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review article

Geriforte, A Polyherbal Tonic in Combating

Geriatric Stress: A Clinical Review
Shantanu Ghosh*, Santashree Mazumdar**, Tapas Das†

The elderly population with declining health pose significant challenges for attending physicians. Often, the cause/s of the
deterioration is not identifiable or is irreversible. Some elderly patients, including those who do not have acute illness or
severe chronic disease, eventually undergo a process of functional decline, progressive apathy and a loss of desire to eat
and drink. Declining health in the elderly may be multifactorial and may be caused by chronic concurrent diseases and
functional impairments. Manifestations include weight loss, decreased appetite, poor nutrition and inactivity. Four syndromes
are prevalent and predictive of adverse outcomes viz. impaired physical function, malnutrition, depression and cognitive
impairment. A comprehensive initial assessment should include information on physical and psychologic health, functional
ability, socioenvironmental factors and nutrition. Several medicines and food supplements are available for the elderly as per
their individual requirements. Geriforte tablets with their beneficial effects in elderly patients contain herbs, which have potent
antioxidant, neuroprotective, adaptogenic, nootropic, immunostimulatory and cardioprotective activities. In this review article,
we summarize seven clinical studies of Geriforte tablets with an emphasis on geriatric stress and as tonic in the elderly.
Keywords: Geriforte, elderly, stress

ging is a life-long process, which begins before Aging is an inevitable biological process that affects
we are born and continues throughout life. The the factors attributable for development of life.3 The
functional capacity of our biological systems definitive mechanisms of aging across species and
increases during the first years of life, reaches its peak systems still remain unclear.4 Stress is an important
in early adulthood and naturally declines thereafter. factor that accelerates aging process. It is manifested by
The slope of decline is largely determined by external increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels.5
factors throughout the life course. Health in older age
The decline in the homoestatic reserves in the
is therefore to the largest extent a reflection of the living
aging process starts around the fifth decade of
circumstances and actions of an individual during the
life, and is influenced by factors such as genetics,
entire life span.1
diet, environment and lifestyle. Today, much more
Worldwide, the proportion of people aged 60 and over important than chronologically-determined aging is
is growing faster than any other age group. Between successful aging, defined as the maintenance of physical
1970 and 2025, a growth in older persons of some 694 and mental functioning and involvement with social
million or 223% is expected. In 2025, there will be a and relationship activities. Recommendations to this
total of about 1.2 billion people over the age of 60. By end include orientations about diet and exercise to
2050, there will be two billion with 80% of them living improve quality-of-life. A healthy lifestyle includes
in developing countries.2 regular exercise, considered one of the most important
With aging, multiple changes occur that affect the
*Special Medical Officer nutritional status of an individual. Sarcopenia, or the
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Bhagalpur, Bihar loss of lean muscle mass, can lead to a gain in body fat
**Head, Dept. of Biochemistry
University of Calcutta, Kolkata
that may not be apparent by measuring body weight.
†Professor and Head It may be more noticeable by loss of strength, functional
Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata decline and poor endurance. It also leads to reduced
Address for correspondence
Dr Santashree Mazumdar total body water content.7
Head, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta
35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700 019 Other changes that occur with aging include changes in
E-mail: bone density leading to osteoporosis, decreased gastric

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acid secretion, which impairs iron and B12 absorption, Pharmacological actions of individual
xerostomia and slower peristalsis with resultant herbs in Geriforte tablet
constipation. Appetite and thirst dysregulation also Chyavanaprasha: It has potent restorative and tonic
occur. Changes in dentition alter the ability to chew activity and used in weakness, and emaciation.12
and may lead to changes in food choices. Many other Various trials have shown its rejuvenating, adaptogenic,
factors such as sedentary lifestyle, social isolation, cardioprotective and neuroprotective activities. It also
loneliness or depression can lead to malnourishment. delays the sickness and maintains well-being after
Medications also alter absorption of nutrients or how various radiation exposures.13,14
food tastes. Poverty and cognitive impairment are other
Capparis spinosa: It is a potent antioxidant.15
issues that may affect eating habits and food choices.
