Subject: Biology Time: 90 Mins MCQ Based Questions: Class: 7 MM: 80

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Subject: Biology Class: 7

Time: 90 mins MM: 80

MCQ Based Questions
Ques 1.The ‘father of Biology’ is
a. Linnaeus c. Haeckel
b. Aristotle d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 2.Organisms were classified into plants and animals by
a. Linnaeus c. Robert Whittaker
b. Aristotle d. Haeckel
Correct Option:
Ques 3.Besides plants and animals, Haeckel added a new group to his classification. The group is called
a. Viruses c. Bacteria
b. Trees d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 4. Robert Whittaker proposed the
a. One Kingdom classification c. 2 Kingdom classification
b. 5 kingdom classification d. 3 Kingdom classification
Correct Option:
Ques 5. Kingdom Monera includes
a. Bacteria & Cyanobacteria c. Fish & Sharks
b. Mammals d. Gymnosperms
Correct Option:
Ques 6. Insectivorous plants grow in
a. Nitrogen deficient soil c. Sodium deficient soil
b. Loamy soil d. Iron deficient soil
Correct Option:
Ques 7. Penicillin, the first antibiotic, was obtained from a
a. Mould c. Animal
b. Algae d. Tree
Correct Option:
Ques 8. Another name for ‘non green’ plants is
a. Algae c. Trees
b. Angiosperms d. Fungi
Correct Option:
Ques 9.Trees are perennial. They live for
a. One year c. Two years
b. Ten years d. Many years
Correct Option:
Ques 10. Opuntia is seen in desert areas. It is a
a. Parasite c. Mesophyte
b. Xerophyte d. Bryophyte
Correct Option:
Ques 11. One of these is a deciduous tree
a. Neem c. Oak
b. Banyan d. Mango
Correct Option:

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Ques 12. The ‘amphibians’ of the plant kingdom are
a. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes c. Gymnosperms
b. Algae and Fungus d. Angiosperms
Correct Option:
Ques 13. Algae are plants which have a flattened, undifferentiated plant body. They are
a. Bryophytes c. Pteridophytes
b. Thallophytes d. Ferns
Correct Option:
Ques 14. Ferns have a stem, leaves, shoot and a primitive system to transport food and water. They are
a. Pteridophytes c. Thallophytes
b. Bryophytes d. None of these.
Correct Option:
Ques 15. Some examples of Gymnosperms are:
a. Ferns c. Cactus and Xerophytes
b. Pine and Deodar d. Maize and mustard
Correct Option:
Ques 16. Pine trees have needle shaped leaves to
a. stop the wind c. prevent accumulation of snow upon them
b. grow flowers d. None of these
Correct Option:
Ques 17. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Monocots and dicots do not have any c. Monocots have one and dicots have two
cotyledons cotyledons
b. Monocots have two and dicots have one d. Monocots and dicots have two cotyledons each
cotyledon (c)
Correct Option:
Ques 18. How many cotyledons are present in rice and wheat?
a. One c. Two
b. Three d. Zero
Correct Option:
Ques 19. Mango and Neem are
a. Herbs c. Shrubs
b. Trees d. Fruits
Correct Option:
Ques 20. Roses have a woody branched stem. They are
a. Herbs c. Grasses
b. Trees d. Shrubs
Correct Option:
Ques 21. The money plant is a
a. Climber c. Creeper
b. Runner d. Tree
Correct Option:
Ques 22. Radish and turnip are
a. Annuals c. Biennials
b. Perennials d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 23. The plants which grow in water are called
a. Mesophytes c. Hydrophytes
b. Xerophytes d. Parasites
Correct Option:

