Learning Byte 13: Professionalism

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What is Professionalism?

There are many definitions for this, but in a nutshell professionalism is all about your
attitude and behaviour – to work, to people, to property and to information.

Professionalism is a skill to be learned like any other. No-one is born a true professional.
We learn by watching how others behave – at work, at home, at play.

ACTIVITY 1 – Class Discussion

Think of a situation where you have been impressed by someone’s professional

approach. Then think of one where you have been appalled at someone’s lack of
professionalism. What made the difference?

Do you know what your job or course involves in detail? Or are you just learning? More
to the point – do you know what you should not do? Do you just go with the flow or do
you ask questions, listen, observe and take notes? This latter approach is the
professional one.

True professionals listen to others and respect their opinions and experience.
Communicating effectively, with due respect, separates the immature person from the
focused professional. At the same time, this behaviour and attitude will command
respect from others, which in turn can lead to promotion.

Never lie. If you are honest with your colleagues and customers, you will gain a
reputation for integrity and professionalism.

How do others see you? Do you follow dress codes? What’s your timekeeping and
attendance like? Do you live up to your commitments? Some tasks are routine and you
should be doing them without even thinking about them. Others are special tasks you
may be asked to do such as a one-off projects or assisting others with their work. To be
a true professional your commitments have to be well thought out and planned. There’s
no point in saying “yes, I’ll do that” and having absolutely no time to do it because of all
your other commitments. Above all, be honest. If your workload is too great, say so. But
do so professionally.

ACTIVITY 2 – Fill the Gaps

Based on the information you have been given, and your own understanding of what
professionalism means, complete the following sentences:

6. A professional admits ________; an amateur ignores or denies them.

7. A professional looks, speaks and ________ appropriately.

8. A professional produces _____ than expected. Others produce bare minimum.

9. A professional discovers what is __________ and wanted; an amateur assumes.

10. A professional gets ___________ and will be offered promotion.

Professionalism is the culmination of all the other soft skills discussed so far (and the
ones to come). Your behaviour, manners, organisation, conscientiousness, timekeeping
and communication skills all imply either professionalism or shoddy workmanship. No-
one wants to work with someone who doesn’t care about the work they do or the
standards they demonstrate.

ACTIVITY 3 - Who is your role model?

In pairs, complete the following:

 Identify one person each that you admire – this can be a parent, teacher, pop star,
actor, friend, author etc.

 Discuss and produce a brief explanation of what it is you like about them. Is it
their talent? Their manners? Their looks? Their behaviour?

 Do you have any similar characteristics? List them.

 Is there one thing about them that you would like to be able to do, or a way they
act that you would like to adopt?

 Discuss with your partner. What qualities make you admire these people? Are
there similarities or differences in your reasons?

The word ‘professional’ implies that a person has been well trained, carries out work to a
high standard and so, gets well paid. This latter is something that we all want – and so is
worth striving for. As Red Adair said, “If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to
do the job, wait until you hire an amateur”. His words are so true – how often have you
heard people say they found a ‘cheap plumber’ only to later find that the job was poorly
done and the resultant water damage caused was expensive to rectify – not to mention
the need to hire a professional to fix it?

Would people employ you? Do you present a professional attitude? Do you look the
part? Do you treat others with respect and dignity? How do others treat you?

ACTIVITY 4 – Case Study

Pearson Electronics is a large retail chain that has stores in most major cities of the
United Kingdom. They sell all forms of electrical equipment and devices to the public.
Mr Harrison had recently purchased a washing machine that the salesman had told him
had a 30 day money back guarantee if the customer changed his mind. Unfortunately,
when the machine was delivered, it was too tall to fit beneath the work-top that formed
part of his utility room work area. There was no other place it would go. He therefore
loaded the machine into the back of his van and took it back to the shop the next day.
When he arrived at the customer services desk, the following conversation took place:

Employee: “Good morning, sir. How can I help you?”

Mr Harrison: “I bought this washing machine yesterday but unfortunately it won’t fit under
my worktop so I need to return it.”

Employee: “I’m afraid that won’t be possible sir. We can’t take it back as it would now
be classed as ‘used’.”
Mr Harrison: “But I was told by the salesman that there would be no problem with
returning it and that I had a 30 day money back guarantee.”
Employee: “Well, I’m not sure who told you that, although I do have my suspicions it
was Gary Mitchell as he is always doing things like this. Nevertheless – we
can’t take it back. You should have measured it, just like everyone else
Mr Harrison: “I would like to speak to Gary Mitchell then please.”
Employee: “That’s not possible – he’s on his day off. Although he seems to have so
many days off it’s a wonder he ever makes a sale!”
Mr Harrison: “This is ridiculous. I would like to speak to the manager then.”
Employee: “The manager doesn’t see customers. He’s far too busy.”
Mr Harrison: “What sort of place is this? I demand to see someone who can help sort
this out!”
Employee: “If you are going to get angry, then I have to ask you to leave this store. We
deserve to be treated with respect you know!”

The employee then turned away from Mr Harrison and proceeded to file some
paperwork, ignoring the fact that he was still standing there.

Based on the above:

6. List all the unprofessional behaviour or attitudes demonstrated by everyone

involved in this case study.

7. Who was most to blame for the situation?

8. What should have been the employee’s response to the problem?

9. What could Mr Harrison do next?

10. Re-write the case study conversation where the employee acts professionally.


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