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The Middle East's history extends back to ancient times, and the region's geopolitical
significance has been acknowledged for millennia. From a point in the past, specifically the
medieval era, the region was formerly known as “Far East” and then “the Near East'' as a result
of the contact by some of the first modern Western geographers and historians, having been
occupied by the Ottoman empire. As of the early 20th century, the fall of the Ottoman empire
became imminent which marks the beginning of Western influence (such from Britain, France,
USA, USSR now Russia etc.) Within the region consequently creating what is known today as
the Middle East.

With its several definitions, the Middle East was known to consist of states and territories in the
Arabian Peninsula such as Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen,
Cyprus, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, etc. Most of which gained their
independence after the second world war in 1945. The term Middle East is often used to describe
this desert land of Persia and Eastern Arabia, between the Near East and the Indian empire,
however it is presently used to describe the region spanning from the Levant, Arabian Peninsula,
Anatolia, Egypt, Iran and Iraq. It is also located at the center of North Africa, Asia and Europe.
By nature the Middle East was given the spotlight either on local and international news sources
for its constant conflict such which led to the establishment of a state system (new
administration) and military structure whereby these states or countries were mostly Monarchical
in nature and are also rich in the economy therefore becoming a scheme for international
relations with Egypt, Iran, and Turkey as the most populous and Saudi Arabia, as the largest.

Culture encompasses the way of life Including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population. This
could involve ideas, customs, Religion, tribe and social behavior of a particular group of people
or regions. Aside from the obvious popularity acquired through warfare, the Middle East
consisted of about 16 countries with different religious, ethnic and linguistic groups. Such
diversity resulted in difficulties of Middle Easterners coexisting in the region, the Middle East
was seen as a crossroad to civilization for its inhabitants who were from tribes such as Arabs,
Iranians, Turks, Jew (Israelis), Kurds, and Caucasian. Most countries are however multiethnic,
promoting not only cultural richness of the society but also causing political conflict, for
example, the Arab-Israeli conflict. As a means of communication, the states of the Middle East
region usually spoke in Arabic, which was the most widely spoken language, Persian or Farsi,
spoken in Iran, a population in Afghanistan and 0ppthe United Arab Emirates, Hebrew by the
Israelis and Turkish by the Turks and some in Cyprus.

In addition to ethnicity and languages, the people of the middle East were differentiated by their
religion as it was regarded as the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all monotheistic
religions that grew from the same tradition. These religions provided doctrines which the state
adhered to, but still did not prevent religious difference from resulting in conflict, such difference
was the basis in which the Zionism movement occurred in the Middle East. Islam is known to be
the most commonly practiced religion as it was being practiced by several countries in the
Middle East more than others. These religions often relied on another's doctrines, they shared
many rules and beliefs. Islam and Judaism, for example, follow the same dietary rules and place
a similar emphasis on religion as a foundation for civil law. From Adam and Abraham to
Solomon and Joseph, all three have a prophetic lineage. Jesus is significant for both Christianity
and Islam, and Muslims also adhere to Muhammad's teachings. Religion has a significant impact
on the rhythm of daily life, not only through prayer but also through study.

The Middle East because of its features was known to have been of great effect both on the
countries in the region and its inhabitants over the course of history. This was either through its
geographical location and features, Natural resources on the Economy or climatic conditions. It
is known as a large and diverse geographical area located in southwest Asia and north east Africa
as it extends over 2,000 miles from the Black Sea in the north to the Arabian Sea in the South
and about 1,000 miles from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the mountains of Iran. The
region known as The Middle East consists of physical geographical features ranging from
mountains (Zagros, Hindu Kush, Atlas mountain and Taurus), deserts (Rub al- Khali desert and
Kara kum desert) and plateau (Anatolian plateau). Mountains, deserts and water bodies divide
the Middle East into five regions that are geographically distinct, the Fertile crescent, the arc of
fertile agricultural zones that formed the basis for early civilizations, in what is now Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, and Israel. Nile valley, a source of water, food, and fertile soil deposited in annual
floods as well as a transportation route, the rich mineral resources of the deserts around the Nile,
particularly gold, have historically been important to economic development. Arabian Peninsula
with its extensive deserts, oases, and coastal regions along the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Persian
Gulf that were more often suited to permanent settlement. Today, this area includes the countries
of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Northern tier, a region comprising the countries of Iran and turkey in the middle east and
Afghanistan and Pakistan in central Asia. The Maghreb, also known as Northwest Africa and the
Arab Maghreb, is the western part of North Africa and the Arab world.

Other features of this region include its Natural resources and climatic conditions, which as a
result the Middle East region and countries associated with it, may be affected economically. The
discovery of Oil in Iran in the early 20th century dominated the area's economy as many
countries' economies depended on it. Other resources include; gold from the desert along the
Nile valley, metal and minerals found in Taurus mountains, water, salt, natural gas, Sulphur, etc.
With several lands considered as fertile agriculture zones such as the Anatolian plateau.
The climatic conditions of the Middle East range from hot and dry to mild winter due to some
rain. Turkey and Iran are known to have warm summers and cool winters, northern Mesopotamia
and the Mediterranean coast with hotter summers and cool winters and the Arab world with
extreme temperature due to most parts being arid or mostly desert making it at times unlivable
and reducing growing areas for agriculture.

Conclusively, region known as the middle East has long existed far beyond the 20th century
although it was not known as but we know it to be today, states within it having had its share of
Western influence and colonization, they have also had their moments of Independence and
recurring conflict as a result of ethnical, linguistic and religious differences. Be that as may, the
region's features and natural resources is what today makes it an important region to the world.


- Milton-Edwards, Beverly, and Peter Hinchcliffe. Conflicts in the Middle East since 1945.
3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2008.
- “Global Connections. Culture.” PBS. Public Broadcasting Service. Accessed November
20, 2021.
- Smith, C. G. “The Emergence of the Middle East.” Journal of Contemporary History 3,
no. 3 (1968): 3–17.
- “Foundations.” The Geography of the Middle East, Geoff Emberling. Accessed
November 20, 2021.

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