Governance and Environmental Change in The Arctic Ocean

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Governance and Environmental Strategies are being sought that will promote
international cooperation and reduce the risks
Change in the Arctic Ocean of discord in the Arctic Ocean.

Paul Arthur Berkman1,2* and Oran R. Young2

he Arctic Ocean is crossing an environ- tunity to integrate science and diplomacy. As ozone depletion and climate change) and to
mental threshold expected to trans- with the governance of other international carry out the monitoring, reporting, and verifi-
form it from a perpetually ice-covered spaces, such as Antarctica, science has a dual cation needed to maintain trust in international
region to a seasonally ice-free sea within the role: to interpret the dynamics of the Earth cooperation. Success of science diplomacy in
next few decades (1, 2). This environmental system (e.g., phenomena of stratospheric the Arctic will depend on knowledge-sharing
change has awakened global interests in and the steady generation of scientific findings
Arctic energy, fishing, shipping, and tourism. ranging from climate feedbacks to human
The Arctic could slide into a new era featuring adaptations under conditions of rapid bio-
jurisdictional conflicts, increasingly severe physical and socioeconomic change.
clashes over the extraction of natural
resources, and the emergence of a Governance Challenges
new “great game” among the global The Arctic Ocean is already subject to a
powers. However, the environment number of governance systems (8).
provides a physical and a con- The 1982 United Nations Convention
ceptual framework to link gov- on the Law of the Sea (LOSC)
ernment interests in the Arctic applies to the entire Arctic Basin and
Ocean, as well as a template for is in force for all Arctic rim states
addressing transboundary security except the United States, which
risks cooperatively. accepts the relevant provisions of
The Arctic coastal states are col- LOSC as customary international

lectively and individually reinforcing law. This governance system is

their sovereign rights and jurisdiction playing a major role in the Arctic today.
from their coastlines seaward, as stated Coastal states are following the rules
in the May 2008 Ilulissat Declaration (3), laid out in LOSC Article 76 to establish
the January 2009 Arctic Region Policy the boundaries of their jurisdiction over the
directive of the United States (4), and the seabed beyond the limits of
March 2009 Arctic State Policy of the Russian the Exclusive Economic Zone
Federation (5). Non-Arctic nations are seeking (EEZ) (9). Russia and Norway
an enhanced role in the Arctic Council and have made submissions to the
asserting Arctic policy strategies of their own, Commission on the Limits of the
as exemplified by the October 2008 Resolution Continental Shelf; others are
of the European Parliament (6) and the United States expected to follow suit (see figure, top).
November 2008 Communication from Similarly, the coastal states are using the
the European Commission (7). Military provisions of LOSC Article 234 on ice-
interests in the Arctic Ocean are covered areas as a basis for regulatory
mounting as reflected by the Canad- guidelines applicable to Arctic ship-
ian decision to purchase ice-breaking Canada ping. Canada is extending the reach
patrol vessels, the rebuilding of of its Arctic Waters Pollution Pre-
Russia’s northern fleet, and the vention Act. A number of related
emerging interest in the Arctic on Russian legal regimes, such as the 1973–78
the part of the North Atlantic Convention for the Prevention
Treaty Organization. of Pollution from Ships and the
At the same time, these devel- 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks
opments present the international Agreement, are fully applicable to
community with a historic oppor- the Arctic.
Svalbard 75° North
1Arctic Ocean Geopolitics Programme, Scott
(Denmark) Jurisdictional representations of the
Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Arctic Ocean with boundaries based on (top)
CB2 1ER, UK. 2Governance for Sustainable Devel- sea floor as a source of conflict among nations
opment Program, Bren School of Environmental Arctic Circle (different colors) (17) and (bottom) overlying water
Science and Management, University of California at Santa Iceland Sweden column as a source of cooperation, with the high seas
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA.
(dark blue) as an international space in the central Arctic
60° North
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: pb426@ Ocean surrounded by EEZs (light blue) (18). SCIENCE VOL 324 17 APRIL 2009 339


