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Scheme of Examination
School of Research & Technology
PROGRAMME: Bachelor of Technology Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)
BRANCH: Computer Science & Engineering SPECIALIZATION: Cloud Computing & Virtualization SEMESTER: VI
Maximum Marks Allotted
Credits Allotted
Theory Slot Practical Slot Subject Wise

Total Credits
Term Work

Quiz, Assignment

Total Marks
S. Subject


Lab Record &

Subject Name Remark

End Sem

End Sem

No. Code




1 BTI -641 Theory of Computation 70 20 05 05 - - - 100 3 1 04

practical: 32 hour workload per

teaching in theory, tutorial and
One credit refers to one hour
CTI-602 Business Process Management

week corresponding to LTP

2 70 20 05 05 35 10 05 150 3 1 2 06
Computer Graphics and Multi
3 BTI-643 70 20 05 05 35 10 05 150 3 1 2 06

BTI-644 Software Engineering & Project

4 70 20 05 05 35 10 05 150 3 1 2 06
Network Security &
5 BTI-645 70 20 05 05 35 10 05 150 3 1 2 06
Dynamic Paradigm in Cloud
6 CTI-606 - - - - 35 10 05 50 - - 2
Computing – II 02

7 CTI-607 Minor Project - - - - 35 10 05 50 - - 2 02

Total 350 100 25 25 210 60 30 800 15 5 12 32

MST: Mid Semester Test (at least twice per Semester) L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credit Theory
External Internal (100)
Theory of Computation BTI-641
(70) (30) Min:40
3 1 -
(D Grade)
Duration of Theory (Externals): 3 Hours

Theory Internal - Max Marks: 30

Best of Two Mid Semester Test –Max Marks: 20
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 10

Unit Contents (Theory)

Automata: Introduction to formal proof Additional forms of proof – Inductive proofs –Finite
Automata (FA) Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) –
Finite Automata with Epsilon transitions. Introduction to Sets , Logic , Functions , Relations ,
Languages , Kleene's Theorem
Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular Expression – FA and Regular Expressions – Proving
languages not to BT regular – Closure properties of regular languages – Equivalence and minimization
of Automata. A Criterion for Regularity, Minimal Finite Automata, Pumping Lemma for Regular
Context-Free Grammar and Languages: Context-Free Grammar (CFG) – Parse Trees – Ambiguity
in grammars and languages – Definition of the Pushdown automata – Languages of a Pushdown
Automata – Equivalence of Pushdown automata and CFG, Deterministic Pushdown Automata. PDA
corresponding to a Given CFG , CFG Corresponding to a Given PDA
Properties of Context-Free Languages: Normal forms for CFG– Turing Machines – Programming
Techniques for TM. The Pumping Lemma for CFG , Intersection & Complement of CFGs , Decision
Problems, Involving CFGs, Turing Machine (TM) ,Definition & Examples, Computing a Partial
Function with a TM
Un-decidability: A language that is not Recursively Enumerable (RE) – An undecidable problem that
is RE – Un-decidable problems about Turing Machine – Post’s Correspondence Problem - The classes
P and NP. Recursive Enumerable & Recursive Languages, Enumerating a Language, Context-Sensitive
Languages & Chomsky Hierarchy

1 Theory of Computation by S.N.Sivanandam, I.K International Publishing House
2 A Textbook on Automata Theory by Dr.P.K.Srimani Cambridge University
Press,New Delhi
3 Theory of Computation by Jeffery D. Ullman and Alfred Aho.
4 Theory of Computation by KLP Mishra and Chandershekharan
5 Theory of Computation by A A Puntambekar

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credit Theory Practical
Total Total
Business Process External Internal (100) External Internal (50)
(70) (30) Min: 40 (35) (15) Min:20
3 1 2
(D Grade) (D Grade)
Duration of Theory (Externals): 3 Hours
Theory Internal - Max Marks: 30
Best of Two Mid Semester Test –Max Marks: 20
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 10
Practical internal - max marks: 15
Lab performance/Lab Record/Viva – Max. Marks: 10
Assignment / Quiz/ Attendance – Max. Marks: 05

Unit Contents (Theory)

Understanding BPM Concepts:BPM Concepts - A Brief History of Process; The Process
Perspective; Process Management; Process Modeling; Process Analysis; Business Process
Management Framework; Business Process Management Systems (BPMS); BPM vs BPMS;
When to choose a BPMS; Aligning IT and Business; Components and structure of a BPMS;
Enterprise Process Management Planning; Key Skills, Roles and Responsibilities; BPM Value
Proposition; The BPM Community; Why automating BPM? ; Topology of a SOA reference
architecture; Positioning of BPM tools

