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Coordination Year 06 Paper I 3(3)


Based on the graphs, deduce the relationship between the membrane potential and the intensity
of the stimulus. (3 marks)


Coordination Year 05 Paper I 9(10)

(a) (i) In the design of the above experiment, controlled variables have to be kept constant in
order to yield valid and comparable results. State two of these variables.
(2 marks)
(ii) What is the purpose of setting up flasks A and B in this experiment?
(2 marks)
Flask A:
Flask B:
(b) What interpretations can be made from the results of
(i) flasks C and D? (1 marks)
(ii) flask E in relation to the results of other flasks? (1 marks)

(c) If you were to conduct this experiment in vivo (i.e. inside the body of living rats) instead
of using the above-mentioned in vitro approach,
(i) how would you introduce thyroxine into the body of rats? (1 mraks)
(ii) how would you obtain TSH from the rats’ body in order to determine its
concentration? (1 marks)

(d) Besides ethical concerns, give two advantages of using the in vitro approach over the in vivo
approach in this investigation. (2 marks)

Total:10 marks
(a) (i) Any two of the following (2)
‧ incubation time must be constant(1)
‧ conditions of incubation (1) (e.g. temperature and pH of the medium) must be
‧ the amount of culture medium used for all flasks must be constant (1)
‧ the rats used for the supply of pituitary and hypothalamus must be at the same stage
of growth (1)
‧ amount of tissue used must be constant (1)
‧ rats used should be of similar size (1) / weight / age
(accept other reasonable alternatives)

(ii) ‧ flask A as control to show that the culture medium does not contain or generate(2)
during the course of the experiment (1)
‧ flask B to show whether or not hypothalamus produces TSH (1)

(b) (i) Thyroxine inhibited pituitary secretion of TSH into the culture medium (1)
(ii) The hypothalamus stimulated the pituitary secretion of TSH into the culture medium (1)
(c) (i) inject thyroxine into a rat (1) / feed a rat with thyroxine (1)
(ii) take a blood sample from the vein of the rat for TSH determination (1) (1)

(d) any two of the following:

‧ the effect of thyroxine can be studied free of interference of other physiological
processes (1) / tissues / organs other than the hypothalamus and pituitary (2)
‧ thyroxine can be targeted to act on specific tissue (1) / organ
‧ effect of the hormone can be observed in a shorter time (1)
(accept other appropriate answers)
Total: 10 marks

Coordination Year 03 Paper I 9(4)

(i) most amino acid moved to L (1) / hormone K mobilized the amino acid to L / the (1)
cotyledon sprayed with hormone K
(ii) all amino acid retained in R (1) / hormone K retained the amino acid in R / hormone(1)
stopped the amino acid to be transported to L / the cotyledon sprayed with hormone K

(b) accept any application related to nutrient retention or nutrient mobilization (1)
‧ spray onto leaves to keep green (1)

(c) all amino acid retained in R (1) / hormone K retained the amino acid in R / hormone K
stopped the amino acid to be transported to L / the cotyledon sprayed with hormone K

Page total = 2

Coordination Year 03 Paper I 7(4)

A: (2)
(a) grow under continuous darkness (1) for at least 24-6 hours (1) / 18 hours / longer than 18
(b) ‧ no (1) (2)
‧ the longest dark period throughout the whole year never exceeds 24-8 hours (1) / 16
The shortest daylength throughout the whole year is 7-8 hours

Page total = 4

Coordination- hormonal
Q: Many plants flower in response to photoperiod.

(i) Explain why, in temperate regions, plants with different photoperiodic responses
flower at different seasons of the year. (4 marks)

(ii) What is the significance of the flowering response to photoperiod to plants? (3

(i) temperate region experiences seasonal fluctuation of daylength:
- in summer: short period of darkness induces flowering of long-day plants (1)
because they require a dark period shorter than a critical period for flowering (1)
- in winter: long period of darkness induces flowering of short-day plants (1)
because they only flower when the dark period is longer than a critical period (1)
(ii) synchronize/ couple flowering of the same sp. at the same time (1)
ensure successful pollination and fertilization (1) in a favourable environmental
condition for species perpetuation (1)

Q: To investigate the effects of the pituitary and hypothalamus on the growth of the
testis in rats, six groups of normal young male rats of similar age were used to perform
and experiment. The body mass and the testis mass of the rats were recorded eight
weeks after various treatments.
(a) The first groups of rats were used to investigate the effect of the pituitary on testis
Group 1 – with pituitaries
Group 2 – with pituitaries and daily injection of pituitary extract prepared from other
Group 3 – with pituitaries surgically removed
Group 4 – with pituitaries surgically removed and daily injection of a pituitary extract
(same as for Group 2 rats) three weeks after the surgery
The results are presented in Figure 1 below:

