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Pakistan Relation with Muslim World:

 Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Relations:

i. Emergence of Pakistan & Saudi Arabia
ii. Strategic Context & Political Relations
iii. Employment Opportunities in Saudi Arabia
iv. Shah Faisal’s Visit to Pakistan, 1966
v. Political Support in Pak Indo War 1971
vi. Participation of Saudi Arabia in 2nd Islamic Conference, 1974
vii. Visit of King Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz, 1976
viii. Saudi Arabia and War in Afghanistan, 1980
ix. Saudi Arab Helped Pakistan in Nuclear Program
x. Pak Saudi Economic Commission
xi. Visit of King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, 2006
xii. Arab-Israel War & Military Battles
xiii. The Islamic Country Alliance to Fight Terrorism
xiv. Pakistan Arms Scales to Saudi Arabia
xv. Defense Weapons & Military Alliance
 Pakistan & Turkey Relations:
i. Diplomatic Relations
ii. Development of Bilateral Relations
iii. Trade b/w the Two Countries
iv. Container Train Service b/w the two Countries
v. Strategic Relations due to CENTO (Baghdad Pact)
vi. Cooperation on Kashmir Conflict
vii. Trilateral (Pak, Afghan, Turkey) Ankara Cooperation Process
viii. Exchange of Aid during Natural Disasters
ix. Common Policy on Opposing Conditions
x. Political Relations
xi. Economic Relations
xii. Military & Defense Relations
xiii. Cultural Relations
xiv. Role in Regional & Global Peace
xv. Turkey Emerging as Regional Power
Pakistan Relation with Contemporary World:
 Pakistan & United Nations:
i. Pakistan Joined UN in 1947
ii. Commitment to the United Nation Charter
iii. Active Member in United Nation Bodies
iv. Served as President of United Nations, General Assembly
v. Permanent Member of UN in Security Council
vi. Participation in Peace Giving Mission of UNO
vii. Pakistan Built a Positive Image at International Level
viii. Pakistan’s Active Role for UNO Peace Giving Operations
ix. Pakistan Contribute by sending Army & Police
x. Pakistan Army & Other Officials Served under United Nation in different Countries
xi. UNO remain a Keen Observer of the Kashmir Conflict
xii. UNO has played an Extensive role in Regulating & Monitoring the Disputes

 Pakistan & Europe Relations:

i. Establishment of European Economic Community, 1960
ii. Establishment of European Union in Pakistan, 1985
iii. European Union & Pakistan Expanding Circle of Excellence
iv. Promote Growth & Opportunities for Jobs
v. Promote Development & Sustainability
vi. Develop Democracy & Human Rights
vii. Promote Peace & Stability
viii. European Union provide Humanitarian Aid to Pakistan
 Pakistan & United States Relations:
i. Relations due to Security Problem of Pakistan
ii. Liaquat Ali Khan visit Washington
iii. Malik Ghulam Muhammad visit USA
iv. SEATO & CENTO Treaties
v. Relations during the War of 1965 & 1971
vi. Soviet Attack on Afghanistan & Americans Change of Policy
vii. USA cut off the Aid to Pakistan in 1990
viii. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto Visit USA, 1995
ix. Nuclear Weapon Tests by Pakistan, 1998
x. 9/11 Attacks & Pak-USA Relationship
xi. Pakistan USA Relations on Bilateral Issues
xii. Pakistan USA Military Relations
xiii. Pakistan USA Efforts for Human Rights
xiv. Relations of Economic Issues
xv. Relations on Terrorism
xvi. President Musharraf visit to USA

 Pakistan & Russia Relations:

i. First Invitation from Russia to visit Moscow
ii. Membership of SEATO & CENTO against Russia
iii. Russia offered Technical & Economic Assistance
iv. Incident of US Aircraft U-2 against Russia
v. Russia provide Credit to Purchase Heavy Machinery
vi. War of 1965 & Tashkent Declaration
vii. Russia Relations during 1969-70
viii. Relations during the War of 1971
ix. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto visit Moscow, 1972 & 1974
x. Russian Troops Entered Afghanistan, 1979
xi. Establishment of Communist Govt. in Kabul
xii. Relations after Emergence of Central Asian States

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