine the
storage of stocks from several plants in randomly-managed warehouses.

Basis is a set of programs and tools that act as an interface with Database, Operating
system, Communication protocols and business applications (such as FI, CO, MM, etc..).
Full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated solution". After adding
java stack (the applications which are developed in J2EE, BSP, JSP, etc..) enhanced
security standard for business process. Both ABAP and Java stack can be monitored
from one platform. NetWeaver supports standard protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, XML,
SOAP, SSO, WEBDAV, WSDL, WMLSSO, SSL, X.509 and Unicode format (representation
of handling text).

Basis supports a number of known operating systems (Unix flavors, Microsoft windows
server edition, AS400, z/OS, etc..) and databases (Oracle, DB2, Informix, Maxdb,
Microsoft SQL Server, etc..).

BASIS functionalities:

 System monitoring and administration tools

 Common monitoring tool CCMS (Computing Centre Management System) to
monitor alerts of R/3 system from one place.
 Server-side scripting in ABAP and JavaScript.
 Use of Business server pages to build online stores and portals.
 Database monitoring and administration utilities
 Resource management like memory, buffer, etc.
 Authorization and profile management tools for user management.
 Internet access control to the system and business objects.
 Transfer modifications in a screen, program, layout from the development to a
production system for accuracy purpose by Transport Management System.
 Client-server architecture and configuration.
 Graphical User Interface designing for the presentation layer.

SAP Basis consultant’s responsibilities:

SAP Basis is a middleware tool for applications, operating system, and database. SAP
Basis consultant should able to do the following tasks: -

 SAP application server monitoring, ABAP dump, and system log analysis.
 Performance tuning
 Database maintenance, Database backup schedule and restore
 R/3, NetWeaver, solution manager installation etc.
 SAP license maintenance
 SAP landscape, transport management system installations etc.
 Client creating, client copying, client deletion etc.
 Creating user, assigning roles, locking and unlocking users etc.
 Background jobs scheduling, job monitoring, job deletion etc.
 Profile and operation mode maintenance
 Applying support patches, upgrading and installing add-ons
 SNOTE applying and removing errors
Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a

project's viability. The term feasibility study is also used to refer to the resulting
document. These results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed
with the project, or table it. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will - before
the real work of the proposed project starts - be used to ascertain the likelihood of the
project's success. It is an analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and a
recommendation on the best alternative. It, for example, can decide whether an order
processing be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the previous one.
Within a Feasibility Study, seven areas must be reviewed, including those of a Needs
Analysis, Economics, Technical, Schedule, Organizational, Cultural, and Legal.
The SAP Feasibility Study service helps ensure that your SAP solution will support for
business objectives. It assesses for long-term business goals, determines the
appropriate scope, cost, and timeline for the project, and gives the knowledge and
support need for a fast and successful implementation.
SAP Feasibility Study delivers the following tools to your organization:
 Requirements analysis – Identifies and details the business and technical
requirements for your SAP solution
 Implementation strategy – Gives you a complete plan for implementation,
including proposed functions and processes, project scope, organizational scope,
costs, and time frames
 Risk analysis – Enables you to identify risks early in the project and take actions
to minimize them
 Benefits overview – Describes the potential benefits and cost savings that will
result from the implementation
SAP consultants have extensive knowledge of SAP software and how it can meet for
business requirements. We apply proven methodologies to align for needs with best
practices. We also assess future business scenarios and determine which SAP software
will best enable them. Giving you the following business benefits:
 A clear view of the costs and time frames involved in implementing the solution
 Reduced times for implementation and easier knowledge transfer
 Mitigation of risk by ensuring that the solution will meet your technical and
business requirements
 Optimized return on investment by identifying the features and functions that
need to be implemented to achieve your business objectives
Feasibility Analysis
Use: The production of an apparel item is often limited by the available quantity of
fabrics and other critical components. Frequently, several apparel items are competing
for the same component. A feasibility analysis helps production supervisors to perform
the following tasks:

 find and analyze critical situations, where key components are not available in
sufficient quantity
 select the products that should be manufactured
 calculate the quantity that can be produced from the limited available components

