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Bold beans: Vietnamese NFL’s evolution of what it VALERIE


coffee businesses thriving looks for in QB draft pick VIA GETTY


Roasteries in the U.S. have gone from nearly Athletes don’t have to be the biggest on the
nonexistent to nationwide sensation. In Money field if they can make the big plays. In Sports

Movie Mementos including
museum props from “Jaws” and
other films are displayed,
opens its but museum doesn’t shy
from industry’s compli-
THE NATION'S NEWS | $2 | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 doors in LA cated history. In Life


‘the Wild
West’ of
Remember Adina De Zavala boosters
Experts urge Americans
to follow the guidelines
Adrianna Rodriguez

COVID-19 boosters are now avail-

able to millions of Americans who fall
into certain broad categories and want
greater protection from the coronavi-
While many are relieved boosters
are finally here, there’s little policing
to ensure third shots go to the intend-
ed people. Health experts say some
people who don’t meet the require-
ments are ignoring official guidelines
and seeking third shots.

CNA Shyrel Ritter of New York gets a

COVID-19 booster shot. SETH WENIG/AP

“Right now, it’s been the Wild West.

I know people are going out and help-
ing themselves to all kinds of things
and basically lying to do so,” said Dr.
Camille Kotton, an infectious disease
expert at Massachusetts General Hos-
pital and a member of the Advisory
Adina De Zavala is called “the Angel of the Alamo.” ILLUSTRATION BY MARA CORBETT/USA TODAY NETWORK; PROVIDED PHOTOS Committee on Immunization Prac-
tices, a CDC advisory group. “We real-
ly want to make sure that things pro-
Vicky Camarillo
Corpus Christi (Texas) Caller-Times
Mexican American razed. She’d locked herself inside as
a sheriff waited at the door with a
ceed as safely and in the best way pos-
sible, so we encourage people to follow
woman’s iron will court order.
The barrack was a two-story
the rules.”
The third jabs are only available to
The first night in the dark, cold saved the Alamo building of a Catholic mission that, recommended groups who got their
barrack of the Alamo was the hard- centuries earlier, had been home to second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech
est. priests and nuns during the time of vaccine at least six months ago. Those
Adina De Zavala had no bed or Spanish rule over Texas. By the time groups are: people 65 years and older;
even a chair to sleep on. Rats skit-
About the series De Zavala occupied the former con- residents in long-term care settings
tered nearby. The electricity and Never Been Told: The Lost History vento, there was little trace of its and people 50 to 64 with underlying
telephone lines had been cut. of People of Color is an occasional past. The historic building had been medical conditions. People 18 to 49
But years of effort, of obsession, series that explores the unseen, owned by a grocery company and
had led her to this desperate stand. unheard, lost or forgotten stories had housed crates of milk, sugar and See BOOSTERS, Page 4A
It was February 1908, and the oldest of these Americans. Read more other goods. Now, the place was bar-
building in the Alamo complex in installments at neverbeentold.
San Antonio was in danger of being See DE ZAVALA, Page 6A
Vaccination rates lowest
among pregnant people

Among that group, Black people are
the least likely to have received both

Immigration activists: Texas shots, CDC data show. 4A

program violates Constitution

A division of
Gannett Co., Inc. Some colleges no longer
HOME DELIVERY testing for coronavirus
1-800-872-0001, USATODAYSERVICE.COM Governor using Guard,
Schools altering their policies, letting
troopers to bolster border students choose for themselves how
to handle a positive diagnosis. 4A
Rick Jervis
Spooky season plans USA TODAY
Outdoor and at-home activities
dominate Americans’ fall plans Ivan Nava and David Muñoz, WASHINGTON
as the delta variant surges. friends from Guerrero, Mexico,
42% Decorate for Halloween
crossed into the U.S. together in June
without permission. They hoped to
US bracing for
29% Go on a hike connect with relatives, find jobs and
map out better lives for their families
A Texas state trooper and a Border
Patrol agent detain undocumented
federal shutdown
27% Carve pumpkins
back in Mexico. immigrants. JOHN MOORE/GETTY IMAGES Thursday is shaping up
22% Have a bonfire Instead, they sat in a Texas prison to be a pivotal moment
for seven weeks, unclear on the for Joe Biden’s presi-
19% Go to pumpkin patch charges against them or what awaited Tuesday, a Texas district court dency – and for tens of
12% Pick apples
them. They are two of thousands of judge dismissed the charges of crimi- millions of Americans –
migrants who crossed into Texas from nal trespassing against Nava and with a government
12% Go camping Mexico this year without proper docu- Muñoz after prosecutors were un- Biden shutdown looming if
mentation and were rounded up as prepared to present probable cause. Congress fails to act as
11% Walk corn maze
part of Operation Lone Star, Gov. Greg Advocates hailed it as a major victory well as a scheduled House vote on the
11% Go to haunted house/trail Abbott’s initiative to use state troopers against Operation Lone Star, which bipartisan infrastructure bill that is a
and National Guard soldiers to help they allege is unconstitutional and cornerstone of Biden’s domestic
SOURCE Ipsos poll, Sept. 10-13 bolster federal immigration enforce- agenda. Negotiations continued furi-
AMY BARNETTE, TIFFANY CLEMENS/USA TODAY ment. See LONE STAR, Page 3A ously into the night Wednesday. 2A


US braces for shutdown House panel gets its

turn with Milley, Austin
if Congress doesn’t act Matthew Brown
and Mabinty Quarshie
ten with Robert Costa.
“You spent more time with
Some workers may president’s desk before fund-
ing expires,” Schumer said.
USA TODAY Bob Woodward on this book
than you spent analyzing the
face furloughs after The House had approved a WASHINGTON – After deli- very likely prospect that the Af-
midnight deadline combined spending exten- vering eye-popping testimo- ghanistan government was go-
sion and increase in the na- nies before senators on Tues- ing to fall immediately to the Ta-
Joey Garrison tion’s ability to borrow. Sen- day, the country’s top military liban, didn’t you?” Gaetz said.
USA TODAY ate Republicans blocked that brass headed to the House of “Not even close,” Milley re-
measure Monday, arguing Representatives for further plied.
WASHINGTON – Facing a that Democrats should raise grilling by lawmakers over the During further questioning
down-to-the-wire drama, U.S. the debt limit on their own. U.S. withdrawal from Afghani- with Banks, Milley said he did
agencies braced for a possible The stand-alone funding stan, competition with China not regret speaking with Wood-
federal shutdown that would bill – which would not touch and the chain of command. ward.
begin at the end of the day Chuck Schumer says the the debt limit – would operate Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair- “I’m concerned that there’s
Thursday if Congress doesn’t Senate could work quickly the government through Dec. man Mark Milley, Defense mischaracterizations of me be-
pass a bill to keep the govern- to extend funding to Dec. 3. 3, to give lawmakers time to Secretary Lloyd Austin and coming very politicized as an
ment running. J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP approve routine spending U.S. Central Command Gen. individual and that it’s my will-
Hundreds of thousands of measures for the fiscal year Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie ingness to become politicized,
nonessential federal employ- beginning Oct. 1. The bill testified before the Senate which is not true,” he said.
ees could be furloughed begin- down lasted 35 days and start- would provide $28.6 billion Armed Services Committee In an interview with ABC
ning Friday – forced to take ed Dec. 21, 2018, when Donald for disaster assistance and and faced the House Armed News in August, Biden said no
time off without pay – if Con- Trump was president. It fol- $6.3 billion for Afghan refu- Services Committee on military leaders advised him to
gress does not avert a shut- lowed brief shutdowns in Janu- gees. Wednesday. keep 2,500 troops in Afghani-
down before funding expires at ary and February 2018. Other government shut- House lawmakers scruti- stan. Lawmakers quizzed the
the end of the fiscal year, which White House press secretary downs came during Barack nized the records of each of Pentagon officials on that an-
occurs at midnight. Jen Psaki said the administra- Obama’s presidency, when the military leaders and asked swer both Tuesday and
The federal workforce has tion is focused on getting a bill the government ceased oper- whether punishment should Wednesday.
already been upended for the to fund the government passed ations for 16 days in October be levied by President Joe Bi- Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La.,
past 18 months during the coro- in Congress but the Office of 2013. The government shut den on his top national securi- pressed the officials on wheth-
navirus pandemic, which Management and Budget has down 21 days from December ty advisers. er they or Biden were lying
forced many government work- been working on contingen- 1995 to January 1996 when Bill Milley defended himself about the need to leave troops
ers, like other Americans, to cies. Each federal department Clinton was president. against Republican attacks in Afghanistan.
stay home. and agency submitted plans to OMB spokesman Abdullah for dealing with the media, McKenzie and Milley de-
The National Parks Service, OMB on what a shutdown Hasan said that although the saying he thought it was im- clined to share their personal
which has closed some parks would mean for its workers. budget office fully expects portant to speak with journal- conversations with the presi-
and facilities during past shut- “They are costly, disruptive Congress to “keep our govern- ists. dent, but they did reiterate they
downs, is among the depart- and damaging,” Psaki said, not- ment open, get disaster relief “I believe that part of my had wanted 2,500 troops to re-
ments reviewing contingency ing that the Congressional Bud- to the Americans who need it job is to communicate to the main behind.
plans. Spokeswoman Jenny get Office found a partial shut- and avoid a catastrophic de- media,” Milley told Rep. Jim “I cannot share advice I give
Anzelmo-Sarles said Wednes- down in 2019 cost the economy fault,” officials are preparing Banks, R-Ind. the president, and I will not do
day that “determinations about $11 billion. for a possible funding lapse. Milley stressed that he was that,” McKenzie said.
specific operations and pro- Psaki cited additional Under OMB guidelines, not a political figure. Milley resisted when pressed
grams have not been made.” “harmful effects” – more than federal employees must work “I’ve done my best to re- about whether Biden was at
Employees deemed neces- 6,000 firefighters battling wild- during a shutdown if they main personally apolitical, fault for U.S. failures in Afghani-
sary to protect life and property fires would not receive a pay- meet legal exceptions such as and I tried to keep the military stan, calling it “the job of the
such as air traffic controllers, check and about 43% of Health work related to the “safety of out of actual domestic politics. American people” and Congress
law enforcement, public health and Human Service employees human life or the protection of And I made a point of that to judge the president.
officials and firefighters would and 60% of IRS employees property.” Mandatory spend- from the time I became the “This is a 20-year war,” Mil-
continue to work, but they would be furloughed. She said ing programs – including so- chairman, and especially be- ley said, arguing that the out-
wouldn’t be paid until Congress Americans seeking to secure an cial safety net programs such ginning last summer,” he said. come was the result of “a cum-
appropriates funding. Federal Housing Administra- as Social Security, Medicare Florida GOP Rep. Matt ulative effect to a series of stra-
“It would be devastating if tion loan could face delays and and Medicaid – that don’t re- Gaetz harangued Milley for tegic decisions that go way
there’s a shutdown,” said Max veterans could face delays se- quire annual authorization speaking with Washington back. ... There’s a whole series
Stier, president and CEO of the curing services. also would continue. Post journalist Bob Wood- of decisions that take place
Partnership for Public Service, Congress hasn’t scheduled Psaki said most public ward for the book “Peril,” writ- over 20 years.”
a nonprofit focused on good votes to extend funding the health workers involved in the
governance. He pointed to the government, but leaders from efforts to increase COVID-19
pressures the pandemic placed both parties said it could take vaccinations would be ex-
on workers and said although action Thursday before the empted from a shutdown.
the federal government would midnight deadline. “But that doesn’t change
maintain emergency services, Senate Majority Leader the fact that having services Customer service Contact us
“it does that at a real cost” by Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said shut down and staffing cut in To view important information online Customer Service ........ 1-800-872-0001
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Moderates flex their influence

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Manchin, Sinema to defeat the infrastructure bill,
which has broad bipartisan
that approaches $28 trillion.
Manchin, a fiscal conser-
to, breaking news on USA TODAY, USPS #684090, ISSN
#0734-7456, is published Monday
our tablet and smartphone apps,
show limits of support. vative who represents a state subscriber benefits at through Friday at 7950 Jones Branch
Dr. McLean, VA 22108. Periodicals
“It’s not possible,” Manchin Donald Trump won in the memberguide and the eNewspaper,
Biden agenda said Wednesday afternoon out- presidential election in 2020, a digital replica of the print edition. postage paid at McLean, VA 22108.
❚ Delivery of the Monday through Postmaster: Send address changes to
Ledyard King side the Capitol. “What’s possi- said he was a “hard no” on the Friday print editions: $29.00 Customer Service, PO Box 5830, Au-
USA TODAY ble is to sit down and have a price tag this month. Sinema, *Plus applicable taxes gusta, GA 30916
good, frank negotiation and who represents a state Biden
WASHINGTON – “It’s not pass the infrastructure bill.” narrowly won last year, has
possible.” Biden’s agenda lies in his raised concerns about drug
With three words, Sen. Joe ability to win over Manchin and pricing changes in the pro-
Manchin Wednesday demon- Sinema on a bill that began as a posal.

strated the constraints facing $3.5 trillion blueprint to ex- The deadlock over both
President Joe Biden and his al- pand safety net programs and bills comes nearly a year be-
lies on Capitol Hill as they try to climate resilience but is likely fore the midterm elections in
push through Congress a far- to be smaller since both sena- which Democrats’ majorities
reaching expansion of federal tors will have a large say in in both houses of Congress
social, economic and climate
The West Virginia Democrat
was referring to the prospects
what passes an evenly divided
Senate that Democrats control
by Vice President Kamala Har-
ris’ tiebreaking vote.
will be at stake. If Biden and
congressional Democrats are
unable to pass the changes
they campaigned on, it could
that he could reach agreement The Senate passed the infra- be disastrous for them next
with the White House on legis- structure bill in August with year, said Elaine Kamarck, an 1) Register and enter codes at:
lative language or at least the Republican support. It would expert on Congress who di- 2) Enter today’s code before Saturday, October 2
framework of such a bill by provide tens of billions of dol- rects the Center for Effective at 11:59 p.m.
Thursday, the day when the lars for new roads, rails and Public Management at the
3) Redeem today’s bonus code for coupon redemptions
House is scheduled to vote on a transit, as well as money for Brookings Institution in that interest you. Coupons cover restaurants, travel,
bipartisan infrastructure bill broadband expansion and elec- Washington.
that moderates demand must tric vehicle charging stations. “While I am hopeful that
pass now. Manchin’s com- The more costly “human in- common ground can be found
ments put that vote further in frastructure” bill calls for free that would result in another
doubt because liberals have pre-kindergarten for 3- and 4- historic investment in our na-
said they will oppose it unless a year-olds, two years of free tion, I cannot – and will not –
deal on the larger bill has been community college and paid support trillions in spending
struck between Biden, Man- family and sick leave. It would or an all or nothing approach
chin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, expand Medicare to include that ignores the brutal fiscal
D-Ariz. dental, hearing and vision reality our nation faces,”
Manchin said there was no benefits. Manchin said Wednesday.
chance that he would agree to a Manchin and Sinema raised “There is a better way and I
deal on the social spending doubts about their ability to believe we can find it if we are
package by Thursday – in effect support such a large package willing to continue to negoti-
daring left-leaning lawmakers given the spiraling federal debt ate in good faith.”


Distance adds risks

to fighting terrorists
Experts: Relying on suspected suicide bomber and no ci-
vilians. Army Gen. Mark Milley, chair-
drones can lead to errors man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hailed
it as “righteous.” Part of the assess-
Tom Vanden Brook ment came from an explosion after a
USA TODAY white Toyota Corolla had been struck
by the missile. A second explosion had
WASHINGTON – Civilian casualties, been thought to be caused by explo-
like the deaths of 10 people in Kabul in a sives in the car, but further investiga-
botched U.S. drone strike, are likely to tion determined the explosion had
continue under the Biden administra- been caused by a propane tank that
tion’s “over the horizon” policy of attack- had been on the ground.
ing suspected terrorists from a distance, “It’s the dynamic targeting that will
according to experts and based on a suffer the most,” Murray said. “The sit-
Pentagon report. uation on the ground is never as it
Hundreds of civilians have been killed seems from the air.”
in U.S. airstrikes in recent years, accord- Critics accuse Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of an unconstitutional broadening
ing to Pentagon figures, in the same re- What ‘over the horizon’ may mean of state troopers’ authority. MARK FELIX/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
gions from Africa to Afghanistan that
will be targeted under the Biden admini- Lacking human sources of intelli-
stration’s “over the horizon” approach,
which will rely on long-range drones and
gence on the ground, the military relies
on video from drones and intercepted Lone Star His critics say Operation Lone Star
blatantly disregards the U.S. Constitu-
other aircraft to strike targets in Afghani- communications to identify targets. tion, which assigns immigration
stan and other global hot spots. More than 60 pieces of intelligence Continued from Page 1A enforcement to the federal government.
Gathering the intelligence to target and imagery from several Reaper Local agencies can still communicate
those terrorists and avoid killing civil- drones led to the wrong conclusion flouts federal laws. Supporters of the with federal immigration agents and let
ians has become more difficult with the and the Kabul strike, according to the policy claim it’s Abbott’s right to stop them know they have a person suspect-
withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghani- military. undocumented migrants from stream- ed of crossing the border illegally, said
stan and limited deployments of Amer- “When you rely on imagery, you can ing into Texas if the federal govern- Geoffrey Hoffman, director of the Uni-
ican forces elsewhere, said Seth Jones, make huge mistakes,” Jones said. ment fails at the task. versity of Houston Law Center. But state
director of the Transnational Threats Those mistakes probably will result Nava and Muñoz remain in custody. agents arresting and processing
Project at the Center for Strategic and in civilians being killed, he said. It’s State officials could hand them over to migrants who enter the USA without
International Studies. U.S. command- unclear how such mistakes will affect federal immigration agents, who may proper documentation violates the
ers previously had been able to tap local U.S. standing among its allies and ad- detain or deport them. Or they could Constitution and the Immigration and
sources for information on suspected versaries. be released into the USA to await an Nationality Act, he said.
terrorists, developing patterns of life be- “There’s so little studied on this,” immigration hearing. “There’s no gray area – it’s very
fore striking. Jones said. “It’s a problem that I’m not Tuesday, the same judge who pre- clear,” Hoffman said. “What the gover-
“Ideally you want your own eyes on sure the U.S. government has done any sided over the Nava-Muñoz case or- nor’s doing here goes beyond what’s
the target,” Jones said. “You want to serious analysis on – what the impact dered the release of 243 migrants allowed under the law.”
know what color his underwear is, and of the civilian casualties has been.” arrested under Operation Lone Star on Abbott’s office did not respond to a
what he brushes his teeth with.” Another possibility is that, lacking no-cost bonds after prosecutors request for comment. The Texas De-
good intelligence from human sources, agreed to the releases. Many of the partment of Public Safety, which over-
commanders will take fewer shots at men had been jailed without charges sees Operation Lone Star, did not re-
suspected terrorists, said retired Maj. for more than two weeks, according to spond to questions about the initiative.
Gen. Mark Quantock, who was the top Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, which rep- Thomas Saenz, president and gener-
intelligence officer for Central Com- resented the migrants. al counsel of the Mexican American
mand. The Nava-Muñoz case and other Legal Defense and Educational Fund,
Lethal targeting requires positive legal challenges could have far-reach- said he and his organization closely
identification of the suspected terror- ing consequences if higher courts take monitor the legal challenges to Opera-
ist, he said. Without solid intelligence, up the case or other states mimic tion Lone Star. Abbott’s policy not only
you usually don’t take the shot. Terror- Texas’ policy, said Alicia Torres of leads to racial profiling and infringes on
ists can also be aware that U.S. forces Grassroots Leadership, an Austin- civil liberties but will dissuade Latino
are reluctant to fire on targets sur- based immigrants advocacy group. residents from reporting crimes, mak-
rounded by children, women and other “If we as a nation don’t stand up to ing communities less safe, especially in
bystanders. Texas and say, ‘Enough is enough’ … Texas, which is 40% Hispanic, he said.
we will see policies like Operation “Whenever you ask untrained law
Afghan residents and family of victims Iraq, Syria hit hardest Lone Star pop up across the country,” enforcement officers to engage in immi-
gather around a vehicle a day after a she said. gration enforcement efforts, they are
US drone airstrike in Kabul in August. Pentagon officials said the drone Abbott launched Operation Lone going to revert to racial profiling,” Saenz
WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES strike in Afghanistan on Aug. 29 was a Star in March, deploying hundreds of said. “That’s exactly what an initiative
tragic mistake and have launched in- state troopers from the Texas Depart- like this invites.”
vestigations to determine what went ment of Public Safety, agents, rangers
A potential problem with the tactic: wrong. The Pentagon’s own account- and National Guard soldiers to back up
Terrorists will surround themselves with ing shows deaths and injuries to civil- the Border Patrol, arrest migrants slip-
civilians, knowing that U.S. forces are ians in places like Syria and Iraq have ping through and combat smugglers. “What the governor’s doing
loath to kill innocent people. occurred with alarming frequency in As of late August, more than 4,600
In testimony to the Senate on Tues- recent years. people had been arrested through the here goes beyond what’s
day, the top commander in the Middle The annual report, released last initiative for charges including crimi- allowed under the law.”
East acknowledged that targeting ter- month, noted that the toll continues to nal mischief and criminal trespassing,
rorists has become more challenging. change as investigators sort through according to a news release from Ab- Geoffrey Hoffman
University of Houston Law Center
“As we go forward in our ability to claims from years ago. The report cites bott’s office.
create what we call the ecosystem that 2017 as a particularly bloody year for ci- The number of migrants encoun-
allows you to see what’s going on in the vilians in airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. It tered by the Border Patrol, especially
ground ... (it’s) going to get a lot harder found 200 reports of civilian casualties at the southwest border, has soared to State troopers arrested Nava, 29, and
to do that – particularly in places like Af- in Iraq and Syria that year as “credible.” numbers not seen in two decades. As Muñoz, 41, on July 25 as the pair stood
ghanistan,” said Marine Gen. Kenneth The attacks killed 892 civilians and of the end of August, border agents on a public highway in Kinney County,
McKenzie, chief of U.S. Central Com- wounded 232, according to Michael had encountered more than 1.5 million near the U.S.-Mexican border, accord-
mand. Howard, a Pentagon spokesman. migrants this fiscal year, more than the ing to a petition filed with the court by
Civilian casualties dropped dramat- 977,509 encountered during the entire their attorneys. They were presented
Dynamic vs. deliberate targets ically in 2020, according to the report. 2019 fiscal year, the last time the with a pre-filled document in English,
The decline to 23 civilians killed and 10 agency saw such high numbers. which they didn’t understand, essen-
The problem is particularly acute in wounded in U.S. attacks in 2020 came The Border Patrol’s Rio Grande tially saying they had been informed of
what the military refers to as “dynamic” as the U.S.-led air war and local ground Valley Sector in South Texas has been their rights and would waive their right
targets. Those are suspected terrorists forces took back virtually all the ground the busiest sector along the U.S.-Mex- to an attorney, according to the petition.
believed to pose an imminent threat to that Islamic State fighters had seized in ican border, tallying up 493,993 The two spent a night in Val Verde
U.S. troops or interests. “Deliberate” tar- Iraq and Syria beginning in 2014. encounters, followed by the Del Rio County jail, then were transferred to the
gets are those that are struck after a long Sector, also in Texas, with 214,993, Dolph Briscoe Unit, a state prison that
period of surveillance and various forms Civilian casualty payouts according to statistics released by U.S. was emptied this year to make room for
of intelligence that could include inform- Customs and Border Protection, which the scores of migrants arrested under
ants and intercepted communication. U.S. commanders also take precau- oversees the Border Patrol. Operation Lone Star. They were charged
The tragic error in the Kabul strike is tions that routinely go beyond require- The migrants have been drawn to with criminal misdemeanor trespassing
an example of a dynamic target, said ments in the law of war to protect civil- the border to escape the aftermath of on Sept. 8 – 45 days after their arrest.
Scott Murray, a retired Air Force intelli- ians, Howard said. When civilians natural disasters and corruption and Civil rights attorneys discovered
gence colonel. Murray helped develop have been killed or wounded, the Pen- violence in their home countries, as them after Muñoz’s sister, who lives in
targets for the initial strikes against the tagon has offered payments to fam- well as by the perception that California, received a phone call from
Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria ilies. In Iraq and Afghanistan, there President Joe Biden will be more her brother from the prison and franti-
and had deployments to Afghanistan. have been more than 15,000 payouts. welcoming to migrants than his pre- cally began contacting advocacy
Over-the-horizon targeting can com- There were payments of $259,899 decessor, Donald Trump. groups, said Torres, the Austin-based
pensate for the lack of informants by during fiscal year 2020 and $858,240 The Biden administration has advocate.
fusing intercepted communications, in 2019, Howard said. struggled this year to stem the flow of “It has been very challenging,” she
high-definition video and other imagery Congress in 2020 authorized a fund undocumented border crossers while said. “These are two men that were
for deliberate targets, he said. that allots $3 million a year to be used attempting to roll back Trump-era arrested and spent more than 50 days in
The 10 people, including seven chil- for payments for civilian casualties. policies considered harsh by advo- jail with minimum access to any outside
dren, killed in Kabul by a Hellfire missile The Pentagon also is developing a cates, such as Title 42, which expels news or understanding of their cases.”
fired by a Reaper drone proves the limita- first-of-its-kind policy to address mostly adult men to Mexico without Others back Abbott’s decision to
tion of relying on those streams of intelli- harm done to civilians by U.S. attacks, due process to prevent the spread of deploy state assets to the border to help
gence for dynamic targets. Military com- Howard said. COVID-19, and the “Remain in Mexico” stem the flow of migrants and drugs.
manders who ordered the strike were “We recognize that our military op- policy, which places migrants in Jessica Vaughn, director of policy
outside Afghanistan, according to the erations do result in civilian suffering,” northern Mexico border towns to studies at the Washington-based
Pentagon. The strike came days after ter- Howard said in a statement. “It is im- await their immigration hearing. Center for Immigration Studies, which
rorists of a self-proclaimed affiliate of the portant that we have the right policies “Because the Biden administration promotes stricter control on immigra-
Islamic State called ISIS-K killed 13 U.S. and processes in place to appropriate- is refusing to do its duty, to enforce the tion, said the state troopers mostly pick
troops and 170 Afghan civilians outside ly assess and respond when civilian laws of the United States,” Abbott told up undocumented migrants trying to
Hamid Karzai International Airport. harm occurs, and we continue to ac- Fox News on Sunday, “they’ve left Tex- sneak past Border Patrol agents, not the
Military officials initially assessed tively examine how we can improve as with no position other than to step ones turning themselves in to request
that the strike had killed at least one our approaches to doing so.” up and do what we have to do.” asylum.