It provides better protection to liver, spleen and
The overall nutritional requirements of the older adult kidney; thus helps to maintain the well-being.16
do not change. What does change is the caloric intake
Cichorium intybus: The active principles are
due to the loss of lean muscle mass. The nutrient
escutetin and its glycosides, which have cholagogue,
requirements for older adults include increased intake
hepatoprotective, stomachic and diuretic activities.17
of vitamins D, B12, and B6 and calcium. Vitamin B12
C. intybus extract has high Fe2+-chelating, and
deficiency causes depression, neurological disorders radical scavenging activity towards 1,1-diphenyl-2-
and macrocytic anemia. Protein is a nutrient that is picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) showing effective antioxidant
often thought of as one to increase in aging. Unless the activity.18
older adult requires additional protein for healing and
strength, this is not necessarily the case.8 Solanum nigrum: It contain solasonine, sapogenins,
which improve the microcirculation due to their smooth
Tufts University developed a Modified MyPyramid for muscle relaxant activity; increase the cardiac activity.
Older Adults, which emphasizes eating nutrient-dense It also has potent hepatoprotective activity. These actions
foods, the importance of fluid intake and activities that keep the person healthy.19 Phenolic compounds present
may be typical of the older age group. The modified in S. nigrum extract also have antioxidant activity.20
pyramid also suggests that supplements (for nutrients
Cassia occidentalis: Anthroquinone derived from
such as calcium and vitamins D and B12) may help
C. occidentalis has tremendous action on the colon of
people meeting their nutritional needs when food alone
the human being and transfer with purgative activity,
does not yield adequate amounts.9
thereby maintaining regular bowel movements.21 It is
Stress is a physiological response to environmental used as a general tonic in weakness, and illness. It has
challenges and threats. The presence of too much or hepatostimulant activity as well as hepatoprotective
too little stress over an extended period of time can be activity.22
physically or psychologically damaging.10 Oxidative Terminalia arjuna: Experimental studies have shown
stress occurs due to increase in prooxidants and/or the bark of T. arjuna to have significant inotropic and
decrease in antioxidants. Enhancing antioxidative hypotensive effect, increasing coronary artery flow and
defense status may be an important factor that protecting myocardium against ischemic damage. It
counteracts aging and age-associated disorders.11 also has mild diuretic, antithrombotic, prostaglandin
Recently, there has been greater emphasis on herbal E2-enhancing and hypolipidemic activities.23 T. arjuna
preparations that are beneficial in psychosomatic mainly contain plant sterols (β-sitosterol) and arjunic
disorders. Apart from psychotropic drugs, many acid, respectively, whereas ethanotic fraction is enriched
formulations have been mentioned which exhibit with derivatives of arjunic acid like arjunoglycoside
a rejuvenative property. ‘Geriforte’, a polyherbal (I, II, II and IV), arjungenin, arjunolone, arjunetin,
formulation is one of the known indigenous tanins and ellagic acid. Some pure compounds:
formulations to arrest the degenerative process. Several Arjunolic acid, terminoside, ellagic acid and tanins
recent clinical and experimental studies have evaluated have cardioprotective, antiplatelet aggregative, nitric
the therapeutic properties of Geriforte and majority of oxide suppressant, antioxidant, membrane stabilizing
them have shown encouraging results. Geriforte tablets and hepatoprotective activity. All these help to maintain
contains herbs with potent antioxidant, neuroprotective, good health.24
adaptogenic, nootropic, immunostimulatory and Achillea millefolium: It has anti-inflammatory, anti-
cardioprotective activities. spasmodic, antidysenteric, antihemorrhagic and

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urinary antiseptic properties. It is beneficial in Glycyrrhiza glabra: It significantly lowers total

dyspepsia. British herbal compendium cites its use cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides
in cough, cold, slow-healing wounds and other levels and increase high-density lipoprotein; hence,
inflammatory skin conditions.25 Selenium present in its extract can effectively prevent progress of
A. millefolium has tremendous antioxidant activity and atherosclerosis. This is likely due to its effect on
is useful as a general tonic and cardiotonic agent.26 plasma lipoproteins along with the antioxidant and
Tamarix gallica: Galls of T. gallica contain the anti-inflammatory activities.41 The major constituents
polyphenols, gallic acids, ellagic acids, which have are triterpene saponins and glycyrrhizin. It provides
health-promoting actions.27 The extract also has potent thick protective mucous for the stomach lining and
hepatoprotective activity, which may be due to its has gastroprotective action. Gastric ailments adversely
