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Construction Of Microcontroller Based Rj45 Terminated Network Cable








I hereby declare that this project report was undertaken and written by me Joseph Ishaku
under the supervision of Mr. Mohammed Hassan Yakubu of the department of Computer
Engineering technology, federal polytechnic mubi. Reference made to publish literature have
been duly acknowledged.

JOSEPH ISHAKU ………………… ………………..



This is to certify that this project report entitled “implementation of microcontroller based
rj45 terminated cable tester” by JOSEPH ISHAKU meets the regulation governing the
award of National Diploma(ND) of the federal polytechnic mubi, and is approved for its
contribution to knowledge.

Mr. Mohammed H. Yakubu …….…………. ………………..

Project Supervisor SIGNATURE DATE

Engr. Kabiru M. Halidu ………………. …………………

Head of Department SIGNATURE DATE

Engr. Ladan Majama’a ………………. ………………...

External Examiner SIGNATURE DATE


This project is dedicated to my Parent Mr. and Mrs. Ishaku Ahmadu


I am sincerely grateful to my parent Mr. and Mrs. Ishaku Ahmadu


This project is titled the design and construction of a computer cable tester. It is designed to
meet up with the safety and accuracy demand in flow of signal in computer cable.
It is design to detect If the cable carries the signal, this indicates that all the circuits are
closed, meaning that electric current can move unimpeded through the wires, and that there
are no short circuits, or unwanted connections, in the wire. A cable tester can identify if the
wires are paired correctly. It can also show if there is a break in the insulation, a situation
which allows crosstalk between two wires that should not be connected. The tester can also
tell whether the cable has the proper level of resistance.
This project was designed for confirming the continuity and correct wiring of computer leads
which have 8 wires, but it can be used to check any lead with up to 8 wires by using
appropriate connectors.

This project uses coding in assembly language to provide a very efficient algorithm for
carrying out the required task. The block diagram, the associated technology, algorithms, the
software and hardware requirements are all well illustrated to assist good understanding. As
of true for most project effort of this nature, progress also contributes after the work. For this
reason we devoted a significant effort to the selection of techniques whose value is likely to
remain applicable in a rapidly involving body of knowledge. We had immense benefit from
this project in that we learned a great deal in the domain of Network Cable Testing which
was entirely a new field for us to work and we trust that this project gives contribute in this
field. As is true of most writing efforts of this nature, progress continues after the work onthe
manuscript stop.

For this reason, we devoted significant effort to the selection of the material that we believe is
fundamental, and whose values likely to be applicable in a rapidly evolving body of





3.1      BLOCK DIAGRAM    





1.0 Introduction

A cable tester is an electronic device which is used to verify the electrical connections i n a
cable or other wired assembly. Generally a cable tester consists of a
s o u r c e of electric current, a voltmeter and a switching matrix used to connect
the current source and the voltmeter to all of the contact points in a cable.

In addition to these parts a cable tester may also have a microcontroller and a display to
automate the testing process and display the testing results.

A cable tester is used to verify that all of the intended connections exist and that there are no
unintended connections in the cable being tested. When an intended connection is missing it
is said to be "open" (as in Open circuit). When an unintended connection exists it is said to
be a "short" (as in Short circuit). A connection is said to be "mis- wired" if it has
two faults: it is open to the correct contact and shorted to an incorrect contact.

1.1 Background of the Study

The idea behind the design and construction of this system is to make available or alternative
means providing safety and accuracy demand in flow of signals in computer network. This
goes a long way in helping to curb the problem frequently encountered as a result of open
circuit and unwanted connection, in the wire.

When connected to an Ethernet cable, a cable tester tells if the cable is capable of carrying an
Ethernet signal. If the cable carries the signal, this indicates that all the circuits are closed,
meaning that electric current can move unimpeded through the wires, and that there are no
short circuits, or unwanted connections, in the wire. cable testers vary in complexity and
price, but a basic tester consists of a source of electrical current, a measuring device that
shows if the cable is good, and a connection between the two, usually the cable itself.