Vaccination Colleges alter COVID strategies

is lowest Students to make own State, told the Tallahassee Democrat,

part of the USA TODAY Network, that
decisions amid change the development was “absurd.” He men-
tioned the university has no vaccine

Chris Quintana mandate – the state of Florida bars
USA TODAY schools from doing so – yet hasn’t pro-
vided the infrastructure for stopping an
At the start of its fall semester, the outbreak.
Rate is even lower University of the South tested all its
students for COVID-19 and found just
Some universities have taken a softer
stance by saying they can’t guarantee
among Black women 3% were infected. That seemed like a space for isolation or quarantine hous-
promising start, but today’s infection ing, without flat-out denying its exis-
Nada Hassanein rate is harder to pin down. tence.
USA TODAY That’s because the Sewanee, Ten- Ohio State University, for example,
nessee, liberal arts college stopped its said such housing is limited and “cannot
While new data shows overall racial testing requirements for all students a be guaranteed at any time.” Purdue Uni-
disparities in COVID-19 vaccinations few weeks into the semester. And rath- versity has said it will help students to
are improving, federal numbers show er than requiring students to quaran- make quarantine or isolation arrange-
pregnant Black people are the least tine or isolate as in the past, the uni- The University of the South in ments but stressed they should have
vaccinated compared with those of versity is letting students make that Sewanee, Tenn., is reducing its efforts backup plans.
other races who are expecting. decision for themselves. The institu- to actively keep coronavirus off Others, like the University of Albany,
In general, vaccination rates among tion does require its students be vacci- campus. PROVIDED BY AMANDA/FLICKR have quarantine housing only for stu-
those who are pregnant have been low, nated, with exceptions for medical dents who have already been fully vac-
with only around 20% receiving a dose reasons or “sincerely held religious be- cinated. Unvaccinated students living
during pregnancy, according to Cen- lief.” About 94% of the university’s unlikely to die, so don’t worry about on campus, in contrast, must return
ters for Disease Control and Preven- students are vaccinated. transmission,’ ” Hatcher said. “Without home or book a hotel at their own cost.
tion data. But the rate is even lower The institution’s approach has testing, there is no way of knowing The University of Florida said earlier
among those who are Black: Just 15% changed because of the more conta- where the virus is on campus, and thus this year that it would no longer provide
are fully vaccinated, and only 13% have gious nature of the delta variant and how to take personal responsibility for on-campus isolation and quarantine
received at least one dose. the widespread availability of vac- our health and that of our families.” housing. University leaders acknowl-
Black women experience dispro- cines, said Reuben E. Brigety II, presi- On one hand, some institutions, like edged unvaccinated students are at risk
portionate rates of maternal complica- dent of the university. the University of Wisconsin, are still of catching the virus and spreading it to
tions and mortality, and pregnant “COVID-19 is likely to become en- providing housing for those who need to others.
women are at risk of severe illness demic; it will not disappear,” Brigety quarantine or isolate. In Madison, those “UF cannot be responsible for that
from COVID-19, leaving them especial- said. The university declined USA TO- students may have to travel 35 minutes risk,” the statement read, “given the
ly vulnerable without immunization. DAY’s request for further comment. to an off-site hotel, according to an ready availability of vaccine, and cannot
Women giving birth while having Faculty have been pleased with the email to students and parents. Students modify the operation of the entire uni-
COVID-19 had “significantly higher vaccine requirement, but not much are also responsible for their own food. versity for a minority of people who may
rates” of ICU admission, intubation, else. Andrea Hatcher, a professor of On the other hand, some colleges, such choose not to be vaccinated.”
ventilation and death, according to a politics, said a lack of testing makes it as the University of Delaware, have The statement also plainly stated
study published in The Journal of the difficult to know how widespread the some space for students to isolate. that students in isolation or quarantine
American Medical Association. In Au- virus might be on campus. It’s still too early to know whether would miss classes and that the institu-
gust alone, 21 pregnant people died of Even among college campuses, the one approach is wrong, with the delta tion was “unable to offer an online ver-
COVID-19, according to the CDC. divide across America is widening. A variant surging and cooler temper- sion of every class.”
growing number of universities are atures on the way, said Gerri Taylor, a The lack of online instruction has
trying to return to normal operations, co-chair of the American College Health been a sore point for students at other
eschewing quarantine spaces, corona- Association’s COVID-19 task force. campuses as well. One student at
virus tests, flexible online classes and But she questioned how universities Coastal Carolina University even creat-
remote work for staffers, even as the expected students, many of them still ed a petition calling on the university to
virus remains on campuses. teenagers, to handle isolating them- offer virtual classes for all students. The
Other schools are taking aggressive selves on their own. university in its fall guidance had stated
stances to reduce case counts. The “Where are they going to do that?” students would be unable to pivot from
University of Illinois Urbana-Cham- she asked. “Are they going home? Who face-to-face courses to virtual courses
paign is requiring unvaccinated un- else are they exposing in that process?” as they pleased.
dergraduates to get a coronavirus test Recommendations from the Centers Hatcher said faculty at the University
The CDC says pregnant women with every other day and says it may require for Disease Control and Prevention do of the South, or “Sewanee,” as it’s collo-
COVID-19 are more likely to be such testing from vaccinated people in not require quarantine if a vaccinated quially known, also have less flexibility
hospitalized. GETTY IMAGES areas of campus with high positive test person is exposed to COVID-19. But in offering classes online or in person.
rates. (The college requires a COVID-19 guidelines do require isolating for a con- That change has been especially
vaccine, with exceptions for medical firmed COVID-19 infection, whether the problematic for professors with school-
During a COVID-19 White House or religious reasons.) case is a breakthrough or one in an un- age children who may need to be quar-
briefing Tuesday, CDC Director Dr. Ro- At the University of the South, vaccinated person. antined, or those with immunocompro-
chelle Walensky noted the statistics Hatcher says students are missing At Florida State University, officials mised family members.
and said the vaccines were safe for class and failing to turn in assign- said they lacked room this semester to “Vaccination is the only thing that
pregnant women. ments. Some professors are even con- provide isolation housing for students will approximate pre-pandemic condi-
Across other racial groups, the re- ducting private Zoom lessons to help who test positive. tions,” Hatcher said. “But I think admin-
ported rates of vaccinations among students stay on track, she said. Jonathan Marcus, a senior and mem- istrators have not recognized that we
pregnant people are more promising: “It’s not enough to be told, ‘You’re ber of the student government at Florida are not at ‘normal’ yet.”
About a quarter of Hispanic or Latinos
have gotten a vaccine, a third of
whites, and 45% of Asians – the high-
est of any racial group. Indigenous,
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Boosters the mRNA vaccines and mostly seen in
younger adults is myocarditis, or in-
more and more antibody production.”
The mRNA vaccines, like those made
and “other” races made up 30% of vac- flammation of the heart muscle. Al- by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, di-
cinated pregnant people. Continued from Page 1A though there’s no evidence of this so rect cells to produce a protein from the
Scientists say vaccines are safe to far, experts worry combining vaccines virus. The immune system makes anti-
be taken while pregnant or breastfeed- with underlying medical conditions and taking extra doses outside of CDC bodies in response to the protein that
ing for both mother and baby. and people 18 to 64 years who are at recommendations could increase risk will recognize and fight off the real vi-
Dr. Pam Oliver, a physician in ob- increased risk for exposure and trans- of developing the extremely rare condi- rus.
stetrics and gynecology and executive mission because of occupational or tion. Taking multiple vaccines is like rein-
vice president at North Carolina’s No- institutional setting also may receive a Severe side effects after vaccination troducing that same protein to the im-
vant Health, said the low rate sounds booster. are normally covered under the Nation- mune system over and over again, said
an alarm to build better health care re- As per CDC guidance, hospitals and al Vaccine Injury Compensation Dr. Carl Lambert Jr., a family physician
lationships with Black women. pharmacies are relying on patients to Program, but experts say a vaccine in- and assistant professor of family medi-
“As a Black female OB-GYN com- “self-attest” their eligibility as defined jury resulting from a booster shot taken cine at Rush Medical Center in Chicago.
mitted to reducing disparities, equita- by the guidelines to help “reduce bar- outside of official recommendations “Your immune system is pretty
ble access to care, there’s a little bit of riers to access for these select popula- may not be covered. smart. It doesn’t really need five differ-
sadness, and concern,” she said. tions.” “It violates the PREP Act. … They ent vaccines,” he said. “It’s probably
“What this says is that we have a sig- When scheduling an appointment may not have coverage if they were to like, ‘OK, we got it. We know what the
nificant hill to climb.” with CVS, patients are asked to pro- have a significant side effect from the virus looks like now.’”
Oliver said many women encounter vide the manufacturer and date of vaccine,” Kotton said. “People should be Lambert understands people who
misinformation surrounding the vac- their COVID-19 vaccine, according to a aware that it’s not just their decision at are technically eligible to get a booster
cines and pregnancy on social media. company release. A similar strategy is CVS but there may be further ramifica- dose but received either the Moderna or
“Pregnancy is a precious time. It’s being used at Walgreens. tions.” the J&J vaccine may feel frustrated, but
also a time that a lot of women have “Ultimately, we are focused on re- said authorization may come soon.
fear,” she said. moving barriers and improving access Booster shots of the J&J or Moderna
Harvard Medical School professor to potentially life-saving vaccines,” vaccines are not yet approved, but Mo-
Dr. Andrea Edlow said the low rate is said Walgreens corporate spokes- “You don’t have to get all derna submitted third dose data for the
another manifestation of systemic woman Rebekah Pajak. FDA to review on Sept. 1, according to a
racism. She also questioned whether While it may improve access to vac- the vaccines. It’s not company release.J&J released new da-
people have barriers to prenatal visits. cines, it also leaves room for people to Pokémon, you don’t ta last week showing a booster dose of
But even if they do get to a prenatal be dishonest. Experts warn these peo- its vaccine given two months after the
appointment, logistical problems like ple could be increasing their risk for have to catch them all.” one-shot vaccine provides 94% protec-
vaccine storage could make it difficult severe side effects, especially when Dr. Carl Lambert Jr.
tion against moderate-to-severe CO-
for clinicians to administer the shot on combining the Pfizer-BioNTech, Mo- family physician and assistant professor of family VID-19 symptoms.
the spot without wasting what re- derna and Johnson & Johnson vac- medicine at Rush Medical Center in Chicago Lambert urges recipients of these
mains in the vial. cines. vaccines to follow official recommenda-
Edlow also cited the lack of trust in “The problems that could poten- tions and avoid getting a Pfizer-BioN-
maternal health care that could be, in tially arise if you start combining vac- Extra doses may not only carry these Tech vaccine unless health agencies is-
part, a result of the historic gynecolog- cines are that you could see some side potential risks, but they also do little sue new guidance.
ical abuses on Black women, as well as effects that we haven’t seen before,” good for people already protected by “You don’t have to get all the vac-
high rates of Black maternal mortality. said Mansoor Amiji, university distin- first doses. cines," he said. “It’s not Pokémon, you
“There’s a lot of reasons why Black guished professor of pharmaceutical “You’re not going to continually im- don’t have to catch them all."
women in this country have a compli- sciences at Northeastern University in prove the vaccine’s efficacy by giving Health and patient safety coverage
cated relationship with childbirth, and Boston. “We’ve seen some rare types yourself multiple doses because at at USA TODAY is made possible in part
have some fearfulness of prenatal of side effects and when you combine some point you’re going to reach the by a grant from the Masimo Foundation
care, potentially going to hospitals,” (the vaccines) you may see some addi- maximum immune response,” Amiji for Ethics, Innovation and Competition
she said. “It’s definitely something tional ones.” said. “Once you’ve reached your thresh- in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation
people bring up.” One such rare side effect linked to old, that’s it. You’re not going to get does not provide editorial input.

& wpp}


De Zavala of the Republic of Texas.

De Zavala believed the facade of the
grocery warehouse needed to be re-
Continued from Page 1A moved to restore the barrack to its origi-
nal condition. She hoped to turn the first
ren and musty. floor into a museum and library and
Word spread quickly in San Antonio house a hall of fame honoring Texas he-
and beyond. The morning after De Zava- roes on the second floor.
la’s one-woman standoff began, jour- Driscoll, inspired by the great monu-
nalists and supporters jockeyed to ments of Europe, believed the long bar-
speak to her through the door. rack hiding the Alamo chapel needed to
She didn’t emerge for three days. be torn away altogether to make a park.
The Alamo is one of the most iconic Legal battles and infighting ensued.
images in Texas; the site had an average When the Daughters of the Republic
of 1.7 million visitors per year before the of Texas gained possession of the Ala-
coronavirus pandemic. More than 70 mo in 1905, De Zavala initially refused to
years after Mexican soldiers overran turn over the keys. The group filed a civil
Texas rebels at the Alamo in 1836, the suit against her, and she surrendered
site became the subject of another bat- the keys to Driscoll, who had been ap-
tle: how to commemorate its history. It pointed the custodian of the property.
was waged in large part by De Zavala – The following year, Driscoll’s sup-
the granddaughter of a Mexican man porters broke off to form a new chapter
who was the first vice president of the of the Daughters of the Republic of Tex-
Republic of Texas, a schoolteacher and as, according to Ables.
author, one of the first preservationists De Zavala sought custody of the Ala-
in the country and, by many accounts, a mo complex for her chapter but the ef-
sharp-tongued firebrand. fort failed.
More recently, De Zavala has earned The grocer’s lease at the warehouse
the moniker, the “Angel of the Alamo.” It Adina De Zavala spent her life protecting Texas history. “If it were not for her, expired on Feb. 10, 1908. Driscoll’s fac-
took almost a century for that recogni- we probably wouldn’t even have an Alamo today,” said Sharon Skrobarcek tion planned to lease the building to “re-
tion to catch on in part because of her of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. PHOTOS BY ANNIE RICE/USA TODAY NETWORK liable business men of San Antonio,” the
Mexican last name. Yet De Zavala’s group’s president wrote in a letter.
complicated identity as a Tejana, or When Feb. 10 arrived and the grocer
Texan of Mexican descent, was her driv- ly has the true history of the revolution vacated the barrack, De Zavala seized
er in saving the Alamo and its storied become mainstream – that Texas de- her chance.
history. fenders fought in part to preserve slav- She entered the building, had its
“If it were not for her, we probably ery and that Mexican Americans fought locks changed and barricaded herself
wouldn’t even have an Alamo today,” and died alongside the rebels. inside.
said Sharon Skrobarcek, treasurer gen- Lorenzo de Zavala helped draft the Journalists rushed to the spot, and
eral of the Daughters of the Republic of constitution of the Republic of Texas, she spoke to them through a 5-inch
Texas and of the organization’s Alamo and his fellow delegates elected him as porthole. Her stunt made national
Mission Chapter in San Antonio. interim vice president of the new coun- headlines.
try. Due to illness, he resigned in Octo- “For her to barricade herself with the
Strong will, strong heritage ber 1836 and died that year. Texas joined keys inside that area of the Alamo was
the United States in 1845. almost her ultimate sacrifice,” Groves
De Zavala was born in Harris County, Adina De Zavala grew up in Galves- said. “‘Whatever is going to happen to
Texas, in 1861. She was the oldest of six ton and later San Antonio. She was a me, I know that I have fought to the end’
children of Augustine and Julia De Za- teacher in the rural north Texas city of – almost like she was channeling the
vala. Her father was a Confederate sol- Terrell for two years in her 20s. She then De Zavala's grave at St. Mary's Catholic men who had fought before her.”
dier and later worked as a ship caulker. moved to San Antonio and took another Cemetery in San Antonio is less than a De Zavala surrendered the building
Adina De Zavala, pale-skinned and teaching position to support her family mile from the Alamo. when a state official said Texas Gov.
blue-eyed, was one-quarter Mexican. In – her father was in poor health, and her Thomas M. Campbell would take over
a time of deep anti-Mexican racism, the mother didn’t work. Her father died in the property while litigation played out.
family’s surname became an “ethnic la- 1892. Saving the Alamo By 1909, De Zavala’s group was de-
bel,” according to Suzanne Groves, who In the years after the Civil War, his- feated in court and appeals failed. But in
wrote a 2013 master’s thesis on De Zava- torical activism was on the rise around De Zavala was a devoted Catholic, 1910, Gov. Oscar Colquitt sided with De
la at the University of Texas at Arling- the country in response to an immigra- and she soon set her sights on saving Zavala and ordered the long barrack to
ton. The family tried to Anglicize their tion boom and industrial growth, said San Antonio’s five Spanish missions, be restored.
name by capitalizing the D. They earned Groves. Communities cherry-picked which dated to the 1700s: San Jose, Con- The state Supreme Court returned
no special status from their association historical figures and sites to build a pa- cepcion, San Juan Capistrano, Espada the property to the Daughters of the Re-
with her grandfather, Lorenzo de Zava- triotic narrative during a period of deep and San Antonio de Valero, or the Ala- public of Texas in 1912.
la, a prominent figure of the Texas Re- racial divide. Women, mostly upper mo. Amid Texas’ rocketing commercial In 1913, while Colquitt was out of the
public. class and white, were particularly active and industrial growth near the start of country, Lt. Gov. William Harding
Native Americans had lived in what in this movement, eager to wield politi- the 20th century, the historical sites Mayes ordered the walls of the second
is now Texas for thousands of years cal agency. were falling into neglect. story to be destroyed.
when Spanish conquistadors settled In 1889, De Zavala organized a group The Alamo was unrecognizable. In The first floor survived. But De Zava-
there in the 1500s. Despite that early oc- of women around a goal of preserving the 1880s, the state of Texas bought the la’s work didn’t end there.
cupation, the Spanish largely ignored Texas’ history. A similar group of wives, Alamo chapel from the Roman Catholic In 1912, she founded the Texas His-
the area until the French claimed Mata- daughters and female descendants of Church; a man named Honore Grenet torical and Landmarks Association,
gorda Bay on the Texas coast near the men who’d served the Republic of Texas owned the rest of the property. After his which placed 38 markers at historical
end of the 17th century. That colony last- formed the Daughters of the Republic of death, a wholesale grocery called Hugo sites around the state.
ed only two years, stricken by disease Texas. De Zavala’s group joined the DRT & Schmeltzer Co. bought Grenet’s prop- “Her legacy goes well beyond the Ala-
and attacks by Native Americans. and became the De Zavala Chapter, erty and converted the two-story mon- mo,” Dillard said.
The Spanish took over the region by named for her grandfather. astery – also known as the convento or
founding villages and Catholic mis- Her grandfather’s history “gave her the long barrack – into a store and ware- An angel finally honored
sions, the latter of which were meant to some celebrity, and it also gave her pas- house. A wooden facade obscured the
“civilize” the natives. In 1821, Mexico sion and purpose,” Skrobarcek said. historical building. De Zavala never married or had chil-
won independence from Spain – and Though De Zavala’s grandfather was Because of her Catholic faith, it in- dren. She died alone in 1955.
Spanish Texas became part of the new a source of pride, her relationship to her censed De Zavala to think of any harm The year of De Zavala’s death, the
country. Mexican heritage was tenuous. being done to the Alamo’s convento. She Texas Legislature adopted a resolution
To grow the population, Mexico Her last name, along with her lack of maintained that the long barrack was saluting her work and calling for a
granted land to empresarios, or land status, prevented her from fitting in where most of the Alamo defenders had plaque in her honor to be placed in the
agents, who would recruit Americans to with Anglo high society, particularly died in battle, making it the most his- Alamo. The DRT did not fulfill that re-
settle there. With the new settlers, the amid the deep racial divide emerging in torically significant part of the complex. quest until about 40 years later; the
population with Mexican heritage San Antonio at the time. Across Texas, She approached Gustav Schmeltzer, plaque at the front of the Alamo com-
shrank; Anglo influence swelled. The people of Mexican descent had lost one of the grocery company owners, in plex, near the sidewalk, is dated 1994.
first attempt to secede from Mexico property, faced segregation in schools, 1892 to promise that her chapter would A local archivist challenged the
came in 1826, with the Fredonian Rebel- were relegated to labor jobs and en- have the first opportunity to buy the Daughters of the Republic of Texas in
lion that created a short-lived Anglo countered other forms of discrimina- property. 1996, writing in a letter to the editor of
state near Nacogdoches in east Texas. tion. Hundreds of Mexican Americans But about a decade later, a hotel syn- the San Antonio Express-News that the
Meanwhile, Lorenzo de Zavala, who in Texas were lynched, sometimes by dicate acquired a lot behind the ware- group was “racist” and “un-American.”
was born in Yucatan, Mexico, had law enforcement, over the course of al- house and intended to build a hotel The following year, the organization
climbed the ranks of Mexican politics; most a century. there and tear down the warehouse to agreed to place a marker near the long
he helped write the new country’s con- In De Zavala’s writings, she did not make way for a park. barrack.
stitution and became an ally of politi- refer to herself as part Mexican or Teja- When it came to historical preserva- Another plaque lauding both De Za-
cian and general Antonio López de San- na; when she wrote about her grandfa- tion, De Zavala was tenacious – re- vala’s and Driscoll’s work was added to
ta Anna. When Santa Anna took dicta- ther, she described him only as Spanish. searching, planning, writing manu- the Alamo in 2008. In 2012, the Alamo
torial power in Mexico in 1834, de Zavala Yet many Texans connect with her scripts and articles on history, lobbying Mission Chapter of the DRT commis-
resigned in protest and defected to Tex- last name and her fervor, even if she was lawmakers and other bigwigs. She had sioned a portrait of De Zavala, which
as to join Stephen F. Austin, one of the not explicit about her heritage. the “vision and passion,” said Univer- was unveiled in a ceremony at the Ala-
principal empresarios, to help start Tex- The late Texas historian L. Robert sity of Texas at San Antonio professor mo Hall — a move by the organization to
as’ revolution. Ables recounted that when De Zavala Félix Almaraz, but she didn’t have the “try to give Adina her rightful due,”
The most famous battle in Texas’ war was reprimanded in 1904 for not report- money. Skrobarcek said.
for independence came on March 6, ing to her teaching job for a month, she Enter Clara Driscoll, an heiress from The Daughters of the Republic of Tex-
1836, at the Mission San Antonio de Val- informed the superintendent that she Corpus Christi who had just returned to as organization was the caretaker of the
ero. Now it’s better known as the Alamo. “had been studying Mexican history in Texas after taking the Grand Tour of Alamo until 2015, when the Texas Gen-
It was the final assault on the Texas Mexico.” Europe, a hallmark of young elites. De eral Land Office took over. The Alamo
fortress; Mexican forces had begun a “I think she had a lot of pride in being Zavala and Driscoll met through a mutu- Mission Chapter retained the portrait,
siege on the site in February. Santa An- of Mexican descent, as did her grandfa- al friend and joined forces to save the and it sits in a storage facility while the
na had about 1,800 soldiers, outnum- ther, Lorenzo de Zavala,” said Katie Dil- building. chapter is without an office. The portrait
bering the rebels by about 10 to 1. Virtu- lard, learning programs manager at the Driscoll was 20 years younger than will be hung in the chapter’s new home,
ally all of the Texas defenders were Alamo. “When he decided to support De Zavala; she was about 22 when she Skrobarcek said.
killed that day. Stephen F. Austin, the Texas Revolution, became involved with the Daughters of Groves said recognition of De Zava-
Texas was vindicated, however, at he’s not forsaking his identity, but he’s the Republic of Texas. Her father was a la’s work, and her labeling as a Hispanic
the Battle of San Jacinto a month later. actually (advocating for) his personal multimillionaire thanks to his ranches, hero, began to grow in the late 1980s and
The Texan army battered the Mexican beliefs about his country, his place. And banks and commercial developments. early ’90s, when mainstream media be-
forces in a surprise attack that lasted 18 I think Adina really captures that in her Driscoll put up the money to pur- gan to shine “more light on the con-
minutes, and won. life, as well. chase the building on behalf of the De tinued racial divide in this country.”
The Texas Revolution, and specifical- “It really doesn’t come down to what Zavala Chapter, which struggled to fun- In her own research, Groves said, “I
ly the Alamo battle, became shrouded in you’re called. It’s what you embody. And draise over the course of a year. Driscoll found in her a woman that was so deep-
an Anglo-centric myth of heroic white I think that Adina embodied her culture lobbied the Texas Legislature to reim- ly misunderstood but used everything
settlers defending their independence and wanted to propel that into the fu- burse her, and she then transferred pos- available to her to have a life that made a
against barbaric Mexicans. Only recent- ture.” session of the property to the Daughters difference.”

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Biden can’t say

he wasn’t warned
on Afghanistan
Joint Chiefs chairman testifies that withdrawal
‘was a logistical success but a strategic failure’

Milley’s opinion?
Gregg Zoroya
Editorial Board That a force of at least
2,500 troops should remain
President Joe Biden’s rash decision in Afghanistan until the
to quickly pull U.S. troops out of Af-
ghanistan came at a terrible cost. He
Taliban abided by promises MIKE THOMPSON/USA TODAY NETWORK

was fully apprised of that cost ahead of the group made in February
time – and in chillingly prescient de-
tail. Yet, he did it anyway. 2020, when they signed the
How do we know?
It was made clear Tuesday in Sen-
ate testimony from Gen. Mark Milley,
peace agreement in Doha,
Qatar, with the Trump
Yes, fake COVID-19
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Biden’s top military adviser.
Milley declined, as all presidential
vaccination cards are
advisers do, to share his specific words
to Biden. But the general made it easy
to read between lines.
Milley said his opinion about what
One by one, the Joint Chiefs chairman’s
list of terrible things began to come true,
far faster than anyone – including Mil-
ley himself – predicted.
illegal, and dangerous
would happen if U.S. forces were too The Afghan military resistance did, Please don’t risk your lives – or other people’s
rapidly pulled out of Afghanistan had in fact, evaporate in the face of a Taliban
been formed a year ago. He told sena- offensive. The ruling government in Ka-
tors he never wavered from that opi- bul collapsed. The Taliban assumed
nion, up through and including when power.
Biden asked for it earlier this year. The evacuation of American citizens Josh Stein
and at-risk Afghans – while an opera- North Carolina attorney general
Litany of horrors tional success with more than 124,000
airlifted out – was dreadfully scarred by
Milley’s opinion? That a force of at chaos; the slaughter of 13 U.S. service
least 2,500 troops should remain in Af- members and dozens of Afghans in a su-
ghanistan until the Taliban abided by icide bombing; the killing of 10 innocent Herbert Slatery
promises the group made in February Afghans, including as many as seven Tennessee attorney general
2020, when they signed the peace children, in an errant U.S. drone strike;
agreement in Doha, Qatar, with the and the failure to rescue an untold num-
Trump administration. ber of American citizens still stranded in U.S. Customs and Border Protection The fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination
Among those promises were imple- Afghanistan. officers in Memphis, Tennessee, re- cards recently seized by U.S. Customs
mentation of a cease-fire and a good cently made a strange but increasingly and Border Protection officers have
faith effort to negotiate peace with the ‘Happening right now’ more common seizure: a package filled unfinished words and typos.
Afghan government. But the Taliban with counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION
failed to honor almost all of their obli- In a striking display of candor from a cards imported from China. More than
gations under the agreement, and be- top, current presidential adviser, Gen. 120 similar packages filled with thou-
yond that, refused to renounce al-Qai- Milley told senators that the withdrawal sands of fake cards, with typos and fice arrested two travelers who allegedly
da, which attacked the United States “was a logistical success but a strategic misspelled words, have been seized violated the state’s COVID-19 mandates
on 9/11, Milley told senators. failure.” this year in Memphis alone. by arriving with falsified vaccination
Milley described to senators what Asked by Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., As more municipalities, music ven- cards, a crime punishable by a $5,000
he always believed would flow from a about all the tragedies that Milley pre- ues, universities and employers insti- fine and/or up to a year in prison under
precipitous withdrawal of American dicted would come true, the general tute vaccine requirements, many un- state law.
troops. His list reads like a litany of said, “Yes, things I listed are probably vaccinated people are reevaluating In California, a bar owner in San Joa-
horrors: happening right now.” their decision and are getting the CO- quin County was charged with three fel-
h The Afghan military and govern- And when it comes to a refugee and VID-19 vaccine. On the other hand, onies for allegedly selling fake vaccina-
ment would collapse. There would be humanitarian crisis, the crippling of some are deciding to violate the law by tion cards to undercover agents from
civil war or a Taliban takeover. women’s rights and revenge killings, his creating fraudulent vaccine cards. the state’s Department of Alcoholic
h A region where one neighboring forecast was not only correct but it’s As chief legal officers for our states, Beverage Control.
country, Pakistan, has nuclear weap- also all happening much too fast. we want all our constituents to under-
ons, would grow unstable. Violent ex- However this sad chapter about stand that selling or using fake vacci- Official seals of HHS, CDC
tremism would be boosted globally. American involvement in Afghanistan nation cards is illegal and can result in
h And the resulting human misery stains Biden’s legacy now and forever, fines or jail time. In addition to any state law viola-
in Afghanistan would include “signifi- one thing is certain: The president can’t Throughout the country, state at- tions, individuals forging or using fake
cant numbers of refugees, a degrada- say he wasn’t warned. torneys general are responsible for en- vaccination cards are also violating fed-
tion in health, schools (and) women’s Gregg Zoroya is an editorial writer at forcing consumer protection laws. eral law. In March, the Federal Bureau of
rights, and revenge killings.” USA TODAY, where he writes about the Earlier this year, we led a bipartisan Investigation released a public service
Biden evidently listened to all of environment, military and foreign pol- coalition of almost all of our fellow at- announcement reminding the public
this. Yet, he remained unfazed, so icy, and world affairs. He traveled to Af- torneys general in asking major e- that in addition to putting the card hold-
powerful was his urge to fulfill a cam- ghanistan to cover the war for USA TO- commerce and social media compa- er and others at risk of contracting CO-
paign promise to bring home the rela- DAY. He authored “The Chosen Few: A nies, including Twitter and eBay, to VID-19, using fake cards violates federal
tively small number of troops de- Company of Paratroopers and Its Heroic prevent the sale of blank or fraudu- law prohibiting the unauthorized use of
ployed to Afghanistan. Struggle to Survive in the Mountains of lently completed COVID-19 vaccina- an official government agency’s seal,
We all know what happened next. Afghanistan.” tion cards on their platforms. specifically the U.S. Department of
False and deceptive marketing and Health and Human Services and the
sales of fake COVID-19 vaccination Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
cards likely violate consumer protec- tion seals that appear on every legiti-
tion laws in many states, but more im- mate vaccine card.
portant, they severely threaten the As attorneys general, we combat all
health of our residents. types of fraud and scams in order to pro-
tect residents within our jurisdictions
$5,000 fine, up to a year in prison and across the country. Throughout the
pandemic, we have worked to educate
We’re in a COVID-19 wave caused by consumers so that they don’t fall victim
the delta variant that is largely affect- to bad actors perpetrating common CO-
ing those who are not vaccinated. Peo- VID-related scams. You should file a
ple who pretend they are vaccinated to complaint with your state attorney gen-
enter businesses, workplaces, schools eral if you witness this kind of fraud.
and other parts of society are putting We want our state residents to un-
themselves and others at risk of con- derstand that selling or using fake vac-
tracting a deadly virus. cination cards not only puts other peo-
As the pandemic continues and ple’s health and lives at risk – but it’s
fake vaccination cards become more also illegal.
commonplace, attorneys general and North Carolina Attorney General
other law enforcement agencies Josh Stein and Tennessee Attorney Gen-
around the country have been forced eral Herbert Slatery are co-chairs of the
Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies on Capitol Hill to respond. National Association of Attorneys Gen-
this week. PATRICK SEMANSKY/POOL PHOTO In Hawaii, the attorney general of- eral’s Consumer Protection Committee.