antioxidant activity.28 affect daily performance; so, the same may provide
better healthy life.42
Crocus sativus: It has nootropic, antispasmodic,
expectorant, stomachic and diaphoretic activities.29 Centella asiatica: It has been used in Ayurveda to
The rich phenolic content contributes to its usefulness improve mild cognitive functioning. It also acts has an
as antioxidant.30 Safranal, isolated from C. sativus has antioxidant, accelerates nerve regeneration and contains
some protective effects on different markers of oxidative multiple active fractions increasing neurite elongation
damage in hippocampal tissue.31 The mucoprotective in vitro. It also has favorable effects on diastolic blood
and antiulcerogenic activity of polyphenols protects pressure, peripheral neuritis, insomnia, loss of appetite
against gastric ulcerations.32 and age-related cognitive decline.43

Makardhwaj: Beneficial in heart disease, as rejuvenative Shilajeet (Purified): Used in diabetes mellitus as it
and also as an aphrodisiac.33 helps to regulate carbohydrate metabolism. It increases
appetite and is useful in dyspepsia.44 It prevents
Mandur bhasma: It has hepatoprotective and
increase in serum phospholipid level and controls
renoprotective properties.34
hyperlipidemic stage.45 It has beneficial effect on
Asparagus adscendens: It is used for the treatment of endocrine, autonomic and brain functional changes.46
spermatorrhea, chronic leukorrhea, diarrhea, dysentery,
Terminalia chebula: It is a potent antioxidant.47
general debility, senile pruritus, asthma and fatigue.
The extract is used for its laxative, diuretic,
The rhizome powder is given as a nutritive tonic.35
hepatoprotective and cardiotonic activities.48
Caesalpinia digyna: The root extract increased levels
Mucuna pruriens: It has neuroprotective and
of catalase and superoxide dismutase with significant
neurorestorative effects, which may be related to its
decrease in lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels in serum, liver
antioxidant activity independent of the symptomatic
and kidney; showing potent antioxidant activities.36
effect.49 Mucuna beans contain high amounts of protein
Asparagus racemosus: It has potent adaptogenic and carbohydrate and are a rich source of macro- and
activity. Adaptogens have antistress action and protect microelements. They are used in many free radical-
against infection and infirmity.37 Administration mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis,
of A. racemosus root ameliorates hyperlipidemic/ diabetes, atherosclerosis, male infertility and nervous
hypercholesteremic and oxidative stress in disorders. The seed extract can be used as readily natural
hypercholesteremia.38 antioxidant, and helps to maintain well-being.50
Withania somnifera: The alkaloids withanine, Myristica fragrans: Used as a stomachic, stimulant,
withasomine in the roots delay premature aging. carminative and to control flatulence. Recent research
It also increases red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), indicates its other uses as an aphrodisiac, antioxidant,
hair melanin and has nootropic, hypotensive activities. hypolipidemic and antiulcer.51
These make it useful as regular supplement to remain
Piper longum: It is a rejuvenating medication. It
healthy.39 The roots of the plant are categorized as
enhances bioavailability that potentiates action of
rasayanas, which are reputed to promote health and
other ingredients.52 Alcoholic extract of the fruits and
longevity by augmenting defense against disease,
arresting the aging process, revitalizing the body in its component, piperine have immunomodulatory
debilitated conditions, increasing the capability of the activity.53
individual to resist adverse environmental factors and Syzygium aromaticum: It relieves pain, controls nausea,
by creating a sense of mental well-being.40 vomiting, improves digestion and has antiflatulence

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activity including antimicrobial activity. All these CLINICAL STUDIES ON GERIFORTE TABLET
activities justify its use for well-being.54 It enhances
sexual health due to its aphrodisiac activity.55 Study 1: Evaluation of Geriforte as a General
Metabolic Tonic in the Aged71
Elettaria cardamomum: The seed extract, which mainly
contains essential oils, has antimicrobial and antioxidant Aims: Evaluation of Geriforte as a general metabolic
activities. It is also used as an aromatic stimulant, and tonic in the aged. Materials and Methods: One
carminative agent. It has been patented as a general hundred persons, 58-80 years age were recruited for
health supplement in expectant mothers.56 the study. A control group of 25 persons of the same
age, having similar clinical features were maintained
Carum copticum: It has therapeutic effects on with placebo. Geriforte tablets were prescribed at
dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence and colic. It also has two tablets t.i.d. for the first and second months and
antinociceptive activity.57 The seed extract also has then two tablets b.i.d. for the third to sixth months.
