Scramble and Partition of North Africa

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The scramble and partition of Africa otherwise known as the race for Africa was process of
invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of African territories by European
Imperialists. For a long time, the presences of Europeans and their activities on the African
continent has been considered. Until the 19th century, European activities in Africa were limited
to the coastal areas, trading in slaves and other commodities with the inlands of Africa was
conducted through Native middlemen. However, beginning in the middle of the 19 th century,
Europeans interest in African inlands was heightened with the abolition of slave trade and
legitimate trade replacing it, the Europeans were no longer content to let Africans dictate the
terms of trade and exchange as they hoped to take direct control of the African inlands which as
a result led to the scramble and partition of Africa(North Africa) for economic, political and
social reasons.
At the end of the 19th century, the scramble for African territories and partition of the continent
between the Europeans powers were mainly caused by the actions surrounding the occupation
and control of the Congo Basin by king Leopold II of Belgium and other Europeans nations.
Britain, France, Portugal and other European countries became alarmed given the conflict in the
Congo Basin to be intense. Be that as it may, the rivalry between and among European countries
over the various occupation of Africa was what led to the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
Hence, the conference was held under the chairmanship of the then German Chancellor, Otto
Von Bismarck to regulate inter-European relations in Africa in a way to ensure that European
powers would not result to war among themselves in their race for territorial acquisition in
Africa. The conference was initiated by Germany and France from November 1884 to February
1885 to discuss the procedures or prices for determining the exploitation and domination of
African Territory, North Africa for example.

The scramble for Africa and the partition of North Africa by the European imperialist can be
established on these factors;

1. The suzerainty exercised by the Ottoman Empire in regions of North Africa.

The Ottoman Empire was one of the mightiest and longest-lasting dynasties in world history,
located in Europe, it was stated that it had it influence in Europe and Africa and the first to
occupy North Africa. By 1875, a large part of North Africa was under that suzerainty of the
Ottoman Empire. Turkish officials ruled Libya and Tunisia, though ruled by its own Beys, paid
annual tribute to Turkey, Algeria was also under the Ottoman’s suzerainty. The Ottoman Empire
collapsed and the military balance turned to benefit European countries, and Turkey increasingly
relied on loans from European capital centers. The period of 1880 to 1939 therefor ushered in the
replacement of this Ottoman hegemony by the European Hegemony in North Africa as European
countries such as France, Britain, Spain, and Italy began to scramble and partition for parts of
North Africa; France took over Algeria and Tunisia, Britain occupied Egypt and Sudan, Morocco
by France and Spain and Libya by Italy.

2. The Struggle by European powers over the control of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Mediterranean is a vast sea positioned between Europe to the north, Africa to the South, and
Asia to the East. It covers an area of approximately 2.54 million square kilometers; at its longest
it is 3,800 kilometers and at its widest it is 800 Kilometers. To the West it is connected to the
Atlantic Oceans through the strait of Gibraltar, to the east with the Black sea through the
Dardanelles Straits, and to the South, since 1869, When the Suez Canal was opened, connected
to the Red Sea. The Mediterranean region has been the center of European political, economic,
and cultural development since ancient times, it is an area rich in history and has played critical
roles in the development of shipping and trade, as resource for feeding growing populations, and
as an aid to the spread and mingling of races and culture. The significance of the Mediterranean
increased as the Suez Canal was built and opened in 1869, the canal acted as a short cut to Asia
and so most European countries which traded wanted ownership of it, the Suez Canal
constructed with the French capital prevented countries like Britain from trading with India. So
therefore, it was important that the British dominated the canal which they did in 1875.

Other factors responsible for the scramble and partition of North Africa includes;


1. Industrial Revolution: Given the economic crisis in Europe as they began to

experience industrial revolution caused by a number of technical innovations such as
steam engines, and electric power. This meant that Europeans countries produced
more goods than they could sell and so needed a place to market or sell their
manufactured goods. The European believed that it was necessary to acquire
territories outside Europe as a market for their surplus goods, and saw Africa as their
solution as it was a continent the Europeans had recently come in contact with. They
traded cloths, iron, copper, guns, etc. in exchange for slaves and other raw materials
or commodity.
2. Raw Materials: The need for raw materials became paramount to European countries
due to the industrial revolution. Hence, North Africa was one the African territory
seen as a veritable territory where raw materials can be extensively extracted and
could easily be obtained at a relatively low price. Raw material such as gold, silk,
palm oil, herbs, spices and tropical plants were obtained from North Africa, these
products were processed into finished products and sold to both Europeans and
Africans, thus having more capital to create other industries in Europe.
3. Trade and Trade route; Another economic factor responsible for the scramble and
partition of Africa was the need for trade and establishment of trade route, in bid to
exploring different route that will led to trading, the French build the Suez Canal
which became a prominent trading route for the European to Asia. Because of the
importance of trade Africa became valuable to the Europeans as no European country
would allow any other European country to establish trade link in an occupied

4. Expansion of Territories: In Europe in the 19th century, when a country had many
territories than other European country, the country was considered powerful and
great, which caused European powers to compete for African territories because of
their prestige. Acquiring more territories was also seen as national pride and
superiority over other territories. In North Africa, European countries such as France,
Britain, Spain and Italy wanted to expand their territories and so occupied different
parts of North Africa.
5. Balance of Power: In order to balance power between the European countries, other
Europeans country began to partition for part of North Africa. After France made
contact with Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia, in order to stop France from fully
controlling North Africa.


6. Spread of Christianity (Religion) : Europeans wanted to spread Christianity into

Africa in order to check the spread of Islam on the continent especially North Africa .
The Europeans saw the growing influence of Islam in North Africa as a threat to the
spread of Christianity on the continent and must therefore be stopped with urgency.
Even the African religion was considered as pagan so Africans must therefore be
introduced to the light of Christianity. In South for example the spread of Christianity
was possible as the people were open to western culture unlike North Sudan.
7. Civilization: Another social reason for the division and struggle in Africa is that
Europeans want to extend Western civilization, culture and education to Africa.
Europeans believe that Africans are backward and illiterate, and believe that it is their
responsibility to educate Africans.
8. European countries were in connection or contact with the strategic location of each
African countries where their economic interest and exploitation will be well secured
and guaranteed. For instance, British occupation of Egypt in 1882 was basically
meant for the economic protection and political interest of the British. Also the
acquisition of Sudan is connected to the strategic location of the Indian ocean
shipping route.

In conclusion, the Northern region of Africa was scrambled and partition for due to the factors
examined above. The scramble and partition of North Africa is known howeverto be the first step
toward the colonization of North African territories by European Imperialists, which of course
brought about several effects. And eventually their independence from these colonial rule.


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