“USA TODAY hopes to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the USA truly one nation.” – Allen H. Neuharth, Founder, Sept. 15, 1982

Chairman and CEO USA TODAY Publisher USA TODAY Chief Revenue Officer, Vice President & Executive Executive Editor/News and
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International travelers
frustrated by vague timeline
U.S. to open to vaccinated in “early November,”
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 | SECTION B which is not exactly a booking date. Page 3B




Amazon on Tuesday announced Astro,
a home robot the company says can
help owners keep up with tasks such
as home monitoring or keeping in
touch with family and friends. It’s
available by invite only for $999.99.
The robot can be set to autonomously
roam around your home to check for
safety. Users also can ask Astro for
information, and with a display serving
as the robot’s head, they can also
watch movies and TV shows as well as

A fresh
accept video calls.


cup of joe
The last Kmart store in Michigan – the
birthplace of the once-ubiquitous
discount brand – is closing. The Kmart

catches on
in Marshall, east of Battle Creek, is
preparing to shut its doors by Nov. 21
and is hiring temporary employees to
help with closing, according to job
postings and a store associate who
answered the phone Monday. Store
management referred all comment to
Kmart’s owner, Transformco, which did Coffee beans are roasted at Càphê Roasters in Philadelphia. PHOTOS BY JOE LAMBERTI/USA TODAY NETWORK
not return messages Monday.

America developing
taste for Vietnamese
Yale New Haven Health in Connecticut
craft coffee roasteries
expects to dismiss more than 100
employees who have failed to meet Matthew Korfhage
the health care system’s COVID-19 USA TODAY
vaccine mandate. Dr. Thomas Balce-
zak, the system’s chief clinical offi- On an 88-degree day in August, the lines at
cer,said that about 400 of the Yale Brooklyn’s Winson Bakery snaked around the
New Haven Health’s 30,0000 workers block, from bus stop to bus stop on baking
have not received a shot or an exemp- sidewalks.
tion in advance of Friday’s deadline. The crowds of mostly young, fashionable
Balcezak said Yale New Haven Health New Yorkers were waiting for their fix of some-
will send out verbal warnings, which thing you couldn’t easily get in America until
could be escalated to termination by quite recently: the blazingly caffeinated, choc-
Oct. 18. He estimates that eventually olate-caramel rush of fresh-roasted Vietnam-
“at least 100” workers will be let go, ese craft coffee.
mostly from environmental services, “It was really incredible to see people were
food services or the financial office. waiting upwards of one hour in line just to get Thu Pham is phin filter that’s like a silvery stepchild of the
their Vietnamese coffee experience,” said Sah- co-founder French press and the pour over. The coffee is
ra Nguyen, who’d put together the two-day of Càphê best known as part of Vietnam’s trademark
coffee pop-up in Brooklyn for her company Roasters, drink of cà phê sua dá, an iced drink that tem-
Dow Jones Industrial Avg. Nguyen Coffee Supply. Though just 3 years old, which plans pers the coffee’s assertiveness with the sweet-
Nguyen Coffee Supply lays a plausible claim to to open the ness of condensed milk.
36,000 being the first importer and roaster of specialty city’s first Over the past few years, Vietnamese roast-
Vietnamese beans in America. Vietnamese eries in America have gone from nearly non-
34,000 Vietnamese coffee is like the photo negative roastery existent to a nationwide phenomenon, apply-
of the acidic and fruity Scandinavian-style cafe. ing the techniques and meticulous sourcing of
32,000 34,390 light roasts that have dominated third-wave American third-wave coffee to bold Vietnam-
coffee in the United States. ese beans.
30,000 90.73 It is instead nutty, earthy, dark, dense and
above all intense – brewed using a cylindrical See COFFEE, Page 2B

Dow Jones Industrial Avg.
S&P 500
Apps can make trading feel
like a game, but at what risk?
Nasdaq composite 14,512.44 y 34.24
T-note, 10-year yield 1.521 y 0.02

USA TODAY SNAPSHOTS © Some see danger, others about whether investors are adequately
merely entertainment “In many cases, these features may
encourage investors to trade more of-
Gas Prices Brett Molina ten, invest in different products, or
USA TODAY change their investment strategy,” said
Per gallon of regular unleaded.
Not long ago, Robinhood would re-
Yesterday Avg. ........................ $3.188
ward users of its investing app who What is gamification?
Tuesday Avg. ........................... $3.187
made their first trade by dropping con-
Week Ago Avg. ....................... $3.190
fetti. Gamification involves taking an ac-
Month Ago Avg. ...................... $3.148
That experience, critics say, is an Some may see gamification as adding tivity, like investing, and adding ele-
Year Ago Avg. .......................... $2.182
example of how investing apps have fun, while others might view it as a ments typically found in video games to
attempted to turn elements of stock way to get users hooked on a service keep users engaged.
trading into a game, a technique called or app. JAVIER ZARRACINA/USA TODAY Think of a role-playing game, for ex-
gamification. ample. You complete a task, you earn a
In March, Robinhood removed the reward. In the case of Robinhood, you
confetti in favor of “dynamic visual ex- announced it was seeking more infor- invite a friend and they join the service,
periences that cheer on customers mation on digital engagement practices both of you earn stock as a reward.
through the milestones in their finan- such as “game-like features” used by How you define gamification de-
cial journeys.” brokers or investment advisers. pends on your perspective, said James
But the worries over gamification In a statement, SEC Chair Gary Gen- Angel, an associate professor at George-
haven’t disappeared. Last month, the sler said many of these new technol-
Securities and Exchange Commission ogies such as Robinhood raise questions See GAMIFICATION, Page 2B

Continued from Page 1B

Vietnamese craft coffee roasters

have sprung up in cities from Philadel-
phia to the caffeinated meccas of Seattle
and Austin, Texas, and Portland, Ore-
gon – run mostly by first- and second-
generation immigrants.
“It became this beautiful community
of Vietnamese entrepreneurs wanting
to create a Vietnamese coffee business,”
said Philadelphia’s Thu Pham, who co-
founded Càphê Roasters in Philadelphia
at almost the same time as Nguyen’s
roastery in New York. “And what’s great
is that it’s mostly led by women.”
Pham’s beans are brewed at cafes
and restaurants from Washington, D.C.,
to Denver, and regularly sell out at loca-
tions of Federal Donuts in Philadelphia
– owned by James Beard-awarded chef
Michael Solomonov.
By the end of September, Càphê
Roasters plans to open the city’s first
Vietnamese roastery cafe. It would sell
not only sua dá but also Vietnamese
espresso and condensed-milk ice
cream, and a swirl of Korean and Viet-
namese food mirroring the heritage of
the roastery’s partners.
Nguyen’s roasts, meanwhile, are sold Thu Pham brews Vietnamese style coffee at Càphê Roasters in Philadelphia. JOE LAMBERTI/USA TODAY NETWORK
as far away as San Francisco and Texas,
and at a Kansas City Vietnamese coffee
truck run by a former Broadway actress. du Monde’s coffee had become a staple high-volume and instant coffee. a craft coffee world that still hasn’t shed
During the pandemic, when many busi- of Asian grocery stores nationwide. The association with industrial- its reputation as a bastion of bro culture,
nesses struggled, mail orders for Though it’s not Vietnamese, Nguyen grade coffee has given robusta a reputa- most of the young entrepreneurs
Nguyen’s beans blew up exponentially. at least considers Cafe du Monde part of tion for being a lower quality bean – who’ve contacted Pham about roasting
“We actually grew by 13 times in the Vietnamese immigrant story in shredded-rubber rocket fuel. Instant coffee have been women.
2020,” said Nguyen, who was able to ex- America. But more recently, she noticed coffee makers rarely exercise the same Nguyen and Pham stress that they
pand her roasting team from two to five a pattern she found disturbing. quality control as third-wave craft cof- don’t view the sudden wave of Vietnam-
full-time employees. “There’s some- Riding on the coattails of other Asian fee roasters sourcing single-origin ese roasters as competition. Rather,
thing really special happening here. No flavor trends such as boba and matcha, beans from the south-facing slopes of they’re partners in changing the percep-
gas: It is the coffee. But when there (are) American cafes with no connection to Mount Kenya. tions of Vietnamese coffee in America,
lines around the block, it’s about more Vietnam had begun mixing any old But poor quality control is not the and in bringing more value to the crops
than just coffee … It’s also about our dark-roast coffee with condensed milk fault of the robusta bean itself, Pham grown by Vietnamese farmers.
mission to bring diversity, inclusion and and calling it Vietnamese. Bloggers said. “Interested entrepreneurs were
equity to the whole coffee experience.” posted do-it-yourself hacks to get “Viet- To prove the point at her soon-to- reaching out to me, telling me, ‘We’re
namese” coffee at Starbucks – perhaps open cafe in Philadelphia’s Kensington thinking about doing it. Where do you
Vietnamese coffee not always by larding up quad shots of espresso neighborhood, Pham prepared a metic- source the coffee? How do you roast the
as Vietnamese as it appears with white chocolate mocha. ulous phin-filter pour over of robusta coffee?’ ” Pham said. “I love that it’s
“This happens often, where main- beans she sourced from a farm in Viet- women-led. I love the fact these women
Most of the “Vietnamese” coffee you stream businesses want to profit off of nam’s Central Highlands. She splashed were all talking to each other, asking for
can find in America doesn’t come from the cachet of Asian culture, but they hot water over the ground coffee, wait- recipes and advice and being really
Vietnam. don’t do it with cultural integrity,” ing out the effervescent bloom of carbon transparent.”
That’s not because Vietnam doesn’t Nguyen said. “Literally, every time I dioxide fizz that signals fresh-roasted Pham collaborated with woman-
grow it. Vietnam is one of the world’s would order it, it didn’t taste anything beans. owned coffee brand Fat Miilk in Chi-
great coffee cultures, the globe’s sec- like coffee that I knew growing up. I Like most of the new crop of Viet- cago. In Seattle, four Vietnamese-cen-
ond-largest producer of beans and the would ask the barista, ‘What’s in this namese roasters, Pham has had to tered coffee shops and roasteries have
keeper of a distinctive 150-year-old tra- drink?’ And they’d say, ‘Oh, it’s our source her direct-trade coffee through opened since 2020. Oregon Vietnamese
dition. Ho Chi Minh City coffee shops house Ethiopian. We add sweetened, personal connections because the sup- roaster Portland Cà Phê expanded so
range from luxe cafes to sidewalk coffee condensed milk to it.’ ” ply chain between small farmers and quickly this year that owner Kimberly
vendors serving coffee both hot and Nguyen ordered Vietnamese coffee American craft roasters has not yet Dam had a hard time sourcing enough
iced, and innovations like coffee made everywhere she found it on the menu, been forged. robusta beans to keep up with demand.
with egg foam or avocado or rose water. whether old school restaurants or tren- And so she found her coffee through a Roasters from Vietnam are also get-
“Every corner in Vietnam there’s a dy cafes. But none of the coffee came former student. Pham co-founded Cà- ting in on the American market. In Ana-
coffee shop,” said Harvey Tong, who last from Vietnam. phê while working for a nonprofit called heim, California, Vietnamese coffee gi-
year started a company called Phin Cof- Somehow Vietnamese coffee had be- 12Plus that offers college preparation to ant Trung Nguyen opened its first
fee Club in Austin to showcase the come popular – but without Vietnamese students in underserved communities – American cafe this spring under the
wood-fired coffee his family has been flavor or ingredients, and often without including a pair from Vietnam who hap- name King Coffee. Tong’s Phin Coffee
roasting for more than 20 years in Viet- Vietnamese people. This was part of pened to know a coffee farmer. Club beans, roasted over rambutan
nam. “Vietnamese lifestyle is slower, what led Nguyen to create her coffee “I was like, ‘No. How do you know a wood and infused with chocolate and
you go to the coffee shop for a few hours company in Brooklyn. coffee farmer?’ ” Pham remembers, avocado, now sell at every location of
every morning. It’s a big culture there.” “We were in the middle of third-wave laughing. “But their parents owned a Texas grocer Central Market.
But for decades, Vietnamese coffee coffee culture,” she said. “But every time hostel in Ho Chi Minh. And this young The American Vietnamese roasts
was difficult to procure in the United I would go into Whole Foods or cafes, I farmer had come to the city looking for have caught on at a younger generation
States. could not find a single-origin, fresh- housing because he was searching for a of Vietnamese cafes and restaurants,
At older Vietnamese restaurants in roasted Vietnamese coffee made with retail location to open up a cafe for his whether Sandwich Hag in Dallas or Phi-
America, when you order Vietnamese beans from Vietnam.” family’s coffee.” nista in Boston.
coffee, it may actually be Cajun. The resulting brew at Càphê is round At Pittsburgh coffee shop Ineffable
Through a quirk of history, the most A bum rap for Vietnamese beans and rich and aromatic, with an intensity Cà Phê, Vietnamese-born Phat Nguyen
common coffee brand you find at pho of chocolate flavor that would shame sells Pham’s Càphê brand alongside
houses and banh mi spots in the U.S. is The lack of Vietnamese coffee in Wonka. Made as espresso, it’s no more American-style craft coffee. He also
the chicory-laden roast from famed America is partly the result of an unfair, bitter than a dark Italian but contains hopes to also get in on the roasting game
New Orleans beignet spot Cafe du bad reputation, say Nguyen and Pham. far less acidity. It also boasts enough himself, as soon as he can navigate the
Monde. Coffee beans come in two main varie- caffeine to stun a racehorse. byzantine bureaucracy of exporting
This came as a bit of a surprise to ties. The South American and African “I’ve heard so much feedback from from his home country: His sister-in-
Tong when he arrived in Austin. beans used by high-end roasters like people who are self-proclaimed coffee law is a coffee farmer in Vietnam.
“With all due respect to Cafe du Blue Bottle or La Colombe are made with snobs,” Nguyen said, after holding blind The iced coffee made with robusta
Monde, it is not a Vietnamese coffee,” he a coffee variety called arabica, prized for taste tests in New York where robusta beans from Càphê Roasters is already
said. “It’s from New Orleans.” its sweetness and acidity and fruity beans performed favorably. “They’ll be his most popular drink, even in a city
But back in the ’70s, Cafe du Monde’s notes of blueberry or cherry. like, ‘I’ve always said that robusta is without many Vietnamese people.
bitter and bold roast was the closest But arabica beans don’t grow as well gross, but I’ve actually never tried ro- “It’s amazing the kind of support we
thing the recent immigrants could find in Vietnam’s hot, wet climate. Instead, busta.’ ” have as a small Vietnamese cafe in
to their home cup – even though chicory 90% of the Vietnamese coffee crop is a Pittsburgh. This isn’t New York City,” he
was foreign to Vietnamese coffee tradi- hardier variety called robusta, which An ever-expanding crop said. “To be honest, it’s amazing that
tion. contains far less sugar and tends toward of Vietnamese coffee people know what pho is, or what banh
And so Vietnamese immigrants in earthier and more intense flavors. mi is, or cà phê sua dá. Having your cul-
New Orleans began mailing Cafe du It’s loaded with caffeine, nearly twice Since Pham and Nguyen started their ture passed on to other people is an
Monde’s trademark orange tins to rela- as much as is found in arabica. Com- roasteries at the end of 2018, Vietnam- amazing feeling. If you don’t pass on
tives and friends who’d moved else- bined with lower growing costs, this has ese specialty coffee has spread in a your culture, eventually you stop exist-
where in the country. By the ’90s, Cafe made robusta popular among makers of linked daisy chain across the country. In ing.”

Gamification chemicals in the brain that allow us to

experience pleasure, said Read Monta-
“If you start treating investing or
even trading as a game, then you lose,”
Those same features maligned for
turning investing into a game have also
gue, director of The Center for Human he said. “It becomes an emotional activ- helped new users intimidated by stock
Continued from Page 1B Neuroscience Research at Virginia Tech ity as opposed to a rational activity.” trading learn and ease them into build-
University. ing a portfolio or figuring out basics like
town University’s McDonough School Our brains love uncertainty and the Is gamification that bad? how to trade a stock.
of Business who specializes in market potential rewards that await, like when “It gives them an entertaining way to
regulation. Some may see it as adding you invest in a stock and watch its price Angel argues investing apps like Rob- want to access this information and that
fun to an experience, while others might spike, Montague said inhood aren’t doing anything different can be really positive,” said Sury.
view it as a way to manipulate users to “Uncertainty means there’s some- than what other websites have done But Sury warns having a solid finan-
stay hooked. thing over there that you didn’t know since the birth of the internet. cial plan in place and understanding
“It’s one of those words we think we about,” he said. “It may be hiding some “The notion that you’re somehow your goals can help new investors avoid
know what it means, but it means dif- set of great riches, and you really, really turning investing into an addictive the traps of apps like Robinhood.
ferent things to different people,” Angel want to go look at that.” video game, you could probably say that “There are going to be times when
said. This is where a potential investor can about online shopping,” he said. “You you happen to be lucky and there’ll be
find trouble, said Michael Sury, a lectur- could probably say that about almost other times when you aren’t,” he said. “I
Its impact on the brain er with the McCombs School of Busi- any online experience where people try think that’s the first step is to under-
ness at the University of Texas at Aus- really hard to make the customers come stand how much risk you can take and
Apps using gamification tap into tin. back and keep the customers happy.” what you’re trying to achieve.”

Vagueness hinders international travelers

‘Early November’ news Friday that the target date is Nov. 1.
Travel analyst Henry Harteveldt, co-
spurs guessing game founder of Atmosphere Research, said
the longer the government goes without
Dawn Gilbertson and Bailey Schulz setting a date, the harder it will be for
USA TODAY travelers and airlines.
“There’s literally no time to waste,”
“Early November.” That’s as specific he said. “There will be chaos and confu-
as the White House was last week when sion the longer they wait.”
it announced plans to broadly reopen If the date isn’t Nov. 1, for example,
U.S. borders to vaccinated international some travelers who purchased tickets in
visitors. It’s been a week since then and the first week of November will be
no date has been specified. scrambling to rebook flights and change
With November only a month away, other travel plans, a costly prospect.
travelers in Europe, the United Kingdom And airlines will be inundated with
and other places the travel ban covers, calls.
are desperately seeking a specific date “It’s really disappointing to me about
so they can make or adjust travel plans how poorly this has been managed and
and get time off from work. communicated,” Harteveldt said. “I ap-
Travelers are pleading for informa- preciate that there are a lot of details
tion on Twitter, regularly singling out that have to be factored into the process,
government officials in the United but we should know by now what date
States and abroad. in November international visitors will
“Give us a date,” a woman from Col- be permitted to travel to the United
ogne, Germany, said in a Monday tweet States.”
calling out President Joe Biden, press
secretary Jen Psaki and the White When US travel ban is lifted,
House. what will entry requirements be?
White House officials remain mum
on a date or even when a date will be an- Elena Graham and her partner at the Grand Canyon in 2018. She lives in San h Whatever the November date, trav-
nounced, and airline and tourism offi- Francisco, he lives in Norway, and they have been separated by the pandemic. elers will need to show proof of full vac-
cials say they have no details. PROVIDED BY ELENA GRAHAM cination before boarding U.S.-bound
The Centers for Disease Control and planes.
Prevention says only that it expects to h A coronavirus test will also con-
have an order requiring airlines to col- when they watched prices spike. tailed plan for when they would lift tinue to be required within three days of
lect passenger information for CO- “We felt some urgency to book some- again. departure and proof of negative results
VID-19 contact tracing – a key part of the thing,” she said. “They would put out a target date. It must be shown.
government’s border reopening plan – They paid $1,000 for a one-way ticket would get to that date (and nothing h Enhanced contact tracing and
by mid-October, spokesperson Scott with more flexibility and have had their changed). It went that way for the entire masking will also be required, but there
Pauley said. fingers crossed since. Graham’s partner year,” she said. “It feels a bit traumatic will be no quarantine mandate.
San Francisco photographer Elena already took time off in November and and very hard to feel any sort of trust in h Airlines will ask to see proof of vac-
Graham, whose partner lives in Norway, sublet his apartment. They originally something so vague.” cination before boarding. The U.S. will
is frustrated that she can’t get any an- planned to get him to the United States Travelers trying to reunite have be- likely accept vaccines approved for
swers. via another country after quarantining come online sleuths, looking for any emergency use by the World Health Or-
“Everyone passes you to another de- there for two weeks, a so-called third sign of a reopening date. Late last week, ganization.
partment,” she said. “The CDC says it’s country trip. a blogger tracking the U.K.-U.S. reopen- h American citizens won’t have to
the State Department. The State De- “It’s just hard to even get your hopes ing for travelers shared a screenshot of a show proof of vaccination to board in-
partment says its Health and Human up or believe that you’ll be together direct message conversation with Unit- ternational flights home to the United
Services. They say it’s Homeland Secu- when there’s nothing definitive,” Gra- ed Airlines that said the U.S. plan to “lift States, but will still be required to show
rity. It’s like round-robin.” ham said. geographic travel ban restrictions” be- proof of a negative coronavirus test tak-
Graham and her partner, who has not The couple already saw travel plans ginning Nov. 1. en no more than three days before de-
been to the United States since 2019, dashed this year. Graham was able to United spokesperson Nicole Carriere parture.
started shopping for an airline ticket visit Norway last year when the country said there is no update to the timing be- h Unvaccinated Americans will be
from Norway to San Francisco after the reopened travel to partners and was yond the government’s announcement required to take a coronavirus test one
Sept. 20 announcement of the border planning to return this year since the of early November. day before departure – instead of the
reopening. U.S. borders were still closed to her part- However, Austria’s ambassador to three-day requirement today – and pro-
They were initially hesitant to book, ner. But Norway tightened entry re- the United States, Martin Weiss, told a vide proof they have a second test to
but decided to buy a ticket for Nov. 9 strictions in January, laying out a de- traveler who reached out via Twitter on take after arrival.


Americans can finally grow hair so thick “It will

cover up your bald spots,” says top US Doctor
Clinical trials show a new hair loss breakthrough can both help men and women naturally regrow a thick,
full head of hair – without drugs, surgery, or side effects

T housands are rushing to get a

new hair restoration method
based on surprising new studies
thyroid, hormones, stress, or a vi-
tamin deiciency, either.”
After 6 months, nearly 70% of
the women saw signiicant im-
provement in hair growth. Their
from the University of California. The latest scientiic research
reveals that hair loss is primarily hair was noticeably fuller, thicker,
It is the world’s irst and only caused by the stem cells in your and healthier looking. Most excit-
hair loss solution that revives hair follicles dying. ing of all, they grew new hair on
dead hair follicles. And studies parts of their scalp that had been
“This discovery is a true break- bald for years.
conirm it helps men and women
through because by reviving these
regrow a thick, full head of hair, In another study, Italian re-
stem cells on your scalp, you can
even after years of balding. searchers gathered a group of
stop hair loss dead in its tracks
Now, with news of this break- and trigger new hair growth, even both men and women with thin-
through spreading like wildire — in areas that have been thinning ning hair and applied the core in-
the manufacturers are struggling for years,” explains Dr. Sears. gredient of Re-Nourish. After 12
to keep up with overwhelming weeks, they reported a staggering
Now, at his world-famous clinic, 74% increase in hair growth.
the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Breakthrough research proves this discovery helps fill-in bald spots, re-nour-
That’s because, unlike other Medicine in Palm Beach, Florida, nishes thinning hair, and leads to noticeable growth in as little as 30 days. “It’s really mind-boggling that
methods, it is prescription-free, Dr. Sears and his team have used my hair started growing back,”
drug-free, and has no side effects. this game-changing discovery to cells are the lifeblood of your hair stem cells in your hair folli- says Zan R., another Re-Nourish
And while hair transplants can develop a brand-new hair resto- follicles. cles and reactivates your hair’s customer.
cost $4,000 or more, this new ap- ration formula that is taking the three-phase cycle, triggering new With results like this, it’s no sur-
Research from the University
proach costs pennies on the dol- country by storm. growth in as little as 30 days — prise that demand for Re-Nourish
of California shows they’re the even in areas that’ve been balding
lar and doesn’t involve going to Sold under the name Re-Nour- reason you’re able to grow hair. is soaring. Thousands of men and
the doctor’s ofice. for years.
ish, it is lying off the shelves with However, these stem cells aren’t women are scrambling to get
Instead, it leverages cut- men and women of all ages raving always active. In fact, studies re- Reawakens Dead their hands on the limited-supply
ting-edge technology to prevent about the results it delivers. veal they’re only active during Hair Follicles available.
hair loss, ill-in embarrassing certain phases of the hair growth For years, scientists couldn’t Re-Nourish is not currently
“I have seen a significant im-
bald spots, and renourish thin- cycle. igure out why hair follicle stem available in any store at any price.
provement in hair growth. Pre-
ning hair — with results you can viously, you could see thinning “Your hair grows in three cells died. But we’ve secured a small batch
see and feel in 30 days or less. areas at the back of my head and phases,” explains Dr. Sears. “First, for our readers.
However, a study from the
As Jeanne F. from San Diego, now hair has grown over it,” says you have the anagen phase, the University of California inally Try Re-Nourish
CA reports: “When my husband Peter W. from Ontario, Canada. hair growing phase. Then the cat- found the answer., 100% Risk-Free
began to use this product, all he And Susan D. from Fort Pierce, agen phase, when hair gets ready
had on top of his head was fuzz. to shed. And inally, the telogen It has to do with T-cells — an For the next 48-hours, Dr. Sears
Florida reports, “My hair was important immune cell in your is offering readers a risk-free trial
His hair began to grow after 30 thinning. So, I began to use phase, where your hair is pushed
days and now it is about 2 to 3 from the follicle and falls out.” body. The researchers discov- of Re-Nourish.
Re-Nourish every day on the front ered these T-cells are the only
inches long!” part of my scalp. Now I have As you get older it becomes Dr. Sears feels so strongly about
way to command hair follicles to
Surprising Truth thicker hair.” harder for your hair follicles to grow new hair. this product that he is backing ev-
About Hair Loss complete this three-phase cycle. ery order with a risk-free, 100%
The results? Your hairs get stuck More importantly, they showed money-back guarantee. To take
It is commonly believed that Dr. Al Sears, M.D., is America’s that T-cells helped revive the stem advantage of this special offer,
in the telogen phase. This is when
hair loss is hereditary. leading anti-aging expert. He’s cells in your hair follicles — spur- simply call the Sears Toll-Free
they start falling out and stop re-
Unfortunately, most people authored more than 500 scientific growing, no matter what you try. ring new growth, illing in bald Health Hotline at 1-800-960-
think there is nothing they can do spots and natural hairline. 5547 now. Use Promo Code
papers, and his discoveries have This process doesn’t happen
to stop it. However, while many appeared on more than 50 media Re-Nourish uses a unique REN17 when you call in.
overnight, says Dr. Sears.
doctors will tell you that thinning outlets including, ABC News, CNN, blend of all-natural ingredients. [EDITOR’S NOTE]: Due to re-
hair, a receding hairline, and bald ESPN, Discovery Channel, National “At irst, your hair dries out, be- By spraying it on your hair once cent media exposure for Re-Nour-
spots are due to your genetics, Geographic, Lifetime, and many coming brittle, thin, and harder to per day, scientiic studies show ish, the Sears Institute for
this is not the whole story. style. Then, you start inding hairs you can revive dead stem cells Anti-Aging Medicine is experi-
on your pillow and down the and improve the appearance of encing unprecedented demand.
“While genetics play a role,
drain. Finally, you’re left with bald thicker, fuller hair. If the phone line is busy when
it’s not the main reason you lose
hair,” says Dr. Al Sears, the na- Regrows Hair In spots that age you prematurely.”
For example, the key nutrient you call, please try again to avoid
tion’s top anti-aging doctor. “And Just 30 Days Fortunately, Re-Nourish puts of Re-Nourish was tested on a missing this special one-time-on-
surprisingly it’s not just your age, Scientists now know that stem a stop to this. It revives the dead group of severely balding women. ly offer.