antihypertensive, antispasmodic, bronchodilator and All other drugs were discontinued. The patients were
hepatoprotective activities.58 evaluated for before and after treatment, at the end of
Curcuma longa: The extract is significantly effective in third month and sixth month. Results: At the end of six
disease related to liver, heart, cancer and immunological months there was overall improvement in all clinical
disorders due to rich phytoconstituents.59 Curcumins parameters mentioned. Improvement in symptoms
inhibit lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid. Compounds related to nervous systems and psychiatric symptoms
that can scavenge ROS and inhibit LPO are useful as were noticed after third month. But improvement in
preventive agents against atherosclerosis, a common appetite, general well-being, sleep, tiredness, bowel
cause of coronary artery disease worldwide.60 movements occurred by the second month. No toxicity
was noticed in this study. Conclusion: There was
Adhatoda vasica: Restoration of acid phosphatase level
satisfactory improvement in general well-being and
points out the role of the extracts in promoting the
alimentary symptoms but in psychiatric symptoms
stability of cellular, nuclear and organelle membranes.
like depression, anxiety, restlessness or irritability
This is also used against asthma due to its gentle
and in symptoms like lack of concentration, attention
bronchodilatory and antiallergic activity.61
and sleep the improvement was not proportionate.
Eclipta alba: It has hepatoprotective, nootropic and No improvement was noticed in the control group on
antimicrobial activity. E. alba exhibited dose-dependent placebo. No toxic effects were encountered during this
inhibition of oxidation of dimethyl sulfoxide indicating study.
hydroxyl radical scavenging activity; reduction of
free radical DPPH, showing its potent antioxidant Study 2: Evaluation of Geriforte as a
activity.62 General Tonic72
Celastrus paniculatus: Aqueous extract of the seed has Aims: Evaluation of Geriforte as a general tonic.
cognitive-enhancing and antioxidative properties63 as Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients were
well as anxiolytic activity.64 included in the trial. Out of these, 10 patients were lost
for study. All the selected cases had no obvious
Argyreia speciosa: It is used as a stomachic and in
pathology, clinically or by laboratory investigations.
common sexual disorders in men.65 Oral administration
Most of them complained of vague aches and pains,
of the ethanolic extract of A. speciosa root (ASEE) has
weight loss, loss of appetite and general weakness.
immunomodulatory activity.66
All the patients were put on initial dose of Geriforte
Berberis aristata: It is a bitter, tonic, cholagogue, two tablets t.i.d. for 15 days and thereafter on a
stomachic, laxative, antipyretic and antiseptic.67 maintenance dose of one tablet t.i.d. for 15 days and
Abhrak bhasma: Hepatoprotective and renoprotective thereafter on a maintenance dose of one tablet t.i.d.
due to the free radical scavenging properties.68 Patients were evaluated at intervals of one month.
Results: Geriforte has properties that considerably
Loh bhasma: Hematinic; significantly increases Hb, improve the ability and willingness for both mental
total RBC and hematocrit value.69 and physical work. Seventy-five percent of patients
Yashad bhasma: Useful in diseases of the urinary reported that they regained very good ability to work,
tract, eyes, anemia, cough, dyspnea, nocturnal both physically and mentally. These patients felt
sweating and has wound healing action.70 significant improvement in general feeling. Nearly all

500 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 22, No. 10, March 2012
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patients reported increase in appetite and reasonable was observed in all the stress disorders. Geriforte has
improvement in their digestion, bowel activity and been shown to provide an effective control of successive
flatulence. Sleep and fatigue improved in 63% patients; muscle spasm. This herbomineral compound prevents
40% of the patients gained weight ≥2 kg within four or ameliorates neurohumoral and enzymatic changes
months probably due to improved appetite, digestion induced by anxiety and stress. No side effects have
and bodily functions. Conclusion: There was striking been noted even following over-dose or prolonged use
subjective and objective improvement in physical and of the drug.
