Attitude Towards The Behaviours, Subjective Norm Dan Perceived Behavioural Control Secara

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1. Sumaedi et al. Factors influencing Y1: Intention to “Stay at Multiple regression Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variable
(2020) intention to home” analysis attitude towards the behaviours,
follow the “stay at subjective norm dan perceived
home” policy X1: Attitude toward behavioural control secara
during the COVID-19 behaviour signifikan berpengaruh positif
pandemic terhadap intention to follow “Stay
X2: Subjective norm at Home”. Walaupun demikian,
perceived susceptibility dan
X3: Perceived Behavioural perceived severity tidak
Control berpengaruh secara signifikan
terhadap Intention to follow “Stay
X4: Perceived Susceptibility at Home”

X5: Perceived Severity

2. (Katt & Meixner, Is It All about the Price? Y1 = Purchase intention Exploratory factor analysis this study found that that the
2020) An Analysis of the Organic Food impact of environmental concern,
Purchase Intention for X1 = Hedonic Shopping health consciousness, and hedonic
Organic Food in a value shopping value is greater on the
Discount Setting by X2 = Price Consciousness purchase intention of organic food
Means of Structural X3 = Environmental Concern than that of price consciousness,
Equation Modeling X4 = Health Consciousness even in this discount setting. This
study concludes by discussing
these results and attempting to
outline potential areas for future
research, as well as managerial
3. (Dinata et al., 2021) "The Impact of Y1 = Purchase Intention Structural Equation Model In general, this study review the
Perceived Risk on X1 = Time Risk Partial Least Square dimensions of perceived risk
Consumer Purchase X2 = Social Risk affecting (financial,
Intention in Indonesia; X3 = Product Risk time, social, product, delivery,
A Social Commerce X4 = Delivery Risk payment and privacy, and after-
Study" X5 = Security and Privacy sale risks) s-commerce customer’s
Risk purchase intention in Indonesia.
X6 = After sale risk The outer model analysis result
(measurement model)
demonstrate that all validity and
reliability value constructions are
fulfill the assessment criteria. The
analysis result for inner model
(structural model) reveals that six
(H1, H3, H4, H5, H6, and H7) of
seven hypotheses are supported,
while one is rejected (H2).
4. (Moon et al., 2008) Culture, product type, Y1 = Purchase Intention Regression Analysis Results indicate that individualism
and price influences on X1 = Cultural Dimensions is the only culture dimension to
consumer purchase X2 = Individualism, have a significant effect on
intention to buy Uncertainty avoidance, purchase intention. Product type
personalized products Power Distance, Masculinity and individualism by price
online X3 = Product Type interaction also have a significant
X4 = Price effect, whereas price does not.
Major findings and implications are
discussed. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.
5. (Dachyar & Factors influencing Y1 = Purchase Intention Structural equation The result based on five expert
Banjarnahor, 2017) purchase intention X1 = Perceived Ease of Use modelling, a multivariate judgments, there are eight (8)
towards consumer-to- X2 = Risk analysis latent variables and 33 indicators
consumer e-commerce X3 = Reputation that influence customer purchase
X4 = Familiarity intention in C2C e-commerce sites
X5 = Benefit in Indonesia. Using the regression
XM1 = Trust values of the relationships of
XM2 = Perceived usefulness variables, it is found that trust and
risk factors are factors that most
significantly influence the purchase
intention of customers in Company
A. In company B, perceived
usefulness is significant, while the
benefits a significant factor which
influences purchase intention in
company C
6. (Permatasari & The Impact of Social Y1 = Purchase Intention Structural Equation Model Looking at the results, the highest
Kuswadi, 2017) Media on Consumers’ X1 = Perceived Price impact towards consumers’
Purchase Intention: A X2 = Dependence purchase intention is the perceived
Study of Ecommerce X3 = Openness value, while it is negatively affected
Sites in Jakarta, X4 = Speed by perceived price and risk. The
Indonesia XM 1 = Perceived Risk application of this research toward
XM 2 = Perceived Value certain ecommerce or online
brands can be implemented in the
7. (Bhatti, 2018) Sales Promotion and Y1 = Consumer Purchase Structure Equation The results indicated that the sales’
Price Discount Effect on Intention Modeling promotion and the social media
Consumer Purchase X1 = Sales Promotion had a remarkable and positive
Intention with the X2 = Price Discount effect on the consumers’ purchase
Moderating Role of XM = Social Media intention.
Social Media in Pakistan
8. (Widyastutir & Said, Consumer Y1 = Buying Decision Multiple Linier Regression The findings reveals that the
2017) Consideration in X1 = Brand Image Analysis The variable brand image, product
Purchase Decision of X2 = Product Design design and price perception of
SPECS Sports Shoes X3 = Price Perception SPECS sports shoes significantly
Product through Brand influence consumer purchase
Image, Product Design decision
and Price Perception
9. (S & Ekonomi, 2021) Pengaruh Diskon Dan Y1 = Keputusan Pembelian Test Reabilitas While the results of the
Promo Gratis Ongkos X1 = Diskon Test Normalitas simultaneous test show that
Kirim Terhadap X2 = Promo Gratis Ongkos Test Multikolinieritas discounts and free shipping promos
Keputusan Pembelian kirim affect purchasing decisions on e-
Pada E-Commerce commerce shopee
10. (Opoku et al., 2020) Environmental Y1 = Green Purchase Hierarchical multiple The results of the study indicate
considerations in the Intention regression that, in general, attitudeand SI are
purchase decisions of X1 = Overall Attitude more important than SN in
Ghanaian consumers X2 = Subjective Norms influencing green purchase
X3 = Perceived Behavioral intention in a collectivistic country,
Control such as Ghana. Yet, most
X4 = Self-Identity respondents were neutral in their
X5 = Past Green Purchase responses to questions as to
Intention whether they are green consumers
and/or if they consider themselves
to be concerned about
environmental issues.

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