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Nowadays, many people use technology, some of them depend their life to technologies that have been
created. Technology is advancing from time to time, its advancement has remarkably improved the
quality of life. The technological progress is fast enough compared progress of technology in previous
centuries, Back then, people use some available resources like stones and metals for their work and
contented on what they have, but today many technologies are now existing to run an operation

Technological advances is also growing it was the beginning of industrial revolution. Many countries rely
to technology development, thus, millions of people live in wealthy towns and cities, they create, make
and use much of the world’s new technology.

On the other hand, advancement of technology still has its disadvantages because everything has good
and bad effects to the society.


Advancement of technology has a great impact upon changing the world. As an individual living in a
rapid development of technology, I believe that technology facilitates people’s life.


As technology develops there are many advantages of it that help us in our daily living. There are also
benefits we can gain from the advancement of technology, benefits that we must nit abuse. We must
have limitations on using the technological advances so that we can gain good effects of it.


Advancement of technology have definitely benefited us, it makes our life easier. Imagine,

Long time ago, before technology comes to human life, if people wanted to go to the different
City, they had to walk in days or in months. If people wanted to count, they didn’t the calculator

Or abacus, yet they had to count using stones, sticks, and other available resources and many

Things that happened before the technology existed. So we have to agree that brings benefit to

Our life.

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things. For example, education has been
greatly advanced by the technological advances like the computer, students are now able to learn more

As technology improves there are now many ways to accomplish tasks, machines are able to help us to
make our work easler, as for now, people need to work less harder.

Another example of benefits from advanced technology is that there are new developed vehicles that
will transport people anywhere and that will save much time not only on long travels but also on daily

Nowadays, we are now able to communicate to our relatives and friends through cellphone and
internet. We can compare this to people who lives before there was no technology they kept in touch
with each other by sending a letter and they had to wait for days or months to get their response,
technology help us so much.

Advancement of technology improves the productivity capability of the industrial world, it has also
benefits in the field of health, medical increasingly sophisticated with the tools to operate on cancer or
the like, more hospitals are built and more drugs are new.

Every appearance of a new technology enhanced the quality of life. The appearance of electricity
brought people to a completely new world, there are also some appliances that help people economize
time on homework so that people have more time on relaxation. The technology is also stimulant to the
economic prosperity. Economic prosperity contributes to create more employment oppurtunity. The
Increase in employment oppurtunity can help resolves the social problems such as violence, drugs, and
poverty, these social problems are main factors under mining the quality of life but because of the
advancement of technology it can be overcome.

In conclusion, technological advancement bring us so many benefits to our life but we must not abuse
its benefits. We have to agree that technology makes our life easier, so do not waste technology
because we can use it in our life.

likewise with the technological advances nowadays.

Technological advancement is so noteworthy that each could be discussed on their own as their

Significance to the world.

One of some technological advancement is the Medical Advancement. Many people died from our
exposure of elements and unstoppable spreading of contagious diseases, but because of this
advancement new diseases emerged and new cures evolves.

Another is the advancement of technology in the field of communication, this is very significant to our
society because being able to communicate by different methods and by quicker makes individuals life
comfortable. As with most technological advancement inventions, one of the most significant is the
television because visual exposures have caused individuals to be held more accountable and has kept
the public more informed. Some says that television is the most noteworthy technological advancement
in our lifetime.

There is a technological advancement that has made drastic differences in the world, it is the invention
of the automobile. It gives comfort to people, from this they can be close enough to go to town for
supplies especially to those who are in rural. Automobile also prompted the mass infrastructure
necessary to provide more easily travelable roads, interstate highways.

(another technological advancement) was born. This, opened up the economy and the job market as
individuals now had means to travel for work.
The next technological advancement that is very significant today is in the comforts of the homes,
Technological advancement in providing a person more efficient means of taking care of their home
freeing them up for education, career advancement or hobbies is the next noteworthy category.

These technological advancements are very significant to our society, so we must also give importance
on it.


A lot can be said about technological advancement. First off, the impact of the technological evolution is
massive and it has spread throughout the world. Secondly, technology makes a lot of tasks and chores
easier for people to complete. And lastly, the technological advancement still has a lot of surprises for

Technological advancement has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways.

In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today’s

Global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes

Produce unwanted by products, known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the

Detriment of the earth and its environment. Therefore, technology can improves the human

Condition and it can also worsens it.

It has also an effect in the field of education, with the technological advances new method that makes
students able to understand every lesson was created. In the field of politics, there I is an adverse effect
like, more corruption has occurred because of so many tricks going through the advance of technology.
There is also a beneficial effect of advancement of technology in the field of military, the creation of high
security for the safety of our society.
Because of new technology like vehicles and home equipment, people nowadays don’t exercise as much
as they did before. People are entertained by the hi-tech gadgets and others. Although, technology is
advancing rapidly and the gadgets make tasks easier for people and help get the job done quicker and
more efficiently, it affects the younger generation. Many people are found to spend more time on social
networking sites than to spend their time to their families.


Advancement of technology has really a great impact to the society, it has changed the lifestyle of the
people. But technology has affected the people with its good and bad effects. The effects of
advancement of technology have been penetrated in all areas, such as social, communication and
information and many other fields. We are advancing overall as a society with the new technological
advancement and it became bad when it is overly abused. Technology has changed everything, but it
has the potential for both good and bad, it really depends on how it is used. As long as there is a balance
kept between our own advancement, then we should flourish in both ways in our society. As a
responsible human beings, we must not allow ourselves to be controlled by the technological advances,
we must have integrity, morals and responsibility for ones action, the advancement of technology is only
a tool neither good nor bad, it’s the people who make it, it depends on how we use it, we must have our
limitations so that our society as well as our lives will have an improvement and become progressive.

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