1azpal Hosein AStortToTell

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Which is more important? A “legal” marriage, or a marriage sanctified by God?

No One Can Put Asunder

Never Give Up on Love

Author Azpal Hosein’s “A Story to Tell” is a book that provides one of the most powerful living examples of
God’s unconditional love and unfathomable mercy. Through candid honesty, Author Azpal Hosein shares a
piece of his life with the world, realistically intertwining the contrasting colors of joy and pain.

To begin, it’s important to take into account the fact that Azpal and his wife are of Muslim religion, in
which they both zealously strive day-to-day to uphold and respect the laws and teachings of the Holy
Quran. We highlight this fact mainly because his belief in God and the traditional perspective on marriage
(according to the teachings of the Holy Quran) happen to tie in some of the central themes documented in
this account.

With this being said, we read of how Azpal and Sabina fall in love (in their early teens), completely
euphoric for one another in heart and spirit. The love that he illustrates between him and his wife is
sacred, mutual, and invaluable. The author establishes this tone in the very beginning of the book and by
no surprise, every single one of his actions and emotions characterized throughout the story support this.
So the young, mature, intelligent, and spiritually inclined lovebirds hold fast to their belief that Allah is the
real reason they cross each other's paths, and we concur. You can nearly visualize their names etched
together, forever in eternity!

But their picture-perfect life takes a cold unexpected U-turn when Apzal realizes that the love of his life’s
parent’s has a total disregard for him and their daughter’s relationship, period. Oddly, we do not know
why. Azpal presents himself in a way in which he is respectful to others, as he also wishes for the same
respect in return, far from the suitor that a parent may resent. So where the grudge originates from is like
an unspoken mystery we are all curious to learn more about. Howbeit, we’re saddened to learn that he is
treated unfairly by Sabina’s parents, especially for no apparent reason.

As we become more familiar with the background details concerning the characters and scenes, Sabina’s
parent’s inexplicable resentment seems to derive from a deep, entrenched desire to exercise complete
authority, power, and control over their daughter’s life, exalting their role far beyond “a parent’s love” and
position. Perhaps, they only see Azpal as a threat to their influence over their daughter’s life? Or maybe
they never even consider Sabina’s feelings in the first place, infuriated to discover the love between Azpal
and her is already taking course? There are several possibilities, but no way to pinpoint their irrational
behavior exactly. Nevertheless, Sabina’s desire to choose her own husband (in her parents eyes) is the
perfect opportunity for their daughter go against her own heart and husband, to prove her loyalty
towards her parent’s…well, at least this is the way they conduct themselves in the book. For Sabina’s
freedom to follow her heart, silently draws an invisible line between what could be a blessed and favored
family. Azpal is nothing more than astonished at his in-laws inflexible disapproval.

But the rejection he receives from his in-laws is the least of his worries when he discovers they have went
as far as to arrange for his wife to marry another man! We are utterly shocked at this bold and outrageous
move! Azpal and Sabina are not “legally” married at this point, however through the sanctification of God,
through their eyes, they are bound as one. This is the moment where we visibly see how there comes a
time when the saying, “parents know best” is nothing more than an invalid cliché. What and why would
any parent arrange for their child to marry someone they don't love and certainly do not wish to marry?
We wonder, what revolting pleasure do they receive from this? The worst part about this is the fact that
her parents clearly understand and know that she is in love with Apzal, yet eagerly persist in proceeding
with their plan to sabotage the duo's consecrated foundation of love. What word comes to mind other
than, evil? For there are several incidents highlighted in the book where Author Hosein vividly recounts
the troubling days when he is viewed as an enemy to his wife’s parent’s, and much less as a decent son-

Inevitably, this bittersweet effect is also directed towards their very own daughter. It’s almost as if Sabina’s
parents simply don’t (or can’t) comprehend the true meaning and conditions of love between a man and
woman, for they resemble every sign of disrespect imaginable to the man that adores their very seed, who
in Azpal’s eyes, is a precious, priceless, beautiful flower, worthy of nothing less than his all. We sympathize
with the characters, as they are innocuously confounded in a dilemma in which they have done everything
right, only to be treated wrong. What a perplexing and interesting irony that teaches a subliminal lesson,
some things are just out of our hands, as they are also beyond our control, just like Sabina's parents

Their interference has caused unnecessary and added stress not only to their marriage, but also their
children, as even the kids can perceive the weighty awkwardness between their grandparents and parents.
We are devastated to read of how the children are psychologically impacted by a situation that existed
before they were even born! This story seems to have the word ‘unfair’ written all over it!