Closing: 34,390.72 Closing: 4,359.46 Closing: 14,512.44 Closing: 2,225.31
+90.73 Change: +.3%
YTD % Chg: +12.4% +6.83 Change: +.2%
YTD % Chg: +16.1% -34.24 Change: -.2%
YTD % Chg: +12.6% -4.47 Change: -.2%
YTD % Chg: +12.7%

Sector Close Chg. 4wk 1 YTD 1 Issues NYSE NASDAQ ETF, ranked by volume Ticker Close Chg. % Chg %YTD Commodities Close Prev. Chg. % Chg. % YTD
Energy 52.89 ... +10.9% +39.6% Advancing 1,463 1,397 ProShs UltPro ShtQQQ SQQQ 8.54 +0.05 +0.6% -43.7% Cattle (lb.) 1.22 1.22 unch. -0.2% +7.8%
Declining 1,019 1,973 SPDR S&P500 ETF Tr SPY 434.45 +0.73 +0.2% +16.2% Corn (bushel) 5.39 5.33 +0.06 +1.2% +11.4%
Financials 38.13 +0.03 -0.1% +29.3%
Unchanged 54 205 Invesco QQQ Trust QQQ 359.28 -0.59 -0.2% +14.5% Gold (troy oz.) 1,721.50 1,735.90 -14.40 -0.8% -9.1%
Technology 150.40 -0.19 -5.3% +15.7%
Total 2,536 3,575 iShares Silver Trust SLV 19.95 -0.83 -4.0% -18.8% Hogs, lean (lb.) .91 .92 -0.01 -0.7% +29.2%
Telecom 84.59 -0.21 -6.7% +14.0% Natural Gas (Btu.) 5.48 5.88 -0.40 -6.9% +115.7%
Issues at SPDR Financial XLF 38.13 +0.03 +0.1% +29.3%
Health care 128.88 +1.01 -4.7% +13.6% 47 ProShs UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 125.99 -0.84 -0.7% +38.6% Oil, heating (gal.) 2.31 2.29 +0.02 +0.8% +55.6%
New 52 Week High 42
Consumer discret. 182.49 +0.18 -0.6% +13.5% 137 iPath Sh Term Fut VXX 27.81 +0.40 +1.5% ...% Oil, lt. swt. crude (bar.) 74.83 75.29 -0.46 -0.6% +54.2%
New 52 Week Low 41
Industrials 99.89 +0.11 -4.1% +12.8% iShs Emerg Mkts EEM 49.98 -0.47 -0.9% -3.3% Silver (troy oz.) 21.46 22.43 -0.97 -4.3% -18.5%
Share Volume
Materials 80.36 -0.33 -5.9% +11.0% Total 3,417,626,905 3,674,481,737 SPDR Energy XLE 52.89 ... ...% +39.6% Soybeans (bushel) 12.84 12.77 +0.07 +0.5% -2.4%
1,382,768,335 VanE Vect Gld Miners GDX 28.91 -0.46 -1.6% -19.7% Wheat (bushel) 7.10 7.07 +0.03 +0.5% +10.9%
Consumer staples 70.10 +0.63 -3.5% +3.9% Advancing 1,649,864,207
Declining 1,726,820,294 2,209,504,554
Utilities 64.39 +0.83 -7.3% +2.7%
Unchanged 40,942,404 82,208,848
S&P 500’S BIGGEST GAINERS S&P 500’S BIGGEST LOSERS Currency per dollar
British pound
6 mo. ago
Yr. ago
Country Close Prev. Change %Chg. %YTD
Frankfurt 15,365.27 15,248.56 +116.71 +0.8% +12.0%
Company (ticker) Price $ Chg . % Chg. YTD Company (ticker) Price $ Chg . % Chg. YTD Canadian dollar 1.2747 1.2680 1.2597 1.3386 Hong Kong 24,663.50 24,500.39 +163.11 +0.7% -9.4%
Dollar Tree Stores (DLTR) 100.51 +14.23 +16.5 -7.0 Generac Holdings (GNRC) 406.53 -18.81 -4.4 +78.8 Japan (Nikkei) 29,544.29 30,183.96 -639.67 -2.1% +7.7%
Chinese yuan 6.4709 6.4603 6.5697 6.8165
Eli Lilly (LLY) 230.36 +8.76 +4.0 +36.4 HP Inc (HPQ) 27.31 -1.27 -4.4 +11.1 London 7,108.16 7,028.10 +80.06 +1.1% +10.0%
Penn Natl Gaming (PENN) 72.68 -2.87 -3.8 -15.9 Euro .8620 .8564 .8500 .8520
Tyson Foods (TSN) 80.49 +2.69 +3.5 +24.9 Mexico City 51,084.61 50,925.52 +159.09 +0.3% +15.9%
Cabot Oil & Gas (COG) 22.55 +.73 +3.3 +38.5 Twitter Inc (TWTR) 60.07 -2.38 -3.8 +10.9 Japanese yen 111.98 111.59 109.83 105.68
Boeing Co (BA) 225.36 +6.95 +3.2 +5.3 NXP Semiconductors (NXPI) 198.75 -7.44 -3.6 +25.0 Mexican peso 20.5413 20.3542 20.6381 22.4205 SOURCE Morningstar, Dow Jones Indexes, The Associated Press

News from across the USA

ALABAMA Brighton: Police have HIGHLIGHT: ILLINOIS OHIO Cleveland: Ohio’s utility com-
recovered a horse-drawn carriage mission has asked an independent
that was stolen from a church park- auditor to examine whether First-
ing lot near Birmingham ahead of a Energy Corp. used customer money
funeral. to pay for naming rights at the stadi-
um where the Cleveland Browns play.
ALASKA Anchorage: U.S. prose-
cutors have charged three men with OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City: The
leaving a special viewing platform Cherokee Nation and three opioid
and getting too close to bears in Alas- distributors reached a $75 million
ka’s Katmai National Park and Pre- settlement to resolve opioid-related
serve. claims against the companies.
ARIZONA Phoenix: Former President OREGON Salem: After more than a
Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed year of renovations – and a much-
former television broadcaster Kari anticipated reopening delayed by
Lake in the Republican race for gover- rising COVID-19 cases — the Salem
nor. Public Library is set to open Friday
with limited in-person services.
ARKANSAS Little Rock: Gov. Asa
Hutchinson on Tuesday said he al- PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh: Alleghe-
lowed the state’s public health emer- ny County government employees
gency for the coronavirus pandemic will be required to submit proof of
to end, saying he didn’t need any COVID-19 vaccination by Dec. 1 or
additional powers to respond to it. face termination.
Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama participate in a
CALIFORNIA Sacramento: State ceremonial groundbreaking at the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park RHODE ISLAND Providence: The
Treasurer Fiona Ma repeatedly in Chicago. SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES Rhode Island Foundation has award-
shared hotel rooms with employees, a ed another $450,000 in grants to
practice she said saved money but Chicago: After five years of legal fights, gentrification concerns and a federal several more nonprofits that are help-
that business experts contend cross- review, Barack and Michelle Obama dug shovels into the ground Tuesday during ing state residents cope with and
es an ethical line and can lead to a celebratory groundbreaking on the Obama Presidential Center. Construction recover from the pandemic.
lawsuits like one Ma now faces, the on the center along Lake Michigan, near the Obama family home and where the
SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia: A fed-
Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday. former president started his political career on Chicago’s South Side, officially
eral judge suspended South Carolina
began last month.
COLORADO Silverthorne: The resi- from enforcing a rule that banned
dents of several hundred homes have school districts from requiring masks
been evacuated or warned to be ready for students.
to leave because of a wildfire burning
SOUTH DAKOTA Black Hawk: More
in Colorado’s north-central moun-
than 150 homeowners in a devel-
KANSAS Santa Fe: John Freeman NEBRASKA Maywood: A woman opment outside Rapid City are suing
CONNECTICUT Hartford: The state Colt, a convicted sex offender who was arrested over the weekend in Meade County over risks to their
Senate voted to extend Democratic escaped June 30 from Larned State southwestern Nebraska after being properties after a sinkhole exposed
Gov. Ned Lamont’s emergency pow- Hospital, was captured Monday accused of pulling a gun after a an abandoned gypsum mine.
ers for the sixth time during the CO- night in Wayne County, Utah. store clerk refused to sell her beer,
TENNESSEE Franklin: A house that
VID-19 pandemic, despite pushback authorities said.
KENTUCKY Frankfort: State police belonged to the grandparents of
from Republican lawmakers who
said new regional driver testing NEVADA Reno: Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe country comedy legend Minnie Pearl
argued the state is no longer in crisis.
branches have been created in Mad- is launching the largest capital im- is for sale for $2.75 million.
DELAWARE Wilmington: All teachers isonville and Owensboro. provement project in the history of
TEXAS Huntsville: Rick Rhoades, 57,
and school staff in Delaware will be the resort with a $7.5 million expan-
LOUISIANA Lake Charles: Five was executed Tuesday night for fatal-
required to be vaccinated against sion that includes a new high-speed
people were injured in an explosion ly stabbing two Houston-area broth-
COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing, chairlift and trail additions to help
at a chemical plant, news outlets ers during a robbery in their home
Gov. John Carney said Tuesday. skier traffic patterns.
reported. more than 30 years ago.
MAINE Portland: The owner of four UTAH Moab: The police chief in the
ton: The city’s new Planet Word mu- dismissed a lawsuit challenging a
hydroelectric dams on the Kennebec tourist town where officers stopped
seum is being lauded for its lavato- decision by Republican Gov. Chris
River sued two Maine agencies al- Gabby Petito and her boyfriend
ries, WUSA-TV reported. Sununu’s administration to end
leging they improperly cooperated weeks before her death has taken a
unemployment benefits under the
FLORIDA Tallahassee: A group of on fish passage regulations that leave of absence.
federal CARES Act early.
South Florida businessmen sued the impact the future of the dams and
VERMONT Montpelier: A food box
federal government Monday in hopes fish populations. NEW JERSEY Galloway Township:
program with its roots in the early
of overturning a gambling agreement A man who apparently tried to
MARYLAND Upper Marlboro: Five days of the pandemic is ending after
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed break into a restaurant in a south-
zebras that escaped from a farm distributing tens of thousands of
with the Seminole Tribe. ern New Jersey strip mall died after
nearly a month ago are still on the meals to people across Vermont.
he got trapped in an exhaust fan on
GEORGIA Atlanta: Logistics company loose.
the roof of the building, authorities VIRGINIA Richmond: Democrat Terry
Radial Inc. plans to hire 4,000 entry-
MASSACHUSETTS Melrose: A home said. McAuliffe and Republican Glenn
level workers outside Atlanta this
seriously damaged by fire has been Youngkin clashed Tuesday night in
year ahead of the busy holiday sea- NEW MEXICO Albuquerque: The
listed on the market with an asking the second and final debate in Vir-
son. family of a passenger on a hot air
price of $399,000. ginia’s gubernatorial election.
balloon that crashed and killed five
HAWAII Honolulu: U.S. regulators on
MICHIGAN Detroit: A Detroit-area people in Albuquerque in June is WASHINGTON Renton: A woman has
Tuesday banned swimming with
man who snapped a photo of a gang suing the estate of the deceased filed a lawsuit against King County
Hawaii’s spinner dolphins to protect
chart while cleaning an FBI office pilot and the companies that oper- Metro claiming a bus driver ran over
the nocturnal animals from people
and posted it on social media was ated the commercial balloon. her leg while she was laying on a
seeking close encounters with the
sentenced Tuesday to probation. sidewalk and then drove away.
playful species. NEW YORK New York City: Pope
MINNESOTA Chaska: Tensions at a Francis accepted the resignation of WEST VIRGINIA Wheeling: A new
IDAHO Boise: Schools should set up
suburban Twin Cities school board the Catholic bishop of Brooklyn, program launched by West Virginia’s
confidential tip lines that can be used
meeting over a new mask mandate Nicholas DiMarzio, weeks after a Supreme Court that uses technology
by students and others to report con-
escalated to a physical scuffle. Vatican investigation cleared him of to promote safety and access in cases
cerning behavior as a way to prevent
sexual abuse allegations, and ap- involving sexual assault and domes-
school shootings, a report reviewing MISSISSIPPI Bay St. Louis: Three
pointed a native New Yorker to re- tic violence is expanding to Ohio
an eastern Idaho school shooting Mississippi cities were awarded
place him. County, officials said.
said. grants to improve their train sta-
tions ahead of the planned return of NORTH CAROLINA Carolina Beach: WISCONSIN Wausau: The city could
INDIANA Terre Haute: A historical
Amtrak service to the Gulf Coast. The town’s council terminated the soon be home to up to 85 refugees,
marker has been dedicated in west-
contract of Reef Parking because of including some of the thousands of
ern Indiana in remembrance of a MISSOURI Stockton: A southwest
defective parking meters and the evacuees who fled the rise of the
Black man lynched about 120 years Missouri prosecutor said he has
need for new ideas. Taliban in Afghanistan.
ago by a white mob. charged five employees of a private
Christian boarding school with NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck: The WYOMING Jackson: Widespread
IOWA Des Moines: The longtime
abusing students. developer of an oil refinery planned news coverage of Gabby Petito helped
president of the Des Moines police
near Theodore Roosevelt National searchers in an unrelated case find a
officers’ union sent explicit photos to MONTANA Billings: Federal au-
Park in western North Dakota has a man’s body not far away, officials
four female colleagues but retired thorities are investigating a small
new contract with a company that said.
before he could face discipline and plane crash that killed a couple and
will buy and market all diesel and From USA TODAY Network and
wasn’t criminally charged, the city critically injured their son in south-
gasoline produced at the facility. wire reports
confirmed late Tuesday. ern Montana on Sunday.
Three SEC stars dominate top Latest news, results, opinion
of college football QB ratings 24/7 at
Kenny Pickett may be Pittsburgh’s next Marino Check out who won, who lost and who gained
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 | SECTION C as he’s on target to break school marks. Page 3C ground in clinching an MLB postseason ticket.

College athletes will get paid.

It’s just a matter of time.
players will sign union cards to take
them to the nearest National Labor Re-
Dan Wolken
lations Board regional office.
There will probably be pushback
from the school to the idea of unioniza-
tion, so a hearing will take place. The
NLRB’s regional director will rule in fa-
Here’s how college sports change for- vor of the athletes’ right to form a union,
ever. designating them as employees.
At some point over the next several After the various appeals and chal-
months, a labor union will engage with a lenges, and a secret ballot vote with
group of football players at a prominent enough players voting for unionization,
private school like Notre Dame, South- the NLRB board in Washington, D.C.,
ern Cal, Stanford or Boston College and will ultimately recognize that college
The NLRB’s general counsel issued a memorandum that says she views college encourage them to rally support for
athletes as employees of their schools under its Act. RICH BARNES/USA TODAY SPORTS unionization within the team. Enough See WOLKEN, Page 2C

Quarterback evolution
Joe Burrow versus Trevor Lawrence shows NFL’s new concepts
Charlie Goldsmith who has historically been taken with the
The Cincinnati Enquirer No. 1 overall pick. But over the last 10
USA TODAY Network years, No. 1 picks with Lawrence’s style
of play have become the exception and
CINCINNATI – Bengals quarterback not the rule.
Joe Burrow didn’t follow college football “I think 10-15 years ago you had to be
recruiting during his high school or col- 6-4, 230 pounds with a rocket arm to be
lege career, so he had never heard the drafted in the first round,” Burrow said.
name Trevor Lawrence until Lawrence “That’s really exciting for the game
became the starter at Clemson. moving forward. It’s kind of the Steph
Before then, Lawrence was the sec- Curry effect in basketball. You cannot be
ond-highest-rated quarterback in the the biggest guy on the field, but if you
history of most of the major recruiting can go make plays you are going to get
services. He was the No. 1 player in the picked.”
2017 recruiting class because he was an The evolution of the first-round pick
athletic 6-foot-6 quarterback with a big Clemson’s Trevor Lawrence and LSU’s Joe Burrow started when NFL coaches wanted to
arm. faced off for the national title in January 2020.
Lawrence looks like the type of player MARK J. REBILAS/USA TODAY SPORTS See EVOLUTION, Page 4C


Conference realignment is gripping college sports

Dan Wolken and all of college sports, isn’t even close ambitions to position themselves in the FBS, or from Division II to Division I,
USA TODAY to settled. The Texas/Oklahoma move best possible way for whatever the next may be about to set sail.
didn’t just shake up the SEC’s peer iteration of the NCAA looks like. With “A lot of people are nervous,” said one
When the Big 12 recently invited Cin- leagues; the effect is being felt all the the NCAA announcing a constitutional Division I athletics director. “If you want
cinnati, UCF, BYU and Houston to re- way through the Football Bowl Subdivi- convention to dramatically overhaul the to make a move, you’re at the cross-
configure yet again after Texas and sion down to the lower levels of Division organization’s governance structure – roads. You have to do it now.”
Oklahoma declared their intent to join I. and, ultimately, hand the major foot- USA TODAY Sports spoke to 17 people
the Southeastern Conference, it brought Beyond an expected reorganization ball-playing schools more power – ad- across college sports who described the
an end to the latest round of realign- of schools in the so-called Group of Five ministrators and school presidents are far-reaching impact of Texas and Okla-
ment at the power conference level. conferences, there is a renewed urgency concerned that the last ship for any po-
But the landscape of college football, among smaller schools with big football tential upward mobility from FCS to See REALIGNMENT, Page 2C

Realignment just seven members.

In the broader picture, realignment
gravity is pulling schools with big foot-
Continued from Page 1C ball ambitions together while the rest
are more interested in regional-based
homa’s SEC move and how their school competition. There’s concern that some
or conference is positioned for the next smaller leagues with hybrids of football
round of realignment. All of them were and non-football members might end
granted anonymity in order to discuss a up separating.
topic for which they aren’t authorized to “Some of these presidents and ADs
speak publicly. and trustees have delusion of grandeur
thinking, ‘We could be the next Appala-
AAC vs. Mountain West chian State or Coastal Carolina,’ ” said
one administrator in a league that has
Nowhere is the uneasiness more evi- lost multiple members recently. “Do I
dent than in the American Athletic Con- think it’s fool’s gold? Probably. But
ference, which lost three of its most there’s going to be a lot more movement
prominent schools to the Big 12 and will between now and the end of the calen-
be down to eight football playing mem- dar year.”
bers plus Wichita State in basketball
and other sports. ‘There has to be a line’
The focus for commissioner Mike
Aresco has been to solidify the AAC’s Part of the reason that’s happening is
status as the No. 6 conference. To do the uncertainty of what the NCAA will
that, the preferred track would be knee- look like coming out of the constitution-
capping its most prominent rival in the al convention. Ultimately, the 57
Mountain West by adding Boise State, schools in the SEC, Big Ten, Pac 12 and
San Diego State, Air Force and Colorado ACC plus Notre Dame hold all the cards
State to form a league that would reach in the next iteration of the NCAA. The
all corners of the country. only question is whether they form their
The argument from the Mountain own division or whether all 130 schools
West is that stability and geography fa- in FBS are broken out into a separate
vors staying put rather than moving to Boise State is considered by analysts the most valuable television property not structure of self-governance.
the AAC, where schools like Memphis currently in a Power Five league. STEVE CONNER/AP For the other 227 (and growing)
and South Florida will be hoping to get members of Division I, it will be a
called up if the Big 12 has another round scramble to hang onto the financial
of expansion in the next few years. da, San Jose State, Fresno State and Ha- come from independents such as Liber- coattails of the FBS either through foot-
But Aresco is aggressively making waii that have significant budget issues ty and New Mexico State or perhaps ball guarantee games or, for those that
the case that the AAC would preserve its and questions about institutional com- James Madison, a traditional FCS power don’t play football, the NCAA basketball
television contract with ESPN – worth mitment. that has expressed interest in moving tournament.
roughly $7 million annually per school – If the AAC can’t pull off its Western up to the FBS. Money generated by March Madness
by adding those four and particularly gambit, or only lures Air Force, the focus Though not directly tied to Oklahoma is crucial for funding small conferences,
Boise State, which is considered by ana- would likely turn to UAB and Charlotte and Texas, the consolidation of power but there has long been a fear that the
lysts the most valuable television prop- from Conference USA as well as perhaps and the threat of some kind of football FBS schools would gain enough power
erty not currently in a Power Five Army, which plays as an independent breakaway from the NCAA structure is to rewrite the rules to either limit or cut
league. and has rejected multiple overtures to roiling the FCS leagues. In January, the off their automatic access to the tourna-
If Aresco is correct that the value of join a league in football. Western Athletic Conference reinstated ment. Any wholesale change to the
the AAC’s television contract won’t football and added four Texas-based democratic nature of the NCAA tourna-
change, those Mountain West schools And then more poaching schools from the Southland Conference. ment would be unpopular, even perhaps
could roughly double their money by On Tuesday, the Southland began its among some power conference admin-
making the move. Though Mountain West commis- journey to reinvention by announcing istrators.
Among the four, Air Force is viewed sioner Craig Thompson cannot be that Texas A&M-Commerce would But as Division I gets more members
as the most eager to make the jump as it counted out in keeping his members to- move up from Division II. and the disparities grow bigger between
would put them in the same conference gether – he’s been there since the The Atlantic Sun Conference has also the rich schools, the middle class and
as Navy and give their recruiting efforts league’s founding in 1998, has reinvent- been aggressive about football-focused those at the bottom, the voices calling
a stronger presence in the East. Colora- ed the league multiple times and staved expansion, adding Central Arkansas, for change will get louder.
do State is not necessarily tied to Air off efforts to poach Boise State before – Eastern Kentucky, Jacksonville State “One thing everybody agrees with is
Force, but as in-state rivals, it would an AAC raid would force even more and Austin Peay. Three of those schools that Division I is too big,” one athletics
make sense for them to move in tandem. downstream movement likely focused were in the Ohio Valley Conference, director said. “At some point, there has
If they make the decision to jump, on UT-San Antonio, North Texas and which also lost non-football playing to be a line.”
Boise State and San Diego State would Rice, all of which are currently in Con- Belmont on Tuesday to the Missouri With realignment gripping college
have to consider whether it would make ference USA. Valley Conference. Murray State is also sports from top to bottom, the scramble
sense to stay in a diminished Mountain If Conference USA loses members, a candidate to be poached from the to end up on the right side of that line is
West with schools such as UNLV, Neva- any replacements would most likely OVC, which would leave the league with more intense than ever.

Wolken there be a national college athletes’

union, or would each program have one
that negotiated individually with the
Continued from Page 1C school? Would different sports have dif-
ferent unions, or would they be under
athletes have collective bargaining the same umbrella? How would Title IX
rights. When that happens, the same factor in when you’re negotiating with
process will take place at other private athletes in revenue-generating sports
schools, which will be forced to negoti- vs. non-revenue sports?
ate with players on issues like health Nobody can predict exactly how it
care benefits and revenue sharing. will shake out, but the Abruzzo memo
And then, when it becomes clear the Wednesday can only be read as an in-
unionized programs have a recruiting vitation for unions and advocacy groups
advantage over public schools, state to start the process of organizing college
legislatures even in conservative, anti- football and basketball teams.
union states will begin to figure out how “It’s basically a land grab at this
to change their laws so that their ath- point, starting today,” Hsu said. “It’ll be
letes can be part of the movement. a big fight, who’s going to be the union to
Eventually, the last wall of amateurism represent the first school because it’s a
that the NCAA has tried for decades to potential expansion of market for
uphold — direct payments to college them.”
athletes — will come tumbling down. The NCAA should have realized long
“In general, I’d say we’re in the red ago that a lot of its problems could be
zone finally,” said former University of solved through collective bargaining.
Minnesota regent Michael Hsu, who sits Instead of bringing athletes to the table
on the volunteer advisory board of the and working out how to share the
College Football Players Association, a University logos cover a wall in the lobby of NCAA headquarters in Indianapolis. wealth just like the NBA and NFL do
group that advocates for unionization as JENNA WATSON/INDYSTAR with their player unions, the NCAA
a pathway to greater rights for college spent tens of millions of dollars in legal
athletes. “This is kind of the spark we fees and wasted a decade on trying to
needed to let the players know they real- college sports. national law to govern name, image and prevent them from seeing a cent of the
ly do have rights and they should be While the NCAA applauded the deci- likeness rights, we’re seeing now that it revenue they help generate.
thinking bout them.” sion, it was a Pyrrhic victory. In reality, isn’t particularly necessary. With various lawsuits and legislative
The spark came Wednesday in the all the NLRB did was punt until the poli- For the last few months, college ath- proposals in the works, there could be a
form of a memo from Jennifer Abruzzo, tics of the moment were different. And letes from coast to coast have been mak- pathway toward some type of collective
newly appointed by President Biden to boy have they ever changed in the last ing deals and earning money without bargaining arrangement before any
be the NLRB’s lead attorney. In the me- six years. significant regulations aside from those case ever reaches the NLRB. “Theoret-
mo, Abruzzo states that college athletes “Today is just one step in a long Na- imposed by their own campuses. The ically, they could even get revenue shar-
are employees, not “student-athletes,” tional Labor Relations Board process, doomsday predictions of uncontrollable ing in some way and be codified as not
and makes clear that she will support but it’s indicative of the body politic chaos haven’t come to fruition. And employees, and that would kind of end
any effort by athletes to “act collectively shifting,” said Tom McMillen, the presi- based on the strong television ratings all this,” McMillen said. “The student
to improve their terms and conditions of dent and chief executive of the Lead1 from early in the football season, fans rights activists and lawyers pushing
employment” if brought to the NLRB. Association that represents the 130 FBS aren’t turned off in the least because the employment won’t be satisfied with
Though the memo itself doesn’t im- athletics directors. “There are a lot of quarterback of their team is driving a that, but it could be a much more mod-
mediately change college sports — it ramifications to this that have to be nice car or selling chicken fingers on ern model and preserve college sports
doesn’t even guarantee that the NLRB sorted out, but it fundamentally alters Twitter. as we know it.”
would rule favorably on a unionization the landscape of college sports if it goes Amateurism isn’t just over, it should But is there any leadership left in the
effort — the climate has changed signifi- to an employee model. Hopefully there’s be obvious by now that it was never NCAA to steer it toward pragmatic deci-
cantly since 2015 when the NLRB hand- a step short of that that can be compro- part of what made college sports pop- sions without first getting stomped on
ed the NCAA a victory by rejecting ef- mised.” ular. by some arm of the government? Up un-
forts to unionize the Northwestern foot- But for advocates of college athletes And just like NIL, which started with til now, the NCAA has allowed itself to
ball team. rights, where’s the incentive to compro- a push by the California legislature and be at the mercy of political inertia,
Even then, the NLRB’s decision didn’t mise? Right now, the NCAA hasn’t just spread like wildfire in states that didn’t which is no longer interested in prop-
really strike down the merits of union- been stripped of power and moral au- want to get left behind, unions will be- ping up amateurism.
izing or say that college athletes aren’t thority over college sports, it has more come a lot more palatable when schools What the NLRB set in motion
employees. Instead, the NLRB showed or less abdicated any regulatory respon- that have them are able to offer better Wednesday should make that clear to
deference to NCAA rules, reasonably sibility over to the schools. deals to recruits. everyone in college sports.
concluding that a unionized football For all the hue and cry we heard from Obviously, there are a lot of steps Whether they get that message — or
team playing non-unionized football NCAA president Mark Emmert and con- from here to there — and a ton of unan- can do anything about it — remains to
teams would be pretty disruptive for ference commissioners about needing a swered questions along the way. Would be seen.