(i) Why is it more precise to use testis mass per unit body mass as a growth indicator
rather than just testis mass? (1 marks)
(ii) For the rats in Group 4, why was a period of three weeks allowed after the pituitaries
were surgically removed before the rats received injections of the pituitary extract?
(2 marks)
(iii) From the results shown in Figure 1, draw two conclusions regarding the effect of the
pituitary extract on the growth of the testis in rats. (2 marks)
(iv) Suggest reasons to explain the different effects of the pituitary extract on testis
growth in rats with and without pituitaries. (2 marks)
(b) The rats of Group 5 and Group 6 were treated as follows:
Group 5 – with pituitaries and daily injection of hypothalamus extract prepared from
other rats.
Group 6 – with pituitaries surgically removed and daily injection of hypothalamus extract
(same as for Group 5 rats) three weeks after the surgery
The results of these rats together with those of Group 1 and Group 3 rats are presented
in Figure 2 below:

From the results shown in Figure 2, what conclusion(s) can be drawn regarding the
effect of the hypothalamus extract on the growth of the testis? (2 marks)
(c) With reference to the results shown in Figures 1 and 2, propose a possible
mechanism regarding hypothalamic control of testis growth. (2 marks)
(d) State one parameter other than testis mass and size that can be used for measuring
the growth and development of the testis. (1 marks)
(a)(i) This takes into account the variations in body mass that might occur between
(ii) Allow the rats to recover form the operation (1)
Allow existing pituitary hormones to clear from blood(1)
(iii) The pituitary extract stimulated the growth of the testis in both groups of rats(1)
The stimulatory effect on testis growth in rats without pituitaries was much more than
those with pituitaries (1)
(iv) In rats with pituitaries:
- Testes already received sufficient stimulation from the pituitary(1), any further
stimulation by the additional pituitary extract will not produce a marked effect on the
growth of the testis(1)
Additional pituitary extract will cause negative feedback to suppress the secretion of
pituitary hormones, thus the stimulation on testis growth is not prominent (2)
Bonus: If both alternative answers are given, the max. for (iv) is 3
In rats without pituitaries:
Testis growth was inhibited / retarded due to the lack of endogenous pituitary
hormone(1), but growth was recovered by the infection of pituitary extract(1)
(b) When the pituitary is present, the hypothalamus extract stimulated the growth of the
testis (1)
Without the pituitary, the hypothalamus extract could not stimulate the growth of the
testis (1)
(c) The hypothalamus extract stimulated the pituitary to produce a substance which in
turn stimulated the growth of testis (2) [the hypothalamus did not directly stimulate
the growth of the testis]
(N.B. If the candidate did not mention any hormone / chemical in the answer, or give a
wrong hormone name, 1 mark only.)
(Also accept: the hypothalamus produces a substance which only acts in the presence
of the pituitary secretion, together, they stimulate testis growth)
(accept other reasonable deduction)
(d) Testosterone level in plasma (1) / level of male sex hormone / testis histology (sperm
development) / concentration of sperm / production of sperm

Q: (a) The photoperiodic responses of two plant species A and B were studied under
artificial conditions. Seeds of these two species were sown in potted soil and the
pots were kept in greenhouses. After the emergence of the first leaf, the seedlings
were subjected to different artificial daylength treatments. The table below shows
the number of days taken for these two plant species to flower after the emergence
of the first leaf:
(i) With reference to the given data, complete the table below: (6 marks)

(ii) Artificial daylength treatment was applied after the emergence of the first leaf
but not immediately after sowing. Why? (1 mark)
(b) The following graph shows the variation of natural daylength from January to
December in City 1 and City 2:

(N.B. Each sub-division of the x-axis represents 10 days.)

(i) In City 1, under natural daylength,

(1) can species A flower? Explain your answer. (2.5 marks)
(2) species B can flower throughout the year. Why? (2 marks)

(ii) Whenever the natural daylength cannot meet the photoperiodic requirements
of species A and B, these plants can be treated by artificial means so
that they will flower at specified times to meet market demand.

(1) In both cities, to have species A flowering on 11 May (i.e. a few days before
Mother’s Day), the latest date to sow the seeds is 21 January. When is the
latest date to sow the seeds of species B so that B will also flower on 11
May in both cities?