Computer cable tester use Ethernet cables to allow computers in the network to “talk” to each
other. An Ethernet cable has eight wires that are arranged in four pairs. For current to flow
correctly, the wire pairs must be connected in the proper order.

A cable tester can identify if the wires are paired correctly. It can also show if there is a break
in the insulation, a situation which allows crosstalk between two wires that should not be
connected. The tester can also tell whether the cable has the proper level of resistance.

If a network isn’t working correctly, the problem is frequently user error or other problems. It
will rarely be a faulty cable. A cable tester is more frequently used to tell whether a patch
cable will work before it is connected. The cabling should first be examined visually to
identify any obvious problems. If everything looks correct, a network cable testing device
may then be used.

A cable tester is a simple apparatus that merely identifies whether current flows through the
cable, or it may be a professional-level, complex device that gives additional information that
helps identify the problem. Professional-level cable testers may not only tell if an open circuit
exists, but may identify where the break is located. Some also identify the gauge of wire used
and can generate their own signal to test for interference.

Basic cable testers can test for simple connectivity issues but may not identify other problems
that cause the cable to malfunction. Cabling may not work when it is near a source of
interference or if the cable is too long. Intermittent faults may develop that do not show up
when the cable is tested. Sometimes the problem is not sustained long enough to show up on
the tester.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

Several studies have shown that the majority of network performance problems occur in or
near the users’ desktop/laptop computer.  These problems include, but are not limited to,
duplex mismatch conditions on Ethernet/FastEthernet links, incorrectly set TCP buffers in the
user’s computer, or problems with the local network infrastructure.  The work is designed to
quickly and easily identify a specific set of conditions that are known to impact network
performance.  A multi-level series of plain language messages, suitable for novice users, and
detailed test results, suitable for a network engineer, are generated and available to the user. 
Finally, the test results may be easily emailed to the appropriate administrator to assist in the
problem resolution phase.

Another problem is the inability of the testing personnel to use the instrument accurately.
When these tester is not used accurately that means that an incorrect result is expected to be

1.3 Aims And Objective

The purpose of this work is to design and construct a computer network tester that can be
used to identify if the wires are paired correctly. It can also show if there is a break in the
insulation, a situation which allows crosstalk between two wires that should not be
connected, which can  also tell whether the cable has the proper level of resistance.

A cable tester is used to verify that all of the intended connections exist and that there are no
unintended connections in the cable being tested. When an intended connection is missing it

is said to be "open". When an unintended connection exists it is said to be a "short" (a short
circuit). If a connection "goes to the wrong place" it is said to be "miswired" (the connection
has two faults: it is open to the correct contact and shorted to an incorrect contact). However,
the objective of the work is construct such device that does this work.

1.4 Significance

A computer network consists of a group of computers and devices interconnected by

communications channels, facilitating communications among multiple users. Computer
networks make it possible for users to share multiple resources and access shared files. A
hardwired network connection provides more secure and stable connections, transferring data
directly. As with most computer connectivity, special tools are required to build a successful
computer network.

1.6 Scope Of The Project

Cable tester is a battery operated portable instrument with a source of electric current, one or
more voltage indicators, and possibly a switching or scanning arrangement to check each of
several conductors sequentially. A network cable tester relies on the simple fact that network
cables transmit data electronically. Because electricity requires a continuous physical
connection, any breaks in the wiring inside the network cable prevent it from functioning.
The other problem cables can face is that of cross-wiring, where some of the internal wires
make the wrong connections, causing a short-circuit.

Most network cable testers can test two basic types of cable: coaxial and twisted pair. Coaxial
cable, the kind used for cable TV, uses a single shielded conductor that runs down the center
of the cable. Twisted pair relies on multiple pairs of wire wrapped together. Both kinds of
twisted pair use similar connectors, but the one for an is larger than that for telephone.
Coaxial cable normally uses the same kind of barrel connectors found in cable TV



2.0 Introduction

2.1.1 Defining an IT-network

Networks connect computers to one another, through a combination of hardware and software,
sharing information and peripherals in an economical and efficient manner. The computers or other
devices which are connected via the network are known as nodes. The network allows geographically
distant computers to share information with one another, as well as allow multiple users to share one
or more devices. A network can also be defined as a collection of independent computers,
interconnected by a single technology. Two computers are described to be connected when they are
able to exchange information (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle, 1994).