mental activity and acuity, a feeling of well-being, ability
to perform physical and mental work and improvement Study 4: A Clinical Evaluation of Geriforte in
in appetite, digestive function, sleep and gain in weight Common Stressful Illness74
in 80-85% of the cases. There were no untoward actions Aim: Clinical evaluation of Geriforte in common
or toxicity on prolonged use. Geriforte served well as a stressful illness. Materials and Methods: Ninety-seven
general tonic for the patients of all age groups. patients, 30-60 years age were included. Out of these,
61 were in the Geriforte group and the remaining 36
Study 3: Antistress Properties of an Indigenous belonged to the control group. The duration of our
Compound and its Significance in the study was one year. The patients received conventional
Management of Psychosomatic Disorders73 forms of therapy and at the same time Geriforte was
Aim: To evaluate the antistress and anabolic properties given in a dose of two tablets b.i.d. Those in the
of ‘Geriforte’ in normal subjects as well as in a group control group received only the conventional therapy
of psychosomatic cases. Materials and Methods: without Geriforte. Results: Peptic ulcer group: Among
One hundred fifteen selected cases of psychosomatic 15 patients in the Geriforte group, 10 (66.6%) showed
disorders such as anxiety neurosis, early thyrotoxicosis, marked improvement, three (20%) had moderate
hypertension and ulcerative colitis were studied. improvement and two (13.3%) showed a borderline or
In addition, 40 normal individuals were included as fair response. Fourteen patients on Geriforte therapy
controls. The following criteria were used to diagnose reported a general sense of well-being while only two
the psychosomatic cases. Of the 115 psychosomatic in the control group reported a sense of well-being and
patients, 31 cases were given a placebo. Similarly, for lack of lethargy than before. No adverse side effect was
comparison, 10 of the 40 apparently normal individuals observed. Bronchial asthma group: At the end of six
were given a placebo. months, seven patients (58.3%) in the Geriforte group
showed marked improvement versus control group.
Results: Specific clinical features such as palpitation, Of the remaining five patients, three (25%) showed
nervousness, precordial discomfort and insomnia moderate improvement. Though, these patients had less
underwent considerable improvement after therapy. severe attacks and longer symptom-free intervals, and an
In the Geriforte group, 89.5% of cases showed a elevated sense of well-being, the dose of corticosteroid
significant improvement in their physical and mental could not be reduced much. No adverse side effects were
health. In the placebo group, no change was observed. noticed during the therapy. One patient had border-
No tranquilizers or psychotropic drugs were given line improvement and another remained unchanged.
apart from specific conventional therapy for each Gross pulmonary emphysema was noticed in that case
clinical condition. The initial values of acetylcholine (aged 59 years) which did not improve. In 40% of all
revealed a significant improvement after three months cases asthma was associated with chronic bronchitis.