BPM Architecture- BPM Design tools ; BPM Deployment tools ; BPM Monitoring and
management ; The process engine ; Process definition repository ; Transaction manager ; Example
Connector framework; ; EAI and B2B aspects; Topology and scalability ;
Core BPMS features and Interfaces - Repository support to Database support ; The level of
required customization; BPEL language compliance; Involvement of development languages ;
Human workflow solutions
Business Process Modeling& Analysis: Creating a process-driven culture; Change management
tools; Process discovery and process diagram; Creating a Discovery Map; Process diagram;
Capturing process details; Analyzing the process by using BPM methodology; Conducting a
playback of the process diagram; Process value-add analysis; Analyzing the as-is process by
value-add analysis; Using a priority matrix as a roadmap for process improvement; Key
performance indicators (KPIs); Blueprinting the to-be process; Creating a to-be process; Fault
Handling and Exception Management; Defining Events; Configuring Timeouts; Handling Faults;
Catching Exceptions ; Compensation Management
Architecting complex process applications:Data and system architecture, Advanced routing,
IV Integrating with external systems, Building stylish, high-performing user interfaces; Managing
complex task and process interactions; Visibility through dashboards and reports
BPM as enabler of SOA: SOA Concepts; Benefits; Key components of SOA; Application
V frontends; Basic Services ; The value of an ESB; Using a Repository; Increased agility for the
1. Combining Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture for Better Business
Outcomes( IBM Redbook)
2. Building IBM Business Process Management Solutions Using WebSphere V7 and Business Space
(IBM Redbook)
3. WebSphere Business Process Management V6.2 Production Topologies (IBM Redbook)
Text Books
1. BPM (Business Process in Cloud - BPaaS) by IBM ICE Publications

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credits Practical
Externals Internals Total
Business Process P
(35) (15) (50)
Management CTI-602
Min: 12 Min: 20
2 Min: Nil
(D Grade) (D Grade)

Practical Internal - Max Marks: 50

Lab Performance, Lab Record & Viva –Max Marks: 45
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 05

List of Experiments:
(Option to choose any Industry : Here is list of exercises for Banking / Insurance Industry ) Electives ( Any
one of the following from each section ):
Section A:
1. Create a Process Model for a Retail Banking Liability product.
2. Create a Process Model for a Retail Banking Loan.
3. Create a Process Model for opening a company current account.
4. Create a Process Model for a Corporate Lending.
Section B:
5. Create a Process Model for a Life Insurance Policy Issuance.
6. Create a Process Model for a Health Insurance Claim settlement to cash less scheme.
7. Create a Process Model for a Fire Insurance Claim settlement.
8. Create a Process Model for Fraud detection in Auto Claims.

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credit Theory Practical
Total Total
Computer L T P
External Internal (100) External Internal (50)
Graphics & BTI-643
(70) (30) Min: 40 (35) (15) Min:20
Multimedia 3 1 2
(D Grade) (D Grade)

Duration of Theory (Externals): 3 Hours

Theory Internal - Max Marks: 30
Best of Two Mid Semester Test –Max Marks: 20
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 10
Practical internal - max marks: 15
Lab performance/Lab Record/Viva – Max. Marks: 10
Assignment / Quiz/ Attendance – Max. Marks: 05

Unit Contents (Theory)

Introduction: Introduction to computer graphics & graphics system, representing pictures,
preparing, presenting & interacting with pictures for Presentations, storage tube graphics display,
Raster scan display, 3D viewing devices, Plotters, printers, digitizers, Light pens etc.; Active &
Passive graphics devices; Computer graphics software. Scan conversion: Points & lines, Line
drawing algorithms; DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm,
scan line polygon, fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.
Transformation:2D transformation & viewing: Basic transformations: translation , rotation,
scaling ; Matrix representations & homogeneous coordinates, transformations between
II coordinate systems; reflection ,shear; Transformation of points, lines , parallel lines, intersecting
lines. Viewing pipeline, Window to viewport co-ordinate transformation, clipping operations,
point clipping, line clipping, clipping circles, polygons & ellipse.
3D Transformation: 3D transformation & viewing: 3D transformations: translation, rotation,
scaling & other transformations. Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, reflection through an
arbitrary plane; general parallel & perspective projection transformation; clipping, viewport
clipping, 3D viewing.
Curves: Curve representation, surfaces, designs, Bezier curves, B-spline curves, end conditions
for periodic B-spline curves, rational B-spline curves. Hidden surfaces: Depth comparison, Z-
IV buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree method, the Printer’s algorithm, scan-line
algorithm; Hidden line elimination, wire frame methods, fractal - geometry. Color & shading
models: Light & color models, shading, interpolative shading model.
Multimedia: Introduction to Multimedia: Concepts, uses of multimedia, multimedia System
Architecture, evolving technologies, multimedia Data interface standards, multimedia databases,
multimedia components, Multimedia hardware and tools, multimedia Data & File Format
standards: -TIFF, MIDI, JPEG, DIB, MPEG, RTF, etc. Image, video and audio standards, Audio
& video compression, Animation: types, techniques, key frame animation, utility, morphing;
Virtual Reality concepts.
1 Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson
2 Prabat K Andleigh and Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems and Design”, PHI Learning,
3 FolayVandam, Feiner, Hughes “Computer Graphics Principle & Practice”, Pearson Pub.
4 Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia making it works”, Tata McGraw Hill edition.
5 Sinha &Udai, “Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill publication.

