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Energy efficient solutions

Energy efficient solutions

for commercial kitchen ventilation

Andrey Livchak, Dr., Halton

Introduction up to 80 % of the total restaurant ener- higher ventilation rates resulting in

Restaurants are among commercial gy consumption. Path to an energy ef- a higher HVAC energy consumption.
buildings with the highest energy con- ficient restaurant design always starts More efficient cooking equipment,
sumption per building area. Cooking from the heat source – cooking pro- such as induction cookers and combi-
equipment and restaurant HVAC sys- cess and equipment. Low efficiency ap- ovens for example, consume less en-
tem are the primary energy consum- pliances with high energy output add ergy to prepare food and release less
ers, both of these systems contribute more heat to the kitchen space; require heat to kitchen space hence requiring


less energy to ventilate and cool the hood is used. Convective plume, ris-
kitchen. ing from appliances, is not restricted by
Next step in the energy efficient de- walls and is subject to cross-drafts in
sign is optimization of HVAC system – the kitchen. Canopy island hood would
subject of this paper. Exhaust hood air- need to operate at 1,222 m 3/s exhaust
flow is its most important component airflow to capture convective heat and
of HVAC design because it drives HVAC effluents from appliances. If we were to
energy consumption for CKV. Indeed, move cooking appliances in the corner
the higher hoods exhaust airflow, the (case B) and also use canopy-style hood,
higher the electricity consumption by its airflow will drop to 0,569 m 3/s.
exhaust and supply fan motors as well This is explained by the fact that con-
as the energy required to cool or heat vective plume rising from hot cook-
replacement air supplied into kitch- ing surfaces attaches to walls; it carries
en space to compensate for hoods’ ex- less air at the hood level thus requir-
haust. ing less exhaust airflow to capture it
and contain. If we were to move appli-
How to minimize hood exhaust ances from the corner, but still position
airflow them near the wall (case C), exhaust air-
1. Position cooking appliances close flow will slightly increase to 0,67 m 3/s
to the walls, avoid island installations compared to case B. This is explained
when possible. Use side skirts on the by the fact that convective plume rising
hood to enclose cooking appliances and from hot griddle surface, attaches only
contain their thermal plumes. Figure to one wall and carries slightly more air
below demonstrates how appliance po- compared to the case when griddle is in
sition and hood selection affects hood the corner, surrounded by two walls. Fi-
exhaust airflow. Same appliances (gas nally, in case D we bring hood closer to
griddle and two-vat open fryers) were cooking appliances and use high effi-
used in four cases compared. In case A ciency, close proximity back-shelf hood
appliances are positioned in the middle with side skirts. This allows further to
of the kitchen and canopy island style drop exhaust airflow to 0,476 m 3/s.

F i g u r e 1 . Eff e c t o f a p p l i a n c e p o s i t i o n a n d h o o d s e l e c t i o n o n e x h a u s t a i r f l o w

B Hood exhaust airflow, m3/s

C 1,222

A 0,476


A – appliances in the middle of the space with canopy island hood;

B – appliances in the corner with canopy wall hood;
C – appliances at the wall with canopy wall hood;
D – appliances at the wall with close proximity back-shelf hood.

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As you can see from this example, below shows CFD simulation of two 3. Use Demand Control Kitchen Venti-
moving cooking appliances from the hoods operating at the same exhaust lation (DCKV). Studies show that even
middle of the kitchen to a wall and us- airflow. Picture on the left shows busiest restaurants utilize their cooking
ing back-shelf hood allowed reduc- hood spilling convective plume and equipment only 20 %. That means that
ing hood exhaust airflow from 1,222 to effluent from hot appliance into the any given cooking appliance is used
0,476 m 3/s, this is 61 % airflow reduc- kitchen space. Hood on the right op- to prepare food only 20 % of time and
tion. For a typical restaurant in Sao erates at C&C airflow capturing con- 80 % of time is in stand-by mode ready
Paulo operating 14 hours per day it will vective plume and effluent from cook- to cook. This creates an opportunity to
result in 7 000 kWh annual electricity ing appliance, it utilizes row of nozzles further reduce hood exhaust airflow
saving. supplying ambient air and forming when appliances under this hood are
air curtain around lower edge of the off or in idle condition and not cooking.
2. Use high efficiency hoods. It is a hood. Figure 4 Demonstrates performance
common misconception that hood is Figure 3 illustrates similar to Fig- of DCKV for a typical quick-service res-
just a metal box, no matter which ure 2 conditions, but in this case us- taurant. On average it allowed to re-
hood design is being used they all op- ing Schlieren photography of two duce exhaust airflow by 43 % from
erate at the same capture and con- hoods tested in laboratory conditions 8 469 to 4 783 m3/s.
tainment (C&C) airflow. This is not over gas charbroiler with 316 °C cook- DCKV is relatively new system, but al-
true. As with the high efficiency cars, ing surface temperature. Experiments ready there are quite a few variations
where designers use CFD (Computa- demonstrated that in order for the of it are being offered on the market.
tional Fluid Dynamics) modelling to hood on the left (without activated DCKV systems can be divided into two
reduce car drag coefficient, best hood air curtain) to achieve C&C exhaust categories: «temperature – only» and
designs also use similar tools to opti- airflow, its exhaust airflow would systems where temperature sensors
mize aerodynamic shape of the hood need to be increased by 30 % com- are complimented by additional sen-
and introduce activated air curtains pared to the hood on the left with the sors detecting cooking activity of appli-
to reduce hood C&C airflow. Figure air curtain. ances underneath the hood.

