Madhva Vedanta Beyond India

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U"{C‰"{iEß"y"{i ‹"E"{Â"∫# $ A"‰"l{ª∫ª‚" |"{E"Ø k"aØ><˙"ù{l{|"|"{<Î"E"# $$). Weighing both Madhva Vedanta Beyond India
the sides of arguments, I order as follows for you to obey.
Professor Deepak Sarma
Carry out your promise made to Drowpadi while consoling
her in her grief and as well as fulfill the opinion of Bhima, During my research trips to India, I am often asked about
which again is also mine and which Panchali also agrees to'. the popularity of Vedanta among Western students. Though
there is an interest in Vedanta, this interest rarely extends to
In accodance to Sri Krishna's words Arjuna half shaved the
an interest in Madhva Vedanta. The history of scholarship in
hairs and uprooted the Mani (Gem) on the head of Ashvatthama
Vedanta in the West has been dominated by studies of both
thus inflicting shame on him which is equivalent to death for
Advaita and Visistadvaita Vedanta. Only a handful of non-
a Brahmana. Ashvatthama was released from the ropes tied on
Indian scholars have studied Sri Madhvacarya’s school of
him and was driven out of the Shibira (tent) of Pandavas.
Vedanta and can claim a modicum of proficiency in his
The story ends in Bhagavata with the statement, µ"E‹"E"w doctrine. The end result is that most Western students of
ÿ<˙"Ó"{l{E"w C¨"{E"{|"Ø <E"Î"{fÂ"Ó"w |"¨"{ $ Ãk" <∫ µ"‡h"µ"E‹"±E"{w ˙"‹"{i E"{EÎ"{i&<C|" l <∫÷Ò# $$í Hinduism believe that all Hindus are monists and, in some
There should be no other physical torture inflicted upon way or another, followers of Advaita Vedanta. Some are so
a Brahmabandhu than arresting, snatching away the wealth convinced of the veracity of this position that they believe that
he possess and also driving him away from the scene'. (This the theism propounded by Madhvacarya is not “really” Hindu
means insult and desrespect inflicted upon him is equivalent and that his interpretation of sruti is inaccurate or farfetched!
to death.) Why has this not been prevented? Why is there little interest
in Madhva Vedanta among Western Indologists? How can such
From page 96 misconceptions about Hinduism be changed?
knowlege seekers and the ordinary people should listen to such The earliest scholars of Indian philosophy in the West
discourses. Acharya Madhva, we learn from his history, did
sought perspectives that were most different from Christian
preach his listeners to preserve the above right tradition
theism. Seeking the unusual, they came upon Sankara’s Advaita
(Dharmasukshma) through his own Brahma Sutra Bhashya.
Vedanta and subsequently invested much of their intellectual
.... Acharya Madhva had within him Aloukika Ananda and efforts in trying to understand a tradition that most clearly
through his Tatvajnana he gave such bliss to those interested. opposed their own. Madhvacarya’s realism, in contrast, was not
To follow the way of life motivated by materalistic expreriences
so different from the theism to which they were accustomed
and craze is like the blind following the blind. But the way
leading some to claim that Madhvacarya was influenced by
of life as sanctified by Tatvajnana is full of eternal peace and
Christianity. Combined with this quest for the “mystical
bliss. This material life should keep such high ideals as its
goal for achievement. Acharya Madhva has bestowed upon this
45 orient” was a deliberate and calculated effort to promote
world such a high culture of Tatvajnana'." Advaita vada by so-called neo-Vedantins, such as Vivekananda,