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credits Practical
Externals Internals Total
Computer Graphics & P
(35) (15) (50)
Multimedia BTI-643
Min: 12 Min: 20
2 Min: Nil
(D Grade) (D Grade)

List of Experiments(Expendable)

1 Introduction on Graphics Programming and Graphics Functions

2 Program to Implement a Line Using Slop Intercept Formula.
3 Program to Implement Line Using simple DDA Algorithm
4 study & co Program to Implement Line Using simple DDA Algorithm
5 Program to Implement Line Using simple DDA Algorithm

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credit Theory Practical
Software Total Total
Engineering & (100) (50)
External Internal External Internal
Project BTI-644
(70) (30) Min: 40 (35) (15) Min:20
Management 3 1 2
(D Grade) (D Grade)
Duration of Theory (Externals): 3 Hours
Theory Internal - Max Marks: 30
Best of Two Mid Semester Test –Max Marks: 20
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 10
Practical internal - max marks: 15
Lab performance/Lab Record/Viva – Max. Marks: 10
Assignment / Quiz/ Attendance – Max. Marks: 05

Unit Contents (Theory)

Software Process: Introduction –S/W Engineering Paradigm – life cycle models (water fall, incremental,
spiral, WINWIN spiral, evolutionary, prototyping, object oriented),Agile Model - system engineering –
computer based system – verification – validation – life cycle process – development process –system
engineering hierarchy.
Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional - user – system –requirement engineering process
– feasibility studies – requirements – elicitation – validation and management – software prototyping –
II prototyping in the software process – rapid prototyping techniques – user interface prototyping -S/W
document. Analysis and modeling – data, functional and Behavioral models – structured analysis and data
Design Concepts And Principles: Design process and concepts – modular design – design heuristic –
design model and document. Architectural design – software architecture – data design – architectural
design – transform and transaction mapping – user interface design – user interface design principles. Real
time systems - Real time software design – system design – real time executives – data acquisition system -
monitoring and control system. SCM – Need for SCM – Version control – Introduction to SCM process –
Software configuration items
Taxonomy of software testing – levels – test activities – types of software test – black box testing –
testing boundary conditions – structural testing – test coverage criteria based on data flow mechanisms –
regression testing – testing in the large. S/W testing strategies – strategic approach and issues - unit testing
– integration testing – validation testing – system testing and debugging
Software Project Management: Measures and measurements – S/W complexity and science measure –
size measure – data and logic structure measure – information flow measure. Software cost estimation –
V function point models – COCOMO model- Delphi method.- Defining a Task Network – Scheduling –
Earned Value Analysis – Error Tracking - Software changes – program evolution dynamics – software
maintenance – Architectural evolution. Taxonomy of CASE tools
1 James F Peters and WitoldPedryez, “Software Engineering – An Engineering Approach”, PressMan
2 Ali BEhforooz and Frederick J Hudson, “Software Engineering Fundamentals”, Oxford University
3 RajaniKantaMalu “ Software Engineering”, Scitech Publication PVT.LTD. Chennai
4 Sajan Mathew, Software Engineeing, S.Chand New Delhi
5 Paul Ammann, Introduction to Software Testing, Cambridge University Press,New Delhi

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)
Subject Title Credits Practical
Externals Internals Total
Software Engineering & P
(35) (15) (50)
Project Management BTI-644
Min: 12 Min: 20
2 Min: Nil
(D Grade) (D Grade)

List of Experiments(Expendable):
1. Study of Waterfall Model
2. Study of Prototyping Model
3. Study of RAD Model
4. Study of Spiral Model
5. Preparing an SRS Document
6. Study of Verification and Validation Testing
7. Development of a Small Software using Software Development Life Cycle Processes