Figure 2. CFD simulation of two hoods operating at the same exhaust airflow

On the left – hood without air curtain spilling convective plume from hot appliance into the kitchen.
On the right – hood with activated air curtain operating at C&C airflow.


Figure 3. Schlieren photography of two hoods operating at the same exhaust airflow
and tested in the laboratory

Photo on the left shows hood without air curtain and spilling. Photo on the right shows hood with activated air curtain
and operating at C&C airflow.

First DCKV category, typically called ample in summer and exhaust tempera- Second, more sophisticated DCKV
«temperature-only» system, utilizes ture setpoint is determined to be 38 °C category relies on exhaust and kitchen
air temperature sensors installed in a for a given cooking line, it would need space temperature sensors only when
hood’s exhaust collar or within a hood to be reset when winter comes and ex- appliances are in idle mode and uti-
canopy. Control logic for such systems is haust temperature drops as result of a lizes additional cooking activity sen-
fairly simple; it attempts to maintain lower kitchen space temperature. sors to detect when cooking started
pre-set temperature by regulating hood
exhaust airflow. As hood exhaust tem-
perature exceeds setpoint, exhaust air-
Figure 4. Performance of DCKV for a typical quick-
flow is increased; when exhaust tem- service restaurant
perature drops below setpoint, hood
airflow is reduced. Some more sophisti- Design Airflow 8469 m3/h
cated «temperature-only» systems uti- 9 000
lize temperature difference between 8 000 Average Airflow 4748 m3/h
ambient air temperature in the kitchen 7 000
Airflow (m3/h)

and hood exhaust temperature in their 6 000

5 000
algorithm. This eliminates the need to
4 000
change setpoints for hood exhaust tem-
3 000
perature when transitioning from heat- 2 000
ing to cooling season and back. Kitch- 1 000
en air temperature may vary as much 0
as 10 °C or more between summer and 0 1 2 Day 3 4 5
winter. Similar variation is true for the
Actual Required Airflow Design Airflow Average Airflow Required
hood exhaust air temperature and if a
DCKV system is commissioned for ex-

Осень 2015 З Д А Н И Я В Ы С О К И Х Т Е Х Н О Л О Г И Й  85
and increase hood exhaust airflow to period or until next cooking event is ergy saving potential of these systems.
design level as soon as possible. There detected. The inclusion of the cooking activity
are two designs of DCKV system with Airflow reduction is not the sole ob- sensor helps to ensure that the system
cooking activity sensors currently on jective of a DCKV system; it also needs goes to design airflow at the onset of
the market. One uses light emitter to make sure exhaust airflow and the the cooking process.
and receptacle installed at the ends of corresponding supply airflows are in- It should also be noted that each ap-
the hood canopy. Whenever beam of creased to C&C levels as soon as cook- pliance has different exhaust temper-
light shooting across hood canopy is ing starts to avoid spillage of convec- atures that represent idle and cooking
obscured by smoke or steam, cook- tive heat and cooking effluent into the states. Rarely appliances are config-
ing status is detected and hood ex- kitchen space. The current NFPA‑96 ured so that each has a dedicated ex-
haust airflow is increased to design Standard (NFPA, 2011) [1] and Inter- haust hood; the mixed lineup under a
level. Another DCKV design, shown national Mechanical Code (BOCA, long hood is typical. Appliance lineups
on Figure 5, utilizes infrared (IR) tem- 2012) [2] require that the hood oper- will vary from site to site, making a ge-
perature sensors spaced evenly with- ate at full design airflows whenever neric temperature curve or set-point
in hood canopy. These IR sensors full load cooking activity occurs under- nearly impossible to obtain for temper-
continuously monitor surface temper- neath a hood. Comprehensive study ature-only DCKV systems.
ature of cooking appliances under- published in ASHRAE Journal in 2012
neath the hood. Whenever sudden [3] compared performance of «tem- DCKV and balancing dampers
change up (flare-up) or down (cold perature-only» and DCKV system with For installations where each exhaust
product on a hot surface) of cooking cooking activity sensor and came to hood has a dedicated exhaust fan bal-
surface temperature is detected, this conclusion that «temperature – only» ancing dampers are not needed since
event is identified as cooking and the systems fail to detect beginning of the airflows can be modulated by
hood exhaust airflow is increased to cooking process. This results in spill- changing the fan speed. However, when
design level for a pre-set cooking time age of cooking effluent and limited en- multiple exhaust hoods are connected