Different types of networks exist. The smallest is the local area network (LAN), which is normally
privately owned networks within a single building or campus up to a few kilometers in size. They are
widely used to connect personal computers and workstations of a company which share information
and resources. A metropolitan area network (MAN) covers a city, such as a cable television network.
Another type of network is a wide area network (WAN), which spans a large geographical area,
usually a country or continent. These are normally 10 owned by a service provider such as a telephone
company. Networks can be connected to one another through machines called gateways, which
translates information in terms of hardware and software, thus creating the internet. The internet
essentially connects different networks to one another, creating a global connected environment
(Tanenbaum, 2003).

Due to the fact that the Potchefstroom campus implements a LAN, only the LAN network will be
examined, in order to create a greater understanding of how the network is employed, what hardware
is used, and how it is maintained.

2.1.2 Local area network topologies

In terms of network layout and connectivity, the term topology describes the physical configuration of
a network. There are 4 main topology types of IT networks. It must be noted that these types are
purely theoretical and used as a foundation model to describe the networks. In reality, networks do not
often fall in single types. It is the nature of networks to combine different technologies and
architectures to form hybrid designs (Naugle, 1994; Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

 The Star topology is also known as a wiring hub. it consists of a central hub (switch), which is
connected to all the nodes. In this context the nodes represent the device, which can send and receive
information, and is part of the network. The topology has no single failure point which will affect the
network, except for the hub itself. This is one of the most popular topologies, and allows for efficient
network management (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle, 1994).

 the Ring topology encloses all nodes in a loop and considers them as repeaters. A repeater can both
receive and transmit information. If a station receives information which is not intended for it, it re-

transmits the information downstream. If a single station is down or removed from the network, it can
affect the whole network (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle, 1994). 11

 The Bus topology consists of a single shared length of cable, to which all nodes are connected). This
topology is also known as a linear topology. The network terminates at the endpoints and has no
closed loop. If the cable is damaged at any point, all the attached nodes are removed from the
network. The bus topology is normally used for Ethernet networks (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle, 1994).

 The Tree topology is a generalization of the bus topology. this topology has a hierarchical
undertone. It has a root point (normally a central hub/switch), from which all branches stem. There are
no loops in the network, which means there is only a single data path to any endpoint on the network.
If a network error occurs at a certain node in the network, all the dependant nodes down the hierarchy
are disconnected from the network (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle, 1994).

When designing a network, it is very important to include precautionary measures to prevent a total
network failure in the event that certain elements cease to work. An example of this is to ensure that a
back-up central hub is in place, should the primary hub go down, when a star topology is
implemented. Another example, when designing a ring topology, would be to ensure that when one
station is terminated, the data flow can continue in the opposite direction (Tanenbaum, 2003; Naugle,

2.1.3 Cable topologies for buildings

There are various ways of wiring a building. As mentioned above, some network topologies do exist
for the general network, but other topologies, specifically created to help with the wiring design inside
of a building also exist. The most simple building cable topology is the linear building topology. This
schema consists of a single cable, snaked through each room, where each device connects to it at the
nearest point. This is a bus topology (Naugle, 1994).

The backbone topology consists of a thick cable running vertically through a building (backbone).
Thinner cables connect to the backbone on each floor via repeaters and spreads throughout the floor to
the nodes. A repeater is a device which receives the signal, amplifies it, and then retransmits it to the
destination. A repeater is also known as a concentrator. Repeaters overcome the cable length limit and
the maximum attachments limit by extending the physical topology of the network (Naugle, 1994;
Tanenbaum, 2003; Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

The most popular building topology is the tree-network. This is a hierarchical network where hubs
are used to redirect the transmission to the right destination down the hierarchy. The transmission may
pass through a couple of switches up or down the hierarchy, but ultimately each destination has one
path (Naugle, 1994).