Pulisic to miss Cup qualifiers;

suspended McKennie returns
Nancy Armour

While Weston McKennie deserved

to be punished for breaking team
COVID-19 protocols, U.S. men’s soccer
coach Gregg Berhalter saw no reason to
banish the talented midfielder forever.
Or even for an extended period of time.
After being suspended for the last
two World Cup qualifiers, McKennie
was back on the 27-man roster for the
next round of games.
“As far as I’m concerned, this is U.S. midfielder Weston McKennie,
something that’s done,” Berhalter said. right, speaks with coach Gregg
“He’s still going to be held accountable Berhalter during practice at Nissan The NCAA’s March Madness logo at center court. KIRBY LEE/USA TODAY SPORTS
for his behavior; everybody’s going to Stadium in Nashville on Sept. 4.
“But this isn’t something we hold on
guys. That’s not the type of culture we
‘March Madness’ branding,
have in the group, and it won’t be mov-
ing forward.”
McKennie is seen as one of the lead-
ing the Sept. 9 qualifier in Honduras
with an ankle injury, including not be-
ing available for Wednesday’s Champi-
phrasing will be used for
ers of this young U.S. squad, both for
his presence and playing time. But the
ons League match at Juventus. Dort-
mund had already said Reyna’s ham-
women’s NCAA Tournament
23-year-old’s behavior off the field has string injury will keep him out until at Paul Myerberg from the traditional approach of ad-
raised questions about his maturity. least the middle of next month. USA TODAY justing budgets for these champion-
In April, he was benched by Juven- Asked if Pulisic or Reyna could still ship events from the previous fiscal
tus for the Turin derby after having a be added to the roster for this window, The NCAA will use the “March Mad- year.
party at his house, which violated both Berhalter said it was unlikely: “They’re ness” phrasing and branding in con- This change is geared “toward in-
rules against parties and the national not even involved in team training yet.” junction with the women’s basketball creasing opportunities for planning
curfew. McKennie’s suspension this The U.S. men host Jamaica on Oct. 7 tournament beginning in 2022, follow- collaboration and cross-promotion, as
month stemmed from him spending in Austin, Texas, travel to Panama on ing one of the recommendations issued well as making the two championships
the night outside the U.S. hotel, ESPN Oct. 10 and close out the window with by a law firm tasked with investigating more financially equitable,” the NCAA
.com reported, while TUDN’s “Hable- an Oct. 13 game against Costa Rica in gender disparities among the govern- said in a statement.
mos Soccer” podcast said he also had Columbus, Ohio. ing body’s championship events. Issued in August by the firm Kaplan
an unauthorized visitor in his hotel The top three teams in CONCACAF “Women’s basketball has grown tre- Hecker & Fink LLP, which specializes in
room on another night. qualifying advance to the 2022 World mendously over the past several years, employment and discrimination mat-
Berhalter said at the time that he Cup in Qatar, and the USMNT is cur- and we remain focused on our priority ters, the report on gender inequity
wasn’t cutting ties with McKennie, and rently tied for second. of enhancing and growing the game,” came after a flood of social media posts
he seemed troubled Wednesday by the The three England-based players – said Lynn Holzman, the NCAA vice highlighting the different treatment of
idea that one mistake could derail a goalkeeper Zack Steffen and defenders president of women’s basketball. athletes at the men’s and women’s
young player’s career. Tim Ream and Antonee Robinson – “The brand recognition that March NCAA tournaments.
“There’s a certain amount of trust won’t be able to play in the Panama Madness carries will broaden market- These posts showed how teams at
Weston needs to rebuild with the group game because of the United Kingdom’s ing opportunities as we continue that the men’s tournament were given bet-
and he’s willing to do that. And I think protocol restrictions. Berhalter said work to elevate the women’s basketball ter food, workout areas, recreation
that’s the important thing,” Berhalter when the team goes to Panama, the championship.” space and gifts compared to their
said. “The one thing I didn’t love how three will go to Columbus, accompa- Use of the “March Madness” phrase counterparts in the women’s bracket.
this whole thing got spun is the lack of nied by a trainer and likely a technical has historically been reserved for the In addition to the recommendation
tolerance, the lack of understanding for coach. men’s tournament. related to branding, the report conclud-
a player’s situation. For the fact we Other European players will be avail- The move received unanimous sup- ed that the NCAA’s model for revenue
have a young group and this group able for all three games, including Ser- port from the Division I Women’s Bas- distribution “prioritizes and rewards
needs to learn. gino Dest, who missed the Honduras ketball Oversight Committee, the investment in men’s basketball,” and
“We’re way too quick to condemn game with a sprained ankle. Dest has NCAA said. the NCAA should “maximize value
people and not really understand a played in Barcelona’s last three games “Adding the March Madness trade- through gender equity” by marketing
player’s perspective,” Berhalter added. and had an assist in Sunday’s game. mark to the Division I Women’s Basket- the women’s tournament as a “stand-
“Listen, his behavior was unaccept- The USMNT also gets Tim Weah ball Championship will enhance the alone property.”
able. He took responsibility for it, and back. The Lille striker was on the initial development and public perception of “The primary reason, we believe, is
we move on. We really do move on.” roster for the last round of qualifiers but the sport,” said Texas-San Antonio ath- that the gender inequities at the NCAA
While McKennie is back with the had to withdraw after he was injured in letic director and committee chair Lisa – and specifically within the NCAA Di-
USMNT, two of the team’s other young training before leaving for the USA. Campos, “and the oversight committee vision I basketball championships –
stars are not. Christian Pulisic and Gio Yunus Musah and Paul Arriola, who looks forward to its work to address stem from the structure and systems of
Reyna will miss the next three qualifi- missed the last round of qualifiers re- other recommendations through the the NCAA itself, which are designed to
ers because they are still recovering covering from injuries, also were in- governance structure to continue those maximize the value of and support to
from injuries they picked up in the last cluded on the roster. This will be the efforts.” the Division I Men’s Basketball Cham-
round. first World Cup qualifying action for The NCAA will also use a “zero- pionship as the primary source of fund-
Pulisic has not played for Chelsea in Musah, who chose the United States based budgeting method” for the wom- ing for the NCAA and its membership,”
the English Premier League since leav- last year over England, Ghana and Italy. en’s and men’s championships, a shift the report found.

Kenny Pickett may be Pitt’s next Marino

Paul Myerberg against Power Five competition, includ- gitimate NFL draft prospect. And he’s
USA TODAY ing this month’s win against Indiana, been great late: Haener is completing
Ridder has completed 106 of his 174 78.1% of his passes for 816 yards and
With many of the nation’s top pass- throws for 1,105 yards and seven touch- eight scores in the second half, with
ers leading teams at or near the top of downs along with 236 rushing yards and nine completions of 25 or more yards.
the early College Football Playoff power another four scores.
rankings, no conference has better 8. Tanner Mordecai, SMU
quarterbacks or better quarterback play 5. Kenny Pickett, Pittsburgh
than the Southeastern Conference. There’s an issue with turnovers: Mor-
With Bryce Young, Matt Corral and With 1,342 passing yards and 15 decai already has two games with mul-
JT Daniels, the league dominates this scores through four games, Pickett is set tiple interceptions, though that hasn’t
week’s list of the best quarterbacks in to challenge a number of Pittsburgh stopped SMU from winning four
the Football Bowl Subdivision. Com- passing records and cap his career as straight and making a run at the Top 25.
bined, this threesome has thrown for 29 the program’s best quarterback since The former Oklahoma transfer leads the
touchdowns and three interceptions Dan Marino. He’ll make a run at the sin- FBS with 20 touchdowns and is one of
across 10 games, all wins. gle-season records for yards (3,679) and five Group of Five quarterbacks with 10
After leading No. 2 Georgia past TDs (37). He’s 58 completions, 194 at- or more touchdowns while completing
No. 19 Clemson in the opener and miss- Kenny Pickett is trying to become tempts, 25 TDs and 1,941 yards shy of the at least 70% of their attempts.
ing the victory against Alabama-Bir- Pitt’s most accomplished player at Panthers’ career marks. The leap Pickett
mingham with an oblique injury, Dan- quarterback since Dan Marino. has made in his final season has his 9. Sam Hartman, Wake Forest
iels has been highly productive in routs CHARLES LECLAIRE/USA TODAY SPORTS team in the mix for the Atlantic Coast
of South Carolina and Vanderbilt. Conference Coastal championship. Hartman has moved beyond a sour
No. 1 Alabama and No. 12 Ole Miss finish to last season – he had two brutal
meet Saturday with high stakes related Corral completed 21 of 28 attempts for 6. Dorian Thompson-Robinson, games in losses to Louisville and Wis-
to the SEC West and the playoff. The im- 365 yards and two touchdowns with an- UCLA consin – to lead No. 25 Wake Forest to an
pact will extend to the Heisman Trophy, other 40 yards on the ground. As a pass- unbeaten September. He’s been partic-
with Young or Corral taking a major lead er and a runner, he’s been just outstand- Thompson-Robinson threw for 251 ularly good in double-digit wins against
in the race for postseason hardware. ing in the Rebels’ 3-0 start. yards and had four total scores, includ- Florida State and Virginia, with 529
ing the second game of his career with passing yards on 8.8 yards per attempt
1. Bryce Young, Alabama 3. JT Daniels, Georgia multiple touchdowns on the ground, as and five scores.
the Bruins rebounded to beat Stanford
Young tossed the first interception in There’s now enough of a sample size 35-24 in the Pac-12 opener. The senior is 10. Sean Clifford, Penn State
144 career attempts in Alabama’s 63-14 for Daniels to make this list, even if he the first UCLA quarterback to throw for
win against Southern Mississippi. was barely needed in Georgia’s 62-0 win 250 or more yards in three straight The three-year starter is playing the
Technically, only one of his 22 throws against Vanderbilt. Through two SEC games since Josh Rosen in 2017. best football of his career as the No. 6
wasn’t caught by somebody: Young had games, Daniels has hit on 78.1% of his Nittany Lions build a case for the top
20 completions for 313 yards and a ca- throws with five touchdowns as the 7. Jake Haener, Fresno State spot in the Big Ten. Clifford completed
reer-best five touchdowns. He’s thrown Bulldogs continue to join Alabama in 47 of 58 attempts for 685 yards and six
at least three touchdowns in each of his separating themselves from the rest of Haener’s worst game came in the touchdowns in wins against Auburn
four starts. the pack. No. 21 Bulldogs’ 31-24 loss at No. 3 Ore- and Villanova, giving him 1,162 yards
gon, when he completed 69.8% of his and eight scores on 9.7 yards per at-
2. Matt Corral, Ole Miss 4. Desmond Ridder, Cincinnati throws for 298 yards and a touchdown tempt through four games. He is dwarf-
without an interception. It’s been that ing his previous career bests in every
After ripping through Alabama’s de- Saturday will see Ridder and the kind of year for the former Washington major category and playing as well as
fense in last year’s meeting, what will No. 8 Bearcats take on No. 7 Notre Dame transfer, who went for 378 yards and any Penn State quarterback since Trace
Corral do for an encore? While the Tide in one of the biggest games of the reg- five touchdowns in Saturday’s close call McSorley in the home stretch of the 2017
eventually pulled away for a 63-48 win, ular season. In seven career games with UNLV and is developing into a le- season.

Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence, this year’s top pick, looks on in the
second quarter against the Broncos. NATHAN RAY SEEBECK/USA TODAY SPORTS

Evolution red Goff, when Taylor coached with the

The Bengals coaching staff said they
The Jaguars’ Jamal Agnew runs the football back 109 yards for a touchdown Continued from Page 1C called Burrow’s rookie season “Year 3 at
after catching a missed field goal attempt. BOB SELF/THE FLORIDA TIMES-UNION LSU.” The Bengals made what Burrow
play their No. 1 picks sooner. After the was comfortable with the focal point of
Bengals drafted Carson Palmer in their offense, including five-wide sets

Agnew could emerge 2003, Palmer was the backup for his
entire rookie season. Eli Manning, Phil-
ip Rivers and Aaron Rodgers didn’t play
that create mismatches with outside
“Most teams have some semblance

as special offensive right away. In 2021, Lawrence, Zach

Wilson, Justin Fields and Mac Jones
have all have received playing time as
of what those guys did well back in col-
lege and how they did well,” Bengals of-
fensive coordinator Brian Callahan

spark for Jaguars

rookie quarterbacks early in the sea- said. “More people are open minded
son. enough to allow those conversations to
As a result, NFL coaching staffs happen. You don’t have to stick any-
changed their offenses to include what body in a box anymore because there
John Reid JACKSONVILLE (0-3) the rookie quarterback does best. Then are a lot more ways to win football
The Florida Times-Union AT CINCINNATI (2-1) NFL teams started taking quarterbacks games. It’s always in everyone’s best
USA TODAY Network with different skill sets and changing interest to make the quarterback as
their offenses even more. comfortable as possible.”
TV: 8:20 p.m. ET Thursday, NFL Net-
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The most “People are realizing you can shape Callahan said former Washington
electrifying player in last weekend’s an offense around a lot of different tal- Football Team quarterback Robert Grif-
Cardinals-Jaguars game wasn’t Trevor Tipico Sportsbook line: Bengals by 7 1⁄2 ent levels regardless of their athleti- fin III was the best early example of this
Lawrence, James Robinson, Kyler Mur- cism, regardless of their size, and peo- trend to build an offense around the
Jaguars’ keys: They have to establish
ray or DeAndre Hopkins. ple are making it work,” Bengals head rookie quarterback’s college system. At
the run with RB James Robinson to
It was Jaguars backup wide receiver coach Zac Taylor said. “Guys are play- Baylor, Griffin III ran a spread offense
protect QB Trevor Lawrence. Through
Jamal Agnew. He has not caught a pass ing fast early and that’s what you’re with wide receivers lined up outside
the first three games, Lawrence, the
or been targeted this season, but he is a seeing from a lot of these young quar- the numbers. The offense created more
2021 No. 1 overall pick, has been
special talent as a return specialist. terbacks.” space for Griffin to scramble, and that
sacked five times and has thrown sev-
And that was clearly evident in the Only a few of the No. 1 picks over the scheme from offensive coordinator
en interceptions. The defense and
Jaguars’ 31-19 loss to Arizona when he last 10 NFL drafts fit Burrow’s descrip- Kyle Shanahan helped Griffin III win
CB Shaquill Griffin will need to limit
made one of the biggest plays in NFL tion of Lawrence, as Baker Mayfield, Rookie of the Year in 2012.
deep shots by the Bengals.
history, returning a missed field goal at- Kyler Murray, Burrow and Lawrence all The Bengals have done the same
tempt for 109 yards for a touchdown Bengals’ keys: QB Joe Burrow and bring strikingly different styles of play. thing with Burrow, surrounding him
that tied for the longest ever. WR Ja’Marr Chase linked had two If NFL teams were still looking for the with concepts he was familiar with in
With the Jaguars reeling on an 18- touchdown hookups in Week 3, which 6-foot-4, 230-pound quarterback with college.
game losing streak since last season proved that threatening to go over the a rocket arm, Burrow likely wouldn’t Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray
and dropping to 0-3 under coach Urban defense’s head more consistently have been the first-round overall in the is the best example as Arizona hired
Meyer going into Thursday night’s should only open things up for one of 2020 draft. Kliff Kingsbury, a former Big 12 college
game against the Bengals (2-1), it might the league’s most accurate intermedi- “You can’t just say, ‘Hey, this guy is a coach, to implement that Big 12 offense.
be wise for the Jaguars to use Agnew ate passers, as well as for RB Joe Mix- clone of this guy,’ ” Taylor said. “I think The Bengals will face Lawrence on
beyond special teams. on. Defensively, breakout LB Logan people are a lot more open-minded “Thursday Night Football” when they
It is not like the Jaguars don’t need Wilson needs to guarantee the Jag- maybe to what they’re looking at in play the Jaguars. Jaguars head coach
an offensive boost beyond Lawrence uars’ rushing attack can’t carry the quarterbacks now, different than 15 Urban Meyer has incorporated similar
and Robinson, especially with their re- game. years ago, and I’m sure certainly 30 zone-read elements that Lawrence
ceivers still having problems getting years ago.” used at Clemson to help speed up his
– Chris Roling, Bengals Wire
separation. Burrow is one of the best examples transition to the NFL
The Jaguars are averaging 17.7 points of a coaching staff changing its system The only common thread between
per game, the sixth lowest in the NFL, to get a rookie quarterback on the field these quarterbacks is that they were
and their 315 yards per game average is right away. drafted early in the first round.
the 10th lowest. The Bengals drafted Burrow because “You see guys like Justin Herbert,
Maybe Meyer and offensive coordi- Following a wedge of blockers, Ag- of his accuracy, his release, his ability 6-6, 230,” Burrow said. “And you see
nator Darrell Bevell should find ways to new broke through four tackles on his to extend plays and his winning experi- guys like Kyler Murray, who is 5-9, 5-10,
utilize Agnew as a big-play receiver or way to the end zone that brought the ence in college. In the predraft process, maybe? Who knows? But then every-
get the ball in Agnew’s hands on de- crowd to its feet, cheering in delight. Taylor recognized that Burrow needed body in between you can really be all
signed plays to take advantage of his “I mean, we were juiced,” Agnew a different structured offense than he shapes and sizes as a quarterback. As
speed and ability to elude tacklers in said. ”We always talk about somebody used with another former No. 1 pick, Ja- long as you can play.”
the open field. making that big play, somebody creat-
”That kid is a dynamic guy with the ing that spark. I’ve been in the league
ball in his hand, Agnew,” Meyer said. for five years (and) I haven’t been in the
”That’s why we went after him in free playoffs. I want to win.”
agency. That’s a game-changer, and Agnew appears to be doing all he
he’s an even better guy than he is a can. In Week 2, he returned a kickoff
player.” 102 yards for a touchdown in the fourth
Desperate to get on track, Agnew’s quarter. However, the Jaguars still lost
return was just the third 109-yard 23-13 at TIAA Bank Field.
touchdown in NFL history, tying Anto- Other than Lawrence’s five touch-
nio Cromartie (interception return) and down passes, Agnew is tied with re-
Cordarrelle Patterson (kickoff return) ceivers DJ Chark and Jones with the
for the league record. team lead for most TDs with two
It came after Cardinals kicker Matt apiece.
Prater came out to attempt a 68-yarder “He deserves all the hype that he
that dropped well short of the goal post gets because he’s the best in the league,
and into the waiting hands of Agnew, I think,” Jones said. “We just need to
who was standing alone in the end continue to feed off stuff like that, and Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow had a rough outing in Week 2 against the
zone. we’ll be solid.” Bears. SAM GREENE/THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER

Sherman to reinforce ailing Bucs secondary

Lorenzo Reyes In 911 calls obtained by USA TODAY 2019 in San Francisco, where he spent
USA TODAY Sports, Sherman’s wife, Ashley Moss, three seasons. He became a premier
said Sherman was trying to force entry cornerback in Seattle, where he was one
The banged-up Buccaneers are get- into her parents’ home. Per officer nar- of the original members of the “Legion
ting reinforcements in the form of a vet- ratives obtained by USA TODAY Sports, of Boom” secondary that helped the
eran cornerback. police arrested Sherman with assis- Seahawks win Super Bowl 48 against
The team announced Wednesday tance of a K-9 unit. the Broncos.
morning that it had signed former Sea- Sherman was released from jail the Sherman had been visiting the Buc-
hawks and 49ers cornerback Richard following day and later said he was caneers headquarters prior to signing
Sherman. The move comes after starter “deeply remorseful” in a court hearing in his contract Wednesday morning. He is
Sean Murphy-Bunting was placed on which he pleaded not guilty. eligible to practice right away and could
injured reserve following an elbow inju- The Seahawks’ Richard Sherman “I have been dealing with some per- potentially be available for Sunday’s
ry he suffered in Tampa Bay’s season- congratulates the Patriots’ Tom Brady sonal challenges over the last several game against the Patriots, which is
opening victory against the Cowboys. after New England’s Super Bowl 49 months, but that is not an excuse for quarterback Tom Brady’s first against
Cornerback Jamel Dean also suffered a triumph. MARK J. REBILAS/USA TODAY SPORTS how I acted,” he wrote Friday in a state- his former team after spending 20 sea-
knee injury in Sunday’s loss against the ment posted on social media. “The im- sons with New England.
Rams, further depleting the depth at the portance of mental and emotional Sherman said Brady helped recruit
position. waited for the market to settle. health is extremely real and I vow to get him to the Buccaneers.
Sherman, 33, is a three-time All-Pro Sherman was then arrested July 14 on the help I need.” “He’s the all-time great quarterback
selection and a five-time Pro Bowler. His on suspicion of burglary domestic vio- The Buccaneers rank last in the NFL reaching out, and anytime he makes
contract with the 49ers expired after the lence as well as charges of resisting ar- in passing defense, allowing an average that call, it’s a very difficult opportunity
2020 season, making him an unrestrict- rest and malicious mischief in Red- of 338.3 yards per game. Sherman’s to pass up,” Sherman said on his pod-
ed free agent. He went unsigned as he mond, Washington. most recent Pro Bowl season came in cast.


All times ET Times Eastern; subject to change Arkansas State (1-3) at Georgia Southern (1-3), 4 p.m.
THURSDAY NC Central (2-2) at MVSU (0-3), 4 p.m.
E. Illinois (1-4) at Murray State (1-2), 5 p.m. European Tour
South Alabama State (2-1) at Florida A&M (1-2), 6 p.m.
Virginia (2-2) at Miami (2-2), 7:30 p.m. Florida (3-1) at Kentucky (4-0), 6 p.m.
Southwest Louisiana Tech (2-2) at NC State (3-1), 6 p.m. Alfred Dunhill Links Championship
AMERICAN LEAGUE Ark.-Pine Bluff (1-2) at Prairie View (3-1), 7:30 p.m. Samford (2-2) at Mercer (2-1), 6 p.m.
East Division Incarnate Word (3-1) at Northwestern State (0-3), 7 p.m.
Courses: Old Course at St Andrews (Yardage:
W L Pct GB FRIDAY Marshall (2-2) at Middle Tennessee (1-3), 7 p.m.
x-Tampa Bay 97 60 .618 — East Campbell (1-2) at North Alabama (0-4), 7 p.m. 7,318. Par: 72); Carnoustie GL (Yardage: 7,394.
New York 90 67 .573 7 Dartmouth (2-0) at Penn (1-1), 7 p.m. Liberty (3-1) at UAB (3-1), 7 p.m.
Boston 88 69 .561 9 Iowa (4-0) at Maryland (4-0), 8 p.m. Uconn (0-5) at Vanderbilt (1-3), 7:30 p.m.
Boston College (4-0) at Clemson (2-2), 7:30 p.m.
Par: 72); Kingsbarns GL (Yardage: 7,227. Par: 72)
Toronto 87 70 .554 10
Baltimore 51 106 .325 46 Southwest Louisiana-Lafayette (3-1) at South Alabama (3-0), 8 p.m. in Scotland.
Central Division Houston (3-1) at Tulsa (1-3), 7:30 p.m. Tennessee State (1-3) at Austin Peay (2-2), 8 p.m.
W L Pct GB Auburn (3-1) at LSU (3-1), 9 p.m.
x-Chicago 90 68 .570 —
Far West
BYU (4-0) at Utah State (3-1), 9 p.m. Midwest
Prize money: $5 million. Winner’s share:
14½ SATURDAY Minnesota (2-2) at Purdue (3-1), Noon $833,333.
Charlotte (3-1) at Illinois (1-4), Noon
Kansas City 72 85 .459 17½ East Michigan (4-0) at Wisconsin (1-2), Noon
Minnesota 70 87 .446 19½ Stony Brook (1-3) at Rhode Island (3-0), Noon Tennessee (2-2) at Missouri (2-2), Noon TV (ET): Thursday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-noon (Golf);
West Division W. Michigan (3-1) at Buffalo (2-2), Noon Drake (1-3) at Butler (2-2), Noon
W L Pct GB Memphis (3-1) at Temple (2-2), Noon Marist (0-2) at Valparaiso (1-3), 1 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Golf).
Houston 92 65 .586 — St. Francis (Pa.) (1-3) at Morgan State (0-3), Noon Missouri State (2-1) at Illinois State (2-2), 2 p.m.
Toledo (2-2) at UMass (0-4), Noon E. Michigan (3-1) at N. Illinois (2-2), 2:30 p.m.