Features: To ensure the high quality of the finished product, the feasibility analysis
considers quality attributes of the critical components, for example shading or
preferential origin of the fabric roll. As well as an availability check, the feasibility
analysis also ensures that a relevant batch of a component is allocated to a production
orders and that no other process can use the component batch.
The feasibility analysis uses the bill of material (BoM) to identify critical components.
Components may have different importance, for example the main fabric must be
available to start production, while the buttons can be added later, during the
manufacturing process.
Performing the Feasibility Analysis:
The Feasibility analysis consists of three steps:
 Requirement selection: Select the master planned orders that you want to analyze.
 Requirement analysis: Review the overall requirement and inventory situation of
critical components and understand if there are shortages that block production.
 Feasibility check: Decide which master planned orders will be produced,
optionally adjust planned production quantities and allocate critical component
batches to production orders.
System Requirement

Hardware Requirement:

 30 GB Hard Disk
 2.5GHz processor,64-bit

Software Requirement:

 SAP NetWeaver 7.5

 SAP ERP 6.7
 SAP R/3 kernel
 S/4 HANA
 SAP R/3 system

Their first commercial product was launched in the year 1973 and were based on the
tier system like one tier system was called SAP R1 and two-tier system was called SAP
R2 and three tier system was called SAP R3.
SAP is basically divided into three layers and they are as follows:
 Presentation Layer
 Application Layer
 Storage layer
Data increased and also the SAP software evolved the 2-tier system was also getting
slow. SAP R1 had all the above layers in a single tier. This was sufficient when the
amount of computations and data is low. As the amount of computations increased the
R1 system became slow and they then introduced two tier system. Here in the 2-tier
system the presentation layer is in one tier and the other two layers on the second tier.
Depending on the amount of load and computations a single tier out of the two tiers can
be allocated to the one of the layers. Then as the amount of computations and

Presentation Layer:

The Presentation Layer contains the software components that make up the SAP gui
(graphical user interface). This layer is the interface between the R/3 System and its
users. The R/3 System uses the SAP Gui to provide an intuitive graphical user interface
for entering and displaying data. The presentation layer sends the user's input to the
application server, and receives data for display from it. While an SAP gui component is
running, it remains linked to a user's terminal session in the R/3 System.
Application Layer:

The Application Layer consists of one or more application servers and a message server.
Each application server contains a set of services used to run the R/3 System.
Theoretically, you only need one application server to run an R/3 System. In practice,
the services are distributed across more than one application server. The message
server is responsible for communication between the application servers. It passes

requests from one application server.

to another within the system. It also contains information about application server
groups and the current load balancing within them. It uses this information to assign an
appropriate server when a user logs onto the system.

Database Layer:

The Database Layer consists of a central database system containing all of the data in
the R/3 System. The database system has two components - the database management
system (DBMS), and the database itself. SAP has manufactured its own database named
Hana but is compatible with all major databases such as Oracle . All R/3 data is stored in
the database. For example, the database contains the control and customizing data that
determine how your R/3 System runs. It also contains the program code for your
applications. Applications consist of program code, screen definitions, menus, function
modules, and various other components. These are stored in a special section of the
database called the R/3 Repository, and are accordingly called repository objects. R/3
repository, objects are used in ABAP workbench.

There are three architecture models which existed in SAP ERP:

SAP R/1: 1 - Tier

Architecture SAP R/2: 2 -

Tier Architecture SAP R/3: 3

- Tier Architecture

SAP R/1: 1 – Tier Architecture

SAP R/1 1-Tier Architecture is the simplest, single tier on single user, and is the
equivalent of running an application on a personal computer. All the required
component to run the application are located within it. User interface, business logic,
and data storage are all located on the same machine. They are the easiest to design, but
the least scalable. Because they are not part of a network, they are useless for designing
web applications.

(Server one = Present Layer + Application Layer + Database layer)


R/1 Tier

SAP R/2 :2-Tier Architecture

SAP R/2 2-Tier Architectures supply a basic network between a client and a server. For
example, the basic web model is a 2-Tier Architecture. A web browser makes a request
from a web server, which then processes the request and return she desired response,
in this case, web pages. This approach improves scalability and divides the user
interface from the data layers. However, it does not divide application layers so they can
be utilized separately. This makes them difficult to update and not specialized. The
entire application must be updated because layers aren’t separated.