of ‘Geriforte’ therapy, except in early thyrotoxicosis Chronic hypotension group: In the Geriforte group,
cases. In the placebo group, no change was observed 19 patients (70.3%) improved markedly in their physical
in the acetylcholine level. Platelet monoamine oxidase and mental strength, developed an unmistakable sense
showed considerably lower values in thyrotoxicosis, of well-being and gained extra energy to do household
hypertension and ulcerative colitis cases. In anxiety work. Their appetite increased as also the body
neurosis cases, the average value was similar to that in weight. Hb levels too increased. The remaining eight
the normal series. After three months of therapy, there patients (29.6%) improved moderately. Their appetite
was a significant increase in platelet monoamine oxidase and Hb values did not increase much. However, the
in early thyrotoxicosis and essential hypertension improvement was particularly noticeable among female
cases. In contrast, the placebo group did not reveal any subjects. No adverse effect was observed following the
change. Conclusion: After comprehensive follow-up, therapy. Conclusion: Among the four different disease
a significant improvement in clinical symptomatology conditions the maximum effectiveness of Geriforte

Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 22, No. 10, March 2012 501
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was noted in chronic hypotension. Hence, Geriforte (mostly radiotherapy). The other group of 50 cases
may be useful to a vast section of womenfolk in our (Control A) was put on placebo therapy along with
country. It has been proved to be useful in the other specific cancer therapy. Phase II: Here 50 cases were
three conditions viz., peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma and included in which either there was no lesion clinically
migraine. The use of Geriforte helps minimize the dose (CR), or good control (PR) was achieved after specific
of corticosteroid in bronchial asthma and sedatives and cancer therapy (mostly radiotherapy). So Phase II was
tranquilizers in migrainous headache. Geriforte can a postradiotherapy phase. These 50 cases were again
be safely used in all the four conditions as no adverse divided into two groups. Trial B group of 25 cases were
side effect was noted during the therapy. put on Geriforte, two tablets b.i.d. without any other
therapy. The other group (Control B) also consisting of
Study 5: Geriforte in Stress Management: 25 cases was put on placebo therapy. Evaluation was
A Placebo-controlled Study75 done in both the phases after 4-5 weeks of therapy
Aim: To evaluate Geriforte in stress management. (the usual radiation period), and after radiotherapy
Materials and Methods: Forty male patients, diagnosed also patients come for follow-up initially, after
individually as suffering from adjustment disorders 4-5 weeks. Results: The results during radiotherapy
according to the DSM-III criteria were randomly were encouraging and 60-66% showed improvement in
selected for the study. All these patients showed their general complaints. Due to the encouraging results
evidence of stress and anxiety clinically. Patients with during radiotherapy we thought of trying it in the
any other psychiatric disorder or a physical disorder postradiotherapy period also. We observed that these
were excluded from this study. The 40 patients were patients responded as high as 88% to Geriforte therapy.
divided into two groups: Group I (experimental Conclusion: Cancer patients receiving Geriforte for a
group; n = 20) and Group II (control group; n = 20). long time felt much better. The feeling of fatigability
They were administered the following tests initially is reduced and capacity to work restored. Depression
and after six weeks of therapy: The Revised Willoughby gives way to cheerful optimism. Though these are
Questionnaire and the Bernreuter S-S Self-Sufficiency subjective feelings, a certain score was applied for
Inventory. Results: It is indeed not possible to arrive evaluation and the data could be analyzed numerically.
at clear conclusions from this small study of only 20 They prove that Geriforte is a significantly good tonic
patients in the experimental group. It is essential to without any side effects. Overall the cost is within the
replicate this study with large numbers of patients. reach of average patients coming from a poor socio-
At the same time it would be necessary to study the economic group.
biochemical aspects of stress, preferably the levels
of corticosteroids and catecholamines and note the Study 7: Efficacy and Safety of a Polyherbal
changes in these levels as a result of the administration Formulation in Geriatric Age Group: A Phase IV
of Geriforte. If such a study is carried out and the Clinical Report77
results obtained are found to be significant, the true Aim: To determine the efficacy as antioxidant and
value of Geriforte in Stress would be doubly clear. We safety profile of the polyherbal formulation in geriatric
hope to proceed in this direction. Till then we can only patients of eastern India. Materials and Methods:
say we have found Geriforte useful in the management The study was double-blind, randomized including
of stress. placebo-controlled and was approved by the Ethical
Committee of SSKM Hospital. Geriatric patients
Study 6: A Clinical Trial of Geriforte as an attending the OPD of SSKM Hospital formed the study
Antistress Agent in Cancer Patient76 group. The patients were randomized to receive either
Aim: To study Geriforte, being a comprehensive the polyherbal formulation or the identical-looking
metabolic tonic and antistress therapy, as an antistress placebo at a dose of two tablets b.i.d. for a period of
agent in cancer patient. Materials and Methods: The six months. Follow-up of patient status was done
trial was conducted in two phases I and II. Phase I: A monthly. Results: Significant rejuvenation of the
total of 100 patients attending the Regional Centre for antioxidant property, which is determined by the
Cancer Research and Treatment, Gwalior with proven enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants, superoxide
head and neck cancer and undergoing radiotherapy dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione
were included. They were divided into two groups. reductase, reduced glutathione and malondialdehyde,
Trial A group of 50 patients was put on Geriforte tablets, in the geriatric patients were seen in patients treated
two tablets b.i.d. along with specific cancer therapy with Geriforte tablets as compared to patients in the

502 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 22, No. 10, March 2012
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placebo and control group. There were no significant conditions like stress and in improving the general
adverse effects experienced by cases in any group. health. There were no adverse effects either clinically
Conclusion: The polyherbal formulation is effective or with hematological or biochemical evaluation in
in rejuvenating geriatric age group compared to the the clinical studies. The compliance to the study was
placebo. It is safe and compliance to the treatment was good. Therefore, it may be concluded that Geriforte is
good. effective in stress and economical and is safe without
any adverse effects for short-term and long-term use
Conclusion in the adequate sample size of the cases reviewed.
