Exam Style Questions - MR Reeve

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Exam Style Questions -MR Reeve

1) C
2) Warmups help prepare the body for more intense and physical demanding exercise.
Warmups help to shuttle blood to working muscles and help to reduce the chances of
injury. Warmups cause an increase in your breathing rate and heart rate. Warmups
also include psychological preparation to help the attitudes prepare themselves for
the upcoming event.

3) Cool downs consist of lighter exercise to keep blood flow in the muscles high so that
lactic acid can be flushed out of the system. This helps to prevent fatigue and
DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle-Soreness). Light exercise also maintains viscous
return to help avoid blood pooling. Blood pooling can cause fainting or dizziness, so it
is a good idea to get rid of it. Cool downs help to reduce DOMS because it is a period
of less intense exercise.

4) To improve flexibility students could use ballistic stretching to prevent injury during a
warmup, this type of stretching involves performing a stretch with a swinging or
bouncing motion to push a body part even further than it could before. This type of
stretching should only be performed by an individual who is already quite flexible, for
example a gymnast or a dancer, this type of stretching would not be as effective for a
performer such as a footballer or a rugby player.

5) A gymnast may use ballistic stretching because their sport is heavily reliant on
flexibility and they are already very flexible. These stretches help stretch the muscles
further and prepare the muscle for more high intensity stretches performed when
performing their gymnastics routine.

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