7½ Yale (1-1) at Lehigh (0-4), Noon Cincinnati (3-0) at Notre Dame (4-0), 2:30 p.m. Notes: Kristoffer Broberg won last week’s Dutch
Los Angeles 74 83 .471 18 Sacred Heart (2-2) at Howard (0-4), 1 p.m.
Duquesne (2-1) at Merrimack (3-1), 1 p.m.
N. Dakota State (3-0) at North Dakota (2-1), 3 p.m.
Indiana State (2-2) at South Dakota (2-2), 3 p.m.
Open. ... The field includes Billy Horschel, who
Texas 58 99 .369 34
x-clinched division Columbia (2-0) at Princeton (2-0), 1 p.m. Ohio (0-4) at Akron (1-3), 3:30 p.m. won the BMW PGA Championship this month at
Gardner-Webb (2-2) at Monmouth (NJ) (2-2), 1 p.m. Cent. Michigan (2-2) at Miami (Ohio) (1-3), 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday’s Games Harvard (2-0) at Holy Cross (3-1), 1:30 p.m. Bowling Green (2-2) at Kent State (1-3), 3:30 p.m. Wentworth and is second in the Race to Dubai
Baltimore 4, Boston 2 Colgate (1-3) at Georgetown (1-2), 2 p.m. Oklahoma (4-0) at Kansas State (3-1), 3:30 p.m.
Minnesota 3, Detroit 2 Albany (NY) (0-3) at Delaware (2-1), 3 p.m. S. Illinois (3-1) at W. Illinois (1-3), 4 p.m. behind Collin Morikawa. … Tony Finau intended to
N.Y. Yankees 7, Toronto 2 Ohio State (3-1) at Rutgers (3-1), 3:30 p.m. Youngstown State (1-2) at N. Iowa (2-1), 5 p.m.
Chicago White Sox 7, Cincinnati 1 UCF (2-1) at Navy (0-3), 3:30 p.m. Army (4-0) at Ball State (1-3), 5 p.m. play until withdrawing after a U.S. victory in the
Texas 5, L.A. Angels 2 Texas Tech (3-1) at West Virginia (2-2), 3:30 p.m. Kansas (1-3) at Iowa State (2-2), 7 p.m.
Houston 4, Tampa Bay 3 Cornell (0-2) at Bucknell (0-3), 3:30 p.m. Dixie State (0-3) at S. Dakota State (3-0), 7 p.m. Ryder Cup. … This is the European Tour version of
Kansas City 6, Cleveland 4
Seattle 4, Oakland 2
James Madison (3-0) at New Hampshire (3-1), 3:30 p.m.
Fordham (1-3) at Lafayette (1-3), 3:30 p.m.
Northwestern (2-2) at Nebraska (2-3), 7:30 p.m.
W. Kentucky (1-2) at Michigan State (4-0), 7:30 p.m.
the Pebble Beach Pro-Am, spread over three
Wednesday’s Games Brown (0-2) at Bryant (2-2), 4 p.m. courses. Two of them are on the British Open
Boston at Baltimore Delaware State (1-3) at Wagner (0-4), 5 p.m. Southwest
Texas (3-1) at TCU (2-1), Noon
N.Y. Yankees at Toronto Indiana (2-2) at Penn State (4-0), 7:30 p.m.
North American University (0-1) at Texas Southern (0-3), 3 p.m. rotation. … Padraig Harrington is in the field after
Detroit at Minnesota
L.A. Angels at Texas South
Duke (3-1) at North Carolina (2-2), Noon
South Florida (1-3) at SMU (4-0), 4 p.m.
Sam Houston State (3-0) vs. Stephen F. Austin (3-1) at Houston, 5 p.m.
his Ryder Cup captaincy ended on Sunday. He will
Cincinnati at Chicago White Sox
Cleveland at Kansas City Arkansas (4-0) at Georgia (4-0), Noon UNLV (0-4) at UTSA (4-0), 6 p.m. be joined by three of his players – Tommy Fleet-
Tampa Bay at Houston Pittsburgh (3-1) at Georgia Tech (2-2), Noon Southern Miss. (1-3) at Rice (1-3), 6:30 p.m.
Oakland at Seattle Louisville (3-1) at Wake Forest (4-0), 12:30 p.m. Baylor (4-0) at Oklahoma State (4-0), 7 p.m. wood, Tyrrell Hatton and Shane Lowry.
Robert Morris (1-1) at NC A&T (1-2), 1 p.m. Cent. Arkansas (1-3) at Abilene Christian (3-1), 7 p.m.
Thursday’s Games SE Louisiana (2-1) at McNeese State (1-3), 1 p.m. Mississippi State (2-2) at Texas A&M (3-1), 7 p.m.
L.A. Angels (Cobb 8-3) at Texas (Otto 0-3), Davidson (2-1) at Stetson (2-1), 1 p.m. Old Dominion (1-3) at UTEP (3-1), 9 p.m. LPGA
2:05 p.m. Bethune-Cookman (0-4) at SC State (0-3), 1:30 p.m.
Boston (Pivetta 9-7) at Baltimore (Wells 1-3), W. Carolina (0-4) at Chattanooga (1-2), 1:30 p.m. Far West
7:05 p.m. Appalachian State (3-1) at Georgia State (1-3), 2 p.m. Southern Cal (2-2) at Colorado (1-3), 2 p.m. Shoprite LPGA Classic
N.Y. Yankees (Kluber 5-3) at Toronto (Ray Norfolk State (2-2) at Hampton (2-1), 2 p.m. N. Colorado (2-2) at Montana State (3-1), 3 p.m.
13-6), 7:07 p.m. Nevada (2-1) at Boise State (2-2), 3:30 p.m.
Tampa Bay (TBD) at Houston (McCullers Jr.
VMI (3-1) at The Citadel (1-2), 2 p.m.
Dayton (2-1) at Morehead State (1-2), 2 p.m. Oregon (4-0) at Stanford (2-2), 3:30 p.m. Course: Seaview GC (Bay Course) in Galloway,
12-5), 7:10 p.m. Idaho State (0-3) at N. Arizona (1-3), 4 p.m.
Detroit (Skubal 8-12) at Minnesota (Ryan 2-1),
Elon (1-3) at Richmond (2-2), 2 p.m.
St. Thomas (Minn.) (2-1) at San Diego (0-4), 4 p.m. New Jersey. Yardage: 6,190. Par: 71.
Louisiana-Monroe (2-1) at Coastal Carolina (4-0), 2:30 p.m.
7:40 p.m. SE Missouri (1-3) at Tennessee Tech (0-4), 2:30 p.m. Washington State (1-3) at California (1-3), 5:30 p.m.
Cleveland (Bieber 7-4) at Kansas City (TBD), Jacksonville State (2-2) at Kennesaw State (2-1), 3 p.m. Air Force (3-1) at New Mexico (2-2), 6:30 p.m.
Portland State (1-3) at S. Utah (1-3), 8 p.m.
Prize money: $1.75 million. Winner’s share:
8:10 p.m. Alabama A&M (3-0) at Grambling State (1-3), 3 p.m.
Friday’s Games Tarleton State (2-2) at E. Kentucky (2-2), 3 p.m. Weber State (1-3) at Cal Poly (1-3), 8:35 p.m. $262,500.
Boston at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Wofford (1-2) at ETSU (4-0), 3:30 p.m. Washington (2-2) at Oregon State (3-1), 9 p.m.
Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. FIU (1-3) at FAU (2-2), 3:30 p.m. Idaho (1-2) at UC Davis (4-0), 10 p.m.
Baltimore at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Mississippi (3-0) at Alabama (4-0), 3:30 p.m. Arizona State (3-1) at UCLA (3-1), 10:30 p.m. TV (ET): Friday-Sunday, 1-4 p.m. (Golf).
Cleveland at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Tulane (1-3) at East Carolina (2-2), 3:30 p.m. Montana (3-0) at E. Washington (4-0), 10:30 p.m.
New Mexico State (1-4) at San Jose State (2-2), 10:30 p.m.
Detroit at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m.
Minnesota at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.
Troy (2-2) at South Carolina (2-2), 3:30 p.m.
Fresno State (4-1) at Hawaii (2-3), 11 p.m. Notes: Walmart NW Arkansas Championship win-
Syracuse (3-1) at Florida State (0-4), 3:30 p.m.
Oakland at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Houston Baptist (0-3) at Nicholls (1-2), 4 p.m. ner Nasa Hataoka will try to join Nelly Korda, the
L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.
NATIONAL LEAGUE Race to CME Globe leader, as the only players to
East Division win in consecutive weeks on the LPGA tour this
W L Pct GB
Atlanta 84 72 .538 — year. … This will be the first all-female broadcast
Philadelphia 81 76 .516 3½ North GROUP F Saturday’s Games
New York 75 82 .478 9½ W L T Pct PF PA GP W D L GF GA Pts Real Salt Lake at Austin FC, 3:30 p.m. in golf, led by producer Beth Hutter. … Korda has
Washington 65 93 .411 20 Green Bay 2 1 0 .667 68 83 Atalanta 2 1 1 0 3 2 4 Atlanta at CF Montréal, 7 p.m.
Miami 64 93 .408 20½ Chicago 1 2 0 .333 40 77 Young Boys 2 1 0 1 2 2 3 D.C. United at Orlando City, 7:30 p.m. not played since the Americans lost the Solheim
Central Division Minnesota 1 2 0 .333 87 78 Man. United 2 1 0 1 3 3 3 New York at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m.
W L Pct GB Detroit 0 3 0 .000 67 95 Villarreal 2 0 1 1 3 4 1 Minnesota at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. Cup. ... Megha Ganne, who contended at the U.S.
x-Milwaukee 94 63 .599 — West
Wednesday’s Games San Jose at Vancouver, 10 p.m. Women’s Open as a 17-year-old, is playing on a
y-St. Louis 88 69 .561 6 Atalanta 1, Young Boys 0 Sunday’s Games
Cincinnati 82 76 .519 12½ Arizona
L.A. Rams
3 0 0 1.000
3 0 0 1.000
Manchester United 2, Villarreal 1 Nashville at New York City FC, 12 p.m. sponsor exemption. … The field includes three of
Chicago 67 90 .427 27 Wednesday, Oct. 20 Columbus at Philadelphia, 4 p.m.
Pittsburgh 59 98 .376 35 San Francisco 2 1 0 .667 86 74
Manchester United vs. Atalanta, 3 p.m. Chicago at Toronto FC, 4 p.m. this year’s five major champions: Patty Tavatana-
Seattle 1 2 0 .333 75 79 Houston at Sporting Kansas City, 4 p.m.
West Division Young Boys vs. Villarreal, 3 p.m. kit, Yuka Saso and Anna Nordqvist.
W L Pct GB Thursday’s Game GROUP G Miami at Portland, 5:30 p.m.
z-San Francisco 103 54 .656 — Jacksonville at Cincinnati, 8:20 p.m. Los Angeles FC at LA Galaxy, 8 p.m. – The Associated Press
GP W D L GF GA Pts Colorado at Seattle, 10 p.m.
z-Los Angeles 101 56 .643 2 Sunday’s Games RB Salzburg 2 1 1 0 3 2 4
San Diego 78 79 .497 25 Carolina at Dallas, 1 p.m.
Colorado 72 85 .459 31 Cleveland at Minnesota, 1 p.m.
Sevilla 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 English Premier League
Wolfsburg 2 0 2 0 1 1 2
Arizona 50 107 .318 53 Detroit at Chicago, 1 p.m. Lille 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 GP W D L GF GA Pts
x-clinched division Houston at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Liverpool 6 4 2 0 15 4 14
y-clinched wild card Indianapolis at Miami, 1 p.m. Wednesday’s Games Man City 6 4 1 1 12 1 13
z-clinched playoff berth Kansas City at Philadelphia, 1 p.m.
N.Y. Giants at New Orleans, 1 p.m.
RB Salzburg 2, Lille 1
Wolfsburg 1, Sevilla 1
Man United
6 4
6 4
56.5 Bowling Grn
Tuesday’s Games Wednesday, Oct. 20 Everton 6 4 1 1 12 7 13 FL ATLANTIC 10.5 51.5 fiu
N.Y. Mets 5, Miami 2, 7 innings, 1st game Tennessee at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m.
Washington at Atlanta, 1 p.m. RB Salzburg vs. Wolfsburg, 12:45 p.m. Brighton 6 4 1 1 8 5 13 GA SOUTHRN 1.5 65.5 Arkansas St.
Pittsburgh 8, Chicago Cubs 6 West Ham 6 3 2 1 13 8 11
Atlanta 2, Philadelphia 1 Arizona at L.A. Rams, 4:05 p.m. Lille vs. Sevilla, 3 p.m. Army 7.5 47.5 BALL ST.
Aston Villa 6 3 1 2 9 7 10
N.Y. Mets 2, Miami 1, 2nd game Seattle at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m. GROUP H Brentford 6 2 3 1 8 5 9 CALIFORNIA 7.5 51.5 Washingtn St.
St. Louis 6, Milwaukee 2 Baltimore at Denver, 4:25 p.m. GP W D L GF GA Pts Florida 8.5 55.5 KENTUCKY
Pittsburgh at Green Bay, 4:25 p.m. Arsenal 6 3 0 3 5 10 9
Chicago White Sox 7, Cincinnati 1 Juventus 2 2 0 0 4 0 6 NC STATE 20.5 54.5 Louisiana Tch
Tampa Bay at New England, 8:20 p.m. Tottenham 6 3 0 3 4 9 9
Colorado 3, Washington 1 Chelsea 2 1 0 1 1 1 3 UTSA 21.5 56.5 unlv
Watford 6 2 1 3 7 9 7
L.A. Dodgers 2, San Diego 1 Monday’s Game Zenit St. P-burg 2 1 0 1 4 1 3 RICE 2.5 44.5 Southrn Miss
Leicester 6 2 1 3 7 10 7 Odds available as of print deadline
San Francisco 6, Arizona 4 Las Vegas at L.A. Chargers, 8:15 p.m. Malmo 2 0 0 2 0 7 0
Wolverhampton 6 2 0 4 3 5 6 Air Force 10.5 46.5 NEW MEXICO
Wednesday’s Games Wednesday’s Games Crystal Palace 6 1 3 2 6 9 6 TEXAS A&M 7.5 45.5 Mississippi St
Washington at Colorado Zenit St. Petersburg 4, Malmo 0 Southampton 6 0 4 2 4 7 4 OKLA. ST. 3.5 47.5 Baylor
Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh SOCCER Juventus 1, Chelsea 0 Newcastle 6 0 3 3 7 14 3 NCAAF Marshall 10.5 66.5 MIDDLE TN
Miami at N.Y. Mets Wednesday, Oct. 20 Leeds 6 0 3 3 6 14 3 Thursday
Burnley 6 0 2 4 5 11 2
UAB 1.5 49.5 Liberty
Philadelphia at Atlanta Chelsea vs. Malmo, 3 p.m. Favorite Spread O/U Underdog
Milwaukee at St. Louis Champions League Norwich 6 0 0 6 2 16 0 IOWA STATE 34.5 57.5 Kansas
Zenit St. Petersburg vs. Juventus, 3 p.m. MIAMI (FL) 5.5 62.5 Virginia CLEMSON 15.5 45.5 Boston Coll.
Cincinnati at Chicago White Sox FIRST ROUND Saturday’s Games
Arizona at San Francisco Home teams listed first NWSL NEBRASKA 12.5 50.5 Northwestern
W L T Pts GF GA Man United vs. Everton, 7:30 a.m. Friday MICHIGAN ST. 11.5 63.5 W. Kentucky
San Diego at L.A. Dodgers Top two in each group advance Burnley vs. Norwich, 10 a.m. Favorite Spread O/U Underdog
Portland 12 5 2 38 29 13 PENN STATE 13.5 53.5 Indiana
Thursday’s Games GROUP A Reign FC 11 7 2 35 30 19 Chelsea vs. Southampton, 10 a.m. TULSA 4.5 54.5 Houston
Milwaukee (Anderson 4-9) at St. Louis (Happ GP W D L GF GA Pts Leeds vs. Watford, 10 a.m. Iowa 3.5 48.5 MARYLAND VANDERBILT 14.5 51.5 Connecticut
North Carolina 8 6 5 29 23 13 UL Lafayette 12.5 53.5 S. ALABAMA
9-8), 1:15 p.m. PSG 2 1 1 0 3 1 4 Chicago 8 7 5 29 22 24 Wolverhampton vs. Newcastle, 10 a.m. byu 8.5 61.5 UTAH ST.
Chicago Cubs (Steele 3-4) at Pittsburgh Club Brugge 2 1 1 0 3 2 4 Orlando 7 6 7 28 24 24 Brighton vs. Arsenal, 12:30 p.m. UTEP 5.5 48.5 Old Dominion
(TBD), 6:35 p.m. Man. City 2 1 0 1 6 5 3 Washington 7 7 5 26 21 25 Sunday’s Games Saturday OREGON ST. 2.5 56.5 Washington
Miami (Cabrera 0-3) at N.Y. Mets (Megill 3-6), RB Leipzig 2 0 0 2 4 8 0 Houston 7 7 5 26 24 23 Crystal Palace vs. Leicester, 9 a.m. Favorite Spread O/U Underdog LSU 3.5 54.5 Auburn
7:10 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Gotham FC 6 5 7 25 20 16 Tottenham vs. Aston Villa, 9 a.m. WISCONSIN 1.5 43.5 Michigan UCLA 3.5 55.5 Arizona St.
Philadelphia (Gibson 10-8) at Atlanta (Ander- Paris Saint-Germain 2, Manchester City 0 Louisville 4 10 5 17 15 31 West Ham vs. Brentford, 9 a.m. ILLINOIS 11.5 54.5 Charlotte SAN JOSE ST. 27.5 51.5 NM State
son 8-5), 7:20 p.m. RB Leipzig 1, Club Brugge 2 Kansas City 2 12 5 11 10 30 Liverpool vs. Man City, 11:30 a.m. N. CAROLINA 20.5 71.5 Duke Fresno State 10.5 65.5 HAWAII
Arizona (Bumgarner 7-10) at San Francisco
(TBD), 9:45 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19 Friday’s Games Texas 5.5 65.5 TCU
Club Brugge vs. Manchester City, 12:45 p.m. PURDUE 2.5 47.5 Minnesota NFL
Washington at North Carolina, 7 p.m.
San Diego (Velasquez 3-8) at L.A. Dodgers
(Gonsolin 4-1), 10:10 p.m. Paris Saint-Germain vs. RB Leipzig, 3 p.m. Gotham FC at Louisville, 7:30 p.m. TENNIS GEORGIA 18.5 48.5 Arkansas Thursday
GROUP B Saturday’s Games Memphis 10.5 60.5 TEMPLE Favorite Spread O/U Underdog
Friday’s Games BENGALS 7.5 46.5 Jaguars
GP W D L GF GA Pts Orlando at Chicago, 8 p.m. MISSOURI 2.5 64.5 Tennessee
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 6:35 p.m.
Liverpool 2 2 0 0 8 3 6 Houston at Kansas City, 8 p.m.
WTA Pittsburgh 3.5 58.5 GA. TECH
Boston at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Chicago Fall Tennis Classic Sunday
Philadelphia at Miami, 7:10 p.m. Atletico Madrid 2 1 1 0 2 1 4 Reign FC at Portland, 10 p.m. Toledo 27.5 57.5 UMASS
Porto 2 0 1 1 1 5 1 XS Tennis Village, Chicago Favorite Spread O/U Underdog
N.Y. Mets at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m. MLS W. Michigan 6.5 59.5 BUFFALO Titans 7.5 45.5 JETS
Chicago Cubs at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. AC Milan 2 0 0 2 3 5 0 Purse: $565,530 WAKE FOREST 6.5 61.5 Louisville
Tuesday’s Games EASTERN DOLPHINS 2.5 42.5 Colts
Colorado at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.
W L T Pts GF GA Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Appalachian St. 10.5 55.5 GA. STATE Washington 1.5 47.5 FALCONS
San Diego at San Francisco, 9:45 p.m. AC Milan 1, Atletico Madrid 2 Singles - Round of 32 usc 7.5 50.5 COLORADO
Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Porto 1, Liverpool 5 New England 19 4 5 62 53 33 BEARS 2.5 41.5 Lions
Nashville 11 3 12 45 44 24 Mai Hontama, Japan, def. Anett Kontaveit Cincinnati 1.5 50.5 NOTRE DAME
Tuesday, Oct. 19 (11), Estonia, walkover; Elena Rybakina (5), BILLS 16.5 46.5 Texans
N.Y. City FC 11 9 6 39 44 30 CSTL CAROL. 34.5 56.5 UL Monroe Chiefs 6.5 54.5 EAGLES
Atletico Madrid vs. Liverpool, 3 p.m. Philadelphia 10 7 8 38 32 25 Kazakhstan, def. Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Bela- N. ILLINOIS 2.5 60.5 E. Michigan
NFL Porto vs. AC Milan, 3 p.m. Orlando City 10 8 8 38 37 38 rus, 6-4, 6-4; Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania, Ohio State 14.5 58.5 RUTGERS
SAINTS 7.5 42.5 Giants
GROUP C D.C. United 11 11 4 37 45 38 def. Kateryna Kozlova, Ukraine, 7-5, 6-2; Belin- Browns 2.5 51.5 VIKINGS
da Bencic (3), Switzerland, def. Maddison In- W. VIRGINIA 7.5 55.5 Texas Tech COWBOYS 4.5 50.5 Panthers
GP W D L GF GA Pts CF Montréal 10 9 7 37 37 32 ucf 16.5 53.5 NAVY
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Ajax 2 2 0 0 7 1 6 Atlanta 9 8 9 36 35 31 glis, Australia, 5-7, 6-1, 6-0; Tereza Martinco- 49ERS 2.5 51.5 Seahawks
East Columbus 9 11 7 34 32 36 va, Czech Republic, def. Tamara Zidansek (13), Ohio 9.5 55.5 AKRON RAMS 4.5 54.5 Cardinals
Bor. Dortmund 2 2 0 0 3 1 6
W L T Pct PF PA Besiktas 2 0 0 2 1 4 0 Inter Miami CF 9 11 5 32 25 40 Slovenia, 6-2, 7-5; Veronika Kudermetova S. CAROLINA 7.5 44.5 Troy PACKERS 6.5 45.5 Steelers
Buffalo 2 1 0 .667 94 44 S. Lisbon 1 0 0 1 1 6 0 New York 8 11 6 30 31 29 (12), Russia, def. Harriet Dart, Britain, 6-3, 6-4; ALABAMA 14.5 79.5 Ole Miss BRONCOS 0.5 44.5 Ravens
Miami 1 2 0 .333 45 82 Chicago 6 15 6 24 26 43 Jil Teichmann (16), Switzerland, def. Magda Oregon 7.5 57.5 STANFORD Buccaneers 6.5 48.5 PATRIOTS
New England 1 2 0 .333 54 51 Tuesday’s Games Cincinnati 4 13 8 20 26 48 Linette, Poland, 6-2, 6-4; Elina Svitolina (1), FLORIDA ST. 4.5 52.5 Syracuse
N.Y. Jets 0 3 0 .000 20 70 Ajax 2, Besiktas 0 Ukraine, def. Amanda Anisimova, United
Borussia Dortmund 1, Sporting Lisbon 0 Toronto FC 4 15 7 19 28 51 BOISE ST. 6.5 59.5 Nevada Monday
South States, 6-4, 6-3; Jessica Pegula (9), United Oklahoma 10.5 52.5 K-STATE Favorite Spread O/U Underdog
W L T Pct PF PA Tuesday, Oct. 19 WESTERN States, def. Andrea Petkovic, Germany, 6-2,
W L T Pts GF GA MIAMI (OH) 0.5 55.5 C. Michigan CHARGERS 3.5 52.5 Raiders
Tennessee 2 1 0 .667 71 84 Besiktas vs. Sporting Lisbon, 12:45 p.m. Seattle 14 5 6 48 38 21 7-5; Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic,
Houston 1 2 0 .333 67 76 Ajax vs. Borussia Dortmund, 3 p.m. Sporting KC 13 6 7 46 44 28 def. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (4), Russia,
Indianapolis 0 3 0 .000 56 80 GROUP D Colorado 12 4 9 45 35 24 6-3, 6-2; Shelby Rogers, United States, def.
Jacksonville 0 3 0 .000 53 91 GP W D L GF GA Pts Portland 12 10 4 40 42 43 Bianca Andreescu (8), Canada, 6-4, 7-5.
Sheriff 2 2 0 0 4 1 6 Odds are subject to change. Tipico Sportsbook does not offer lines for
North LA Galaxy 11 10 5 38 37 42
W L T Pct PF PA Real Madrid 2 1 0 1 2 2 3 Minnesota United 10 8 7 37 29 29 New Jersey-based college sports teams. Gannett may earn revenue
Baltimore 2 1 0 .667 82 85 Inter Milan 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 Real Salt Lake 10 10 6 36 42 41 WNBA from audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms are
Cincinnati 2 1 0 .667 68 54 S. Donetsk 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 Los Angeles FC 9 11 6 33 38 38
Cleveland 2 1 0 .667 86 60 Vancouver 8 8 9 33 31 34 independent of any such relationships and there is no influence on
Tuesday’s Games Semifinals
Pittsburgh 1 2 0 .333 50 66 Shakhtar Donetsk 0, Inter Milan 0 San Jose 8 9 9 33 34 38 news coverage. Terms and conditions apply, see site for details. 21+
West Real Madrid 1, Sheriff 2 FC Dallas 6 12 9 27 38 44 (Best-of-5; x-if necessary) only. Gambling Problem? Call: 1-800-GAMBLER (NJ, PA, IL, VA),
W L T Pct PF PA Houston 5 11 11 26 31 41 No. 6 Chicago 1,
Tuesday, Oct. 19 Austin FC 6 16 4 22 27 40 1-800-522-4700 (CO, NV, KS), 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), 1-800-9-WITH-IT
Denver 3 0 0 1.000 76 26 Inter Milan vs. Sheriff, 3 p.m. No. 1 Connecticut 0
Las Vegas 3 0 0 1.000 90 72 NOTE: Three points for win, one point for tie. (IN), 1-800-589-9966 (OH), 1-877-770-7867 (LA), 1-888-238-7633
Shakhtar Donetsk vs. Real Madrid, 3 p.m. Tuesday: Chicago 101, Connecticut 95, 2OT
L.A. Chargers 2 1 0 .667 67 60
GROUP E Wednesday’s Games Thursday: Chicago at Connecticut, 8 p.m. (MO), 1-888-777-9696 (MS). Call or text: 1-800-889-9789 (TN).
Kansas City 1 2 0 .333 92 95 Cincinnati at Toronto FC Sunday: Connecticut at Chicago, 1 p.m.
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Bayern Munich 2 2 0 0 8 0 6 Miami at Atlanta x-Oct. 6: Connecticut at Chicago, TBA For the latest picks and expert analysis, go to
East Benfica 2 1 1 0 3 0 4 New England at CF Montréal x-Oct. 8: Chicago at Connecticut, TBA
W L T Pct PF PA Dynamo Kyiv 2 0 1 1 0 5 1 Minnesota at D.C. United No. 2 Las Vegas 1,
Dallas 2 1 0 .667 90 69 Barcelona 2 0 0 2 0 6 0 Philadelphia at New York
1 2 0 .333
1 2 0 .333
Wednesday’s Games
Sporting Kansas City at FC Dallas
New York City FC at Chicago
No. 5 Phoenix 0
Tuesday: Las Vegas 96, Phoenix 90 Scan for latest odds
Bayern 5, Dynamo Kyiv 0 Orlando City at Nashville Thursday: Phoenix at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.
N.Y. Giants 0 3 0 .000 56 74 Benfica 3, Barcelona 0 Sunday: Las Vegas at Phoenix, 3 p.m.
Austin FC at Colorado
South Wednesday, Oct. 20 Vancouver at Houston x-Oct. 6: Las Vegas at Phoenix, TBA See up-to-the-minute lines and
W L T Pct PF PA x-Oct. 8: Phoenix at Las Vegas, TBA
Carolina 3 0 0 1.000 69 30
Barcelona vs. Dynamo Kyiv, 12:45 p.m. LA Galaxy at Real Salt Lake
New Orleans 2 1 0 .667 73 42
Benfica vs. Bayern Munich, 3 p.m. Portland at Los Angeles FC compete in Daily Ticket free-to-play
Tampa Bay 2 1 0 .667 103 88 Seattle at San Jose
Atlanta 1 2 0 .333 48 94 games

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Garcia’s post-Cup record solid PGA TOUR

Adam Woodard
Golfweek | USA TODAY Network
19 Strokes under par, which is
the average winning score in
the past five editions of the Sand-
JACKSON, Miss. – History has a way
erson Farms Championship. Par is
of repeating itself, and if it does again
not your friend in Mississippi, so
this week at the Country Club of Jack-
one needs to go low to have a
son, expect Sergio Garcia to be in con-
chance on Sunday.
And not just because he won last FedExCup points leaders
Max Homa took the lead in the
The 41-year-old Spaniard is back to
FedExCup standings with his vic-
defend his title at the Sanderson Farms
tory in the season-opening Forti-
Championship, the second event of the
net Championship in Napa, Cali-
new PGA Tour season, just days after a
fornia. The FedExCup will consist
blowout 19-9 loss to the United States at
of 48 events – 45 in the regular
the Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits. But
season and three in the playoffs,
don’t let that result fool you. Garcia went
which culminates Aug. 25-28 at the
3-1-0 in Wisconsin, with his loss coming
Tour Championship at East Lake
to Bryson DeChambeau in Sunday sin-
Golf Club in Atlanta. Patrick Cantlay
gles. He’s the only Ryder Cup partici-
is the defending champion.
pant teeing it up this week, which, be-
lieve it or not, bodes well for his success. 1. Max Homa ............................... 500
When making his first post-Ryder 2. Maverick McNealy ................. 300
Cup start since 2008, Garcia has fin- 3. Mito Pereira ............................. 190
ished runner-up (2008), T-9 (2012), T-2 T4. Talor Gooch ............................ 123
(2014), T-17 (2016) and first (2018). The T4. Marc Leishman ....................... 123
10-time member of Team Europe said he T6. C.T. Pan ...................................... 86
feels good this week and last weekend’s Defending Sanderson Farms champ Sergio Garcia went 3-1-0 in the Ryder Cup, T6. Scott Stallings .......................... 86
result hasn’t quite hit him yet. losing in singles to Bryson DeChambeau, right. MICHAEL MADRID/USA TODAY SPORTS T6. Hideki Matsuyama .................. 86
“The course is in great shape again, T6. Patrick Rodgers ....................... 86
like it was last year. Probably even better T10: Five players are tied for 10th
than it was,” Garcia said Wednesday af- you don’t hit a good shot then you’re go- Sunday night. But Monday and Tuesday Tee times
ter a nine-hole practice round. “So very ing to struggle to make your par. So it’s it’s been good, I was able to rest a little
nice to be back here, obviously defend- just a solid golf course and a great tour- bit in Austin with the family, got here Golf Channel’s coverage Thursday
ing my title after a fun week last week. A nament and I’m excited to be back.” last night and I feel pretty good at the features Sergio Garcia beginning
week that kind of takes a lot of energy, The tournament is continuing to moment,” said Garcia. “I mean you obvi- defense of his title alongside Se-
but at the same time it was amazing. So grow every year, and the 11-time Tour ously think about it a little bit, it’s very bastian Munoz and Peter Malnati
I’m excited about it and just wanted to winner hopes that more players will fresh, but at the same time I’m obvious- (2:06 ET). Past Sanderson Farms
get my season off to a good start and see take notice of the gem in Jackson. ly 41 now and I played, I’ve been fortu- champion Ryan Armour is out with
where we are.” “I think as people come and play and nate to play many Ryder Cups and win Will Zalatoris and Stephan Jaeger
Garcia’s decision to return to Jackson they see the quality of the golf course many and also loss some so, we just got (2:17). Coverage on Friday will
for a second time was “quite simple.” and the quality of the tournament it just out played, it’s as simple as that, they highlight Sam Burns, Sungjae Im,
First, he loves to attempt to defend his goes from mouth-to-mouth and then played better than us and we gave it ev- Corey Conners, Joel Dahmen, Car-
wins, and will look to do so for the first probably more of the top guys want to erything we had. So we can’t really ask los Ortiz and Matthew Wolff.
time in his PGA Tour career this week. come and play,” he said. ourselves for more.” Sanderson Farms
Second, he loves that Southern hospi- “Obviously it’s as simple as that. If The only players to earn more than Championship
tality – and the golf course. the golf course is so-so, then it kind of two points, Garcia and Jon Rahm were
“The way everyone treated us here pushes back some of the guys, but if you the bright spots for Padraig Harrington’s Course: Country Club of Jackson
was just amazing. And the golf course is know the golf course is a great golf squad. The Spanish tandem took down (Mississippi).
just a great golf course,” explained Gar- course and it’s a real nice tournament, Justin Thomas and Jordan Spieth in Fri- Yardage: 7,461. Par: 72.
cia. “So it’s the kind of golf course that I then people make a little bit more of an day foursomes, Brooks Koepka and Prize money: $7 million.
enjoy coming back to playing and I wish effort to try and come and see it and Daniel Berger in Saturday foursomes
Winner’s share: $1,260,000.
we would play more courses like this on compete in it.” and Koepka and Jordan Spieth in Satur-
Tour. They’re the kind of courses that Garcia didn’t get much sleep Sunday day four-ball. Their lone losses of the TV (ET): Thursday-Sunday, 4-
make you think a little bit and if you hit a night after Team Europe’s loss. week came in singles, with Rahm falling 7 p.m. (Golf).
good shot it’s right there, it’s not like “I mean I feel good. I’m not going to to U.S. rookie Scottie Scheffler and Gar-
tricked up or anything like that, and if lie, obviously didn’t get much sleep on cia to DeChambeau.