With advancing age, the elderly experience a gradual In addition, it provides a feeling of well-being, which
deterioration in their physical, physiological and mental is always welcomed in aging population. As a whole,
health. In Ayurveda, a number of herbal formulations Geriforte rejuvenate the entire body system and retards
and dietary schedules have been especially advocated various systemic changes associated with aging.
for the elderly in the hope of rejuvenating them
and preventing the many problems that come with
1. World Health Organization. Ageing and Life Course;
advancing age. The last few years have witnessed a
Department of Gender, Women and Health. Geneva.
general revival of interest in such herbal drugs.
2. Global ageing: A triumph and a challenge. In: Active
Geriforte, a polyherbal formulation is an ideal geriatric Ageing. A Policy Framework. WHO: Geneva, 2002:p.6-18.
tonic to solve the problems associated with aging. 3. Harman D. Age 1995;18(2):51-62.
Being a nonhormonal preparation, Geriforte can be
4. Kregel KC, et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
used safely. Its efficacy can be attributed to the 2007;292(1):R18-36.
synergistic actions of the individual herbs.
5. Carlo MD, et al. Arthritis Rheum 2003;48(12):3419-30.
The herbs in Geriforte also possess hepatoprotective, 6. Andréa F, et al. Einstein 2010;8(4 Pt 1):419-22.
renoprotective, rejuvenative properties. The antistress,
7. Tabloski PA. Nutrition and aging. In: Gerontological
adaptogenic properties of Geriforte tablets retard Nursing. Tabloski PA (Ed.) 2006:p.110-46.
degenerative changes, and accelerate cellular
8. Culross B. Gerontology Update ARN Network 2008:7.
regeneration and repair. It helps delay the physiological
9. Allen R. Human stress: Its nature and control. Burgess
changes associated with aging, revives physical capacity,
Publishing Company: Minneapolis, Minn, 1983.
raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes well-
being. It facilitates respiratory functions, and assists 10. Tufts University. Modified MyPyramid for Older Adults.
Available at:
cardiovascular functioning by improving circulation
and reducing raised lipid levels. It regulates fat and
11. Chen LH, et al. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1999;28(1):65-83.
carbohydrate metabolism, and improves appetite,
digestion and assimilation. 12. Anonymous. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Govt. of
India. New Delhi. Part-1, 1st edition 1978:p.31.
Geriforte contains various herbs with potent antioxidant 13. Jagetia GC, et al. Phytother Res 2004;18(7):561-5.
actions like , T. arjuna, W. somnifera,
14. Jagetia GC, et al. Phytother Res 2004;18(1):14-8.
A. racemosus, G. glabra, T. chebula, M. pruriens,
S. aromaticum, C. longa, C. intybus, S. nigrum, B. diffusa, 15. Bonina F, et al. J Cosmet Sci 2002;53(6):321-35.
T. cordifolia, Tribulus terrestris which synergistically 16. Khare CP. Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants.
correct and prevent the free radical-induced oxidative Springer, Germany 2004:p.124-5.
damage to various organs and systems. Antioxidants 17. Khare CP. Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants.
are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular Springer, Germany 2004:p.142.
damage (the common pathway for cancer, aging and 18. Schaffer S, et al. J Physiol Pharmacol 2005;56 Suppl 1:115-24.
a variety of diseases). They are molecules which safely 19. Khare CP. Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants.
interact with free radicals and terminate the chain Springer, Germany 2004:p.431-2.
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