Syllabus MSC Data Science-Skovde

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Data Science - masterprogram
Data Science - Master’s Programme
120 credits

Programme Code: DSCMA The Programme Syllabus is valid from: Autumn term 2022
Academic Level: Advanced level Date of Approval: 9 December 2021
Version: 8.1

1 Name and Scope of the Study Programme

The programme is provided by the University of Sköv- For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
de and is named Data Science - Master’s Programme.
It comprises 120 credits. • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the
main field of study, including both broad know-
2 General Objectives ledge of the field and a considerable degree of
Courses and study programmes on the advanced level specialised knowledge in certain areas of the fi-
shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge, eld as well as insight into current research and
competence and skills in relation to courses and study development work, and
programmes on the basic level, and in addition to the • demonstrate specialised methodological know-
requirements for courses and study programmes on the ledge in the main field of study.
basic level shall:
Competence and skills
• further develop the ability of students to integra- For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
te and make autonomous use of their knowledge,
• demonstrate the ability to critically and systema-
• develop the students’ ability to deal with com- tically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess
plex phenomena, issues and situations, and and deal with complex phenomena, issues and
• develop the students’ potential for professional situations even with limited information,
activities that demand considerably autonomy, • demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate
or for research and development work. issues critically, autonomously and creatively as
(Objectives for courses and study programmes on the advanced level, The
well as to plan and, using appropriate methods,
Higher Education Act)
undertake advanced tasks within predetermined
time frames and so contribute to the formation
3 Programme Objectives of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate
The main area of education is informatics with a spe- this work,
cialisation in data science (the science of designing • demonstrate the ability in speech and writing
and utilizing information systems for the extraction of both nationally and internationally to clearly re-
knowledge from large volumes of data (”big data”)). port and discuss his or her conclusions and the
knowledge and arguments on which they are ba-
Objectives for Master’s Degree according to the Hig- sed in dialogue with different audiences, and
her Education Ordinance
• demonstrate the skills required for participation
Knowledge and understanding in research and development work or autono-
mous employment in some other qualified capa- knowledge from big data. The programme, which con-
city. tains a large amount of practical assignments, provides

a holistic perspective on data science. This entails the

Judgement and approach study of different theories, methods and techniques

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall

that aim at using all relevant, most often, complex and

heterogeneous, data for the purpose of supporting and

• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in

the main field of study informed by relevant di- providing insight to a decision maker. The main con-

tents of the programme are within artificial intelligence

sciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to

demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of re- (AI), data mining, programming, visual data analysis,

search and development work, business intelligence, and decision support for big data

(large quantities of complex data).

• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and li-
mitations of research, its role in society and the The study programme has a main theme that focu-
responsibility of the individual for how it is used, ses on basic and wide understanding of informatics,
and the main area of education, and on central areas of data
science, e.g., programming and AI. This fundamental
• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal knowledge is deepened and applied through different
need for further knowledge and take responsibi- methods for visual data analysis and data mining and
lity for his or her ongoing learning in an individual project in which the students can solve
Local Objectives for the Study Programme according a chosen problem within data science. Application and
to theUniversity of Skövde synthesis of analysis methods and theories within deci-
After completion of the study programme, the student sion making and analysis of complex data structures, in
should be able to show: particular within the area of business intelligence, con-
stitute a third theme. The study programme ends with
• wide knowledge and understanding of funda- a master degree project where the student is trained
mental theories, methods and techniques within in identifying and approaching a problem within data
data science, and various tools for data science science from a scientific perspective. The student has
including how these tools are utilized in different the possibility to extend and elaborate upon a problem
domains, encountered in the previous courses or, alternatively,
formulate a new problem based on what has been lear-
• considerable in depth knowledge regarding cur- ned throughout the programme.
rent research and development within intelligent
data analysis, The study programme comprises the following cour-
• considerable in depth knowledge regarding cur- ses
rent research and development within program-
ming and system sciences for data science, Artificial Intelligence A1N, 7.5 credits

• considerable in depth knowledge regarding re- Big Data Programming A1F, 7.5 credits
cent research and development within decision
support for data science, and Business Intelligence A1F, 7.5 credits

• insight into the possibilities and limitations of in- Data Mining A1N, 7.5 credits
formatics with regard to digitalisation for sustai-
nable development. Data Science Project A1F, 15 credits

4 Programme Content Explainable AI A1F, 7,5 hp

The study programme provides wide and deep know-
ledge and understanding of the area of education, with Information Fusion A1F, 7.5 credits
considerable in depth knowledge within the computer
science specialisation of informatics. The main focus Introduction to Data Science A1N, 15 hp
of the study programme is data science, which can be
described as the science concerned with the develop- Master Degree Project in Informatics with Speciali-
ment and use of information systems for extracting zation in Data Science A2E, 30 credits
2021. It is valid from the autumn semester of 2022 and
Predictive Analytics A1F, 7,5 hp replaces the programme syllabus ratified on 11 Febru-

ary 2021.

Visual Data Analysis A1N, 7.5 credits

8 Changes to the Programme Syllabus

The programme studies are carried out in accordance

with the current programme syllabus in effect at the

5 Admission Requirements time when the studies were initiated, provided that the

A Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandi- structure of the programme is followed and that no le-

datexamen) within the fields of Informatics, Computer ave of studies has been granted.

Science or similar, as well as skills equivalent to 15

credits in Programming and 15 credits in Mathematics In the event of continued studies after a period of ap-
or Statistics. proved leave of studies, the students is to follow the
programme syllabus in effect the term that the student
A further requirement is proof of skills in English equi- resumes his/her studies. If substantial changes to the
valent of studies at upper secondary level in Sweden, programme syllabus have been made, the student may
known as English course 6 / English course B. This is contact a student and career counsellor in order to set
normally demonstrated by means of an internationally up an individual study plan.
recognized test, e g IELTS, TOEFL or the equivalent.
Reservations are made for the fact that the programme
The above admission requirements apply for admission syllabus and its courses are subject to change, within
to the programme. For further studies within the pro- the framework of the objectives of the programme.
gramme, the admission requirements for each course
must be complied with. These admission requirements 9 Additional Information
are specified in each separate course syllabus. The teaching is conducted in English.

6 Degree Further information about the study programme will

Those who complete the programme’s courses with a be available on the University’s web pages prior to a
pass grade also comply with the requirements for De- programme start.
gree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in
Informatics. National and local regulations for higher education
are available on the University’s website.
Degrees are awarded after application. Information
about how to submit an application can be found on During the programme, as well as after its comple-
the Universitys website. tion, there are follow-ups. The main purpose of these
follow-ups is to contribute to improvements of the pro-
7 Approval of Study Programme and Programme gramme. The students’ experiences and views constitu-
Syllabus te one of the criteria for the follow-up and are gathered
The study programme was established by the Vice- by means of programme evaluations. The students will
Chancellor at the University of Skövde on 25 Septem- be informed of the results of the follow-up and any
ber 2014. This programme syllabus was ratified by the decisions regarding actions that are to be taken.
Curriculum Committee for Informatics on 9 December

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