(Server one = Present Layer, Server two= Application Layer + Database layer)

SAP R/3: 3- Tier Architecture

SAP R/3 3-Tier Architecture is most commonly used to build web applications. In this
model, the browser acts like a client, middleware or an application server contains the
business logic, and database servers handle data functions. This approach separates
business logic from display and data. So, the 3 layers commonly known as: Presentation
Layer (PL/UI), Business Logic Layer (BLL) & Data Access Layer (DAL)

(Server one = Present Layer, Server two= Application Layer, Server three= Database layer)
SAP R/3 Work Process:

Understanding the components of SAP R/3 3-tier Architecture:

 Message Server: It handles communication between distributed Dispatchers in
ABAP system.
 Dispatcher Queue: Various work process types are stored in this queue.
 Dispatcher: It distributes requests to the work processes.
 Gateway: It enables communication between SAP system and between SAP system
and external systems.
 ABAP-Work processes: - It separately executes dialog steps in R/3 applications
 Types of work processes are given as below:
 Dialog Process: To Fulfill all requests for execution of dialog steps triggered by an
active user or execute dialog programs.
 Background Process: It executes those programs that run without user
interaction or executes time dependent or event-controlled background jobs.
 Update Process: It executes Update Requests or Asynchronous database changes
which are controlled by a COMMIT WORK statement in a dialog work process.
 Spool Process: It pass sequential data flows onto Printers or Print Formatting to
printer, file or database.
 Enqueue Process: Administers the lock table in shared memory or If SAP
transactions have to synchronize themselves it executes locking operations.
 Memory-pipes: It enables communication between ICM and ABAP work processes.
 Message Server: It handles java dispatchers and server processes. It
enables communication within java runtime environment.
 Enqueue Server: It handles logical locks that are set by the executed Java application
program in a server process.
 Central Services: Java cluster requires a special instance of the central services for
managing locks and transmitting messages and data. Java cluster is a set of
processes that work together to build the reliable system. Instance is group of
resources such as memory, work processes and so on.
 Java Dispatcher: It receives the client requests and forwards to the server process.
 SDM: Software Deployment Manager is used to install J2EE components.
 Java Server Processes: It can process a large number of requests simultaneously.
 Threading: Multiple Processes executes separately in the background; this concept is
called threading.
 ICM: It enables communication between SAP system and HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP
protocol. It means by entering system URL in the browser you can access SAP from
browser also.

Data Flow Diagram of SAP Work Process:

One more component is JCO. JCO is used to handle communication between java
dispatcher and ABAP dispatcher when system is configured as ABAP + Java.
Data Flow Diagram of SAP Process:

Data Flow Diagram of SAP Analytics:

SAP BASIS User Administrator

SAP basis Administrator control the assess to application by creating users, maintaining
the same users. Users can be collected in groups according o the criteria in a company
or a department and based or roles they perform in the project.

Roles can be defined to either users individually or to the user group. Roles define the
user’s authorization levels to navigate or access the specific set of functions or crucial
applications. Authorizations are the key building blocks of sap security system.
Authorization is the known process of assigning designated values of fields presents in
authorization objects.

Access to all system functionality in sap is achieved through a compound set of

authorization. If the users do not have the necessary authorizations to perform a certain
action in the system. the predefined message “you are not authorized….”is displayed on
the status bar of the screen.

A user administration includes creating, managing and controlling access to the system,
various R/3 user types and its data. SAP NW Application Server java includes the
identity management application for administration of users, group, and roles.

User’s administration major tasks are:

 Creating User
 Locking and Unlocking User
 Deleting User

SAP User Type:

There are 5 different type of user in SAP system:

 Dialog User
 Service User
 Communication User
 System user
 Reference User
Dialog User:

This is the most commonly used type. This user type is primarily for individuals to gain
interactive system access. A user of this type can perform dialog processing in
interactive mode, background processing, batch input processing and CPI-C services
provided there are no explicit restrictions via assignment of specific authorizations.

SAP licensing can prohibit multiple concurrent use of the same user id in production
SAP systems.

Service User:

This user type is a dialog user which is available to a large, anonymous group of users. For
example, to access via ITS (Internet Transaction Server)

There won’t be any check on initial password or expired passwords for this user type. Also,
multiple logons are explicitly permitted for this user type.

