Nauman Ahmed 20-Se-037

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Nauman Ahmed 20-se-037

Sre project ( student information system)

2.3 : User Classes and Characteristics :

There are mainly two kinds of users for the product. The users include:

A) Administrator:
In the aspect of the student , this user will create a profile for a new student;
assign him/her the courses he/she has been enrolled in and can modify the details
related to the registered student.

B) student: this user can see his profile and progress in particular or current
curriculum via viewing his grades uploaded by the admin on his profile and can
contact the admin if there are any issues related to it.

2.4 : Operating Environment :

The product can run on any browser.

The software package is expected to work in the following atmosphere:

Microsoft stack consisting of ,

a) OS windows 7 ,xp.

2.5 : Design and Implementation Constraints:

The Student Management System software is designed in such a way that the user can
easily interact with the screen because of GUI. The admin and the user are the two
users who use the project. The admin inserts the details of the students and the fee
details that the students have paid. User/ student can view his/her details, update if
required and check the fee details.

● Every user must be comfortable using a computer.

● All operations are in English so user must have basic knowledge of English

2.6 : User Documentation

In our user manual, we are going to keep the information regarding our product which
can be understandable by a new person who is going to use it. If a new person is using
it online, help will be provided in that we are going to explain each and every step
clearly that our product can be useful for any user.


A) this software package will come with a users manual as guide to its interface

B) The details of the:


2.Design and

3.Test cases of this software package will be delivered along with its software.

2.7 : Assumptions & dependencies:

The design time constraints are:

A)The software package should be designed so as to handle the access by approx 20

instructors/staff,1 admin and 150 students.
3.X : System Features

This Student Management System project is divided into 2 modules

1. Administrator

2. User or student

Module Description

Admin: Admin is a person whose responsibility is to maintain the database that

contains each and every data regarding all the students. Admin can add student details
into the database, can be able to delete student details and can update the student fee

Administrator :

● Login/Logout
● View student information
● Edit Student Information
● Enable/disable student accounts
● Search students

Student :

● Login/Logout
● View profile
● Edit profile
● Change password
● Register new profile
User: Here the user means the student. The responsibility of the student is to login into
the site and can view his/her fee details and be able to update his/her personal details if
any wrong details are present. Whenever the student will register his/her name then the
student will be given by one individual username and password. When the student
types the correct username and password then they will enter into another page. In that
page, the student can select two options that are updated details and view details. A
student is able to update his/her personal details and can be able to view the fee details
but cannot update the fee details.

3.x.1 : Description and Priority

❖ Adding student details in the database:

The TBD(to be developed) software package should facilitate the

administrative staff to ,

❖ To add a new student's personal details, Academic details,

financial details, medical details and other activity details in the
❖ Assigning username and password to each student.
❖ Viewing and modifying personal details, Academic details,
financial details,medical details, and sports activity details in the
❖ Adding faculty information and courses in the database.
❖ Assigning username and password to faculty.

3.x.2 : Stimulus/response sequence:

Sr. no Stimulus from the Response from the
user software.
1. Administrative staff Software will validate
logs-in using user id the user id and
password . password:
Software will display
the administrative
staff initial screen by
recognizing the user
2 Admin chooses the The software will
add new student display the form to
option. enter the details of
the new student and
all the associated rule
sets, else it will
display an error
3 Admin will enter all Software will validate
the fields of the new all the fields of the
user student new student;default
including user id. password will be
generated which is
the same as user id;if
there are any errors,
the software will
redisplay the screen
with the errors being
highlighted; else, the
software will display a
message that
“student details
added to database”.
4 If errors are displayed Software will display
, the admin will the administrative
correct the errors and staff initial screen.
resubmit the student
5. Admin can choose Software will
“view an existing authenticate the user
student details” whether he/she is
authorized to perform
the chosen option or
not and accordingly
display either the
associated next
screen or an error
6. Admin can choose Software will
“modify an existing authenticate the user
student details” whether he/she is
authorized to perform
the chosen option or
not and accordingly
display either the
associated next
screen or an error
7. If errors are Software will display
displayed, the admin the administrative
will correct errors and staff initial screen.
resubmits the student
8. Administrative staff Software will logout.
can choose “logout”.
Viewing and editing information from student portal:

Description and priority:

The TBD software package should facilitate the portal for the student to:

❖ View his/her personal details, Academic details,Financial details, medical details

and sporting activities in the database.
❖ Students are authorized only to edit mobile number, Email id ,
Residential Address.

3.x.2 : Stimulus - response sequence:

Sr no. Stimulus from the user Response from the


1. The student accesses Software displays the

the portal through the following options:(a)
internet. User id (B) password.

2. The student logs-in Software will validate the

using user-id and user id and password.

3. The student can choose The software will display

the “personal the form where the
information” option. information filled by
admin will be present.
Students will also be
allowed to edit some
information like
address and mobile no.

4. The student can choose In this menu there will be

the” Academic details” two tabs one for the
option. courses which he had
done and other for the
courses which he is
currently doing.
5. If the student chooses Software will display to
the “courses done” him all the courses
option. which he has done and
grades he got in the

6. If the student chooses Software will display him

the “previous year a drop down box in
marksheet option” which he can select a
option. session and accordingly
his course.

7. If the student chooses Software will display all

the “ currently ongoing courses which he is
courses” option. doing in the current
semester. And he can
also view his
marks,which he got in
the quizzes, mids and

8. The student can choose The software will display

the activities option. him a form where he can
view his achievements
and levels.and if he
wants to add or modify
something he can
contact the admin.

9. The student can choose The software will display

the “financial Details” him his fees and fines
option. with the total at the end.
10. The student can choose The software will display
the medical details him his medical
option. information.

3.x.3 : Functional Requirements :

● The Administrator will be given more powers (enable/disable/ update) than

other users.
● It will be ensured that the information entered is of the correct format. For
example, names cannot contain numbers. In case an incorrect form of
information is added, the user will be asked to fill the information again.
● The system can be accessed anytime.

The main features / functional requirements of this system are:

● Register new students.
● Record the attendance of students.
● Record the internal marks of students.
● Record the feed details of students.
● Register a new teacher/employee.
● Register a new user for the system.
● Record the salary details of employees.
● Record the course details and subject information.
● Record the scholarship details and information.
● Generate various reports for all transactions in the system.


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