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Book · October 2017


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1 author:

Marco Bitetto
Nuova Universita Di Engegneria E Scienza. (518)703-9171


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By Dr. Marco Bitetto

This is an ebook
made up of very
funny stories of
fiction. You will
enjoy reading and
rereading these
stories for decades
to come.
Copyright © 2017
All Rights Reserved

Adventures In New Stockholm public education system has been
By solved planet wide. Everybody in each
of these human settlements works by
Dr. Marco Bitetto
law. Everyone in each of these towns
and cities is extremely healthy, young
and vibrant. The oldest citizen of any
The year is 2125 and the Earths over
of these human settlements is sixty
population, poverty, misery and
years old. These facts are true planet
squalor has been solved. The towns
and cities around the world have both
become more countrified and utopian
at the same time. Robotic transport
The means of government for each of
based flying and rolling vehicles bring
these towns, cities and nations is an
goods from town to town and city to
automated artificially intelligent com-
city or city to town and visa versa.
puter network that spans the planet
and has the same laws planet wide.
This is independent of the nations of
In these utopian settlements of hu-
the planet. The single common lan-
mans, there are no needs for social wel-
guage of the planet is American stan-
fare systems, crime levels are nonexist-
ent, the problems of a poor and corrupt
dard English of the Northeast region of The planet has a new unified and stan-
the United States. dardized currency called the credit and
it is totally digital in nature. Everyone
one the planet walks around with a
All medical care is done by robots and smart card that contains both their life
major medical problems that are acute savings and also all their personal and
and or severe are totally nonexistent. biometric data as well. These smart
There is an abundance of food, shelter, cards are able of being used simply by
work, education, medical care and being placed on top of data entry termi-
other items as well. nals that are next to robotic cash regis-
ters that automatically tally the pur-
Artificially intelligent computers and ro-
chases of items by seeing what kind of
bots exist that are controlled by
items they are.
thoughts from implanted biocompatible
neuromorphic nano-chips that are con-
nected to external microwave transceiv-
The town that our unexpected time trav-
ers that are located on top of the sculls
elers have entered is New Stockholm.
of the residents of these towns, cities
They have entered this city by accident
and nations alike. Both men and
during passage through a time rift that
women walk around totally bald.
was a result of all out nuclear war be-
tween China and the United States of
America. This thermonuclear war power down to Earth and orbital power
stated over trade and immigration is- transmission satellites that relay power
sues that remained unresolved and all around the planet via a network of
lead to both trade and economic imbal- Earth stations and orbiting satellites
ances in favor of China. alike.
In the case of our American time travel-
ing visitors, they had to land their jet
Our time traveling guests were met by
airplane in a level river valley near New
a typical worker from New Stockholm it-
Stockholm. The entire landscape of
self. He lead them to New Stockholm it-
the planet has changed radically since
self by walking there. A distance of fif-
the advent of major terraforming pro-
teen kilometers easily. During their
jects has taken place planet wide.
walk, the worker from New Stockholm
informed them that everyone on the
planet now has an intelligence quotient
Both clothing and plastics are now
score of one hundred sixty and that all
made from plant by products that come
lower mental scores have become ex-
from the food processing industries.
tinct planet wide.
Petroleum is no longer used, solar,
wind and fusion power are the norm as
to is solar power satellites beaming
The cities and towns of this ultra mod- istent anywhere on the planet. Also, Ja-
ern and utopian planet wide civilization cob inadvertently and secretly wit-
are totally enclosed in geodesic domes nesses a mandatory law based euthana-
that are made entirely out of clear car- sia of someone that was a day over
bon fiber reinforced plastic that came sixty. This individual was allowed to
from the by products of plant based have sex with those women that oper-
food processing. Everyone on the ated the gas cylinders of carbon mon-
planet is vegetarian and all the food oxide. After this man had a threesome
crops have been modified to produced sex with two extremely young and
ultra high levels of both animal pro- beautiful blond haired and blue eyed
teins and vitamins and minerals as white females, one of the females
well. placed an oxygen like mask over his
head and the other opened the valve of
the cylinder of carbon monoxide.
The names of our two time travels are Within less than a minute, the nude
Daniel and Jacob. Daniel is in his early man on the bed was dead and the
forties and Jacob is in his early fifties. women had placed a death tag on his
right big toe for the law required eutha-
nasia data reporter to register in the
Among the astounding things that they planets population database that is
find out is that religion is totally nonex- held in the planet wide artificially intelli-
gent super computer that spans the and that they now had to comply with
globe. all planetary laws and do so under all

