Subject: Chemistry Class: 7 Time: 90 Mins MCQ Based Questions

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Subject: Chemistry Class: 7

Time: 90 mins MM: 80

MCQ Based Questions
56 marks
Ques 1. The smallest particle of an element that exhibits all the properties of that element is called
a. Matter c. Molecule
b. Atom d. Compound
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Ques 2. An example of a Noble gas is
a. Chlorine c. Neon
b. Hydrogen d. Oxygen
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Ques 3.So far, how many known naturally occurring elements are found in the earth’s crust?
a. 92 c. 52
b.11 d.120
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Ques 4. Which of the following is a liquid metal?

a. Silver c. Mercury
b. Water d. Sodium
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Ques 5. Which of the following is a non-metal?
a. Sodium c. Iron
b. Sulphur d. Aluminium
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Ques 6. The chemical formula of nitric acid is
a. H2SO4 c. HCl
b. H2O d. HNO3
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Ques 7. Which of the following is a polyatomic molecule?
a. O3 c. N2
b. P4 d. Ar
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Ques 8. The chemical formula of ammonia is
a. NH4 c. NH2
b. NH d. NH3
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Ques 9. The chemical formula of quick lime is
a. CaO c. CAO
b. Ca(OH)2 d. KaO
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Ques 10.The chemical formula of mercuric chloride is
a. MgCl2 c. HgCl2
b. MCl d. MCl2
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Ques 11. What does the symbol Co denote?
a. Carbon monoxide c. Carbon
b. Carbon dioxide d. Cobalt
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Ques 12. Common salt is also referred to as
a. Sodium chloride c. Carbon chloride
b. Ammonium chloride d. Sodium hydroxide
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Ques 13. One of the following is a pure substance
a. Soapy water c. Water
b. Alloy d. Emulsion
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Ques 14. One of the following is not an alloy
a. Iron c. Steel
b. Bronze d. Solder
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Ques 15.Divalent metals combine with oxygen to form
a. Chlorides c. Oxides
b. Sulphides d. Carbonates
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Ques 16. C6H12O6 is the chemical formula of
a. Alcohol c. Glucose
b. Baking soda d. Glucose
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Ques 17. Ca is the chemical symbol of which element?
a. Carbon c. Carbonate
b. Calcium d. Cobalt
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Ques 18. The chemical symbol of lead is
a. Le c. Ld
b. Pb d. P
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Ques 19. Ferrum is the Latin name of
a. Tin c. Iron
b. Germanium d. Flourine
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Ques 20. Argentum is the Latin name of
a. Aluminium c. Gold
b. Silver d. Argon
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Ques 21. The symbol for iodine is
a. Ei c. I
b.i d. Io
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Ques 22. Which of the following has variable valency?
a. Carbon c. Chlorine
b. Calcium d. Copper
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Ques 23. An atom is considered to be electrically
a. Negative c. Positive
b. Neutral d. None of these
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Ques 24.The distribution of electrons in various shells of an atom is known as
a. Valency c. Molecular formula
b. Electronic configuration d. Variable valency
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Ques 25. One of the following is not inert
a. Neon c. Argon
b. Silicon d. Radon
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Ques 26. The electronic configuration of an element is 2, 8, 7. What is its atomic number?
a. 16 c. 17
b.18 d. 42
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Ques 27. Elements which have the same number of neutrons are called
a. Isotones c. Isobars
b. Isotopes d. None of the above
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Ques 28. Which of the following is a negatively charged particle?
a. Proton c. Neutron
b. Nucleus d. Electron
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Ques 29. One of the following gases does not have a stable configuration:
a. Neon c. Argon
b. Radon d. Chlorine
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Ques 30. Who discovered the electron?
a. James Chadwick c. JJ Thompson
b. Goldstein d. None of the above
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Ques 31. Protons and neutrons together are called
a. Neutrinos c. Crotrons
b. Nucleons d. None of the above
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Ques 32. The word atom comes from the Greek word ‘atomos’ which means
a. divisible c. molecule
b. neutral d. indivisible
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Ques 33. One of the following is an example of a heteroatomic molecule