Immature and senseless behavior is not typically expected of parents, especially parents that believe and
have faith in God (quite the irony!). But by reading this book, we’ve come to realize that undesirable traits
like the ones portrayed in Sabina’s parent’s character can come in any package; whether it be a friend,
your father, a co-worker, or anyone else! The point we’re trying to make is that although we can assume
Sabina loves her parents tremendously, to compromise the pure and unblemished love established
between she and Apzal isn’t even close to an option in her world. And why should it be? No child, let
alone a young adult should ever be forced to choose between a relationship with their parent(s) and a
relationship with their wife or husband. Those are clearly red flags. We commend Azpal for fighting for
this truth! Besides, what is it about him that they can’t seem to get over?

Re-visiting the primary conflict in the story, we are shocked and in disbelief when we read that Sabina
somehow manages to marry the “arranged” man her parents set her up with despite her heart. Questions
arise from this, particularly, what will happen to Sabina if she goes against the rules and rejects their
arrangement? The idea of being “forced” to do something against our will indicates that as a human, one
is not given a choice. But is this really the case? Does the result of what you choose, whether the result be
of consequence or reward, truly determine if you have a choice at all? Meaning, whether or not Sabina
loses the respect of her parents by refuting the arranged marriage, or gains their adoration for giving in to
their uncompassionate request, in reality, she has a choice to make and it’s probably one of the most
important decisions she ever will. And there is no time for contemplation, for with her new last name,
more complications arise and predictably test Sabina and Azpal’s commitment, character, and most of all,
their belief and faith in God. After all, with God being the centerpiece of their life, is He not the One in
control? Will Sabina’s new “legal” marriage get in the way of her true marriage with Apzal? Has her
parents manipulative plan and scheme to force her into an unlawful marriage with an estranged man
forever tainted the lives of the two ordained spirits? Will they lose faith in God…or each other? There are a
plethora of questions racing through our minds with all of the happenings and we take heed to the
multiple lessons that emerge from enduring a situation like Azpal and Sabina’s, for the adversity they
behold is costing them time and a peace of mind (as they are, now, prevented from being legally married
with Sabina already legally married to another man) while stirring up heaps and heaps of bitterness!

This questions any chance or hope to envision the family naturally reuniting in harmony, and it’s clear as
to why! Going into someone’s home where the foulness of hatred is so heavy, you cannot stand to sit in it,
is like walking willingly into a crafty snare in which all that it entails, is noticeably against you. Besides, can
you imagine trying to “work things out” with the two individuals you know purposefully set you up for
ruin and disaster?! How hard is such a task! In awe, we have a high regard for both Azpal and Sabina for
being such pivotal examples of what they believe in; love, forgiveness, and faith. We said it once and must
emphasize this point once more; they are rare. Here they both are, innocent, yet being treated unfairly
and the only “crime” they are supposedly guilty of is love? We’re left puzzled and genuinely empathize
with their family. No matter how much effort they exert into normalizing things between them all, Azpal
in-laws never grasp the concept, avoid the truth, and constantly find a way to demean and disrespect
Azpal and Sabina’s relationship. But Azpal, being the brave and resilient soul God created him to be, bears
the resentment of his in-laws and presses on, for they must now work to have Sabina’s illegitimate
marriage voided.

As terrible as Azpal and Sabina may feel, we absolutely love how Azpal and Sabina do not oblige or
succumb to their antagonists menacing oppositions, in fact, they ingeniously counteract all of the
negative energy by marrying each other anyway (despite the bizarre dilemma of Sabina’s last name) and
continue raising their three lovely children while pursuing their goals. Even more estimable, they
accomplish all of this despite not having the assistance or blessings of Sabina’s parents! This outcome is a
great example of the unpredictability’s of life.

Eventually, distance is the only communication between the couple and Azpal’s in-laws, as they must
settle with the reality that things may never be the same again between them and Sabina’s parents.
Separating and severing ties is never an easy thing to do, but Azpal victoriously exclaims “God will never
give more than I can bear”, and he is right! No, he may not have inspired any obvious change in the stony
hearts of his conniving in-laws, but who's to say that his dramatic stance against such unfair and unjust
treatment didn’t have an effect on Sabina’s parents? Only God knows.

At the final stage of this book, we are left speechless, completely moved by this honest, heartfelt,
emotional testimonial. Our hearts are satisfied knowing Azpal and Sabina eventually overcome the
injustice (unlawful forced marriage) that carelessly taunted their family throughout the years. Their story
will surely help others, indeed, leaving an unforgettable imprint of knowledge, experience, and wisdom to
use as a compass in distress. There are multiple significant points Author Hosein underlines in his detailed
account, with primary themes being “forced marriage”, “faith”, “love”, “family” and lastly, God. We are left
with an immense feeling of confidence, inspired by Azpal’s incredible spirit to stand up for what is right
and to stick firm in what you believe in. His bold, righteous, and humble approach calls him to leadership,
as he lives on earth as a transparent example of the remarkable and magnificent God he serves.

We gladly rate this book 5 stars and encourage others to read this emotional story! It is an
abundance of wisdom, spirituality, and experience, all in one. Get your copy today!

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