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Department of Pharmacognosy

Prof. Maha Salama

Lecture (7)
Room 306


Fall Semester 2021

2nd Year Pharmacy Students(Pharm D & Pharm D clinical)
B Pharm PPPT02C01
Lecture content
Monographs of Herbs:
1-Herbs containing volatile oil
Mentha herb
Thyme herb
2-Herbs containing alkaloids
-Ephedra herb
-Vinca herb
3-Herbs containing Resins -
Cannabis herb -
Herbs containing volatile oil

Mentha & Thyme

Mentha Thyme
Names: Peppermint Names: Thyme
Arabic name: ‫عشب النعناع الفلفلى‬ Arabic name: ‫عشب الزعتر‬
Botanical Origin: the dried leaves Botanical Origin: the dried aerial
and flowering tops of Mentha parts of Thymus vulgaris, F.
piperita L. Family Labiateae(Lamiaceae)
Contains 1.2% volatile oil.
contains not 0.5% of volatile oil
Odour &taste:
aromatic odour and taste followed aromatic odour and an aromatic
by a cold sensation somewhat pungent taste.
Stem:quadrangular, green - dark Stem :quadrangular, grayish-brown
purple, nearly glabrous. or purplish and hairy. *Suffriticose
*Herbaceous Phyllotaxis: opposite decussate,
Phyllotaxis: opposite decussate Leaves :*sessile or shortly
Leaves: petiolate margin, serrate petiolate with revolute margin

Opposite decussate
revolute margin
Opposite decussate sessile
Serrate margin ,

Labiaceous hairs
Diacytic stomata

Present in both Mentha & Thyme (Characteristic to the family

Bent hair
Non- glandular hair of Bent hair of thyme
Active Constituents Active Constituents
*volatile oil, 78% of free volatile oil (containing
menthol and menthol *phenolic compounds, mainly
combined as esters. thymol and carvacrol).
-The drug also contains - tannin, flavonoids
about 6 to 12 % of tannin,

Menthol Thymol
Uses Uses
-Anti spasmodic, anti-emetic The herb +oil have a secretolytic,
-Menthol acts locally as a counter- secretomotor, broncholytic,
irritant & stimulant due to its disinfectant and antimicrobial
cooling and anesthetic properties. properties.
-Inhalation of the oil in boiling
water are effective against upper -The plant is used internally in the
respiratory infection. treatment of dry cough, whooping
-The oil externally, is helpful in cough, bronchitis, and catarrhs of
fevers and influenza since it the upper respiratory tract
promotes sweating (diaphoretic )
As infusion. relieves colonic spasm
and bowel irritability.
****The oil should be administered
in the form of enteric-coated
capsules. G.R
It has diuretic urinary antiseptic,
Contraindicated in case of vermifuge and antifungal effects.
gallstones and severe liver damage
Chemical tests Chemical tests
- positive with sudan lll. Positive with sudan lll.
Special chemical test: -Special chemical test:
-Menthol crystals + few drops Thymol crystals + 1ml of glacial
concentrated H2SO4 + few drops acetic acid + few drops
of vanillin / H2SO4 → orange- concentrated H2SO4 + 1 drop
yellow colour + H2O → violet of HNO3 → a deep bluish green
colour colour is developed.
Herbs containing Alkaloids

Catharanthus(Vinca) ,
Ephedra(lower plant),Lobelia &
Catharanthus Herb Ephedra Herb

Names: Catharanthus or Vinca Names: Ephedra

Botanical origin: it is the dried Botanical origin: dried young
whole plant of Catharanthus roseus branches, of Ephedra sinica F.
or Vinca rosea (F. Apocynaceae). Ephedraceae
Alkaloids. The most important Alkaloids :mostly l-ephedrine (50-
vinblastine and vincristine . 90%),d-pseudoephedrine, l nor
Vincristine is used more than ephedrine
vinblastine, but the plant produces a
higher proportion of vinblastine.

Question: It is now possible to convert

vinblastine into vincristine either
chemically, or by microbiological N-
uses Ephedra
Catharanthus • Sympathomimetic: similar to
• oncolytic activity adrenaline
(Anticancer):Available in the • Bronchodilator.
market as prescription drugs:
Vinblastine sulphate • - Treatment of nasal
treatment of generalized congestion , allergic rhinitis,
Hodgkin's disease. acute rhinitis, sinusitis.
• Vincristine sulphate • Thermogenic so used in obesity
treatment of acute lymphoid
leukemia in children. Side effects
Insomnia. Headaches, nausea, vomiting,
Side effects disturbances of urination, tachycardia
• Induces nausea, vomiting Contra indications
• Constipation
Anxiety and restlessness, high
• Headaches
blood pressure, glaucoma.
• Depression
• Alopecia
Pre work stimulant & fat burner
Case Study
Severe psychosis
A primary care report 2004 ,that detailed the case study of a woman in her late twenties.
She had been found by police demonstrating bizarre (strange)behavior, looking disheveled.
When examined, she had elevated blood pressure and a fast heart rate. She hadn’t slept for
three days and showed signs of severe paranoia and psychosis.
Her toxicology report showed that she had ingested sympathomimetics in the form of herbal
pills. And after completing her medical checks was found to have ephedrine
-Cardiovascular risk
Another case study reported a 39-year old man who was admitted to the emergency room
after complaining of breathing difficulties. After he was examined, it was found that
he was suffering from a heart condition called myocarditis. He had been taking an ephedrine
supplement for 3 months.
The FDA reviewed 140 adverse event reports
Ephedrine is a dangerous drug
involving ephedra-containing products, receiving in-
Allergic reactions
depth clinical review by FDA and outside experts
•Chest pain
.FDA announced that ephedra is likely the cause of
•Rapid breathing
many of the events noted in the reports.
•Headaches, dizziness and seizures
•Sweating, high temperatures and flushing
•Vomiting, stomach upset and nausea
According to hospital statistics, products containing ephedra alkaloids represent
over 60% of all side effects and adverse reactions to herbal supplements in the US.
Herbs containing Resins

