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JECRC University Jaipur

School of Engineering
Session: 2021-2022
B Tech VIIth Semester
II In-Semester Examination, December 2021
Subject: Introduction to Creative Writing (SEC002B)
Duration: 1:30 Hours Maximum Marks: 50
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Write the question numbers clearly while answering.
3. Manage the time carefully and read the questions carefully.
Course Objectives:
CO1 - This course will introduce students to the idea that creativity is a complex and
varied phenomenon which has an important relationship with social change.
CO2 - Students will become familiar with ideas about language varieties and the nuances of language usage.
CO3 - Students will be introduced to the language and types of media writing across forms and genres.
CO4 - This course will encourage students to revise their work critically and  inculcate the skills of proofreading.
Section A
1. Print journalism in the United States typically follows the --------------model, in which the most pertinent information is placed
at the top of the article.

2. ---------- is defined as the published defamation of a person‘s character based on misleading or inaccurate facts.

3. The --------- of a news article is the first sentence, usually written as one paragraph, that tells the most important information of
the story.

4. The --------------were the first to invent the art of printing. They used wooden blocks to print letters.

5. Which of the following are the forms of Print media

A) Filmfare
B) Champak
C) Grihasobha
D) All of the above

6.----------------is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via radio, television, or orther, often digital
transmission media

7. RomanJakobson argues that paradigmatic- syntagmatic dichotomy covers two different realities of language, one of which is
operational and the other structural [ TRUE/FALSE]

8. --------------- involves electronically and simultaneously sending information containing signals, print messages and audio or
video content to a vast group of recipients using television, radio, newspapers, magazines and digital media including the
Internet, emails and texts.

9. Printing technology came to India in 1556. It was the Jesuit priests who brought this technology to our country[ True/False]

10. The first book printed in India was in Portugese language in Old Goa. It was Doctrina Christa by St. Francis Xavier.
Section B
Short Answer Type Questions (2x4)
1.Define“inverted pyramid”in context with print media.
2. Define new media.
3. What is typography?
4. What is Broadcast media?

Section C
Long Answer Type Questions (6x2)
1. Write a short note on the fundamentals of news writing.
2. What is the difference between print and broadcast journalism?

Section D
Very Long Answer Type Questions (10x2)
1. Describe, in detail, the two kinds of aphasic disturbances.
2. What are the main characteristics of “new media”?

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