However, this user type should be assigned with great caution and with limited
authorizations for security reasons.

Communication User:

This user type is used for dialog-free communication between systems such as RFC
(Remote Function call) communication. This user is not allowed to logon to the R/3
system or start dialog processing.

System User:

This is the user type which can be used for dialog-free communication within a system
(such as for RFC users for ALE, TMS, workflow and CUA) and for background

A specific use of the system user type is validity period of a password won’t apply for
this type. So, this can be used to run background jobs and in between RFCs so that jobs
or RFC communications won’t fail due to expiry of the password.

Please note that logon in dialog is not possible used System user type.

Reference User:
This user type is in general, non-person related user. This user type cannot be used for
logon. Instead this user type will serve as a reference for assigning additional identical
authorizations to other users.

For example: In case you have to assign some identical authorizations to all internet
users, you can create a reference user with those authorizations and use this reference
user to assign identical authorizations to all other users.

Task of User Administrator:

The following are among the tasks of user administration:

 Specifying naming conventions for user IDs
There are several naming convention alternatives for choosing a naming
convention, for example:
 Employee ID number of the enterprise
 Surname, first letter of the first name or first name, first letter of the last name
 Clearly identifiable user IDs for temporary employees and consultants
 Special conventions for system or interface users
 Creating or changing a use
Take into consideration the following aspects when you define your process for user
 Create or change users only if you have a completely filled-out request form.
The form should contain information on the person, position, And
communication, as well as on the authorization’s requirement for the task
area. The form should have been authorized with a signature from the
Employee’s supervisor.
 If the requested authorizations concern several departments or organizations
or are particularly comprehensive, the respective managers should issue
their approval.
 If it concerns a nonpermanent employee or when SAP access is limited in
terms of time the period of employment and the end of validity should be
 The responsible SAP administrator should sign the form after he has created
or changed the user master data.
 The forms should be archived based on an appropriate principle, according to
employee name or organizational unit.
 The approved authorizations should be compared regularly with the
authorizations assigned to the user.

 If possible, don't allow a reference user to be specified in a user request that

is supposed to be used as a template. There is the danger that more
authorizations are copied than actually required.
 Particular attention should be paid to changing users because often only
additional authorizations are requested in the case of transfers or similar
organizational events. Authorizations often accumulate with time, and the
removing of current roles and profiles is neglected. Always check each change
request, and if in doubt, ask the employee or his responsible supervisor.
 Deactivating or deleting a user
You should specify special rules when you delete users:
 Design a procedure in collaboration with the HR department on how you're
notified about an employee leaving the enterprise. Experience has shown that
deleting employees no longer required is often dealt with as carelessly as
removing authorizations that are no longer appropriate.
 If the leaving of an employee is announced in advance, define a respective
validity date in the user master record.
 Lock the user ID, deactivate the password, and add it to a special user group if
the employment contract has been terminated.
 Specify an appropriate period in which the user master record of an
employee who has left the enterprise can remain in the system and after
which the user is deleted from the system.
 Search your system for users with an expired validity date and/or user group
TERM on a regular basis.
 Regularly analyze which users didn't log on to the system in a specific period
of time.
 Before you lock and delete users and define the validity date, check whether
released or planned background jobs exist under this user ID (Transaction
SM37, Job Overview). The jobs can't be executed if the user ID has been
locked, deleted, or is no longer valid.
 Lock / Unlock a user
The locking/unlocking function is part of the logon check that enables or
prevents the user from logging on to the SAP system.

 Locking Users: Using the lock function, you can prevent the user from
logging on to the SAP system; however, the user ID and the assigned
authorizations persist. This function is suitable, for example, for
temporary employees or consultants whose user ID is locked if they don't
need to access the system. To lock a user, follow these steps:
1. Call Transaction SU01.
2. Enter the user ID to be locked, and click on LOCK/UNLOCK.
3. A dialog window appears, which displays that the user isn't locked currently.
4. A message in the status bar confirms that the user has been
successfully locked.
 Unlocking Users: Users are automatically locked when they have
exceeded the permissible number of unsuccessful logon attempts. In this
case, the system administrator must unlock the user ID and might also
have to reset the password.
1. Call Transaction SU01.
2. Enter the user ID to be unlocked, and click on LOCK/UNLOCK
3. A dialog window is displayed. the system administrator has locked the
user ID manually. The message could also read locked due to incorrect
Creating User

There are many steps to create a user:

Step 1: Execute T-code SU01

Step 2: Enter the username that user we want to create and click on create icon.