At the other end of the spectrum lies the Committee to further facilitate cooperation in cially without detracting from the authority of
intergovernmental forum of the Arctic Council all aspects of Arctic research (15). We also need the Arctic rim states over their coastal and
(10, 11). Although the council has no regu- to carry forward the shared momentum of the continental shelf regions. Nonetheless, nat-
latory authority, it has achieved considerable 2007–09 International Polar Year to stimulate ional implementation strategies lack the con-
success in generating policy-relevant ongoing interdisciplinary research and analysis sistency needed to resolve transboundary
knowledge about the Arctic and bringing relevant to the practice of EBM in the Arctic. issues in a dynamic natural system. Holistic
Arctic issues to the attention of global forums, One useful approach in developing integration of EBM and other maritime man-
such as the negotiating committee that pro- effective governance for a rapidly changing agement strategies pertaining to the Arctic
duced the 2001 Stockholm Convention on Per- Arctic may be to treat the central Arctic as an Ocean requires coordination that acknowl-
sistent Organic Pollutants. The council’s international space and to draw a clear dis- edges the special role and responsibilities of
primary products have been scientific assess- tinction between the overlying water column the Arctic States and indigenous peoples
ments, including the 1997 State of the Arctic and the sea floor. Ecologically and legally dis- organizations. Before sectoral activities accel-
Environment Report, 2004 Arctic Climate tinct from the sea floor, the overlying water erate with the diminished sea ice, the window
Impact Assessment, 2004 Arctic Human column and sea surface of the central Arctic of opportunity is open for all legitimate stake-
Development Report, and 2008 Arctic Oil and can remain an undisputed international area holders to forever establish their common
Gas Assessment. An Arctic Marine Shipping (see figure, page 339, bottom) in which the interests in the central Arctic Ocean as an
Assessment is scheduled for release during interests of Arctic and non-Arctic states alike international space dedicated to peaceful uses.
2009, and science is likely to continue to play a play a role in the development of effective gov- References and Notes
key role in the conduct of similar assessments. ernance. This region involves the high seas, a 1. M. M. Holland, C. M. Bitz, B. Tremblay, Geophys. Res.
Intermediate regulatory arrangements are sea zone universally accepted as beyond Lett. 33, L23503 (2006).
2. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Impacts of a Warming
emerging. The International Maritime Organi- national jurisdictions. Focus on the high seas Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (Cambridge
zation adopted a set of voluntary “Guidelines opens the door to treating the central Arctic as Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004).
for Ships Operating in Ice-Covered Arctic an international space subject to cooperative 3. The Ilulissat Declaration from the Arctic Ocean
Waters” in 2002 (12). The scope of some decision-making regarding a variety of issues Conference (Ilulissat, Greenland, 28 May 2008).
4. United States National Security Presidential Directive 66:
regional fisheries management organizations (e.g., fishing and shipping) through regulatory Arctic Region Policy (Washington, DC, 9 January 2009).
(RFMOs) created pursuant to LOSC Article arrangements articulated under the auspices of 5. Basics of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the
118 (e.g., the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries LOSC and customary international law. Arctic for the Period until 2020 and for a Further
Perspective (Moscow; adopted 18 September 2008,
Commission) is broad enough to cover parts of promulgated 30 March 2009, published in Rossiyskaya
the Arctic Basin (13). The 1992 Convention for Environmental Security Gazeta in Russian).
the Protection of the Marine Environment of As the European Commission Communi- 6. European Parliament Resolution on Arctic Governance
[European Union (EU), Brussels, 9 October 2008].
the North-East Atlantic, which focuses on pol- cation points out, environmental changes are
7. European Commission Communication on the European
lution, is applicable to a significant segment of altering geostrategic dynamics of the Arctic, Union and the Arctic Region (EU, Brussels, 20 November
the Arctic Ocean. and these changes could have consequences 2008).
Further developments of this sort are for international stability (7). The resultant risk 8. T. Koivurova, E. J. Molenaar, International Governance
and Regulation of the Marine Arctic: Overview and Gap
needed, including a mandatory polar code of political, economic, or cultural instability Analysis (World Wildlife Fund International Arctic
covering all forms of shipping, an Arctic- has become a matter of global security. Programme, Oslo, 2009).
wide agreement designed to control marine However, an inclusive dialogue about security 9. A. Proelss, T. Müller, Heidelberg J. Int. Law 68, 651 (2008).
10. The Arctic Council involves the eight Arctic nations as
pollution, a system of RFMOs specifically risks and responses relating to the Arctic members, six indigenous peoples organizations as per-
applicable to large marine ecosystems Ocean has yet to emerge. The injunction in the manent participants, and additional nations as observers.
located wholly or partially in the Arctic, and 1996 Ottawa Declaration that the Arctic 11. Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council
a regulatory regime for tourism along the Council should not deal with matters related to (Ottawa, 19 September 1996).
12. Ø. Jensen, The IMO Guidelines for Ships Operating in
lines of the International Association of military security (11) is a serious constraint on Arctic Ice-Covered Waters (Fridtjof Nansen Institute,
Antarctic Tour Operators. Such arrange- efforts to address security and to come to grips Lysaker, Norway, 2007).
ments should be in place before severe eco- with transboundary challenges. This has not 13. E. J. Molenaar, R. Corell, Arctic Fisheries: Background
Paper for the Arctic TRANSFORM project of the European
logical damage occurs and conflicts of precluded ad hoc measures directed toward Commission (Ecologic, Berlin, 9 February 2009).
interest become intractable. specific concerns, like mitigating the impacts 14. L. Crowder et al., Science 313, 617 (2006).
Yet these sectoral regimes cannot avoid the of radioactive waste associated with decom- 15. International Arctic Science Committee, IASC in
dangers of institutional fragmentation. They missioned nuclear submarines (16). But it has Transition: Facing New Challenges in Arctic Science,
Open Forum Discussion, Arctic Science Summit Week,
also cannot provide integrated governance for truncated efforts to design a coherent and Bergen, Norway, 25 March 2009 (program brochure,
the Arctic Ocean treated as a large, complex, inclusive approach to Arctic Ocean gover- IASC, Potsdam, Germany, 2009);
and highly dynamic socio-ecological system nance that prevents international discord. __data/page/9019/IASC_In_Transition_-_Brochure.pdf
16. Declaration on Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation
(14). Some relevant precedents for integration The success of the Antarctic Treaty, founded between the United States, Russian Federation, and
exist. The 1980 Convention on the Conser- on scientific cooperation and denuclearization, Norway (Bergen, Norway, 26 September 1996).
vation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, offers inspiration, although differences between 17. International Boundaries Research Unit, University of
for example, is based squarely on the goal of the polar regions rule out a similar treaty in the 18. R. Macnab, O. Loken, A. Anand, Meridian 2007, 1
ecosystem-based management (EBM). But Arctic. Moreover, in the Arctic, the combination (Fall/Winter 2007);
there is a clear need for enhanced scientific of national and common interests will expand ViewPost&postingID=88692.
understanding of both biophysical and socio- the policy choices for governments to enhance 19. We thank the Judge Business School for core support of
the interdisciplinary Arctic Ocean Geopolitics Programme
economic systems in the Arctic as a basis for their own security. at the University of Cambridge.
applying EBM. An important step is to Harmonization of international law with
strengthen the International Arctic Science national approaches is a difficult task, espe- 10.1126/science.1173200

340 17 APRIL 2009 VOL 324 SCIENCE

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