2.1.4 Network hardware

A network consists of a variety of different connected hardware types. One of the most important of
all the hardware types is cables. Cables are responsible for connecting different types of hardware and
devices over long distances. The term “Ethernet” refers to the cables in a network. There are mainly
five different types of cables used in networks. The implementation of each largely depends on the
geographical scale of the network, the potential data carrying capacity needed and the number of
connected features. It is common for a network to implement the use of more than one type of cable.
The five most commonly 13 used cables are depicted in Table 2.1 (Naugle, 1994; Tanenbaum, 2003;
Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

The thick coaxial cable (10BASE5) also known as thick Ethernet was the original network cable, but
since the latest cable releases, have become obsolete. It had a maximum data carrying capacity of 10
Mbps. More recent cables are able to cover greater distances and carry much more data. The next to
follow was the thin coaxial cable. It was much cheaper and easier to install than its predecessor, but
the maximum length of a segment was only 185 m and could only accommodate 30 machines.
Detecting cable breaks in one of the coaxial cable systems was hard, which drove the cable industry to
develop a new kind of wiring pattern (Naugle, 1994).

This new system consisted of every machine connecting a cable to a central hub, in which they are all
electrically connected, as if they were fused together. Due to the fact that each node has its own cable,
each one can easily be added or removed, which simplifies break detection vastly. The cable type for
this design is unshielded twisted pair (UTP). This is the same type of cables used by telephone
companies. UTP cables can be sub-divided into categories. Category 3, 4, and 5 cables can transfer
data at 10, 16 and 100 Mbps, respectively (Naugle, 1994; Tanenbaum, 2003).

A fibre optical cable is the final cable type. The cable consists of ultra thin fibre of glass inside the
cable, angled at such a degree that when a pulse of light is injected into the cable, none of the light
escapes. The transmission medium has both a light detector and light source on either side of the
cable. The light source accepts electrical binary pulses as input, converts it into light pulses and sends
it along the fibres. The detector generates an electrical pulse when light falls on it, and converts it to
an electrical pulse as output. The expensive fiber optic cable segments can stretch for kilometers and
is therefore mostly used for long distances between buildings. There are different types of optical
fibre cables, including the multi-mode optical fibre cable and the single-mode optical fibre cable. The
multi-mode optical fibre has a maximum length of 550 meters, while the single-mode optical fibre has
a maximum length of 10 kilometers (Naugle, 1994; Tanenbaum, 2003).

A repeater is another hardware type that is occasionally present in a network. As mentioned before,
repeaters extend the physical topology of the network by extending the number of potential
attachments and maximum length of cable segments. For instance, four repeaters on a 10Base5 cable
will lengthen the maximum length from 500m to 2500m. In short, repeaters make it possible for a
greater number of nodes to connect to a single cable. A cable segment may have a maximum of four
repeaters before the signal strength weakens (Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

There are different types of switching devices; each with its own diverting and collision management
parameters, but in essence performs the same task. Switching devices can interrupt a current in a data
conducting cable, and redirect the transmission to another conductor, thereby expanding the network
into different branches. These devices include repeaters, hubs, switches, routers and gateways. For the
purpose of this study all switching devices will be referred to as switches. Some other devices which
take part in the network are:

 Ports (also known as Terminals): These are all the sources and destinations in the network.

 Hosts: Hosts are large computers serving many users, providing computing capabilities or access to
a database. They are also known as servers or sources.

 Multiplexors and concentrators join the traffic of low speed lines into a single stream, which can use
a higher speed line (Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

It is not mandatory for all of the above mentioned hardware to be present in a network. Most
networks, such as the one used as the main focus of this study, implement a combination of the
various hardware types (Serumaga-Zake, 2006).