The weather changes.
Stay up-to-date, 24/7.
our free app

T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix
The routine west-to-east Seattle
motion of weather systems will 61 Bangor
61 Spokane
slow to a crawl today and into this Portland 70 Helena Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette

weekend. This means that areas Salem 65 71 75 73 74

69 72 Burlington Augusta

of rain and strong thunderstorms Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 56 Montpelier

71 Billings 75 82 Boston
will persist over the South Central 76 71
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 54 63
71 Milwaukee Rapids 63 Albany
states. Where heavy rain lingers, 72 Pierre Sioux Falls
75 76 71
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
72 74 Cleveland 62
the risk of localized flooding will 61 67 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 68 Pittsburgh New York
Reno 63 63 North Platte 83 TODAY
be the greatest. Sacramento
Elko 79 74 70 65
87 70 Salt Lake City 68 Chicago Philadelphia
Much of the zone from the 68
Cheyenne Omaha
81 Columbus Harrisburg
Carson City
60 77 76 68 68
eastern Great Lakes to the south- San Francisco 71 Kansas City Washington Annapolis
78 87 Indianapolis Cincinnati
74 73
ern Atlantic coast will be dry, 76 St. George Aspen
Topeka 81 79
Las Vegas
80 58 62 Charleston Richmond
except for spotty storms in South Fresno
83 78 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 76 77
86 Wichita 81 85 84
Florida and the Carolina coast. Dodge City 84 Raleigh
69 76 Memphis
Showers are forecast to linger in Los Angeles Santa Fe Charlotte
Palm Springs Flagstaff
65 Oklahoma 80 Nashville
84 Columbia
New England. 95 58 City
Albuquerque 84 88
As a cool front makes some San Diego
66 79 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
Phoenix FRIDAY
77 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 82 86 86 87
eastward progress over the Alaska 85 79 85 Montgomery Savannah
northern Plains, gusty thunder- El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 87 88 Note: For contiguous
48 states through
storms will mark the end of days of 73 Odessa Austin
85 81 Jacksonville 3 p.m. ET yesterday
Fairbanks Hawaii 81 88 Mobile
warmth. Aside from spotty storms 41 Juneau Baton Rouge 82 HOTTEST:
Honolulu San Antonio 89
in Colorado, New Mexico and Anchorage 49 87 89 Houston 82 New 97°
46 85
Orleans Zapata, Texas
Arizona, much of the West will be 82 Tampa

dry. There will be a new batch of Puerto Rico

rain that affects part of the San Juan COLDEST:
Brownsville 89 87 14°
Northwest. Stanley, Idaho SATURDAY
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2021
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
TOP TRAVEL CITIES Air quality index (AQI)
Mostly Breezy A stray Partly Partly Heavy Partly Mostly Sunny,
sunny 72/49 shower sunny sunny t-storm sunny sunny warmer
87/75 85/73 83/62
86/68 63/50 84/63 81/62 85/69 62/47 71/50 87/64
Sunny Mostly Partly Partly Partly Mostly Plenty of
FRI Hazy sun FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI T-storms FRI FRI FRI Breezy FRI T-storms FRI FRI Sunny
70/47 sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sun
85/69 78/68 89/75 81/71 88/60
66/52 82/63 83/66 69/50 74/57 86/65
Mostly Mostly Partly Partly Brief Partly
SAT SAT sunny SAT SAT SAT SAT T-storms SAT Sunny SAT Shower SAT Breezy SAT T-storms SAT SAT Sunny
sunny sunny sunny showers sunny
76/59 79/66 69/47 76/63 87/74 82/69 86/65
85/68 66/55 85/63 75/64 90/67
AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good
Stray Partly Partly Partly Mostly Mostly
THU THU sunny THU T-storms THU Breezy THU THU Breezy THU THU Sunny THU THU Breezy THU Rain THU
t-storm sunny sunny sunny sunny
82/65 82/73 65/52 68/49 68/46 76/54 61/50
87/77 88/72 85/68 77/64 74/53
Rain at Mostly Partly Mostly Mostly
FRI Shower FRI times FRI Shower FRI FRI FRI Sunny FRI Sunny FRI Sunny FRI Sunny FRI Breezy FRI FRI
sunny sunny sunny sunny
88/76 74/61 84/74 69/52 88/68 73/48 81/65 74/55
66/54 88/74 62/46 70/54
A few Partly Mostly Mostly Mostly Sunny, Mostly Partly Mostly
sunny sunny sunny sunny nice sunny sunny sunny
86/74 73/54 87/70 74/55
86/71 72/60 75/59 92/70 75/52 82/67 62/49 77/62
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good
c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms


79/58s Hartford, Conn.
66/44s Nags Head, N.C.
71/60s Sarasota, Fla.
Akron, Ohio 71/47s 75/53s Cleveland 68/47s 71/54s Indianapolis 81/57pc 80/61pc Nashville, Tenn. 86/66pc 87/66pc Savannah, Ga. 88/68s 86/67t TODAY FRI
Albany, N.Y. 57/41c 62/43pc Colorado Springs 60/45c 63/47pc Islip, N.Y. 66/50pc 68/52s Newark, N.J. 69/52pc 71/53s Scottsdale, Ariz. 84/66pc 86/65s Beijing 73/54t 70/62c
Albuquerque 66/51t 64/51sh Columbia, S.C. 88/66s 85/64pc Jackson, Miss. 81/68t 86/67pc New Haven, Conn. 66/50pc 67/50s Shreveport, La. 85/71t 82/70t Buenos Aires 65/54r 69/57s
Allentown, Pa. 65/42pc 67/43s Columbus, Ohio 76/49s 75/54s Jacksonville, Fla. 88/67pc 86/68pc Norfolk, Va. 76/60s 70/55s Sioux Falls, S.D. 74/61t 73/55sh Cancun, Mexico 89/77pc 86/76sh
Amarillo, Texas 72/53c 68/49t Corpus Christi, Texas 88/76t 87/73t Jefferson City, Mo. 81/65t 81/65t Oakland, Calif. 78/54c 77/57s South Bend, Ind. 80/55s 82/61pc Dubai, UAE 102/87pc 101/86pc
Anaheim, Calif. 92/60s 91/62s Dayton, Ohio 77/52s 79/57s Kansas City 78/63t 77/63t Oklahoma City 79/60t 74/62t Spokane, Wash. 70/45pc 65/43s Frankfurt 60/40pc 65/49c
Anchorage, Alaska 46/35c 45/37sn Daytona Beach, Fla. 86/73pc 86/73pc Key West, Fla. 87/80s 86/79pc Omaha, Neb. 77/62t 77/61t 79/64t 78/62t Hong Kong 92/83t 91/82t
Aspen, Colo. 58/38t 58/35pc Des Moines, Iowa 79/65t 74/63t Knoxville, Tenn. 84/61pc 82/59s Palm Springs, Calif. 95/68s 97/70s 87/62t 82/63pc Istanbul 69/59pc 68/59pc
Atlantic City, N.J. 69/53pc 67/56s Duluth, Minn. 73/58pc 68/59sh Laredo, Texas 94/76t 91/73t Pensacola, Fla. 85/72pc 87/73pc St. Louis 85/69t 82/68t Jerusalem 77/60s 77/61s
Augusta, Ga. 90/65s 89/64pc Durham, N.C. 79/56pc 76/54s Lexington, Ky. 79/55pc 80/56pc Pierre, S.D. 72/51pc 74/47s St. Petersburg, Fla. 90/73s 89/73pc Johannesburg 73/54t 69/57c
Austin, Texas 88/69t 80/67t El Paso, Texas 73/55pc 76/57t Lincoln, Neb. 74/59t 74/59t Pittsburgh 70/45s 71/48s Syracuse, N.Y. 61/46sh 65/49pc London 60/57r 63/46r
85/60s 90/61s Fairbanks, Alaska 41/25s 35/25sf Little Rock, Ark. 82/69t 81/68t Portland, Maine 60/45c 62/46pc Tallahassee, Fla. 89/69pc 88/70pc Mexico City 74/57t 73/58t
Baton Rouge, La. 82/69t 86/68sh Flagstaff, Ariz. 58/36pc 65/35pc Long Beach, Calif. 87/60s 86/62s Portland, Ore. 65/51sh 68/46pc Tampa, Fla. 91/72s 90/75pc Montreal 59/46c 63/47pc
Billings, Mont. 71/45s 75/46pc Fargo, N.D. 75/58t 73/48c Louisville, Ky. 84/62pc 84/64pc Providence, R.I. 63/48c 67/50s Toledo, Ohio 74/50s 77/56s Moscow 51/45c 54/45c
Birmingham, Ala. 86/68h 87/68pc Fort Myers, Fla. 90/73s 90/72pc Lubbock, Texas 79/57t 72/54t Raleigh, N.C. 81/58pc 77/58s Topeka, Kan. 78/62t 78/62t Mumbai, India 87/79c 87/79t
Bismarck, N.D. 75/43pc 77/42s Fort Smith, Ark. 85/69t 82/69t Madison, Wis. 83/59pc 80/63pc Rapid City, S.D. 71/42s 73/45s Tucson, Ariz. 81/60c 85/62s Paris 63/48c 62/52r
Boise, Idaho 71/45s 72/45pc Fort Wayne, Ind. 77/50pc 79/56pc Manchester, N.H. 61/46c 63/48pc Reno, Nev. 74/42s 77/43s Tupelo, Miss. 82/69t 87/69c Rio de Janeiro 76/70pc 81/72t
Buffalo, N.Y. 63/48s 67/52pc Fresno, Calif. 86/58s 90/61s Memphis, Tenn. 80/69t 83/69t Richmond, Va. 77/53pc 74/53s Tulsa, Okla. 84/67t 78/66t Rome 81/61pc 79/61pc
Burlington, Vt. 56/47c 62/46pc Grand Rapids, Mich. 76/52s 78/60pc Milwaukee 75/60pc 79/65pc Rochester, N.Y. 60/45sh 63/49pc Virginia Beach, Va. 77/63s 72/57s Seoul 80/63s 78/61pc
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 85/62t 79/61t Green Bay, Wis. 77/54pc 79/63pc Mobile, Ala. 82/68t 85/69s Sacramento, Calif. 87/52s 87/54s Wichita, Kan. 76/61t 74/61t Singapore 86/79sh 86/79sh
Charleston, S.C. 87/68pc 84/67t Greensboro, N.C. 78/56pc 75/56s Modesto, Calif. 83/53s 87/57s San Antonio 89/70t 82/72t Wilmington, Del. 69/48pc 69/49s Sydney 74/61pc 73/58c
Charleston, W.Va. 76/47s 76/48s Greenville, S.C. 86/63s 83/61pc Montgomery, Ala. 87/67pc 90/68pc San Jose, Calif. 84/57s 85/59s Winston-Salem, N.C. 79/57pc 76/59s Toronto 61/45pc 64/52s
Cheyenne, Wyo. 60/39s 64/43s Harrisburg, Pa. 68/48s 70/49s Myrtle Beach, S.C. 82/70t 80/67pc Santa Fe, N.M. 65/45t 60/43t Worcester, Mass. 56/45c 60/47s Tokyo 78/69c 71/68r

International fans
won’t be allowed
at Beijing Games
Tom Schad ralympic experience of elite winter
USA TODAY sports, as well as bringing a favourable
atmosphere to the venues,” the entities
Manny Pacquiao, waving to the fans after his loss to Yordenis Ugas in August, The International Olympic Commit- said.
retired with a record of 62-8-2. ETHAN MILLER/GETTY IMAGES tee on Wednesday offered a first “However, all parties feel for the ath-
glimpse of the COVID-19 protocols at letes and the spectators from around
the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, in- the world, knowing that the restriction

Office-seeker Pacquiao cluding lengthy quarantines for unvac-

cinated participants, daily testing and
the absence of international specta-
on spectators from outside mainland
China had to be put in place in order to
ensure the safe holding of the Games

announces retirement tors.

The countermeasures, which were
proposed by local Beijing organizers
this winter.”
Similar to the Tokyo Games, the
Beijing Olympics and Paralympics will
Josh Peter my family was desperate. You gave us and detailed in an IOC news release, try to create a bubble-like atmosphere
USA TODAY hope. You gave me the chance to fight mirror those at the recent Summer for participants, dubbing it “the closed-
our way out of poverty. Because of you, Games in Tokyo in some respects and loop management system.”
Manny Pacquiao has announced his I was able to inspire people all over the appear more strict in others. Vaccinated participants will be per-
retirement from boxing. world. Because of you, I have been giv- Among the most notable differ- mitted to enter the bubble immediately
In a video released Tuesday, Pac- en the courage to change more lives.” ences: Unlike in Tokyo, where athletes upon arrival, while those who are not
quiao, 42, listed some of his greatest His most recent fight likely helped mostly competed behind closed doors, vaccinated will have to quarantine in
accomplishments – 12 world titles in Pacquiao focus on politics. On Aug. 21, Beijing 2022 organizers have indicated Beijing for 21 days. The bubble will have
eight divisions – and offered a poignant he lost a unanimous decision to Yorde- that some Chinese fans will be permit- its own transport system, according to
goodbye to a sport in which he electri- nis Ugas despite entering the fight as a ted to attend their Games, as long as the IOC news release, and all partici-
fied fans while amassing a record of 62- significant betting favorite. The defeat they follow to-be-determined proto- pants inside will be subject to daily
8-2. was his second in his last five fights. cols. COVID-19 testing.
“It is difficult for me to accept that Against Ugas, Pacquiao did not look Foreign spectators, including ath- Team USA announced this month
my time as a boxer is over,” Pacquiao like the fighter who had beaten the likes letes’ family members and friends, will that it will require all of its athletes and
said. “I never thought this day would of Oscar De La Hoya, Miguel Cotto and again be barred. staff members to be fully vaccinated in
come.” Ricky Hatton among other notable op- The IOC and International Paralym- order to travel to Beijing.
Pacquiao, one of 12 senators in the ponents. pic Committee said in the news release The principles that were unveiled
Philippines, announced last week his In the video, Pacquiao acknowl- that they support local organizers’ de- Wednesday serve as a precursor to the
candidacy for next year’s presidential edged a litany of people, including his cision to sell tickets to Chinese resi- full COVID-19 countermeasures, which
elections. But he had not ruled out family, his trainers and those who dents. will be outlined in what organizers call
fighting again until this week. cheered him on. “This will facilitate the growth of “playbooks.” The first edition of the
“Goodbye, boxing,” Pacquiao said. “To the boxing fans all over the winter sports in China by giving those playbooks will be released next month.
“Thank you for changing my life when world,” he said. “thank you very much.” spectators a firsthand Olympic and Pa- The Beijing Games begin Feb. 4.

Athletes bravely fight autoimmune disease

‘Alopecia doesn’t have us,
we have alopecia’
Analis Bailey

When you are a quarterback or an

outside hitter on the volleyball court,
more often than not, all eyes are on you.
That attention you receive is only
amplified when you have an appear-
ance-altering condition such as alope-
For Deja McClendon, a two-time
NCAA national champion volleyball
player whose skills have taken her
around the globe to play professionally,
the diagnosis of alopecia areata came
when she was 12.
According to the National Alopecia
Areata Foundation, about 6.8 million
people in the U.S. and 147 million people
worldwide have, or will develop, alope-
cia during their lifetime. World-class
athletes like the NBA’s Charlie Villanue-
va, NASCAR’s Joey Logano and NFL’s
Ryan Shazier are among those who live
with the autoimmune disease.
“Around this time, there was not a lot
that we knew about alopecia in general,” Steelers quarterback Joshua Dobbs made the life-changing decision to shave his head in college. KEITH SRAKOCIC/AP
McClendon told USA TODAY Sports.
“They (doctors) told me that it was
stress related or it could have to do with “I would say you battle this idea of shave his head while playing football at love that about the SEC – but it can be a
genetics, but basically I had a couple of femininity because hair equals health the University of Tennessee. double-edged sword. You become sub-
options: topical treatments or injections and femininity and being beautiful,” she “What I found throughout my time is jected to jokes, memes, ignorance.
– all of which are steroids and chemicals said. “I had a lot of long curly hair that that I had not seen many people that Some of them are funny as I look back at
and stuff you don’t typically want in was considered ‘good hair’ and that was had alopecia,” Dobbs told USA TODAY it because I am more mature now. That
your body.” part of my identity. But I was living with Sports. “A big figure for me growing up was probably the toughest part in this
September is Alopecia Awareness this secret: ‘I have bald spots’ which is was Ryan Shazier, who played at Ohio journey. You are going through such a
Month and its impact, while not always something you never want to talk about. State and was in Pittsburgh before me, volatile time and stressful time in your
well known, can be felt across many I held onto that for a really long time and and seeing how confident he was and life during college. Taking on a heavy
parts of society, including the sports did not tell anyone except close friends how successful he was, was definitely a course load in the classroom and trying
world. There are three more well-known and family.” great person to look up to.” to be the best athlete I could be – that is
forms of alopecia: Moving from topical treatments – With the lifetime risk of being diag- already pressure enough, and now ev-
h Areata, which is most common and which are considered as a less aggres- nosed with alopecia at 2.1%, the visibil- ery time you open up Twitter someone is
causes small hairless patches on the sive way to treat alopecia areata – to ity of people worldwide of alopecia is making a mean-spirited joke just be-
scalp. steroid injections, McClendon had to small. cause I can’t grow hair – as if I could
h Totalis, which results in the total come to terms with the long-term side McClendon and Dobbs have experi- control that. As I look back, I learned
hair loss of the scalp. effects the painful injections would enced moments in their career when how to manage that and it strengthened
h Universalis, which is the complete cause and the impact it could have on people with alopecia reach out to them me mentally.”
loss of hair on the entire body. her athletic career. and thank them for their bravery of liv- Dobbs and McClendon hope that
While there is no cure for alopecia, “Dealing with sports you have to go ing confidently without their hair. people find opportunities to connect
there is about a 50% chance that hair through various processes to make sure “I had a young girl named Riley from with others who have alopecia, as those
will grow back at some point. you are still allowed to play while doing Tennessee write a letter to me during my moments have been extremely eye
“At 12, I was basically hiding this con- these treatments,” said McClendon. time there saying how much she ad- opening for them during their journey,
dition,” said McClendon. “I had a lot of “When I started to play NCAA volleyball, mired seeing me play football on televi- and to embrace yourself fully no matter
curly hair and I was just covering up the there was a crossroad, and I asked my- sion with alopecia – and it made her feel your outward appearance.
bald spots and trying to reduce stress in self, ‘Do I want to go through all of this more comfortable in her skin,” said “No matter when alopecia hits you, it
my life using sports.” extra stuff in order to play my sport?’ ” Dobbs. “Those are the types of interac- is tough,” said Dobbs. “We grow up in a
While Alopecia does not typically That lingering question turned her tions that allowed me to become more society where so much is put into how
cause physical pain, emotional and psy- passion for sports and her use of volley- vocal about having alopecia and overall you look, especially with hair and how it
chological pain can present itself ball as stress relief to a stressor itself, ul- become more comfortable in my skin.” defines you as a man or a woman. We
through depression and anxiety. timately leading to her decision to shave For Dobbs being comfortable in his grew up with the idea that we need to do
Although McClendon used volleyball her head completely after a few years own skin was an endeavor that largely our hair every day because it is just a
and other hobbies as a form of stress re- playing overseas and attempting to took place in college. part of our routine in life, and then it is
lief to manage the physical effects of the manage different treatment regulations “When you play at the quarterback just taken from you. And not to say we
condition, not talking about her condi- as she traveled to different countries. position, it is very spotlighted, ” said find out identity in it but it is just a part
tion publicly ultimately put a strain on Joshua Dobbs, a member of the Pitts- Dobbs. “We were very successful in col- of life.
her mental health and hiding her bald burgh Steelers quarterback room who lege so I was very spotlighted and was in “It is a part of our journey. Alopecia
patches from the world was deeply root- was diagnosed with alopecia at 8, also headlines all of the time. Playing in the doesn’t have us, we have alopecia. It is a
ed in shame that she felt. made the life-changing decision to SEC the fans are so passionate – and I part of who we are.”






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Despite conviction, R. Kelly’s Enrique Iglesias and Ricky
legal troubles aren’t over Martin light up Las Vegas
The disgraced R&B star faces charges in Illinois The first stop on the tour by the Latin superstars
USA TODAY | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 | SECTION D and Minnesota. What else is next? Page 3D is filled with songs and sex appeal. Page 4D


stars blurs
a fine line
Hannah Yasharoff

Imagine logging on to your Insta-

gram account to find that your latest
post of your significant other is flooded
with comments from people who think
you should be with someone else.
CHRIS TROTMAN/GETTY IMAGES Celebrity couple Justin Bieber and
Hailey Baldwin married in 2018, but
HOW WAS YOUR DAY? there are still fans who think he be-
CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR longs with ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez
and make it known – to the point of
Christiane Amanpour’s chemo- tagging them in fan account posts or
therapy treatments are coming to commenting on Bieber and Baldwin’s
an end. CNN’s chief international social media posts that they preferred
anchor revealed in June she had been when the pop star was with Gomez.
diagnosed with ovarian cancer and “I absolutely loved and love Selena,
appeared Wednesday on “Good she will always hold a place in my
Morning America” to share an update heart, but I am head over heels in love
on her health. The Emmy Award- with my wife and she is absolutely the
winning journalist told Robin Roberts, BEST THING that has ever happened
who herself underwent chemothera- to me period,” Bieber wrote in response
py for breast cancer in 2007 and a to fans’ comments a year after his wed-
rare blood disorder in 2012, that her ding.
18 weeks of chemo were “grueling, What Bieber and other stars experi-
fatiguing, tiring” and “scary.” Aman- Artifacts of cinema, from such films as “ET,” are displayed in the Academy ence is called “shipping,” when fans
pour added she’s received care at Museum of Motion Pictures. VALERIE MACON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES obsess over a romantic relationship
some of the top cancer treatment between two characters or celebrities.