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School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credit Theory Practical
Total Total
Network L T P
External Internal (100) External Internal (50)
Security& BTI-645
(70) (30) Min: 40 (35) (15) Min:20
Cryptography 3 1 2
(D Grade) (D Grade)
Duration of Theory (Externals): 3 Hours
Theory Internal - Max Marks: 30
Best of Two Mid Semester Test –Max Marks: 20
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 10
Practical internal - max marks: 15
Lab performance/Lab Record/Viva – Max. Marks: 10
Assignment / Quiz/ Attendance – Max. Marks: 05

Unit Contents (Theory)

Introduction to Network Security, Computer Security, Information Security, Introduction to
Threats, Attacks, Types of Attacks, Introduction to Packet Sniffing, Spoofing, Introduction to
Authentication and Authorization, Introduction to Cryptography, Elements of Cryptography,
Steganography, Cryptanalysis, Cryptographic Attacks, Classical Encryption Techniques,
Symmetric Key Cryptography, Simple DES Algorithm, DES Algorithm, AES and IDEA
Encryption Algorithm.
Introduction to Public/Private Key Cryptography, Shared Key Cryptography, RSA Algorithm,
Diffie Hellman Algorithm, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Introduction to Key Management, Key
Management Techniques, Introduction to Message Digest, Introduction to Digital Signatures,
Digital Signature Algorithm and MD5 Function.
Introduction to Message Digest Functions, Hash Functions, Classification, MAC Functions,
III Classifications, HMAC, Introduction to SHA and RIPEMD, Introduction to KerBeros, KerBeros
Security, Introduction to Sure Socket Layer and Secure Electronic Transactions.
Introduction to Malicious Softwares, Virus and Worms, Classification, Trojan Horse and Trap
IV Doors, Types of Trojans, Zombies, Introduction to Intruders, Types, Intrusion Detection System,
Intrusion Detection Techniques, Introduction to Anti-Virus Software’s and its Applications.
Application security- web application security , regular application security , Embedded
application security, remote administration security, data base security, Firewalls and TCP/IP,
packet filtering firewalls, Statefull packet- inspection firewalls, OS-based firewalls and functions
of firewalls.

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice” Pearson
2. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Michael Speciner, “ Network Security -Private
communication in a public world” TMH
3. Fourozon, “Cryptography & Network Security” TMH
4. Atul Kahate,”Cryptography and Network Security” Mc Graw Hill

Page 9 of 12
School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credits Practical
Externals Internals Total
Network Security& P
BTI-645 (35) (15) (50)
Cryptography Min: 12 Min: 20
2 Min: Nil
(D Grade) (D Grade)

Practical Internal - Max Marks: 50

Lab Performance, Lab Record & Viva –Max Marks: 45
Assignment / Quiz – Max. Marks: 05

List of Experiments(Expendable):
1. Encryption using Caesar Cipher
2. Implement Encryption using Mono-Alphabetic Cipher
3. Implement Poly-Alphabetic Cipher
4. Algorithm for Transposition Cipher technique
5. Algorithm for Rail fence Technique
6. Implement Simple Columnar
7. Write an algorithm for Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm
8. Implement DES Algorithm
9. Implement AES Algorithm
10. Implement RSA public key encryption algorithm
11. Implement RC4 Algorithm
12. Implement RC5 Algorithm
13. Implement Blowfish Algorithm

Page 10 of 12
School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Subject Code Credits Practical

Internals Total
Dynamic Paradigm in P External
CTI -606 (50) (50)
Cloud Computing -II
2 Nil Min: Nil Min: NIL
Practical internal - max marks: 50
Assignment / Quiz/ Attendance – Max. Marks: 50

Objective: The main purpose of this subject is to develop interaction of students with industry
technology experts also known as Subject Matter Expert(SME). Institute need to manage at least two
session with such SME in full semester. After each session, Faculties, should take quiz/seminar on
subject which is delivered/presented to students.

Page 11 of 12
School of Research & Technology
Programme: B. Tech. (CSE) Specialization: Cloud Computing & Virtualization Semester-VI
Applicable for Admitted student on or before 2016 in 1st Year (2017 for Lateral Entry)

Subject Title Credits Practical
Externals Internals Total
Minor (35) (15) (50)
Project Min: 12 Min: 20
2 Min: Nil
(D Grade) (D Grade)

Purpose: Purpose of this project to understand and use of technologies and methods that are learnt in
the curriculum. Students need to create a project in team of 2-3 Using real life problems.

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