Blog-How Do I Find Local Truck Drivers

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Blog Title: How do I find local truck


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Meta description: How to find local truck drivers?
Here is how you can easily find local truck drivers. 5
effective ways that will help you to find truck drivers.
Table of contents
1. Job post
2. Writing a better job description
3. Advertising job
4. Word of mouth marketing
5. Social media
Looking to hire local truck drivers, but facing difficulties
in finding them? You are within the right place to find the
Yes, there is a ridiculously huge demand for truck
drivers in the market right now and it has become
exceedingly difficult in finding them. But no worries,
today let us see 5 effective ways to find truck drivers.

1. Job post
The first thing we do while finding the drivers is post job.
In the job post, the job must be highlighted, and it should
have all the details of the job like position, working time,
incentives, etc.
It should also hold the roles and the responsibilities of
the employee like Loading/unloading of the truck,
traveling distance per day. At the same time showing
your priorities to them and the added benefits will
increase the chances.
We can use online job portals like LinkedIn, Ezjobs,, monster, and many other job portals where
the company can post free job posts and target the
required audience.

The best place to post jobs is at Facebook Jobs. You

can create a separate page on your company's name,
and you can post jobs in the Facebook jobs.

2. Writing a better job description

The job description is necessary and should be very
appealing to the candidates. The better the job
description the more candidates get targeted.

Your job description should hold all the necessary

information. It should also have all the responsibilities
that the employer is expected to take care of by the
It also must hold the qualification and skills needed for
the job position and be uploaded in the job post (In the
job posting).
For example, let us have a look at the job description for
a truck driver's position.
Job description (example)
Job Summary
For every job, the job summary is mandatory in every
job description irrespective of the type of job. A good
summary of the job will have a positive impact on the job
Responsibilities and duties
• After Completing a daily truck log and sending
reports of mileage to the reporting officer
• The employees inspect the vehicle every time
before using it. If found any equipment or
mechanical failures must report at once
• Choosing routes and routines so they go ahead in
the most efficient way possible
• Employees should be effective at conserving
resources, including fuel, to help the business

• Must have a valid Driving License
• Minimum experience of three years
• No active cases on the candidates

3. Advertising job (Newspaper &

social media)
To get job applications for the job posts the company
needs to create ads and boost the job post. This will
reach a wide range of audiences.
We can gather engagement using various sources. We
can use newspapers for classified ads, using classified
ads we can reach more candidates and blue-collar
workers like truck drivers will be reading newspapers

We can also use job platforms like LinkedIn. Use of

social media like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc.

4. Word of mouth marketing

Word of mouth marketing will help the company to get
candidates in a natural way. This will also help to build
trust in the company.
• Word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing happens when
consumers talk about a company's product or
service to their friends, family, and to others with
whom they have close relationships.
• WOM is one of the best if not the best forms of
advertising, as a considerable number of
consumers trust their friends over the media.
• High chances that companies will encourage WOM
marketing through exceeding expectations on a
product, supplying good customer service, and
giving exclusive information to consumers.
To increase this the company must create a WhatsApp
group d share the information in the groups and ask
employees to like and share them.
Post the information about the job position on
WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook stories. This
will create awareness about the job with your contact.
At the same time, the company should also create social
media posts and publish them. Creating LinkedIn posts
and asking the employees to like and share them will
increase its reach.
This form of marketing will create a positive reach and
will increase engagement for the job post.

5. Social Media
Having over 4.5 billion active users on social media
and the numbers themselves speak a lot about the
network these social media have. It undoubtedly
becomes the best place to meet our requirements.
There are many social media networks like Facebook,
Instagram, Telegram, Twitter which can be a reliable
source. Companies should have a dedicated social
media handle and be active over there. They can use
these platforms to post the jobs and make the users
aware of them.

Social media will help to reach people faster and quicker

than other platforms. Even many of the blue-collar
workers like truck drivers, delivery executives, cooks,
housekeepers, sales executives, etc.

If social media is used to its full potential, it will be a key

weapon to reach people and will have an incredibly
significant impact in finding candidates.
These are the 5 effective ways to find local truck drivers.
These will not only help to find truck drivers but also you
can use these ways to find other blue-collar workers.
Hopefully, these methods will help you in finding

How to find a driver for my semi-truck?
Ans: The above-mentioned methods will help you in
finding them. Alternatively, you can post your
requirement on Ezjobs.

How to know the driver's skills?

Ans: Taking the driving test of the driver before hiring
them and verifying their license.

How to find truck drivers with their own trucks?

Ans: To find drivers with their own trucks the company
should mention it in the job post like, Looking for truck
drivers with own truck.

Local Truck Driver jobs near me, Local truck Driver
salary, find truck drivers for free, Companies looking for
truck drivers

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