Cinema has a
facilities in the world, and thanked Fans have always had these opinions,
the “two unbelievable women, a sur- but social media has normalized these
geon, an oncologist who’ve looked conversations and highlighted some of
after me” and her colleagues, family the pitfalls.
and friends for their support. “I have

new home for

been so lucky,” she said.

reel magic
Former “Bachelor” star Jesse Palmer,
a NFL alum and TV personality, will
host the upcoming sea-
Bryan Alexander USA TODAY
son of “The Bachelor”
following longtime host
Chris Harrison’s exit, ABC
LOS ANGELES – Italian architect Renzo Piano had just one re-
Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin’s
has announced. When quest before allowing a sneak peek of the long-awaited Academy relationship is facing scrutiny online.
the reality dating fran-
chise returns Oct. 19 with
Museum of Motion Pictures last week. h “I have one favor to ask THEO WARGO/GETTY IMAGES

Michelle Young’s season you,” Piano, 84, pleaded with a smile from the state-of-the-art
of “The Bachelorette,” former “Bache-
lorette” stars-turned-hosts Tayshia
theater housed in the new movie museum’s colossal Sphere Why do some fans take their inter-
est in celebrities’ personal lives so far
Adams and Kaitlyn Bristowe will again Building. “Please don’t call this the Death Star.” h The Pritzker as to ship celebrity couples? And what
take the helm. Palmer will join for the
subsequent season of “The Bachelor,”
Prize-winning architect appealed to think of the 26 million- impact does it have on the stars?
“Fans tend to project a lot on to the
slated for early next year. The next pound concrete and glass structure as a “very well built” soap celebrity relationship: a lot of their
Bachelor has not yet been an-
nounced, though it’s rumored to be a
bubble that will never pop, or: “Even better, call it a flying vessel own fantasies about what the relation-
ship is, what it was, what it means,”
contestant that fans will meet on ready to land or take off.” says Jenn Mann, a licensed psycho-
Young’s season.
It’s unlikely that Piano will Hudson, academy CEO. “We’re cre- therapist known as “Dr. Jenn,” who
squash the nickname that has im- ating a space in which you’re com- has written several books on relation-
mediately stuck to the instant Los pletely immersing yourself in ships and families, including “The Re-
Angeles architectural icon. But movies. It wasn’t a simple equation lationship Fix.” “There’s a lot of fanta-
there’s no denying his belief that the to solve. But we solved it. And it took sy fulfillment for the fan.”
Academy Museum will blast visitors some years.” Shipping isn’t a new idea – the con-
to new worlds with its official open- cept has been around for decades in
ing Thursday, giving a long-overdue ‘Parthenon’ of film museums fan culture. “Star Trek” fans were ship-
and spectacular movie home for the ping Spock and Kirk in the ’60s and
industry town - the film capital that After false starts, the academy ’70s before “The X-Files” fans in the
put the Hollywood in Hollywood. announced plans in 2012 to renovate late ’90s popularized the term “ship-
Thursday’s ribbon-cutting cere- the 1939 May Co. Wilshire building, a ping.”
mony will end the long-sought and stunning Streamline Moderne Yet it’s one thing for fans to root
oft-delayed quest for a movie mu- structure and classic former depart- hard for two characters to get together
seum in Los Angeles, an original ment store, as the museum’s perma- (think Ross and Rachel) but things get
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY goal for the 94-year-old Academy of nent home. The brand-new, modern messy when it becomes about celebri-
WHO’S CELEBRATING TODAY Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Sphere Building (aka Death Star), ties’ real love lives.
the group that presents the annual which contains two state-of-the-art Fans of “The Office” rooted so hard
Cissy Houston is 88. Fran Drescher is Oscar awards. A movie museum was movie theaters and a viewing deck for Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jen-
64. Marion Cotillard is 46. called for in the academy’s original that provides stunning open-air na Fischer) to get together that many
charter. views of the distant Hollywood sign, wanted the actors to date in real life,
“This is an art form that we’ve was built as a contrasting structure though neither was single.
wanted to celebrate and preserve “If it you makes you feel better,”
USA TODAY SNAPSHOTS © from the beginning,” says Dawn See MUSEUM, Page 3D Fischer tweeted in response to a fan, “I
found my Jim and he found his Pam –
they just happened to be named Lee
(Kirk) and Emily (Blunt).”
“There’s a level of distance between
the fan and the celebrity that makes
them feel like they’re not as human as
they actually are,” Mann says. “They
come out of their house looking per-
fectly made up, wearing fabulous
USA TODAY Top 40 clothes and (have) their cool, expen-
From the Sept. 24 Airplay Charts
sive car. So there’s a lot of aspirational
kind of aspects to it. When we see that
Stay, The Kid Laroi we kind of go like, ‘Oh, they have it bet-
and Justin Bieber ter than me.’ And it ends up making us
good 4 u, Olivia Rodrigo feel like we can comment, and some-
Bad Habits, Ed Sheeran how they’re untouchable.”
On her show, “Couples Therapy,”
Kiss Me More, Doja Cat feat. SZA
Mann has worked with stars who
deja vu, Olivia Rodrigo struggled with the “enormous amount
The Sphere Building has been compared to the Death Star from “Star of stress” put on a relationship when
Wars.” The structure houses the David Geffen Theater and the Dolby



n Rank this week n Rank last week (F) Fiction (NF) Nonfiction (P) Paperback (H)Hardcover (E) E-book Publisher in italics The book list appears
THE TOP 10 every Thursday.
For each title, the format
1 — Peril The journalists cover the final days of the Trump White 6 — The Legacy Four novellas that focus on the lives of four couples in the and publisher listed are for
Bob Woodward, House to the early days of the Biden White House, as well Elle Kennedy three years after college; fifth in series (F) (E) EKI the best-selling version of
Robert Costa as the 2020 campaign (NF) (H) Simon & Schuster that title this week.
Reporting outlets include, Amazon
2 — Change Sings: A Children: Lyrical picture book shows anything is possible 7 — Daughter of the Tribal Police Chief Long calls on Walt Longmire and Henry Kindle, Apple Books,
Children’s Anthem when we join our voices together (F) (H) Viking Books for Morning Star Standing Bear as backup when his niece Jaya Long re- Barnes &,
Barnes & Noble Inc., Barnes
Amanda Gorman Young Readers Craig Johnson ceives death threats (F) (E) Viking & Noble e-books,,
3 8 Books-A-Million, Costco,
— Vanderbilt Subtitle: “The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty” (NF) 2 Enemy at the Gates CIA Operative Mitch Rapp searches for a high-level mole in Hudson Booksellers,
Anderson Cooper, (H) Harper Vince Flynn, Kyle Mills the agency (F) (H) Atria/Emily Bestler Books Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Katherine Howe (Lexington, Ky.; Cincinnati,
Charlotte, Cleveland,
Pittsburgh), Kobo, Inc.,
4 1 Apples Never Fall When Joy Delaney vanishes, her four grown children 9 — Crazy Faith Subtitle: “It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens” (NF) (H) Wa- Powell's Books (Portland,
Liane Moriarty debate what to tell the police – their father is the most Michael Todd terBrook Press Ore.),, R.J.
obvious suspect, after all (F) (H) Henry Holt and Co. Julia Booksellers, Schuler
Books & Music (Grand
Rapids, Okemos, Eastwood,
5 — The Jailhouse Lawyer A young lawyer ends up in jail when she takes on the judge 10 6 It Ends With Us Ryle Kincaid’s relationship with Lily becomes complicated Alpine, Mich.), Target,
J. Patterson, N. Allen who is destroying her hometown (F) (H) Little, Brown Colleen Hoover when a man from her past shows up (F) (P) Atria Books Tattered Cover Book Store

11 5 American Marxism/Mark R. Levin The author reasserts his thesis from “Liberty to Tyranny” that Marxist ideology is now pervasive in American society (NF) (H) Threshold
12 8 The Last Thing He Told Me/Laura Dave Hannah thinks she’s found the love of her life — until he disappears (F) (H) Simon & Schuster
13 — Women, Food, and Hormones/Sara Gottfried Subtitle: “A 4-Week Plan to Achieve Hormonal Balance, Lose Weight, and Feel Like Yourself Again” (NF) (H) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
14 — Under the Whispering Door/TJ Klune Wallace, who is now dead, is given a week to live a full life before he crosses over (F) (H) Tor
15 4 Harlem Shuffle/Colson Whitehead A family saga and crime story set in early 1960s Harlem (F) (H) Doubleday
16 — The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: A Feywild Adventure/ Readers and adventurers are invited to a Witchlight Carnival in the Feywild domain (F) (H) Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
17 20 Room on the Broom/Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler Children: A witch in search of her hat welcomes myriad creatures onto her broom (F) (P) Puffin
18 15 Atomic Habits/James Clear Subtitle: “An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones” (NF) (H) Avery
19 12 Billy Summers/Stephen King A killer for hire wants out – but his final job complicates everything (F) (H) Scribner
20 — Nantucket News/Pamela M. Kelley Taylor Abbott relocates to Nantucket for her dream job as a junior news reporter; seventh in series (F) (E) Piping Plover Press
21 — Yours Cruelly, Elvira/Cassandra Peterson Subtitle: “Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark” (NF) (H) Hachette,
22 22 Little Blue Truck’s Halloween/Alice Schertle; art by Jill McEl- Children: Little Blue Truck picks up his friends for a Halloween costume party (F) (H) Houghton Mifflin Books for Children
23 16 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo/Taylor Jenkins Reid A legendary film actress discusses her rise to fame with a journalist (F) (P) Washington Square Press
24 26 Dune/Frank Herbert Sci-fi classic: Story of a boy who avenges plot against his noble family; won the first Nebula Award (F) (P) Ace
25 — Bewilderment/Richard Powers Widowed astrobiologist Theo Byrne raises his troubled son Robin hoping to help him with an experimental neurofeedback treatment to
help with his emotional control (F) (H) W. W. Norton
26 24 The Four Agreements/Don Miguel Ruiz Subtitle: “A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” (NF) (P) Amber-Allen
27 23 The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board Book/Eric Carle Classic children’s story of a caterpillar that eats all the time and turns into a butterfly (F) (H) Philomel
28 29 The Body Keeps the Score/Bessel van der Kolk Subtitle: “Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” (NF) (P) Penguin
29 30 Dog Man: Mothering Heights/Dav Pilkey Children: While the world seems dark for Dog Man and his friends, they discover love may save the day; 10th in series (F) (H) Scholastic
30 — Uncontrolled Spread/Scott Gottlieb Subtitle: “Why COVID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic” (NF) (H) Harper, $28.99
31 18 The Midnight Library/Matt Haig Nora Seed has the opportunity to change her current life to one that could have been (F) (H) Viking
32 35 Verity/Colleen Hoover A struggling writer is hired to complete the works of a permanently injured author (F) (P) Hoover Ink
33 10 Forgotten in Death/J. D. Robb Detective Eve Dallas investigates two murder cases, one of which hits close to home; 53rd in series (F) (H) St. Martin’s Press
34 27 Where the Crawdads Sing/Delia Owens The reclusive Kya Clark is suspected in the death of Chase Andrews (F) (P) Putnam
35 17 A Slow Fire Burning/Paula Hawkins When a young man is murdered in a London houseboat, three unconnected women who knew him are drawn into the mystery (F) (H)
36 13
Beautiful World, Where Are You/Sally Rooney A coming-of-age story about four young adults and the life that’s catching up with them (NF) (H) Farrar, Straus and Giroux
37 28
Ugly Love/Colleen Hoover Tate Collins and Miles Archer have nothing in common but their attraction for each other (F) (P) Atria Books
38 —
It/Stephen King Seven adults return to their small Maine town to battle an evil creature that preys on children (F) (E) Scribner
39 36
Pete the Cat: Trick or Pete/James Dean Children: Pete the Cat goes trick-or-treating from house to house (F) (P) HarperFestival
40 37
I Love You to the Moon and Back/Amelia Hepworth; art by Children: A mama bear and her cub spend the day together (F) (H) Tiger Tales
Tim Warnes
41 38 They Both Die at the End/Adam Silvera Youth: Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio are strangers who become friends on the day they are told they will die (F) (P) Quill Tree Books
42 41 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?/Bill Martin Jr., Children: Animals take turns catching glimpses of each other (F) (H) Henry Holt and Co.
Eric Carle
43 — How to Save a Life/Lynette Rice Subtitle: “The Inside Story of Grey’s Anatomy” (NF) (H) St. Martin’s Press
44 — How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies/Will Witt Subtitle: “Taking On Liberal Arguments with Logic and Humor” (NF) (H) Center Street
45 34 The Song of Achilles/Madeline Miller In a retelling of the Trojan War, golden child Achilles and his friend, the shamed Patroclus, join the fight when Helen of Sparta is kid-
napped (F) (P) Ecco
46 47 You’re My Little Pumpkin Pie/Natalie Marshall Children: Tale for little ones about a pumpkin along with a black cat, a ghost and a bat (F) (H) Silver Dolphin Books
47 32 People We Meet on Vacation/Emily Henry Years after a falling out, two best friends reunite for one last road trip (F) (P) Berkley
48 46 Goodnight Moon/Margaret Wise Brown; art by Clement Hurd Children: The old lady is still whispering hush in this 1947 children’s book (F) (H) HarperCollins
49 — The Burning/Jonathan Kellerman, Jesse Kellerman A murder hits close to home for deputy coroner Clay Edison when he discovers a link to his brother (F) (E) Ballantine
50 — Five Little Pigs/Agatha Christie Detective Hercule Poirot helps a woman prove her mother’s innocence (F) (E) Harper

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TRIPLE SEC Four six-letter mammals ☐☐☐☐
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1 Allows Opposite of best ☐ B J G D R E T A V O I F
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(children’s game)
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Wednesday’s Answer
blended families Eager 3. Brief moment TRUMAN SHOW
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6. Paper buck NEWS STORY
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get back after org. 27 “Come in!” 54 Bhutan’s continent
moving out 67 “The ___ King” 28 Person who settles 55 Small criticism Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x2
box contains the numbers 1 through 9 (no repeats). box contains the numbers 1 through 6 (no repeats).
40 ___ leches cake a bill 56 Three-syllable berry
41 Marijuana DOWN 29 ___ Yankee
42 Touchscreen 1 Vientiane’s country (“King of
57 High-fat, low-carb 4 7 9 3 4
images 2 “Anything ___ I can Reggaeton”)
43 UFO passengers help you with?” 30 Mexican
58 Biblical garden 1 6 4 5 1
44 Bag stowed in an 3 Post-shower money Wednesday’s Answer
overhead bin powder 31 Enjoy some 6 3 1 3 6
46 Plane place 4 Be nosy horchata, say 5 3
47 “Need an ark? I 5 Party with glow 32 Restless 7 5 9 2
Noah guy!,” e.g. sticks, maybe 34 Riding the 1 3 2
48 Mountain ___ 6 Like 2022 struggle ___ 6 1 3
(soda brand) 7 Leftmost section of (in a tough 2 6
50 Greeting known a freeway, often situation) 2 6 8 4
only to group 8 Catwoman suit 36 OB-GYN, e.g. DIFFICULTY RATING ))))$
members material, maybe 38 “This isn’t 1 8 3 Wednesday’s Answers
59 Org. that fights for 9 Down in the dumps working for 2 6 8 4 3 5 9 1 7 4 6 5 2 3 1
trans rights 10 Beverage with me anymore” 3 1 1 3 7 8 2 9 4 6 5 3 2 1 4 6 5
60 Desert rest stop tapioca pearls 39 Fragrant 5 4 9 6 7 1 8 2 3
61 Covered with 11 YA fiction reader, evergreens 5 4 9 7 2 3 1 5 8 6 9 4 1 4 6 5 2 3
6 9 5 3 4 2 7 8 1
frosting usually 44 Actor’s prompt 9/29 9/30 DIFFICULTY RATING ))))$ 8 1 4 9 6 7 5 3 2
5 3 2 6 1 4
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in soccer annoyance 47 Dried plum ON YOUR PHONE ON YOUR PHONE 3 5 1 7 8 6 2 4 9 6 5 3 1 4 2
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TXTPERT Today’s theme
Religion B A C K D R O P
Across Down Canadian politician Rearrange the words to complete the quote.
4 5
1. 737666 2. 73837363 Use the Charlotte Whitton DIFFICULT GOOD LUCKILY MUST THOUGHT TWICE WOMEN
4. 33868466 3. 746 phone W S O
keypad to 4 5
offers this comment.
6. 7483 4. 348463 T A P D
6 7 8. 686 5. 86836 decode the
WHATEVER ___________ DO THEY ________ DO
clues. C M U
9. 6277 7. 3278 For example: 7
___________ AS WELL AS MEN TO BE ___________ HALF
2 could be A,
8 9 B or C ... and
5678 could
R O L E AS ________. ___________, THIS IS NOT ______________.

9 9/30

Wednesday’s Answer: “You have to expect things of yourself

© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Yesterday’s solution before you can do them.” - Michael Jordan


Legal troubles aren’t over yet for R. Kelly

Charles Trepany and justice served in their individual case,” she said.
USA TODAY Besides, there’s tremendous political pressure to
pursue sex-abuse cases, among the most underreport-
Following weeks of graphic and emotional testimo- ed and underprosecuted crimes in the country, says
ny, R. Kelly was convicted Monday on all counts in his former federal prosecutor and now Los Angeles civil
New York sex-trafficking trial. But what happens now? attorney Neama Rahmani.
“To the victims in this case, your voices were heard “So when you tell victims R. Kelly is not going to see
and justice was finally served,” acting U.S. Attorney justice for acts he committed against (them), it’s not
Jacquelyn Kasulis said Monday outside the Brooklyn going to fly both with the public at large and with the
courthouse where a jury convicted the 54-year-old victims,” Rahmani says.
R&B star on all nine counts of sex trafficking and rack- According to advocates for sexual assault survi-
eteering following less than two days of deliberations. vors, Kelly’s conviction may offer hope to those who
The verdict “sends a loud message to survivors of come forward with allegations.
sexual violence,” says Erinn Robinson, press secretary “We hope that today’s verdict empowers survivors
for the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, in a everywhere to feel that they are not alone,” Robinson
statement to USA TODAY. “Today’s said after Kelly was convicted.
verdict was made possible by their U.S. Attorney Jacquelyn Kasulis speaks about the For years, the public and news media seemed to be
courage and persistence in being guilty verdict for R. Kelly at the Brooklyn Federal more amused than horrified by allegations against the
heard, and we thank them for their Court House on Monday. BRITTAINY NEWMAN/AP singer of inappropriate relationships with minors,
resilience during a difficult and very starting with Kelly’s illegal marriage to the R&B phe-
public process.“ nom Aaliyah in 1994 when she was just 15.
But now that the New York trial eral sentencing guidelines for the crimes he’s been His records and concert tickets kept selling. Other
has come to a close, what’s next for convicted of, such as racketeering, which carries a rec- artists continued to record his songs, even after he was
Kelly, who faces similar charges in ommended maximum of 20 years. arrested in 2002 and accused of making a recording of
R. Kelly three federal and state cases in Illi- The New York case is only part of the legal peril fac- himself sexually abusing and urinating on a 14-year-
nois and Minnesota? ing Kelly. old girl. He was acquitted in that case in 2008.
And what could the verdict mean for the #MeToo The singer also has pleaded not guilty to similar Widespread public condemnation didn’t come until
movement, which helped shine a light on decades of charges in Illinois and Minnesota, and it is not yet clear the docuseries “Surviving R. Kelly” helped make his
abuse allegations against Kelly? how the verdict in Brooklyn will affect those cases or case a signifier of the #MeToo era, and gave voice to
Kelly, who has been behind bars since his arrest in when they might reach a trial. accusers who wondered if their stories were previous-
July 2019, won’t be sentenced until May 4. Ordinarily, the trial in the Northern District of Illi- ly ignored because they were Black women.
The singer faces the possibility of decades in prison nois, in which Kelly has co-defendants, would be up Within months of the series being shown on TV in
for crimes including violating the Mann Act, an anti- next. Kelly’s co-defendants want to move forward to a 2019, Kelly was under arrest.
sex trafficking law that prohibits taking anyone across trial as soon as possible, possibly in January, Leonard “I don’t think TV producers should be deciding who
state lines “for any immoral purpose.” said, and they’re entitled to do so. gets prosecuted in this country, but we are dealing
Michael Irving Leonard, one of Kelly’s lawyers in a “All parties except Kelly want a quick trial date,” with limited government resources and these are the
similar federal case against him in Chicago, told USA Leonard said. “Those co-defendants are in a quite dif- political realities,” Rahmani said.
TODAY that he was surprised by the New York verdict. ferent position from Kelly, and if he were to get a draco- Schafran called the verdict a “step toward justice”
“I was optimistic that on the main charges, the rack- nian sentence, it might have some impact on this trial and a possible signal that society “has reached a new
eteering charges, he would be found not guilty,” Leon- (in Chicago). The judge is not going to agree to wait stage of unwillingness to ignore the harm” Kelly and
ard said. “The nature of a (Racketeer Influenced and until June to go to trial.” others have caused many young lives.
Corruption Organization) RICO case typically fits that Leonard raises the question of whether a Minneso- “The next stage is to hold the enablers accountable
of mafia or drug kingpins directing their underlings to ta prosecutor needs to take Kelly to trial on one count, – Kelly did not hold all these young women in thrall,
do various (illegal) things and this is a far different sce- if the star already has been sentenced in New York. nor avoid accountability for his actions, by himself,”
nario. I didn’t think the jury would believe that (Kelly) “Is it a good use of resources to try someone already she said.
and the band were a ‘criminal enterprise.’ ” facing a significant sentence?” Leonard asks. Contributing: Tom Hays, Larry Neumeister, Associ-
According to Leonard, the delayed sentencing date But Lynn Hecht Schafran, legal director of Legal ated Press; Cydney Henderson, Alia E. Dastagir, USA
for Kelly is not standard – usually federal judges set Momentum, a legal advocacy organization for women, TODAY
sentencing 90 or 120 days out – but is not unheard of said the verdict doesn’t mean other state and federal If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you can call
and may be the result of the judge’s schedule and CO- prosecutions pending against Kelly will not or should the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE
VID-19 precautions. not go forward. (4673) or visit and receive
Leonard said Kelly’s sentence will be based on fed- “Every victim deserves to have their voice heard confidential support.

Museum Shipping
Continued from Page 1D Continued from Page 1D

for the 300,000-square-foot, seven-story museum fans weigh in on their love life.
now part of Museum Row in Los Angeles’ Miracle Mile. More “experienced” celebrities are used to setting
There have been building halts and budget overruns emotional boundaries and not getting sucked in to
for the $484 million project. Even after Tom Hanks an- the world of online commentary, she says. But for
nounced at the February 2020 Oscars that the mu- those newer to the game, “it can definitely influence
seum would open later in the year, the COVID-19 pan- them and make them think twice, or have some level
demic forced additional delays. However, last week, of frustration and dissatisfaction.”
board of trustees member Hanks, who spearheaded Some stans will create computer-generated im-
fundraising efforts with Annette Bening and Walt Dis- ages of their favorite stars together. Others will write
ney Co. executive chairman Bob Iger, proudly heralded Bruce, the animatronic shark from the movie detailed or even sexually graphic fan fiction.
the lauded new building. “Jaws,” now prowls over the Academy Museum of In 2001, banned stories about real
“We all know, films are made everywhere in the Motion Pictures. VALERIE MACON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES people – but that wasn’t enough to keep it from pop-
world, wonderful films,” Hanks told reporters. “And ping up online. One Direction fans in the early 2010s
there are other cities with film museums, but with all were still writing fan fiction on fan sites and Tumblr,
due respect, created by the Motion Picture Academy in During a prescreening discussion, Lee recalled depicting members Harry Styles and Louis Tomlin-
Los Angeles, this museum has really got to be the Par- declaring around the 1992 “Malcolm X” release that son in a romantic relationship.
thenon of such places.” school children should be excused from class to see Chrislene Accius, a 21-year-old college student
Guarding the grounds is a fearsome introductory the film. After all, Lee said, “I had a class trip to see who ran a One Direction fan page during the height of
centerpiece – Bruce, the 1,208-pound, 25-foot-long ‘Gone With the (expletive) Wind!” the group’s fame, now looks back on some of the
shark from Steven Spielberg’s 1975 thriller “Jaws” Marking the museum’s launch week with “Mal- more intense parts of the fandom and wonders
hanging over the main escalators, the predator prop colm X” was not lost on Carter as “a way of telling the whether it went too far.
that first made moviegoers fear going into the water 46 community that the Academy Museum is poised and “(Now) I’m like, what was I watching? What is
years ago. ready to embrace the cultural films that have shaped this?” Accius says of the One Direction and Justin
Spielberg, who donated $10 million toward the communities like mine. It sets the tone for every- Bieber fan fictions she used to read on YouTube. “I
movie museum, also loaned one of his greatest movie thing that this museum will represent for the film- knew it was about a real person. I just knew the story
mementos, an original surviving “Rosebud” sled, the making community.” was fake. ... But it might not be as ethical as we
emotional centerpiece from Orson Welles’ classic film The nuanced look at Hollywood continues in the thought anymore, especially with how far people go.”
“Citizen Kane.” museum’s Academy Awards History section, where There’s been a pushback among fan communities
The glass-cased balsa wood sled is part of the mu- 20 Oscars are displayed in a gold chamber, including in the past few years to do away with writing fan fic-
seum’s three-level main exhibition, Stories of Cinema, the historic best-actor win for Sidney Poitier for tion about nonexistent or unconfirmed celebrity ro-
that features a section highlighting original costumes 1963’s “Lilies of the Field” (he was the first Black actor mances – particularly in cases when the fan fiction is
– from Dorothy’s sequined ruby slippers in “The Wiz- to take the prize) and best actor for Clark Gable 1934’s explicitly sexual and/or involves minors, as most of
ard of Oz” and Evillene’s dress from “The Wiz” to The “It Happened One Night.” the members of One Direction were when the boy
Dude’s robe from “The Big Lebowski” and the May Hattie McDaniel’s best supporting actress award band began.
Queen gown from “Midsommar.” for 1939’s “Gone With the Wind,” the historic first for Beyond fan fiction, those fans piece together quick
a Black actor, is honored with an empty case, as the video clips, photos and song lyrics to depict the stars
Highlighting Hollywood’s complicated history award has gone missing. The plaque notes that as a couple. Tomlinson has said recently that the fan
McDaniel’s role as Mammy “reflected the racial ster- obsession hurt their friendship.
The film museum educates and celebrates diverse, eotyping that many Black actors had to navigate in “When it first came around I was with Eleanor, and
often overlooked filmmakers (including an exhibition Hollywood during that era.” it actually felt a little bit disrespectful,” he told The
on pioneering Black filmmaker Oscar Micheaux) and Sun in 2017. “I’m so protective over things like that,
delves into, rather than ignoring, the unsavory sides of You can hold your own Oscar about the people I love. So it created this atmosphere
Hollywood history. One display features Anna May between the two of us where everyone was looking
Wong, the Chinese-American 1920s movie star who The museum allows visitors to hold an actual gold into everything we did. It took away the vibe you get
was denied leading roles, while the museum’s makeup statue in The Oscar Experience (a $15 charge on the off anyone. It made everything, I think on both
and hairstyling exhibit displays methods of blackface museum’s $25 admission, tickets should be booked fences, a little bit more unapproachable. I think it
and yellowface used in the 1930s and 40s. in advance). The immersive simulation puts guests shows that it was never anything real, if I can use that
“They didn’t avoid it. And actually embracing the through the experience of walking onto the Dolby word.”
conversation of these Hollywood practices opens up Theatre stage in front of cheering crowds while hold- Ultimately, while delving into nonexistent celebri-
the conversation for everyone to voice their views and ing the Oscar trophy; each will walk away with a ty relationships can be enjoyable and sometimes
opinions,” says Oscar-winning costume designer Ruth video ready for social media feeds. even beneficial for fans, it shouldn’t be done in a way
E. Carter. “This is a welcome place for people to come After Hanks glimpsed at moviemaking artifacts that comes at the expense of the stars in question.
and have those conversations and actually see the from the 1800s in the museum’s “Paths to the Cine- “All relationships are vulnerable. Everyone has
work that was done.” ma” section, he, too, pushed back against the Death fights,” Mann says. “And I think where it comes into
Carter was heartened that the museum’s opening Star nickname. play is in those vulnerable moments where maybe
film presentation Sunday featured director Spike Lee “Yes, it’s a soap bubble, a star,” said Hanks. “But that celebrity couples having a fight and maybe they
(whose groundbreaking career is explored in a person- what this building looks like to me as I drive by and go, ‘maybe I should be with Selena Gomez.’ But also
alized exhibit, including handwritten notes from his take in the view – it looks to me like the world’s larg- keep in mind that … it can be very painful at times, for
2019 Oscars speech) and Denzel Washington discuss- est magic lantern that will transport us to amazing fans to bring up that person, not knowing that person
ing their film “ Malcolm X,” a film on which Carter col- places.” (may have) really hurt the celebrity that they are still
laborated. Contributing: Andrea Mandell pushing for them to be with.”


Iglesias and Martin dazzle in Vegas tour opener

Melissa Ruggieri collectively sold more than 250 million Surrounded by male and female sias arrived to the feisty chugging
USA TODAY albums worldwide – culling lean set dancers donning face masks – which rhythm of “I’m a Freak,” crouching as he
lists must have provoked migraines. But only boosted the sexy-ometer – Martin, sang in his trademark dark cap and
LAS VEGAS – One is complete feral Martin’s and Iglesias’ individual hour- 49, was both philosophical (“All I see is a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
intensity. The other is laid-back, long performances ideally represented path filled with light,” he said from the The only evidence of an opening-
slouchy cool. fan favorites and omnipresent smashes. stage) and seductive. night glitch came toward the end of the
One is a whirlwind of muscular dance Martin and his band stormed on- His songs also are stocked with rich song, when the sound evaporated. But it
moves set to throbbing percussion. The stage under a colorful explosion of yel- Latin cadences, showcased on “Lola, was quickly restored for the electro-
other is wiry and catlike as he scales low and red lights for “Livin’ La Vida Lo- Lola” – its blistering horns a centerpiece tinged pop of “Chasing the Sun,” from
railings and ramps during a parade of ca,” his English-language breakthrough – and “Maria.” Iglesias’ “Final Vol. 1” album.
rhythmic pop. smash from 1999. Martin’s voice sounded clean and Like Martin, Iglesias could barely
Yet the pairing of Ricky Martin and Stylish in a black satin robe with an pure as he playfully gyrated during “She stop beaming , so joyful about the ability
Enrique Iglesias on their first joint tour “R” emblazoned on the back, panta- Bangs,” still a bundle of goofy fun. He to interact with fans again. He hopped
isn’t about their differences, but, rather, loons and combat boots, Martin travers- also engaged in the burlesque setting into the crowd and endured pawing dur-
how these Latin superstars comple- ed the stage, his three-piece horn sec- that accompanied “Shake Your Bon ing “Bailamos,” his No. 1 hit from 1999,
ment each other. tion following their Pied Piper as he Bon,” dancing with women and men before heading to the back of the arena
The tour – postponed a year because rolled through “La Bomba” and the im- alike as they frolicked across the stage. with a few band members to perform
of COVID-19 – kicked off Saturday at passioned ballad “Vuelve.” Flashing smiles, Martin verified that songs on the smaller stage, including
MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas It didn’t take long for Martin to slink his status as an impeccable showman “Cuando” and the sighing “Loco.”
with lasers, pyro, moving catwalks, con- to the end of the catwalk that jutted hasn’t diminished during his encore of “I know we’re trying to be as safe as
fetti and irrepressible smiles from Mar- from the stage, sweat trickling down his “The Cup of Life,” which included pre- possible, but I’m going to ask for one fa-
tin and Iglesias, both clearly euphoric to face as he raised his hands skyward and cise percussion, plumes of dry ice and vor: Go (expletive) crazy tonight!” Igle-
be back onstage. grinned toward the ceiling, soaking in showers of confetti. sias, 46, shouted, raising a shot glass in
Given their ample catalogs – they’ve the long-anticipated applause. After a 30-minute set change, Igle- a toast to the frenzied fans.

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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