who traveled across the United States, and President Sarvapalli of sruti. Madhva pandits have upheld this edict and, until
Radhakrishnan, who used Advaita Vedanta to unify and pacify recently, have neither published many books on Madhva
India. The effect was that many Westerners (and Hindus in Vedanta nor made the Sarvamula and subsequent commentaries
India and diasporic Hindus) began identifying Hinduism with available to the masses. This exclusivity is slowly changing
a variety of Advaita Vedanta, an unfortunate identification thanks to Sri HH Vishvesha Tirtha Swamiji, the scholars that
which continues to the present time. Other schools, such as he supports at the Purnaprajna Samshodana Mandiram, and
Madhvacarya’s, have been ignored or categorized as the the members of the ABMM. These people are among the first
exception, rather than the norm. Since Vivekananda first spoke to make texts and teachings more widely available. Their effort
in Chicago in 1893 most publications on Vedanta in English has led to many ABMM, Purnaprajna Vidyapitham, and
Dvaita Vedanta Research Foundation publications, including
by and for Westerners have concerned Advaita. A quick search
this bimonthly journal. Additionally, the PPSM has developed
of the online catalogue of the library of the University of
a web site where devotees can download Madhva texts freely
Chicago reveals that their holdings include 107 books in
and easily, as well as read clear and concise introductions to
English on Advaita Vedanta and only 41 in English on Madhva
Madhva teachings. Sri Panchamukhi’s advice is good and
Vedanta. Madhva Vedanta research in Western universities is
Madhva pandits must continue to publish and digitize texts.
so sorely lacking that it is essential that the Madhva Sampradaya But is this enough? Will it help to spread the truth of Madhva
help to fill this deficiency. Vedanta? The Sanskrit medium is far from inviting and many
How can Madhvas and Madhva pandits alter this Madhvas and non-Madhvas have neither the resources nor the
unfortunate trajectory? In his article in Tatvavada (Vol. 2, Issue patience to read the Sanskrit originals. For this reason, Madhva
4), Sri Dr. V. R. Panchamukhi makes several valuable suggestions pandits must also strive to publish readable translations of
about disseminating Madhva Vedanta which concern primarily Madhva texts and continue to publish lucid English summaries
the preservation, collection, and publication of manuscripts. of doctrine on-line. Most Madhva pandits, despite being superb
In this article he also indirectly touches upon the controversial Sanskritists and scholars, lack the skills to convey their
issue of adhikara (page 22), the rules and regulations that limit unparalleled wisdom using the English language. The older
generation of pandits may not be able to satisfy this need,
sastraic training to a small group of qualified aspirants. Such
so it is up to younger Madhvas to learn scholarly English and
pedagogical restrictions may be the biggest reason why Madhva
to publish in English and in English journals. Not only will
Vedanta has not found a place among Western researchers.
this help to propagate Madhva Vedanta to the non-Sanskrit
Following the Vedas and Upanisads, Madhvacarya reminds reading Hindu public, but it will also provide a way, perhaps
readers in his Bhasya on the Brahma Sutras (1.1.1, athato the only way, for Madhva pandits and Madhva Vedanta to enter
brahmajijnasa, Then, afterwards, the inquiry into the Supreme the Western academic world, have an impact on the field of
Being (brahman) is to be undertaken), that only a limited 46 Vedanta studies in the West, and dispel the dark cloud of
group of qualified aspirants are eligible to learn the depths Advaita Vedanta.

Some may insist that making texts available conflicts with Some distinctive Characteristics of
Madhva doctrine. But I do not think that the adhikara rules
will be violated if Madhva pandits translate texts into English.
Madhva's doctrines
After all, it is still the case that the texts must be read with (Extracts from Sri Jayachamarajendra Vodeyar's address)
a teacher and must be read in the Sanskrit original for a student
[Late Sri Jayachamarajendra Vodeyar who was the King of
to gain complete understanding of Madhva doctrine. Though
Mysore prior to independance and then became the Rajyapala of
the claim is a controversial one, according to many pandits,
old Mysore State inaugurated the first Sammelana of ABMM in
an English translation can never fully communicate the essence
1953. Again in 1960 the Sammelana held in Madras was also
of the Sanskrit original. Furthermore, his Bhasya on the Brahma
inaugurated by him. Vidyarthi Nilaya at Mysore was also declared
Sutras (1.1.1, strisudrabrahmabandhunam tantrajnane ‘dhikarita
open by him. Thus in many ways he had involved himself in the
| ekadse parokte tu na tu granthapurassare, For women, sudra,
developmental programmes of ABMM.
and unworthy Brahmins, there is eligibility with regard to the
knowledge [that is found] in the tantras. However, [they are Without himself being partison to any school of thought studying
eligible to hear only] a potion [of the text when it] is narrated the doctrines of Madhva he has identified many unique distinctive
[to them] and [they are] not [eligible] with regard to [direct] Prameyas in Acharya Madhva's Sutra Bhashya. He has brought
study from a [sruti] text), Madhvacarya himself approves of them out in his address delivered in ABMM's programme. Madhva's
pandits who teach the gist of portions of the sastra to the masses open discourses in Sutra Bhashya, Sri Vodeyar liked heartily.
Acharya Madhva's Hari Sarvottama doctrines had been understood
who do not have adhikara. In light of Madhvacarya’s own
in their real spirit by the Vodeyar. A few of his expressed
interpretation pandits would not break any rules regarding
appreications as learnt by him are rendered in English here. (From
adhikara if they were to address the needs of the masses.
Tatvavada Kannada Special (Feb. 03) Issue.)]
In summary, there is little interest in Madhva Vedanta in
....... For the recognition of particular school of thought
Western universities and it is incumbent upon the Madhva
in Vedanta its uniqueness of thinking about certain concepts
Sampradaya to create and to foster its study. It is only through
of Vedanta becomes the landmark. Also such distinctions speak
the effort and devotion of Madhva pandits that the glory and
for the relevance of that particular Vedanta school of thought.
truth of Madhva Vedanta can be shared with the world.
Conceptual description commonly found in other schools also
(Deepak Sarma is a follower of Madhva Vedanta who is cannot plead for the establishment of speciality of given school
currently living in Hyde Park, Chicago and enjoying an of thought. Let us identify some of the topics uniquely rasised
affiliation with the University of Chicago as a Research and founded by Madhvacharya.
Associate of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies. He .... Brahma Mimamsa Shastra's supreme authoritativeness
is also a Research Scholar of the Purnaprajna Samshodana is established by Madhva in his Anuvyakhyana statements ëÈ|"{i
Mandiram, and vice president of the Society for Hindu- 47
E" |"{MU"w <÷Ò<Å"|"Ø Â"‡ß"{Ó"|"ß"<„"kÎ"|"i $í- (Meaning - as per the stated
Christian Studies.)

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