(1 mark)
(2) In City 2, during which period would artificial regulation of daylength be
required for species A and B to achieve flowering on 11 May? State how
you would regulate the daylength for species A and B in each case. (5

For species A:

For species B:

A: (a)(i)
Species A Species B
(1) Long-day plant (1) Short-day plant (1) 2
(2) 13 (1) 1
(3) 100 (1) 80 (1) 2
(4) 110 (1/2) 90 (1/2) 1
(ii) leaves are the receptor of light (1)
(b)(i)(1) No (1/2). The number of day with natural daylength that meets the requirement
of A (i.e. 240 days of 13 hours daylength/ 160 days of 14 hours daylength) is less that
required for A to yield flower. (1 mark for correct concept, 1 mark for data quoted)
(2) - natural daylength throughout the year/ less that the critical daylength of 15 hours
but more that 8 hours. 1
- The natural daylength throughout the year the photoperiodic of species B (1). 1
(ii) (1) Feb.10 (1)
(2) A: to extend the daylength to 15 hours (1) with artificial lights ( /2)
(or- Use flashes of light to interrupt/ break period of darkness from Jan 31 to April 21,
so that period of continuous darkness is less that 9 hours (24 hours- 15 hours))
B: to decrease daylength to 14 hours (1) after April 11/ April 12 to May 11 (1) by
covering the plants with black cloth (1/2)

Q: The following graphs show the changes in the levels of hormones A, B, C and D in
the plasma during one menstrual cycle of a healthy woman. The changing hormone
levels also show the interaction of these four hormones which brings about events
in the menstrual cycle.
(a) (i) Based on the changing hormone levels shown in the graphs, deduce the
effect of hormone A on hormones C and D from day 2 to day 11. During
what other time period(s) in the menstrual cycle is there a similar
relationship between these hormones? (2 marks)

(ii) Immediately after day 12, the effect of hormone A on hormones C and D
changes abruptly. From the graphs, read off the days when hormones A,
C and D reach their maximum levels. Using this information, deduce the
effect of hormone A on hormones C and D during this time period. Such
an effect brings about an important event in the menstrual cycle. What is
this event? (31/2 marks)

(b) Hormone B is an important ingredient in contraceptive pills. What evidence

from the graphs supports this? State the contraceptive principle involved.
(3 marks)

(c) Menstruation is brought about by dramatic hormonal changes. Using

information from the graphs, describe these hormonal changes. (11/2 marks)

(d) Part of the hypothalamus of the woman was damaged in an accident. She told
her doctor that she had not menstruated for months. Her pregnancy test was
negative and her plasma levels of hormones C and D were found to be very
low. Account for her low levels of hormones C and D. What is the likely
consequence of the accident on the woman's chances of getting pregnant?
(3 marks)
Total: 13 marks

A: (a) (i) As A increase (1/2) in level, this causes a decrease in the levels of C ( 1/2)
and D (1/2) Day 15 to 22 (1/2), show similar interaction. (2)

(ii) A reaches max. on day 13 (1)

C and D reach max. on day 14 (1/2 mark for C, 1/2 mark for D)
The peak of hormone A occurs before the peak of hormones C and D (1/2)
thus high level of A causes a sharp rise in the levels of C and D (1/2).

Event: *ovulation (1/2) (*no mark for spelling mistake)

(b) From day 15 to day 22, hormone B shows an increase while hormones C (1)
and D (1) show a decrease. This inhibits follicular growth ( 1/2) and ovulation
crease (1/2), thus no conception can take place. (3)

(c) A sharp decline (1/2) in the levels / minimum levels of A and B (1) just before
menstruation (1/2). (max. 11/2)

(d) Hypothalamic damage probably resulted in a damage of the area secreting a

hormone (1) / releasing factor that initiates / causes the secretion of C (1/2) and
D (1/2) from the pituitary.

The woman cannot get / has a very low chance of getting pregnant (1).
(Total : 13 marks)

Q: Using examples, describe in detail the roles of various pigments in plants and
(20 marks)
(a) The cones in the eye / retina / fovea contain a visual pigment iodopsin
(1/2+1/2) which is responsible for colour vision.( 1/2)There are three
types of cones (1/2) , each contains a different iodopsin.(1) Each type
of cone is responsible for the perception of blue, green and red light
(1). Upon stimulation by light, the iodopsin / pigment is bleached (1)
resulting in the stimulation of the sensory neurone which sends
impulses to the brain to give the sensation of colour (1). Since the
pigment / iodopsin is only bleached by strong light, cones are
responsible for day-light vision (1/2) and colour vision (1/2).