F i g u r e 5 . DC K V s y s t e m w i t h c o o ki n g a c t i v i t y s e n s o r

Master Controller

Hood Controller Hood Controller 1 – exhaust hood;

5 5 2 – exhaust temperature sensor;
3 – IR sensor;
4 4 4 – pressure transducer;
5 – automatic balancing damper;
2 Te IR 3 3 IR Te 2 6 – exhaust fan with VFD;
7 – space temperature sensor

1 1 7


to a single exhaust fan, balancing damp-
Figure 6. Case Study with Balancing Dampers Installed
ers can be installed on each exhaust
hood section to optimize the energy Restaurant Case Study with Dampers Installed
savings of a DCV system. This is because 120
each hood needs to have the ability
to independently regulate the airflow. If 100
no balancing dampers installed, whole

Exhaust Fan Speed (%)

DCKV system operates as a single hood; 80
whenever cooking occurs under one
hood, whole system operates at design 60
To illustrate the energy savings that 40
can be achieved with dampers in- Average Airflow = 73 % оf design
stalled, a site is evaluated with both 20
The examined site is located in Se- 0
5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/
attle, Washington and is a 24/7 opera- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
tion. The only time the kitchen exhaust 2
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
hoods are shut down is for a daily wa-
ter-wash operation (approximately Exhaust fan VFD Speed, %
fifteen minutes). The exhaust hoods
are installed as back-to-back island
style canopy hoods and are connect-
Figure 7. Case Study without Balancing Dampers
ed to a single exhaust fan. Each hood is Installed
fitted with a balancing damper at the
exhaust collar. The DCV system oper- Restaurant Case Study without Dampers Installed
ates with cooking activity sensors in- 120
stalled on all hoods. The design airflow
Exhaust Fan Speed (%)

for the site is 11,290 CFM (5,328 L/sec).
Figure 6 shows monitored data for ex- 80
haust fan speed. On average the ex-
haust airflow rate was 73 % of design.
40 Average Airflow = 86 % оf design
It can be observed in that the system
rarely operated close to design air- 20
flows because the four hoods did not

have cooking occurring at the same 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
time. /2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Figure 7 shows the exhaust fan 0:
speed for the same DCV system and
Exhaust fan VFD Speed w/o Dampers
time period without the dampers in-
stalled. To model the system without
dampers installed, hood status was
also monitored with the fan speed and
exhaust airflow data. These flags are 2 compares the annual energy savings forced to design airflow regardless of
generated by the control algorithm associated with both configurations. state. The value of the balancing damp-
based on the inputs from the cooking Although both configurations save er lies in the ability to lower the air-
activity, space and duct temperature energy, the installation of balancing flows to idle levels for hoods that are
sensor. If one of the four hoods was in dampers maximizes these savings by al- not cooking in single exhaust fan, multi-
cooking state, fan speed would in- lowing the hoods to operate indepen- ple exhaust hood configurations.
crease to 100 % to reach design airflow dently. Without dampers, when one In this particular case with four
for the particular exhaust hood. Table hood is in the cooking state, all are hoods connected to a single exhaust

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Ta b l e 2 . E n e r g y S av i n g s C o m pa r i s o n w i t h a n d w i t h o u t B a l a n c i n g D a m p e r s