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Ques 24. Deer is
a. an autotroph c. a carnivore
b. a herbivore d. omnivore
Correct Option:
Ques 25. Bats and birds are
a. aerial animals c. arboreal animals
b. terrestrial animals d. None of these
Correct Option:
Ques 26. The animals belonging to Class Aves are warm blooded. They are
a. Elephants c. Birds
b. Bears d. Humans
Correct Option:
Ques 27. Frogs, salamanders and toads are
a. Reptiles c. Amphibians
b. Arthropods d. Mammals
Correct Option:
Ques 28. Segmented worms like earthworms belong to Phylum
a. Arthropoda c. Platyhelminthes
b. Annelida d. Porifera
Correct Option:
Ques 29. Name the largest phylum in the world
a. Mollusca c. Arthropoda
b. Annelida d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 30. The phylum which forms a link between invertebrates and vertebrates is called
a. Echinodermata c. Pisces
b. Protochordata d. Arthropoda
Correct Option:
Ques 31. Simple multicellular animals which have pores on their body and cannot locomote belong to
a. Coelenterata c. Porifera
b. Platyhelminthes d. Annelida
Correct Option:
Ques 32. Photosynthesis takes place in the presence of
a. Chlorophyll c. Chlorophyll and sunlight
b. None of these d. Sunlight only
Correct Option:
Ques 33. Water enters the cells of the roots through the process of
a. Photosynthesis c. Osmosis
b. Diffusion d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 34. Which of the following is a macronutrient?
a. Magnesium c. Iron
b. Manganese d. Zinc
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Ques 35. The rate of photosynthesis is influenced by the following factors:
a. Intensity of light c. Temperature
b. Concentration of carbon dioxide d. All of the above
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Ques 36. In plants, the food is stored in the form of
a. cellulose c. glucose
b. starch d. sucrose
Correct Option:
Ques 37. The following is an example of a solid waste
a. Raphide c. Resin
b. Tannin d. gum
Correct Option:
Ques 38. The following is an example of a photosynthetic waste
a. Water c. Carbon dioxide
b. Chlorophyll d. Oxygen
Correct Option:
Ques 39. Lime water turns milky when it reacts with
a. oxygen c. carbon dioxide
b. hydrogen d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 40. Transpiration is the process of loss of water through the
a. stomata c. lenticels
b. stomata and lenticels d. roots
Correct Option:
Ques 41. The following conditions affect transpiration:
a. Intensity of light c. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the air
b. Intensity of light, temperature, humidity & wind d. None of these
Correct Option:
Ques 42. Transpiration helps
a. to keep the plant warm c. to keep the plant cool
b. to pull water to great heights d. to keep the plant cool and pull the water to
great heights
Correct Option:
Ques 43. The spines in cactus are modified
a. roots c. flowers
b. leaves d. None of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 44. Energy produced is stored in the form of
a. APT molecules c. ATP molecules
b. Photons d. All of the above
Correct Option:
Ques 45. Glucose -----------------------> Lactic acid + Energy. The given equation is an example of:
Aerobic respiration c. Anaerobic respiration
b. Photosynthesis d. Transpiration
Correct Option:
Ques 46. Building up reactions are called
a. catabolic c. metabolic
b. anabolic d. All of the above
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Ques 47. Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of
a. nitrogen c. carbon dioxide
b. hydrogen d. oxygen
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Ques 48. A complex carbohydrate which can only be digested by herbivores but not human beings is
a. glucose c. Cellulose
b. simple sugar d. fructose
Correct Option:
Ques 49. Translocation of food is carried out in the
a. Xylem c. Phloem
b. Xylem and phloem d. None of these
Correct Option:
Ques 50. One of the following is not an example of an insectivorous plant
a. Pitcher plant c. Venus flytrap
b. Bladderwort d. Coleus
Correct Option:
Ques 51. Lichens are symbiotic associations of
a. algae and gymnosperms c. algae and insectivorous plants
b. algae and fungi d. Orchid and mistletoe
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Ques 52. The scientific name of the lion is
a. Mangifera indica c. Panthera leo
b. Panthera tigris d. Canis familiaris
Correct Option:
Ques 53. Stomata are tiny pores predominantly present on the
a. upper surface of the leaf c. stalk of the leaf
b. lower surface of the leaf d. sides of the leaf
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Ques 54. The iodine test is conducted on the leaf of a plant to confirm the presence of
a. Chlorophyll c. Salts
b. Starch d. Oxygen
Correct Option:
Ques 55. Which one of the following cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata?
a. Epidermal cells c. Prokaryotic cells
b. Animal cells d. Guard cells
Correct Option:
Ques 56. Vertebral column is another word for the
a. Backbone c. Skull
b. Rib cage d. None of these
Correct Option:

Subjective Questions
Ques 1. Answer the following questions in brief (6)
(a) Why is Cuscuta termed a total plant parasite?
(b) Why are Bryophytes and Pteridophytes called the ‘amphibians’ of the plant kingdom?

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(c) What is a thallus?
(d) What is habitat?
(e) What are warm blooded animals?
(f) What are carnivores?

Ques 2. Write 2 differences between the following: (2X3)

(a) Invertebrates and Vertebrates
(b) Photosynthesis and Respiration
(c) Herbs and shrubs
Ques 3.(a) State the function of each of the following: (3)
Deep roots in cacti
Needle shaped leaves in Pines
Chlorophyll in plants

(b) Write one characteristic feature of each of the phyla/class given below: (3)
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Pisces

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Ques 4.Carefully study the given diagram. On the diagram, label A, B & C and answer the following
questions. (6)
(a) Why is A not boiled directly over the flame?
(b) How will you confirm the presence of starch in the leaf?
(c) Name the process that results in the formation of starch in leaves.


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