a. H2 c. P4
b. HCl d. N2
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Ques 34. The atomic number of an element is denoted by the letter:
a. Z c. A
b. B d. X
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Ques 35. Which one of the following is not a radical?
a. NH4 + c. OH-
b. NO3- d. NH3
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Ques 36. Oil and water may be separated by using
a. Chromatography paper c. Filter paper
b. Liebig’s condenser d. Separating funnel
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Ques 37. The dyes in an ink drop may be separated by
a. Distillation c. Evaporation
b. Chromatography d. Sublimation
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Ques 38. A mixture of sand and iodine can be separated by
a. Distillation c. Sublimation
b. Filtration d. Chromatography
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Ques 39. Salt is obtained from sea water through the process of
a. Evaporation c. Sublimation
b. Filtration d. Decantation
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Ques 40. The process of cooling a hot, concentrated solution of a substance to obtain crystals is called
a. Sublimation c. Chromatography
b. Crystallisation d. Crystallography
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Ques 41.The following separation technique is used in forensic science
a. Distillation c. Fractional distillation
b. Sublimation d. Chromatography
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Ques 42. The Liebig’s condenser is used in
a. Chromatography c. Sublimation
b. Distillation d. None of the above
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Ques 43. In the process of evaporation, which one of the following pieces of lab equipment will not be
a. Filter funnel c. Wire gauge
b. Bunsen burner d. Evaporating dish
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Ques 44. The atomic number of hydrogen is
a. 2 c. 0
b. 1 d. 3
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Ques 45. An element contains 3 protons, 3 electrons and 4 neutrons. What is its atomic number?
a. 4 c. 3
b. 1 d. 7
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Ques 46. The formula used to calculate the maximum number of electrons in an orbit of an atom is
a. 2XN c. 2+N
b. 2n 2 d. N2
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Ques 47. Metalloids are also called
a. Double metals c. True metals
b. Semi-metals d. Noble metals
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Ques 48. Which of the following metals are least reactive?
a. Iron and copper c. Sodium and potassium
b. Gold and platinum d. Aluminium and magnesium
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Ques 49. Fe + S ------------------------>
a. Fe3 S c. Fe2S
b. FeS d. None of the above
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Ques 50. Bronze is a mixture of
a. Copper and tin c. Copper and zinc
b. Copper and gold d. Copper and carbon
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Ques 51. The following is used for making electrical wires
a. Copper c. Zinc
b. Platinum d. Iron
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Ques 52. The following element is found in our bones:
a. Zinc c. Gold
b. Calcium d. Sodium
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Ques 53. CaCO3 is the chemical formula of:
a. Marble c. Baking soda
b. Sand d. Washing soda
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Ques 54. A mixture of oil and water is an example of
a. Colloidal solution c. Suspension
b. Emulsion d. Alloy
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Ques 55. The Latin name of potassium is
a. Plumbum c. Kalium
b. Natrium d. None of the above
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Ques 56. One of the following is a metalloid
a. Carbon c. Silicon
b. Helium d. Sulphur
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Subjective Questions
24 marks

Ques 57.(a) Write four differences between metals and non metals? (4)


(b) Write 2 differences between compounds and mixtures? (2)


Ques 58. (a) The atomic numbers of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) are 11 and 17, respectively. Write their
electronic configuration and show the distribution of their electrons with the help of diagrams. (4)

(b) What are protons and where are they found? (2)
Ques 59. Define the following terms: (6)
(a) Distillation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Sublimation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) Nucleons -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(d) Symbol

(e) Element
(f) Evaporation


Ques 60.Carefully study the diagram given below and answer the following questions:
(a) What is the name of the apparatus being used in this diagram? Why are we using it? (1+1)
(b) Which separation technique is it used for? (1)
(b) On the diagram mark the following: (a) oil (b) water (c) stopcock (3)

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