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The evolution of technology has changed society in both positive and negative ways.

People all over the

world use and benefit from modern technology. Technology has simplified the access to many tools
people need in education, medicine, communication, transportation, etc. However, using it too often
has its drawbacks as well. In most cases, the time of finishing projects is cut by more than half with the
help of technology. Many people do not realize that technology has its negative affects society as well,
and its rapid advances has changed life for worse in a number of different ways. Technology has
changed the relationships of families. Distracted by their laptops, TV’s, smartphones, and video games,
families can’t have a friendly.

Imagine a world without cell phones, personal computers, MP3 players, cars, and television. Life without
those pieces of technology would be drastically different. In the past century, the world has seen an
unprecedented number of technological advancements. However, these advancements are often taken
for granted. Most people do not realize the complexity of the processes that occur when they use
technologies like the Internet or computers. Nevertheless, are the devices that people use in their day-
to-day lives essential? Is technology helping or hurting society? Overall, technology is helping society
because it improves the quality of life and it provides independence for physically disabled people.

Firstly, technology has made life easier for human kind in terms of education and work. Ever part of
people’s daily lives is linked to technology in one way or the other. It just makes life easier and things
quicker. Technology advances make people see how processes can be made actively and efficiently
(Lynda Moultry Belcher, n.d.). For instance, by technological improvements of computers, nowadays,
education has greatly enhanced. Students are able to learn and take exams by sitting and home and
simply using their laptops or computers. This could highly help disabled people, children who live very
far away from any school and who are living temporarily abroad. Other than homeschooling, nowadays
technology ...

In the present globalized world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Every part of our daily
life is related to technology in one or other way. When compared with olden days, we are having better
facilities and even better luxuries with the help of increased technology. The development of technology
is not confined to any one sector and all the industries and different sectors of society are developing
new technologies according to their needs and requirements.
Positive Effects Of Technology On Our Lives

Technology is applied to the roles each individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis
to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern Technology increases human capabilities and this
technology has evolved with years. What used to work before, might not be working now, it must have
got old or got replaced by modern technology. Let’s look at a simple example in Transportation
technology, this technology has evolved with years, we used to use steam powered trains now those
have been replaced by electronic trains which move faster than steam trains.

With the help of mobile technology we are able to talk to our friends and relatives who are living far
from us. With the help of internet, we are able to learn new things and online courses etc. With the help
of aviation technology we are able to reach distant places within hours which took years of time to
reach in olden days. We are using the all natural resources available for making our life better. With the
help of social networking we are able to find our childhood friends, relatives etc. and important events
in their life. With the help of information technology we are able to share information to any part of the
world with in milliseconds. With progressive technology in the agriculture field, we are able to meet
food requirements of people all over the world.

In this day and age, almost every single person uses technology in some way. It has become a necessity
for a human to survive. The pace of technological advances has immensely increased over the last few
decades to ease our lives and provide us more opportunities. Though it is undeniable that technology
has changed our lives, tech critics argue that the Internet and other related technological gadgets have a
deleterious effect on the human brain performance. However, the new advancement of technology has
brought us a new kind of intelligence making us smarter and has made complexity simpler than ever.

Technology has come a long way, from delivery messages by horse to just picking up a cell phone.
Technology is becoming a major role in all aspect of our modern lives. Typically, the effects of
technology can be seen in economics around the world. Advances in technology can be linked to
increases in manufacturing that affect the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creating jobs to
help lower unemployment. While a lot of technological advances are in regards to process improvement
like industrialization that seems to eliminate unskilled positions, technology helps produce other skill
positions that offer higher pay and better opportunities.

Technology is everywhere and we cannot escape it, it literally involves every part of our lives, whether
we like it or not it affect us all. From how we work, play and live our lives, technology has created a
revolution that will grow for as long as humans continue to advance in their capabilities. Technology just
get better and better, what was once latest and popular yesterday is old hat today and the bottom line is
technology doesn’t wait for anyone if you not keeping up with it, you will surely be left in the dust. If you
compare the lifestyle of people living in the life of today’s time you will see that it is highly advanced,
busy, complex and easier compared to the life of back in the days.

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In our world today, we see progress everywhere we go. We see new innovations, we think of new ideas,
and we hear all kinds of improvements in our current technology. Every day, people are coming up with
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