The rods in the eye / retina contain another visual pigment rhodopsin /
visual purple (1/2+1/2) which is readily bleached by only a small quantity
of light and is responsible for night / dim light vision.(1) *Upon
stimulation by light, the rhodopsin / pigment is bleached (1) resulting
in the stimulation of the sensory neurone which send impulses to the
brain to give the sensation of light (1).

Pigmented choroid (1/2), prevents unnecessary light scattering /

reflection (1/2) in the eye.

(*Note: the 2 marks on mechanism of sensory neurone stimulation as

a result of
bleaching to be given once only)

(b) Pigment is mammalian skin (melanin) (1/2) protects the dermis from
harmful U-V to prevent sunburn ( 1/2) and reduces the risk of skin
cancer. (1/2)
Colour on the body of other animals provides protection in terms of
camouflage (1)
Colour on the body of insects create threatening patterns ( 1/2) as a
defense against predators (1/2).
Colour display / Breeding flush on the body of animals attract mates
(1/2) to ensure Successful reproduction (1/2).
(c) Haemoglobin (1/2), the pigment of the red blood cells, combines with oxygen (1) to
form oxyhaemoglobin, serves as oxygen carrier in vertebrates/ mammals. ( 1/2)
Some (10-20%) of the CO2 combines with haemoglobin to form a carbamino compound,
HbCO2 (carbamino-haemoglobin) for transport of CO2 (1)
Foetal haemoglobin (1/2) has a higher affinity for oxygen (1/2) than maternal haemoglobin
in order to pick up O2 from maternal blood at the placenta
Myoglobin stores oxygen for use under low oxygen conditions (1) in the muscle

(d) Chlorophyll in the chloroplast of green plants absorbs light in photosynthesis (1 1/2)
the accessory/ other pigments such as xanthophylls and carotene absorb light energy
and pass it on to chlorophyll (1). Light energy is transported via the electron transport
chain (1) and is eventually converted into chemical energy (1) which is store in the form
of ATP and NADPH (1)
(e) Photoperiodic control of flowering/ germination (1) Phytochrome is the plant pigment
responsible (1/2), site of photo-reception is the leaves (1/2)

Q: Outline the functions of auxins and cytokinins in the growth and development of
plants. Give three applications of auxins and one application of cytokinins in horticulture.
(9 marks)
A: Function of auxins :
- promotes cell enlargement (0.5) & elongation (0.5) in undifferentiated cells (0.5)
resulting in growth in length (0.5)
- promotes fruit growth/ inhibits lateral growth/ delays abscission (1)

Application of auxins:
(Any three of the following, 1+1+1)
- synthetic auxins as weed killers
- used to stimulate fruit development/ production of seedless fruit
- induces root formation in artificaial vegetative propagation prolong storage time of
- prevents fruit abscission

Functions of cytokinins:
- promotes cell division (0.5) in apical meristem and cambium (0.5)
- promotes lateral growth/ breaks bud and seed dormancy/ delay leaf senescence (1)

Applications of cytokinins:
(Any one of the following, 1)
- promotes parthenocarpy
- induces shoot formation
- prolongs life of fresh leafy crops/ keep flowers fresh
- break dormancy in seeds

Q: Explain the importance of the pituitary gland to the various life functions of a
mammal. (20 marks)
A: It secretes a number of hormones (1) which act on distant target organs which may
be other endocrine glands 1
to bring about coordination / homeostasis. 1
1, Growth and metabolism
Growth 1
is regulated by growth hormone (1) from the pituitary and secreted under the
stimulation of thyroid stimulating hormone. (1) 2

The metabolic rata (1) is regulated by thyroxine. 1

Thyroxine helps to maintain body temperature in cold condition by increasing
heat produciton through ↑B MR. (1) 1
Bonus : [Steroid hormone - under pituitary control, regulates metabolism] 1

2. Sexual development and reproduction

In males :
is stimulated by follicle stimulating hormone (1) and testosterone (1)
secreted in response to stimulation by luteinizing hormone (1). 3

Testosterone / androgen / male sex hormone, stimulates development

of male secondary sexual characteristics. 1

In females :
Ovarian production of estrogen / female sex hormone is stimulated by
luteninizing hormone (1) and follicle stimulating hormone (1). 2