Before, Jacob could get back to tell Da-

nial about this, Danial was informed The two men suddenly breath a breath
that both he and his partner were ex- of resignation at their soon to occur
pected to obey all the laws of the euthanasia. Danial then began to lay
planet under all conditions. Shortly af- down on his bed and Jacob laid down
ter the worker from New Stockholm left on the couch. The two men soon fell
Danial in his newly furnished home, Ja- asleep and a new day came upon their
cob met up with Danial and informed awakening.
him of the mandatory law required
euthanasia of all those over the age of
sixty. The two men were suddenly To correspond with this author go to
agape at the prospects of their soon to the below listed web sites:
be ordered deaths by planetary law.
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FA C E B O O K :
Danial than explained to Jacob that
they were now stuck in this time line o
FA C E B O O K : Side Dr. Marco Bitetto
FA C E B O O K :
Billy is a very strange teenage boy that
constantly gets into trouble doing silly
FA C E B O O K :
rsita-di-Engegneria-e-Scienza One day Billy Arthur decided to make a
rocket propelled go-cart and put two
rocket engines powered by a water
based Hoffman apparatus. The go-cart
took off and knocked Billy right of it
and smashed right into Mr. Wilson’s
hardware shop and promptly exploded
and burst into flames. Mr. Wilson and
his three sons ran out with buckets of
sand to put out the fire. Within minutes
Another time Billy decided to make a
the Wilson’s put out the flames.
rocket jet plane from a $0.25 balsa
Another time Billy decided that he was wood model airplane that was de-
going to land on the moon in a rocket signed to be rubber band powered. He
chair. So he took Ms. Graham’s thrown reinforced the wings with plenty of pa-
out wicker chair and taped three hun- per and his sister Amanda’s nail hard-
dred model rocket engines to all four ening colored nail polish and crazy
sides of the wicker chair. When all the glued two model rocket engines to the
model rocket engines were ignited by a tail of the balsa wood model airplane.
throw of a switch that Billy had in his Billy then put the model airplane on the
hand, He was summarily thrown off the ground of his parents drive way and
wicker chair and the wicker chair broke pushed the button that set the rockets
through the wooden picket fence and afire and the balsa wood model air-
ended up in Ms. Graham’s rose garden plane went airborne with a whoosh
and promptly burst into flames and de- sound ultimately flying through the Mar-
stroyed all the roses at one time. Luck- thas second story bedroom windows
ily, Ms. Graham’s house is located exiting from the rare bedroom window
some distance away from the rose only to get caught up in the very top
bush on the side of the house. branches of an old oak tree. Where the
two rocket engines smoked for a while wagon and repermanded Billy for what
before going dead. he did. Billy was then dejected and
slowly walked back pulling his little red
When Billy was two, he tied his little
wagon behind him and had his head
red wagon to the Wilson’s large five
down all the way home. Mean while,
year old male dog that was a mixed
the Wilson’s dog promptly ran right
bread of unknown mixture and also
back into Mr. Wilson’s hardware shop
tied a string around the dogs balls.
and stayed there all week long.
When asked why he did this, he stated
he needed a way to control passing
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Good thing Mr. Miller the police officer
stopped Billy when he was racing
TWITTER: @DrBitetto
down the street and the poor Wilson
dog was panting like crazy and had it’s FA C E B O O K :
tongue hanging out of the side of its
mouth. Officer miller promptly cut off o
the rope tied around the dogs balls and
also cut the dog free of the little red
FA C E B O O K : A Day at the Intergalactic Beauro
Dr. Marco Bitetto
FA C E B O O K : Side
The intergalactic beauro started during
FA C E B O O K : the first year of the galactic empire and Gnat the first of Gamma Centauri.
FA C E B O O K :
He issued the edict that started the in-
tergalactic beauro and mandated that
all aliens within the Milky Way galaxy
register with the intergalactic agency.
The purpose is for statistical reasons.

The forms that this intergalactic

agency requires to be filled out ask
such questions as what level of educa-
tion you have had, what stellar system intergalactic taxes up the ghazo for all
you came from, what alien species you the other lazy good for nothing horny
are, how many offspring you have, alien species. Humans are the worst
what the size of your brood is, how alien species at these. They are even
large your sexual organ is, how many willing to have multiple partners sex
times you have sex during a standard even with other alien species. I tell
galactic week and how many intergalac- you, if I were a fly on the wall then I
tic credits you have accumulated. This would have all of my multifaceted eyes
is in addition to what job you do and pop out. Flies are things that regularly
how many mates you have. inhabit human dwellings and love to
bite humans all over and even bite their
sex organs to boot.
Some alien species have as many as
one hundred wives and have sex ten
times per day. This is not to mention But enough of this, It’s my turn now to
that their sexual organ of penetration is hand it my official intergalactic forms
three meters long. and depart this hellish intergalactic
agency with is Denuvian and human
workers alike.
Whoopidoo, some alien species have
all the luck. Others end up paying the
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FA C E B O O K : Side
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