Why Do We Greet Both Our Angels Which Reside On Our Shoulder After Prayer

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Why do we greet both our angels which reside on our shoulder after prayer.

After prayer, the most common greeting is “Assalamu alaykum” which then translates to “May
peace be upon you”, this is done while looking at your right shoulder then your left shoulder,
because it is a common belief that on angel resides on your right shoulder which takes note of all
your good deeds (Raqib) and on the left shoulder which takes note of all your bad deeds (Atid). This
comes directly from the Quran.

“Behold, two guardian angels appointed to learn a man’s doings learn and note them, one sitting on
the right and one on the left. Not a word does he utter, but there is a sentinel by him, ready to note
it” – Quran 50:17-18

There are also Guardian angels which are perched on the shoulders of Muslims, they go by the name
the Kiriman Katibin. The pair of angel’s roles are to record every detail from the person’s life, these
angels are assigned to person by Allah. The right angel records the good decisions the person makes,
and the left angel records the bad decision a person has made. At the end of all things, your Kiriman
Katibin will present these records to Allah, and Allah will judge whether the soul deserves to go to
heaven or hell. It is also said these guardian angels are protectors it refers to this in the Quran 13:11
“For each person, there are angels in succession, before and behind him: They guard him by
command of Allah.”

According to scholars Angels takes turns surrounding you, some come at night and some come
during the day, however they all assemble during the time Fajr and Asr prayers (The first and last
prayers of the day), this shows the importance of prayers to get closer to Allah. Guardian angels both
pray for the people and deliver answers to people’s prayers up to God.

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