The development of female secondary sexual characteristics is

stimulated by estrogen. 1

Ovarian follicular growth

is stimulated by follicle stimulating hormone. 1

Ovulation 1
is stimulated by luteinizing hormone.
Development of ruptured G. foilicle into corpus luteum is stimulated by
L.H. 1

Progesterone secretion
initially induced by luteinizing hormone (1) is responsible for maintenance
of pregnancy (1). 2
Contraction of uterine muscles during parturition is induced by
oxytocin. 1
max. (11)
3. Secretion of milk from mammary glands 1
is initiated / and maintained by prolactin
Milk ejection is stimulated by oxytocin. 1
4. Control of osmotic pressure (osmotic potential, water potential,
osmolarity, water content) in blood (1) 1
Water reabsorption in collecting duct / distal convoluted tubule of
nephron to produce a concentrated urine (1) is stimulated by
antidiuretic hormone. 1
Bonus [5. Blood pressure is elevated by vasopressin / antidiuretic hormone 1
max. 20
(Note : 1.Use of abbreviation for hormone name – /2.mark.
2.Wrong spelling of hormone – 2 alphabets wrong -1/2 mark
> 2 alphabets wrong – no mark)

Q: (a) Juvenile fish are usually sexually undifferentiated within a certain period
after hatching. The sex of juvenile fish at this stage can be manipulated by the
external application of hormones.

An experiment was conducted using three different size groups (A, B and C) of
juvenile fish of the same species. The fish in each size group was then allocated to
10 tanks and fed with a diet containing various concentrations of hormone X for 30
days. At the end of the 30-day period, the proportion of males in each tank was
determined and plotted as shown in Figure 1.

Size group Initial size of fish (mm)

A 5 – 10
B 11 – 15
C 16 – 20
(i) With reference to Figure 1, describe the effects of hormone application in
inducing male fish in the 3 groups of juvenile fish. (3

(ii) Calculate the male to female ratio for the 3 groups at a hormone concentration
of 30 mg kg-1 diet. What size of fish would you use to produce male fish only
with hormone treatment? Explain your choice. (4 marks)

(iii) Name a hormone which could exert similar physiological effects to X.

(1 mark)

(b) In another experiment, juvenile fish of the same species were cultured in three
separate tanks. Each tank contained the same number of fish. Tank 1 contained
mixed sexes, tank 2 contained male fish only and tank 3 contained female fish only.
They were cultured for a period of 6 months before harvest. The following table
shows the experimental data:
In which tank was the greatest yield of fish obtained? What is the ratio of the mean
weight per fish at harvest to the initial value in this tank? (2 marks)

(c) Based on the information derived from the experiments described in (a) and (b),
what specific conditions would be required to maximize the yield of this species of
fish in aquaculture? (3 marks)

A: (a) (i) Between 5 - 20 mg kg-1 diet, there is an increase (1/2) in the

proportion of male fish for group A and B produced as the
hormone dosage is increased (1/2). 1
(If curves A and B are described separately : award 1 mark for
If descriptions do not specify and quantitative values then award
/2 mark per curve described.)

For groups A & B, the maximum production of male (1/2) fish

occurs over the range of 20 - 40 mg kg-1 (1/2) diet, with 100% male
fish production for group A (1/2) and between 70 - 74% for group B
(1/2). (These appear to be the optimal dosage for all-male fish
production.) 2

At values greater than 40 mg kg -1 diet, there is a decrease in

number of male fish produced (1/2) for both group A and B but this
decrease for group a is more than that of group B ( 1/2). 1

For group C, different dosages of hormone applied does not

cause much variation in male fish (1/2) production which remains
at about 50% (1/2). 1
(ii) Size group M : F ratio
A 100 : 0 (1/2)
B 19 : 6 (1/2)
C 12 : 13 (1/2) 11/2
(Fractions accepted)
Size group similar to that of A with an initial size of 5-10 (mm) or
size group A would be used to produce all males. /2
Hormone treatment on fish with smallest initial size is most
effective in changing their sex to males as compared with the sex
ratios calculated for B and C. /2
This may be because fishes are not yet sexually differentiated (1)
at smaller initial size, thus they are more responsive (1/2) to sex
induction by hormone. 11/2
(iii) Androgens / testosterone. (male sex hormone /2 mark only, no
mark for spelling mistake) 1

(b) Tank 2 using all males produced the highest yield in mean weight. 1
ratio of mean weight per fish at harvest to initial is 22 : 1 1

(c) start with juvenile fish with initial size of 5-10 mm 1

feed these fish with correct dosage of androgen ( /2) (e.g. 20 – 40 mg
per kg diet) for 30 days (1/2)1
culture them in all male fish tanks. 1
(Total : 15 marks)

Q: In an experiment to study the effect of plant hormones on the growth of pea
seedlings, etiolated pea seedlings were decapitated. The apical region of each epicotyl
was marked off into a 10 mm ‘segment’ as shown below:
The seedlings were then separated into 3 batches each of 120. Two of the batches
were treated with plant hormone A or B as shown in the table below.