2.1.5 Potchefstroom campus IT network

The campus IT-infrastructure fundamentally consists of three types of network elements, switches,
cables and network ports. The campus has four distribution star topologies spread around on campus,
which are connected to one another. Each star consists of a number of switches. One of the stars
serves as the main server of the campus. The main server will be referred to as the source for the
remainder of this study. If the distribution stars need to communicate with one another the data bundle
will have to travel via the source. The distribution stars are connected to the source through a single-
mode fibre optic cable. Each star serves as a gateway to the source for a number of switches inside of
buildings of a specified area. For example, in this study the source connects to the library distribution
star, which in return connects to the switches in buildings E4 and E6 (Buys, 2010).

Each building has at least one IT utility room, which contains the switches for the building. The room
contain a number of switches depending on the number of network ports. Each switch can only serve
24 network ports. One of the switches is connected to the distribution star through a single-mode
optical fibre cable. Each switch is connected to the adjacent switch through a multi-mode optical fibre
cable (Buys, 2010).

The switch is connected to each individual network port through a Category 5e UTP cable (Cat 5e).
For instance, if a switch serves 24 network ports, there will be 24 Cat 5e cables connected to the
switch. The network which exists between the distribution star and the network port is a tree topology.
The campus infrastructure implements a combination of the star- and tree topologies (Buys, 2010).

Such a large scale network is constantly under immense pressure. Infrastructure constantly breaks
down. There is presently a lack of available information about the geographical 16 location of
infrastructure elements. Where there is information available, it is primitive (such as hardcopy paper

maps) and not always up to date. Implementing a management tool could benefit the utility
management and maintenance technicians. A system is needed to digitally store, manage, update,
analyze the information as well as visually display the geographical location of the elements (Buys,



3.1 Introduction

A cable tester is used to verify that all of the intended connections exist and that there are no
unintended connections in the cable being tested. When an intended connection is missing it
is said to be "open". When an unintended connection exists it is said to be a "short" (a short
circuit). If a connection "goes to the wrong place" it is said to be "miswired" (the connection
has two faults: it is open to the correct contact and shorted to an incorrect contact). However,
the objective of the work is construct such device that does this work

3.2 Block Diagram

Figure 1: block diagram

3.3 Circuit Diagram

Figure 2: circuit diagram

3.4 Part/List Of Components Used

The list of the components that were used in the construction are as follow (all isted under
their specified part/sections and explained):

3.4.1 Power Supply

 Step Down Transformer : We use 5 volt regulated supply for the whole circuit. For this, we
can either use step down transformer to step down the voltage or 7805 regulator to reduce the
voltage from 9 volt to 5 volt dc. In this project we use step down transformer to step down the
voltage from 220 volt ac to 9-0-9 volt ac. This AC is further connected to the rectifier circuit
for AC to DC conversion. Transformer current rating is 750 mA.

Figure 3: Transformer
 Diode: In this project we use IN 4007 diode as a rectifier. IN 4007 is a special diode
to convert the AC voltage into DC. Here, we use two diodes as a full wave rectifier.
Output of a rectifier is pulsating DC

Figure 4: Diode

 7805 IC: This IC is used to gain regulated power supply. To convert the pulsating dc
into smooth dc we use Electrolytic capacitor as a main filter. Capacitor converts
the pulsating dc into smooth dc and this DC is connected to the Regulator circuit
for Regulated 5 volt DC

Figure 5: Microcontroller
 LED:A power LED is used in this section to observe the correct functioning of
power supply

Figure 6: LED(light emitting diode)

3.4.2 Processing circuitry

 89s52 Microcontroller 
 Crystal Oscillator 
 Capacitor
 LAN Wire Connector 
 LEDs

3.4.3 LCD Display

 LCD (2 by 16)
 Diode

 Resistance

3.4.4 Reset circuitry

 Switch
 Resistance
 Capacitor

3.5 Component Layout on Bread Board

The layout can be done either by hand or by using the PCB(PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD)
Designing software like ORCAD or PROTE

Figure 7: Board Layout

3.5.1 Components Arrangement For Soldering

Figure 8: components arranged for soldering

SOLDERING: Soldering is the process of joining of two metals using an alloy
solder consisting of Tin and Lead (Sn-Pb). Tin determines the melting whereas the Lead is
used to reduce the cost. After the PCB fabrication is done, the various components are
arranged at proper locations on the PCB and then the soldering is done. All liquids consist of
particles which attract each other. The surface is always trying to shrink and this is because of
surface tension.