Estimated Savings
Heating, Therms Cooling, kWh Exhaust Fan, kWh Supply Fan, kWh

DCV w/ Dampers 1 133 6 435 32 554 10 851

DCV w/o Dampers 623 539 15 697 5 232

Difference 510 2 896 16 857 5 619

fan, the DCV system with balancing As noted above, cooking equipment moving flow and even slight cross-
dampers saves much more energy and CKV are kitchens primary ener- draft of 0,3 m/s or higher can cause this
when compared to a similar system gy consumers. The term Demand Con- plume bend and spill out of a hood. De-
without balancing dampers. Addition- trol Ventilation implies that hood ex- sign air distribution system to provide
ally, when the DCV system is in idle haust is modulated based on demand sufficient air around hood perimeter to
mode (appliances are hot, but no by cooking appliances under the hood. compensate for each hood in kitchen
cooking occurs), and the exhaust air- Cooking appliances define overall kitch- space. Use low velocity perforated dif-
flow is controlled based on a hoods en energy consumption because CKV fusers to avoid high velocity in kitchen
exhaust temperature (more accurate- energy consumption to a large ex- spaces.
ly temperature difference between tent is driven by appliances being used
hood exhaust and space tempera- and their status defining DCV exhaust Conclusions
ture) a dilemma is revealed: which ex- airflow. DCV, however, doesn’t opti- Menu for energy efficient design:
haust temperature (or hood) should mize the energy consumption of the •• Start optimization from cooking
be used as a control signal for DCV source – cooking equipment itself. The process and equipment.
without dampers? The hood with the next step in the development of an en- •• Design ventilation system that is
highest exhaust temperature would ergy efficient kitchen is implementing tailored for this particular cooking
be the safest bet, but this would re- Demand Controlled Kitchen (DCK) strat- process, minimize hood exhaust
quire a more sophisticated control al- egy, where appliances are controlled airflow.
gorithm (not the case for many DCV based on cooking demand and commu- •• Use Demand Controlled
suppliers) and will still end up with nicate their status to DCV to minimize Kitchen Ventilation to further reduce
a higher total exhaust airflow com- CKV energy consumption. Indeed, how hoods exhaust airflow.
pared to DCV with dampers. In some many times have you seen a range with •• Design air distribution system to
cases, a fixed ««leading» hood is as- all burners on and no pots on it or a tri- avoid cross-drafts in the space and
signed and its exhaust temperature is ple-stack conveyer oven with all stacks provide sufficient replacement air for
used to control exhaust airflow for on and just one conveyer being used? each hood in the kitchen.
the whole system in DCV systems Only when we implement DCK with en-
without dampers. ergy efficient cooking appliances in- References
tegrated with DCV system controlled 1. National Fire Protection Association.
Future of DCV systems based on cooking schedule and de- 2011. NFPA Standard 96–2011, Stan-
Taking a signal directly from the cook- mand will we have a truly energy effi- dard for Ventilation Control and Fire
ing appliance is a more effective way to cient kitchen. Protection of Commercial Cooking
detect appliance status (cooking, idle Operations.
or off). Most modern cooking appli- 4. Pay Attention to Air Distribution 2. International Code Council. 2012.
ances are equipped with PLC control- Design. Air distribution system has im- 2012 International Mechanical Code.
lers that already know appliance sta- portant effect on hoods performance 3. D. Schrock, J. Sandusky, A. Livchak
tus and all that is needed is to establish capture and containment (C&C) ex- «Demand-Controlled Ventilation for
communication between appliance and haust airflow. Convective plume ris- Commercial Kitchens», ASHRAE Jour-
DCV controller. ing above hot cooking surface is a slow nal, Nov. 201. ●


Новый англо-русский,
русско-английский словарЬ
технических терминов и словосочетаний
по отоплению, вентиляции, охлаждению,
кондиционированию воздуха, теплоснабжению
и строительной теплофизике + диск

На сегодняшний день «Новый англо-русский,

русско-английский словарь технических тер-
минов и словосочетаний по отоплению, вен-
тиляции, охлаждению, кондиционированию
воздуха, теплоснабжению и строительной те-
плофизике» наиболее полный словарь по инже-
нерному оборудованию зданий.
Каждая часть содержит более 18 000 со-
временных терминов, широко используемых
в англоязычной технической литературе, часть
из которых ранее не имела фиксированного
перевода на русский язык. Значения многих
терминов были расширены и уточнены.
Электронный словарь создан на основе книги.
Гармонизирован со словарями ASHRAE, SIBCE
и REHVA, что позволяет специалистам разных
стран лучше понимать друг друга, использовать
единую международную терминологию. Изда-
ние предназначено для широкого круга техни-
ческих специалистов.

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