Cannabis herb
Cannabis Herb
‫عشب الحشيش – الماريجوانا – البانجو‬-‫الكيف‬
Indian Hemp; Hashish, Marijuanha, Bhang,
Ganjah; Guaza; Hashish, Keif
Botanical origin
The dried flowering and fruiting tops of the cultivated female plants
of Cannabis sativa var. Indica (Fam. Cannabinaceae).

Cannabis flowering tops Cannabis Female Plant

 There are two generic types of cannabis.
Cannabis sativa is grown in temperate countries for
its bast fibers which constitute ‘Hemp’ and for its
fruits known as ‘Hemp Seed’. This is the hemp type
It is cultivated extensively in both tropical and
temperate countries for its tops. This is the drug

drug type Fruit, hemp type

Cannabis Flowering tops
Cannabis Flowering tops

Secretion Glandular hair

Non glandular hair

with cystolith

Numerous hairs on the

surface of the bract

Hairy bracts and

Flowering tops female flowers
Active constituents
Narcotic Resin (15-20 % (Cannabinoids).
- The principal narcotic components are: Cannabinol (CBN)& Cannabidiol (CBD)
– 9tetrahydrocannabinol (9-THC).
• Oxidase enzyme
which oxidizes the cannabinoids causing gradual deterioration of the drug.

Action & Uses

• Narcotic analgesic, sedative in hysteria
• A randomized, double-blind trial of patients with rheumatoid arthritis found
that Sativex ®, an oromucosal THC spray, significantly reduced pain on
movement and at rest and improved quality of sleep.
• It has two phases of actions (biphasic)
Stimulation (anxiety, euphoria and perception) followed by
depression (sedation, relaxation, sleepiness and dreams).
• Some THC derivatives (Dronabinol) Marinol® -approved by FDA- is
used as antiemetic for patients undergoing chemotherapy
• May be useful in multiple sclerosis (MS)
• Appetite stimulant for people suffering from depression or to treat
severe weight loss associated with AIDS (HIV/AIDS wasting
• Non narcotic variety is used for textile production.
Variation in Resin Content
• The amount of resin found in the pistillate flowering tops
of Cannabis sativa markedly decreases as the plants are
grown in more temperate climates

• Indian cannabis : >20 % of resin

• Mexican cannabis: ˂=15 %
• American cannabis: ˂= 6 % or less (Marihuana)
• Textile Hemp: ↓ THC(˂0.3%), grown for its phloem fibers
Cannabis narcotic products VIP
1- Bhang : conc. THC (5-20%):
• It consists of large leaves and twigs of both male and
female plants.
• It is used in India for smoking, either with or without
tobacco and drugs as Opium or Datura, or taken in the
form of an electuary made by digestion with melted
2- Charas or Churrus:
• It is the crude resin.
• Obtained by rubbing the tops
between hands, beating them
on clothes or carpets.
3-Hashish: in Arabia and Egypt or in the middle east
(crude resin) is obtained by digestion of the flowering tops
in melted paraffin or butter, straining to remove
vegetative parts, cooling, forming a semisolid mass,
drying and rolling in cellophane
4- Marijuana or Marihuana: THC (2-6%):
• The female inflorescence are
collected + leaves, stems, seeds and dried
• not compressed into masses (smoked as cigarettes)
• marijuana usually contains the least concentration of THC

❖Very concentrated THC products

Hash oil (> 50%): obtained by solvent extraction, this form
is used dropwise, on a cigarette or on various other supports.

Habbu, obtained by collecting the hairs and warming it, so the resin
melts and collected
Drug abuse
• Impairment of brain functions
Toxicity – Perception of time and distance
• Large doses produces – Memory
– speech
– Delirium with
hallucinations • Immune-suppression (effect on
– Sleep interrupted by • Smoking generates organic
nightmares carcinogens
– Marked weakness • Social isolation and other social
– Mental depression • Tolerance (regular users)
– ↑dose→ hypotension • Dependence ( mostly psychological )
• Gateway to other narcotic use

Acute manifestations of THC

A single dose of THC
-blood-shot eyes, dry mouth, tachycardia, increased appetite,,euphoria
and relaxation,
THC is particularly lipophilic and rapidly absorbed (peak plasma
concentration after inhalation by 7-8 min.)
Chemical tests
Beam’s Test Fast Blue Salt B:
• It is highly sensitive test
for cannabinoids.
• Powder extract in
• Resin on F.P. + drops of
• Filter Pet. ether and evaporate.
• Filtrate + alc. KOH, Then add a drop of
shake, freshly prepared fast Blue
• Add 1 ml. of amyl salt B in H2 O
alcohol , mix reddish-violet colour
• A violet-pink to violet-
red colour is produced.
Tolerance of Cannabis

• Chronic cannabis use has also been linked to the development of

tolerance to some effects and the appearance of withdrawal
– (restlessness, irritability, mild agitation, insomnia, sleep
disturbances, nausea, cramping) with the onset of abstinence.
However, these withdrawal symptoms are mild compared with
those experienced with opiates or benzodiazepines

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