The principle behind soldering is that when liquid particles are brought in contact with the
walls of the solid surface, it may happen that the solid attracts the liquid surface. This
property is called adhesive property. Care must be taken that the melting point of solder is
below that of the metal so that its surface is melted without melting without the metal.

During the soldering process the flux acts as a medium for improving the degree of melting.
The basic functions of flux are mentioned below:

1.Removes oxide from the surface.

2.Assists the transfer of heat from the source to the joining and provides a liquid cover
including air gap.

3.Removal of residue after the completion of the soldering operation

3.6 Working of the project

In this project, we use one microcontroller to control all the transfer voltage and one LCD to
display the messages. We use 89s52 controller, which is a family member of the 8051
controllers. We use 2 lines and 16 characters LCD to display the message on the screen.
Along with the LCD and microcontroller, we use total 16 LEDs to check the continuity of
wire. Out of 16 LEDs, 8 LEDs are for the input signal and 8 for the output signal. We use 5
volt regulated supply for the whole circuit. For this, we can either use step down transformer
to step down the voltage or 7805 regulator to reduce the voltage from 9 volt to 5 volt dc.

We show how we can check the LAN or any other cable with the smart point to point
checking method. In this method of wire testing, we pass voltage from one end to another end
to each wire. If the wire passes the voltage successfully, then connected LED is ON and LCD
shows a message on screen .So microcontroller checks all the eight wires one by one and
shows the result on LCD. If all the points are okay then LCD display an ‘OK’ message. If
even a single wire is not transferring the voltage, then LCD shows a ‘NOT OK’ message.

This tester is a very simple two-piece unit that allows one person to check the operation of
10Base-T cables with a minimum of fuss. Both end of the assembled cable is plugged into
each of the tester units.
So we use a unit that has 8 outputs, each one of which produces a pulsesuccessively. Only
one output can be high at any time. Then we use two RJ-45connectors and we apply the
pulses to the 8 pins of one connector (A) and we connect LEDs at the pins of the other
connector (B). If we connect a straight LAN cable, we notice that the LEDs glow one by one
successively. If a wire is broken, the corresponding LED will not glow

 3.6 Casing/Packaging

Figure 9: casing

3.7 Principle Of Operation Of The Entire System

Network Testing is the prime application of LAN Cable Tester. It holds its firm existence in
the fast growing Internet broadband present scenario. The fault in any of the wire in the cable
can easily be detected by the use of this small but useful instrument and the speed can be
enhanced very easily which was earlier dumped by the cable fault. Moreover we can find its
application in the wired communication channel. If a single wire in the cable is not working it
will produce some interference resulting to noise, hence it will distort the information content
and proper information would not be transferred or received. By the use of LAN Cable Tester
we can find the actual fault in our network and make it appropriate. The implementation of
this LAN cable tester is efficient to those organizations and industries where the use of LAN
wire connection is more prominent.






4.2 ECT




5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

 Network Testing is the prime application of LAN Cable Tester. It was said earlier 

“…hopefully have an operable LAN”.

What is meant by that remark? Well, what happens when the LAN doesn’t perform as
expected or maybe doesn’t even seem to connect at all? Obviously that time we all need some
basic LAN troubleshooting and troubleshooting will sometimes require test equipment. The
purpose of this project is to create a simple but reliable LAN cable tester. It is intended for
use as a troubleshooting tool for basic connectivity testing. Even if a single wire in the cable
is not working, it will produce some interference resulting to noise. Hence it will distort the
information content and proper information would not be transferred or received. By the use
of LAN Cable Tester we can find all the problems associated with the cable and the actual
fault in our network to make it appropriate

5.3 Recommendation


• Electronic Devices And Circuits – J. B. Gupta
• Linear Integrated circuits – R. A. Gayakwad
• 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – M. A. Mazidi


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