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Caselyn D.

Ms. Irene Gonzales
Philippine Literature

Discuss and Explain the following:

1. Nationalistic/Propaganda and Revolutionary Period

These works of literature planted the seed of nationalism in the hearts of
every Filipino. During this period, the language was slowly shifting from
Spanish to Tagalog and the works of literature were addressed to the
masses instead of addressing only the elite.
1. Propaganda Literature- its objective is to reform.
a. Political Essays and Political Novels- are composed of satires,
editorials, and news articles that aim to attack and expose the corrupt
Spanish rule.
2. Revolutionary Literature a. Political Essays- these entries were
exposes that fired up the Philippine revolutionary movement into a time
bomb waiting to explode. 

2. Works of Spanish Religious About The Philippines (1593 -

1800)- During 1593-1800 the works of spanish religious about the
philippines, the natives, called "indios", generally were not taught
Spanish, but the bilingual individuals, notably poet-
translator Gaspar Aquino de Belén, produced devotional poetry
written in the Roman script in the Tagalog language. Pasyon,
begun by Aquino de Belen, is a narrative of the passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, which has circulated in many
versions. Later, the Mexican ballads of chivalry, the corrido,
provided a model for secular literature. Verse narratives,
or komedya, were performed in the regional languages for the
illiterate majority. They were also written in the Roman alphabet in
the principal languages and widely circulated.
3. The golden age- Golden Age, Spanish Siglo De Oro, the period
of Spanish literature extending from the early 16th century to the
late 17th century, generally considered the high point
in Spain’s literary history. The Golden Age also witnessed the
almost singlehanded creation of the Spanish national theatre by
the extremely productive playwright Lope de Vega. 
4. The romantic period- As a term to cover the most distinctive
writers who flourished in the last years of the 18th century and the
first decades of the 19th, “Romantic” is indispensable but also a
little misleading: there was no self-styled “Romantic movement” at
the time, and the great writers of the period did not call
themselves Romantics. The most notable feature of the poetry of
the time is the new role of individual thought and personal feeling.
Where the main trend of 18th-century poetics had been to praise
the general, to see the poet as a spokesman of society addressing
a cultivated and homogeneous audience and having as his end
the conveyance of “truth,” the Romantics found the source of
poetry in the particular, unique experience. 
5. Realism and naturalism- Realism is a manner and method of
composition by which the author describes normal, average life, in
an accurate, truthful way,” while “Naturalism is a manner and
method of composition by which the author portrays ‘life as it is’ in
accordance with the philosophic theory of determinism.
Naturalism shares with Romanticism a belief that the actual is
important not in itself but in what it can reveal about the nature of
a larger reality; it differs sharply from Romanticism, however, in
finding that reality not in transcendent ideas or absolute ideals but
6. Modernists- Literary modernism has its origins in the late 19th
and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North Sudamerica.
Modernism is characterized by a self-conscious break with
traditional styles of poetry and verse. Modernists experimented
with literary form and expression, adhering to Ezra Pound's maxim
to "Make it new, The modernist literary movement was driven by a
conscious desire to overturn traditional modes of representation
and express the new sensibilities of their time.
7. Baybayin(native alphabet or syllabary) - Baybayin is an
abugida: that is, a writing system whose segments are based on
symbols for consonants, with vowel notation a secondary part of
the consonant-vowel unit. Baybayin thus resembles other Indic
scripts such as Devanagari (used for Hindi), Tamil, and Javanese
(all of which are derived from the Brahmi script of ancient India).
The 14 consonant characters end in an “a” sound when unmarked.
To indicate an “e” or “i” sound, a kudlit (dot) is placed above the
letter, while for an “o” or “u” sound a kudlit is placed below.
Baybayin is read from left to right, though some early examples
may have used a top-to-bottom order.
8. Free Verse- Free verse is a literary device that can be defined as
poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and
does not rhyme with fixed forms. Such poems are without rhythm
and rhyme schemes, do not follow regular rhyme scheme rules, yet
still provide artistic expression. In this way, the poet can give his
own shape to a poem however he or she desires. However, it still
allows poets to use alliteration, rhyme, cadences, and rhythms to
get the effects that they consider are suitable for the piece.
9. Filipino identity- Filipinos are known to be “Hospitable” and
are always smiling people even in time of big problems(calamities
and food shortage). Filipinos always ranks up in any part of the
world because of this attitude they shows to different people they
are with while working. That is the common Filipino identity that
bind us together.
10. Filipino Real Life Situation – One of the examples of a
filipino real life situation ia about EDUCATION, For fresh
graduates students, they may experience a hard time finding a job
for recruiters prefers those who came from famous and well-known
Universities such as (UP, Ateneo, La Salle, UST, etc.)people here
may feel underpaid, even professionals. Teachers are one of them
even though they have one of the most exhausting and time-
consuming jobs. This is why so many Filipinos go overseas seeking
greener pastures. Minimum wage is around 500 PHP per day. This
is barely enough even for a single person to survive, what more for
a family of four? Even 10000 php a month is barely enough for a
single person. You can make it work but you've got to be extremely
thrifty but for a family? It's not enough. You'll always have to
11. 21st Century Literature- The 21st century in literature refers
world literature produced during the 21st century. The measure of
years is, for the purpose of this article, literature written from
(roughly) the year 2001 to the present.What are the characteristics
of literature? Those three common characteristics are characters,
plot, and setting. You're going to find characters, plot, and setting
in pretty much every story. Of course, every story is going to have a
different plot, stories are going to have a different setting, stories
are going to have different characters.
12. The second official language- A second language is
any language that a person uses other than a first or native
language. Contemporary linguists and educators commonly use the
term L1 to refer to a first or native language, and the term L2 to
refer to a second language or a foreign language that's being

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