Step 3: We will be directed to the next tab -the Address tab. Here, you need to
enter the details like first name, last name, phone number, email id, etc.
Step 4: You will further be directed to the next tab — Logon Data.

Enter the user type under Logon data tab. We have five different user types.

Step 5 − Type the first Login Password > New Password > Repeat Password
Step 6 − You will be directed to the next tab — Roles

− Assign the roles to the user.

Step 7 − You will further be directed to the next tab —

Profiles − Assign the Profiles to users.

Step 8 − Click on Save to receive confirmation.

Lock / Unlock a User

In SAP system, an administrator can also lock or unlock a user as per the requirement.
This can be performed for a specific time period or permanently. A user can be
locked/unlocked in the following two ways −

 Manually/Forcefully

 Automatically

Manually or


You can lock a user forcefully/automatically using these transaction codes −

 Transaction code — SU01 for single user

 Transaction code — SU10 for multiple users

Step 1 − Execute transaction code — SU01

Step 2 − Select the user you want to lock/unlock and click on the icon.
Step 3 − You will now see the current status of the user. Click on lock/unlock option.

Step 4 − To lock multiple users, use transaction code — SU10 and enter the users in
username list. To select multiple users in one go, click and search you will get an option
to select multiple users at one time.
Step 5 − Select the lock and unlock icon at the top as per requirement. This can be used
to unlock single/multiple users using same transaction code.

The main aim of this project was to create a simple and yet elegant SAP for the
employees. Once you see the ways that SAP software can provide effective business
management for your business, whether large or small, you will be sold. Integrating
all departments of your business with an effective tool like SAP, will benefit your
company by its dependability and can be customized to your own specific business
needs. The main reason to use SAP for your company is that it will mean better
accuracy in information.

I don't really see Basis becoming irrelevant anytime soon. Always remember that an
SAP system running in a virtual machine in the cloud, is still an SAP system that
needs maintaining, monitoring, upgrading etc. The cloud providers like Amazon and
Microsoft do not handle any of that stuff; they only provide the infrastructure.

So, for now, I wouldn't worry at all. But let's say that at some point in the future,
most customers move to Software-as-a-Service ERP systems. In that landscape, there
are still extensions to be deployed, transported, monitored etc. There are still
connections and resources that must be managed, security issues, upgrade cycle
management etc. Your existing Basis knowledge can still be applied here. The tools
and processes will be different, for sure, but the core principles will not be radically
Future Scope

It’s important that we know who we really are. So being a SAP-BASIS person, would
always be a SAP-BASIS person. There are a lot of various smaller technology trying to
emerge every day. Every year, you will find some new small technologies coming up. So,
if you then decide to switch, you might end up switching careers & even jobs every year
to remain employed to the choice of your new work-domains every year. So, obviously if
some technology becomes a bit popular, then creates a good market value & then the
bigger Technology giants try to take- over on bidding. 1 of the reason why new products
come-up. Although it’s a good thing as we have new technology meaning we have
advanced & progressed further. Anyways career in SAP-BASIS is having good prospect
as every year the no of SAP customer increases only, although it’s for any modules in
SAP. SAP also tries to launch various products every year.

So, generally switching career, this feeling of career-shift you would strongly get when
you go in a local Training center & try to enquire what technology they are
teaching/coaching. So, they do sell & pitch that in such a good way that you would really
think for a moment to switch to that career. Just telling this from a personal experience
after I just started my career in SAP.

But, in fact, instead, if you try exploring something, where your SAP-BASIS career does
not get lost, then it would be probably better choice be made. Maybe you need explore
deeply the options inside SAP-BASIS. With emerging SAP technology, there is
Automation processes going everywhere on all tasks & there are new standard tools
coming up for every SAP maintenance tasks or SAP related activities, maybe you would
like to concentrate there. Its because who knows the core concept clearly there is
always a place for them. So with coming new tools & technologies, its required to have
current insight for a employee working in that domain.


 SAP Administration
 IBM SAP Basis
 SAP Basis


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