The different batches were then allowed to grow in total darkness for 5 days. At daily
intervals, 20 ‘segments’ from each batch were cut off and their mean length (L) and

mean fresh weight (W) determined. W for each batch was also calculated. The results
are shown in the following table:

(a) With reference to the data on mean length (L), what conclusions can be drawn?
(2 marks)
(b) What does the mean fresh weight of the ‘segments’ (W) tell you about the cell
volume of the seedlings? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
(c) Following your reasoning in part (b), what does W mean? (2 marks)

(d) Plot a graph to show how W changes with time for both the control and those
seedlings treated with hormone A. (4 marks)

(e) What conclusions can be drawn from the graph? (2 marks)

(f) Name a plant hormone which may have characteristics similar to hormone B.
(1 mark)

(g) Suggest a possible explanation for the decrease in W on day 5 relative to that of
day 4 in the batch of seedlings treated with hormone A. (1 mark)

(h) Explain the reasons behind the following experimental procedures:

(i) decapitation of the pea seedlings (2 marks)
(ii) growing of seedlings in total darkness (2 marks)

A: (a) Hormone A did not show any appreciable effect on the elongation of pea
epicotyl. 1
Hormone B had a stimulatory effect on the elongation of pea epicotyl. 1
(b) In darkness, seedlings rely only on food reserve for growth, 1
any increase in fresh weight must be due to absorption of water 1
That means, the mean fresh weight (W) is directly proportional 1
to the cell volume of the seedlings which results in an increase in cell volume1

W volume
(c) L
this ratio indicates the degree of cell expansion relative

to that of elongation. The greater the ratio, the cells expand more in
diameter than elongate in length. 2

(d) Refer to the graph shown below:

- title of graph /2
- properly drawn and fully labelled x and y axes 1
- the 2 curves correctly plotted 2
- the 2 curves labelled or keyed /2
A graph showing the effect of hormones A on of the epicotyls with time

+ H o rm o n e A

L 4
(m g / m m )

C o n t ro l

T im e ( d a y )

(e) - hormone A enhances cell expansion as reflected by the

increasing of the pea “segments” 1
- The enhancement in cell expansion appears to be proportional to
the days of treatment with hormone A until the maximal effect
achieved on day 4. 1
(f) hormone B - IAA (indoleacetic acid) / GA (Gibberellins) 1
(g) On day 5, the seedlings may start to die off because prolonged treatment
of plant hormone may become inhibitory to growth / the hormone loses its
potency after 4 days / water content decreases. 1

(h) (i) to remove endogenous plant hormones in the apical meristem so

that their effect on plant growth could not be mixed up with the
exogenously applied hormone. 2
(ii) - seedlings could grow vertically to facilitate measurement of
- to facilitate elongation 2

Q: Discuss the roles of hormones in the life of flowering plants. (20 marks)
A: Roles of hormones in the life of flowering plants
(a) Seed dormancy:
- low IAA and GA breaks seed dormancy 2
- otherwise no growth can occur
(b) Germination: 5
- synthesis of -amylase and other enzymes takes place in the outer layers
of the endosperm in response to GA secreted by the embryo
- the amylase digests and mobilizes the food reserves
- cells in the embryo grow to form the plumule and radicle under the
stimulation of hormones
- the plumule exhibits negative geotropism whereas the radicle exhibits
positive geotropism; such tropic responses are also controlled by plant
(c) Growth and differentiation: 12
- in the meristem, IAA and GA stimulate cell division, differentiation and
- stem elongation in the internodes is controlled by hormones
- cambial activities where new xylem and phloem elements are formed are
also controlled by hormones; this results in radial growth
- apical dominance - suppression of lateral / axillary buds
- leaf senescence and abscission and controlled by hormones
- root growth, elongation and formation of laterlal roots are controlled by
- role of hormones in effecting the various tropic movements in plants
(d) Reprodcution: 2
- seed / fruit formation is controlled by IAA and GA
- maturation of fruit and finally fruit drop are also controlled by IAA
A statement of the degree in which the life of a green plant is affected by its
hormones. 1
max. 20

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